Quote# 124167

How the fuck do the majority of guys manage get laid?

It blows my mind how most guys out there have lost their virginity. What the FUCK??? The steps for getting laid are so exhausting, perilous, and require such adept skill that I can't believe that the average guy can commit to an effort like this and succeed.hard and get a good job and would rather play video games and smoke weed. They're also generally too lazy to workout with any regularity and most I see are in terrible shape. The work ethic and motivation of the average guy is piss poor, yet somehow they're able to satisfy the long list of requirements to get a gf, which are harder than getting a good job, or getting ripped.

How does this happen?

(Response by SpaceWizardFour20)

They are born knowing the exact series of steps needed to accomplish that goal, the rest of us haven't a clue. I wish an intelligent normie would write us an instruction manual on how to get laid, but I have yet to find one willing to spread such important knowledge.

(Response by Incel4Life)
Most guys go to very great lengths to satisfy their biological urge to put their penis in a pussy. Most average looking guys just hit on and WK obese women until one agrees to have sex. They do get laid, but they put an incredible amount of energy into it, and the women they get are uglier than themselves and are obese.

Most incels are incel because either 1) they don't want to spend 3/4 of their free time chasing obese women, or 2) they are in the bottom 30% in terms of male attractiveness, which means there are literally zero women that are willing to sleep with them.

incelcuck5555, SpaceWizardFour20 and Incel4Life, /r/incel 38 Comments [2/2/2017 2:29:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124166

Liberals are like a cult. They claim to be loving, tolerant, and inclusive to draw people in. Then after years of brainwashing, we are now seeing their true colors and their true goals. We can see that promoting their agendas is the most important thing. And people are just puppets that they use to do this. And if they can't indoctrinate someone, they will be on the receiving end of all their hateful and spiteful vindictiveness. How long will it be till their violence escalates?

Susie, Yahoo! Answers 15 Comments [2/2/2017 2:28:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 124163

[Berkeley, California riot]

I am livid tonight by what I’m seeing on the Cal campus.

Protests turned violent this evening because of a planned talk by a guy named Milo Yiannopoulos.

But what really makes me angry is that at one point so called anarchists showed up and attacked one of our reporters.

Don’t worry she’s okay.
I'll explain what happened to her in a moment.

The speaker Milo Yiannnopoulos is very controversial.
He says a lot of things that are designed to provoke.
Other would say his words are designed to hurt.

Protesters wanted to keep him from speaking this evening and they were successful.
His speech was cancelled because of the violence.

I find it ironic that Cal was at the forefront of the free speech movement back in the 60s.

Yet tonight the protest at Cal kept someone from exercising his right to free speech.
Just because they “disagree” with what he’s saying.

(For the record I'm in no way trying to defend what he says I'm only trying to defend his right to say it)

It appears that everything went to hell when the anarchists arrived.
They were the ones dressed in black with hoodies and masks on their faces.

Breanna Simmons messaged me and said:

"I'm a student protestor who was there.
It was completely peaceful until a group of people in black masks showed up.
It was them who started throwing rocks/eggs/fireworks and were breaking windows."

And those so called anarchists came prepared.
One even had a makeshift shield.

They picked up police barricades and used them as battering rams to break windows.

They also set a portable light and generator on fire.

And at one point they attacked our reporter Debora Villalon.
They threw a paint ball at her covering her with red paint.
She says it was pretty scary.

They also pepper sprayed a young woman giving an interview to a local TV station.
And I've seen what pepper spray can do.
It's not pretty.

I’d like to know what makes those protesters/anarchists think that doing that is okay?

I’d like to know what gives THEM the right to break windows and throw paint on one of our reporters.

Make no mistake.
I have no issues with protests.

I grew up in Berkeley.
I marched in anti-Vietnam war protests during the 60’s.

But I draw the line when it comes to violence.
And I especially draw the line when they attack one of our reporters.
Or pepper spray a young woman giving an interview.

Quite frankly I think that’s disgusting.

