Quote# 130619

Cause drawing pictures of living things is haram.

I used to like watching Akira and other cartoons when I was younger but then got told by my teacher to grow up and fear Allah.

I was also fanatic about comics, but they also got burnt when I started practising.

But even before practising, I kinda kept it low about these hobbies, cause it wasn't the "cool" thing to do.

My friends used to rib me about these things.

-Jibril-, Ummah 8 Comments [8/16/2017 8:09:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130618

[From "Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut"]

The woman killed in yesterday’s road rage incident has been identified as Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old overweight slob with no children.

Here’s five fat facts you need to know.

1) She was Fat and a Drain on Society
Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness. A 32-year-old woman without children is a burden on society and has no value.

Due to female privilege, and the fact that they do virtually nothing their entire lives, women live an average of 5 years longer than men. The average female lifespan is 81 years. That means for 49 more years, this fat slob would have been leeching off of men’s work.

Childless women are black hole vortexes of public money and energy.

Had she not died yesterday, hundreds of thousands of dollars would have been spent on propping-up this gross creature who had failed to do her most basic duty – her only real duty, in fact – and reproduce.

Having no children at that age, it can be assumed that she had multiple abortions, and was thus herself a child murderer.

2) Too Fat to Dodge a Dodge
A Dodge Challenger is a fast car. Fat people like Heather fatty fat are slow, slow, slow.

In the video, you can clearly see that most people dodge the charging Dodge. Heather was unable to dodge the Dodge, because she was “just too fucking fat to really move much at all,” according to one observer.


3) Protesting White Men
She was attending the rally to protest white men.

Her social media history shows that she sought the complete abolition of the white race.


4) Driver was a Straight Player
The driver of the of the car, James Fields, was a hardcore player, and sources claim that he didn’t give a fuck.

Despite the cool demeanor he shows in his social media profile pictures, it appears that road rage got the best of him.

Though many people are expressing outrage after the crash, there are also many wondering if the outrage is not simply player hatred, rather than actually concern over the death of some useless sow.


5) Publicity Stunt by Dodge?
The same day of the crash, Dodge was promoting a “Roadkill Nights” event.

This is a screenshot from roadkill.com, the site they were using to promote that event:

It is extremely coincidental that Dodge would be promoting “Roadkill Nights” the same day as a driver of their vehicle roadkilled a fat woman.

This incident is extremely good viral advertising for Dodge, and I have no doubt that they will start advertising the Challenger as a “fatty smasher.” They may also use the slogan “Dodge this!”

Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer 40 Comments [8/16/2017 8:08:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 24
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 130617

The Kuffar want to control you

They want you to define yourself as a muslim the way they define themselves as christian or jew (keep your religion to yourself)

they want you to not wear your religion on your sleeve (dress NORMAL, not with any religious significance)

they dont want you to pray, but if you must, do it privately, not during business hours or during school time, (their priorities are more important than your silly little bowing)

they want you to accept their nationalism (do not have allegiances with muslims based upon religion, but rather have allegiances based upon flags and nation-states)

they want you to abandon islamic brotherhood (do not empathize with muslims from other countries, the country you live in deserves your loyalty more than any foreign muslim)

they want you to care about your nation-state army (support the troops of your kafir or muslim nation, do not care about the muslims they kill, its all for the nation-state's own good)

they do not want you to feel empathy for the muslims they kill (they were militant, radical, fundamenalist, islamists, and worthy of death, even though you never know what they are accused of)

they dont want you to glorify islamic history (thats seventh century backwards history)

they want you to glorify their history (magna carta, declaration of independence. now HERE is history you should be proud of)

they want you to mourn the deaths of the kuffar (july7, sept 11, or any attempted deaths that their intelligence agencies uncover .......which they setup also)

they do not want you to mourn the deaths of muslims (the thousands upon thousands of muslims killed by these same kuffar)

if you dare speak in favor of your muslim brother or sister, you are susceptible to charges of terrorism or supporting terrorists

but if you support their armies, you are a good patriot, who has freed himself from the ignorance of religion and found freedom in nationalism

if you support YOUR TROOPS, you are evil and inciting hatred

if you support THEIR TROOPS, you are a moderate, freedom loving patriotic muslim

AbuMubarak, Ummah 5 Comments [8/16/2017 8:08:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130616

The latest from the Twilight Zone, otherwise known as modern-day America.

