Quote# 133951

The short answer to your question is no, the apostle John was not teaching that God’s wrath has been satisfied toward both the elect and non-elect. Since the word propitiation means "appeased," we can be certain John was only talking about those who would believe in 1 John 2:2.

There is a lengthy, but extremely helpful footnote on that passage in the MacArthur Study Bible. With simplicity and clarity, John explains what the apostle meant by the phrase “the whole world.” Take a look:

for the whole world This is a generic term, referring not to every single individual, but to mankind in general. Christ actually paid the penalty only for those who would repent and believe. A number of Scriptures indicate that Christ died for the world (John 1:29; 3:16; 6:51; 1 Tim. 2:6; Heb. 2:9). Most of the world will be eternally condemned to hell to pay for their own sins, so they could not have been paid for by Christ. The passages which speak of Christ’s dying for the whole world must be understood to refer to mankind in general (as in Titus 2:3,4). “World” indicates the sphere, the beings toward whom God seeks reconciliation and has provided propitiation. God has mitigated His wrath on sinners temporarily, by letting them live and enjoy earthly life (see note on 1 Tim. 4:10). In that sense, Christ has provided a brief, temporal propitiation for the whole world. But He actually satisfied fully the wrath of God eternally only for the elect who believe. Christ’s death in itself had unlimited and infinite value because He is Holy God. Thus His sacrifice was sufficient to pay the penalty for all the sins of all whom God brings to faith. But the actual satisfaction and atonement was made only for those who believe (cf. John 10:11,15; 17:9,20; Acts 20:28; Rom. 8:32,37; Eph. 5:25). The pardon for sin is offered to the whole world, but received only by those who believe (cf. 4:9,14; John 5:24). There is no other way to be reconciled to God. (The MacArthur Study Bible, 1 Jn. 2:2)

Concerning God’s wrath being unsatisfied toward unbelievers, Paul said this in Romans 2:5, But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to each person according to his deeds.

Also see chapters 6-19 of Revelation, which chronicle the future judgments of God. That section is characterized by one wave of wrath after another. 6:16-17 says, And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”

I hope that helps answer your question, Caleb. Thanks for your comment.

Tommy Clayton, Grace to You 4 Comments [11/8/2017 10:31:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 133950

nimat shaheed

Why would God's chosen people lack MELANIN? Melanin is a very essential and beneficial property to have on planet Earth. Wouldn't God want his CHOSEN PEOPLE to have DOMINANT traits? Having white (RED) skin, is a RECESSIVE trait. I mean, come on...?

nimat shaheed, Youtube 8 Comments [11/8/2017 10:31:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 133949

Countless times, I've seen trans people on social media utter the sentiment, "Your allies may act like they love and respect you, but if they don't truly see you as a real woman/man, they are your enemies!" The first time I saw this sentiment, it sent a chill down my spine. I was still doing my libfem handmaiden act at the time (even though I was uncomfortable with much of the ideology). It never occurred to me that I had to BELIEVE that people could change biological sex in order to be a decent person.

I couldn't bear the thought of being associated with those evil murdering TERFs! But was it possible that I had been an evil, murdering TERF all along? How many trans people had I forced into suicide? I mean, I had plenty of trans friends and I supported them, told them I loved them no matter what, supported their political goals, respected their pronouns, tried to educate others on their behalf, went to some trans activist events, insisted their interests were part of feminism....but I did not think they had changed biological sex....

Naturally, this is when I found out I had been lied to all along about what a "TERF" is. I realized how little it takes to be called a TERF, that TERF was used to excuse violence, and that to call a woman a TERF is to prosecute her for thought crime. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was only able to see the madness of the movement when it was my twat on the chopping block. I had previously ignored and avoided anyone deemed a TERF and just accepted that they were awful people. I had to in order to a good libfem foot soldier. Everyone knows you aren't allowed to READ what these women write or HEAR what these women say, even if it's nothing to do with trans issues at all. They are permanently black balled from public discourse.

