Quote# 128758

You, Melissa, may be more interesting to some men than a 19yo “kid”, as you put it, but you can hardly compete with the vitality and intensity of a vibrant nine year old girl. If I had to choose between an adult and a 9 year old girl, I would not even have to think about it. And I bet at least a third of the so-called normal male pop. would feel likewise (there is proof…).

Jonathan, consentinghumans 23 Comments [7/2/2017 1:23:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 17

Quote# 128754

The Trump administration is debating whether to launch a governmentwide effort to question the science of climate change, an effort that critics say is an attempt to undermine the long-established consensus human activity is fueling the Earth’s rising temperatures.?The move, driven by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, has sparked a debate among top Trump administration officials over whether to pursue such a strategy.?A senior White House official, who asked for anonymity because no final decision has been made, said that while Pruitt has expressed interest in the idea, “there are no formal plans within the administration to do anything about it at this time.”?Pruitt first publicly raised the idea of setting up a “red team-blue team” effort to conduct exercises to test the idea that human activity is the main driver of recent climate change in an interview with Breitbart in early June.?“What the American people deserve, I think, is a true, legitimate, peer-reviewed, objective, transparent discussion about CO2,” Pruitt said in an interview with Breitbart’s Joel Pollack.?But officials are discussing whether the initiative would stretch across numerous federal agencies that rely on such science, according to multiple Trump administration officials, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity because no formal announcement has been made.?Energy Secretary Rick Perry, who once described the science behind human-caused climate change as a “contrived phony mess,” also is involved in the effort, two officials said.?At a White House briefing this week, Perry said, “The people who say the science is settled, it’s done — if you don’t believe that you’re a skeptic, a Luddite. I don’t buy that. I don’t think there is — I mean, this is America. Have a conversation. Let’s come out of the shadows of hiding behind your political statements and let’s talk about it. What’s wrong with that? And I’m full well — I can be convinced, but let’s talk about it.”?The idea, according to one senior administration official, is “to get other federal agencies involved in this exercise on the state of climate science” to examine “what we know, where there are holes, and what we actually don’t know.”?Other agencies could include the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy and NASA, according to the official, all of which conduct climate research in some capacity.

Scott Pruitt, Washington Post 11 Comments [7/2/2017 1:23:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 128751

Equality is worth fighting for. It is the expression of how civilized people seek fair treatment for their neighbors.

While we should all defend the right to be equal, we should oppose the pressure to all be the same. Part of being free is being allowed to be different and daring, to live our lives in a way that honors the diversity unique to the human race.

Today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel voted against same-sex marriage in Germany because she believes that “marriage is between a man and woman.” The bill passed, and people will call for her head on a spike.

There have been gay civil partnerships in the UK for many years—but that didn’t stop the recent war to bring in “full” gay marriage. It pitted traditionalists against the human rights industry, with gay people in the middle.

Let’s be clear: Everyone, aside from bigamists, has a the right to marry. They can marry someone of the opposite sex. That is equality.

If you are gay, you should be treated equally. But you are different. Why pretend being gay is the same as being straight? It isn’t.

Politicians who believe in traditional marriage should not be discriminated against. We should not live in a world where Merkel is a pariah for her views.

We should also not live in a world where the leader of the British Liberal Party had to resign because of his Christian views on gay sex, which were his personal—not political—views.

The demand for us to all be the same is not equality; it’s communism. Today, the only type of diversity liberals oppose is diversity of opinion.

Shame on them, shame on the human rights industry, and shame on Merkel’s critics.

Andre Walker, Observer 17 Comments [7/2/2017 1:21:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: TheReasonator

Quote# 128730

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Marriage: Jesus Christ defined marriage between a man and a woman"

Clearly, based on scripture (Matthew 19:4-6), Jesus Christ defined marriage between a man and a woman, thus showing that He does not condone gay unions because they are not of God. Anything that conflicts with God's word is not of God. The word says if you love God you will obey Him. Anyone who does not love God is not a Christian. There are NO real Christians that are supporting that which God has called unholy, shameful, sin and an abomination. And that includes ALL sin and abominations, because Chrsitians seek to please God and not ourselves nor man. A house divided can not stand and God is not divided against Himself (Jesus and God are One). And God's people obey Him rather than man.

If anyone is teaching a false or watered down doctrine, then you need to get away from that wolf-in-sheep's clothing and false teacher as soon as possible. Disagreement is NOT hate. We share Truth because we love others. Christians must share Truth so that the lost who want Truth may be set free. I have given you Truth from God's word here. Those who rebel have chosen their own end and that is between them and God. They will bow before Him, declare Him Lord of all and be judged for their rebellion. And if any ave read or heard the truth and willingly rebelled against God, they are responsible for that word, their rebellion will be judged and their blood is on their own heads...the real Christians who spoke God's Truth, our hands are clean. Luke-warm liars, wolves-on-sheep's clothing who pervert the word will have a lot of blood on their hands and they too will be judged for disobeying God.

Real Christians speak the Truth and will NEVER stop as our desire is toward our God to please and obey Him. Man's opinion, lies, foolishness, etc. is irrelevant. Only God's Truth matter.


Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 11 Comments [7/2/2017 1:20:45 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 128722

I will talk to you about female circumcision from the medical, religious, economic, and historical perspectives. So lend me your hearts and your ears…

The discussion about female circumcision goes back to the past century. The first time that this subject was debated extensively was in the past century. Who were the first to talk about it? The Jews. They do not want Islam or the Muslims to be pure, develop, and civilized, So they started talking about it. In The Protocols of the Elders of Zion it is written: “We must strive for the collapse of morals, so that it will be easier for us to dominate the world.”

They tell you that female circumcision causes infertility. Says who? How can female circumcision cause infertility?! Egyptian women are circumcised, yet they give birth more than all the other mothers in the world. So how can this cause infertility? It is the uncircumcised women of Europe who are infertile. Allah be praised!

Are there any economic benefits to female circumcision? Yes! What are the economic benefits of female circumcision? Female circumcision is a preventative medical measure. Someone who is uncircumcised will be afflicted with many serious diseases, which we will discuss later, Allah willing. Someone who contracts one of these diseases must spend money, and the state must spend money on his treatment, and so on. But we can save all this money and direct it elsewhere. So this constitutes preventative medicine.

Sheikh Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Maligi, Patheos 12 Comments [7/2/2017 1:19:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 128693

Donald Trump, Globe Today Facebook 10 Comments [7/2/2017 1:19:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 128692

Homosexual demons are more likely to attack non-believers.

In Romans chapter bible teaches that God gives gays over to homosexuality because of pagan practices of worshipping creatures like reptiles, lizards instead of the creator.

Roman Catholic Crusader, Y! answers 11 Comments [7/2/2017 1:19:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 128748

[Talking about how fecal matter was found in Starbucks's ice]

This is an outcome of having aliens working in Starbucks. CEO was mixing business with political correctness - sh..t is coming out.

Paul Jan Gagalka, Facebook 19 Comments [7/2/2017 12:25:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 128747

Holy Spirit ALL OVER ME as I read this post, dear sister! Whew! On 12/27/14–exactly one year ago yesterday–He confirmed both that O was the Antichrist and that Jonathan Kleck was doing His work. I know I’ve already shared this with you, but for those who haven’t seen it, here is the confirmation I received: FIND THE “HOPE” POSTER FROM OBAMA’S CAMPAIGN IN 2008 AND PRINT IT OUT. TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN AND SEE WHERE OBAMA COMES FROM. Of course, Jonathan Kleck teaches us all about how the Beast system “turns everything upside down” so that was meaningful for me and a confirmation of his work. When I followed the Lord’s bidding, I couldn’t believe my eyes. That poster is an abstract of black and white and red, and on the left side of Obama’s face (upside down) there is a demon clear as can be in red, coming out of the flames of hell. The demon has his right arm across Obama’s mouth and the demon’s mouth is open (when I saw that I heard “so who’s doing the talking?”) Incredible. That is the only personal confirmation I have received. It is enough.

I do believe you are correct: unless we recognize who he is and where he comes from, we will be deceived into taking his mark–the mark of the beast. The forces of evil DO NOT CARE if that comes through trickery. It may be installed through vaccination or as an identification chip only and people will not even know what they’re doing.

Bless you for warning our precious brothers and sisters in Christ to CLING, CLING, CLING to our King, our Lord and Savior Jesus, Yeshua. It is the only way we survive this tsunami of evil that is over-running this world. He is so close. Sitting here ON FIRE as I type this! JESUS REIGNS! HE AND HE ALONE CAN SUBDUE THESE FORCES OF EVIL! PRESS INTO HIM! SATURATE YOURSELF IN HIM, ALL WHO CALL HIM KING!

So very thankful for you, Linda, and your work here! May our King bless you a thousand times over for doing so!


Christine, believeacts2's Blog 15 Comments [7/2/2017 12:25:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 128746

[Editor’s Note: There is no doubt in my mind that guillotines are being stored on selected military bases in America. Pam Schuffert had first hand conversations with people who have seen them. I’m equally convinced that crematoriums have been installed on many of the larger FEMA concentration camps, both here on the mainland and in Hawaii. Pam Schuffert accurately foretold of coming events when she titled her web site “American Holocaust” from its inception in the 1990s. Ronald Reagan, New World Order Bedtime Bonzo that he was, sold us out by signing away our fate to the dictates of Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis with the Talmudic interpretation of the “Noahide Laws” enshrined in Public Law 102-14, signed in 1983 by Bonzo. This federal statutory “law”, which can be invoked at any time, established the legal grounds for EXECUTION by decapitation, anyone who is found guilty of “avoda zara” (idol worship) which according to halachic Judaism authority Maimonides, includes anyone who worships Jesus Christ (source: Michael Hoffman’s impressive 2008 tome, Judaism Discovered).

I do concur with the Christian fundamentalist belief in The End Times, the Rapture, the physical return of Christ, Armageddon, or the Millennium which I have identified as British Israel, however, I have no quarrel with those who do just as long as they aren’t aiding and abetting the New World Order, as exemplified by the so-called Christian Zionists of the John Hagee variety.

Our shamefully dumbed-down American public refuses to take these warnings seriously because they cannot imagine that the betrayal is as huge as it actually is and they are so utterly dependent on what they witness locally, meaning that since they don’t see the the 12 foot high barb wire fence around FEMA concentration camps in their neighborhoods, they must not exist and this woman is merely making up wild stories! Woe be to you Foolish America when they come for you and your family…Ken Adachi]

by Pamela Schuffert
February 15, 2009

Why Are Modern Guillotines on Military Bases in America? by Pam Schuffert (Feb. 15, 2009)

The GUILLOTINES (modern military/metal, both imported and made in USA, present in many of our US military bases, and also installed in certain varieties of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES prepositioned nationwide for martial law according to eye-witness accounts)are here for only one purpose, in today’s modern society.