Anarchist rioters, Facebook 24 Comments [2/2/2017 12:04:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 124162

Police say a man punched a suburban Pittsburgh officer who was sitting in a parked police cruiser then yelled "Black Lives Matter" as he was taken into custody in Bellevue.

Twenty-three-year-old Domenick Hoy has been jailed on aggravated assault, resisting arrest and other charges pending a preliminary hearing April 7.

Bellevue police say Hoy was running and screaming toward the officer's car as it was parked across from the police station on Thursday night. When the officer rolled down his window to ask Hoy what was wrong, police say the Bellevue man punched the officer, breaking his nose.

Domenick Hoy, WTAE 12 Comments [2/2/2017 12:03:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 124161

[What phrase instantly makes you strongly dislike someone?]

"I identify as" or "My PGPs are" whatever. You're taking a real medically diagnoseable condition, and trivializing it with made up garbage and creating a stigma around it. There are two genders, and your extra bullshit makes it hard on transgender people who actually have gender dysphoria.

Katrina Alexa, Facebook 13 Comments [2/1/2017 9:34:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 124160

(A few comments on Breitbart upon finding out the shooter was a white Trump supporters. Had to flip a coin for where.)

Cody Rethman: He should have bought a slide fire stock$120. He should have bought a few flashbangs $24. He should have bought a hundred Rd drum mag $90. Also of that is legally and easy to buy. He should have practiced more. I mean realistically practiced not like normal suggestions you get from all the joeshmos that say" go get you one box of ammo and go plink at stationary targets at a public range

Free2say:Damn,too bad he didnt take more with him.NEVER TRUST A MUSLIM

Cody Rethman & Free2say, Breitbart 18 Comments [2/1/2017 9:31:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Cutup

Quote# 124158

(responding to story "Trump Administration to Keep Intact Obama Order on Homosexual, Transgender Protections"):

If someone is mentally unstable, would you hire them?

"No, but what does that have to do with homosexuals?"

No you wouldn't but other's are supposed to? Yes, gays and the gender confused are mentally unstable - hypocrisy at it's finest.

"And can you find one, single, solitary medical opinion that agrees with you? No, of course you can't. Clearly you're as into "alternative facts" as your new president is."

Common sense is on my side despite the feel-good lies of the hypocritical left.

Oboehner, Christian News Network 18 Comments [2/1/2017 9:06:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 124157

[On a proposal for large amounts of women to refuse to work until single payer is passed]

More jobs for men so they can support their families. Stay home if you want

Richard Laska, Facebook 7 Comments [2/1/2017 9:06:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 124154

[Article "Nanking Massacre"]

The central issues surrounding the historical verification of the Nanking Incident are as follows.
• As a preface, there are very few images that have been definitively linked to the Nanking Massacre, but there are very many false or fabricated images distributed for the purposes of propaganda. Japanese revisionists are often objecting to the use of incendiary images, similar to fabricated Holocaust photos, which pollute legitimate historical discourse.
• In Japanese, the phrase "Nanking Massacre" is literally translated using the kanji characters "Great Slaughter in Nanking" (?????). The use of the "Great Slaughter" propaganda phrase is associated with the Communist Party and support for the Chinese government claim of 300,000 killed. But it is a well known fact, acknowledged by accredited scholars from many countries, that historical documentation cannot justify the enormous number of 300,000 deaths. The scholarly consensus is between 13,000 and 42,000 total people killed. (source) Therefore, many Japanese politicians avoid the term "Great Slaughter". Biased Western media report on this as "denying the massacre", even if they are in fact acknowledging that tens of thousands of people were murdered; see, for example, the reporting on Shintaro Ishihara (source).
• If those killed were civilians, we would expect to see many women and children among them. But in fact, only 0.3% of victims are recorded as having been women and children. The vast majority of recorded deaths were adult men.
• Western observers in Nanking witnessed Chinese soldiers changing into plain clothes, Chinese soldiers killing civilians, and Chinese soldiers killing other soldiers. The Chinese army in Nanking was in a state of chaos. This Japanese nationalist website provides many primary sources attesting to this. An army in a state of chaos can easily rack up enormous casualties, as was seen on the Eastern Front in World War II.
• All of this context is public knowledge in Japan, but it is censored in China. The Chinese Communist Party officially promotes the following myths, which can be seen at the museum about the incident in Nanjing: (1) that most photos purporting to be of the incident are real, (2) that no fewer than 300,000 people were killed, (3) that the vast majority of them were civilians, and (4) that all killings were done by bloodthirsty Japanese and none came at the hands of China's own soldiers.