The issue of thought crime really planted the gender critical seed in my mind, but I kept trying to be a good little ally. I kept thinking that no one would KNOW I thought this and that the thought police were just extremists. Then, I tried to sit comfortably on the fence even though there was a huge post up my ass. I even tried to argue that there seem to be different levels of exclusion and some women don't believe in any exclusion of trans people, they just deep down in their hearts don't believe trans women and cis women are the same. Needless to say, that went over like a fart in church.

...and NO ONE deep down in their hearts sees trans woman as real women or trans men as real men. Whether they admit it is a different story, but I firmly believe NO ONE believes it. The ones that claim they do are just sparing themselves the agony of the Tranish Inquisition. This is why it is so crucial to prosecute thought crime, to suppress speech and writing, to threaten people who dare to be honest, to dehumanize people if they so much as retweet someone who dares to be honest.

The idea that you can commit violence by thinking a thought is beyond ludicrous...I mean, I know there was an episode of Voyager like that, but this is reality. Thankfully, trying to control thought is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube. A whole lot of people will get really tired of being told that they MUST adopt another's orthodoxy or they are literally the bastard love children of an orgy between Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Leopold II, and Saddam Hussein. Sooner or later, the levee will break...and when the levee breaks, mama, you've got to move!

closetedxxcishet, r/GenderCritical 7 Comments [11/8/2017 10:31:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133946


nimat shaheed Plus white skin (recession) is a result of mixing two species. They are unclean. Unauthorized by AHYH. Having melanated skin and textured hair are the default traits of the completed man, Adam. Therefor AHYH said of Noah's 3 sons, they represented Noah perfectly. Meaning, Shem Khem and Yiphat were perfect copies of Noah.?

YahSedQanu, Youtube 5 Comments [11/8/2017 10:30:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 133945

If there wasn’t a God, where does the desire to be moral come from?

nobamanomore, Free Republic 17 Comments [11/8/2017 10:30:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133940

[OP of "The Cure"]

The picture features the slogan "The cure for this sick society" in front of a background featuring a swastika and convicts shot by a firing squad

Valkynaz, Reddit - r/FULLFASCISM 11 Comments [11/8/2017 10:23:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 133939

We strive to study Marxism-Leninism as a science, and integrate it into the minute details of Australia’s conditions. We stand against dogmatism, that squeezes facts into theory, like huge feet forced into Cinderella’s glass slipper. The ultimate test is practise, whether the Australian people take up our ideas in struggle.

A CPA-ML Comrade, Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) 6 Comments [11/8/2017 10:22:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 133933

Muslims can be classified into two groups:

Group 1: Wants to cut your non-Muslim head off

Group 2: Doesn’t, but is OK with group 1 doing it

XX, Bare Naked Islam 16 Comments [11/7/2017 11:37:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133932

Perversion and evil are now “truth”. Mass media is fully corrupt. Every liberal is a violent totalitarian thug.

stinkerpot65, Free Republic 11 Comments [11/7/2017 11:35:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133931

You cannot be truly content without having a firm belief in al-Qada' wa-al-Qadar.

It is only through knowing that everything that happens to you is something that Allah swt has decided will happen to you, can we accept and use whatever happens as a source of strength and comfort.

The contentment felt by the kuffar is a fleeting, shallow sense of contentment that is incomparable to the contentment of knowing and understanding your Rabb.

The_Unseen_Hand, Ummah 7 Comments [11/7/2017 11:32:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133930

Earlier this year I covered a story of a black nationalist Muslim from Sudan who attacked, targeted and killed white Christians, this episode could be in a way in the same category: anti-christian.

Imagine if the shooter attacked a Mosque and killed tens of Muslims, what do you think the mainstream media would do? Cry about Islamophobia, blame Trump and white supremacy. But when churches are attacked? It’s just a criminal with a gun, let’s get gun control laws now! This is your mind on liberalism.

Christians are being killed all around the world on a daily basis but what we are being told every single day is that Islam is the most persecuted religion. Lies coming from our politicians who serve the globalist agenda, the same agenda that wants the great replacement to happen. Destroying Christianity is just one step towards the destruction of Western Identity.

FRANCESCO LATORRE, Forza Nuova USA 3 Comments [11/7/2017 11:32:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 133929

Really? I've never seen disbelievers as being happy. Allah (swt) says:

And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind."

How can you say the disbeliever is happy, because you saw them smile and live out a few pleasant moments in life? At the end of the day the best that can be said about most of them is that they are on the edge of a cliff with nothing but darkness to fall into. The atheists among them have this huge question mark on what will happen after their lives. They will cease to exist and death is not something they care to ponder over. And then those that were given scripture, the loops they have to jump through to overlook the gaping holes in their religions. The un-explained phenomenons, the tying of everything to their current situation (which btw your post hints of this too). Surely if good comes to them, it's because they're amazing. If evil befalls them, fear, God must be angry!

We as Muslims know that both good and evil are a test, they can be equally good and bad for you, especially being given wealth and power. If you do not pass that test and abuse that position, you have potential to be in the worst of places come the day of judgment, but a Christian, he will say God has smiled upon him, surely he is doing something right. Little do they know however.

Also I don't know where you are, but here in America I don't think I've seen a non-Muslim who gave me the impression that they were happy, ever. Rather their language is commonly angry and has profanity sprinkled over it like it's normal. Gossip and the discussion of others is very common. The situations they get themselves into thanks to their antics are beyond ridiculous, and while they laugh them off and to you they might seem uncaring, it really often is a humiliating thing they're not proud of deep down. Perhaps you are not seeing deep enough into these people and really taking things are the barest face value, but the matter is very obvious to me. The disbeliever is in darkness at the end of the day:

Or [they are] like darknesses within an unfathomable sea which is covered by waves, upon which are waves, over which are clouds - darknesses, some of them upon others. When one puts out his hand [therein], he can hardly see it. And he to whom Allah has not granted light - for him there is no light.

How can you then ever think that deep down they do not have fears, worries and anxieties? And in today's time, when all of them are in debt and paying off mortgages? His entire livelihood can be shattered in a day if he loses his job, the debts will pile up. They live on the edge in every sense of the word. Just because you see them laughing it off and enjoying some moments? And what about all the different insecurities that result due to their lifestyles? The mixing that can result in cheating? I've heard some non-Muslims in a conversation one time saying that a spouse that never cheats is a luxury, not a given. How many of their rich are suffering, just look at actors, and look at their politicians. You would think with piles of money you would not need to do drugs, frequent prostitutes and fall into scandal. But no, even with mountains of riches it's not enough.

Believe me, Islam is 100% correct in this matter and it is so obvious. A lot of times we read about things we will never see, like the punishments of old nations, or miracles, etc. But this is one of those things that really convince one of the truth of the Qur'aan.

The final nail in the coffin though is that on top of all the complete garbage that comes with the world today. On top of how things go wrong, lives lost, people get sick, on top of all this. It is the heaven of the disbeliever. This is what they settled for. Even if they had it all and really were as happy as you perceive them, this is all nothing in the end anyway. But... they don't even really enjoy it much here either.

But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except very little.

Ail, Ummah 8 Comments [11/7/2017 11:31:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133922

Lady Checkmate's headline: "After Tragedy: The World Attacks Prayer"

Carnal man wants to be his own god, he doesn't want to pray nor submit himself to God. He thinks he has it all figured out and can rectify things himself, but little does he know rat he's lost and desperate and in need of the only living God. Seek Jesus Christ. Pray always.

[What follows is quoted from another website, but Lady Checkmate doesn't indicate the source...most of the time it is Fox News]

Americans from all walks of life seem to always find a way to join hands in the face of adversity. In fact, it’s one of the most beautiful aspects of the American spirit. But with every new national tragedy, it seems that unifying spirit is a little weaker than before.