They are here to fulfill the purpose of THE NOAHIDE LAWS legislation signed by George Bush Sr., as part of the procedure of implementing the coming WORLD GOVERNMENT OF ANTICHRIST (NWO), and that is TO BEHEAD ALL OFFENDERS OF THE NOAHIDE LAWS provisions for EXECUTION of people (Gentiles) guilty of “IDOLATRY” and “BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOD.”


Being interpreted, “BEHEAD CHRISTIANS who believe that Jesus Christ is GOD IN THE FLESH and DIVINE.”

In this day of modern technology and advanced methods of execution available, there can ONLY be one purpose for the millions of modern guillotines present not only in US military bases, but uncovered through in-depth research to be in various locations worldwide, and that is to fulfill the MANDATES OF THE NOAHIDE LAWS against those who will not conform to it’s Jewish religious dictates.

EXECUTION BY BEHEADING is dictated for those who break THREE of the 7 NOAHIDE LAWS.

CONFORM in this case means for CHRISTIANS TO RENOUNCE THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST as the SON OF GOD and DIVINE…something which is utterly hated by the Jewish community and HAS been, obviously, for 2000 years now.

In fact, Bible prophecy even refers to this aspect of the coming WORLD GOVERNMENT being ANTICHRIST.

The Bible speaks in Revelation 20:4 of the souls of those who are beheaded for their witness of JESUS CHRIST and the word of God, who essentially will not go along with this satanic world government (NWO) under Satan and it’s “cashless society” and apostate antichrist religious system.

The Bible declares, in fact, that all those who are beheaded for their faith in Jesus Christ under this upcoming antichrist world system, will be resurrected to REIGN WITH JESUS CHRIST OVER THE WORLD during the genuine THOUSAND YEAR MILLENNIAL REIGN of God on the earth through His Son, Jesus Christ.(Revelation 20:4)


And speaking of “the spirit of ANTICHRIST,” it ORIGINATED with the Jews 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ was rejected by His Jewish people, condemned to die on a cross, and declared to be NOT THE MESSIAH by the religious leaders of His day.

This spirit of antichrist and Jewish persecution of the Christians has continued for 2000 years now, taking various forms, most notably under the twentieth century persecution/martyrdom of millions of Christians, initiated and carried out under JEWISH BOLSHEVIK COMMUNISM.


Christians continue to this day to be persecuted, imprisoned,tortured and martyred worldwide under this ongoing communist attack against Christianity, with historically confirmed Jewish origins, founders, financial funders, and those who carry it out.

The Bible declares that this spirit of antichrist, directly under SATAN’S POWER (Revelation 13) will ultimately RULE THE WORLD completely, authorizing Christians to be PUT TO DEATH worldwide.

Enter the NOAHIDE LAWS and provision for the BEHEADING OF THOSE WHO CONFESS JESUS CHRIST, as Bible Prophecy declares is to come. And this is why UN (NWO)prisoner boxcars often have eyewitness sightings of modern guillotines installed in them, besides shackles and benches.

I personally have interviewed two people who were eye witnesses to the modern guillotines in the prisoner boxcars, Marie McCullough of SC (Christian missionary who witnessed these boxcars with 4 other people traveling with her) and Jericho of FL (former NWO agenda participant who personally confirmed to me at Bradenton Christian Retreat, FL, that the prisoner boxcars and shackles in Asheville, NC, contained NOT only shackles, but a modern guillotine in each one.)


CIA sources have also abundantly confirmed the GUILLOTINE PRESENCE in America and their NWO/Noahide Laws purposes as well.


The spirit of ANTICHRIST originated with the Jews 2000 years ago, has been passed down throughout history for 2000 years now, and IT WILL BE FULLY CULMINATED with the Jews through their antichrist world globalist (communist) government that will indeed put Christians ( and all other NWO resisters) to death…just as Bible Prophecy declares clearly.

NOAHIDE LAWS require numerous tools for MASS BEHEADINGS just for America alone. Hence, THE GUILLOTINES.

At least 80 percent of Americans claim to be “CHRISTIANS.”

Well (heh-heh) we shall someday SEE just how “CHRISTIAN” these people who profess to be, REALLY ARE, as martial law is declared, the GUILLOTINES ARE PUBLICLY DISPLAYED, and supposed “Christians” (NWO resisters, etc) are arrested and lined up and the guillotine operators are crying out..


Hmmm…talking about a future separation of THE SHEEP from the GOATS. Persecution somehow always seems to do this.

The good news is, READ REVELATION 20:4. WE CHRISTIAN NWO RESISTERS WIN. SO bring on your guillotines, boyz!


