Quote# 134085

Trump slandered and abused People's Korea whilst in puppet south Korea even calling the DPRK a hellhole. Well just look at the US , the average charge for a stay in a US hospital in 2010 was $33,000 dollars !

Just imagine that ! . In the DPRK all health care is free of charge . The USA has anything between 700,000 to 3 million people homeless whereas the DPRK provides housing virtually free of charge and there are no homeless or beggars. The World Health Organisation even estimated that 120 people in the US died of starvation in 2004

UK Korean Friendship Association, Korean Friendship Association 8 Comments [11/12/2017 3:49:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134084

An excellent commentary the south Korean puppets are trying to smash up the socialist system of the DPRK with the help of the US imperialists , Japanese imperialists and also Russia and China.

UK Korean Friendship Association, Korean Friendship Association 4 Comments [11/12/2017 3:48:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134083

"The U.S. military would find itself outnumbered and under-supplied if war broke out with North Korea, " This is what the former commander of the US forces in south Korea Lt Gen Jan Marc Jouas has written in a letter to the US congress .

We always knew that . The US imperialists would lose another war in Korea not because they are "outnumbered " but because of the Juche Idea and the Songun idea which gives the Korean People's Army an incredible spiritual and ideological strength that is hard for Westerners and Americans to imagine . Plus the fact that according to some ex British squaddies who have been on NATO exercises with US troops , US troops are lazy and useless.

UK Korean Friendship Association, Korean Friendship Association 4 Comments [11/12/2017 3:47:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134082

The Juche Idea means, in a few words, that the owner of the revolution and construction are the masses. – Eternal Leader, Kim Il Sung.

Korea is blessed with a great idea which enjoys unanimous support and sympathy from the world progressives. It is the immortal Juche idea fathered by President Kim Il Sung. The Juche idea, based on the philosophical principle that man is the master of everything and decides everything, convinces the popular masses that one is responsible for one’s own destiny and shows them a correct way of carving out their own destiny by themselves.

The Juche idea has fully proved its validity and vitality through over half a century of the Korean revolution and the world revolutionary people’s anti-imperialist struggle for independence. This is why the Juche idea has been recognized as the main idea of the present era. Many people of the world are striving to build a new prosperous society free from all kinds of domination and subordination, taking the Juche idea as their guiding idea. The Juche idea, which strongly propels the advance of the era of independence, has been developed in depth by leader Kim Jong Il’s outstanding ideological and theoretical activities.

Unknown author, KFUSA 1 Comments [11/12/2017 3:47:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134079

(Context: This man is a Flat Earth Preacher and has a whole YouTube channel devoted to that ministry. These are two comments in a video in which he responds to a CREATIONIST refuting Flat Earth)

Comment One: You think Lisle has "spend most of his life doing actual research"...???? Your comment here actually highlights one of the main false assumptions that is central to this whole affair, the false assumption I am actually taking aim AT... Did Lisle actually discover or confirm any of the claims of Copernicanism by way of conducting his own experiments? Challenging the status quo? Weighing what was being taught by the mainstream against what the Bible says, and seeing if observation might show the mainstream to be false? No. The only aspect he has had the courage to question is the vast stretches of Evolutionary time. Yet he turns around and regurgitates everything the same cosmic evolutionists teach about vast stretches of space. Lisle did not get his Phd in astronomy by questioning if modern astronomy was as much of a pseudoscientific lie as Darwinian evolution is. I am not judging him "as a person". I am pointing out the glaring bias present in someone who's entire professional existence is predicated upon the assumption that Copernican astronomy is true. But since you mentioned it, I have done my own research. Both Biblical, and empirical, and unfortunately I can simply no longer accept the indefensible claim that the Bible actually teaches the Copernican model. Nor can I accept the assertion that humans have been into "outer space", or walked on the moon. I have made dozens of videos now which chronicle the progression of my research. Where's yours??

