Quote# 133690

Pedastry is at the core of the “gay” culture. When I first moved to Toronto from a small town I was shocked at how openly homosexual men would parade around the Village with their boy toys. I had to meet a real estate agent at a coffee shop to sign papers and the place was full of young teen boys who were rented or kept by older men.

The authorities were well aware of the situation and were told by the political masters to turn a blind eye. When the age of consent in Canada was raised to 16, the homosexual lobby including a notorious Member of Parliament fought very hard to try to keep keep it at 14. It’s what they do.

littleharbour, Free Republic 7 Comments [11/1/2017 11:51:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133689

Regardless of what you think, abortion does not solve rape or poverty.

A poor woman getting an abortion doesn’t solve her poverty.

A woman who was raped getting an abortion doesn’t reverse her rape.

A woman in an abusive relationship getting an abortion doesn’t change her abuse, and in fact, it may help perpetuate it.

A woman getting an abortion because the child may be disabled doesn’t change stigma against the disabled or work towards bettering the lives of the disabled.

Abortion is not a solution to these problems, so stop pretending you care about poor women or sexually assaulted women by convincing them to get abortions. How is it “pro-choice” when a woman is financially unstable and must kill her own child? How is it “pro-choice” when a woman is raped and no one will emotionally support her? How is it “pro-choice” when a woman is abused and can’t choose to give birth to her baby? Where were her choices?

Nowhere, because abortion doesn’t solve these issues so STOP PRETENDING IT DOES. Abortion is wrong in its nature, of course; it also doesn’t even help the problems it claims to solve. So stop touting that it’s “for the poor! the underprivileged! the abused! the raped!” Because its not. If you result supported choice, you’d do everything in your power to help these women give birth to their babies instead of telling them abortion is their only choice. Because that isn’t pro-choice at all.

#abortion #politics

madameliberty, Tumblr 14 Comments [11/1/2017 11:51:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 133686

Wolves in sheep’s clothing

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15

I recently received an email from one of our Christian brethren regarding him being banned from a supposedly fundamental Christian forum. The said Christian was seeking fellowship with those truly Saved, but as often happens, the said “fundamental” forum was anything but fundamental. Such is no surprise to the Christian, and the Bible warned us about the abundance of those carrying falsehoods. And we see it even amongst those claiming to be fundamentalist and Bible believing.

False Christians and their organizations, such as false churches, forums, preachers are rarely difficult to identify. Any of the following is a dead giveaway:

Use of false Bibles (anything that’s not AV1611).
Allowing women the authority to preach, teach, or moderate men.
Promoting carnal relations.
Opposing Biblical teachings such as TULIP, Ps. 5:5, etc, even after being shown the Biblical evidence.
Acceptance of modernist standards that run contrary to the Biblical standards, e.g. men having long hair, women wearing pants, opposition to disciplining children.

There are a number of prominent internet forums that fit the bill and no real Christian should accept these in fellowship. Here’re some of the known ones:

The Fighting Fundamental Forums, http://www.fundamentalforums.org . These folks do not believe the Christian Bible, are full of pride and deceipt, accept modernist standards and carnality, and allow females authority that the Bible prohibits them to have. One of the most anti-Christian individuals there is a moderator called “Ransom”– real name Scott McClare — a Canaandian “pastor” of a false church, supporter of Moohamadanism, a Bible hater, and a slanderer on his way to Hell. We must pray for these pagans to find the true Jesus and be truly Saved in His name.
http://www.onlinebaptist.com Some posters there can be reasoned with, but most, including moderators–some of whom are female–reject Biblical teachings. If coming with a true Christian perspective on things, then expect to be attacked for espousing Biblical views on child discipline, the role of women, doctrines such as TULIP, and others that conform to Biblical standards.
Rapture Ready forum. http://www.rr-bb.com These satanists reject many Biblical doctrines, female moderators, abundant heresy.

As it is, there are many more false Christian preachers and organizations, e.g. Steven Anderson, Hellsboro “Baptist” Church, Lieberty University, Bob Jones University. As always when encountering those claiming to be Christian, we need to do what the Bible teaches–judge them. It is only if they are judged to be Biblical that we can accept them as our Elect brethren.

Praise and Glory!

Pastor Jerry Dixon, Pastor Jerry Dixon 18 Comments [11/1/2017 8:53:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 133685

Oh wow, a Muslim went and killed a bunch of Democrats (Hillary Clinton won 87 percent of the vote in Manhattan last year).

Why should I care?

The people who died today want to deprive me of employment and throw me in prison for "hate speech."

They are reaping what they have sown.

Matt Forney, Gab 10 Comments [11/1/2017 8:53:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 133684

[From "Why you should see a Naturopathic Doctor if you have breast cancer"]

Oncology is one of the few areas in which NDs are becoming board certified. Naturopathic oncologists work in both hospital oncology settings and in private practices. One of the most common questions I receive when telling people of my profession is this: “As a naturopathic doctor, what is your role in the treatment of breast cancer?” Hopefully I can answer that here.

Based on current research, the best medical approach for patients with cancer is to utilize both standard medical care from your oncologist and medicine that supports your body’s natural defenses and recovery systems, otherwise known as naturopathic medicine. Do you know what actually cures cancer? Although radiation and chemotherapy may be an integral part of your breast cancer treatment, they are not what cures cancer. They only weaken it as much as possible in order to help your body overcome it. At the end of the day, it is your immune system that actually conquers cancer.

Therefore, one of the most important aspects of my job is to develop a plan to optimize your immune system’s functioning. In addition, I also ensure that the rest of your body is working optimally by supporting you in the following ways: pre and post biopsy and surgery to minimize side effects and boost recovery time, reducing the side effects and increasing the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and helping you to better deal with the mental-emotional aspects of breast cancer. This combination of naturopathic medicine and conventional treatment helps women fight cancer more effectively and increases their well-being.

So, what do the oncologists think of all this? Well, if they work at Cancer Treatment Centers of America or a hospital with NDs on staff, they should at least understand some of the basics of what NDs can do. Most oncologists, however, are unaware of the role that diet, dietary supplements and other naturopathic therapies play in a cancer treatment program for the following reasons. First, they have not received any formal education in these topics, leaving them in the dark about the many benefits of concurrent naturopathic treatment. Second, they are not legally allowed to recommend any cancer treatments other than surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and drug therapy without greatly risking the loss of their medical license. As a result, they are doing the best that they can, but are often worried that certain diets, nutraceuticals, herbs and other treatments I prescribe may negatively impact their conventional medical treatments. They shouldn’t worry. As a licensed naturopathic doctor, I am a trained expert in the use of alternative medicine. It is my job to understand what they have not been taught and to utilize my knowledge to help women best conquer breast cancer.

Dr. Heather Barrett, ND, Walnut Creek Naturopathic 13 Comments [11/1/2017 8:53:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 133682

That queer leftist feel when you’re normally grossed out by both the idea and display of wealth as a capitalist metric of attractiveness, but the guy dressed to the nines and driving the new convertible with the top down was actually really good looking and you openly stare despite yourself…

(Before we say anything about why am I drooling over rich white people, if I had to guess, he was West Asian, which makes him a lot more appealing than a member of the oppressor caste)

#personal #queer men #mlm

angry-old-asian-man, Tumblr 6 Comments [11/1/2017 8:53:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 133681

[On the song "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen]

Satanists / Luciferians turn everything upside down. In their world view, God enslaved the human race by keeping them ignorant, and eating from the Tree of Knowledge broke them free of His control. To them, this is what breaking the chains means. In the music video I posted earlier, "It's my time", and "Now's my time to shine", is basically Lucifer's rebellion in a nutshell. This is put into context with the goat heads on the walls.

Another major theme of the video was the sexualization of children. In or near the line "I'll take everything that comes my way, there's no highs without the lows", the back mask, if the Youtuber is correct, is "looks like there's some hoes in this...", and then one of the male's back mask is "..gets the money.." Not much to go on by itself, especially if one doesn't agree that that's what's really being said when played backwards. However, context is everything. The background of the video is replete with dots inside circles, which represents sexual copulation. It also lines up with the allegations against certain producers.

Ain, Vox Popoli 7 Comments [11/1/2017 8:53:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 133678

Of course I believe that God intended us to be His creation. Common sense tells me that billions of years of random, unguided, aimless forces could produce nothing but a chaotic goo - even with the right ingredients. I see human scientific investigation as being just an an insight into God's creative genius.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 9 Comments [11/1/2017 8:46:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 133677

Christianity (as well as some of the other religions) has established conditions that undermine the long term health and survival of the planet. The major driver is its influence on world population- starting with the efforts to ban abortion and limit the use of contraceptives, in addition to encouraging families to have lots of children (especially Catholics and Mormons).

It has also desensitized the public and public officials to the threat of climate change, mostly because it instills the idea that God will not let the planet get out of hand and that, anyway, Jesus is coming soon, so why worry about the distant future? Christians have been at the forefront of an effort to limit discussion of climate change in the educational sector.

Furthermore, Christianity tends to downplay the importance of species survival in favor of using the natural resources 'God' has provided- i.e. coal, logging, drilling oil.

One need look no further than the Christian-laden Trump administration in the United States, with their focused anti-environmental policies, to see that Christian belief, along with naked greed, is fueling the next wave of planetary abuse.

So, should we just live and let live, or address Christianity in whatever way possible to see it shrink in numbers? I used to say live and let live.....now, I say live and let die.

pennylanebarbershop, r/atheism  11 Comments [11/1/2017 8:46:40 AM]
Fundie Index: -7

Quote# 133674

This is a function of the genetic and cultural distances between the host and minority peoples. The smaller the distance(s), the greater the percentage of said minorities that can co-exist peacefully and prosperously with the dominant host population.
Take Chinese society for example. Officially the country has 56 recognized ethnicities, with the Han being the dominant one at ~90%, followed by 55 minorites of varying sizes. With the exception of a few miniscule ethnic groups such as the Russians, Tatars & Tajiks, the rest at least all still belong to the Mongoloid race; the Uyghurs, a quite large minority is an exception to this exception, and will be further explained below. Additionally many of the more populous ethnic minority groups have become so assimilated/integrated into the mainstream Han society that they don't even have a separate language in use, such as the Manchus, the Huis, etc. The Hui people, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group, also provide a good contrast to the Muslim Uyghurs, who are a Caucasoid and Mongoloid admixed population, mentioned earlier. The Huis are peaceful, and well integrated (though not fully assimilated, as they still keep their own customs), whereas the Uyghurs represent a constant terrorist and separatist threat; many go to join Islamic extremist groups in the Middle East to train, then return to China to further their agenda via violence. It's not a coincidence that the former is ~93% Han in their ancestry (the remaining coming from West Eurasian traders who have traveled the Silk Road throughout the centuries), and the latter is only ~50% East Asian in ancestry.

JCCheapEntertainment, Reddit 0 Comments [11/1/2017 8:46:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 133651

I’ve been convinced for a while now that they are going to be ones that start it. One day, Trump is just going to say, “No.”

And, then he’ll be impeached, but that’s beside the point. They’re pushing so hard, and it’s going to result in the Executive Branch finally saying to piss off.

Then, with those doors open, the libs will seize the opportunity to ignore all court rulings against THEM, make a huge attempt at a power grab, which will probably entail going for everyone’s guns first like proper fascists and communists, and then it will be on.

They’re going to lead to the erasure of any semblance of law and order in this country, but then they’re going to find out who actually owns all the guns. We’re getting really close to the point where to avoid a full-on violent civil war, it would be highly preferable to functionally erase (even just a few of) these little pretend dictators through almost whatever means necessary. To avoid untold numbers of casualties when it becomes too late.

According2RecentPollsAirIsGood, Free Republic 17 Comments [11/1/2017 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 133665

"Self-critical confrontation" of Islam

From the Muslims the Bishop demands a self-critical confrontation with their "religion".

Such a demand in the context of Islam proves that either someone is unknowledgeable on the matter or that he has to deal with a certain disorientation like previously stated. Since Islam is not a religion, but a holistic ideology, inclusive of a strict everyday law in the form of the Sharia, such a suggestion is unachievable. After all, laws, regardless of whether they are viewed critically or not, for those that take them seriously not negotiable, but only executable. And this is why Islam, which on all other matters is exactly as obviously Bedford-Strohm with its calls to politics, doesn't maintain the separation of church and state.

Original German:
„Selbstkritische Auseinandersetzung“ des Islam

Von den Moslems verlangt der Bischof eine selbstkritische Auseinandersetzung mit ihrer „Religion“.

So eine Forderung im Zusammenhang mit dem Islam zeugt entweder von Unkenntnis der Materie oder ist ebenso wie das vorangegangene einer gewissen Desorientierung geschuldet. Da der Islam keine Religion, sondern eine ganzheitliche Ideologie, inklusive einer strikten Alltagsgesetzgebung in Form der Scharia ist, ist ein derartiges Ansinnen nicht realisierbar. Gesetze sind nämlich, egal ob man sie kritisch betrachtet oder nicht, für diejenigen, die sie ernst nehmen nicht verhandel-, sondern lediglich exekutierbar. Und ganz genau das macht der Islam, der im Übrigen ganz genau wie offensichtlich Bedford-Strohm mit seinen Zurufen an die Politik, nichts hält von der Trennung von Kirche und Staat.

L.S. Gabriel, PI News 6 Comments [11/1/2017 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 133672

Do you really think that your your little kid understands 'honor' and 'obedience' out of love and respect the same way they understand the physical displeasure of discipline for not doing what is told to them?

I'm thinking that it is better to have you child/ren be afraid of you bringing a spanking rather than then not fearing you or respecting/honoring/loving you more than their own will/want and desires for whatever reason/excuse they may have at that time that can get them hurt faaaaaaar worse than a spanking.

Obviously, every child gets to an age where using physical discipline gets to be counterproductive and. Thus using other means to get their attention becomes far more reasonable than any physical correction.

Clayton Gafne Jaymes, Patheos 15 Comments [11/1/2017 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 133673

Bullshit. Hell isn't cruel. God decides what is moral. Not you guys.

Yes, hell is forever. What is it like? Emotional, mental, and physical torment, forever and ever. A trillion years are not even a second. People are already there, begging for another chance, but they already had a chance. They're going to stay there, forever.

Many people had visions of hell. Demons came and told us about hell. One South Korean made a documentary of her experience In hell. One punishment for men for sexual sins are animals gnawing on your genitials. Bestiality will have demons twist your body until you drip blood. Blasphemy will have your tokngues nailed onto a table and lava poured onto them. Forever and ever... Masturbation will have your penis sliced... Over and over...

You guys ridicule and scoff at what I'm saying now, but you'll see. Satan has decided you.

A demon on the April and Wayne show described the worms in hell. Exorcized people on Emmanuel TV described hell. Many MANY revelations.

Cruel, unbearable torture.. For ever and ever. Never ending. You all are going to end up that way if you do t repent. You say a moral god wouldntmdo that? God makes the morals! You don't!

GoodFight310, RationalWiki 28 Comments [11/1/2017 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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