-Pamela Schuffert

crisisboom, crisisboom 19 Comments [7/2/2017 12:21:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 128745

The Calendar: Reminder of Creation

All of Creation was designed to reveal truths about the Creator and to draw the hearts and minds of man to his Creator in grateful acknowledgement. The calendar devised by Yahuwah is couple praying togetherdivinely designed for that very thing. The seventh-day weekly Sabbath is to be segregated, set apart for the worship of the Creator. The word “Sabbath” comes from shabath (#7673) and means “to repose, i.e. desist from exertion.”10 But it was not just the weekly Sabbaths that were to be set apart. Originally, the monthly New Moons and, of course, the yearly feasts were all times to remember the goodness of the Creator.
The four quarters of the moon supply an obvious division of the month...it is most significant that in the older parts of the Hebrew scriptures the new moon and the Sabbath are almost invariably mentioned together. The [lunar] month is beyond question an old sacred division of time common to all the semites; even the Arabs, who received the week at quite a late period from the Syrians, greeted the New Moon with religious acclamations. … We cannot tell [exactly] when the Sabbath became disassociated from the month.11

Yahuwah’s holy convocations, including New Moons, are a time for renewed commitment to the Creator; a time to slow down, acknowledge the Father’s gifts of family, friends and other blessings. New Moons bring a blessing to all who will set aside this time to acknowledge the blessings of Yahuwah. They will be kept throughout all eternity as the saved rejoice in the endless blessings of the loving Creator.

“And it shall come to pass, that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith Yahuwah.” (Isaiah 66:23)

Fred Myers, Worlds Last Chance 6 Comments [7/2/2017 12:20:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: P.E.T.F

Quote# 128744


I was standing in a room with another person to my right. Suddenly I saw Obama in front of me, wearing a white dress shirt and black business pants. He quickly approached me with an evil look on his face, then slapped me on my left upper arm. He then stepped away from me, looking at me the entire time.

I instantly held up my right hand and made a pinching motion with my thumb and index finger, pointing at Obama. Lightning shot out of my right hand and onto Obama’s face.

When the lightning hit Obama’s face, it transformed into a beastly image.

Obama’s eyes were highlighted by a rectangular image that appeared to be electronic flames, done by a special effects camera. His eyes were glowing red.

~ End of Dream ~

WORD FROM THE LORD (given over a two day period, 12-29-15 and 12-30-15):

“MOST WILL NOT SEE IT” (Obama as the Anti-Christ)



EVEN As I write this dream up to share it, I know as a Word directly from the LORD, “MOST WILL NOT SEE IT”. I understand the LORD was telling me MOST will not see (or believe) Obama is THE Anti-Christ (Revelation 13), even though some of us in the Body of Christ have been given this revelation to share and warn any who will listen to what the Holy Spirit prompts us to proclaim: “OBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST.”


As I’m typing this dream out, what comes to mind about the image of Obama is the character from “Star Trek, The Next Generation”.

While that image of Obama did not look like this character, the focus was on the importance of the eyes.

The Scriptural reference that came to mind, regarding the focus on Obama’s eyes:

Matthew 6:22 – 23
“The eye is the lamp of the body;
so then if your eye is clear,
your whole body will be full of light.
“But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.
If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”

Obama is full of demonic darkness and evil; the supernatural transformation in his eyes points to the supernatural transformation he will undergo, when Satan is fully manifesting in and through him.

The lightening shooting out of my hand, towards Obama,

As I pinch my pointer finger and thumb together,
represents the sharing of my testimony, in writing (and verbally as well), of the revelation I was given by the Holy Spirit:


(please see related info links below).

This has been a difficult task for me and others . . .

who have been given this revelation and command by the LORD to share it, because it comes with the resulting response of: mocking, scorning, name-calling, disbelief, denial by others, belittled, verbally abused, etc., yet I and others are still responsible for warning and sharing this repulsive revelation, which MOST professing Christians will NOT even take this to the LORD in prayer to see if it is true!!!!!

I will repeat right now: “OBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST”

This dream points to the coming INCREASED and DIRECT attack upon Christians, by Obama, who will be taking his global roll as “THE Anti-Christ” (Revelation 13). I do not have a date on this global role, but I do know we are in the season of his “revealing”. I also know his “revealing” as the antichrist has been going on throughout the last several years, to some in the Body of Christ, through dreams, visions and revelations. We will also see continued erosion of freedom as U.S. Citizens, which will be going global: a loss of freedom, as we see “THE RISE OF THE BEAST” . . As we see “NEW WORLD ORDER”.

Obama constitution
Obama golf
Obama flag

Obama has been instrumental in the attack and slaughter of Christians in the Middle East, by mandating the training, funding and continued support of the Islamic jihad group called ISIS; this is going to increase globally: ISLAMIC JIHAD.

We WILL see an increased demonic power and darkness arise in Obama that will be noticeable by all who have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear”, YET MOST WILL STILL NOT SEE OBAMA AS THE ANTICHRIST, even though the warnings have been going out about this revelation, as directed by the Holy Spirit.

I PLEAD with each person who is reading this to do the following:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take this warning to the LORD in prayer to see if it is the truth:


believeacts2, believeacts2's Blog 10 Comments [7/2/2017 12:19:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 128743

DREAM (I had on 5-19-16):


I was viewing this dream from two perspectives at the same time: one as an on-looker and the other experiencing what was taking place.

I entered into a huge rock/cave area, that had a fairly small and uneven entrance. It was painted with white shiny paint, on all areas of exposed rock, similar to what I saw in the developed caves in North Kansas City. These caves are utilized for storage and business.

I had a white handled plastic grocery bag in my hand, filled with stuff, which I didn’t see but knew it held things to assist people.

When I was about 9 to 10 feet into the entrance, I turned around and saw a lady that I knew in Kansas City, who had been in an employee training position for Behavioral health services. I went closer to the entrance and was going to tell her about the coming food shortage. I said to her:

“Do you know about Joseph storing up food . . . . ”

I didn’t get to finish that thought or sentence, because I then saw the entrance starting to close as if it were like an Indiana Jones movie. I tried to get to the entrance only a few feet away, but it narrowed so much I couldn’t leave, then finally was completely closed off to the outside. I was trapped inside of the cave.

I then looked up and saw the ceiling starting to come down on top of me. It kept lowering and lowering. I knew I was going to be crushed, but felt the LORD with me.

The scene changed:


I was in what I later knew was a U.S. Military facility. I was going to my medical appointment and was waiting in a room for the physician to come in.

Suddenly, Obama came into the room and wanted to take my measurements.

I had my arms held straight out to my sides, as if preparation for taking measurements, but said:

“You can’t do that. You are the supervisor. It’s unethical and immoral.”

I did not comply with his wishes.

Obama then wanted me to sign up for a program.

I asked him what it was, but was not given an answer.

I then left the room, without either allowing Obama to take my measurements or to sign up for his program. I looked around and found what I believed was a Military officer.

I saw the hat he was wearing and knew he was in a position of authority. He was sitting at a desk, talking to somebody who was also seated.

I tried to report what had just happened with Obama, but the officer was not going to talk to me, nor listen to what I had to say, indicating he was busy with somebody else. He instead referred me over to another area, where I could report the problem.

I then went to where I had been directed to go, where these two military individuals were sitting at desks. One desk was perpendicular to the other one, with some space and plants between both of them. I was able to look at both people at the same time.

I looked at the man on the right and started telling him what happened with Obama, then noticed his eyes flickered and transformed into a reptilian shape . . . I saw the same thing happen with the other individual’s eyes.

They then both disappeared right before my eyes.

I knew these were demons who had been posing as humans in the military.

~ End of Dream ~



I’ll give the “bottom line” then go into additional details within this dream:

This dream is a prophetic picture of the United States and the subjugation that will be imposed upon the Citizens of the United States. The borders will be closed off and U.S. Citizens will not be able to leave the country. It will become an oppressive dictator-run country, under Obama-THE-Antichrist.

There will be food shortages within the United States.

Obama-THE-antichrist WILL attempt to rule over EVERY part of a person’s life, through his executive orders. His “plan” is to ultimately implement “the mark of the beast”, which will be rolled out under “Obamacare”.

Members of the U.S. Military, who could be in a position to help out, will NOT be able to assist the citizens during this time to prevent this from happening, because: “OBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST!!!”

There ARE demonic forces within the current U.S. Military that WILL be manifesting in the days ahead. I’m talking about ACTUAL demons that will be manifesting.



The cave painted white, that had a small opening where I entered, represented the small window of time I had to freely return to the United States to assist during the WORST times this country has ever seen, as Obama-THE-antichrist takes over the country. Note: I’m now back in the United States, so the first part of this dream has been fulfilled (I returned to the United States on March 10, 2016. . . Or I entered the cave, as shown in this dream).

The white grocery bag in my hand, filled with stuff to assist others, represents the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I have been given to use to assist others in these final days.

The cave also represents something that was man-made (the cave was painted and the underground bunkers are hewn out by machines). These are photos of actual caves in North Kansas City, that are being used for storage and business. I have been to several of these sites and yes, they do exist. I was a resident of the Kansas City Metro Area for 26 years.

The cave entrance closing, where I couldn’t get out, represents the time when the U.S. borders will be closed; U.S. citizens will NOT be able to leave (unless illegally leaving as refugees escaping across the borders).

The cave ceiling coming down upon me, to crush and kill me represents the crushing oppression that will come upon U.S. Citizens from Obama-THE-antichrist.

It will be particularly oppressive against Christians. Some of us will lose our lives as martyrs, some will be imprisoned, some will be tortured, some will be raped, some will lose their families. Some will be supernaturally protected. Each will be given grace to go through what is ahead, as we endure the testing of our faith in Jesus Christ. . YAHSHUA our Messiah.

Our lives will TOTALLY change, as we endure the redemptive Judgement upon our Nation, for the Heavenly Father disciplines those He loves.



The individual I knew In Kansas City, who was a trainer for Behavioral health services, represents the mind control that is and will be utilized, as well as “mental health diagnosis” that will be utilized against U.S. Citizens. This was a part of the former Soviet Union’s strategy against “political dissidents” to round them up.

There WILL be food shortages. Note: I have illustrated this now THREE times. . . Are you getting this yet?

The LORD Jesus Christ. . . Yahshua, our Messiah. . WILL be with ALL true believers and followers, regardless of the dire times we find ourselves in. TRUST HIM NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!!! . . . WE ARE IN THE SEASON OF “THE BRIDE OF CHRIST GETTING READY.”


The program Obama-THE-antichrist will want EVERY U.S. Citizen to sign up for will be THE MARK OF THE BEAST, which will be mandated and rolled out under “Obamacare” (which should be called “Obama-hates”).

DO NOT . . . . I repeat . . DO NOT take the bio-identification system that WILL be mandated by Obama. . It’s “the Mark of the Beast” and will turn you into a human puppet zombie for Satan . . . . Controlled by Obama-the-Antichrist, who eventually will FULLY transform and manifest into Satan himself.

There are demonic forces within the U.S. And other Military, that WILL be manifesting in the days ahead: REAL DEMONS (along with fallen angels, Giants, hybrids, robots, DARPA fallen angel technology, etc. . . . ALL designed to eventually destroy the human race).

WE HAVE THE CHOICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE To Obama-THE-antichrist . . . But it may indeed cost us our lives, if we choose to follow Jesus and NOT follow “THE BEAST”. There WILL be martyrs here in the United States AND in other “Western Nations”.

believeacts2, believeacts2's Blog 7 Comments [7/2/2017 12:19:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 128742







Stating “that can’t be it, because he isn’t the antichrist” . . .

Or “that can’t be it because we’ll be out of here before that happens” (AKA, the pre-trib lie).

“The Mark” will be rolled out after the economic collapse (YES that is going to happen too) and it will be rolled out under “Obamacare”.

BUT . . . It’s NOT just going to Only be an RFID chip. . . .

It will also include other technological “bio-identification” systems, including the possibility of invisible ink tatoo (great for forehead marking), nanotechnology implants via injection (like a vaccination) and other technologies we are not aware of yet.






AND YES . . I know it’s a VERY eternally serious thing to say “the Holy Spirit said” or “The LORD showed me”, for to make something up, claiming it is from the LORD and it is not. . . . is to take the name of the LORD in vain and that is SIN and will bring judgement upon my head. . .

YES I KNOW THAT, so I take this “assignment” very seriously, prayerfully and carefully (and it has been VERY painfully too, for the backlash, criticism, condemnation, verbal abuse, name-calling, loss of friends, family, ALL . . Has been the price I had to pay to obey this “calling” and share this most wretched revelation).



If you are reading this post and haven’t seriously taken the revelation: “Obama is THE antichrist” to the LORD in prayer. . . Please consider doing so.

ASK THE LORD: “Is she telling the truth”.

Let Him confirm to YOU. . . . .IT’S UP TO YOU WHAT YOU DO (I did my part in warning you).




believeacts2, believeacts2's blog 10 Comments [7/2/2017 12:19:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 128741

[From "Were Confederate Generals Traitors?"]

My "Rewriting American History" column of a fortnight ago, about the dismantling of Confederate monuments, generated considerable mail. Some argued there should not be statues honoring traitors such as Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis, who fought against the Union. Victors of wars get to write the history, and the history they write often does not reflect the facts. Let's look at some of the facts and ask: Did the South have a right to secede from the Union? If it did, we can't label Confederate generals as traitors.

Article 1 of the Treaty of Paris (1783), which ended the war between the Colonies and Great Britain, held "New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free sovereign and Independent States." Representatives of these states came together in Philadelphia in 1787 to write a constitution and form a union.

During the ratification debates, Virginia's delegates said, "The powers granted under the Constitution being derived from the people of the United States may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression." The ratification documents of New York and Rhode Island expressed similar sentiments.
At the Constitutional Convention, a proposal was made to allow the federal government to suppress a seceding state. James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution," rejected it. The minutes from the debate paraphrased his opinion: "A union of the states containing such an ingredient (would) provide for its own destruction. The use of force against a state would look more like a declaration of war than an infliction of punishment and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous compacts by which it might be bound."

America's first secessionist movement started in New England after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. Many were infuriated by what they saw as an unconstitutional act by President Thomas Jefferson. The movement was led by Timothy Pickering of Massachusetts, George Washington's secretary of war and secretary of state. He later became a congressman and senator. "The principles of our Revolution point to the remedy — a separation," Pickering wrote to George Cabot in 1803, for "the people of the East cannot reconcile their habits, views, and interests with those of the South and West." His Senate colleague James Hillhouse of Connecticut agreed, saying, "The Eastern states must and will dissolve the union and form a separate government." This call for secession was shared by other prominent Americans, such as John Quincy Adams, Elbridge Gerry, Fisher Ames, Josiah Quincy III and Joseph Story. The call failed to garner support at the 1814-15 Hartford Convention.

The U.S. Constitution would have never been ratified -- and a union never created — if the people of those 13 "free sovereign and Independent States" did not believe that they had the right to secede. Even on the eve of the War of 1861, unionist politicians saw secession as a right that states had. Rep. Jacob M. Kunkel of Maryland said, "Any attempt to preserve the union between the states of this Confederacy by force would be impractical and destructive of republican liberty." The Northern Democratic and Republican parties favored allowing the South to secede in peace.

Northern newspapers editorialized in favor of the South's right to secede. New-York Tribune (Feb. 5, 1860): "If tyranny and despotism justified the Revolution of 1776, then we do not see why it would not justify the secession of Five Millions of Southrons from the Federal Union in 1861." The Detroit Free Press (Feb. 19, 1861): "An attempt to subjugate the seceded States, even if successful, could produce nothing but evil — evil unmitigated in character and appalling in extent." The New-York Times (March 21, 1861): "There is a growing sentiment throughout the North in favor of letting the Gulf States go."

Confederate generals were fighting for independence from the Union just as George Washington and other generals fought for independence from Great Britain. Those who'd label Gen. Robert E. Lee as a traitor might also label George Washington as a traitor. I'm sure Great Britain's King George III would have agreed.

Walter E. Williams, The New American 11 Comments [7/2/2017 12:19:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 128739

And to the question, the Canaanite genocide, it is one of those cases where something is good just because God says it is good. God can say in one place that Abraham can marry his half sister, and in another place that someone can't marry their half sister.

Christian doctrine is that no one is allowed to punish the sins of the father on the son. So under Biblical law, the Canaanite genocide was sin, as babies were killed. But it was a case of God telling someone to do something He normally forbids people to do.

It is against God's law to strike a man who has done nothing to you, but in this case the Law was trumped by God setting it aside, as by definition something is good simply because God says it's good, not that there is anything inherently good about an action.

So, the answer is that genocide is forbidden in Biblical law. And that's the truth, even though God once commanded genocide.

TimV, Puritan Board 9 Comments [7/2/2017 12:18:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128737

A huge topic and lots of pre-suppositions and assumptions are made in these kinds of discussions. Also, not having formal theological training, my response is more limited.

First of all, in reality, anything the God of Heaven, our Creator, sustainer and governor of His universe does is not up to the subjective character evaluation of His creatures. He isn't to be compared with false religions imagined by some of His rebellious, fallen creatures. If we don't start with that, the discussion cannot be congruent.

If man's intellect is the center of all things, such an evaluation cannot be congruent.

The starting point really is the sovereignty of God (versus the sovereignty of man).

If man's mind is at the center, God will be judged "unfair" by lesser evaluation of man's ego. (This is why the "five points" or "doctrines of grace" are a wise point to draw out, explain, debate, and discuss with both believers and nonbelievers alike. God really likes it when we "get it" that we are not really the center and measure of all things. That's where Christian growth really begins).

The sixth commandment, "do not kill" is in words that are more carefully understood as "thou shalt not murder." Nations engaging in war are obviously not in view here (otherwise God would not have commanded Israel into battle so many times).

Self defense is a biblical concept that we could draw out here. In no sense (despite the wicked imaginations of the killers, liars, God mockers who planned 9/11) was their attack self defense. A good case can be made it was not even in accord with their own religion.

In the end, there is something that we, as fallen, self-centered human beings do not want to accept. It is very understandable in light of what God has revealed to us about our nature, through Scripture. We do not believe has a right to do with us, as His created beings as He sees fit. That bothers us...

Whether it is God Almighty's right to reserve a sabbath day unto himself for us to worship,

Reserve a portion of our material income to give back to Him as offerings,

Or His right to give or take life as He alone pleases.

Scott1, Puritan Board 6 Comments [7/2/2017 12:14:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128736

Infants aren't anymore innocent than adults. All have fallen short of the glory of God. Having original sin throws one into hell just as fast as one who has original sin and actual sin. The level of hell they experience might be different, but no one is without original sin. If God doesn't choose every adult for salvation, what makes us think He chooses every infant for salvation? We might think that they deserve heaven because they look innocent and are so very cute, but they too have a depraved nature and deserve hell just like the rest of us.

OPC'n, Puritan Board 12 Comments [7/2/2017 12:14:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128735

I believe suicide, even among mental patients, must be allowed. I don't care if they have depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. It is ALWAYS unethical to stop them from suicide.

Coercive suicide prevention must be banned.

NAPnationalist, Deviantart forums 6 Comments [7/2/2017 12:14:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 128734

I love this question.

Let me ask you one in turn: when was the first time that you learned how precious water was?

Was it in the shower? The lake? A rainy day?

Or was it the first time you were desperately thirsty with no water in sight?

God is glorified in the destruction and judgment of the reprobate. *gasp* "What? How?!"

Let us remember that there is not one attribute of God that lacks in glory or is more glorious than the other. He is God, He is one, and ALL of Him is glorious.

When the reprobate is destroyed and condemned, who do you think will witness this? Why, the elect, of course!! How much greater will his mercy seem when we see what we're saved from? How glorious will God be to us when we see His holiness and righteous stand against iniquity?

Everything God says, does and stands for is glorious in equal measure.

We could never appreciate our salvation (water) without witnessing judgment and condemnation (thirst).

Daniel M., Puritan Board 6 Comments [7/2/2017 12:12:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128733

[Fuck it, this one's a quadfor]

If I wanted to destroy a civilisation the first thing I'd do is teach their women feminism to turn them against the men & lower birth rates


2/ Then I'd open the borders to hostile racial-religious aliens who I'd then teach are being oppressed by the majority.


3/ Then I would shit all over the civilisation's history, cultural norms & achievements so they felt bad about their history


4/ Then I'd teach their children that ackkkshully, these other civilisations invented this stuff, not your civilisation, ie Muslims/Math etc


5/ Then I'd get control of their cultural engine I'd paint their men as the worlds most evil oppressors responsible for all bad in the world


6/ Then I'd teach them that any semblance of self preservation instinct was the world's most evil sin, ie. - racism


7/ If I got REALLY bold I'd start telling them their very existence in the lands their ancestors built gave them "white privilege", LOL!


8/ If they bought that little package of bullshit I'd go hog fucking wild and just throw the borders completely open


9/ Eventually when they were a minority the gloves would come way off, I'd use my armies of third worlds against them relentlessly.


10/ Laws would go from "hate speech" (to silence them) to laws forbidding them from even having children or owning property


11/ Hell, they believed my "white privilege" lie, what can they do as minority now? I'd be my greatest victory since South Africa.


12/ I'd also promote every kind of degenerate behaviour possible too, from bizarre sex stuff to outright mental illness. Forgot that one!

nontolerantman, Twitter 15 Comments [7/2/2017 12:10:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 128732

The sufferings of the damned will be no occasion of grief to the heavenly inhabitants, as they will have no love nor pity to the damned as such. It will be no argument of want of a spirit of love in them, that they do not love the damned; for the heavenly inhabitants will know that it is not fit that they should love them, because they will know then, that God has no love to them, nor pity for them; but that they are the objects of God’s eternal hatred.

They will then be perfectly conformed to God in their wills and affections. They will love what God loves, and that only. However the saints in heaven may have loved the damned while here, especially those of them who were near and dear to them in this world, they will have no love to them hereafter…It will be an occasion of their rejoicing, as the glory of God will appear in it.

The glory of God appears in all his works: and therefore there is no work of God which the saints in glory shall behold and contemplate but what will be an occasion of rejoicing to them. God glorifies himself in the eternal damnation of the ungodly men. God glorifies himself in all that he does…The saints in heaven will be perfect in their love to God: their hearts will be all a flame of love to God, and therefore they will greatly value the glory of God, and will exceedingly delight in seeing him glorified. The saints highly value the glory of God here in this, but how much more will they so do in the world to come? They will therefore greatly rejoice in all that contributes to that glory. The glory of God will in their esteem be of greater consequence, than the welfare of thousands and millions of souls…They will rejoice in seeing the justice of God glorified in the sufferings of the damned.

The misery of the damned, dreadful as it is, is but what justice requires. They in heaven will see and know it much more clearly, than any of us do here. They will see how perfectly just and righteous their punishment is, and therefore how properly inflicted by the supreme Governor of the world. They will greatly rejoice to see justice take place, to see that all the sin and wickedness that have been committed in the world is remembered of God, and has its due punishment. The sight of this strict and immutable justice of God will render him amiable and adorable in their eyes. They will rejoice when they see him who is their Father and eternal portion so glorious in his justice.

Jonathan Edwards, The End of the Wicked Contemplated by the Righteous 6 Comments [7/2/2017 12:09:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128726

The only good journalist is the journalist cowering in fear of retribution for lying to the public.

nontolerantman, Twitter 9 Comments [7/1/2017 1:18:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 128725

Expired: Republicans vs. Democrats
Tired: Nationalists vs. Globalists
Wired: Everyone vs. Journalists

NotPaxDickinson, Twitter 8 Comments [7/1/2017 1:18:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Holy Righteous Penis Award

Quote# 128724

“How dare you insinuate Jesus had a vagina!” The woman was livid. In my talk, I stumbled on the most disturbing idea she’d ever been presented with. With church doctrine and dogma over the centuries in mind, the thought of Jesus having a vagina didn’t seem too out there for me. Since the earliest days of the church, haven’t Christians believed that Jesus was fully human and fully divine in every sense of the words?

“So you believe that Jesus was transgender?” “What would be so bad about that?” I mused aloud. Knowing that I didn’t have time for extended conversation about gender performance, I pressed on with a conversation focused on genitalia. While I can’t know for sure, I feel like some combination between a vagina and penis was probably what the most perfect representative of all sexes and genders to ever exist was working with. Regardless, the woman continued, “I know for a fact that Jesus was a man with a penis!” In deep anticipation of a strong argument, I waited for her next sentence. “We all know that God has a penis and Jesus is God.” “What happens when God gets an erection?” I asked. I couldn’t help but make an absurd remark. The idea of anyone being certain that God has a penis and a penis alone was too much for me. Feeling the need to wrap up the conversation, I paused and asked her a question, “How did the penis feel when you reached up Jesus’ skirt and grabbed it?” I don’t know anyone who ever saw or touched the sexual organs of Jesus. Flabbergasted, the woman walked out.

“God created humanity in God’s own image, in the divine image God created them, male and female God created them.” With regard to our connection to God, I believe there is no more powerful of a verse of scripture than Genesis 1:27. The scriptures declare that God created the first persons to be male and female. In Eden, I believe the first persons had both sexual organs and functioned at unique spaces on the gender spectrum. The scriptures declare that the entireties of our beings are created in the very image of God. How could God not have both sexual organs? The first persons were intimately connected to God. Throughout the early church, there was a constant theological desire to connect Jesus with the first persons. If Jesus was like the first persons, then it makes since that Jesus would have a vagina and a penis.

Regardless of whether you believe these theological arguments or not, Jesus declares that the incarnation is not a singular event. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says, “What you have done to the least of these…you have done to me.” In placing Jesus’ very being with the least of these, Jesus becomes the least of these. Throughout Matthew 25, Jesus says that the person of Jesus will inhabit the hungry, the thirsty, those who are strangers, the naked, the sick and those who are in prison. I think we can be certain that persons with vaginas are regularly a part of each of these categories. With that affirmed and sealed for eternity, we can also be sure that Jesus has a vagina.

I believe that the vagina of Jesus is a miraculous occurrence. We should work to smash the patriarchal understandings of Jesus for broader conceptions that create greater access to the person of Jesus. If this essay offends you…I encourage you to get saved from your addiction to erectile theology.


Rev. Jeff Hood and unnamed woman, Rev. Jeff Hood 19 Comments [7/1/2017 1:17:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Hu's On First
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