On Sunday morning, tragedy struck our great country once again. A gunman opened fire in a place of worship killing at least 26 people and wounding 20 in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Even more heartbreaking, eight of the 26 victims were members of the same family. Yet somehow, as our country mourns the loss of innocent life, there’s a new wave of indignation directed at people who dare to pray for the victims.

That’s right. As well-intentioned Americans pray for their countrymen who were just gunned down while worshipping God, gun control advocates are bashing them for their expression of faith. Here are just a few examples from my Twitter feed:

Consider this from Keith Olbermann:

Or, this profane statement from Star Trek actor Wil Wheaton:

It’s one thing to hold strong opinions about gun control. But it’s entirely different to direct anger towards people of faith after such a horrific tragedy. Just because you might not believe in prayer, doesn’t give you the right to publicly insult those who do.

In some ways, this outrage against prayer is emblematic of national trends. As America grows increasingly hostile to Christianity, inappropriate and insensitive rhetoric regarding expressions of faith has become more acceptable. It seems the same people who pride themselves on advocating religious and cultural “tolerance” are the least tolerant when it comes to American Christians.

Prayer has been a staple of the American experience since the founding of our nation. It’s why George Washington “fervently beseech[ed] the Almighty” in his farewell address. It’s why Abraham Lincoln constantly invoked the name of God in our nation’s darkest moments. It’s why every session of Congress still opens in prayer.

Prayer is a unifying force, especially in a country entrenched in political polarization. It’s a way of humbly admitting that as mere humans, we do not have all the answers. Prayer is an expression of hope that someday all of the world’s evils will come to an end.

No matter how great gun control advocates think their policies may be, you can’t legislate evil away. Certainly, it’s important that policymakers engage in productive dialogue about methods to help mitigate future violence. But the most perfect legislation (if one ever existed), still leaves our country in need of the Almighty.

As long as there is evil in this world, Americans should continue to exercise their right to pray for a brighter day. This is—no doubt—a troubling time for our nation. But it’s times like these that often bring forth the best that our nation has to offer. Slandering the faithful among us isn’t the path to a unified, peaceful America. We can do better.

Jeremy C. Hunt is a 24-year-old writer and commentator. He also serves as an active duty U.S. Army officer. Follow him on Twitter @thejeremyhunt. The views expressed in this article are those of Jeremy C. Hunt only and not those of the Department of Defense.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 20 Comments [11/7/2017 8:25:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 133919

this is what He told ALL of the disciples ........

Luke 22:35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.
Luke 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

"and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."

in other words ..... EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO GO NAKED ...... be ARMED ..........

Amos Moses - He>i, Christian News Network 13 Comments [11/7/2017 8:25:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 133918

Should we make home school compulsary and ban college so we stop Liberalism?
No, just get the governments noses out of schools and stop letting them be so controlling. If businesses did their business the way the government would, they would be out of business. The government doesn't have to make a profit, which screws things up when they interfere.
If teachers were forced to stick to teaching the courses rather than flooding young minds with propaganda, we wouldn't need to ban those educational opportunities.

???, Rose, ThomasS, Yahoo! Answers 20 Comments [11/7/2017 8:22:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 133914

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Texas church shooter Devin Patrick Kelley is an Atheist, served in Air Force, was court-martialed for assaulting wife, child"

(She has reproduced the Fox News story in its entirety, link is here: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/11/06/texas-church-shooting-who-is-gunman-devin-patrick-kelley.html)

Lady Checkmate:
Just as we assumed an alt-left, ANTIFA sympathizing Atheist.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 9 Comments [11/7/2017 8:16:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 133897

We are God's presence on this earth. Answers to prayer often come by motivating people to do His will. When I pray about a lost contact lens, I do not expect it to jump into my hand - I need to act in faith and allow God to guide me to find it. It is the same for many other prayers. When I pray for people in need, I will try follow what I feel God motivates me to do.