Comment Two: You're correct. The original Hebrew cosmology is not a flat pancake floating in space. Coincidentally, this is not what modern FE'ers believe either. There is no such thing as "space" at all. You have not done a shred of actual research, as neither has Lisle, who for the record, was not being "attacked" via ad hominem. It is hardly a "personal attack" to simply point out the ridiculous degree of bias an individual like Lisle has when it comes to questioning Copernican astronomy. The proof for the Flat Earth is extensive. The proof for the globe is assumptive reasoning and circular arguments based on shadows in wells, and fake NASA pictures. Fake as the pictures of Evolutions' celebrated "missing links' in fact. It's all one big Evolutionary fairy tale. All of it.?

the Truth is stranger than fiction..., Youtube 13 Comments [11/11/2017 11:42:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 134076

I know I am preaching to the choir on this one, but I want to get this out:

Traffic laws are a travesty of the justice system, punishing people for violating nobody's rights. Everyone breaks traffic laws, often willfully and sometimes without even knowing about it, both of which suggest bad lawmaking. At best these laws serve as poor substitutes for what would otherwise be contractual agreements for private road usage, at worst they exploit the power of government force by expropriating wealth for use toward illegitimate government activity.

I am fed up with these laws. They are like taxes in that the money stolen from you and me is not great enough to warrant a serious uproar or rebellion, or even a letter to a government official. They are unlike taxes in that one can put a face to every single penny being stolen: the police officer, and as a side-note this has had a big negative effect on how I think of the police generally. How does one live with one's self when stealing money from another person, face-to-face, as part of a career?

The solution is privatizing our roads, whereupon everyone will be happy and nobody will be punished for using his own judgement on the road, unless it is warranted through contract breach or by damaging another or his property. That would eliminate the laws automatically. But since most people seem to accept roads as inherently government-operated, somehow setting aside the poor quality, upkeep, and price as a standard different from their other dealings with business and service, I doubt that will happen any time soon.

As a fast driver and a lover of the road (I dream of 7-lane highways), perhaps I am extra sensitive to traffic laws, cracked roads and congestion. Is there anyone else who shares my sentiment? What about the circumstances necessary for privatizing our roads?

JASKN, ObjectivismOnline 23 Comments [11/11/2017 11:19:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134073

People who are serious about ideas have to deal with the central tenets of the philosophy, not out of context statements. Otherwise, they aren't going to convince anyone of anything.

As to Ayn Rand's statements here, I'm sure it stems from her disgust over altruism and to the evils to which it leads. Altruists are hell bent on bringing everyone down to the same level and they love to inculcate guilt over issues like these. If you want to see direct evidence of what altruism does to people, the results are writ large in history. The Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and other collectivist totalitarian states show clearly how much life is valued by altruists.

The end result of such a moral code is the exact opposite of caring for people, because at core it's saying "You are nothing", “Du bist nicht". Altruism is death worship. Anyone who acts on altruistic premises, whether they know it or not, are acting on ideas that do not value individuals, and we’re all individuals, including those who are handicapped. I don't have that particular lecture, so I can't comment any more than that.

Thales, ObjectivismOnline  11 Comments [11/11/2017 11:18:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134072

Re: sex scandals. Perhaps teenagers should be taught more biology & psychology, including evolved sexual strategies which involve coercion?

Claire Lehmann, Twitter 10 Comments [11/11/2017 11:18:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 134071

Since capitalism is the only social system in which the courts uphold the principles of objective law—since it is the only social system in which the government protects individual rights (including property rights)—since it is the only social system in which people can act fully according to their own judgment and thus live fully as human beings—capitalism is the only moral social system.

But, one might ask, what about the poor, the disabled, and the helpless? How do they fare under laissez-faire? To answer this question, we must bear in mind that very few people are genuinely helpless or unable to support themselves; the great majority of people are capable of acting as their life requires. And if a person chooses to live and is capable of supporting himself, he has a moral responsibility to do so; if he refuses to support himself and, instead, steals, begs, or seeks handouts, he is acting parasitically and immorally.

