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Quote# 126523

Military technology displaces alpha shitlords from service. The more advanced and remote the killing tech, the less need for high T men to wield the weaponry. A black ops room or navy ship decked out with precision targeting systems can be manned by homos and pregnant 90 pound women. Sad!

Heartiste, Gab 18 Comments [4/21/2017 11:03:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 126519

[Pretty much the perfect illustration of how the alt-right went so far right it somehow ended up rejecting Randian competition and individualism]

Globohomogenization is human id accelerationism, corrupting natural human emotions and desires — envy, anxiety, female hypergamy — into monstrous deformations that ultimately dehumanizes as it propels people to emotional brinkmanship that exceeds the carrying capacity of their amygdalae.

Instead of the manageable stress of fitting into a social scene that might extend four town blocks and maybe one town over, the average globalized Westerner has her brain tricked to perceive competition with the global village hordes — millions of people, including those who occupy the farthest right and left tails of the human worth bell curve, from high SMV celebs to freakish cross-dressers, christcucks, and lactating men — and she simply isn’t equipped to handle that social input load without getting depressed and hooked on Big Pharma’s poison pills.

Out of Nod makes a good point about envy being pathologically amplified by globalism. One of the motivating drivers of the Acela-class affluent SWPL rootless cosmopolitan shitlib demand for Zero Border Control and embrace of GloboHomoism is so that they have an ever-broader avenue to access their need for a winner-take-all social status whoring competition in which they see themselves coming out on top of the global order. The White shitlib truly thinks herself morally and intellectually superior to all others (don’t let her Black Lives Matter shuck n hivemind act fool you) and what better way to finally prove that superiority than by winning on a world stage?

A “winner” pushes for more competition. Only “losers” would want to restrict or regulate competition (so the shitlib and deracinated cuck rationalizes). “Winners” don’t fear global competition because nothing could possibly threaten their winning station in life (largely paid for by imported cheap laborers). The religion of GloboHomoism thus becomes a social status marker for credentialist suckups whose lucky talent for abstract thinking has served them well in the post-scarcity data-driven borgonomy.

But it’s an ego-warped illusion. The more shitlibs push for globohomoism, the more they hitch their nation’s fate to inevitable decay and widespread poverty. And there are only so many gated communities to run to before the swarm engulfs its sponsor. Even now there are stories of frazzled urban hypercredentialist white libs cracking under the pressure of the Asian onslaught to their kids’ schools and colleges. The blight of despair won’t be contained to BadWhites alone. Meth ameliorates the pain of dispossession for rural Whites; Xanaz and yoga and Salon articles do the same for urban Whites.


So the embrace of Globohomoism by effete, low T White shitlibs has less to do with a principled Randian stand for no-holds-barred worldwide competition than it does with globalism’s neat trick of removing all reason and accountability from the shitlibs’ sphere of activity. Globohomoism essentially turns the economy into a woman. Shitlib Whites aren’t so much succeeding in the global economy as they are enjoying its superficial privileges while passing the consequences of their unaccountable failures onto future generations.

Globohomogenized envy encourages people to eat their nation’s seed corn in the impossible quest to become a member of the 0.0001%ers at the commanding heights of the new global order.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 9 Comments [4/21/2017 11:02:07 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 126513

This is just sickening folks. Some apostate Bible publisher thought they'd cash in big by marketing The Martin Luther King Remembrance Edition Bible. It is a trustworthy King James Version, which makes it even more insulting to God. How dare anyone exploit the Word of God to honor such a wicked, Christ-rejecting, unrepentant man as Martin Luther King. Few American realize that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, involved in at least 60 known Communist front organizations.

Martin Luther King was an unsaved heretic, who openly denied the Virgin Birth, the Bodily Resurrection and the Deity of Jesus Christ. These are all fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. You can read King's very own blasphemous writings in The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. If king is to be honored, then why not publish The Adolf Hitler Remembrance Edition while you're at it? . . . or The Hugh Hefner Remembrance Edition?

One of the saddest days in American history was when a holiday was established to honor Martin Luther King. Why would the American people want to honor a Communist? In case you didn't know, Communism is synonymous with moral decay and subversion, which explains why abortionists, homosexuals and feminists have all made King an icon. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, spent the remaining years of her life advocating rights for homosexuals. Real Christian huh?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 36 Comments [4/20/2017 11:43:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 14

Quote# 126510

If you say your Christian, BUT you vote Democrat (or Independent with Democrat favor), you are most likely not a Christian at all. Being Christian and Democrat is like oil and water, they don't mix...

Eden Decoded, Facebook 17 Comments [4/20/2017 11:42:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 126509

Someone You Know May Be A Devil In Disguise

[2 Corinthians 11:14-15] "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions."

Some of the biggest freaks - and some of the biggest whoremongers are in the Church. This is not a guess, this is a FACT!

If you're a Christian who's trying to live right, you owe it to yourself to not be naive and to be completely aware of the different personality types that are in church today.

The church is like a sheep's pen. It's where the sheep gather and congregate to do sheepy things. But where there's sheep there's bound to be predators. And predators today have gotten smart.

Church sheep attract church wolves. And just because they don't look or act wolfish doesn't mean they're not!


1. Showing slackness when it comes to living out an authentic salvation experience.

2. More worldly acting than they are Christian. In fact, they're so worldly that you wouldn't know they were a Christian unless they directly told you. There's no other identifying behavior that connects them with the saints. These would be your believers who are still running out and getting tatted up - still attending secular music concerts - still drinking and getting high. And when challenged on these obvious sinful practices, they'll pull out the 'judge not' card. Or they'll say that Jesus places everything under the blood, therefore there's no need for them to stop sinning. I call these 'Christian sinners' (and yes, that's an oxymoron).

3. Mixing of Christianity with Hinduism, Buddhism or New Age beliefs.

4. The use of phrases such as 'judge not' and 'God knows my heart.'

5. Always the victim of someone or some church that 'did them wrong.'

6. Acting as if they're too holy or too spiritual to be bothered with the rest of us mere Christian mortals.

7. Claims to be saved yet has a very elementary understanding or very little knowledge at all of holy scriptures. (How you gon' claim to love God - yet hate His word???)

8. Goes to church every time the church doors are open - yet continuously living in sexual sins, won't stop fornicating, cheats on their spouse with other church wolves (members), masturbates without guilt, dabbling in porn, etc. ***People like this are really dangerous, because they've been thoroughly inoculated against God's saving power, and are virtually guaranteed to bust hell wide open when the time comes. Steer VERY clear of such wolves in sheeps clothing - lest you find yourself on that bus trip to hell along with them!

I could write an endless list here. Perhaps you can even think of a few to add in the comments stream. Bottom line is, just because they claim to be saved doesn't mean they have been.

I warned you before and I'll keep doing it:There are many demons on assignment hiding out among the saints! And it behooves you if you're serious about your salvation in Christ to know who's on God's team and who's not. How can you tell the difference? It's simple:

"Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thisles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit." Matthew 7:15-17

Always check for their fruit! That's how you will recognize them.

Mack Major, Eden Decoded 29 Comments [4/20/2017 11:42:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 126507

Thanks, I actually missed talking to you and our other friends when I had to lay around with my foot propped up! Oh, It makes me so indignant when I hear people say "Birds are the closest living relatives to dinosaurs!" Kentucky Fried T-Rex? I think not!! They even faked fossils to have feathers to prove their point(not the first time that was attempted, either,as in the case of the infamous "Piltdown Man")And it is true that "fowl" in the Biblical sense is a broader term than how we define it now.Just as some other herbivores are called "cattle"not just bovines.

galacticdragon , Deviantart 16 Comments [4/20/2017 11:33:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 126506

Homosexuals and sexual deviants by definition are weak people who live solely for self-gratification.

They lack the moral fortitude to defend themselves and will always get rolled by whoever ambles over to punch them in the face and take their lunch money.

Always. Without exception.



Rome was conquered by the barbarians because Romans were weak, degenerate and valued hedonism over defending their empire.

France and Germany are being conquered because the French and Germans are weak, degenerate and value hedonism over defending their nations.



There are plenty of people who will defend their nations in the name of God (or the gods), their families, their blood, and their cultural patrimony.

There isn't a single person who has ever gone to war to defend their country's abortion rights or freedom for gays.

It just doesn't happen.



A polite reminder: despite the outreach Trump and his supporters did for gays, despite the Orlando nightclub shooting, and despite Hillary Clinton taking money from "homophobic" Saudi Arabia, 80 percent of LGBT voters supported Hillary.

Hedonists are dead weight with no place in the movement.


Matt Forney, Gab 25 Comments [4/20/2017 11:33:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 126505

Earlier this month, Family Research Council senior fellow Robert Maginnis appeared on SkyWatchTV to discuss “the occult influence on D.C. elites.”

Maginnis warned that even the most well-intentioned people who go to Washington, D.C. to work in public service are susceptible to the evil forces that he said dominate the city, citing both witchcraft and homosexuality.

“If you look around Washington, you have Dupont Circle, famous for being the center of homosexuality in Washington, you have all sorts of activities down there that are pretty souring,” he said. “You have a lot of witchcraft. You have a lot of hedonism. You have all the issues that—when I think of Sodom and Gomorrah, I often think of Washington, D.C. in the same thought.”

Maginnis, who previously said that witches “advise the senior leadership of the country,” urged viewers to pray for President Trump to ensure that he doesn’t give in to corrupting influences.

Robert Maginnis, Right Wing Watch 13 Comments [4/20/2017 11:33:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 126504

If only people were half as good as your writing makes them sound. They are not. Most humans today are disgusting, vile beings. And it is our declining morals that will be our downfall.
Nicely written, I suppose. I don't believe in god or good people, but nicely written all the same.

XxAloysiusxX, Deviantart 10 Comments [4/20/2017 11:33:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 126503

Roy Moore, the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, was a guest on Eagle Forum Live over the weekend, where he discussed the recent developments in marriage equality with Anne Cori, Phyllis Schlafly’s daughter.

Moore seemed to be thrown a little off guard when a listener called in and asked angrily why “people use the 14th Amendment to protect interracial marriage when the authors of the 14th Amendment were against interracial marriage.” (The Supreme Court has found bans on both same-sex and interracial marriages to be violations of the 14th Amendment.)

Cori interrupted the caller and asked Moore to instead address people who say “you have to agree with same-sex marriage because interracial marriage is okay.”

The difference, Moore said, is that the right to the “pursuit of happiness” found in the Declaration of Independence came from God and God supports interracial marriage but not same-sex marriage.

“I think people today would say that same-sex marriage is a pursuit of happiness,” Cori interjected.

“Well, they would say that, but that’s not the way the laws of God define the pursuit of happiness,” Moore responded. “And pursuit of happiness was given by God and recognized by the United States Supreme Court in 1967 in Loving v. Virginia.”

Of course, interracial marriage opponents at the time were quite certain that God opposed interracial marriage, which had lower levels of public support at the time Loving was decided than same-sex marriage does today.

roy moore, right wing watch 11 Comments [4/20/2017 11:32:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 126499

Why not just admit and face the fact that multiculturalism, equality, tolerance, and anti-racism are all smoke screens concocted to demoralize the West during the Cold War and are continued because the KGB was so successful at getting its agents into power positions in academia. Face it, either you abandon this idiocy now or learn to wear a burka and make plans for a clitoridectomy because all you are accomplishing is preparing the battle space for the Jihad. Enjoy knowing that you are committing your descendants’ suicide for them. Socialism and Islam are always evil all the time and in all ways, and you are doing their work for them. If you can hate yourself for being a White American why not hate yourself for being a Communist/Islamist dupe. It’s so much more reasonable.

Glob Snark, Medium 12 Comments [4/20/2017 1:40:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 126494

Fun Fact: The Best of People will Fight Them.

Another sign of the Khawarij. The best of people will fight them.

Let’s recap real quick, one side you have:

Every western country, every gulf country, every Arab country, and Israel. (Who btw have done nothing for any Muslims suffering since their cursed inception…but were quick to mobilize their fighter jets when The Khilafah was formed.)

In the other corner, you have:

Brothers and Sisters like you and me (who are far better then you and I, but just for the sake of this post) who made Hijrah, gave up everything for the sake of Allah swt, are fighting in the path of Allah swt, who don’t fear the blame of the blamer, stern and harsh with the disbelievers, and gentle with the believers.

Which one you think is going to be the camp of “best of people”? A Group with America, Iran, Russia, and Israel? Or a group who strives and established the Khilafah?

quranic-recitation, Tumblr 16 Comments [4/20/2017 1:37:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 126493

I was asked to read this book in joining an existing book club that had already been meeting for over 5 years. I did not join earlier as I am not a fast reader so what I spend my time reading is precious and I give the first fruits of my time to reading The Most Precious Book of All. This book is far-fetched with so much of the Corridor's strange actions explained away by the author's imagination that it just plain troubled me. References to "blood red," "bright lights," "scrolls," "an intelligence," and overall "death but being alive after-the-fact" goes against my faith in Jesus Christ. Please don't waste your time and certainly don't waste your children's time by offering this book to them. Give them a book which has a true biblical message that also enhances their vocabulary as well as their perspective on who the true "intelligence" is, Jesus Christ.

Brenda R Johnson, Amazon.com, Corridor by Robin Parrish 18 Comments [4/20/2017 1:37:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 126492

Dr. Andrés Mateo, a Mexican doctor of philosophy, and a student of parapsychology, particularly of psychic healing, substantiated Andrija’s conviction that Pachita was “a marvelous gift that humanity cannot lose, and had to be spread all over the world.” This Dr. Mateo too had witnessed Pachita’s “breathtaking transplantations,” as he wrote to Andrija. “I have been not only a close witness, but actually an actor – or co-actor – to her surgical operations which were devoid of any kind of anesthesia or asepsia, or even basic cleanness, with no electric light – only a gloomy wax candle, with a dirty rusty knife (more so than Arigo’s), opening with her bare, dirty, bloody hands skin, flesh, tissues, bones, extracting tumors, exchanging whole femurs, or stomachs … and transplanting whole brains (!), both kidneys, or a whole uterus. I personally, with my own hands, have helped to keep open both sides of a woman’s skull while Pachita extirpated the woman’s whole brain, and put in its place a whole new one, with bulb hanging and all … Something Frankesteinian indeed.”

Andres Mateo, Andrija Phuarich's biography 14 Comments [4/20/2017 1:37:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 126491

Using the evolutionary claim that dinosaurs evolved into birds as a base, which is scientifically impossible and Biblically false, Else began working with the idea of dinosaurs giving milk to their young in a manner similar to bird—like pigeons, emperor penguins, and flamingos. They feed their young from crop glands at the back of the throat by opening their mouths. Paleontologists already knew that dinosaur babies grew quickly, like pigeons grow to 85% of their adult size in just four weeks. Else assumed that there must be similar events happening to cause the two similar results. He observed that milk is often “spiked” with additives, such as antibodies, antioxidants, calcium, minerals, fat, protein, carotenoids, and growth hormones. If dinosaurs did the same thing, then the mystery of their rapid growth would be solved.

Else decided to take his hypothesis and apply it to the herbivorous duckbills: Hadrosaurs. These are pretty common in the fossil record, so a fair amount is known about them. Hadrosaurs were herd breeders with nest-bound young fed by parents. There is also strong evidence that hadrosaurs raised their hatchlings in vast nesting colonies where they cared for them for some time, similar to the nesting colonies of seabirds. Baby hadrosaurs would not have been able to feed themselves enough to sustain life, yet somehow they managed to grow rapidly—from a 300-gram hatchling to a 20-kilogram juvenile in just eight weeks. Personally, knowing it was eight weeks is a just guess, since fossils do not tell time but are merely a splint moment captured in stone.

Professor Frank Seebacher, of the University of Sydney, has told Australian Geographic that the controversial idea will be very difficult to prove and will likely remain only an idea, although that’s what science is made of. With the modern trend of dinosaur bones, such as finding fossilized skin, fully mummified corpses, and even un-fossilized blood (look these up online or inquire in the comments), we may prove it yet. But Paul Else is probably hypothesizing the wrong method of milk-production. Birds would not be applicable except to the winged pterosaurs, which are the flying dinosaurs.

God is pretty clear in Lamentations 4:3 that dragons lactate, because they have “shad”, or the mammalian pouch(s) to hold and dispense milk. Birds do not lactate, which disqualifies Else’s hypothesis as far as method. He is almost certainly correct about dinosaurs and milk, because God agrees, but he needs to think more mammalian and less avian. This is just one Biblical example of why getting your scientific information in-line with The Bible is important. It’s so you don’t go into mythology, such as evolution.

AmbassadorHerald, Deviantart 10 Comments [4/20/2017 1:37:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 126490

[Translation of Russian:
Sign: Vodka, Juices, Beer
Omg Russia will you plz join EU?
You fucking fuck? [I'm unsure about this one]

schnizel, FunnyJunk 18 Comments [4/20/2017 1:36:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 126488

I find it puzzling that this topic is still up for debate, yet the sentiments of many Western Christians is that you can love Jesus without loving the church. Verbose arguments abound on the church not being confined to a building – that all spaces are sacred and therefore, filled with divine presence. The well-worn argument that the church does not consist of the physical space you occupy while worshipping God, but instead the body of believers, contains just enough truth to lure readers to their inevitable conclusion:
Church attendance is optional. Serving the brethren, again, is optional. Loving the brethren? Still optional. Feeling guilty about not wanting to go to church? Don’t worry about it; that’s the fault of institutionalized religion.

They then do a follow up post called The Real Reason Evangelicals and Millennials [insert people group] are Leaving the Church, where again, they pander to what people want to hear. So long as you subject the Scriptures to tokenism and appeal to sentimentalism, people will eat it up. Soon enough they’ll be in the woods celebrating “communion” with Coca Cola and cookies.

I’m not denying that some churches simply aren’t churches per the definition of Scripture; what I am speaking against is the underwhelming opinion that you can somehow be part of the universal church and reject the local church, or that the local church is made up of you and your family on a Sunday morning as you lay in bed and reject communion with the saints and sitting under the proclamation of the Scriptures.

The reality is that the entire New Testament presupposes you are going to be part of an institutionalized, local church. People wish to delve into semantics and separate the location from the body of believers, but that isn’t the point of defining what the local church is. Yes, the building could be demolished overnight and the church would still exist – however, that local church still meets in time and space. That local church still has a designated structure made up of elders, teachers, deacons, evangelists, etc., for the edification of the whole man until the saints reach unity in the faith and the knowledge of Christ (Eph. 4:11-16). The church is made up of living stones that is being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood for service to Christ (1 Pt. 2:5) and they are members of one another (Rom. 12:5; Eph. 4:25, 1 Cor. 12:12-27), and are present within a local community.
Even still, the author of Hebrews indicates that we are to not forsake gathering with God’s people because of the hope we have in Christ, so that we might encourage one another to perseverance in the faith (Heb. 10:19-25). The idea being presented is that the confidence we have to enter the presence of God through Christ, being able to hold to the hope we profess without wavering, and drawing near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance, is directly related to the notion that we are intimately connected to this local body.

What’s more than all of this is that a local church is not a church without some semblance of this God-given functionality and structure. A group of three people without the headship of elders and teachers is not the church. They are part of the global church – but they are not a substitute for the local church. There are always exceptions to the rule, yet the exception does not prove the rule; special provisions do not institute a normative ecclesiology. The text never presupposes the rugged individualism indicative of American Evangelicalism.

We know Paul was prohibited from communing with the saints whilst in chains. We also know that many churches are confined to secret rendezvous, have gone without official teachers/elders for a period, etc. No one is speaking of things literally barring another from being able to be among the saints and sit under the Word, or a temporary, ecclesial detriment; it is the willful forsaking of the brethren and the eschewing of God’s good gifts.

While there are things worthy of introspection from the church – I don’t believe this to be one of them. There aren’t a host of reasons why people are fleeing from the church in groves. There aren’t many reasons why professing Christians are leaving the church. There may be healthy reasons why one leaves a particular local church, but when it comes to reasons why one leaves the church entirely, there’s really only one: they don’t love the church. Synonymously, they don’t love Christ.

The apostle John is about as straightforward as one can get in saying that the way children of God and children of the devil can be distinguished is that children of the devil are those who eschew righteousness and the love of the brethren (1 Jn. 3:10). This isn’t some strange new teaching – it is what they (and we) have heard from the beginning (v. 11-13). If that’s not clear enough, he then says that anyone who hates his brother remains in death and is a murderer (vv. 14-15).

Furthermore, he condemns mere tokenism toward brotherly love; one must demonstrate this love in action and truth (v. 18). Much like the author of Hebrews, John maintains that by these things we will not only have knowledge that we are children of God, but assurance of our salvation (vv. 19-20).

The modern notion that you can worship God just as much by yourself as you can within the confines of the church is patently false and anti-biblical. It flies in the face of the Scripture’s teaching on the importance of the body of Christ, the proper structure of the church, and the goodness of the spiritual gifts that God has bestowed for the benefit of His people.

I sense that if one were to have a conversation with the apostle John on this, it would go similarly:

Objector: But what if the church damaged me?
John: Go to church.
O: But what if people hurt me at one point?
J: Go to church.
O: But what if I feel like I connect more with God in nature than with people in the church?
J: Go to church.
O: But what if I…
J: [interjects] Are you dying?
O: No.
J: Are you imprisoned?
O: No…
J: Is there anything prohibiting you from going to church?
O: Well, I feel like…
J: [interjects again] You can’t love God without loving His people and loving His people means that you die to self, bear with one another in love, and obey the commands of Scripture for your personal and corporate edification, in order that God might be glorified. Go. To. Church.

While the church can often be a motley group, Christ has enduring patience with His bride. His death accomplished her redemption, yet we live in this eschatological tension wherein we still sin against one another. In the love of the brethren, sin can be properly dealt with through a biblical, disciplinary process, or simply in overlooking the offense of a brother or sister whose actions are not indicative of normal behavior. In similar character to our Savior, we must be willing to bear with one another, in love and patience, as we are all progressively sanctified. I understand deep wounds can be caused – yet the Scriptures give us no option to withhold forgiveness from an individual, or forsake the assembling of God’s people. Summarily stated, loving God is inseparable from loving those within the household of faith. You cannot demonstrate a love for the brethren by abdicating from fellowship with and participation in service to one another.

Grayson Gilbert, Patheos 14 Comments [4/20/2017 1:31:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 126483

Reminder that young innocent love is the single most important thing in life

And you will never experience it

even if you somehow get plastic surgery or whatever and ascend, it will be too late for you to enjoy your most important years

Vegeta_Da_Prince, /r/incels 15 Comments [4/19/2017 12:41:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 126476

I handed a hardcopy of Dr. Al Lacy's awesome book, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE,” to the senior pastor of an independent fundamental Baptist church a couple years ago. The book offended him! Their church uses, tolerates and promotes the Alexandrian Bible versions. There's not a dime's difference between them—the modern revisions all share the same corruptions. Being ignorant is bad enough for a pastor, but when someone hands them THE TRUTH and they reject it, scolding the truth-bearer, they are not a man of God!!! Who is the man of God—the preacher who defends the purity and incorruptibleness of God's Word; or the neo-evangelical compromiser who uses umpteen corruptible Bible versions to interpret what God's incorruptible word said? The King James Bible is the incorruptible Words of God, which are both preserved and inspired. Do not support any preacher who is unwilling to boldly proclaim that the King James Bible is inspired!!!

The King James Bible is Preserved and Inspired!

The Inspiration of the Almighty in the King James Bible!

Why I Believe King James Bible Is The Word Of God | MP3 (Dr. Peter Ruckman)

Why I Believe The King James Bible Is The Word Of God (article from Dr. Ruckman's sermon)

THE CONSPIRACY OF THE ALEXANDRIAN CULT (awesome King James Bible defense by Dr. Ruckman)

Alexandria, Egypt — intellectual center of the ancient world

Adamanchus Origen (185-254 AD) - Took over after Clement as president of the Catechetical School in Alexandria. The Devil was his father. A hateful enemy of the Bible. The most influential religious figure of his generation. He produced a 6-volume Bible. He changed all he disagreed with, like creation. You can find this information in a good public library. Origen described the Trinity as a hierarchy, not as an equality of Father, Son, and Spirit. Origen wrote many books. One being “The Logos Doctrine,” attacking the deity of Christ. For my complete notes on the subject, as taught by Dr. Al Lacy, please CLICK HERE.

Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in April 331 BC as Alexandria. Alexander's chief architect for the project was Dinocrates. Alexandria was intended to supersede Naucratis as a Hellenistic center in Egypt, and to be the link between Greece and the rich Nile valley. Alexandria was the intellectual and cultural center of the ancient world for some time. The city and its museum attracted many of the greatest scholars, including Greeks, Jews and Syrians. The city was later plundered and lost its significance.

SOURCE: Wikipedia - Alexandria

*Origen was the real founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW's).

*Origen taught that only the original manuscripts were perfect. He did not believe in an inerrant Bible, as most Bible colleges today don't believe either.

IT ALL CORRUPTED IN ALEXANDRIA! Our enemies are literal Alexandrians today!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 17 Comments [4/19/2017 12:35:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 126466

This is an article about why lesbians get pregnant at a higher rate than straight women.
Author seems to think lesbians don't exist.

Second, do these identities we call “gay” and “lesbian” actually exist in the way we assume they do? They certainly exist as political or social identities. But in functional reality, that seems less clear.

Glenn Stanton, public discourse 12 Comments [4/19/2017 9:37:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 126465

(On a DREAMER immigrant with a traumatic injury being deported)

First non-valedictorian DREAMer deported. Border Patrol, this one's for you.

Steve King, Twitter 5 Comments [4/19/2017 9:37:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Arceus

Quote# 126464

Western civilization is a consequence of three things: The European nations, Christianity, and the Graeco-Roman legacy of philosophy and law. To restore it, anything and everything that stands in the way of those three things has to go.

The elite narratives that are designed to subvert and undermine the three pillars of the West must be rejected. These include "civil rights", "civic nationalism", "social justice", "equality", and "Judeo-Christianity", "feminism", and "racism".

One of the challenges is that many people who generally support Western civilization nevertheless support one or more of these elite narratives in the misguided opinion that it benefits their identity in the long term. This is why women pursue higher education that leaves them barren because it is "good for women", blacks pursue expansions of the welfare system because it is "good for blacks", Mexicans fight English-only laws because it is "good for Spanish-speakers", Italians and Irish pursue religious pluralism because it is "good for Catholics" and why Jews attempt to change national population demographics because it is "good for the Jews".

In each case, the group's perception of what benefits them is short-sighted, and in the long term, wrong. And, if their objectives stand in the way of what strengthens the European nations, Christianity, and the Graeco-Roman legacy, they have to be defeated, and if necessary, expelled from the West. This is what the Alt-Right ultimately stands for: the survival and restoration of the West. This is what logic, truth, science, and history all dictate. And upon this, everything from Netflix and smartphones and freedom of conscience and the rule of law to the ability to flush toilets in your house ultimately depends.

This is why I don't blink or back down when people call me racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic, or anything else. Because doing so necessarily makes them anti-West, anti-Christian, and anti-White, and I will choose the historical reality of the white Christian West over whatever bizarre, dysfunctional dystopia they imagine will take its place every single time.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 17 Comments [4/19/2017 9:37:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 126462

I have a very extremely psychotic Electra complex. And, I’ve found Jesus as my Super Sugar Daddy. Jesus and I already make a deal. He owns my body. And, Jesus is really hot, gorgeous, young, muscular, tight, in His glorious Immortal Body. No wrinkles. And, the real ultra-richest one. And, Jesus is so qualified as my Super Sugar Daddy. He absolutely can eat me if He wants. I’m gotta put myself on a silver platter and dedicate myself to Him in the first night of our wedding. I’m the little hottest, wildest immortal cat boy that belongs to Jesus, and He can do anything He wants when we’re really on the bed just in case He wanna eat me. I have an immortal Twister Tongue.

Usachinanukewar, Wordpress 23 Comments [4/19/2017 9:37:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 126461

By the way, IF we wanna talk about the anal sex, I’m absolutely and definitely and always a virgin boy. I have a virgin ass without being penetrated by any earthly man with 6-packs and a gigantic penis. I’m a good holy boy with a virgin ass. And, tell all of you a secret. Someone loved my ass, but this someone was a SHE, not a HE. She loved my ass, and when we had sex, she always loved grabbing my ass, because she deemed my ass was so adorable and cute and sexy and TIGHT. My earthly ass was really really really tight when I was in my early 20’s. I miss my tight ass so much. But, anyway, I’m gotta have a very extremely hot and gorgeous immortal ass with IMMORTAL TIGHTNESS very soon in the Church Rapture. I’m gotta love my immortal ass so much for eternity. And, only Jesus can grab my ass in my eternal life.

Usachinanukewar, Wordpress 12 Comments [4/19/2017 9:37:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 126459

John Zmirak
I agree with every word that Michael Brown wrote condemning Alt-Right intolerance. I’ve written for many years about the evils of racial narcissism. I’ve noted how Alt-Right spokesmen endorse even the vilest evil on earth today — abortion — for crank “eugenic” reasons. These are not good people. We should flee their evil company.

Nor should we ever abandon Christianity’s bone-deep universalism. I’m a Celtic Slav. My ancestors were tree-worshiping pagans. So I am grateful to the Jews for passing on both the Law and the Gospel. I wouldn’t want them locking me out because I lack father Abraham’s chromosomes.

Each of us faces temptations of tribalism or simple, ugly bias. Both reject the love of neighbor that Jesus demands of us.

Who Feeds the Alt-Right? The Christian Left.
But I’d like to put Dr. Brown’s comments in perspective. I would like to explain: Why are some otherwise sensible Christians tempted by Alt-Right stances, to the peril of their souls? To do that, I must point to other, subtler, more insidious errors. Most of those tempted to Alt-Right heresy are driven there as a violent over-reaction to globalism and multiculturalism.

Heresies usually come in pairs — each one equally far from the truth, but in opposite directions. Each claims to “cure” the other. That’s how they worm their way into our hearts. The Monophysites denied that Jesus has a human nature. They thought this the only way to nail shut the door against the Arian heresy. (Arians denied Our Lord’s divinity.) And so on, through the centuries.

Globalism and multiculturalism don’t lurk in dank corners of Twitter and 4chan. They strut around Harvard Yard. At Brussels and Davos, they’re the official party line. They infect the counsels of bishops and evangelists. These errors get funded by George Soros, and praised by secular media. They’re spread by the same bureaucrats at the United Nations and the European Union who fight the Church on life and marriage. Who threaten its basic freedoms. These errors serve secular culture as a new, post-Christian religion.

Globalism: A New Creed for Post-Christians
Don’t take it from me: It was gay liberal Catholic Andrew Sullivan who pointed out that this movement acts like a self-righteous, intolerant creed. Another name these errors go by is the wonkish-sounding “Intersectionality.” Here’s what Sullivan says of it:

“Intersectionality” is the latest academic craze sweeping the American academy. On the surface, it’s a recent neo-Marxist theory that argues that social oppression does not simply apply to single categories of identity — such as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, etc. — but to all of them in an interlocking system of hierarchy and power. …

It is operating, in Orwell’s words, as a “smelly little orthodoxy,” and it manifests itself, it seems to me, almost as a religion. It posits a classic orthodoxy through which all of human experience is explained — and through which all speech must be filtered. Its version of original sin is the power of some identity groups over others. To overcome this sin, you need first to confess, i.e., “check your privilege,” and subsequently live your life and order your thoughts in a way that keeps this sin at bay. The sin goes so deep into your psyche, especially if you are white or male or straight, that a profound conversion is required.

Like the Puritanism once familiar in New England, intersectionality controls language and the very terms of discourse. It enforces manners. It has an idea of virtue — and is obsessed with upholding it. The saints are the most oppressed who nonetheless resist. The sinners are categorized in various ascending categories of demographic damnation, like something out of Dante. The only thing this religion lacks, of course, is salvation. Life is simply an interlocking drama of oppression and power and resistance, ending only in death.

A Workplace-Safe Religion
Multiculturalist globalism is as worldly as — and not a whit more humane than — the paganized “German Christianity” that the Nazis foisted on Germans. But it has its hooks deeply sunk in “Mainline” Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant. Preaching it won’t get you banned from social media. Or silenced on campus. It might even get you a job writing manifestos for bishops.

Want to start a career as a successful public speaker? Get certified somehow as a specialist in countering “white male privilege.” You could tour Christian campuses for the rest of your natural life. You’ll never encounter a heckler. Even bigots who oppose you will likely be shamed into silence.

Multiculturalist globalism is every bit as worldly as — and not a whit more humane than — the paganized “German Christianity” that the Nazis foisted on Germans.
Meanwhile, fair-minded intellectuals like Charles Murray get driven off campuses by gangs of hooded rioters. Critics of mass Muslim influx into Europe get imprisoned, fined, or silenced on social media. But Muslims who favor sharia, or blacks who call for white genocide, sail smoothly along with the Zeitgeist.

Addled Christians mistake multiculturalism’s fashionable teachings for the Gospel’s real implications. Church leaders encourage this, if they crave the love of the worldly. So (unlike Dr. Brown) they loudly and exclusively condemn heresies like racism and xenophobia that are already widely despised. They treat these as burning issues that threaten millions.

Shouting “Fire” in a Flooded Theater
And that makes Screwtape smile. Remember how he boasted:

We direct the fashionable outcry of each generation against those vices of which it is least in danger and fix its approval on the virtue nearest to that vice which we are trying to make endemic. The game is to have them all running about with fire extinguishers whenever there’s a flood, and all crowding to that side of the boat which is already nearly gunwale under.

In fact, the loudest anti-racists in the churches often gladly embrace the opposite errors. As answers to white racism and xenophobia they demand crippling white guilt and de facto open borders — even to millions of angry, intolerant Muslims. No wonder some people who reject the multiculturalist heresy are tempted to lurch to the other evil extreme.

Christians who are too attached to their race or nationhood are like the Pharisees. But globalists are Sadducees.
It’s our job as Christians to strike a moral balance. Not to moralize and grandstand, in the hope that the secular left will pat us on the head. And no, not to blindly embrace a pagan error, just to tick off the liberals.

Christians who denounce President Trump over immigration typically condemn all restrictions or limits. They don’t argue that our quotas are too low, or that our enforcement methods need improvement. They spastically denounce every attempt to get our nation’s borders under control. But you never hear them criticize nations in Latin America or Africa that also patrol their borders and limit immigration. Racism is a weird kind of sin, which only white folks can commit.

The Only Thing Worse than a Pharisee
Let’s put this issue in stark New Testament terms. Christians who are too attached to their race or nationhood are like the Pharisees. They have taken things that are genuinely good and made of them a fetish. They’ve mistaken traditions of men for the law of almighty God. They dimly feel that their identity alone — say, as a law-abiding middle class white person — somehow counts for them as a virtue. (Just so, some Pharisees waved off Jesus’ call to conversion because they were “children of Abraham.”) Jesus fulminated against the Pharisees, but He bothered to preach among them. However misguided, at least they were making an effort.

But globalists are the Sadduccees, to whom Jesus barely spoke — even when they put Him on trial. The Sadduccees collaborated with the Roman pagans to keep their hold on power. Just so, the globalists work with anti-Christian, anti-democratic Leviathans like the UN and the European Union to silence the voice of voters. They take their coins not from Caesar but from Soros.

The comfortable, sophisticated Sadduccees sniffed after Roman globalism. Much better than the narrow, “bigoted” nationalism of the Pharisees. Just as the Sadducees waved off large parts of the Jewish scriptures, the globalists shrug at life, sexual morals, and religious freedom — which just happen to be the issues over which the wealthy and the worldly now hate the Church.

So please, for the love of God, avoid the Alt-Right and its minions. But to solve the Alt-Right problem, you need to strike at its roots: It’s an inchoate, angry reaction to a powerful, slippery heresy that preens as a winsome angel of light.

John Zmirak, The Stream 8 Comments [4/19/2017 9:37:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Hu's On First
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