Quote# 123807
The “Embryo”, my new-fully integrated technique.
There’re gotta be 3 core techniques I must master when slashing with sword.
1. Slash at a lightning speed.
IF I do really get appointed as an executioner when I’m in Heaven, then I’m gotta devote all my 7 years to sharpen my own slashing techniques. And, I’m gotta have an angel tutor to teach me how to use sword proficiently.
You know what? When I’m in Heaven, I can talk with Lord Jesus Christ, my Emperor and Father, face to face. I’m gotta beg Lord Jesus Christ very earnestly. I mean it. I’m gotta bow down under Lord Jesus Christ’s knees and throne, crying, weeping, begging Him to appoint me as an executioner when I’m in Heaven. And, that’s my honor for carrying out this assigned task for Lord Jesus Christ and my honor to do and revenge, the only thing I can do for my own kind, the Han People, both Chinese and Taiwanese, the main target for the Rothschilds’ evil depopulation scheme to completely obliterate. I want every single drop of blood of my own kind to be paid back in my hand with my sword.
And, I’ve set up my own schedule on learning how to slash with sword.
The first year is my year for the technique on slashing at a lightning speed. During the first year when I’m in Heaven, I’m gotta be focus on learning hard about how to slash at a lightning speed. This is the first technique I must master, and I give myself a whole year to learn hard. By the end of the first year when I’m in Heaven, I should have already mastered this technique, slashing with sword at a lightning speed.
2. The second year when I’m in Heaven, I’m gotta learn hard and sharpen this second technique, slashing with sword at will in a fully controllable force unleashed, in which I can slash and inflict whatever long, short, hard, slight, deep, or shallow cuts on my earthly enemies, the banking cartels and their servants.
And, by the end of the second year when I’m in Heaven, I should already have mastered this second technique, slashing with sword at will in a fully controllable force unleashed.
3. The third year is for my third technique, that is, 100% precision slashing with sword. I must achieve this technique in order to pinpoint the aim, such as the finger’s joints, which is just a tiny spot on men or women’s hand. So, I must fully master at 100% precision slashing with sword. And, by the end of the third year when I’m in Heaven, I should already have mastered this technique, my third technique, 100% precision slashing with sword.
4. O.k., baby, here comes the fourth technique I must also master, and this fourth technique is the most difficult and hardest one, because I must put all the three techniques I’ve learned and mastered in a fully integrated fashion. I want to put those 3 techniques into a fully integrated technique, 3 become 1. Why?
On every single slash I unleash to cut my earthly enemies, I want to slash them at a lightning speed, at a fully controllable force unleashed, at 100% precision, all at the same time.
Because on Day 1, I just simply wanna cut off fingers, and when I’m cutting off fingers, I must pinpoint at the finger’s joints, a tiny spot on human’s hand, which means I must have the technique of 100% precision on slashing with sword.
And, when I’m cutting off fingers, people are always moving or doing something, or on the move. They won’t stand still or sit still for me to cut off their fingers. So, I must have the technique of slashing with sword at a lightning speed just at that exact second, the exact moment.
And, when I’m cutting off fingers, I must also fully and completely control the force unleashed when slashing. I just wanna cut off their fingers, not their whole arm or hand, or even cut them into half pieces. So, when cutting off fingers, I must have the technique of slashing with sword at will in a fully controllable force unleashed.
In other words, and my conclusion, that is, when cutting off fingers, I must have all 3 techniques of slashing with sword at a lightning speed, slashing with sword at will in a fully controllable force unleashed, slashing with sword in a 100% precision manner. All 3 techniques must be utilized at the same time, at every single slash I unleash to cut my enemies’ finger joints. So, I must fully integrate those 3 techniques I’ve learned and mastered in the first 3 years when I’m in Heaven. I must fully and completely integrate those 3 core techniques into a fully and completely integrated fashion, 3 become 1.
And, this is gotta be the integrated technique. 3 become 1. I wanna name this specific and integrated technique, the “Embryo”, because it’s just like a sperm and an egg meet and develop into an embryo, so integrated, so interlocked. And, this time, too, I’m gotta fully and completely integrate all 3 core techniques I’ve learned and mastered during the first 3 years when I’m in Heaven into a fully and completely integrated technique, the “Embryo”. This is why I name my new integrated technique.
And, I wanna spend the fourth, fifth, sixth, all 3 years, to relentlessly and endlessly sharpen this new integrated technique into a fully and completely controllable fashion, so that I can slash with sword in a perfect manner to create the outcome I exactly and desperately want, such as a cut-off finger, a crack on their belly to let intestines run out of the crack, a disfigured face covered with non-fatal cuts.
So, I’m gotta be so loving this new integrated technique, and I’m gotta name it, the “Embryo”.
All-out US-China nuclear war, looming, to wipe out one-fourths of the earth 20 Comments [1/21/2017 4:55:20 PM]
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Submitted By: denizen