With this in mind, let us consider the position of the poor, the disabled, and the helpless in a truly capitalist system. But we must take them one at a time, for they are not necessarily one and the same. As to the poor: Capitalism leaves each individual free to think, work, and make as much money as he is willing and able to earn. No other social system on earth does this. In a capitalist society, if a poor person wants to work his way out of poverty—as countless poor people have done—he is fully free to do so. Of course, if he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to; the choice is his to make, and no one can force him one way or the other.

Some people are not concerned with being wealthy, but this does not make them immoral. While an artist or a gardener might be financially poor, he is not by that fact less moral than a CEO or an athlete who is financially rich. A person’s monetary wealth does not determine his moral status. His choices and actions do: Are they rational or irrational—life-promoting or life-retarding, selfish or selfless, honest or dishonest? Morally speaking, that is what matters. If having more money is honestly important to a person, he should act accordingly by, for instance, seeking a higher-paying job, investing his money more wisely, or starting a business of his own. And capitalism not only leaves everyone—including the poor—completely free to do so; it also provides an ever-increasing flow of educational possibilities and moneymaking opportunities.

As to the disabled: Capitalism leaves them free to compensate for their disabilities by means of any remaining abilities they might have. Again, no other social system on earth does this. In a capitalist society, if a person lacks ability in some respect but still has abilities in other respects, he is fully free to use his existing abilities to support and further his life—as many disabled people do. For instance: A deaf person might choose to pursue a career in genetics, architecture, or accounting. A blind person might choose to pursue a career in music, radio, or psychology. A paraplegic might choose to pursue a career in law, education, or writing. And today—with the technology made possible by freer markets—even a quadriplegic can learn to support himself; he might pursue a career in finance, economics, or computer programming.

When disabled people are fully free to act on their judgment, there is usually something they can do to compensate for their shortcomings. And capitalism not only leaves them completely free to do so; it also makes available an ever-increasing flow of enabling technology.

Now, as to the helpless: It is crucial here to acknowledge that very few people actually fall into this extremely unfortunate category. At this point, we are talking only about people who are severely retarded, have a totally debilitating disease, or are injured to the extent that they are unable to support themselves by any means. What happens to such people in a laissez-faire society? Capitalism leaves each individual free to offer them as much charity as he is able and willing to offer. Once again, no other social system on earth does this. In a capitalist society, if a person has the means and the desire to assist the helpless—as many people do—he is fully free to do so. Of course, if he doesn’t have the means, he can’t offer them assistance. And whether he has the means or not, if he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t have to; the choice is his to make, and no one can force him one way or the other.

But, one might wonder, what if everyone’s rights are respected, yet no one wants to help the helpless.

As always, to address this concern we must observe the relevant facts. What the helpless need but cannot produce is life-serving values; that’s what makes them helpless. Such values can be produced only by able people; hence the term able. But able people can produce values only if they are free to act on the very thing that makes them able: their judgment. The basic social condition that makes human life possible is freedom—freedom from the initiation of physical force—the freedom of each individual to act on the judgment of his own mind.

Thus, respect for individual rights is as much in the best interest of the helpless as it is in the best interest of the able—if not more so. Think about it: If the able are not free, they cannot live (as human beings); and if the able cannot live, what happens to the helpless? Clearly, if the helpless are to be helped, they (and everyone who cares about them) must respect individual rights—including the rights of the able.

Observe further that while in reality there are very few genuinely helpless people, when individual rights are respected there are plenty of people who are willing and able to help them. Look around: Do you ever see people working with the mentally retarded? Ask your friends: Would they ever donate money to help a poor child with leukemia? Ask yourself: Would you ever offer assistance to a victim of a devastating accident? Consider this: Even in the semi-free, mixed economy of the United States today—in which producers are heavily and immorally taxed—the amount of money voluntarily donated to charity is enormous; in 1999 alone, tax-strapped Americans gave over $190 billion to charity.But, one might suppose, isn’t that because people are partly altruistic and not fully selfish? Why would a true egoist ever want to help the helpless?