There are a wide variety of opinions about the Nanking Incident in Japan, including some who endorse the Chinese narrative, but the general historical consensus remains unknown to the West.

Metapedia, Metapedia 9 Comments [2/1/2017 9:06:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 124151

I Apologize to You God

I apologize to you God for the way we mistreat you in America. We are wasteful people, throwing 14% of our food into the garbage, while children in Haiti eat mud to survive. We use kitty-litter made from corn for our pets to poop in, while 18,000 children die from starvation every day in the world. Something is very wrong with us. We curse in your holy name without fear nor gratitude for your blessings. We complain about everything, demanding our rights to live in sin. We mock you and blaspheme Your holy character on Late Night shows, portraying the Son of God as a homosexual voyeur.

Our women dress and behave like whores, many of whom are whores, claiming it is Your will. Country singer, Taylor Swift is a disgrace to the United States, being honored when she ought to be shamed for her sinful lewdness on TV. Lesbians are getting married, starting so-called Lesbian Christian ministries, and are saying that You approve of this abomination. I'm sorry, Oh Lord. Where will this insanity lead? America is beautiful no more. Our pastors are saying “gay is ok.” Some pastors are saying that the election of Barack Obama, a Godless Communist who supports abortion and homosexuality, is “wonderful.” Other pastors are saying that the evils of abortion and homosexuality are a “minor concern” in the church. I apologize on behalf of these apostate pastors Oh Lord? We are long overdue for judgment in America. As conditions worsen in our nation, we can say nothing against Thee, because we get what we deserve.

So the next time you turn on the news and hear about the most hideous and heinous of crimes being committed by your fellow Americans, just remember that we stopped leading our public school children in prayer to God in 1962, and we stopped teaching public school children the Word of God in 1963. Americans get what we deserve.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 25 Comments [2/1/2017 9:05:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 124152

Welcome friends…

This brat is flashing the Cornuto!

If you’re new here, I’d like to thank you for stopping by. You’ve joined a community of over 100 followers whom I haven’t heard from in years. Yes, that’s right, people come by and follow my blog and I hear NOTHING from them. I guess it’s a spur of the moment kind of thing. Fair weather friends might be another way to put it.

The only ones who have anything to say fall into two classes: the good folk, who are born again, loving, caring individuals, those who support me and really do read and post kind comments. Then you have the other, the God-haters, who despise me without a cause and seem to enjoy kicking me when I’m down. I’m sure their life’s ambition is fulfilled whenever they see a Christian doing his or her job working for the Lord, and they proceed to bash them in guttural hatred and gnash on them with their teeth while laughing at their pain. It’s all good though, for the Lord saith, VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY. Their day is coming.

God wants me to be humble and sweet. I cannot be like you if you despise the Lord. I am not a part of this world, but am in fact above it, seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. In fact, I am happy to receive your foolish backbitings because it is my lot as a believer who loves Jesus. Hey, look at all He went through. This is but a tickle in the throat compared to His immense torture and grief.

One last thing. I am no longer allowing comments for my own protection. I also check my feedback for spammy comments which have no place here. I don’t care if you spew your hatred and then share it for all the world to see. That’s already happened plenty of times. The internet is public, and ANYONE can see it. So as your idol Crowley said, do as thou wilt. God will make you wish you had never been born.

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 14 Comments [2/1/2017 2:27:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 124150

Dating advice from women is generally considered to be low-quality. RichieP writes, "Girls aren't incentivized to give honest dating advice. Their goal is to screen for guys who actually have X,Y,Z desirable qualities, not tell everyone how to mimic X,Y,Z desirable qualities. It's like an interviewer telling you exactly what he looks for in an interview. Won't happen, because it makes it easier to fake."[1] Winston Smith writes that "the internet abounds with female dating coaches and advice columnists who presume to tell men how to attract and please women. None of them have ever done this themselves, and it’s no coincidence that their advice is almost universally worthless."[2]

Article "Dating advice from women", Kings Wiki 13 Comments [2/1/2017 1:29:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124141

“Terrified of Rolf Harris.”
Haha, yeah maybe it was his beard?
Seriously though: this means she ‘suffered’ for at least 11 years, presumably sometime between 1968 and 1980 but doesn’t say a word about it at the time it was all happening – when it would surely be most ‘traumatic’? No… However, she suddenly noticed how traumatized and how dysfunctional she’d become, over 40 years later? Doesn’t make sense….

Ah… Of course! The lure of thousands of pounds ‘victim’s compensation’: like so many of her peers, reminded her of her ‘terrible ordeal’..
Hmmm… The power of money – so true – this case proves it without a doubt: It’s amazing how it can so easily reawaken the deepest, darkest and most long forgotten memories; especially in middle aged women who cannot accept they are no longer the hot, sexy teenage ‘groupies’ they were when they were enjoying the attention, not to mention unlimited SEX, with world famous celebrities, such as Rolf Harris, back in the best years of their (now miserable & pathetic) lives – ‘the swinging sixties’ and seventies.

The worst part though, is if she loses – i.e. the case is dismissed: NOTHING happens to the false accuser, even her identity is still protected, whilst Rolf and all of his family and their descendants will have to suffer the shame, indignation and scapegoating, for many years afterwards, possibly for an entire generation or two.

A lot more noise needs to be made about that aspect of these witch-hunts.

Alan Vaughn, Resisting the Rape of the Male – Sex Positive Men's Rights 7 Comments [2/1/2017 1:21:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Xavier

Quote# 124140

I can see however why the ‘ephebophile’ community hate Trump. An obviously normal heterosexual (alpha) male who has publicly admitted that 13 year old girls can be hot. I guess it takes away your sense of identity. ??

theantifeminist, Resisting the Rape of the Male – Sex Positive Men's Rights 16 Comments [2/1/2017 1:21:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Xavier

Quote# 124130

[OP of "Good Night Left Side!"]

MightBeANovelty, Reddit - r/Physical_Removal 8 Comments [2/1/2017 1:20:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 124149

A black knight is one who wears an armor of confidence, charisma, charm; whose weapons are lifting, Machiavellianism, narcissism, powertalk, social proof; and who is trained in the art of social and sexual warfare, not because he wants to but because he must.

Article "Black Knight", Kings Wiki 31 Comments [2/1/2017 12:49:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124148

Trading up for a younger wife is a practice that men are sometimes accused of using divorce to accomplish. In reality, it more often happens when divorce is forced upon a man by a wife who imagines she is getting her ultimate revenge by dumping him (as well as perhaps "trading up" to a better husband by branch swinging). In many instances, his sexual market value will have increased since his first marriage, and he may also have learned from the mistakes he made in choosing the woman who divorced him. Therefore, he may be in a position to "trade up" to a significantly better new wife, even though he would have preferred to keep the original family together.

Divorced men in their 40s, 50s, or 60s will often resort to a foreign woman as their most feasible opportunity to marrying a girl in her early 20s, and find that she also has a much better personality than a typical American woman.

Heartiste notes one reason why men who married a woman in her 20s rarely feel the need to trade up for a younger wife:[1]

Now, naturally, if you marry an under-30 woman, the day will come, ostensibly, that she’ll be your over-30 wife. But you’ll have something that chagrined men who married women on the cusp of sagging cups don’t have: Years of very fond, very monopolized, very supple memories. If you maritally snag a 21-year-old minx and occupy her sugar walls for the next ten years, the spermatomically bonded cervix-splattered glue of all those splendid tumbles of passion accrue into something larger than the sum of your individuated speckles. All that young woman heat, heat which will never be replicated with the older version of your wife, captures into limbic amber a network of interlocked, superconductive emotions with the power to sustain lovingrapture a good ways past the poignantly brief era of peak wife ripeness, onward into the elevator muzak era of bland marital inertia (50 years, plus or minus).

Article "Trading up for a younger wife, Kings Wiki 9 Comments [2/1/2017 12:49:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124147

Domestic violence is violence that occurs among family members. When directed by a man toward his wife, domestic violence has been correlated with the couple's having more sex. Possible reasons that have been cited for the positive relationship between violence and marital sexual activity are that some couples are more likely to express themselves physically, whether they are expressing love or anger; or because of the honeymoon stage of the cycle of violence; or because physical violence is being used to induce the weaker partner to have sex.[1] A study by Carol Apt and David Farley Hurlbert confirmed, "the abused women reported a significantly greater frequency of sexual intercourse in their marriages than did the nonabused women."[2] A study by Alred DeMaris found that only a husband's violence, but not a wife's, is associated with greater sexual activity in marriage.[3]

Donovan Sharpe notes:[4]

Women are aroused by violent men whether they admit it or not. It doesn’t matter if that violence is legal (boxing, MMA, etc) or if it’s turned onto them, men who trade in violence, domestic, professionally, or otherwise, moisten the panties of females.

Of course females would never say this out loud. A girl would never tell her friends “My physically abusive boyfriend scares the shit out of me but it turns me on” lest she make herself look bad and be subjected to a battery of questions and furtive glances.

But we here in the ‘sphere know the truth. Anyone who doubts this needn’t look any further than the case of Chris Brown. He’s the butt of plenty of jokes but his career hasn’t suffered. In fact, since he beat the shit out of Rihanna, his celebrity has increased exponentially as most of his fans are females.

Buzzfeed and Huffington Post both posted articles in the wake of what they described as “disturbing reactions” to Brown’s domestic abuse charges. They were just beside themselves with befuddlement as to why women would openly admit to being aroused by Brown’s violence toward women.

It should come as no surprise to anyone here the two reconciled at one point when Rihanna decided to “put the incident behind her.” But their torrid love affair is hardly the tip of the iceberg. Women have always been drawn to violent men. From women who fall for serial killers, to females who date, and even marry men behind bars this phenomenon is nothing new.

Girls can say whatever they want but their biology will always win out in the end.´

According to Bonecrker, "violence against women is the normal, instinctual defence mechanism to prevent insane behavior on the part of women, from threatening survival."[5]

Emmanuel Goldstein advises that a juror in a domestic violence case should vote "not guilty" if a man is facing jail time for slapping his wife after she was caught cheating on him.[6]

Article "Domestic violence", Kings Wiki 9 Comments [2/1/2017 12:49:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124142

Last summer I was sitting on a park bench next to a twenty something frump who was trying to seduce me into chatting her up. I had no interest, and when the frump finally realised this she decided to loudly eject gas from her rectum, whilst giving me a smug satisfied look. The stench from her fart was clearly designed to kill my libido for any woman, a kind of ‘if I can’t have you, I won’t let any other bitch have you’ spiteful vengeful act.

theantifeminist, Resisting the Rape of the Male – Sex Positive Men's Rights 19 Comments [2/1/2017 11:25:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 124137

Cockblocking sluts deserve the absolute worst

They deserve to be called out for what they exactly are - insecure whores that lock their beautiful friend from the compliment of a classy and eloquent gentleman. Death? Absolutely not. They deserve the key to a cage that they are being locked into to be sewn inside their mother and unless they kill her, then they will be stuck forever, that's what they deserve.

A man can simply not handle one dime and two additionsl demons orbiting around her, would I had lived in the 12th century then I could just unseathe my sword ( a katana) and show those sluggish sluts my superior sword knowledge, but sadly this does not happen in modern times. I guess I was destined to be with an ugly 300 pound lardo whilst im the finest of gentlemen.

throwaway680603, /r/incels 23 Comments [2/1/2017 9:09:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124136

Good, old, patriarchal times

Patriarchy was furthered at the end of the Neolithic Era when women began to be traded as commodities. This was seen in arranged marriages between families or villages, women being used to have sex with visitors as a deed of hospitality by tribal chiefs, and the ritual rapes during festivals to insure prosperity. Women were treated as commodities, and from a young age became accustomed to this identification. Women’s values lay in their reproduction, especially in farming villages. In these villages, more people were needed to work the land and sustain the population, so women were expected to produce a large amount of offspring. Children became an economic asset, and if women were unable to produce them, they were seen as all but worthless (Lerner). The idea of women being only good for their womb has progressed even into today’s society.

As culture evolved, the patriarchal society grew increasingly misogynistic. Ancient Greece played a large role in the increase of patriarchal practices. A primary democracy can be seen in ancient Greece called the polis. This gave men somewhat equal rights; compared to the aristocracy they had known before. As men gained equal rights, women lost many of theirs. The family had before been a biological unit, but now took the form of a political and economic unit. Wives and mothers became obligatory, and women who did not follow the traditional functions faced legal consequences. Women were the legal wards of either her father or husband and had no rights of their own; they could not inherit property. A woman during this time did not even have custody over her children as they belonged to her husband. Additionally, if a woman committed adultery, they would either be banished or executed where men, who would occasionally suffer penalties, had many legal sexual outlets. There were highly trained courtesans and male and female prostitutes (Radek). As men were able to find sexual freedom with these outlets, most women could not leave their homes without permission from a father or husband.


neanderthalguy, /r/incels 10 Comments [2/1/2017 9:09:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124135

We need a petition to ban fakecel from this sub

You know who I'm talking about u/iamhopeless256, posting good looking pictures of himself, faking alcoholism for attention like a fucking Stacie but he's just a normie/chad who wants to take the spotlight off of incel's and shine it on himself

finalformcel, /r/incels 17 Comments [2/1/2017 9:09:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 124134

Moving on to the main topic. Surprisingly given their modern conservakin demographics, the history of Kansas makes for an excellent example of a transitional period for progressivism. Kansas became a center for progressive politics in the 1800s which peaked around 1890 because so many of them moved to Kansas because of the slavery issue. New England abolitionists were invested in a pure morality status signaling way in the outcome of whether new states came into the union as free state or slave states. Based on purely moral reasoning without regard to economics or convenience, many of these New England proto-cathedralites moved to Kansas just so they could ensure Kansas would be a free state.

The most famous example is that of abolitionist John Brown. He was every bit of the same kind as the violent far-left activist/terrorist of today, but in the setting of the 1850s. Brown led raids with other activists and even murdered a number of people as he believed a peaceful end of slavery was not possible so a violent overthrow of government was the only solution. He was motivated by his religion: “He believed he was the instrument of God’s wrath in punishing men for the sin of owning slaves.” The stage was set for the civil war by conflict between free-state puritans who had moved to Kansas and Slave-state Missourians who had a number of small conflicts that happened before the civil war. These events became known as bleeding Kansas. Brown later went on a raid of an armory in Virginia in 1859 in which he and his supporters killed five men. Brown was executed for treason for this act, but its effect was to greatly increase the tensions between the North and South. The South was correct in identifying the highly aggressive posturing and support of violence by Northern abolitionists. Even if most paid lip-service to a peaceful resolution, they weren’t exactly angry that the fringe of their movement was engaging in violence and were dead set in isolating and inconveniencing the south as much as possible. This was Anarcho-tyranny at its very core. During the civil war proper, the union army even had a marching song celebrating Brown as a martyr.

