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Quote# 127467

On the importance of proper wife spanking.

My fellow Christians,

Before I start off with the Biblical analysis of familial discipline within Christian household, several disclaimers seem in order. Too often when I preach on the subject, especially at paganistic false churches, minions of satan come up to twist the words presented within the sermon. Thus it is utmost important to clarify a few things. First off, the issues of lust and lustfulness. We know that Jesus is against any kind of lust or beastly activities of carnal nature. Therefore, it should follow that my use of word “spanking” does not refer to such filth, but is used to describe a necessary punitive measure. Second is the issue of familial abuse. While impossible in a Christian household due to presence of Christian Love and Grace, it does happen among satanists/pagans, including those of false Christian variety. So for the sake of satanists, including false Christians, that may be reading this, let me clarify unequivocally, that the word “spanking” does not refer to anything abusive or to any kind of wife beating. With these guiding principles being disclaimed, let’s look at some of the things the Christian Bible has to say on the subject.

The Bible teaches us that the Lord punishes even those from among the Elect, when we deserve it! Much like a parent will lovingly discipline a transgressing child, so does Jesus punish our transgressions. The scripture tells us of the different types of punishments for satanists (anyone who is not a true Christian; see Matthew 12:30), and true Christians. The servants of the perdition are punished with a multitude of utter horrors—the plagues of Egypt, wild animals tearing disrespectful children to pieces (2 Kings 2:23-24), etc. Jesus even destroyed whole nations with hemorrhoids (1 Samuel 5:6-9) for not obeying Him!

As Saints, we are fortunate that, in our transgressions, we are corrected and not punished mortally. A good example of such is the demon that was torturing Paul as a reminder of all the sins he has committed: And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. (2 Corinthians 12:7) This may seem harsh, but it hardly compares to being drowned by the Diluvian waters or being struck dead for greed and lies (Acts 5:1-11). Praise and Glory!

So what does all this have to do with maintaining discipline in a Christian household? Well folks, here’s what the Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:6-7: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? As Christians, we know that there are ways in which we are to strive to be like Jesus, and then there are those in which we are not. The above is a clear exemplary endorsement of our duties to our children (initially given to us in Proverbs). And if we seriously study the Bible, we can see that this is also a clear endorsement for wife spanking in context of maintaining discipline within the household.

Scriptures instruct men to treat their wifes as Jesus treats us, as His children:

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.
1 Corinthians 11:3-9

This is what the Bible has to say. As men we are to take patriarchal leadership role over the women. This is what we are to follow. Thus it only follows that this is how we are to deal with certain transgressions by the weaker gender:

Hebrews 12:6-7: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?

As Jesus chastens us, men, we are to chasten those we are “heads” of, the women of our households.


Pastor Jerry Dixon, Pastor Jerry Dixon 11 Comments [5/25/2017 7:18:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 127465

[Reacting to a tweet reading: "You know what it's not the time for? Your opinion on Ariana Grande and teen girl culture."]

Actually, it’s great time to discuss her considering she’s a pro-refugee, pro-muslim, Trump-hating, America-hating, pussy-hat-wearing, ‘Women’s March’ organizing, flaming leftwing Hollywood liberal who is no doubt in a hotel room right now surrounded by armed security and suddenly wishing she was back in the safety of the America she hates so much.

peterkefka, Tumblr 14 Comments [5/25/2017 7:14:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 127463

The White Shitlib Ego is ravenous. It’s why shitlibs would rather oversee the destruction of White Civilization than admit their Equalism religious beliefs are based on falsehoods.

The Confederate statues being torn down across the South are just the latest battle fronts opened up by shitlibs who obey the credo that a good offense is the best defense. As the shitlib religion sits on a very shaky foundation that the Maul-Right is currently rupturing with seismic waves of realtalk, it behooves shitlibs to press their hate machine forward, into enemy territory, for to give even one inch of ground to heretics would mean the eventual reversal and defeat of every belief that shitlibs hold dear and former social, philosophical, and political grounds they occupied. And shitlibs know this, because it is the art of rhetorical war that they have practiced and perfected for decades against cuckservatives, solidifying and entrenching the Left’s march through the institutions.

The lesson: never give the Left an inch. They’ll take a parsec. Confederate statues today, books authored by White men tomorrow, until it finally reaches end game: second class status for all Whites outside of a few Acela elites who sufficiently grovel at the altar of anti-Whitism.

The human shitlib ego is the most powerful force in the cosmos. And never have the fortifications guarding that ego been under relentless attack like it is now. Shitlibs can sense it. The deluge is coming for them. Equalism is dead. The race and sex gaps won’t disappear any time soon. This is why leftoids are flirting with insanity; their interventions to solve the Gaps have been one failure after another, so they’ll need to adopt increasingly extreme anti-White postures to explain the persistence of the Gaps.

Hence the humiliation porn fix driving shitlibs to tear down symbols of White Southern heritage. This isn’t about honoring heroes of the Confederacy or showing the Confederate flag (which in point of fact was never a social crisis in America until shitlibs made it one in the past few years); it’s about shitlibs needing to dig deeper into the fever swamps of anti-White hatred to explain away race and sex gaps that make mockery of shitlibs’ guiding principle: the equalist belief that all humans, under the hood, are the same in aptitude, behavior, and moral worth, and that only White racism prevents the flowering of their Equalist paradise.

Make no mistake, the Left’s Confederate statue cultural sanitization project is JUST THE BEGINNING. Soon, it’ll be “the mere presence of Whites is keeping the black man down” and shitlibs will have their hamster rationalized justification for, say enforcing anti-White employment quotas.

As a Gab follower wrote in response to the preventable Manchester terror attack,

" shitlibs are so emotionally invested in their beliefs, they would rather be martyred by their invaders than admit they’re wrong, which would force them to change their sense of identity."

The shitlib ego is impenetrable, even by muslim nail bombs. Shitlibs will never give up on their Equalism religion; they’ll have to be forced out of power and shamed into hiding.

The follow-up question would be: why are shitlibs so invested in their obviously false belief in the equalism of humanity and protective of their egos? My answer gets to the reason I wrote this post: it could be genetic (shitlibs have inherited disfigured brain architecture) or it could be that social atomization, cultural balkanization, and mass society (SCALE) have reduced the scope of identity to ideology alone.

In sum, shitlibs cling to their outmoded and frankly dumb Equalism ideology because globohomoist forces of complexity and organic community destruction have created a social atmosphere where ideology is the only communal touchstone left for them to feel like they’re part of a group larger than themselves.

Related: The Chinese are even getting in on the act of mocking self-annihilating White shitlibs. They’ve come up with a word to describe them: baizuo, which means “white left”. Soon, the whole world will laugh at White shitlibs, and then and only then will their egos finally be defeated, and then there won’t be another White Left rule for a thousand years.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 22 Comments [5/24/2017 2:31:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 127458

(In response to a transphobic quote)

Now I actually partially agree... If you were born with a dick, no amount of plastic surgery is going to let you have kids and get your period. All you are is a man with an inverted penis. I don't care if your gay and i still dont believe in God, but this is one of the rare occasions a fundie is somewhat kind of a little bit right...maybe.

jimbo0392, FSTDT 17 Comments [5/24/2017 2:31:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 127453

Pastors and pews have no choice but to engage the public square if America is to survive. The rules and objectivity that once guided American journalism no longer apply. The media is sleazy. The secular left has decided that since they couldn’t win the election through the ballot box, they will win it in the streets instead. Their current actions mimic many third-world banana republics. The secular media must be dealt with.

David Lane, Charisma News 16 Comments [5/24/2017 9:22:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127448

Why bother contributing to a society that gives us nothing in return?

I go to school, work my part time job. I pay taxes from my part time but most of that comes back to me, however if I graduate school the ideal situation from that would be getting a high paying job and with it having to pay taxes into our society as well.

The more I think of it though the more I ask: Why? Why pay into a society that shuns us and treats us like shit?

Why should I pay for some Stacy's mistake or some nigger's ten niglets all on welfare? Why should I pay for normalscums healthcare?

Instead I can just fake a disability and mooch off of the society that hates me with a passion

Incels that aren't NEETs why do you do it? I don't know whether or not to continue in school and work

Maybe the best path for us incels in our LDAR is to fake disabilities and have Normies pay for our living expenses.

NewLoadsOfFun, /r/incels 33 Comments [5/24/2017 3:07:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127445

Honour dueling should be reinstated as an acceptable social activity. Dueling would provide a much-needed restorative to our increasingly vulgar and reckless political landscape.A duel would be fought using either swords or pistols. As a practice, it would ultimately increase civility in society.


Dueling actually prevents violence.

(submitter note: this is not a troll post; I checked to make sure.)

RochambeauFR, Deviantart forums 32 Comments [5/24/2017 2:29:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 127444

Many seem to believe that banning Islamic immigration from the west will prevent terrorism. This is not the case.

Islamists are already living in our backyards and as our neighbours.
Most of these men (and women) are not coming directly from third-world countries with plans, no, it is mostly from here that these villains are plotting their acts of terror against the sovereign people.

Imprisonment is not enough. These men (and women) do not change their mentality in the prison ; too often the time in prison only strengthens their barbarism.

The events of the last several years have shown us that we can no longer tolerate the presence of these wolves on our soil.

Fire, blood, and death are needed to preserve western civilization itself.

As the President of the United States stated in his Inaugural address, the policy when dealing with Islamic extremists must be one of extermination, and that there must be absolutely no limit to our ferocity.

Their instruments of fanaticism and superstition must be smashed.

RochambeauFR, Deviantart forums 13 Comments [5/24/2017 2:24:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 127443

Good question. Some thoughts on the Flynn effect:
1) It is environmental
The Flynn effect is caused by advances in environmental factors, particularly in prenatal care and nutrition. This is why the effect has slowed in recent years--these factors have been more or less maxed out. However in places where those factors have not been maxed out such as the developing world, the Flynn effect continues and in some places is even accelerating.
2) It masks a more general intellectual decline
There are many environmental factors in the modern world which have the opposite effect, and when the Flynn effect ends these factors will precipitate a crash. One of these is the modern welfare state--subsidizing the unskilled and incompetent artificially boosts birthrates among that population, which puts downward pressure on cognitive ability. Another factor is progressive culture which views childbearing as low-class and an example of women "giving up on their potential." This pushes down birthrates generally among women, and especially among intelligent women, which also puts downward pressure on cognitive ability. Finally the most profound IQ-shredding effect is from technology itself. The basic mechanism is that technology benefits those who lack natural abilities (not just cognitive) in greater proportion than it benefits those with naturally high cognitive abilities--e.g. the smartphone has increased the man on the street's range of intellectual possibilities far more than it has the scientist or the history professor's (analogously, think of how a gun benefits the physically weak more than it does the strong). This also puts a downward pressure on cognitive ability by (a) favouring the weak, and (b) facilitating dependency which causes natural abilities to atrophy with disuse.
It does not make a great deal of sense to retard those members of society who are most responsible for advancing the society's material needs. If the best solution to racial tension is basically to dumb down society, is this not a good indication of the failure of multiculturalism?

Chewingofthecud, Reddit 12 Comments [5/23/2017 9:49:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 127441

Our society is so sad. Go back a few decades and homosexuals were arrested as felons. Go back a few hundred years and the perverts were put to death.
Today we are letting them have children!
What a sick and depraved society that would hand children over to pedophiles in the name of equality.

It's called progress. Go back a few decades, and Christians in Texas were killing African-Americans for the crime of trying to vote. Go back two centuries and Texas Christians were keeping black people as salves.
And the churches found Biblical support for all of this.

Progress is just the forward or onward movement toward a destination. Hitler made progress in Germany. Stalin made progress in the USSR. The perverts are making progress here in the US.
Your use of the word progress, with regards to the well being of children, is actually a bad thing. Progressing toward a depraved society isn't something that we should strive for....lol
Blacks being persecuted and killed because of the color of their skin has nothing to do with perverts adopting children.
Blacks being brought to the U.S. like animals in chains has nothing to do with pedophiles adopting children.
Christians in Texas helped free the slaves and some gave their lives to do it.
Don't be so naive. I can walk into most churches today that call themselves Christian and claim to teach God's word when they clearly don't.
Two centuries ago popular culture approved of and promoted slavery in Texas and Christian's were opposing it.
Today popular culture has approved of and is promoting perverts adopting children and Christian's are opposing it.

yabruf, Christian News Network 15 Comments [5/23/2017 9:47:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 127437

[From an article titled "Atheism is the Uncoolest Choice Ever, and I Can Prove It: 8 Reasons Why Christianity is Cooler than Atheism".]

I've read a number of stories about how atheism is seen as "cool" by many young people, especially among college age youths. That's funny to me because I couldn't think of anything less cool than becoming an atheist. So, just in case any young people are reading, here are eight reasons that atheism is the in-coolest choice ever.

8) Religious people live longer, happier lives, according to numerous scientific studies. I know you atheist types are all about the SCIENCE even though you pretty much get all your scientific information from Huffpo articles with clickbait headlines like "Watch Bill Nye completely own a Creationist!" or "How Rolling Your Eyes is the Greatest Debate Tactic Against Christians!" (Rule of thumb: if the article you're reading contains exclamation points, it's probably not a respected scientific publication.) But I guess because you're an atheist who will live a shorter life maybe you don't have time to read actual scientific journals. I mean, something's gotta' be cut out, right?

But on top of shorter lives, studies indicate you'll be more miserable too. So while your life won't be longer, it might just feel that way.


3) As a Christian, my wife looks at me like I'm a gift from God. Seriously, to her that's what I am. Your atheist girlfriend (should you ever get one after you move out of your stepdad's basement) will see you as a gel-haired accident in skinny jeans on a lonely rock orbiting a meaningless sun in a mistake of a universe. See the difference? It's kind of a big one.


1) Atheists have less children and that probably means...well you probably know what that means since you're all about SCIENCE! Once again, to sum up, you'll be miserable, have a shorter life, and quite likely less sex than your religious counterparts. And you thought atheism was cool? Reconsider and repent ye' fools. Jesus said he is the way, the truth, and the life. Left unsaid, is that He's totally cooler than Richard Dawkins!

Matt Archbold, National Catholic Register 31 Comments [5/23/2017 9:19:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: emau99

Quote# 127433

Commenting on an article posted entitled "Texas GOP Reaches Deal on 'Bathroom Bill'":

Most people who are conservative knew it would morph into schools and universities and our kids. It's like give an inch and they take a mile. Obama jumped the shark when he ordered schools to allow boys to shower and dress with girls - or they would lose their funding. When they do it gradually -- implementing these things a step at a time, usually they get away with it. This was too much for most people.

One school tried to deal with it and let the transgendered take a shower in a different area completely. He (who thought he was a she) flipped out and said that it was humiliating that he was not included with the girls and was separated.

My granddaughter's school had someone who was transgendered for the day -- and the gym teacher allowed them to skip gym that day so they didn't have to undress in front of him/her or take a shower with him.

Next day -- he thought he was James Dean for a day -- with a hustle here and a hustle there, New York City's the place where...hey there, take a walk on the wild side.


FairSharFairShar, Realabortiondebate 11 Comments [5/23/2017 3:12:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 127425

A white supremacist is being accused of fatally shooting his two neo-Nazi roommates after they objected to his decision to convert to Islam.

The Tampa Bay Times reports that 18-year-old Devon Arthurs is being accused by police of gunning down two of his roommates — 22-year-old Jeremy Himmelman and 18-year-old Andrew Oneschuk — after they attacked his newfound Muslim faith.

According to police, Arthurs was upset at Islamophobia and decided to murder his two roommates “to bring attention to his cause.” Prior to converting to Islam, Arthurs was a committed white supremacist, as were his two slain roommates.

Police say that, after killing his two roommates, Arthurs went into a nearby smoke shop in Tampa Palms, where he took three hostages and threatened to kill them. After police arrived on the scene, they convinced him to release the hostages and turn himself in.

“I had to do it,” he said, according to police. “This wouldn’t have had to happen if your country didn’t bomb my country.”

Police say that Arthurs also told them that his goal was not only to draw attention to American foreign policy in the Muslim world, but also to “take some of the neo-Nazis with him” as part of his murderous rampage.

The Tampa Bay Times writes that Arthurs faces “two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of aggravated assault and three counts of armed kidnapping.”

Devon Arthurs, Raw Story 29 Comments [5/23/2017 10:35:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127422

Two men in Indonesia's Aceh province were publicly caned dozens of times Tuesday for consensual gay sex, a punishment that intensifies an anti-gay backlash in the world's most populous Muslim country and which rights advocates denounced as "medieval torture."

More than a thousand people packed the courtyard of a mosque to witness the caning, which was the first time that Aceh, the only province in Indonesia to practice Shariah law, has caned people for homosexuality.

The crowd shouted insults and cheered as the men, aged 20 and 23, were whipped across the back and winced with pain. Many in the crush of spectators filmed the caning with cellphones as a team of five robed and hooded enforcers took turns to inflict the punishment, relieving one another after every 20 strokes for one of the men and 40 for the other.

Sarojini Mutia Irfan, a female university student who witnessed the caning, said it was a necessary deterrent.

"What they have done is like a virus that can harm people's morale," she said. "This kind of public punishment is an attempt to stop the spread of the virus to other communities in Aceh."

The couple were arrested in March after neighborhood vigilantes in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, suspected them of being gay and broke into their rented room to catch them having sex.

Indonesia's Aceh province, ABC news 11 Comments [5/23/2017 10:31:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Mister Spak

Quote# 127420

I fully support eugenics.

Ugly people shouldn't be allowed to breed. Kill all inferior ugly male species. Only Chads should be allowed to thrive. All other people are suffering anyways. Also, biology also supports the view. So I fully support eugenics and the process of extermination of inferior humans. It's just the next step in human evolution.

gufestus1, /r/incels 16 Comments [5/23/2017 5:59:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127416

[From "Against fascist despotic rule"]

It has been thirty-seven years since the Gwangju Popular Uprising took place.

The Gwangju Popular Uprising was the eruption of the pent-up grudge and wrath of the south Korean people against the US and its stooges.

On May 17, 1980, the Chun Doo-hwan military junta declared "martial law-10" to ban all assemblies and political activities, shut down all universities and apply a strict pre-censorship system on the media. And it arrested lots of youth and students and democratic personages of various circles at night of May 17 and at dawn of the next day. The May 17 fascist rampage was a great fascist rowdyism heralding the start of new dictatorship in south Korea and another plot to seize "power".


Nearly 40 years have passed since the uprising, but the wishes of the south Korean people to live in an independent and democratic society and a reunified country have not yet come true.

It is entirely due to the US which has dominated south Korea as its colony and the puppet group of traitors who has thoroughly trampled down the desire and aspiration of the people, pursuant to the US policy.

After coming to power, traitor Park Geun-hye had brought the south Korean people to bottomless abyss of misfortune and sufferings and turned south Korea into a graveyard of democracy and a human slaughterhouse by reviving her father's "yusin" dictatorial system and enforcing the fascist rule surpassing the predecessors.

Park and her stooges are a group of fascist gangsters and a horde of hideous man-killers surpassing the "yusin" dictator, who seized power through May 16 military coup, and the military gangsters who mercilessly suppressed the Gwangju Popular Uprising with tanks and armored cars.

History never pardons the traitors who ran amuck for the fascist dictatorial rule in collusion with foreign forces.

Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front, Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front 9 Comments [5/23/2017 3:33:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 127414

(Commenting on a meme she posted which reads: "God Loves Homosexuals - He also loves rapists, murderers, child molesters, atheists, liars, thieves, pedophiles, zoophiles and the incestuous...WHAT'S YOUR POINT?"

Timely word when the world insists on lying and labeling sex love.
Using that logic, one could assume that sex workers are in love with every person they sleep with. Nonsense.
Man has obviously corrupted God's creation and perverted an act that was created to be shared between a husband and wife as an expression of their love for one another in a God-ordained covenant.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 18 Comments [5/22/2017 11:34:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 127413

New brain research reveals your habits are passed onto your children and grandchildren.

Have you ever wondered why some patterns in your family history seem to be recurring in your own life? Strongholds such as anxiety, poverty, illnesses and addictions to name a few. The Bible refers to these as generational curses, which the church has long believed was purely spiritual. But according to new brain research, this biblical principle is far more scientific than we realize.

The concept of generational curses is presented in Exodus 20:5. In the King James Version it says that God will ‘visit’ the sins of the fathers down to the third and fourth generation. The term ‘visit’ makes more sense in light of this new study which shows that generational curses can, indeed, be scientifically traced back from one generation to another.

Pioneering studies in epigenetics reveals that our life experiences and choices do change us, including our brains, down to the DNA level. And these changes can be passed onto our children and further down the hereditary line. Epigenetics gives insight to how our diets, work environment – even one-off traumatic events – can change the genetic legacy we pass onto our children and grandchildren.


Epigenetics is information that sits above the genome, which controls the programming of DNA, instructing different cells how to express themselves. In an interview from the Conquer Series, a new men’s DVD-based teaching series, neuropsychologist, Dr. Jes Montgomery explains, “Sensations we put into the brain will use the DNA to change how the cell responds. And those genes are turned ‘off’ or ‘on’ based on what that response is. While the DNA doesn’t change, the expression does.” What’s fascinating about this new study is that it reveals that our DNA is not immutable, which was the former notion, but that environment markedly affects our gene expressions and the ways we function and behave.


This quiet scientific revolution could be a paradigm shift for evolutionary biology, as it pretty much refutes Darwin’s central premise. Neuropsychologist, Dr. Tim Jennings said, “Which is more scientifically accurate – the Bible or Charles Darwin? Well guess what? It’s the Bible. Darwin hypothesized that it was mutation over millions of years that caused finches to have different beaks. Science has actually now proved, it’s epigenetic modification. This is big, because science is now confirming Scripture.”


Epigenetics reveals that not only do we pass along the DNA sequence to our children, but we also pass along the epigenetic instructions to them. In other words, information can be inherited and transmitted through generations. In an experiment on ‘transgenerational epigenetic inheritance’, researchers at Emory University, trained mice to fear a fruity odor by pairing it with a mild electric shock to the foot. Ten days later, the mice were allowed to mate. Incredibly, their pups feared the odor even without having encountered the smell before. But even more fascinating is that the offspring of those pups – the grandchildren – were born with the same specific memory. We see the mice study apply to humans. One example were the attacks of 9/11. Among the thousands of people directly exposed to the attack were 1,700 pregnant women. Some of these women developed symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Their children reacted with high levels of fear and stress around loud noises, unfamiliar people, or new foods. It seems the infants inherited the nightmare that their mothers experienced on that day.


It’s cathartic when you can literally put the concept of generational curses under the microscope. Suddenly your habits and experiences have far greater social implications, because you no longer live life just for yourself but for your descendants too. As Jennings points out, “The choices we make – the foods that we eat, the things that we watch – can affect how the DNA is expressed. When we have kids, we pass on the sequence to them. So if we become addicted to stuff, we can pass along to our children gene instructions that make them more vulnerable to addictions.” So take pornography addiction, for instance, since it’s the fastest growing epidemic in today’s church. According to a recent study, 68 percent of Christian men are addicted to porn. Most likely, they are unaware of the hereditary ramifications of viewing porn. “It doesn’t happen generally with one exposure to pornography. It’s the repetitive volitional exposure to pornography that will cause this type of gene expression change to happen”, explains Jennings.

These staggering statistics make you wonder what implications porn addiction will have on the church’s future. Pastor James Reeves of City On A Hill DFW, who has successfully tackled porn addiction in his church, warns, “We are raising a generation of sex addicts in the church. Young Christian men who are so exposed to pornography. What’s going to happen is as this generation gets married and has children, the spiral of their addiction will get tighter and tighter. It’s going to really sweep through the church like a tsunami wave of destruction of the family. And the church is absolutely not prepared for it.”

Dr. Ted Roberts, a sex addiction therapist and the host of the Conquer Series, said, “Probably the most devastating consequence is that God guarantees you – His Word is very clear: the curse will be visited to the third and fourth generation. If you are in sexual bondage or you are struggling with that and don’t get an effective dealing with it, it will be passed on to your kids.”


The good news is that even if epigenetic modifications are passed onto your offspring, they are reversible. In other words, it is possible to break the curse. “You can go either way. we can pass along both positive things in our life and or negative, depending on the choices we make in life”, said Jennings.

In another experiment with mice, the notion of breaking generational curses is clearly demonstrated. Scientists bred mice to have a memory impairment. In short, they were bred to be stupid. Then they took the mice and for two weeks, during their adolescence, the mice were placed in an enriched environment with lots of toys. Not surprisingly, the mice developed better memory despite their bad genes. The enriched environment caused an epigenetic modification, switching off the bad gene. But here’s where it gets interesting: the pups of the mice from the enriched environment were also born with the gene defect, but had the epigenetic modification such that the bad gene was shut off. Instead, they were born with good memory despite their bad genes.

But here’s the million Dollar question: If a Christian is set free from his past after being born-again, why are there so many believers who still see the effects of generational curses in their lives? Could it be because so many of us still live under the law? The law tells us that God’s blessings are conditional, depending on how good we are, which is based on our works, whereas grace tells us that Christ took the curse upon himself on the Cross: Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us, (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”, Galatians 3:13). The law condemns us, but grace gives us the gift of non-condemnation. Once we are gripped by grace, we can truly have the mind of Christ which transforms our behavior and that infuses all our relationships. Suddenly, we are empowered to break the curses, knowing that the blood of Christ covers us. This transformation is physically revealed in the genetic changes in our bodies, but also on the legacy we will be leaving behind.

Having an understanding of epigenetics, we no longer have to be victims of predetermined genetic codes. Spiritually speaking – we don’t have to live under the curse and subject our children to it. Because of the Cross, the generational curses in our family can be broken. Science is merely discovering these powerful biblical truths. Being under grace, we can choose to turn the tide of generational curses to blessings. As Dr. Doug Weiss, a marriage counselor, said, “Don’t think of it as a battle you’re just fighting for yourself. You’re fighting for the very lineage that God gave you. And if you will break this curse, then your sons and your daughters have a better shot and your grandchildren have a better shot. My son’s name is Jubilee, because his dad took the courage to break the curses off of him. I want to invite you to do the very same thing for those you love.”

Jeremy, Conquer Series 15 Comments [5/22/2017 11:33:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 127380

The Sufficiency of Scripture for Helping People in Need

Author Steve Ham explores the consistency between the positions of biblical creation and biblical counseling concerning the authority of God’s Word and its sufficiency in the lives of all believers.

Recently I had the opportunity to read and review the book Counseling the Hard Cases.1 This book places the biblical counseling movement on display as it reports the process and outcomes of real-life counseling cases. As a biblical creationist, I was continually encouraged to find the counselors’ dedication to the sufficiency of Scripture for helping real people with real problems. While preparing a review of this book as a graduate student at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, I became even more aware of the consistency between the positions of biblical creation and biblical counseling concerning the authority of God’s Word and its sufficiency in the lives of all believers.

Biblical Authority and Medical Science

I noticed the strong correlations between biblical creationists and biblical counselors in the first chapter of Counseling the Hard Cases. Both positions face accusations revolving around the nature of authority and science. For example, many “Christian counselors” are convinced that the use of such treatments as hypnosis or psychotropic drugs are based on strong scientific research and analysis.2 Persuaded that this research comes from an authoritative source, they then integrate it into their counseling methodology.

Like most “Christian counselors,” trained biblical counselors typically take great care to refer counselees to doctors for necessary medical diagnosis and treatment of their physical ailments. However, for spiritual issues the biblical counselor seeks to ensure that Scripture is seen as the supreme authority and sufficient to help all believers deal with trials (suffering) or sin in their lives. Biblical counselors also should acquaint themselves with the research related to such things as medication, noting which recommendations are based upon repeatable, testable observations and which are based on assumptions influenced by a secular worldview. This is also why biblical counselors prefer to work in partnership with physicians who are Bible-believing Christians. In recognition of secular worldview influences in the medical community, many biblical counselors have armed counselees with questions to ask their practitioners who prescribe medications such as anti-depressants. Especially if a diagnosis is as broad as the term “chemical imbalance,” biblical counselors will encourage questions such as the following:

• What tests were performed to prove that the problem exists?
• What proof do you have that the problem you discovered is not merely a symptom of a deeper problem?
• What proof do you have that the medication you are prescribing truly corrects the problem?

Properly Diagnosing the Problem and Its Remedy

In today’s world it seems nearly every social or relational problem known to man is categorized by a descriptively named disorder and often treated by some psychotropic drug. In many cases, counselors and others re-label sinful responses to situations in a way that removes personal responsibility. For example, lashing out at your children in anger is now known as Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and “it’s not your fault” that you act the way you do. If your son consistently disobeys your authority as his parent, he will likely be diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. These disorders are often depicted as villains maliciously attacking their victims as if they were a force unto themselves. When seen in this light, these problems become the cause of debilitation for many people who find themselves lost in a hopeless dependence on secular psychological techniques and prescription medication.

This wrong perception of relational problems that are ultimately rooted in sinful thoughts and behaviors has sadly become commonplace even in the church. Many counseling practitioners have attempted to make a compatible partnership between Christian doctrine and worldly philosophies in the diagnosis and treatment of the human soul.[

Scripture Is Sufficient to Help with the Problems of Life

To address this issue, Counseling the Hard Cases reports on real-life case studies from eleven experienced biblical counselors. Compiled by editors Stuart Scott and Heath Lambert, the introduction clearly sets forth the theme for this collection of biblical counseling case studies.4 In the development of the modern biblical counseling movement over the last fifty years, persuasive evidence shows that “Scripture is comprehensively sufficient to do ministry with people experiencing profound difficulties in their lives” (p. 23).

While the sufficiency of Scripture in counseling is the basic thesis of the book, in each of the hard cases the editors have been careful to display this concept practically in the lives of real people. Even for those who are not skeptical about biblical counseling, the results of these hard cases were amazing and gave great cause for rejoicing in the redeeming grace found in the Cross of Christ.

The biblical counseling movement has been criticized by those who are skeptical of the sufficiency of Scripture for counseling. Secular psychology understandably views the Bible as irrelevant, but many “Christian counselors” acknowledge the Bible’s relevance yet deny its sufficiency in the way that they practically advise their counselees. We expect people with a purely naturalistic view of the human condition to dismiss biblical wisdom in counseling, and therefore this book primarily answers the criticisms of “Christian counseling.”

One of the primary criticisms of biblical counselors is that they use the Bible to somehow replace science and therefore ignore the consensus of secular research for dealing with psychological problems. But the proof of scriptural sufficiency for biblical counseling is convincingly “in the pudding.”5 This book helps put to rest the misconception that biblical counselors ignore science as the reader observes them partnering with trained physicians to treat real and identifiable physical problems. It is in the power of the Holy Spirit and the gospel of Christ, through the voice of the counselor, that the application of biblical truth guides a responsive counselee to healing and sanctification.

When discussing counseling methods, a key question to ask is this: does the authority to diagnose the many human dysfunctional behaviors come from man’s word or God’s Word? Heath Lambert is quick to point out that the counseling debate is profoundly centered in presuppositions. He refers to Jay Adams, who stated that his presupposition in counseling methodology is “the inerrant Bible as the standard of all faith and practice” (p. 8). It is clear that each of the contributing authors commences his or her counseling approach with the same presupposition as Adams. To some, this presupposition may seem like an intellectual debate about methodologies. But the ten extraordinary cases presented in the book consistently confirm the truth of this idea in real-life situations as the hope of Christ transforms lives and frees people from bondage to sinful thoughts and behaviors. So, a presuppositional approach to Scripture is not simply a debate about truth; it is also entirely practical.

Can the Bible Help with the Hard Cases?

Like biblical creationists, biblical counselors have never claimed that the Bible is a science textbook.

Other accusations against the biblical counseling movement have come from a misinterpretation of the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. Critics claim that the Bible is not a science textbook, and therefore it is ill-equipped to help with so-called psychological disorders. The answers to such claims are well stated in this book.

First, secular psychology fails to prove that many of the human problems “classified as mental illnesses” are related to any real “disease or illness at all” (p. 8). This ultimately means that the “science” of secular psychology has its own problems with regard to the definition of observational (i.e., testable, repeatable) science, by which a hypothesis is repeatedly tested and either proven or denied. As a prime example, no one really knows how certain neurotransmitters relate to conditions like depression and anxiety. Yet various medications are prescribed to correct imbalances that have not been accurately defined.

Second, critics from the Christian counseling movement suggest that biblical counselors are using the Bible in place of “science” or as a “science” textbook. But, like biblical creationists, biblical counselors have never claimed that the Bible is a science textbook. Within all the different genres that Scripture takes, the biblical counselor starts with a commitment to the authority of God’s Word. So, instead of viewing human problems in the light of a secular label such as a phobia or disorder, biblical counselors present human problems as Scripture does—in terms of the problem of human sin and suffering and the answer in the gospel.

Real Help and Change in Transformed Living

Reading through each of the hard cases, one soon comes to the realization that these scriptural truths are not just words on a page. Instead, the case studies show there truly is transformational power in the living Word of God (Hebrews 4:12). The same God who saves us from everlasting destruction also brings us into a life that exemplifies His grace. Even more enlightening is the fact that many of the people whose stories are told in this book found genuine healing after having first been disillusioned by the debilitating effects of anti-depressives, hypnosis, attempts to relive a better childhood, and various other secular treatments.

The list of documented cases contains “disorders” that many pastors have dispatched in the “too-hard” basket. They include an extreme example of sexual abuse, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and more. A purely theoretical book cannot touch the impact of this book in retelling what these real-life experiences reveal about the sufficiency of Scripture in the counseling process.

One final thing that should be mentioned in respect to these cases is the book’s consistent theme highlighting the believer’s satisfaction in Christ, confidence in the gospel, the power of the Holy Spirit, a commitment for prayerful reading and application of Scripture, and the supportive care of the local church community. The counseling process is shown to engage not only one counselor but God working through His Word and the community of believers in the heart and mind of the counselee.

The Powerful Word of God

I heartily recommend this book to pastors and any believer needing to witness the powerful nature of the Word of God to gain confidence and steadfastness in the faith—and anyone with a desire to help others:

I myself am satisfied about you my brothers that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another. (Romans 15:14, ESV)


1. Stuart W. Scott and Heath Lambert, eds. Counseling the Hard Cases. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2012.
2. “Christian counseling” is a term most often associated with counselors who are prepared to integrate secular psychology’s methodologies and treatments into their counseling.
3. Answers in Genesis has produced an excellent video on this very topic called Counterfeit Counseling by Pastor Brad Bigney.
4. Dr. Stuart Scott, one of the editors of Counseling the Hard Cases, spoke at the Answers for Pastors conference in October 2013 on the sufficiency of Scripture in biblical counseling.
5. This is not to say that every biblical counseling case ends successfully. God’s Word—our fully reliable and sufficient source of truth—requires the believer to submit and obey in humility, but sadly, some people do not submit to the authority of Scripture.

Steve Ham, Answers In Genesis 16 Comments [5/22/2017 11:33:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127412

There will be no *impeachment* of DJT, God has already written the script.

If you don't see manifest destiny playing out before your eyes, dare I call it a modern miracle, you are blind. If you don't hear a calling from a higher place, you are deaf.

A man who wasn't supposed to beat a single person in the primary but beat 17, a man who wasn't supposed to beat a honed and polished career politician, but did.

He now sits as leader of the free world, and you think some worthless little liberal pukes, not that different than the dog shit that gets stuck to bottom of your shoe, is going to stop him? Really?

Never bet against Donald J Trump, never. You're betting against God's preordained plan.

So it be written, so it be done.


Donald J. Trump was the 'Chosen One', albeit somewhat unwilling like Noah, but chosen nonetheless.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 32 Comments [5/22/2017 1:54:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 127408

Devon and Cornwall Police have said a leaflet posted through doors in North Devon isn't a crime – despite it advising gay people to "control their urges".

The leaflet, entitled "How to Harness Your Habits", was distributed in North Devon by Jehovah's Witnesses and contains an article asking "What does the Bible say about homosexuality?"

In it, the religious group states that "rejecting homosexuality" is completely different to "rejecting people of a different skin colour" and says their views are the same as people who "view smoking as harmful and even repugnant".

The Journal was contacted by a reader, who wishes to remain anonymous, who felt "belittled" by the leaflet.


Using passages from the Bible as, the text also says: "A person who has homosexual leanings can control what he allows his mind to dwell on, just as he would control any other wrong desire, including leanings towards anger, adultery or greed."

However, it also says "the Bible does not encourage prejudice, hate crimes or any other kind of mistreatment of homosexuals".

Devon and Cornwall Police looked at the leaflet and stated: "We have been made aware of some religious materials which have been distributed in North Devon.

"Whilst it doesn't appear to meet the threshold to be considered a crime, these have been passed on to our Diverse Communities Team to look into."

[The original article can be bound in "What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?", Awake!, No. 4 2016]

Jehovah’s Witnesses' "Awake!" magazine, Cult Education Institute 12 Comments [5/22/2017 1:13:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 127400

“The destruction of these monuments, erected in the loving memory of our family and fellow Southern Americans, is both heinous and horrific,” Oliver wrote. “If the, and I use this term extremely loosely, ‘leadership’ of Louisiana wishes to, in a Nazi-ish fashion, burn books or destroy historical monuments of OUR HISTORY, they should be LYNCHED! Let it be known, I will do all in my power to prevent this from happening in our State.”

Karl Oliver, Raw Story 51 Comments [5/22/2017 9:48:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 127388

National Socialism was great for most white Germans. They had plenty of freedom, in some ways more than we have now. Ironically, the propaganda surrounding what actually happened in National Socialist Germany far out-weighs the propaganda of the actual National Socialists (not that propaganda is necessarily a bad thing). Anyone who went against national interests was violently oppressed, of course (as they should have been). Beyond that, you could live your life with a great deal of freedom.

[[The Nonaggression Principle is the bread and butter of any libertarian, and the Nazis routinely trampled all over it.]]

Fuck the NAP. Individualism is for faggots. I'd be perfectly happy in National Socialist Germany.

666-1488, Deviantart forums 27 Comments [5/22/2017 3:05:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 127385

There are 1.5 billion Muslims to 300 million Americans, half of which is, oh yeah, only 5 Americans for every Muslim, 10 liberals to every Muslim, and 20 Democrat feminists for every Muslim. I see your point. Do you see mine? If you do not see my point, it is clear you are the type to search to get the grain of dirt out of your peas, while you are willing to eat a pound of cockroaches. Lord Jesus talks about that kind of people. So, there are about 20 feminist liberals for every Muslim, yet, the feminists murdered 50% more than Al Qaeda in 911.

Of course I believe it is good when Muslims rape and kill liberal women and men.

They reap what they sow.

Aa Ee, InfoWars (link will take you to Disqus) 17 Comments [5/22/2017 3:04:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 127383

[In response to this article]

Sigh... I used to believe that the slippery slope argument was a fallacy. Turns out I was wrong. Let the fags marry and this shit actually IS next.

I've been wrong many times before, and I accept it gracefully, but this one hurts.

Fambida, Voat 10 Comments [5/22/2017 3:04:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus
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