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Quote# 126703

God Made Man and Women; Biology Agrees, Yet Fake Scientist Bill Nye Wants Children to Change Their Flavors

Anti-Christian bigot and fake scientist Bill Nye on Monday published a new anti-Christian video in which he rejects the science of biology and pushes homosexuality on the nation’s youth.

Denying the biology of thousands of years, Nye claims that anyone who supports gender perversity and sexual delusion is somehow “enlightened” and “forward-thinking” in a new episode of his Netflix show that masquerades as promoting “science” (Bill Nye is not a scientist, fyi) but instead attempts to brainwash children with Cultural Marxism.

Using cartoon ice cream characters to make his deceitful point, Nye portrays the vanilla ice cream cone as a Christian bigot for believing in the obvious science that God made two sexes, male and female while portraying other flavors, like strawberry, as representing other ‘sexualities” as being the victims who are discriminated against.

In the video, the vanilla heterosexual cone who believes in biology says that his “feelings” make him “the most natural of the ice creams.”

“I just think if you want to get right with the big ice cream in the sky, change your flavor,” the vanilla cone says to the other flavors of ice cream cones as if the biological body and anatomy you were born with is somehow based on feelings rather than…reality.

Psychotic sexual deviants who one day wake up and “feel” like they are the sex opposite of their biology and science are not mentioned in the video. Instead, they are the rational and open-minded, accepting sorts, of course, according to Bill Nye.

For lack of better descriptors, it’s shameful, disgusting, and evil.

In 1963, as a matter of congressional record, the Communist goals to destroy America were revealed, all 45 of them. Here are three that leftist Bill Nye either knowingly as a subversive, or unknowingly as a useful idiot, is trying to at least partially fulfill with his video:

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Actually, to correct Bill Nye’s flawed ice cream analogy, God did make different flavors, all kinds of different races, skin colors, personalities — we’re all individuals with uniqueness, etc. But he only made male and female, a scientific fact. But DNA proves there are only two sexes — male and female.

Matthew K. Burke, The Politistick 22 Comments [4/26/2017 11:19:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 126702

[OP of "Fuel pays for itself" - Graph describing how the economy grows relative to the number of communists killed, until the point where the helicopter fuel pays for itself]

MaunaLoona, Reddit - r/Physical_Removal 13 Comments [4/26/2017 11:18:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 126701

Dr. Brown Speaks with a Christian Convert to Judaism Another misleading title/click bait This woman was never a Christian. A Christian can never convert to Judaism. She was like the millions of church members who fill the spiritually dead churches around the world, lost and hell bound. A real Christian is a new creature in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ lives in that person and that person lives in Jesus Christ. Therefore, there can never be a conversion from real Christianity to Judaism.?

Mark Swinford, AskDrBrown Youtube  16 Comments [4/26/2017 11:16:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 126700

Three South Carolina senators on Wednesday voted to advance legislation effectively banning abortion in the state, the Post and Courier reports.

Republican Sens. Mike Gambrell, Scott Talley and Rex Rice all voted to push through a “personhood” bill which would define a person as a fertilized egg, also known as a zygote. The male senators overruled two female colleagues who sat on the committee, green-lighting the bill for debate in the full Senate Judiciary Committee.

As the Post and Courier reports, the committee heard from both supporters and critics of the bill. The former invoked the Holocaust and Thomas Jefferson, as well as their own personal religious beliefs, to argue in favor of the “personhood” bill. One candidate in a current South Carolina special state election argued the bill is similar to the state’s decision to remove the Confederate Flag after the Charleston church massacre on 2014.

South Carolina pro-lifers, Raw Story 18 Comments [4/26/2017 11:16:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 126698

[On Pence taking his shoes off while visit a mosque]

You can take off your shoes where God is. But to take off your shoes in a place where God is offended is an insult to God. A Christian should never take off his shoes in a place where Islam is worshiped.

Julio Severo, BarbWire 21 Comments [4/26/2017 11:14:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 126697

The most glaring omission in Tucker Carlson’s interview of the human oddity known as Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner was the failure to seek comment on the transgender traitor by the name of Bradley/Chelsea Manning.

Cliff Kincaid, BarbWire 9 Comments [4/26/2017 11:14:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 126693

WHY DO PPLE WHO DONT HAVE ANY FORM OF DESIRE TO KNOW TRUTH EVEN WASTE THIER TIME PRESSIN D BUTTON TO GO ON THIS SITE TO CRITISIZE. it takes more faith to believe in evolution than creation. b4 i hated church an pple with bible. pple who bash this i bet 90 PER CENT of them have never opened a bible for themselves sad. dont waste ur time looking if u dont believe that jus makes u look more stupid. poor things.?

ANDY DAVIDSON, youtube 21 Comments [4/26/2017 1:03:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 126687

Babies Lives Matter BLM

Things Not usually taught in Government Education Camps (public schools)

KJB Genesis 1:26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

KJB Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

A Doctors Testimony-
At the end of a lecture in St. Louis, one of the doctors
present told me of a lady in good standing in
society and the church, who came to his office
and requested his services in producing abortion.
Her reason was that she had three children
and her husbands income was not sufficient to
support four children. He suggested that if
the presence of four children in the home
would lead to the death of the whole family
by starvation, that she return home and kill
one of the three. She was horrified at the
doctors suggestion that she murder one of the
children. The doctor explained that if she followed
his suggestion her health would be protected and
there would be but one guilty of murder, while,
if he followed her with, her health would be injured
and there would be two responsible for the
murder of her unborn child. But, Doctor,
she replied that would not be murder? I've not felt
it's movements. The Doctor explained to her how life
began at the moment of conception, how the little
embryo was as much a living human being as when it
has become strong enough to make it's movements known.
The true mother love triumphed and
she returned home and resolved to protect,
love, welcome and toil for four instead of three.

Medical Genocide approved of by World Governments under Satan's New World Order

Four Different Things:Abstinence, Conception Elimination, Conception Prevention, Birth Control

1)Abstinence - Not having Sex
2)Conception Elimination - Never having Intercourse
3)Conception Prevention - The rhythm method and/or Using Condoms or similar
4)Birth Control - Using a IUD, Chemical pill/drug to force abortion/menstruation

The Intrauterine Device IUD does not stop conception
The IUD does little or nothing to interfere with sperm migration or
fertilization (conception). It achieves its birth control effect primarily
by preventing the newly conceived human life from implanting in the uterine
lining (endometrium) and is thus an abortifacient.

The "Birth Control Pill" does not stop conception, it ends pregnancy by forcing menstruation through a Hormone induced Abortion.
The Hormones in the Pills are stronger than the ones that tell the body that the woman is pregnant, but the body still goes through partial transformations in the breast to provide milk to the Baby, that is why breast cancer rates go up in women with long term birth "control" pill use.

Many women on the "pill" have had many pill induced abortions and many partial transformations of their breast tissue.
Who knows how many forms of cancer are a result of hormones starting the Pregnancy Changes, and them having them abruptly end when the Menstruation pills take over and starts the woman's Period?

(P2)Abortions - USA Child Sacrifice/Murders (Genocide of the Unborn)as of July 28, 2014

(USA since 1973=57Million) (World since 1980 1.34 Trillion)

[link to www.humanlife.org]
The Pill is used by about 14,000,000 American women each year and 60,000,000 internationally.

Thus, even an infinitesimally low portion (say one-hundredth of one percent) of 780 million Pill cycles per year globally could represent tens of thousands of unborn children lost to this form of chemical abortion annually. How many young lives have to be jeopardized for
prolife believers to question the ethics of using the Pill? This is an issue with profound moral implications for those believing we are called to protect the lives of children.

After the Pill had been on the market fifteen years, many serious negative side effects of estrogen had been clearly proven. These included blurred vision, nausea, cramping, irregular menstrual bleeding, headaches, increased incidence of breast cancer, strokes, and heart attacks, some of which led to fatalities.

Methods of Genocide Protected by the New World Order Government inside the United States of America.

the items below prove that Americans are being exterminated in a organized program of Genocide, protected and allowed
by their own "government"

Government approved/promoted WEAPONS used against People
-Abortion and Birth Control(physical and Chemical/drug induced Abortions)
-Rx Prescription Drugs, They rob the body of nutrients to detoxify from the drugs that suppress symptoms but actually create disease and new symptoms for witch Doctors will prescribe you MORE Rx Drugs. Drugs do not Cure Disease, they only treat (suppress) the symptoms and make you more Ill.
-Radiation (Cell, WiFi, Nuclear Fukashima, D.U. Weapons)
-GMO (Wheat, Corn, Soy, Cotton seed, Canola, Sugar Beets)
-Chemicals used on/in food, Pesticides/Herbicides/Preservatives/Dyes/Additives
-High Fructose Corn Syrup
-Refined Sugar
-Fried Foods/(Hydrogenated Oils) cause free radical damage and inflammation
-Aspartame and Sucrolose / NutraSweet and Splenda
-Alcohol consumption is a poison that like refined sugar suppresses the immune system and causes damage to the body.
-Fluoride plus other Chemicals and Drugs in the Water.
-Chemicals Cleaners, Flame Retardants, air fresheners.....
-Chemicals in Cosmetics and Perfumes
-WAR - Military Industrial Complex
-Laced Tobacco / E - Cigarettes
-Antiperspirant have aluminum compounds that increase breast cancer risk
-Processed Foods Micro Wave It so its really bad/destroyed
- Sunscreen, usually filled with Chemicals known to increase the risk of Cancer.
Sunscreen and covering the body in cloths all the time suppresses the Body in the production of Vitamin D, that is needed for countless essential body process to work properly.

Addictions (Cell Phones, T.V., Internet, Porn, Video Games, Sugar, Pop, Rx Drugs, ssri drugs)

Want to live?
Get Good Nutrition, Sleep in a natural/clean fresh dark room away from electromagnetic radiation, Exercise, Drink Clean Water, Detoxification and reducing Stress Cure the body of Disease (Dis-Ease).

Life, Human Life is from God, Godlike Productions 15 Comments [4/26/2017 12:58:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 126681

Homosexuals want much more than not to be bullied, they want to shut up God-fearing Christians who dare even say that homosexuality is a sin. They want us and our children to be around sick-minded gays who are kissing, fondling each other and behaving lower than animals, and accept it. Homosexuality is a form of mental illness; not physical mental retardation; but rather, a spiritually caused mentally-warped mind. 75-years-ago the American Psychiatric Association treated homosexuality as a disease of the mind. Today they have turned 180 degrees, teaching gays how to cope instead. It's not a matter of personal opinion; but rather, God in the Bible condemns the sin of homosexuality.

Abortionists are also mentally-ill. No mentally healthy person murders their offspring. No mentally healthy person supports gay-rights. If you have been sold the big lie that homosexuals should have a right to get married, adopt children and live as heterosexual couples, then the Devil has your mind and soul. I'm a born-again Christian. I believe the Bible, the King James Bible, which has been around long before modern evil agendas dictated how we're supposed to think. Gays have even corrupted the Bible. At least two admitted homosexuals were involved with the translation of the “New International Version” (NIV). Perhaps you don't mind a corrupted Bible translated by gays, but I do. The word “sodomite” was removed completely from the NIV. Gee, I wonder why?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 27 Comments [4/26/2017 12:43:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 126678

Even the same scientist that pple dumb pple WHO believe we evolve from ape and sea creatures....every year scientist r finding out that the bible is profundly accurate , yet they never ever come on tv to tell u that cause of pride. pple who reject God reject thier very exsistence and ungrateful to d breath given to them instead of seeking god they run to sex money gun..wealth etc and they still unhappy boowooo. GET A LIFE PEOPLE AND STOP WASTING COMPUTER SPACE WITH UR NEGATIVITY!?

ANDY DAVIDSON, youtube 15 Comments [4/26/2017 9:48:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 126670

The mayor of San Antonio told a group of conservative Christians that she believes poor people are responsible for their own poverty.

Mayor Ivy Taylor spoke earlier this month to the Christian Coalition, the successor to the nonprofit political organization founded by Pat Robertson, where the 46-year-old Democrat was asked to comment on “systemic causes of generational poverty, reported the Huffington Post.

“Since you’re with the Christian Coalition, I’ll go ahead and put it out there that to me, it’s broken people,” Taylor said. “People not being in a relationship with their creator and therefore not being in a good relationship with their families and their communities and not being productive members of society.”