After the civil war, abolition was no longer an issue, but Kansas was still full of puritans and through their activism the state became one of the main centers of progressivism during last half of the 19th century and into the early part of the 20th century. They instituted or tried to institute child labor laws (somewhat understandable, but this had an undesirable side-effect of turning children from a economic gain into an economic cost for families), temperance/prohibition, direct election of federal senators, and labor reform among other things. They even had a populist party called “the people’s party” which engaged in outright illegal actions in the Kansas house of representatives. For example, locking the republican party out of the state congressional hall. Armed conflict almost resulted in Kansas because of these sorts of antics, which demonstrates that democracy really is just a low level civil war that always has the potential to turn violent.

Atavisionary, Atavisionary 13 Comments [2/1/2017 9:09:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 124127

The animal rights group PETA has written to Games Workshop asking for Warhammer to not dress its miniatures in "fur".

Certain characters wear painted-on animal pelts.

Even though it's only plastic, PETA still wants this to change.

"While we appreciate that they are fictional," the group says, "draping them in what looks like a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable."

Even if you've never played Warhammer, you'll probably have walked past a Games Workshop - the shop where the figurines are mainly sold.

Put simply, it's a tabletop miniature game. You buy figurines, build them, paint them, and then battle.

There are two universes - Age of Sigmar, which is a fantasy world, and Warhammer 40,000, which is set in the 41st century.

But PETA argues the the fact it's a fictional world is no excuse for normalising "animal cruelty".

The grimdark, battle-hardened warriors are known for their martial prowess," it says on a blog, "but wearing the skins of dead animals doesn't take any skill."

"[Fur] has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000."

The group says it's written to Games Workshop's CEO Kevin Rountree.

We tried to get in touch with the company ourselves, but no one was available to talk to us.

PETA, BBC News 38 Comments [2/1/2017 3:53:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 19
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 124125

parents talk with shit english, shit jobs, along with extreme beliefs (tiger parenting, passive aggression), and extreme white worship massively fucks up their children. Even worse, they like to use their mother tongue to tell off their kids.

So you get a race that looks down on their selves, and immigrants from their country, calling them FOBs, because Asian-ness is associated with everything bad, scoldings, tiger parenting, studying, other-ness, etc.

The hate of FOBs carry strong even here, with one uncle chan recently saying how the Asia Asians don't understand ABC issues (not all of us are from murica, many are from Australia and Canada too, the world doesn't revolve around murica, fuck murica, I piss on your flag and ideals), and they should be banned.

We are also too egalitarian to our women. You don't see ME women sleeping with white guys, because they are defended to the teeth by ME guys. Honour killing is the name of the game for them. Same for white girls, most white guys will not even befriend one who has ever dated black, and here we are, sitting in a circle, clapping our hands and singing kumbuya, celebrating our ability to navigate mixed spaces while they fuck our sisters and spit in our face. Yet we are the most misogynistic race according to mainstream sources.

We need to be a lot more controlling over our women. Parents are unhappy, but they do passive-aggressive shit you find on /r/asianparentstories instead of kicking her ass. I say I'll kick my daughter out within 4 weeks if I catch her dating a non East-Asian, and all of you say I shouldn't be a father. FFS, wake up cuckolds! When it comes to strangers, all of you hate on WMAF, but when it comes to your own sisters, cousins and daughters, your testicles shrivel up into your bodies and become ovaries as you nod your Chan head in approval and racial harmony. Start with your own fucking household then look outside!

Unfortunately, many parents DGAF who their daughters marry, they just want their son to marry a girl from their specific origin, cockblocking him from all other girls, even Asian girls. Fuck you, got mine is their entire life motto.

Parenting is a massive issue. We are too soft on the wrong things - who our daughters date, how sauve our sons are, and too hard on the wrong things - grades and no dating till studies are over (especially for boys!)

officesquat, Reddit 13 Comments [2/1/2017 3:53:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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