To be sure, a truly selfish person would not offer “help” to bums who are in fact not “helpless” but rather choose to be parasites. Only a fool or an altruist would do that. But to answer the question of why an egoist would ever want to help people who genuinely cannot support themselves, we need only consider the alternatives—of which there are two: A person can either help the helpless or not help them. So here is the question every egoist has to answer for himself. Which environment do I think is in my best interest: one in which genuinely helpless people suffer and die in the streets, or one in which I voluntarily contribute some small fraction of my time, effort, or money to give them a hand?

I certainly know which environment is in my best interest, and I imagine you know which is in yours. But this is something every individual has to decide for himself—and no one has a moral right to force him one way or the other. Fortunately, the decision does not require advanced mathematics; it merely requires genuine self-interest, reverence for human life, and basic logic.

Rational egoism, true egoism, does not say: “Be indifferent to other human beings” or “Don’t help people.” It says: “If one wants to live as a human being and achieve genuine happiness, one must observe reality; one must think; one must not accept contradictions; one must pursue one’s life-serving values; one must not surrender greater values for the sake of lesser ones; one must be honest; one must have integrity”; and so on. If a person thinks that helping certain other people is in his best interest, he should act accordingly. And capitalism not only leaves everyone completely free to do so; it also enables people to create enormous amounts of surplus wealth with which to do it.

When people are free to produce as much wealth as they are able and willing to produce—and free to do with their wealth whatever they choose to do with it—many people become very rich. Add to this the fact that truly self-interested people care about human life—they, after all, are the ones who recognize that it is the standard of moral value—and thus do not want other human beings to suffer and die needlessly, and we have a clear answer to the question, “What if no one wants to help the helpless?” The concern is simply unwarranted. The fact is that many people—including presumably the people who ask the question—do want to help the helpless. And in a truly capitalist society, no one would be allowed to stop them.

Craig Biddle, The Objective Standard 6 Comments [11/11/2017 11:17:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134070

[Comment under "Days before UN coal sanctions went into effect, China purchased 1.6 million tons of North Korean coal, worth nearly 140 million dollars."]

That is great news!

I love how the artice is worded as to make both the DPRK and China sound as shady and corrupt as possible.

(...) curb North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's nuclear weapons program by squeezing his ability to fund the program, and forcing the regime to negotiate.

First they refer to democratically elected Kim Jung Un as a dictator, but I guess anyone who does not obey the proto fascist U$ is a dictator huh? Of course unlike the Orange orangutan in the white house who managed to win without the popular vote... That in no way sounds like how a dictator comes into power. No not at all. They also somehow fail to mention the DPRK has attempted to negotiate countless times. Surely that was an accident.

Journalists, CBS News quickly found out, are less welcome. Just 10 minutes after Tracy and his team arrived on a street lined with North Korean businesses in Dandong, they we were stopped by Chinese police.

No! Say it is not so! Not the western journalists! Jesus.... It is almost as if a sovereign nation would not like a western imperialist news source filming their private transactions.

The police deleted CBS News' video of goods being sent to the North, so Tracy's team used an iPhone to shoot video from a building nearby, from which we could see what appeared to be construction materials and heavy machinery heading toward the bridge over the Yalu.

That is quite literally illegal. Now imagine this exact same situation but it is a transaction between the U$ and Japan. The CBS team was literally spying on a sovereign nation and acting as though they are the Victims. They should be jailed or at least banned from nation.

But as Tracy reports, China refuses to cut North Korea off at the knees, because it fears if the Kim regime collapses, refugees from the North will stream across the border into China. Worse yet, China worries it would see the U.S. military just across the Yalu River.

I love that projection from all Knowledgeable Tracy. I highly doubt China is protecting the DPRK because they are worried about having to deal with scary refugees... They are not the U$. That second point is very much true, but I wonder how the U$ would feel if China took over Mexico and was on their doorstep... I love how they also do not consider that maybe they are illegally trading with and protecting the DPRK because they do not want to see them genocided and starve? Maybe they actually care about a sovereign people that is not their own and do not seem them as just dollar signs? Nah it is obviously just for selfish refugee reasons.

God liberals make me feel like I lose brain cells every time I listen to them.

MrSkullgrinder, Reddit - r/Communism 8 Comments [11/11/2017 11:17:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 134060

Really, really makes me want to destroy muzslime wherever the vile ugly creatures are. Muzslime have no right to live among civilized humans and the should NEVER be allowed to own animals. Muzslime ALL muzslime are the SCUM of the whole earth.

Don Spilman, Bare Naked Islam 2 Comments [11/11/2017 8:26:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134059

The hypersexualization of children, the crush with child transsexuality and the outrageous promotion of homosexuality that is done for them has only one objective: LEGALIZE PEDOPHILIA.

They are removing parents from the competition on the sexual education of children, the decisions of children to be a child and similar shit, so that in the end parents do not have the right to protect their children and they are the ones who “decide “who want to have sex with adults and parents have to swallow to see how a son of a bitch abuses his 7 year old son and if they protest to be accused of hate crimes and to restrain the freedom of the child.

It is all that is pursued: LEGALIZE PEDOPHILIA. Include pedophiles in the group of protected groups. Take away the power to protect our children from the sexual abuse of the so-called “lovers” of children. This has to be cut off NOW.

Alastor Moody, consentinghumans 10 Comments [11/11/2017 8:25:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 134057

A mistake in the article: most of paedophiles were not abused in childhood. Mistakes in the comments: paedophiles do differ in brain structure according to dr. Cantor researches. Something like parental and sexual needs are cross-wired. Homosexuals and lesbians differ too, interestingly in different ways.

And by definition paedophiles are those who _sexually_ attracted to children, no matter how empathic or selfish they are. Since most people are not bad persons i guess most paedophiles are too but bad persons also exist. Also i disagree with today’s puritanical and hateful propaganda and newspeak used: that any sexual contact with kids is rape and necessarily harmful, that romantic feelings and romantic behavior toward kids is grooming with the only goal to have sex, etc. It all ignores science and known facts. That does not necessarily mean that it should be legalized though due to high risk of mistreatment, non-pedophile opportunists, etc. But the whole topic is obviously overheated and hate is irrational.

Also “what?” poster mentioned other questionable topics from today’s propaganda like child porn consumption and informed consent. To support child porn market you have to pay for it, but how non-commercial consumption differ from consumption of other shocking content from the internet (e.g. violence with minors involved), how it is more dangerous, etc. And why banning consumption of some types of information is considered as a good thing while it makes any independent research about the subject illegal.

E.g. when people talk about child porn they are talking about the subject nobody has right to see and hardly many of them know that even nudism or erotic is often labeled and prosecuted as child porn. Though in Britain even possession of “obscene porn” is forbidden (i guess you can technically be prosecuted for possession of internet meme “two girls 1 cup”) and extremist literature too (no need to know how bombs work for a law-abiding person, isn’t ot?)

And informed consent – what is it? Why simple knowing that something enjoyable/not enjoyable is not enough to consent? While religious education does not require consent. Even painful circumcision does not require consent. I guess that if actions are enjoyable then the most harm is done by further social indoctrination and hence real abuse is done by those who persuade people that they were used, are victims and should feel bad. Again, i am not sure if such actions should be legal but current level of dogmatism draws all such cases as violent rape (while most are not), all children as victims (while it cannot be harmful in all cases) and all paedophiles as monsters (while many of them are not even violent).

Btw interestingly zoophiles are prosecuted too. And with the same argument: informed consent. Like if it has any sense to use it regarding to animals. Like if cat owners ask consent when castrate their cats. Or animals give consent to appear cooked on the table, Why sex with animals is considered as necessarily violence then? The problem is that society still monitors anything that relates to sex much closer than anything also. And ideals that opposed to sexual repression and that were shared by LGBT-like organisations decades ago now are forgotten and worked only for gays and lesbians. I am afraid that it may be not forever and sexual repression can turn against them again in 50-100 yrs.

John Doe, OxfordStudent 0 Comments [11/11/2017 8:24:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 134056

That's what I thought. A lazy person who is brainwashed by textbooks and false teachers. That is why I didn't click on your links. I have done tonnes of research and know that there is NO curvature on the Earth (except through fish-eye lenses). You can see the Flat Earth from high altitudes, and distancewith the "supposed" curvature rate prove that there is NO curvature.
Cowards argue but never do the research, and Trolls just deny the truth. You are either one or the other.?

Mark Mywords, Youtube 8 Comments [11/11/2017 8:23:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 134052

If you have republican friends, you’re not a democrat

Avakin, Twitter 11 Comments [11/11/2017 8:22:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 134046

( Yes I know. I'm late for posting this )

Dear Ones in Christ:

Satan is scheming to corrupt our children like never before. Schools, movies, books . . . they are all presenting witches, demons, werewolves, etc. as “fun” and entertaining. The poor kids have no idea that everything demonic is hated by God, and that we are forbidden to even be involved, or “familiar” with such spirits. Halloween is on its way to becoming the biggest holiday of the year! Everything satanic is being glorified.

Is it any wonder that when these kids get older, they are more likely to experiment with witchcraft and the occult?

Want to pull them back to reality? You do it by handing them our Halloween tracts. For some kids, this will be the only time they will be exposed to the gospel.

This Halloween, millions of lost kids will come to the front doors of Christians… asking for a treat. What an amazing witnessing opportunity.

Those kids need your help. This is a war for their souls!

Yours for the lost,
Jack Chick

Jack Chick, Chick 13 Comments [11/11/2017 8:21:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 134036

If the earth is moving at 66,600 mph, then the moon would have to be falling around the earth at 67,600 mph, to obit in front of it.

Whenever you put the globe and pseudo science under scrutiny, it falls down faster than a one legged roofer!

#flatearth always wins! ALWAYS!

Gospel Truth, Twitter 13 Comments [11/11/2017 8:17:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 134055

An Open Letter to Professor Mark Ellis

by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe

Greetings: I recently read of your contention (popular in today's academic climate) that race is a "social construct." Allow me to suggest that this is a positively ludicrous notion, based entirely on the desire for it to be true on the part of the multiculturalist political left, rather than anything remotely akin to the objective fact that contemporary academia would have us believe.

Virtually all mammalian species (I'm generously assuming you don't regard species as a "social construct") consist of several subspecies. While it's possible that homo sapiens could be one of the rare exceptions, the fact that we are all aware of the existence of these other human subspecies (which, from our naturally sapien-centric view, we tend to refer to as "races," rather than as subspecies) argues rather definitively that we are not such an exception. The idea that you sincerely believe some Congolese cannibal is not a member of a different subspecies from a Swede, or even a Persian or Korean, is laughable, assuming you are not under the thrall of some corrupt religious dogma which requires you to say so, much as Hindus are required to abstain from eating beef.

Religion is all well and good, in so far as it pleases one to adhere to it, and if one wishes to gyrate before an idol of Ba'al, or pray to Jesus, or to believe in racial egalitarianism or some other such superstitious mumbo-jumbo, that is of course one's right. However, to use one's position as a professor of geography (a field, it should be noted, not generally associated with sweeping pronouncements on human physiology) to contaminate the minds of America's young people with one's own personal religious delusions/beliefs, is a terrible crime against truth, moral decency, and the survival of Western Civilization and its Europid creators.

Please keep your seemingly deranged religious views to yourself and try actually being the professor of geography you claim to be, rather than a proselytizer for the multiculturalist civic religion that is currently in the process of eroding everything we have created in the last 5,000 years. If an appeal to your sense of honor is ineffective, then perhaps you should take note of the fact that you are still a rather youngish-looking man and that the current regime is unlikely to last forever. Patriots have long memories, and the American government isn't much more stable than the Soviet regime was 20 years ago, as such extra-Constitutional, fascistic measures as the laughably named "USA Patriot Act" make quite clear. If you continue to commit crimes through the poisoning of the minds of our community's young people, the next regime may feel it necessary for you to be placed on trial for treason, and I or someone very much like me, may well be your judge or prosecutor. I respectfully but adamantly suggest you cease hiding behind academic freedom and the First Amendment in order to continue practicing the psychic equivalent of child molestation, i.e. the deliberate spiritual and intellectual pollution of the minds and souls of our young men and women.


