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Quote# 120657

Many Christian charities, that is charities run by true converts, are unbiblical, and full of works which in seeking to be charitable by giving food the poor, helping "disadvantaged" children gain an education or rescuing harlots, who commit multitudes of adulteries of their own volition, from "human trafficking", are really acting out of unrighteousness for they act out of their humanistic sympathy.

Such humanistic sympathy is common, if not the key characteristic of western charities, whether "secular" or "religious". They act out of fleshly sympathy, having sympathy for those they seek to help, out of their carnality. They help because of the "lack" of "rights", "liberty" and "equality" of these in the so-called underdeveloped, non-capitalist, non-democratic nations who they so sympathise out of their own pride and envy.

You may arrogantly ask how you, as a western Christian could envy those in poorer nations. The question itself is extremely arrogant and full of pride, thinking oneself better off. You may argue that this is 'true', that a westerner living in the west has a more prosperous life. To think you are better off, and therefore have an "obligation" to sympathise the poor for their lack of earthly material things , which is a fruit of the flesh, is exactly what the problem is. It is because you envy, thinking that you "deserve" what you have, and that others are "entitled" to the same, as what you have, that you feel the sympathy that you feel. It is sympathy for others out of envy that if you had the same lack, you would feel that you were oppressed or unjustly treated. This is exactly what the problem is: to think that one has "rights", or entitlements.

The heart of the doctrine of "rights" is that of fleshly worldly sympathy. It feeds on the desire for worldly sorrow from others, and in turn shows such worldly sorrow as it seeks to receive such. The desire for worldly sorrow is of the flesh and pander to the flesh. Its pandering of the flesh is manifested by doing "good works" for others, thinking that it is entitled to the same. It is because it thinks itself entitled to receive rights that it thinks others to receive rights, to justify itself out of its own pride.

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors, Fighting the Four Evils 19 Comments [7/21/2016 3:14:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 120656

None of the food you eat, or the breath you have is deserved. You are not entitled to it. You have no rights. That one even believes in one's rights, even to such things, is itself vile, disgusting, evil, abominable.

Thus, the 'good works' that people do in seeking such things to satisfy one's unthankfulness are filthy rags. The 'good works' humanitarians do for the poor in the manner of spirit of worldly sympathy are filthy rags. They are unthankful, proud, and evil, feeling envy and discontentment on behalf of others for the things they do not deserve, such as food and water, which are the precise opposite of what they deserve.

Such are the good works of those under the spirit of mammon, manifested in earthly sympathy for others, because of a fear of lack of things which no human deserves.

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors, Fighting the Four Evils 14 Comments [7/21/2016 3:14:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 120655

As a human, you naturally disapprove of a lot of what God does in this world. You disapprove of it so much that you try to pretend that God has nothing to do with it—at least that’s what the Church tells you to do. Well, God doesn’t want you to like everything that He does. In fact, He is going to intentionally rub your face in a lot of the stuff He does that you hate in order to give you the opportunity to practice submission.

Of all the soul attitudes that God wants you to develop, submission is one of the most important ones. Submission is the correct soul response to the fact that God is the Supreme Authority over all things. Submission acknowledges this unchangeable truth, and then says, “I yield to You as the Supreme Authority that You are.” It is submission which results in prayers like, “Not my will but Yours be done,” and “Pleasing You is more important than pleasing Myself.” It is by cultivating submission that we come to realize that God’s opinion really is the only one that matters. Submission is vital, and it is the total opposite of trying to get God to conform to our preferences.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 14 Comments [7/21/2016 3:14:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 120654

[On Pakistani model, feminist activist and social media star Qandeel Baloch, murdered by her brother in an honour killing]

Javeria Ali: Finally #QandeelBaloch murdered Someone had to do it.She was disgrace for the country. she can't be compared with school kids for God sake!

Mahjabeen: Good news .. She was just a Fahaash and Beghairt Aurat #QandeelBaloch

Fakespeare: No doubt Qandeel baloch was a disgrace..
#QandeelBaloch #RIP

Nore: She was disgrace for Pakistan, she was going out of hand. -#QandeelBaloch

Bellatrix: Qandeel Baloch was a disgrace to Pakistan.
She's certainly gonna suffer in hell. Her brother did well.

Bellatrix: Where there is no honor killing, there are hoes like #QandeelBaloch. Honor killing is a good thing sometimes

Javeria Ali, Mahjabeen, Fakespeare, Nore and Bellatrix, Business Standard 22 Comments [7/21/2016 3:13:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 120653

There's an old saying that states: The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Some of you just 'intended' to have a good time with those nice hips, legs, backside and thighs. But if you were able to see with the eyes of your spirit, and not just with the eyes of your flesh, you would've seen that beneath the flesh that so easily caught your attention was none other than an evil spirit assigned to steal your soul - for eternity.

Think about it: a few moments of pleasure in exchange for an eternity in Hell. That's a cheap trade off for your eternal soul!

Yet many people take this demonic bargain every single day, without one second thought to what the real cost will ultimately be.

And the genders could easily be reversed on this for the ladies as well. Many of you who are reading this - even as a Christian - find yourselves caught up in sexual sin. And you think it's just innocent harmless fun that God will excuse on judgment day. He will not.

Because unless you repent, the Lord will certainly judge you with the swiftness. *See Hebrews 13:4*

When we continue living in sexual sin, even after professing salvation, we send the wrong message to those still caught up in the world.

We're basically telling them that salvation doesn't work - the blood of Jesus Christ is powerless - and that the devil is ultimately stronger than God.

Many Christians have been poor ambassadors for Jesus Christ, His power and His kingdom. And because of this God is mocked by those who think every Christian is nothing more than a hypocrite who professes and preaches something that they cannot live themselves.

It's time out for bringing shame and embarrassment to the cause of Christ! You CAN live free from sexual sin. You CAN live a lifestyle that's truly pleasing to God!

God is looking for ambassadors - folks who are willing to wear the brand of Jesus Christ with power and great zeal. It's time out for being a weak, passive, gutless, chicken-hearted, feeble believer who lacks the simple power to resist temptation.

Where are the warriors for Christ - the ones who are willing to leap over walls and run through demonic troops? Where are those willing to sacrifice all for our Lord?

You'll sacrifice your soul for a moments worth of pleasure - why not sacrifice it for the cause of Jesus Christ? The rewards are certainly much greater.

But you have to be willing to turn down a few earthly pleasures in order to gain the life that's truly worth living.

If you're tired of this embarrassment of an expression of faith that we try to label as modern Christianity, then I invite you to DO something about it. Join the movement. Become a Brand Ambassador for Jesus.

But this ain't for the fake Christians who love their sinful lifestyle more than they love Christ. This is for those who are truly tired of Christianity as usual; and for those who long for an authentic expression of the supernatural power of the real Christian life that Jesus came to bring.

Are you up for the challenge?

Mack Major, Facebook 17 Comments [7/21/2016 3:03:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 120645

If you coin a term, like Magical Vagina Theory, that either shines a light into the dark and twisted soul of an abortobro, or shows just how incredibly illogical and science-phobic the argument of a pro-abort is, then they will reply by disqualifying the term because ... feeewings.

Next thing you know, they will need a deathscort to remove them from the abortuary property. :-)

Did I miss any?

If so, the Abort-Polizei will let us know.

WorldGoneCrazy, Live Action News 38 Comments [7/20/2016 2:30:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120644

BLM is a racist organization. An organization whose name includes ANY particular race is inherently racist.


DASANI_WATER, CBS 36 Comments [7/20/2016 2:29:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 120641

Of all the vile, wicked, evil ideas that humanity has conceived, the idea that one has rights is the most arrogant, wicked, evil, vile idea that humanity has ever come up with. The idea of rights itself is to give glory and honour to oneself in so arrogantly assuming that one is entitled to what one wants, including all desires for legitimate needs, such as food, clothing and shelter.

What makes the idea that one has any rights at all so vile, despicable and abominable is that it is to be independent of God, instead of submitting totally and fully to Him. People assume they have "rights", not talk about it, but simply assume it because they are vile, arrogant and pride. Full stop. There is no other reason why people assume they have "rights".

The doctrine of "rights" is a disgusting, evil, vile, abominable doctrine which must be eradicated, burned, rooted out and cast away from the Church. To those of you who believe in your "rights" or that of others, out of your desire to justify your "rights", to Hell with your "rights"! Repent of your belief in rights! To Hell with your "rights"!

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors, Fighting the Four Evils 28 Comments [7/20/2016 2:28:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 21

Quote# 120640

To Hell with your humanistic, worldly earthly sympathy for the poor and the needy! To Hell with your belief that humans are entitled to their basic needs! To Hell with your money, time or possession that you give to the needy and poor, all while trying to serve both God and mammon, or mammon alone!

Anti Mammon and Usury Conquerors, Fighting the Four Evils 25 Comments [7/20/2016 2:28:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 120639

When the immoral act kills innocents - 3000 a day, then, yes, I do want it to be illegal.
Why wouldn't anyone?!?

"As I've said before..some people think that things can be more important than blindly protecting life."

Like a nose job, not fitting into a wedding dress, and a porn career - to name 3 examples.

Gosh, "protecting innocent life" sounds like a pretty good ideal to me. Seems like that is "compassion" defined. I think of doctors, nurses, policemen, and firemen.

Aren't the ones who are "blind" really those who would advocate for death for 3000 innocents daily who have committed no crime whatsoever?

At least some of the people in Nice, France had a chance to get away. The human in the womb has near zero chance to survive an abortion.

WorldGoneCrazy, Live Action News 13 Comments [7/20/2016 2:28:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 120629

The end times are going to begin in America. Not because America is more special than anyone else, but because this is what God wants to do. He’ll start with us, then He’ll expand out to the rest of the world while He continues to trash us. God has specific agendas in mind for running the end times the way that He is going to run them. When you pay no regard to what His personal goals are and instead start pleading for Him to stop the damage, are you treating Him respectfully? No, you’re being a little brat and acting like God should be revolving around you and what you want. Once the end time destruction begins, it will be a complete waste of time for you to start throwing 2 Chronicles 7:14 in God’s face. He’s not going to heal our land or anyone else’s. Instead, He’s going to keep on destroying both lives and property and if we don’t want to end up on the wrong side of His wrath during this period, then we need to listen to what He is saying to us in the privacy of our own souls.

Anna Diehl, The Pursuit of God 15 Comments [7/20/2016 2:26:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 120623

That's absolutely dishonest of you, Icogneato. You know full well that the media will push a narrative. They WILL whitewash news articles. And I submit to you the Society of Professional Journalists 'diversity guidelines' to show that they are just 'following orders.' You are being intellectually dishonest. Again.

Sargon is probably the most soft and politically correct of the rationalist community on YouTube. If he gives you a hugbox foaming at the mouth clutching for your safe space spasm IDEK what AIU would do to your feeble grasp of a fragile #narrative based reality.

You mean like when a hispanic police officer shoots a 'black' person they're 'white'? But when a hispanic person is killed by a police officer they're 'black'? Oh American's. You're all so whacky. :D

vaiyt, If there's one argument that no one takes seriously it's ad hominem. It's as piss weak as the #notall meme. I have that on a T-shirt. Maybe I need "When you're losing, call your opponent racist." on a T-shirt too. Sorry, but we're systematically deconstructing your lie riddled narrative by encouraging people to apply rational thought and critical thinking. No one is lying to their viewers. No one is pushing ANY agenda but the rationalist community as a whole by encouraging open rational discourse and critical thought. Things you are TERRIFIED of.

Ohnoes. Your brittle fabricated reality is starting to crumble because the majority of people are no longer buying into the narrative. Gasp. We're all MONSTERS. We're like TOTALLY RACIST GUISE AND LIKE PRETTY MUCH LIKE TOTALLY HITLER. I can't even try to mock the level of valley girl intellectual vacuity present in this guys article. But hey, Sargon is one righteous mofo.

BaSH PR0MPT, disqus 9 Comments [7/19/2016 2:12:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 120620

Commenting on an article posted "Muslims DEMAND Locals Don’t Walk Dogs In Public – Violation Of Sharia And “DISRESPECTS” Them"

See, they move in and there aren't many of them. They seem just fine and keep to themselves (even if you try to make conversation with them). Then more and more move in.

Next thing you know, at your grandkids' school fair, there is a scuffle because a man was taking a picture of his kids and a moslem got angry and took the man's camera and smashed it on the ground. Why? Because he said his tented wife was in the picture. The man tried to explain he was only trying to take a picture of his kids.

The next week, parents got a mailer from the school telling them that there were to be no more pictures taken at school unless they take their child over to a certain section and no one else was in the picture.

Bingo. moslems won.

So therefore, they felt empowered. Many people walk to school and bring their dogs on the walk when they pick up their kids after school. moslems had a fit. They got together and said they wanted no dogs on school property. Parents argued that they weren't on school property. They were outside of school property. moslems still didn't like it. A fight ensued.

Finally it was decided that since there is a park next door to the school and people are allowed to walk their dogs right there next to the school, that you cannot make people stop walking their dogs.

moslems in that area have not given up. And when they become the majority, they will insist -- no dogs to be walked anywhere near them.

This is in America. This is at the grammar school my grandchildren went to.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 18 Comments [7/19/2016 2:11:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 120619


So someone PM me this video asking me to comment on it. Now, I’m very happy that someone send me something other than a death threat and instead decided to ask for my council in a moral dilemma.
In this video, we see a man getting slap by his girlfriend. Now, before everyone grabs their pitchfork, I will say this, I have been cheated before so I understand perfectly her anger. An unfaithful man is barely a man and sometimes you need to remind him of that. But in this particular case, I think the victim is the man. She went a bit too far in her discipline method.
But even if the woman is in the wrong, I have to ask, why didn’t the man just walk away or even tried to defend himself? He knew he was probably just a tiny bit in the wrong as well.

[ So am i safe in assuming you would suport a man hitting his SO who cheated? I mean according to you its just a little “discipline” and “a woman who cheats is barley a woman at all, and sometimes they need to be reminded of that” ]

Even if hitting a man is a bad thing, It’s a symptom of a good thing happening: woman are finally taking their place in society. In the fifties, you would never seen a woman standing up to her man.

angryblackduchess, tumblr 16 Comments [7/19/2016 2:11:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 120612

I Would NOT Feel Bad if ISIS Captured & Tortured Our High-Ranking Transgender Military Officials

If one or more of our high-ranking Transgender military officials were captured and publicly tortured beyond comprehension by ISIS, I would not feel bad for them in the least. I would not shed one tear for them. As wicked and cruel as ISIS may be, I really do understand their hatred for the level of perversion and societal degeneracy that rules the West.

Troops of Transgendered men and women within our military are bad enough. I do not hate them per se. I see them as duped, as victims of our Leftist overlords. Yet, at the same time, I have a special contempt for high-ranking military officials who ‘come out’ and declare their freakish perversion. They are the leaders who, in effect, embolden other degenerates to declare their Transfreakishness.

As bad as Islam is, Muslims are right to feel derision and disgust at the widespread debauchery and deviancy that has become normative in our societies. In fact, it’s normal to feel a sense of shock, horror, and disgust at the freaks who parade themselves in our faces daily. The only reason so many people don’t have this reaction is because they have become desensitized by the constant voices telling us that it’s ‘perfectly normal’ and something we should ‘celebrate.’

Healthy people – that is, people who are healthy in their minds and whose conscience has not be seared or polluted by Leftist dogma – are repulsed by Transgenders and ‘flaming’ homosexuals prancing about. It’s the natural reaction of our bodies, our defense mechanism, to be instantly repelled by something so obviously contrary to the created order.

Some people think our parade of freaks is an indication of how ‘progressive’ the West is; that it’s willing to ‘accept’ everyone and everything no matter what is claimed or espoused. In reality, it’s an overt indication of our decline, that we are morally regressive, that we have crossed the border of ‘No Return.’ It’s proof that we have become insane, and unable to recognize how demented we’ve become. While boasting of our technological achievements, we are nothing more than moral pygmies, pretending that we are ‘enlightened’ but dumb as brutes.

Ambrose Kane, Ambrose Kane 16 Comments [7/19/2016 2:08:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 120603

Teens have all the wrong heroes these days. Why can't Taylor Swift be moral? Why does she have to be lewd and sexually promiscuous? I'll tell you why, because she'd never make it if she did. The sinful world would reject here immediately. Moral girls are teased, called POLLYANNA, and no record company will promote them. Many people have the warped mindset that showing a little skin never hurt anybody; but king David would disagree with that. David saw naked Bathsheba on the roof bathing and he had to have her. David commit adultery, got her pregnant, and then murdered her husband.

Even the fake so-called Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) industry is immoral. They are “SENSUAL, HAVING NOT THE SPIRIT” (Jude 1:19). Swift's 2009 MTV video, FEARLESS, came straight out of the pits of Hell. No wonder America is such a cesspool of iniquity and sexual perversion today. Swift is wearing a skimpy mini-skirt, deliberately bending over in front of the camera, shaking her butt wildly, gyrating sensually to the music. The fans are going nuts screaming for more. The word "sensual" doesn't adequately describe the degree of sexual promiscuity and depravity of Swift's behavior. Taylor Swift's shameful dancing and gyrations can be called nothing less than total sexual depravity.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 33 Comments [7/19/2016 2:07:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 120601

The evidence is all around, but you are suppressing it with theories like evolution. It's also in the Bible, a historical document, which you may not believe; but in order to back up the statement that you made earlier (re: me talking nonsense where faith is concerned), you need to prove that what I said is not in the Bible.

Spud, Religion and Ethics 9 Comments [7/19/2016 2:07:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Nearly Sane

Quote# 120600

(On an article about man booted out for praising Orlando Massacre)

This statement is really not acceptable. It is wrong to say "The good news is that there’s 50 less pedophiles in this world." This is not correct. He might have intended to say "The good news is that there are 50 fewer pedophiles in this world."

I'm all for canceling a lease for bad grammar. If they can take on spelling as well, that would be great.

Martin Smit, Christian News Network 24 Comments [7/19/2016 2:06:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Scott

Quote# 120598

David: We have NEVER had freedom of religion where we have allowed the worship of other GODS in this nation. This nation was built on the JUDAEO-CHRISTIAN religious belief system and nothing else. Freedom of religion had to do with people who were CHRISTIANS being able to come here to worship as they pleased. It was NOT to promote the worship of FALSE GODS. Furthermore, we HAVE no separation of Church and State. The ONLY thing that was set in stone was the idea that the GOVERNMENT could not set up a particular denomination or tell the people they had to worship a particular way. THAT was NOT separation of church and state. There has NEVER been an effort to separate the church from the government until recently. This recent effort has NOTHING to do with the founders' intent or ANY of their papers they wrote at the time and is not found ANYWHERE on ANY of our founding documents. People should be allowed to set up Nativity Scenes on every corner of every neighborhood across this fruited plain if that's what they want to do. The PEOPLE are FREE to WORSHIP ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, and in ANY WAY they see fit as LONG as it is the GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISSAC, AND JACOB.

Susan Burns, focal point-Bryan Fischer 33 Comments [7/19/2016 3:05:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 19

Quote# 120595

We can't wait 6 months to oust Obama from office

The United States, Europe and the rest of the world is in violent upheaval. At home, fraudulently elected illegitimate President Barack Hussein Obama, along with with his black-Muslim friends like so-called Rev. Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, and Black Lives Matter allies, have finally succeeded in igniting a race war.

To add insult to very serious injury, President Obama refuses to use his powers as the commander in chief to destroy ISIS and other Muslim terrorists in a decisive way. The reason is obvious, and it’s time for people to just start saying it: The “Muslim King” does not want to go hard against his Islamic brothers and frankly, in my view, sympathizes with their quest to have allah reign supreme to further a worldwide caliphate. To add insult to injury, Obama has, through unconstitutional executive orders, opened the floodgates to millions of illegal immigrants who in many states like California can even obtain driver’s licenses, allowing them to register to vote.

Thus, the Muslim King has subverted the electoral process in favor of his creed as the overwhelming majority of illegals will vote Democrat, that is, for the Wicked Witch of the Left, Hillary Clinton, in November’s presidential election. And, they will also vote for leftist Democrats and others for Congress. This will further the will of the Muslim King after his term ends – assuming he does not declare a state of emergency over the crises he has created and attempt to remain in power.

The last seven and one half years have also seen a never-ending spate of scandals in and around the Obama administration, ranging from Fast and Furious-gate, to IRS-gate, to Benghazi-gate, and now the cover-up of the crimes committed by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her private email server. In this regard, it has been disclosed that Obama himself received highly classified emails from the Wicked Witch of the Left on her unprotected private email server, which was then easily hacked by the nation’s enemies, Russia and China in particular. Obama is thus complicit in this breach of American national security, notwithstanding the other traitorous acts he has committed – including but not limited to the sham nuclear treaty with the Islamic Republic of Iran, which existentially endangers with another Holocaust not just Israel but the United States and the rest of the non-Muslim Western world.

Clearly, if there ever were a case for impeachment and conviction of a president, the Muslim King has exceeded “all expectations.” By Obama’s criminally minded standards, President Richard Nixon’s Watergate caper was, in the commander in chief’s own ironic words, simply a junior varsity effort at corruption.

The Hussein Obama is simply the most compromised, corrupt and evil president in American history. While there have been other presidents who committed crimes – and in one of my cases in the 1990s Judge Royce C. Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia found that Slick Willy Clinton had also done so in illegally releasing the Privacy Act protected White House file of a woman he sexually harassed in the Oval Office, one Kathleen Willey, my former client – neither he nor any other president has actually been removed from the presidency through constitutional impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives and then conviction before the U.S. Senate, as is required for “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Thus, while President Nixon, once caught in his caper, had the “patriotism” to eventually resign, he, like former President Andrew Johnson, who was also simply impeached but not convicted, no American leader has ever been constitutionally forced from office.

The Founding Fathers and framers of our Constitution were inspired by God, but they were not God. The likes of the Adams, Jefferson and Franklin were not infallible, however great they were. Unfortunately, they did not devise a viable constitutional method to remove from office a corrupt, criminal, traitorous and destructive president like the Muslim King.

So, today what can we do about President Barack Hussein Obama, a man who at every turn favors only his fellow blacks and Muslims over the rest of us, particularly whites, Christians and Jews? And, it is simply not “favoritism” that I am talking about; it’s dangerous persecution to the point that we all are at fatal risk given the racial war and the Islamic terrorism Obama has furthered with his leftist, black-Muslim comrades. Indeed, the Muslim King, in my view, is far worse and more dangerous that another king, King George III, who provoked the Declaration of Independence and the first American Revolution in and around 1776.

Couple this with the fact that much like the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server was “rigged” by the Washington establishment of both political parties – FBI Director James Comey is a Republican – and the subversion of our ability to have fair presidential and congressional elections given that millions of illegal aliens are capable of fraudulently voting, what would our Founding Fathers do today differently than in 1776?

So, I pose this question: How can the Muslim King be legally removed from office before he does even more irreparable damage in the next six months of his presidency? What would our Founding Fathers have done under these dire circumstances? I do not think that We the People can just sit back and hope for the best, particularly in light of the heinous terrorist attacks of the last weeks, the latest in Nice, France, and the race war Obama and his friends have caused to explode in Dallas and around the nation. Our lives and the lives of our loved ones are in mortal danger!

Larry Klayman, World Net Daily 31 Comments [7/19/2016 3:04:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 120594

[Jo Cox MP was murdered in June]

Half of the female shadow cabinet ministers who resigned over Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership have faced death threats or warnings of violent attack, the Telegraph has learned.

Six of the dozen senior women who stepped down in the last month have faced threats of physical attack or violence, while many of the others have received intimidating messages online.

The danger from some threats has been deemed so realistic that police have been called in, while others have installed extra security measures amid growing concerns about their safety from relatives.

One former front-bencher was told she would “get it like Jo Cox did”, another was told to kill herself and a third was warned a queue of people would be outside her home “waiting to rape” her.

The threats have been so concerning that Rosie Winterton, Labour’s Chief Whip, has raised it at a shadow cabinet meeting.

The party’s ruling body has also suspended all normal constituency party meetings until September amid fears of hostility growing during the leadership contest this summer.

There are now calls from moderates to supporters of Jeremy Corbyn - who has also had death threats – to lower the tone of their rhetoric. The Labour leader’s office insists he has consistently spoken out against all forms of abuse.

This newspaper has established that half of the dozen Labour MPs who resigned from Mr Corbyn’s shadow cabinet in the days after the EU referendum have received messages warning of violence.

They range from actual acts of violence – Angela Eagle’s constituency office had a brick thrown through its window – to veiled threats in online messages: one MP was told “I hope you choke”.

Luciana Berger, the former shadow health minister, received an email saying “you are going to get it like Jo Cox did” with a photograph of a knife. She has contacted the police.

Lucy Powell received a message telling her to kill herself after announcing she would leave the frontbench over frustrations with the leadership.

One female MP and former frontbencher who asked not to be named said they had been told a “queue of refugees” would be waiting to rape them at home, while another had a specific threat of violence.

Other women MPs who stepped down said that while they had no threats of violence they received intimidating or bullying messages. Often the messages followed appearances on broadcasts criticising the leadership.

Lilian Greenwood, the former shadow Transport secretary who left last month, told The Telegraph: "The tone of the debate over the future of Labour Party has deteriorated dramatically over the course of the last year.

Supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, Daily Telegraph 17 Comments [7/19/2016 3:04:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 120591

It is not a problem for an American to say he is a Christian first and an American second because this is a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. The more devout a Christian becomes, the more he will love America and the values on which it was founded. The stronger his Christian faith becomes, the more of a patriot he will be.

bryan fischer, AFA.net 24 Comments [7/19/2016 3:03:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 120590

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called for every American Muslim on Thursday to be “tested” in the wake of the fatal attack in Nice, France.

“Western civilization is in a war,” Gingrich told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “We should, frankly, test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization. Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia? Glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them next door. But we need to be fairly relentless about defining who our enemies are.”

Gingrich, who is reportedly being considered as a running mate for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, did not offer any specifics as to the nature of the “test.” The interview aired a day after CNN reported that Hannity provided the private jet Gingrich used to meet with Trump in Indianapolis.

Officials in France have not identified the parties responsible for the Bastille Day attack, which killed 80 people and caused critical injuries to 20 others.

But Gingrich directed his remarks toward the Islamic State terrorist group, blaming the Nice assault on President Barack Obama and “Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right.”

“I am sick and tired of being told that the wealthiest, most powerful civilization in history — all of Western civilization — is helpless in the face of a group of medieval barbarians,” he told Hannity.

Newt Gingrich, Raw Story 47 Comments [7/18/2016 3:28:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 120582

Not one person accepts the theory of common ancestor on this board. Adam, Noah, Abraham were all common ancestor. If you reject that then that means you reject the theory of common ancestor.

joshua 1 9, Christian Forums 15 Comments [7/18/2016 3:06:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 120581

Plenty of evidence of giants, from long ago

First reported in the 4 May 1912 issue of the New York Times the 18 skeletons found by the Peterson brothers on Lake Lawn Farm in southwest Wisconsin exhibited several strange and freakish features.

Their heights ranged between 7.6ft and 10 feet and their skulls "presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America to-day." They tend to have a double row of teeth, 6 fingers, 6 toes and like humans came in differant races. The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. Heads usually found are elongated believed due to longer than normal life span.

A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900's that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.

The allegations stemming from the American Institution of Alternative Archeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousands of giant human remains during the early 1900's was not taken lightly by the Smithsonian who responded by suing the organization for defamation and trying to damage the reputation of the 168-year old institution.

During the court case, new elements were brought to light as several Smithsonian whistle blowers admitted to the existence of documents that allegedly proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height, a reality mainstream archeology can not admit to for different reasons, claims AIAA spokesman, James Churward.

«There has been a major cover up by western archaeological institutions since the early 1900's to make us believe that America was first colonized by Asian peoples migrating through the Bering Strait 15,000 years ago, when in fact, there are hundreds of thousands of burial mounds all over America which the Natives claim were there a long time before them, and that show traces of a highly developed civilization, complex use of metal alloys and where giant human skeleton remains are frequently found but still go unreported in the media and news outlets» he explains.

Doctor, Amazon Atheist Forum 17 Comments [7/18/2016 3:05:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
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