Quote# 124913
Legalizing the killing of the innocent unborn in the womb is no less heinous a crime than if it was made legal outside the womb. Inside the womb, it is called abortion. Outside the womb, it is called murder. One is punishable. The other is excused.
The Bible teaches unborn life is a wonder work of God. and the unborn are accounted human, as a person named in God's census record. Earth time is for personal growth after birth. No one grows up in eternity. No one grows old. Every person is mature. There are no Pamper stations heaven.
The patriarch Job. after his trials (the destruction of his goods and the death of his children) had his possessions restored double. God gave Job double the lost animals and twofold his original wealth. Job. however, was given the same number of children. His family had doubled. Job had ten children on earth in time and ten children in heaven in eternity (Job 1:2; 42:12-13 KJV).
God has named the unborn child. The plan of God for the aborted child has not been thwarted. In eternity, the mother
will meet God and she will meet her aborted child. The baby will have become a mature adult.
Every mother having undergone an abortion is even now loved and wanted by God in God's family more than the mother wanted and loved the child she aborted. God loves you and your Child. Jesus died to save both.
No child is an unwanted child. Pro-choice makes children perishable. Jesus alone was born to die. He was birthed. He died at the hands of men. No child should die at man's hand by abortion. Exercise you fingers, walking the Yellow Pages under adoption services, and your child can walk the pathways of life.
Abortion is a business; murder for profit . . . profiting at the expense of dying children. The death-dealing abortionist can and does command more money for killing healthy children in the womb than curing sick children to live in the world.
Abortion mills . . . America's death camps ... are a shameful blight upon the nation. They clutter every state in the country.
Politicians, preachers, and spokespersons advocating abortions are themselves beneficiaries of a right-to-life choice. Pro-abortionist can advocate abortions because their mothers were anti-abortion.
Abortion is a heathen practice, and man is never at liberty or given license by God under any condition to kill the innocent child. On April 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court sanctioned murder. God's law is no longer the law of the land. America cannot truthfully call itself a God-fearing Nation. Politically, paganism has prevailed and America will cease to be great to the degree America ceases to be godly.
In the land of the free and the home of the brave, we are now free to bravely kill the most voiceless, innocent, and defenseless in America . . . unborn children. A death storm rages on the womb front. America's holocaust is abortion ... condemned in God's Word, the Bible ... the Book of Life.
All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life; and the life was the light of men.
-John 1:3-4 KJV
Steve Bates,
Bible Crusade (book) 11 Comments [2/26/2017 7:01:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen