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Quote# 126586

On North Carolina attempting to pass a law barring same-sex marriage

Michael C:
These elected officials either have no understanding of our system of government or they're relying on the fact that their constituents don't.

They're either wasting North Carolinian's hard earned money because they don't know how to do their jobs or they're wasting North Carolinian's hard earned money because they think they the people of North Carolina are ignorant.

Is wasting tax payers hard earned money acceptable if all you're doing is stomping your feet and banging your fists against the ground?

Jason Todd:
What is the basis for your argument?

Michael C:
A state legislature is not granted the power to nullify the parts of the U.S. Constitution that they don't like.

Any attempt to do so is an obvious waste of time and taxpayers' hard earned money.

So, are they wasting time and money because they're ignorant of how our system of government works or are they wasting time and money because they think their constituents are ignorant of how our system of government works?

Jason Todd:
Marriage isn't in the Constitution, which you bloody well know. That makes it a state issue, as per the 10th Amendment.

You need to stop being intellectually dishonest. But then again, the facts aren't on your side, are they?

Michael C:
Marriage is not specifically outlined in the Constitution, correct. How is it, then, that state laws that prohibit interracial marriage are in violation of the Constitution?

Jason Todd:
What does skin color have to do with sexual behavior?

Michael C:
Nothing that I've intimated.

...does that mean you're not going to address the simple question?

How is it that state laws prohibiting interracial marriage are in violation of the Constitution even though the Constitution doesn't even mention marriage??

Jason Todd:
The answer is it's irrelevant. Homosexuals like to equate the two to make some kind of argument, but the fact is it's the same as comparing a potato chip to a fire hydrant. It's nonsensical and won't be entertained.

Michael C:
No. You're just refusing to answer the question.

You're claiming that because the U.S. Constitution doesn't explicitly mention marriage, it's solely a state issue. You're refusing to respond to my relevant questions because you're wrong and you know it.

Thank you for this thoroughly useless conversation.

Jason Todd, Christian News Network 9 Comments [4/22/2017 12:27:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 126585

Michael C:
It's not a matter of "believing" any one side over the other. Roy Moore ordered Alabama public servants to violate the U.S. Constitution.

He ordered them to violate the U.S. Constitution.

It's not even a question. He did this. He put it on paper and signed it.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Ah, but it is more than a question. It's a lie. Moore ordered Alabama public servants to obey the Constitution AND the AL State Constitution. Try actually reading the article and opening your ears to what he actually said too.

No, SCOTUS found that laws forbidding same-sex marriages violates the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th Amendment, following a pattern set in a dozen other SCOUTUS cases on marriage rights.

That's the final word. No new laws were made, rather the Supreme Court found that existing state laws could not be enforced as they were unconstitutional.

Chief Justice Moore told Alabama workers to ignore that ruling. That is wrong. He paid the price for it, and will now go down in history as the only Supreme Court justice ever to be removed from the bench *twice* for misconduct.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Thank you for showing that SCOTUS did not follow the Constitution but rather exercised judicial activism (at least 5 of the judges did) instead of performing their duty.

You're also wrong on that being the final word. Might wanna try reading the Constitution. The USA is NOT an oligarchy.

As to your last comment, so what? As if "history" will have any significance toward him at all. "History" reflects that a group of people shouted to Caesar about the Son of God, "Crucify Him and let His blood be on us and our children." "History" reflects that a group of people brutally scourged the Son of God almost to death and that a group of people actually murdered the Son of God by crucifixion. So?

Do you honestly think the Son of God sits in any lesser of a position than what He does because of that??? LOL

Judge Moore will likely sit in an even higher position than what He did prior because of his faithfulness. Oh yeah, it's such a terribly bad thing to stand with Christ. LOL

Get your mind off the temporal and focus on Eternity.

Michael C:
Are you being serious right now?

If a part of the Alabama state constitution violates the U.S. Constitution, it's impossible to obey both of them at the same time.

You get that, right?

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
"We, the people of the State of Alabama, in order to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama"

The Constitution of the USA actually supports and upholds that.

You get that right?

Never mind. No need to answer that. We have all gotten it by now that you simply don't get it. Nor any other truth for that matter.

Royce E. Van Blaricome, Christian News Network 6 Comments [4/22/2017 12:27:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 126584

Your assertion that the Supreme Court of the United States cannot "make Law" is demonstrably incorrect. In fact, all rulings of appellate courts, which includes the Supreme Court of the United States, are a form of law known as "case law". The concept of "case law" is well established and understood and in fact it is addressed even in basic civics courses. As such, you have demonstrated an ignorance even of very basic United States civics which strongly suggests that your efforts to dismiss the validity of the ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges is without any credibility.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Thanks for showing your ignorance of the Constitution and the powers of each Branch.

Royce E. Van Blaricome, Christian News Network 8 Comments [4/22/2017 12:27:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 126583

How was judge [Roy] Moore upholding the Constitution, by attempting to inject his pet ideology into law?

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
By doing exactly what he said. I can't say it anymore succinctly and clearly than he did. Your characterization is just a blatant admission to your blindness and bias. Has nothing to do with "pet ideology".

The laws of Alabama he is trying to uphold, have been determined to be unconstitutional.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
By your ilk, maybe.

Ambulance Chaser:
No, by the Supreme Court, whose job it is to make final determinations of law.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
Wrong again. The People make the final determination.

That said, you might wanna checkout the 1923 Uniform Marriage and Marriage Licensing Act and the 1971 Uniform Marriage & Divorce Act. Both state, "Marriage is a personal relationship between a man and a woman arising out of a civil contract to which the consent of the parties is essential.".

In the Obergefell Decision NEITHER of those is mentioned in the Decision at all. So SCOTUS did not find them Unconstitutional and therefore they are still on the books. So legally, that means that any marriage license issued to a couple that is not of opposite sexes is invalid.

Since SCOTUS can NOT "make" Law and they didn't address the current Law on the books, it'll be interesting to see if what would happen if a challenge is brought by Moore, AL, NC or another State. At best, they could rule that the entire Marriage Licensing Act/Uniform Marriage & Divorce Act is/are void, which would mean an immediate cessation of marriage licenses.

Then a state could pass a law stating that marriage can only be used for unions of man and woman. It would no doubt be challenged and possibly overturned by some liberal activist judge or District Court.

This might open the door for another case on SSM to be considered by SCOTUS and if something were to happen to Ginsberg or Kennedy or one of the other Liberal Activists on the Court, I'd say there's a good probability that the original dissenters and Constitutionalists like Gorsuch would revisit the issue.

It's not like it's not happened before. If Obergefell were to be overturned, it certainly would NOT be the first time.

Ambulance Chaser:
Wrong again. The People make the final determination.

No, the Constitution is the final word on all laws. And when it's ambiguous, the Courts clarify it.

That said, you might wanna checkout the 1923 Uniform Marriage and Marriage Licensing Act and the 1971 Uniform Marriage & Divorce Act. Both state, "Marriage is a personal relationship between a man and a woman arising out of a civil contract to which the consent of the parties is essential.

As with many laws that start with "uniform," the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act isn't a law at all. It was a model that states could choose to adopt or not adopt as they saw fit. Only 8 states did: Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana and Washington. None of those states ever relied on it to limit the genders of people who were allowed to marry. The "man and woman" language was just there as a common convention of what the definition of marriage was.

I have no idea what the Uniform Marriage and Marriage Licensing Act is. The only reference I found to it was an unlinked comment on a bodybuilding forum.

In the Obergefell Decision NEITHER of those is mentioned in the Decision at all. So SCOTUS did not find them Unconstitutional and therefore they are still on the books. So legally, that means that any marriage license issued to a couple that is not of opposite sexes is invalid.

So what? Obergefell states,

"The Court, in this decision, holds same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all States. It follows that the Court also must hold and it now does hold that there is no lawful basis for a State to refuse to recognize a lawful same-sex marriage performed in another State on the ground of its same-sex character."

They're not required to go through every law in every state that they're striking down. Their intention is made perfectly clear.

Royce E. Van Blaricome:
What a load of gobbledeygook.

Royce E. Van Blaricome, Christian News Network 17 Comments [4/22/2017 12:26:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 126578

No pastor, Christian or church congregation is right with God who supported the Iraqi invasion. GET RIGHT WITH GOD!!! Iraq never threatened us. Yet, we attacked Iraq without provocation, like barbarian heathens!!!

And by the way, the Satanic term, “The Shekinah Glory” is derived from Jewish mysticism known as Cabalah/Kabbalah. Kaballah is a Satanic substitute for the Gospel, intended to blind and hinder men from coming to the truth of the Gospel to be saved. Many churches have adopted the Shekinah Glory term, which in Judaism refers to the female aspect of God. Of course, there is no feminine side of God in the Bible. There is God the Father (male). There is God the Son (male). And the Bible calls the Holy Spirit “He” in John 16:13 (King James Bible). Any teaching of a feminine aspect of the Godhead is woefully Satanic.

My main point here is that it was the influence of Zionists and Zionism that deceived and compelled America's churches to go along with the Iraqi war. Satan's Israel controls the U.S. mainstream newsmedia. They control the entertainment industry. Whereas marriage used to be honored in America, the Jewish-controlled Zionist entertainment industry has

The biggest publishing houses are all Zionist controlled. They own the New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. The top 50 media outlets in the U.S. have been consolidated in recent decades down to just 5 media outlets! Revelation 17:15, “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.”

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 15 Comments [4/22/2017 12:26:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 126577

USA is a Christian theocracy like other European nations. Read the Declaration of Independence. Americans trust and submit to the God of the Holy Bible alone. Christians create nations, the atheists destroy them, the foreigners take over the land, and the faith bounces back - the pattern on Planet Earth.

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 19 Comments [4/22/2017 12:20:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: KingOfRhye

Quote# 126574

Jesus said that when a man LOOKS at a woman to lust after her, he's already committed the adulterous act in his heart. *Matt 5:28

Fellas, did you know that LUST was an open doorway into the spirit realm?

Not only that: it's a one way door, meaning that whatever lies on the other side of that door has permission to enter your life by the simple act of you lusting after it.

Allow me to help some of you understand deeper level spiritual understanding:

The spirit realm is a very real inter-dimensional world that exists right alongside our three dimensional world of reality. To keep it simple, let's just say it's an extra layer of a deeper reality that we all swim in daily. Most just do so unaware.

The spirit realm is populated with different species of life too, just like the world we are most familiar with has different species of reptiles, mammals, birds, fish, insects, germs, etc.

Some of these species are extremely wicked. And they are highly intelligent. More intelligent in fact than humans are. And they hate you.

These species are what the bible refer to as unclean spirits, devils, demons, evil spirits, etc. And they're like really nasty bacteria, viruses or germs whose only purpose is to kill and destroy life in every way possible.

One of these species that exist in this realm are called spirits of lust. And their only purpose is to occupy the mind or body of any person who is willing to host them.

Once those spirits of lust enter into you, they enslave you, open you up for more spirits to come in, and ultimately use you to spread their sick virus into others.

Once you are no longer any good to them, they will shipwreck your life completely. And may even kill you. It may sound far-fetched, but I can assure you it's not!

When Jesus warned us not to lust after women, it had a deeper purpose than just stopping men from being "poon" hounds. He was actually showing you how to keep yourself from being invaded by one of these foul spirits of lust.

Your lust is the open invitation and legal grounds for these spirits of lust to enter you and control your life.

And once they enter, they don't leave easy. They'll bog you down, make you into a bonafide simp, steal your time, life and productivity from you. You won't be able to make much money; at least not as much as you should be making.

Because your whole driving focus, every free waking thought will be on seeking sexual gratification. For many of you, your computer hard drive and cell phone photos are proof of this very point.

I see you online too: timeline filled with photos of half-naked women. Quick to comment on any female who has a picture of herself up in something tight or revealing: "Daaaaang! You sexy!

Why you teasing me like that? Gorgeous! Stunning! Wife material!"
All evidence of extreme thirst, aka LUST.

You need to also be aware that certain environments are set up because they are conducive to filling any unsuspecting man who wander in with lust spirits. Examples of such places would be:

Strip clubs, night clubs, lounges, parties, comedy clubs, concert venues, X-rated movie theaters, Black bike weekends, beach parties, Greek frat festivals, college frat parties, bachelor parties, etc.

Basically, any place where women will be present dressed as skimpily and enticingly as possible is where you'll find plenty of lust demons lurking for new victims. And sad to say: this also includes many CHURCHES...

And please be aware that many women you see online or around you, showcasing all their lovely female assets, are really nothing more than secret agents of Satan sent to trap men's souls via lust.

So quit giving such women props and attention in the hopes that she'll give you a shot! That never works anyway, because women like that feed off your lust and attention. All they want is your worship anyway.

Who told us that lusting after women was what men are supposed to do? Men are supposed to control themselves, possess their bodies in honor, build and create things, establish families and lead.

But you can't do that if your thoughts are filled with sex 24/7.

If you've read thus far, I'd like to present an eBook I wrote that is available right away for immediate and instant download. It's titled:

'Diva, Goddess, Queen: Breaking The Power of Soul Ties, Lust and Sexual Demons'. You can download it here:


If you're a man who's struggling with lust, filled with that thirsty energy, and you want to break totally and completely free: download this ebook NOW.

If you desire to empower yourself against the wiles of wicked women and their lust spirits: Don't ignore this message.

The sooner you make an active effort to liberate yourself from the tyranny of lust-fullness, the sooner you'll regain your rights and freedom as a man!

Jesus Christ provides absolute and total freedom. And this freedom is available for whosoever will, today. That means YOU.

So download the ebook, and be sure to look to Jesus: who alone can powerfully drive those lust spirits out of your life once and for all.

God bless.

Mack Major, Facebook 15 Comments [4/22/2017 12:17:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 126572

The abortuary owner, abortionist, head deathscort, and two underling deathscorts have all come very close to hitting me with their cars. I have been assaulted and very mildly batteried a few times by bro choicers.

These are intimidation tactics to get pro-lifers from not coming back in much the same way that stalking pro-aborts sometimes try to silence pro-lifers from expressing our opinions online because they know, deep down, that we are right and that abortion kills a human in a developmental stage we all have passed through unattacked and unscathed.

WorldGoneCrazy-NotMurderedYet, Live Action News 21 Comments [4/22/2017 12:16:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 126570

Earth is flat in Quran and so shall it be?

sibertooth, youtube 6 Comments [4/22/2017 12:16:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 126567

Jesus is The Life! To say that evil is a branch of Life is to say that Jesus Christ had an evil side to Him. As Jesus the man was also The Christ, or God, it is blasphemy to say that a perfect God, our Creator, has evil in Him. The Yin-Yang symbol is a lie.

AmbassadorHerald, Deviantart 5 Comments [4/22/2017 12:10:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Speed demon

Quote# 126566

What are some of these 'Doctrines of Devils'? Here is a short list of a few that come to mind:
Theistic Evolution (Evolution period),
Vatican II (Catholics),
The Emerging Church (Purpose Drivenism),
Book of Mormon (Mormonism),
Pre-Tribulation Rapture,
Sodomy (Gay/Lesbian),
Wicca (Witchcraft),
Good works gets you to Heaven,
Etc . . .

AmbassadorHereld, Deviantart 8 Comments [4/22/2017 12:10:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Speed demon

Quote# 126561

[=Context: Part 3 of Anne Kennedy's rant against Jory Micah=]

So, yesterday I chattered away about all the annoying possibilities for women in the church–the Duggar Option, the Ray Romano Option, the Giving Up Option, the Backing Furtively Away Option. I started with three but it looks like it morphed into four. We needn’t worry too much about how many there are and what to call them. The fact is, since that long lost edenic landscape, men and women have never been able to comfortably sort themselves out. Some millennia or other we’re going to notice this and lower our expectations.

I am going to get to the other annoying option for women in the church–showing her her place–but before I do that I want to talk about Tone, which means the other one will have to wait.

In the Land of the Internet–that great vast playground of everybody saying and being whoever they want to be–it’s very natural that we would want to bubble wrap ourselves in protective layers no matter what the conversation is. As human discourse has become technically easier, it seems to have become exponentially more tetchy. Anyone can talk, therefore we are all much quicker to have our feelings hurt.

This being so, I have some friendly counsel. I think if women want to be taken seriously in whatever sphere they hope to inhabit, it would be helpful for them to set aside many of their trigger warnings.

For example, one of the jarring thing about reading so much Jory Micah in one day is the vague feeling that she has Definitely Overcome. She has been victimized by the church and everyone, but she has gloriously overcome all the hideous persecution to forge a better and more enlightened way for herself, a way that actually fractures the body of Christ because she’s going off to start a new one. But me noticing this in the public writing that she is publicly doing, will doubtless bring cries of ‘don’t be so mean!’ Which shuts down the conversation. Either you can say something publicly, and have people respond to it publicly, or you can go hide in your cupboard. But we like to have it both ways.

As we are increasingly offended and hurt, the church becomes an impossible place to actually sort things out. What set of men will want, reasonably, to talk to women about anything, let alone what women can do, if the women are poised and ready to cry Foul at every turn? Men, for all they are so evil, are not usually spoiling for a fight. They want the women to be happy so that they will leave them alone sometimes. I jest…sort of.
What I’m trying to say is, the victimization tone needs to go away. There are some true victims in the world–lots of them actually, more of them women and children–but being in a church that doesn’t think you should, because of the Bible, preach the sermon, does not make you into an oppressed woman. And when you insist that it does, it actually only serves to close off other avenues where you might be useful in the kingdom of God.

If women want to be taken seriously in any sphere by men, I think it would be awfully helpful if they set the tone of the conversation in a more Gospel centered posture–with wisdom, grace, humility. I actually think this is already how things are trending. But the specter of hurt feelings mingled with the muddy heritage of feminism is always hovering.

Likewise, for the men, not assuming that every woman who isn’t squatting over her cooking pot adjusting her veil is the same as Jory Micah would go along way towards calming troubled water.

Someone has to be willing to leap in and talk through what might be seriously uncomfortable issues. Do we want to return to a golden, if not actually real, past? Where women stayed at home and men earned the check and little Beaver Cleaver pulled up to the dinner table in his collared shirt and his cheerful attitude? Where June was so taken with Ward and he was so clever and her pearls were so perfect? (Actually, I would not have minded this. Especially the air brushing.) Or shall we go back further still to the yet more glorious past where the man was probably cobbling the shoes in the front room and the woman was cobbling the meat pie in the back and when they went to church they knew it had been great when that nice bell rang?
Or, maybe we could start from where we are, with women and men both in the work force, women in even greater numbers in university programs, and children expected to all be geniuses by age three. None of these various ways of being are perfect. But we have to account for where we are, and we need to let go of the foolish ideals of utopia. And we need to center our gaze back on the scriptures. And if we want to really go forward we need to stop getting our feelings hurt every few seconds. I say we but I am obviously just talking about you. (JOKE)

Anne Kennedy, Patheos 3 Comments [4/22/2017 12:05:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 126560

Canada, I am, the Thursday-and E ( "Iodine-huh-huh-hook") and Joshua (Iho-Jesus ) give you this warning: Do you follow your sisters! You call yourself North America, now you carry the name I despise. If you do not repent and do not move away from the sins of America - the fate of America will be yours.

Elisheva Eliyahu , Almighty Wind 10 Comments [4/22/2017 12:05:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 126555

you made incest seem like it's "wrong" or bad. Incest that is not consensual can be damaging, I will agree to, but consensual incest, when both people are okay with it, is not hurting anyone and they should be allowed to be together. Even though it is considered "wrong" and causes most people to have a knee jerk reaction of "ick," love is love and who are we to say who people can and can't love?

give-me-a-name, Deviantart comments section 17 Comments [4/22/2017 12:01:11 PM]
Fundie Index: -3

"Most Likely To Be A Serial Killer" Award

Some people like vanilla. Some people have kinks. And some people are straight out of a psychological horror story.

Quote# 126549

(A paleoartist drew a horrifying picture of a human being eaten by Megalania -- a giant prehistoric lizard that lived in Australia --- and a vorephile shows up and gets butthurt because the other commenters don't think it's hot. At first I thought this guy was a troll, but after looking at his profile, it was apparent that, unfortunately, he's being 100% serious)

I'm fapping to this right now you hateful close minded jerks! I bet a lot of the haters are either repressed or have fetishes of their own that that won't admit to. Conformist squares aren't better than [vorephiles], even though they continue to think they are better than them just to deny how repressed and boring they, their lives, and their contribution to the human condition is.

wormsign2k, Deviantart comments section 28 Comments [4/21/2017 11:28:07 AM]
Fundie Index: -6

Quote# 126545

Yes, magic is as real as the air we breathe. True, in the movies it is all faked, but they portray real stuff. If you so wanted to, you could learn all that evil stuff, but I advise against it. You’d be one who would be included in above verses. Fortunately God is giving grace now, thanks to Jesus. But it won’t last forever. When your life on Earth is finished, you are out of time. Got Jesus’ blood covering you, you get Heaven, don’t have it, you get hell. Choose before you die.

AmbassadorHerald , Deviantart 12 Comments [4/21/2017 11:23:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 126544

Narnia verses Harry Potter

A while back, I encountered a question on Yahoo Answers where someone inquired as to why some people have a negative attitude toward the magic displayed in Harry Potter but seem to have no problem with the magic displayed in the Chronicles of Narnia. I decided to submit an answer for this question, but as it happened, my answer turned into more of an essay, and the topic was closed before I submitted it. However, for those of you who have wondered the same thing, I decided to post it here with some minor modifications. Just my two cents, but I think there’s some food for thought.

To begin, despite some claims from other posters on Yahoo Answers, C.S. Lewis was a Christian and the similarities between Narnia and items in the Bible was intentional. They are not strictly allegory, where one thing in Narnia equals something else in the Bible. They are called “supposals.” The basic idea was that Lewis wondered what would happen if God had created another world and chose to die and rise again to save that world as He did ours. Note that the magic in the Chronicles is almost always coming directly from Aslan if it portrayed as good (There are a few exceptions to this), so it could be considered a metaphor for the miracles of God. The witch and her magic are depicted as evil.

On to Harry Potter. These books are very well written and J.K Rowling’s style is fun and witty. They are definitely entertaining books...but I do have some difficulty with them, and only part of it has to do with the magic they contain. The difficulty is actually threefold:

1. The Magic:
The difficulty with the magical elements in the Harry Potter books is that the magic is being portrayed as being a skill that can be learned by children in our world, if they possess the predisposition for it (Yes, I know this statement is vastly simplified). In the Chronicles, the children almost never practice magic themselves, and once when Lucy tries to, in Voyage of the Dawn Treader, she ends up probably destroying one of her friendships. Humans aren’t meant to practice magic.

2. The Violence:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Philosopher’s Stone, in England) started out mildly enough. The final confrontation is a bit eerie, but nothing too horribly violent, though we do have an instance of a human being possessed by a malevolent spirit (but that fits more into category #1). By Book Two, Chamber of Secrets, we have a young girl (also possessed) killing chickens (not to eat), and quite a bloody confrontation in the climactic scene. Skip on to Book Four, Goblet of Fire, and any semblance of these being child-appropriate books seems to be lost. We have a teacher casting illegal spells, including murder and torture (albeit on a spider) in a classroom, apparently with the benevolent headmaster’s consent. We have the murders of several characters, one another student from the school; Harry’s blood being taken for a foul piece of magic (which, at least, is depicted as being evil in the scene); a servant cutting off his hand as part of the same piece of sorcery...the violence in this book keeps getting worse...and books Five and Six don’t ease up on it much (In Six Harry accidentally casts a spell that essentially has the same effect as repeatedly stabbing another student). At the time of this article, Book Seven has yet to be released. Is there violence in the Narnia books? Yes, but you will notice it is tempered. Possibly the most terrifying scene in the series is the sacrifice of Aslan, but you will note that the girls look away at the moment the witch actually kills him.

3. The Morality:
Quite apart from magic or violence in either story, is the morality that is being taught in either series. I have heard the Harry Potter series heralded as books with incredibly strong morals, but a quick examination of the books reveals this statement to be patently false. Harry consistently lies, to his teachers, to his friends, to Dumbledore the headmaster. He and his friends steal potions ingredients from Professor Snape (But who cares? We don’t like Snape, so it’s ok, right?). In fact, he’s rewarded for the first rule he breaks. When the entire class is told they will be expelled if they try to fly on their broomsticks without a teacher present, Harry takes off on his broom after Draco Malfoy, who has stolen something from a friend (But hey, it’s ok for a kid to risk life and limb for a noble cause, yes?). Not only is he not expelled, he’s REWARDED, given a prestigious place on one of the school sports teams.

Not convinced? Well, how about Professor Lupin, who neglects to mention to the headmaster that a convicted murderer is quite possibly sneaking into the school disguised as a dog? Why doesn’t Lupin say anything? Because it would be EMBARRASSING to him, and lose him some of the headmaster’s trust (which he doesn’t actually deserve because he’s been lying to the man for years anyway). But hey, it’s only Harry’s life and the lives of other students that’s at stake, and the convict has only gotten into the school twice already...so no big deal.

So what’s the difference? Don’t kids in the Narnia books get up to mischief, too? Of course they do. Digory, one of the children, does something incredibly foolish, awakens an evil witch, and brings her into Narnia with him, ruining the newly creating world before it’s a day old. But there are consequences. He has to face Aslan and explain exactly what happened. He’s required to complete a task to help mend the damage. When Edmund sides with the White Witch against his family, he’s almost killed for it (They left that bit out of the movie, but the concept was there.), and Aslan has to die in his place. The kids in Narnia make mistakes, but there are always consequences, consequences which are frequently and curiously lacking in the Harry Potter stories.

When I have kids, I want them to know that God is the only acceptable source of supernatural power in this world. I don’t want to expose them to violent scenes before they’re old enough to deal with them. And I want them to know that there are consequences to the choices they make.

AmbassadorHerald, Deviantart 14 Comments [4/21/2017 11:22:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 126542

"I do not believe in evolution. I do not choose what I believe. I am compelled to believe what I believe by the presentation of evidence which leads only to one logical conclusion. ...That is why we believe it."

Look at your words: "I do not believe...what I believe...what I believe...that's why we believe." Evolution is completely faith-based. It's a belief. Nothing is observable without having to exercise a blind faith.

Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's Facebook page 18 Comments [4/21/2017 11:19:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 126538

[Anonymous asked: What don't you like about homosexuals?]
Homosexuality serves no purpose, it is inherently degenerate and narcissistic. They have higher amounts of sexual partners (bordering on absurdity) more stds, are disproportionately pedophiles, and are often perverted sadly because they are molested as children. It is unnatural and shouldn’t be normalized in society. The worst of all is when I see children at these pride parades next to men groups of men that are totally naked or leashed up like dogs. I can’t stand it, Russia has the right idea with the anti gay propaganda law and Kadyrov dindu nuthin wrong

the-orthodox-autocrat, Tumblr 11 Comments [4/21/2017 11:13:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 126537

Both evolutionists (usually atheists) and Creationists (Biblical Scientists) need faith. Jesus said so. The difference is one has faith God is an illusion; the other has faith in God. The problem is one is justified, the other not. Science confirms God’s existence. Let me explain.

The First Law of Thermodynamics says that matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Based on this law of science you must conclude the universe has always been here in some way, shape or form.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that all things are going downhill and decaying, going from more usable energy to less usable energy. We call this Entropy. Based on this law you most conclude that in an eternal universe, like the first law requires, we would now be in a heat death where all usable energy is no longer usable and everything is in a standstill. You’re forced to conclude this because in an eternal universe there has been infinite time before the now and it takes far less time than infinity to use all the energy. It only takes finite time.

So, if the universe cannot be eternal due to the second law, but it must be eternal based on the first law, then there is only one explanation: something, or someone who is outside the laws of this universe created it. That person has to be God.

For more, go to [link] .

AmbassadorHerald, Deviantart 10 Comments [4/21/2017 11:13:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 126536

Hate speech laws can’t be used against progressives because nothing we say is hate speech.

Visceral, Daily Kos 15 Comments [4/21/2017 11:08:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 126533

You've been decieved. Same-sex members are only for friendship, loyalty, brotherhood, and sisterhood and nothing else. You don't fall in love with kids or kins and therefore not with same-sex members, either. It is as unthinkably disgusting and lawless as feeling appetite for fellow human beings or dog meat. The Western powerfuls are trying to enslave mankind by bending God's truth and human conscience and ignoring science.

"No, YOU'VE been deceived. If you're not attracted to people of the same gender, you're not really in a position to know that they cannot fall in love like everyone else."

Tell that to pedophiles and cannibals. You are wrong. Homosexuality means sex with anything; it's giving up on being human. The Western culture is violating the human rights by equating the colored people and sexually depraved people and prohibiting morality this century. Endorsement of homosexuality is a slavery to sin. You need to repent of the support of depravity.

Grace Kim Kwon, Christian News Network 15 Comments [4/21/2017 11:08:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 126532

On the topic of magic, the hell is right on. Magic is demonic power. Yes, God isn’t the only supernatural power, but His power is not the same as magic. Magic is the devil's copy of God’s power. God is God and can do anything; satan is not god but thinks he is. Satan is after God’s throne and every time magic is used he gets a taste of it, as you are worshiping him instead of God. This is known as blasphemy. Idol worship. It is sin, and without Jesus’ forgiveness, it is punishable by death in the lake of fire.

AmbassadorHerald , Deviantart 8 Comments [4/21/2017 11:08:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 126531

As for believing what people will, it is of course the truth. You have rejected the notion of having a Savior who loves you. You have rejected the notion that you will die a sinner in the Lake of Fire for eternity unless you admit you have sinned to God and repent. The door stands ready to receive you, Jesus wants to hug you and call you a Son of God. Accept or turn away, your only options. But, don’t say you were not warned.

AmbassadorHerald , Deviantart 6 Comments [4/21/2017 11:08:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 126529

[Commenting under "Bodo League Massacre 100,000 to 200,000 Communists removed from South Korea"]

Posted by Metecury

Chances are if the government kills your parents for being communists you are going to become a communist and hate anyone who acted to prevent communism because that killed your parents.


So it's Ok to kill children ?

Posted by Metecury

Not from a moral stand point of course, it's not ok but in the context op talked about it was not done for the sake of committing an immoral act, it was done for practical purposes. Does that make it ok? Not really, no.


Posted by Metecury

Take ISIS, they are training and indoctrinating children from the age of three/four, they will most likely grow up to be terrorists and kill people, as a matter of fact child soldiers are a thing and they do not have to wait that long because they are used in executions and war actions.

Is it wrong to kill them because of their age? Would it be moral to let them grow up knowing that one day they will kill people? Because that is a given, they are being raised in the ideology by their parents who are fighting the west, they will never be functioning members of society.

Is it their fault or decision? Not really, the poor bastards were born into that nonsense but this does not make them any less dangerous or any less of a problem for us all.

Now on the case at hand, on top of the fear of the children of communists becoming a threat, which makes sense, there is also the intention to cause fear in those who would join the ideology and attempt revolution by making an example of those who did. It was not slaughter for the sake of slaughter.

Is it morally right? Not really but then again politics has little to do with morals and it is not the most righteous side that wins.

To let the children of communists go free and become communists later in life would be irresponsible as not stomping out the revolution would be. Then again, some would argue that there is a chance at reintegration and that an alternative could be possible, which I agree with by the way; however a civil war is a nasty business which often sees atrocities on both sides, I feel that a moral judgement is not exactly possible or advisable.

Posted by 125_

I think I can agree to everything you've said, thanks for replying :)

Metecury, Reddit - r/Physical_Removal 4 Comments [4/21/2017 11:08:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP
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