San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor, Raw Story 20 Comments [4/25/2017 2:29:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 126668

I feel very differently then the rest of you. At first I was taken back by Lolita's situtation. I felt very bad for her. But I started thinking, she is a 12 year old, having sex with a middle aged man. But What if she was having sex with a 15 year old, or 14 year old. She had willingly had sex before. Even though she will see this as a mistake when she is older, it is still hers to make, and is that mistake any different then if a 15 year old has sex with an 18 year old or an 18 year old with any older person? Every person matures at a different pace, no means no, but Lolita didnt say no. There is no doubt it was a mistake for her to have sex with this man, I dont believe it was real love, but the trama done could be just as damaging if she was older. I view Lolita as a beautiful story, at first, I did feel bad. But now I dont, it changed my views. I use to believe an 18 year old and 15 year old was disgusting, but this book opened my mind to the possibility that just because our culture says its wrong, doesnt mean it is.

Perhaps I am letting myself fall victim to his convincing ways. Or maybe what I see now is my actual opinion on the matter, there is no doubt in my mind that HH wasnt a man I wanted my young daughter around, but to me making it illegal for a person to choose who they have sex with is wrong as long as it consentual.

I guess I dont see why Its okay for a adolescent to have sex with another adolescent but not an adult. I dont think it would hurt less either way when they realize it was a mistake

I mean, maybe12-13 is a little young but when I was that age I knew girls who were having sex with men around 17, and thats almost an adult. Maturity is a odd thing, some 30 year olds seem to be less mature then some 17 year olds. And some 12 year olds seem to be more mature then some 17 year olds. Everyone is different. Like I said before No means no. But its hard to me to decide where the age limit is for a child to consent to sex. technically they can at any age as long as its with someone around the same age. My mother was 14 when she got pregnate with me and my dad was 19. technically thats illegal, but they grew up and got married. And as far as I know she doesnt feel like he used her.

gothicmuffin, Booktalk 16 Comments [4/25/2017 2:25:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 126667

[It dips into RSTDT but let's be honest basically everything from fundies does these days]

Amen. Free market ideologues have been dribbling the same tepid shibboleths for decades, and all we’ve seen is a steady march of leftoids through every information medium, where they have relentlessly (and predictably) solidified their stranglehold on communications to entrench their anti-White narrative while ousting legitimate, non-cucked opposing voices from any position of serious influence. And now the Left is upping the ante with active measures at censoring and removing for good from the public information sphere even the faintest voices of resistance to the Globohomo orthodoxy.

The time for reasoning, or compromising, with the Left is over. They’ve taken the battle to a much higher pitch, on far more dangerous territory. Their hubris compels them. The defeat of a prideful enemy like the modern Left Media necessitates a war footing in response, not ideological navel-gazing that the free market will work its magic when it hasn’t done so in 70 odd years. I would think Trump of all Presidents understands the existentialist nature of this battle, and is moving to bust open the media monopolies.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 9 Comments [4/25/2017 2:25:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 126665

(Chris Calleja)
Lol... exactly. Evolution has been taught for the last 35-50 yrs... if our children are dumb, evolution is the cause

(Torben Undiwill)
In the more educated nations, there are pretty much NO creationists...

(John M Shelton)
Torben, then those nations are not "more educated."

Chris Calleja and John M Shelton, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 11 Comments [4/25/2017 11:51:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 126663

Dinosaurs were an elaborate hoax, put on by early evolutionists. Dinosaur bones are actually bones from many different animals, with the missing bones made from plaster and the like. When you go to a museum, you're not even looking at what was originally found! All dino bones were "found" by people specifically looking for said bones, with many generally lumped into one area. This suggests planting these bones "Finding" a dino bone is a very lucrative business with a t-rex bone selling for $12 million dollars. People dig all the time. Miners, farmers, basement builders, etc. People explore all the time. Native Americans didn't find anything. No one knew dinosaurs existed until the late 1800's when someone theorized them, then after some fossilized teeth were found, an entire dinosaur was confirmed! Pro must state his case for why he believes that dinosaurs existed in round one. No semantics please. Arguments and rebuttals continue to R3, after which no new evidence may be presented. R5 is for final arguments, rebuttals and conlusions. Any sources may be used until they are found to be false info.
In 1990, "Sue" was found on a casual stroll. By a fossil hunter for a failing museum. Where did the rest of the fossils of all the dinos go? There were thousands of these monstrous beasts, but were not tripping over their remains? Evolution is a lie, atheists are so gullible!

Edlvsjd, Debate.org 12 Comments [4/25/2017 11:51:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 126658

“I don’t hate God. I just don’t believe He exists.”

There is no greater contempt that you can have for other person than to, in their presence, deny that they exist. That's what you are doing.

Ray Comfort, Facebook 26 Comments [4/25/2017 10:54:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 18
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 126657

"[Your] site has sure revealed why the U.S. is behind in education. Religion keeps you dumb, that's for sure.”

They don't teach "religion" in schools anymore. They teach evolution.

Ray Comfort, Facebook 21 Comments [4/25/2017 10:54:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 126654

A man over time has a natural tendency to become bored with his own wife. When the Bible speaks of the "strange" woman, it speaks of the woman who is not your wife. Surely, "Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel" (Proverb 20:17). I will speak candidly here (and I will not be dogmatic). I do not believe it is a sin to practice polygamy. Hebrews 13:4 condemn adulterers and whoremongers, not marriage. God gave David Saul's wives (2nd Samuel 12:8). God never changes (Malachi 3:6). If polygamy was allowed in the Old Testament, it is allowable today. Unfortunately, modern heathen society will recognize sodomite relationships and fornication, but polygamy (marriage) is condemned.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 25 Comments [4/25/2017 10:49:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 126653

Religious Right groups are encouraging conservative Christian high school and college students this week to counter last Friday’s “Day of Silence” with a “Day of Dialogue” promoting traditional views on sexuality.

Religious Right organizations have long been hostile toward the Day of Silence, a project of pro-LGBTQ group GLSEN that encourages students to take a vow of silence during a Friday in April. This year’s Day of Silence, the 21st annual observation of the day, was last Friday, April 21, and was supported by social media campaigns and celebrity participation. Says GLSEN, “This quiet but powerful, student-led action raises awareness about the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying, harassment and discrimination.”

But Religious Right groups charge that it stigmatizes students who hold a traditionalist view of what the Bible says about gender, sexuality, and marriage. Last year, for example, the American Family Association urged parents to keep their children home if the Day of Silence was being observed in their school. As this year’s Day of Silence approached, dozens of Religious Right groups endorsed a “Day of Silence Walk Out” campaign, denouncing “this hijacking of the classroom for political purposes.”

Focus on the Family is promoting another response, a “Day of Dialogue” scheduled for Friday, April 28. Focus on the Family calls the Day of Dialogue “a free speech event for students” that “creates a safe space for students to express a biblical viewpoint in a loving and grace-filled manner.” Focus on the Family started sponsoring the Day of Dialogue in 2010 when Exodus International decided to drop its version, the Day of Truth.

The guide for parents and pastors promotes the Day of Dialogue as an opportunity “to encourage students that they have nothing to be ashamed of when expressing their deeply held biblical convictions.” It includes a PowerPoint presentation that youth pastors and others can use to encourage students to participate.

The student guide asks, “Do you wish your classmates could hear more of the story—like the truth about God’s deep love for us and what the Bible really says about His redemptive design for human relationships? Wouldn’t it be nice if a deeper and freer conversation could happen when controversial sexual topics are brought up in your school?” When it comes to the rights and dignity of LGBT people, history suggests that such reasonable-sounding “live and let live” rhetoric from Religious Right groups should be taken with a big grain of salt.

The Day of Dialogue tells students to remain “respectful and loving” if someone responds in anger, while “remaining confident and bold in communicating your perspective and standing firm on your First Amendment right to share it.” The student guide includes a legal memo from Alliance Defending Freedom clarifying students’ rights to share their religious beliefs with fellow students.

Students are encouraged to distribute “conversation cards” that include a testimony about Jesus and a pledge to oppose bullying. The card ends with, “I also believe God cares about us so much that He designed the best, loving plan for our relationships and sexuality. Let’s talk about it.”

Among the “conversation starters” are materials on the “complementary qualities” of men and women. Focus on the Family assures students that God “has a special place in His heart for people who messed up sexually” and can heal and transform “sexual brokenness.”

Focus on the Family, Right Wing Watch 23 Comments [4/25/2017 10:48:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 126652

Why Queers Should Care About Sex Offenders
By Andrew Extein, MSW

“So, how are the pedophiles doing?”

As a group psychotherapist for convicted sex offenders on parole and probation who also operates a private practice for queer people, I am bombarded with comments and questions from friends and family:

“Aren’t you scared?”

“I could never do that.”

“What’s it like to talk to all those child molesters?”

At first I was surprised to hear some of my most educated, liberal friends ask questions that were, to me, biased and misinformed. I had assumed that, as queers and allies, my friends would have a greater sensitivity to the persecution sex offenders face in American society. I have since come to realize that queer folk are not more prone to find empathy for this population.

I often find myself feeling defensive, and almost guilty, in the line of such questioning. “So... why are you interested in them?” they ask, a look of distaste on their faces.

Here’s the thing: I don’t consider “them” my bizarre, special interest. All queer people are invested in the plight of sex offenders, whether they like it or not.

Deviance and the Dangers of Othering

Although I studied many subjects in college, my interest especially aligned with the radical thinking of my queer theories coursework. Queer theory obliterates the idea of good and bad sex and what should and should not be deemed deviant. As such, my courses covered gay history, the timeline of the gay rights movements, queer theory, and the burgeoning transgender studies, as well as genderqueers, kink, sexual fluidity, and asexuality.

But there was a strange silence in these class discussions as well. As my education continued, I began thinking about other people who transgressed cultural norms of sexuality, other people whose sexual desires had been labeled deviant — people who even queer theory courses weren’t talking about. There might be no group more maligned, marginalized, and disconcerting as modern-day America’s “sex offenders.”

In treatment, lawmaking, and cultural discourse, sex offenders are referred to as participating in deviant sexual behavior, having deviant sexual fantasies, and being inherently “deviant” themselves. From one angle, this is true; all sex offenders have deviated from the boundaries of one or more laws regarding sex or the body.

But sociologist Joel Best describes the problematic nature of how the term “deviance” is used in our culture. In his book Deviance, he emphasizes that “a deviant label was simply a sign that some groups with power had singled out some acts or conditions for disapproval.” The term means that, according to the rules of a powerful few, something is inherently wrong with you if you are not like everybody else. In other words, deviance becomes a viral social construct that serves as a moral imperative to dictate and intimidate people into behaving.

Queer theory has well documented how those in power have employed the terminology of deviance to oppress queers. In recent history, society has labeled gays, lesbians, and transgender folk as abnormal, problematic, and threatening. Gay men, for instance, threatened to lure, groom, and convert children into the homosexual lifestyle; they were not to be trusted or validated. At one point, they were considered mentally ill and criminal. Sex between consenting adult males was illegal and morally reprehensible and served to mandate a gay man to a mental hospital or jail cell. Gay men and trans people socially congregating in bars, such as at Stonewall, was a valid reason for police to raid, frisk, and arrest mass numbers of them.

This is an important part of history that needs to be retold, to serve as a reminder of what happens when authorities dictate the lives and behaviors of “deviant” populations. In fact, this history is still among us; trans, gay, and queer people are currently arrested and incarcerated at a rate disproportionate to the general population. In this infographic, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project outlines how trans and gender-nonconforming people are at a high risk of incarceration, police harassment, and violence. Despite the existence of these contemporary systems of inequality, I worry that in the era of gay marriage, pinkwashing, and assimilatory LGBT politics, we queers may be forgetting the dangers of othering.

Because there’s no use mincing words here: The same methods historically used by the government to imprison and pathologize homosexuality and gender variation are being used today to justify the extreme marginalization, lifetime institutionalization, and oppression of people who have violated sex laws. Sex offenders are the new queers.

Who Sex Offenders Are and What We Are Doing to Them

There is a widespread assumption that all sex offenders are child molesters, pedophiles, and violent rapists. This is not true. A large spectrum of acts are considered sex offenses. These include public nudity, urinating in public, public masturbation, peeping, photographing or videotaping without consent, consensual sex with a 17-year-old, sexting, and downloading unlawful pornography; many of these acts will put the offender on the public registry. There is no single “type” of sex offender; they can be from any walk of life, and any race, class, gender, or sexuality. They are fathers, mothers, brothers, teachers, and friends.

Let me be clear: I am not advocating for the legitimization of these acts as appropriate. A forceful, coercive, violent sexual assault is not to be tolerated. But I am saying that the public perception of the sex offender, and of the laws violated to become a sex offender, is inaccurate.

It is also important to explain the ramifications of this label. In California, many sex offenders must be publicly profiled for life on the online registry created as a result of Megan’s Law in 2004. In 2006, Jessica’s Law increased the penalties for sex offenders, created a residency restriction of 2,000 feet from parks and schools, and mandated GPS tracking for felony offenders. Chelsea’s Law further tightened the restrictions and increased monitoring.

The Supreme Court recently upheld a law that allows for the indefinite civil commitment of those sex offenders deemed unfit to reenter society. This means that they are placed in a forensic mental hospital for the rest of their lives, or until it is decided that they have been appropriately rehabilitated. Very few of these people have been released from civil commitment.

As a treatment provider for sex offenders, I have seen the effects of these punishments firsthand. One of the main issues faced is homelessness. According to the California Sex Offender Management Board, the number of homeless registrants rose from 88 to 6,012 in the five years after Jessica’s Law was enacted. It is almost impossible to find steady work as a felon, and especially difficult if you are listed on the public registry, photo and all. The sex offenders that I see have been socially ostracized, often by family and friends, and suffer from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result. GPS units, parole visits, and yearly registration serve as constant reminders of their crimes, their victims, and their newfound labels as deviants with no hope of recovery.

However, it is a misconception that the majority of sex offenders reoffend, as the actual number is around 2 to 5 percent for recidivism from a sex crime. A 2008 study by the California Sex Offender Management Board reports 3.38 percent of sex offenders released in 1997 and 1998 were convicted of a new sex offense in the decade after release. A far larger number reenter the prison system as a result of parole violations, an understandable sum considering the severity and rigidity of parole terms.

The sex offender treatment models currently in use are mostly based in cognitive behavioral therapy, helping offenders reevaluate their thoughts and beliefs and make healthier decisions to reduce risk of reoffense. Despite this good-natured approach, these treatment models still speak of sexual deviance. One manual recommends ammonia aversion therapy, in which the offender repeatedly inhales ammonia while reciting his most “deviant” sexual fantasies. The intended goal — to rid the offender of whatever sexual desire is deemed unhealthy or deviant by the treatment provider — echoes gay conversion therapy methods. If queer theory allows for one’s right to a diversity of sexual desire, shouldn’t we question the “reprogramming” of an offender’s sexual feelings?

The main problem with the ammonia aversion therapy is that it presupposes that the sexual feelings motivate and explain the crime. It assumes that if you rid the sexual desire, then you rid the possibility of criminal sexual activity; sexual feelings are understood as uncontrollable dictators of sexual activity. If a man has sexual feelings for children, it is assumed that he is at a high risk of nonconsensual contact with a child. As such, sex offender treatment emphasizes sexual desire as a motivator for a sex crime over other factors, such as low impulse control, a history of trauma, lack of social support, and emotional instability. “Deviant” sexual desire is thereby equated with criminal sexual activity. This is a dangerous stance, as it heightens paranoia and fear in our culture’s understanding of all abnormal sexual feeling, thought, fantasy, belief, or identity.

Why Queers Should Care

Any queer person should feel a pang of familiarity reading about the vilification of people based on sexual desire. At one point, the idea of the predatory, untamable homosexual was a widely held belief; the very fact that a man would think of desiring another man was reason enough to criminalize his existence. Whether growing up in the early 20th century or the early 21st century, a cultural condemnation of queer desire, affect, and identity is consistently reaffirmed.

While mainstream cultural perception of queer people is shifting, it affirms monogamous sex between married, consenting gay and lesbian adults. Gender variation and other forms of sexual desire and behavior, including heterosexual female desire outside of monogamy, still face condemnation. If queerness is teetering on the edge of what culture says is deviant, othered, or wrong, an alliance across marginalized communities is vital for acquisition and maintenance of civil liberties for all.

I need to emphasize that many sex offenders are queer themselves. Many gay men, lesbians, and trans women are labeled sex offenders as a result of survival sex, prostitution, cruising, and public sex. Many queer people don’t realize the legal risks associated with a number of cultural behaviors that have become somewhat normalized, such as public cruising.

A recent example of criminalizing queer relationships is the case of Kaitlyn Hunt. Kaitlyn is a now-18-year-old girl who is being charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious battery of a child resulting from an allegedly consensual relationship with her 15-year-old girlfriend. The Internet has seen a groundswell of support for Kaitlyn, finding her persecution homophobic, unfair, and misguided. This reaction is certainly warranted and points to a larger issue with age-of-consent legislation. This type of legal action takes place all the time, in all types of communities, resulting in new sex offenders to label, monitor, and vilify. The case of Kaitlyn Hunt should open our eyes to the ways in which sex laws are abused in our country — not just for queers but for everyone.

The people we have labeled sex offenders are a multifarious group, with a wide spectrum of sexual desires. Empathy is needed for the group as a whole to ensure that they do not continue to be the cultural pariahs that we queers, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender folk once were, and arguably still are. If we allow for the continuation of inhumane imprisonment based on what dominant culture and the government deem “bad sex,” we put ourselves at risk of further condemnation.

Clearly this is a tricky, complex, and imperfect dialogue to be holding. But I fear that if we queers do not engage in conversations about moral gray areas and uncomfortable topics, we put ourselves at risk and lose the fervor, innovation, and critical thinking that once defined queerness.

Andrew Extein, Huffington Post 14 Comments [4/25/2017 10:48:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 126650

You can’t be serious as an Orthodox Jew and support the ‘gay’ agenda.

Brian Camenker, Life Site News 9 Comments [4/25/2017 10:44:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 126649

1. "I don't need to prove it .. the medical and science communities already have."
Citation please, proving that a human fetus is not a human being. Hint: you will not find that proof in any scientific journals.

2. No, what you said was the decision to abort was never an easy one. That is only true because everyone knows, deep down, that abortion kills a human who is not worthy of the death penalty.

3. Well, then did you know that more black babies are killed by abortion every 4 days than all of the blacks lynched by the KKK in 150 years?

4. Stop deflecting. Many of the arguments you have made in favor of abortion, including "rights" and "privacy" were precisely those made in favor of slavery.

Blacks didn't choose to be slaves, Jews didn't choose to be gassed, and babies don't choose to be aborted.

By your definition of "slavery" = telling a woman she cannot kill her preborn child, you would claim that the abolitionists telling plantation owners that they cannot own black people is "slavery" because it takes away the "rights" of slaveowners.

There is no "right" to do a wrong. Slavery and abortion are both wrongs.

Your arguments based on legality were also mimicked by slaveowners. Slavery was 100% legal just as abortion is now 100% legal. That does not make either moral however.

Those of us who are anti-abortion care tremendously about both the woman and the child - we believe that both humans have intrinsic moral value. But, those who support abortion "rights" seem to ignore the child completely and place absolutely zero value on him or her. I do not see how that view is consistent with human rights, especially when the science is settled on the humanity of the preborn child / human / baby. You yourself admitted that YOU were once a ZEF. Well, those 3000 ZEF's being killed today are "YOU's" too, worthy of our protection. Those are real people being offed.

Your admission that even in a life of the mother case, abortion is an "agonizing decision" is made precisely because you know full well that a human being with intrinsic moral value is being intentionally killed through abortion. It would not be "agonizing" if we could know for sure that the ZEF has zero intrinsic moral value.

WorldGoneCrazy-NotMurderedYet, Live Action News 4 Comments [4/25/2017 10:44:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 126646

Western Sodomites are trying to destroy the insitution of human marriage altogether. If one could marry to a same-sex member, he or she could marry to anyone or to anything in any way, and anything can be called marriage, which dissolves the marriage itself. Post-christian West's purpose and agenda is abolishment of the truth so they could pursue all kinds of depravity and enslave mankind. Once people submit to the Western Sodomism, they are always slaves to the Western pervs. Childless but well-fed West is being bored about life and is seeking some real evil warped amusement by making the serious others suffer by forcing a falsehood on earth, because they know they have no future. It's all written in the Holy Bible.

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 7 Comments [4/25/2017 10:43:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 126645

[Definition of the term "Hillary"]


God's Gift to those Idiots that cannot see through this Liar. What a Lying Bitch. Every other word out of her mouth is a Lie she'd make a great president if we needed a Liar for a president.
# 1 What A Hillary Liar

# 2 Wow you could be a Hillary
# 3 If you want to be like a Hillary just Lie.
# 4 If you want to be a President just follow Hillary's foot steps and Lie.

LIAR LIAR 2016, UrbanDictionary 13 Comments [4/25/2017 10:42:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 126644

"Jews laugh at Christianity."

Jesus was Jewish. The disciples were Jewish. The first 13,000 converts were Jewish, Christianity was birthed in the land of the Jews, the New Testament was written by Jews, and Christians believe that the Jewish scriptures are God's Word. I'm Jewish, and any Jew who believes the God-breathed Old Testament will embrace Jesus of Nazareth as their promised Messiah.

Ray Comfort , Facebook 11 Comments [4/25/2017 10:42:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep
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