Kevin Riley O'Keeffe of San Jose, California

Kevin Riley O'Keefe, The Phora 18 Comments [11/11/2017 1:00:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 134054

Absolutely amazing that all your responses attacking flat earth are the exact same issues the bible has with a globe earth... Not quite sure if you have ever read the bible, but it clearly states flat earth, motionless, seems pretty clear to me God is telling us the world is flat. But you choose to follow the serpent. Good old NASA... Must make you a proud fake Christian. Take pride bud.... The good news is you have clearly accepted the mark... Guess that thought never crossed your mind, huh??? More bible study for you ?? Good luck false prophet.?

Maximus Prime, Youtube 11 Comments [11/11/2017 12:59:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: FSM

Quote# 134053

(Authors note; This is a comment of an argument I had with this fundie. My full name is mentioned in the comment, but I filled it in with "---")

It is Flat Earth Trolls like "-------------" and "BEPA" and all his/her other aliases that prove that the conspiracy to destroy the spread of the Flat Earth...both Biblically and Scientifically true.

Stop listening to false teachers claiming that the "debunked" the Flat Earth. They are either unlearned in the subject, or outright false teachers, knowing that what they teach is wrong. Please stop thanking such teachers, as Joel Richardson, they keep you in error. You may as well believe in Evolution if you believe in the Ball. They come from the same source.?

Mark Mywords, Youtube 10 Comments [11/11/2017 12:59:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 134045

These peeps need a refund on their "sex change." They both still look like guys lol. This is very sad. But the world cant see the works of God's enemy when they're right in front of their faces.

They actually believe this is real and people need sex changes to live successfully. They dont see that this is all mental illness and confusion and these people need help to get free of it and to be whole in their birth gender identity. Very sad indeed. But when people live in the dark they're apt to stumble into a wall lol. All we can do is pray and proclaim freedom to these folk.

David Gunn, Facebook 11 Comments [11/10/2017 5:06:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134039

If the earth was a globe then the Bible would be a lie, that's why they strive to hard to convince us other wise, they just don't have to common sense to tell a convincing lie?

Kenneth Goforth, Youtube 14 Comments [11/10/2017 2:07:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 134038

(In reference to Roy Moore allegations)

Mary was probably 15 when she married Joseph, who was probably around 30. What's the problem?

TCassidy, Baptistboard 20 Comments [11/10/2017 2:07:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Korg

Quote# 134037

Scripture isn't anti science. It apposes pseudo science rooted in paganism and lies.

Papa Flerf Bo / Mast Papa Flerf Bo / Mast, Twitter 11 Comments [11/10/2017 2:07:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 134031

Does anyone else have this thing where when White people treat you well, you start thinking better of them. But then you remember the injustice in our world and your sense of empathy for them goes away?

I always talk shit on here, but in real life things are more or less the same for me. I smile, I shake hands, I exchange small talk, and then I go about my business, and yes most of the time with White people. During some of these interactions, if they go particularly well, I start to forget about identity politics and daresay, actually start having a positive perception of White people. I begin to think of them as human, and people capable of kindness and love towards others. Yeah I know, it's crazy. But thankfully, that perception never lasts though, since I always think about the injustices committed against us, and that always leads me to dull my empathy for them. Then I realize that the White person I just had a positive interaction with is probably thinking mad racist thoughts behind my back and probably wants me dead, at that point I'm back to fully hating White people. After all, with some exceptions would I ever be stupid enough to think that the majority of White people think I'm a human being with a right to live, or they as a race are capable of love and kindness? I'll say yes if I want to end up dead somewhere down the line. I go through that cycle many times and really, I guess in general now life for a POC should just be professional and respectful in real life, but keep in mind that the person you're interacting with is holding a dagger behind their back so you should do the same. Some would say this thinking is not particularly healthy, but hey, who said survival was pretty?

taizong14, r/aznidentity 9 Comments [11/10/2017 11:51:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 6