I know that the more affluent in society could do a lot more to help those less fortunate. There are many resources which could be used if people were motivated to use them more effectively to help those in need.

But there is another type of poverty which is much more difficult to deal with, and which ultimately has very dire consequences. This is the spiritual poverty which is becoming much more prevalent in the affluent west.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 6 Comments [11/7/2017 8:15:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: NeralySane

Quote# 133920

Vote NO Australia - Marriage Plebiscite, Vote NO Australia - Marriage Plebiscite 16 Comments [11/7/2017 5:36:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Chris

Rectal Statistics Award

For excellence in pulling numbers out of one's ass

Quote# 133916

Homosexuals are…
- 3% of the population
- 55% of HIV carriers
- 82% of syphilis cases
- 20% of HBV cases
- 37% of anal cancer
- 78% have had an STD

Of children raised by gay parents…
- 92% are abused
- 51% have depression
- 72% are obese

Data from:
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
D. Paul Sullins, “Invisible Victims: Delayed Onset Depression among Adults with Same-Sex Parents” Depression Research and Treatment, vol. 2016, Article ID 2410392, 8 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/2410392

apostalism, Tumblr 18 Comments [11/6/2017 3:45:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 133915

Nearly fifty years ago, the British agnostic Bertrand Russell penned these words: “There is one very serious defect to my mind in Christ’s moral character, and that is that He believed in hell. I do not myself feel that any person who is really profoundly humane can believe in everlasting punishment” (Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not a Christian).

Philosopher John Hick echoed those sentiments when he called hell “a perversion of the Christian gospel.” He believed the doctrine of hell attributed to God “an unappeasable vindictiveness and insatiable cruelty.”

We expect statements like that from fallen, unregenerate minds. But what do we do when we hear similar things from prominent, professing evangelical writers? “How can Christians possibly project a deity of such cruelty and vindictiveness whose ways include inflicting everlasting torture upon his creatures, however sinful they may have been? Surely a God who would do such a thing is more nearly like Satan than like God . . .” (Clark H. Pinnock, “The Destruction of the Finally Impenitent”).

It’s become popular today for professing evangelicals to join the ranks of Pinnock, atheists, and agnostics in protesting the doctrine of hell. They are preaching sermons, writing articles, and publishing books, and some are wandering into the comment threads of Christian blogs. Here’s a small sampling from Grace To You’s blog in our recent series on hell:

“What kind of God torments people for all eternity?”
“. . . Satan loves the false doctrine of eternal torment”
“[eternal torment is] cruel and unusual punishment”
“[eternal torment] makes God out to be a cruel tyrant,” “absolutely cruel and malevolent”
“How can you in your right minds even consider this to be justice?”
If the doctrine of hell as eternal, conscious torment hadn’t been the position of the Christian church for two millennia, it might be easy to think we’re seriously out of step—a bunch of mindless minions who worship a monster-god! But when you examine the biblical evidence, without an agenda, you’ll find we sound a lot like Jesus and the apostles.

So, how could someone who claims to be faithful to Scripture ridicule the idea of eternal punishment? What is at the heart of their rejection of a never-ending hell? It’s simple, really—they minimize the seriousness of human sin and guilt, and they distort the perfection of divine justice. That’s the crime of Protestant Liberalism and every false religion.

Minimizing the Sinfulness of Sin

To one degree or another, we’re all guilty of minimizing sin. I remember the first time I read the account of Lot’s wife. God turned her into a pillar of salt as she was leaving Sodom. Her crime? A backward glance (Genesis 19:26). Reading that story as an unbeliever provoked me to ask the question: “Was that really an offense worthy of death—turning your neck to take one final look at your home?” As I explored more of the Bible, other accounts of God’s judgment appeared equally capricious and severe to me.

Nadab and Abihu deviated from the priestly procedures. God consumed them with fire (Leviticus 10:1-2).
One man gathered wood on the Sabbath. God commanded Moses to stone him (Numbers 15:35).
Achan took a few forbidden items from the spoils of Jericho. God commanded Joshua to stone and then burn Achan along with his entire family (Joshua 7:24-25).
Uzzah kept the ark of God from falling into the mud by reaching out his hand and taking hold of it. God immediately struck him dead (2 Samuel 6:6-7).
Ananias and Sapphira lied to the apostles. God killed them both in front of the entire church. (Acts 5:1-10).
We often struggle to understand how something seemingly so trivial could enact such a severe judgment. Our flesh wants to cry out in protest, “That’s not fair!” But responses like that reveal our failure to grasp the depth of sin. We see only actions—a devoted father gathering firewood to keep his family warm; a zealous Israelite anxious to keep the Ark of God off the ground—but God sees things differently, more clearly, than we do. He sees our sin as insurrection, rebellion against His holiness (Exodus 31:14; Numbers 4:15). What’s more, He sees the hidden motives and intentions at the core of our actions (Matthew 5:28; Hebrews 4:12).

One of the most basic tenets of justice is that the punishment must fit the crime. So, if the ultimate punishment for those who die without Christ is hell, then what is the crime? What do men do to merit the eternal sentence of hell? Put plainly, they sin.

You may think that’s a small thing, but the way John MacArthur explains sin, it puts it in its proper perspective. Essentially, sin is “an act of treason against the Sovereign lawgiver and judge of the universe.” The Bible describes our sin as “rebellion,” “ungodliness,” “lawlessness,” “wickedness,” and an “abomination” (Leviticus 26:27; Isaiah 32:6; 1 John 3:4; Ezekiel 18:27; Proverbs 15:9). Sinners then, are traitors, refusing to love, thank, serve, and obey the God who gave them life, breath, and every good thing.

Sinners spurn God’s love, despise His sovereignty, mock His justice, and view His commands with contempt. They are thieves and murderers, stealing God’s glory and assaulting His holiness. In fact, as Martin Luther once remarked, if sinners had their way, they would dethrone and murder God, which is exactly what they did at Calvary (Acts 2:23). Viewed through the lens of Scripture, sin appears exceedingly sinful (Romans 7:13).

I find it ironic that those who protest the idea of eternal, conscious torment deride the doctrine with words like, “cruel,” “morally revolting,” “monstrous,” and “repugnant.” Why don’t they employ the same terms of outrage to describe sin? Simple: they fail to see as God sees. God finds our sin “cruel,” “morally revolting,” “monstrous,” and “repugnant,” and He’s absolutely right. If we can’t see our sin as God sees it, it stands to reason that we don’t see the just judgment of hell like He sees it either. We’re just going to have to trust Him.

Divine Justice

People who reject the doctrine of eternal hell also stumble over the justice of God. It seems unjust of God to cast someone into a lake of eternal fire for thirty years of sin. Is sin really that bad?

Yes, it is. In fact, you readily accept that there are escalating levels in the seriousness of offenses. For example, if you punch your neighbor, he may punch you back, slash your tires, or even report you to the police. If you assault your boss, he’ll fire you. If you strike a policeman, you’re in danger of getting tased, pepper-sprayed (or worse), and you’re definitely going to jail. Take it up a notch: if you even attempt to assault the President of the United States, you’re going to prison for a long, long time. And if you try those shenanigans with any other head of state, you’ll probably be executed.

Clearly, we live by an established principle—the seriousness of a crime is measured not only by its inherent nature, but also by the one offended. Furthermore, we readily accept the escalation of punishment, based on the status and position of the one offended. If that makes sense on a human level, why are we tempted to ignore the status and position of God? If we live by that principle on a horizontal level, why not on a vertical level?

Our sins have offended an infinitely glorious and holy Being, and punishment must correspond to that offense. God will by no means acquit the wicked (Exodus 34:6-7). He will give the unbeliever exactly what he deserves. Isaiah said “Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him” (Isaiah 3:11). God warned the children of Israel: “If you do not obey Me, but act with hostility against Me, then I will act with wrathful hostility against you, and I, even I, will punish you seven times for your sins” (Leviticus 26:27-28).

The righteous Judge of all the earth will one day rise up and call every creature into account (Genesis 18:25; Hebrews 9:27; 1 Peter 4:5). He will open the books and mete out a just sentence for every sinful thought, word, and deed (Romans 2:5; Revelation 20:13).

We’ve all assaulted God (Romans 3:23), and we all deserve hell. Reject Christ, and hell is exactly what you’ll get. God will rise up in judgment and cast all unbelievers into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14), and all creation will praise His justice. To accuse God of injustice for sentencing sinners to hell is the height of arrogance and audacity.

Yes, God’s judgment is unbearable, but it is never unjust (Genesis 4:13). And that is why “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).

Tommy Clayton, Grace To You 12 Comments [11/6/2017 3:44:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 133913

[=A comment on a video claiming "23 Minutes in Hell" is a Hoax=]

I believe Bill Weis and his encounter with Jesus and Hell. I don't understand why you are against his encounter? There have been many people who have died, literally for a certain amount of time, and then came back to life, and talked about hell. If you don't believe there are demons in hell tormenting people, you are deceived. The biggest lie the devil wants us to think are things like that (there is no torment, etc).?

Mike Joseph , Youtube  8 Comments [11/6/2017 3:18:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 133912

Extremist right-wing activist Theodore Shoebat responded to yesterday’s mass shooting at a church in Texas by posting a video on his website in which he said that atheists in America must be subjected to an inquisition and put to death.

Shoebat, who was featured in a radically anti-gay documentary in 2015 along with various Religious Right activists and Republican elected officials, declared that the fact that the man responsible for the deadly attack was reportedly an atheist shows that atheism represents a dire threat to Christians in America and must be dealt with harshly.

“Sodomites and atheists need to be purged from society,” Shoebat said. “Sodomites automatically need to be put to death, that’s a no-brainer because they have already committed the crime of homosexuality. Atheists, on the other hand, they need to be inquisited, bottom line. They need to be inquisited and I think that when you have atheist enclaves in society, when you have atheist strongholds in society, atheist establishments that are very influential and when you see how fanatic they are, how much they hate Christianity, how much they hate God, how much they hate the church, you really can’t tolerate people like that and those people need the death penalty.”

Theodore Shoebat, Right Wing Watch 16 Comments [11/6/2017 3:18:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 15
Submitted By: kuyohashi

Quote# 133909

I love reading the comments and watching people turn into screaming idiots driven entirely by the stupid emotional part of their brain that screams "WAAHH ITS A KID YOU MUST PROTECT THEM WAHH".

Yes. His ridiculous anti-prostitute agenda is disgusting, and so is his belief that child rapists should be vindicated if they pay the child money for sex. But so what? There have been, time and time again, fundies who have advocated far worse things haven't even got into the top 100:

93496: Thinks that atheists should be hunted like animals, with bounties given out for every atheist head collected.

102554: Thinks that atheists shouldn't have rights, and uses completely 100% made-up "statistics" to support that theory

108796 and many others: Thinks that Hitler should have won the war, killing every last Jew in existence.

All of these would have horrible, horrible implications for the world at large, and yet because they don't touch on loaded topics such as children they are completely ignored apart from a few snarky comments. Calm the hell down.

Heywood Jablome, FSTDT comments 2 Comments [11/6/2017 3:17:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 133907

The Dope says we should offer evil Muslum invaders “the warmth of the love of Christ”. He can sing praises of Muslums till the cows come home, but doesn’t change reality. If he didn’t have that wall to protect him, the Muslums would have already got him. This Dope works for the Muslums, not his Christian brethren. And by the way, Italy has been struggling with poverty & unemployment for a long time. That is why their birth rate has lowered. Not so Muslums could swarm in & drag their economy down further.

Az gal, Bare Naked Islam 5 Comments [11/6/2017 3:13:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133906

I am a 15-year-old practitioner who has been practicing Falun Dafa for the past two years. I would like to share some of my experiences in cultivation. My grandmother is also a Falun Dafa practitioner. One day, two years ago, she fell from the window ledge while cleaning the glass windows. She was sent to the hospital and we were told she had bone fractures. She treated herself as a practitioner and returned home without any medical treatment.

Through doing the exercises and reading the Fa everyday, she recovered. Unlike other people, my grandmother did not suffer from a lot of pain either. I personally witnessed how miraculous Dafa is and decided to be a practitioner. Soon after I took up the practice, a new Lunyu was published. Grandma encouraged me to memorize this new publication by Master Li (the founder the Falun Dafa). It took me two nights to remember the teachings by heart. I am now memorizing Zhuan Falun whenever I have time. A fellow practitioner said to me, “If you can memorize the entire book, it will be very admirable.” I want to be a person who is able to do that.

My grandmother holds a Falun Dafa study group at her place. Many people come together to read at night and I join them. I was quite diligent when I stayed with grandma. I looked within whenever I ran into problems and was strict with myself in following the principles of Dafa. Once someone hit me quite hard while I was at school. I did not retaliate. My classmates were surprised. In the past I would have reacted angrily if someone hit me, but now I am a practitioner. Master taught us not to fight back when beaten or sworn at. I smiled at my classmates and told them that I'm a changed person.

On another occasion, a close friend lost her temper with me all of a sudden. I was puzzled as I did not do anything to upset her. I responded by giving her the cold shoulder. At home while reading Zhuan Falun, I came across this paragraph:

“If the person did not create this situation for you, how could you upgrade your xinxing? If both you and I are nice to each other and sit there in harmony, how can it be possible to increase gong? It is precisely because that person has created this conflict for you that there is this opportunity to improve xinxing, and you can make use of it to upgrade your own xinxing. Isn’t your xinxing raised this way?”

I realized that my response to my friend was wrong, and that I had human attachments such as jealousy, competitiveness, showing off and resentment. I made up my mind to get rid of them. I am a Dafa practitioner and must act by making up with my friend tomorrow. The next morning, just as I was going to look for her, she came rushing to me smiling. She apologized for losing her temper and asked me to forgive her. I thought to myself, “I should thank you for giving me an opportunity to improve my xinxing.”

Upon returning to my parent's home, I lost the cultivation group environment. I slacked off, watching TV programs and played computer games. However, Master did not give up on me. Time and again, I saw Master in my dreams. I knew Master was encouraging me to be diligent. In one dream, I saw Master watching me while I did the exercises. My posture was wrong and Master lifted my arms up slightly. I heard the sound of my bones cracking. I felt very light and relaxed. Words cannot describe how wonderful it felt!

During another dream someone called me into a room, but it was locked and I could not go in. After I made several attempts to go in, the person finally opened the door using a fine toothpick. Upon entering, I saw Master and practitioners sitting inside. There was a spot next to Master. He looked at me and made a gesture for me to sit in the empty spot. I woke up from the dream and I was very grateful to Master for his compassion. I was not able to go into the room initially, but Master opened the door and offered me salvation just like so many other practitioners. He does not want to give up on anyone, but if you cannot let go of human attachments, how can he bring you home? I was in tears when I thought of this.

I had another dream where I was chased by a group of people. I climbed over a wall and saw a black car driving towards me. The car stopped and I was captured. I was very scared and shouted for Master to help me. Just then a gust of wind blew me away from the car and I was saved. I knew Master was constantly watching over his practitioner. He has given us too many things and the best way to repay him would be to do as he told us to.

Although I am a young practitioner, I feel that I should not miss the opportunity to talk to people about Dafa. Once a practitioner asked me if I wanted to come along with them to give out informational flyers. I said yes, but it was raining. I prayed for the rain to stop and in the end, it did not rain that night. We gave out all our flyers and helped people understand the facts about Falun Dafa.

Unknown author, Minghui 5 Comments [11/6/2017 3:13:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie