Quote# 134728

(commenting on story "Jim Nabors dead; star best known as Gomer Pyle was 87")

Doug Bristow:
I thought very highly of Jim Nabors but I take issue with this article that refers to his "husband". Nabors did not have a husband, he had a boyfriend. I take issue with this because it is just more of the left's softening and changing morality through acceptance of it and changing the true meaning of words to describe it.

Lady Checkmate:
Agreed. I'll correct that now

Doug Bristow:
It is not your fault it is the way it was released by Fox News.

Lady Checkmate:
Yep, and it slipped by me, but thankfully you caught it.

Doug Bristow, Disqus - News Network 16 Comments [12/1/2017 11:11:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 134726

I haven’t been feeling too “American” lately. Let me explain why. I was born in 1951, only six short years after America completed the task of making half of Europe and much of the world safe for Communism. Since that time, some 64 years, America has continued to clear the path for that alien ideology by becoming the biggest and most influential promoter of Political Correctness, or what ought to be called Cultural Marxism. This is not my ancestors’ country.

The American Empire, which destroyed my South over the course of a century (the 1860s to the 1960s), has moved on to destroying bigger things–the rest of the world. Now, I’m very much aware that many of you will say, “But America has always been a force for good in the world, defeating tyranny and spreading democracy everywhere!” But reality tells a different story.

America stands for the projection of raw power for its own benefit. It does not propagate the Christian gospel nor does it seek to preserve traditional nations and cultures, especially those of the white Western world that used to be known proudly as Christendom. No, America is a destroyer of true nations and traditions, all in the name of “progress.” American is, in reality, a huge experiment in Enlightenment liberalism gone completely haywire.

As a traditional Christian Southerner, I want no part of “America.” I’m not talking about a particular piece of land in the western hemisphere; rather, I am talking about an idea, a proposition, a regime, a way of life. I am a Southerner, an old-fashioned Christian. The status of “American” is my antithesis.

Now before you tell me to “Love it or leave it” and pack up and move somewhere else, let me explain. The South, Alabama in particular, is my home. It is also a captive colony of this American monstrosity. Yes, many of our citizens have, wittingly or unwittingly, embraced Americanism for either survival or profit. I have not, and I intend to convince my fellow Southerners to join my side. I do not intend to leave Alabama or the South. Nor do I intend to leave them in the clutches of America. I intend to fight, and if necessary kill and die, for their survival, well-being, and independence.

I intend to use this website and other means at The League’s disposal to point out why the South cannot and must not remain under America’s control.

Michael Hill, League of the South 22 Comments [12/1/2017 8:05:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 134725

A US company has introduced a “snowflake test” to weed out overly sensitive, liberal candidates who are too easily offended.
The test includes questions such as “What does America mean to you?” and “When was the last time you cried and why?”. Many questions are designed to assess a candidate’s stance on America, police, and guns.
Someone who’s not proud to be an American is immediately out of the running, as are people who don’t support the Second Amendment right to bear arms, said Kyle Reyes, who created the test.
“A snowflake is somebody who is going to whine and complain and come to the table with nothing but an entitled attitude and an inability to back their perspective.” Mr Reyes told Fox News.
“We use the test to weed out the sort of people who were inundating us with resumés and didn’t even know what we did.”
Mr Reyes said the tactic had been successful - 60 per cent of applicants to his marketing company drop out when they hear about it.
In a YouTube video about his company, Mr Reyes fires guns and speaks to an injured war veteran before turning to the camera to talk directly to “whiny, entitled” millennials.
He warns them: “You’re young, you’re ignorant, you’re brainwashed by liberal professors who didn’t tell you that in the real world, the only “safe space” is in your parents’ basement.”
The company boss said his test has been popular because, “people are sick and tired of having to be so politically correct”. Other firms have contacted him looking to implement similar guards against hiring snowflake candidates, but most are too scared, he added.
Asked about potential discrimination lawsuits, the CEO said: “There’s no discrimination here, this is nothing more than a glorified personality test.”

Kyle Reyes, The Independent 20 Comments [12/1/2017 8:05:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 134724

2 Timothy 3:7 "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." This verse applies to the so called learned "Dr." Michael Heiser. Despite the many verses in Genesis, Isaiah and other parts of the Old Testament that prove God's flat earth truth (flat, circular, stationary and is the center of our "universe") and no verse saying the earth is a ball or sphere as per Galileo, Copernicus, Roman Catholic Church, and NASA or pear shape as per Neil de Grasse Tyson, Michael Heiser thumbs his Hebrew nose at Jehovah and says God is a liar.

Be forewarned, Michael Heiser, because on Judgment Day before Jesus, you will have to answer to Jesus for misleading millions of atheists who will end in the lake of fire just like you will. You are not a believer in Jesus Christ as your Savior because you mocked God and the Old Testament.

Leo Wong, Dr. Michael S. Heiser 8 Comments [12/1/2017 8:05:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 134723

On Sunday, I heard on my Catholic radio station(it's local and mostly has EWTN programs), a commentator who was in shock that Halloween had passed Christmas in popularity. Not only was he in shock, but he failed to see both the reasons and the best response that Christians in general could have.

I'm going to start with looking at the reasons. First, more and more people are nones. That is not to say atheists, but rather that they posses no faith. There's also been a rise in wiccan and other pagan belief systems, including the hedonist form of Satanism(I'll not discuss the diabolic version).

How many years have teachers and parents been telling children, at least in the United States of America, "You can be anything when you grow up."? And slowly, when they reach adulthood(not maturity), it is uncovered for the lie it is. Still, the lie is attractive, and also attractive is the occasion of celebration.

But the celebration of religious holy days and festivals is largely a foreign concept, especially when one looks at the family problems of the day. When kids start seeing all the problems of Christmas and Thanksgiving in coordination at both mom and dad's houses, and want stability instead, the concept is undermined. Yes, further than the materialistic nature Christmas has taken on more and more.

Since family has been destroyed as a concept for many, there's the attractiveness of celebration with friends. And while holy days are indeed appropriate to share in feasting, they've already been poisoned in many minds and hearts. And Halloween in the minds of the nones has nothing to do with faith, after all, it's been associated with witches and horror for ages in pop culture.

Enough discussion of the causes. Let's look at what the response should have been, and can still become.

First, We should start calling the day by it's proper name: All Hallow's Eve. Names are words of spiritual power, or Christ would not have asked the names of the demons possessing people. Also, note Adam's first job: naming everything. When you name something, and it responds, you have gained some control over it. Some may call this magic, but music and art have similar effects on the soul, that are ultimately inexplicable by "science".

The second part has some progress made already, albeit in a less widespread form than we need. Presentation of heroes of faith. I put it that way, for two reasons. The first being that Protestants don't recognize saints as such, and the second being that there are many heroes of faith not thus honored in Catholic or Orthodox traditions.

We are seeing well written novels come out that respect faith, and "Christian" movies are starting to get the need for less insular audiences as well. Who's missing? The commentators and populizers. But I don't think it's for the same reasons quite as conservatives. Some may be due to ignorance, some due to a rejection of portrayal of sin, which is lying to ourselves. We are fallen, and have redemption only as a gift.

And I have seen many push the idea of reading only old books, and the superiority of old art, etc. But the problem there is, if they won't help with supporting the new works, the restoration they desire will never happen; art needs funding. You want to replace modern garbage with real art? Put up or shut up. Enough with the navel gazing superiority.

When you play Social Justice, the world loses.

Alfred Genesson, The Injustice Gamer 7 Comments [12/1/2017 8:04:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 134694

For nearly the entirety of its history, the Soviet Union prosecuted homosexuality as a felony. Silence in the West.

The Russian Federation now restricts the propagation and promotion of homosexuality among children, and treats it as a misdemeanor, and they are the worst thing since Hitler enslaved negroes to build the pyramids without straw. Horse puckey.

More puke thought from the degenerate Transnationale. May God reward them as they deserve.

Psalm 144, Free Republic 8 Comments [12/1/2017 8:04:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 134689


The ‘Antifa’ dress in black, wear masks and resort to physical violence. They use force to silence those with whom they disagree. They consider anyone to the right of Lenin to be ‘Nazis,’ while they engage in brown shirted, Hitler-like tactics themselves. They are most likely funded by the globalist George Soros. His job is to stir up strife and conflict. He enjoys keeping populaces distracted by means of hate and violence while he and his ilk advance their plans for a one-world government.

Once a haven for free speech, Berkeley has now become a giant safe space where uniform thinking is encouraged. After all, free speech is extremely dangerous. Why? Because it might hurt someone’s feelings! Feelings are now more important than facts and logic on too many college campuses. The Berkeley faculty and campus police seem to favor the Antifa. Instead of headlong debate, heads are getting hit with bike locks—and the Antifa culprits get away with it.

These spoiled brats apparently think they’re leading a cultural Marxist revolution. They had better not escalate the situation further. If there is gun play, a great many conservatives will fight back. I hope that doesn’t happen. We already have a cold war of sorts between the blue and red states. We don’t need an escalation into a hot war.

It’s time for far-left colleges to practice what they’re preaching. Namely, they need to start being more ‘inclusive’ and embrace ‘diversity.’ This means including even (gasp!) white, male conservatives. Welcome all voices to the debate table, not only those who recite the usual politically correct narrative by rote. Give others who aren’t socialists a chance to be heard. Don’t be afraid to engage in rational discourse. It might end up challenging and expanding minds. Isn’t that what college is for?

Ben Garrison, Grrr Graphics 15 Comments [12/1/2017 8:04:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus
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