Mick Williams:
Even a talented imagination like Rod's would never have foreseen how his dystopia episodes would actually come to pass.

Lady Checkmate:
Mick, I love it!
The only sad (?) thing is that it's accurate...the end times are playing out just as God's word says it would and the enemy has so confused the lost that they are being led away to the slaughter (laughing, drinking, whoremongering and proudly foolishly pumping their fists at God...the only living God).
They have NO idea that they are slaves to sin and the end of sin is death. My heart breaks for them brother.

Mick Williams:
Narrow is the true path, and few that find it.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 17 Comments [8/16/2017 8:08:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 130615

I know it sucks, but that is just how wikipedia generally is. The whole point of an encyclopedia is to be politically correct and label and get as much information on every person, place, thing or ideas possible. There aren't that many predominately black shows, so it's nice to categorize them, so putting a category of "African-American" shows, in the Cosby show article makes sense. There aren't that many LGBT related anime stories that deal with transgender issues or lesbian and homosexual romance like Sailor Moon does.

So it's nice to honor that and show that Sailor Moon does fall under that circumstance. Yeah I see what you mean, I would love for people to just be people, and tv shows to just be tv shows, being that the anime community for the most part is in a bubble of sorts and uses anime to escape themselves from politically correct socialism, which is why anime is as obscure as it is. But anime like any type of culture, still falls under the sense of reality structure and if a show has lgbt characters and storylines, those categories should be added.

Boaxy, Wikipedia 15 Comments [8/16/2017 8:07:47 AM]
Fundie Index: -2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130611

Okay,... I’ve been holding my tongue on this issue for a long, ...long time and it has NOTHING to do with whether a “Trump” has served in the military or not.

To begin with, that argument is a “non sequitur.” I AM a Retired US Marine Major, so please permit me: The Rand Corporation did a study and reported there are somewhere between 3,000 and 6,000 (if I remember the figure correctly) “transgenders” serving in the Active US Armed Forces. The study did NOT include members of the US National Guard or the Reserve Components of the Regular Services, i.e, US Army, USMC, US Navy, and US Air Force. The “transgenders” are those who identify as the opposite sex; ...cross-dress up at night out in town, in the barracks or in their off-base quarters, in attire opposite their birth sex? That said, here’s where this issue gets complicated: Do any of you readers here think that the US Armed Forces, vis a vis, the American Taxpayer should pay for “gender reassignment surgeries?” Gender reassignment surgeries can cost around $132,000 per. Added to that, is the cost AND time spent for follow-up $1200 per month hormone therapy treatment and hours AND hours of counseling by DoD Doctors and Psychologists at whatever base to which they are assigned.

And with the post surgery “down-time,” these individuals would be for upwards of 240 days, in a “Non-Deployable” status. So, who takes the place of the Marine Infantryman (MOS 0331), now a “Reassigned Transgendered Male,” who was scheduled to go afloat, but now can’t, with the Amphibious Readiness Group-Landing Force of a Marine Expeditionary Unit because “he” is having post-op complications? What happens when the trans-individual Marine has post-surgery physical complications and is afloat with the Navy; or in some instance, the individual happens to be a Soldier or Airman stationed with US Armed Forces in Germany or South Korea? What happens if a reassigned trans-individual has psychological complications in dealing with their condition and their new “sex” while deployed elsewhere in the world... let’s say, in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean... or Adak, Alaska... or Reykjavik, Iceland?

Also, do we give these individual “special dispensation” from serving in these duty stations? Who’s the service member who has to take their place in these sometimes “hardship duty stations?” Your son or your daughter? Now if a guy or a gal wishes to play dress-up, “Play House” or play the role of “Buckeroo Banzai” in the barracks or wherever, they can have at it, for all I’m concerned. During my service time as a Commanding Officer or Executive Officer of a Company and Battalion, I’ve gotten worse Monday morning reports from the Barracks Duty NCO after many, many payday weekends!

Trust me. But when we go “down the rabbit hole” to taxpayer-funded reassignment surgeries in our Armed Forces, we are embarking on a truly wasteful and unnecessary venture. How many transgenders will seek the opportunity for taxpayer and “free” gender reassignment surgery? Do we give this costly and time consuming surgery to “Private Joseph P. Schmuckatella USMC” because all of a sudden he “thinks” he is a girl and wants to become “Josephine?” Do we allow others to enlist, get the surgery and then all of a sudden, it seems, they “can’t handle the military” because of “psychological issues?” This whole “transgenders serving in the military” issue is pure “PC” nonsense... of course there are gays and transgenders in the military.

There always has been.... we were not always sure who they were; sometimes one could make a pretty good guess though,.... no homophobia or transphobia here.... just plain horse sense with regard to who pays for gender reassignment surgeries. Now, everyone wants to point to Chris (”Kristen”) Beck, the RETIRED Navy SEAL who was a “transgender” while serving in the Navy. All well and good. I honestly thank him for his service and his heroics. I don’t know if he had the gender reassignment surgery after he retired to become a “female,” but I know he lied when he said he was a member or SEAL Team 6 when it took out Osama Bin Ladin.

He actually retired about six months before that expedition. I served twenty years as a Commissioned Officer with Fleet Marine Force Units in the 2nd Marine Division, 1st and 2nd Marine Aircraft Wings; 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade and with I MEF in the Persian Gulf (Ops Desert Sheild - Desert Storm). I went through the Officers Candidate Course at Quantico, VA and served as the Logistics Officer (Special Staff - 4) for the Recruit Training Regiment at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC. I experienced “becoming a Marine” as an Officer Candidate and personally witnessed the magnificent tranformation of fine American youth, male and female, to “becoming US Marines” at MCRD, Parris Island. As Commanders and Marine Officers, we are responsible for FIRST, the “MIssion” and SECONDLY, “Troop Welfare.” Added to that, we have a responsibility for “Unit Cohesion” and folks, this PC nonsense is NOT included in that part of our responsibilities.

This is not a game or “social experiment.” Marines and other Armed Forces Military Members lives are on the line here. Having said all this: Please let me direct you to Dr. Paul McHugh’s, from Johns Hopkins, study about “Gender Dysphoria.” You can google it. He has studied “Gender Dysphoria” for OVER 40 years. He is dead set against Gender Reassignment Surgery. And parents are doing a great disserve to their chlldren when they let them go down that road. Why? Upwards of 40 - 48% of transgenders attempt suicide. Dr. McHugh’s salient point: “Males will never truly become females and females will never truly become males.” So, do we want those who are having psychological issues on the front lines in combat alongside fellow Marines or Soldiers with fully loaded arms? You be the judge of Dr. McHugh’s work and determine for yourself if there’s not something wrong with “trangenders” entering our military.

Joe Marine 76, Free Republic 8 Comments [8/16/2017 8:07:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130610

My whole life, there is always some new issue that has become the new normal. The right never pushes back. The country as we know it is lost. The Roman Empire survived hundreds of years after Caesar effectively killed off the Republic form of government. Our country/civilization may or may not continue with all these constant changes.

But it can’t remain a republic for much longer. Our founders have said our form of government is only suitable for a moral people. Numerous founders said that. But here is one quote from John Adams, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

A country that lets children self identify their gender isn’t the straw the broke the camels back imo. It’s just additional evidence that God has removed his blessing from us and has turned our countrymen over to their own debased minds. Clearly a majority of this country either endorses evil or is silent and do not oppose it. Take your pick.

Abortion, adultery, fornication, envy, greed, stealing via socialism, lying and now the LGBTQ agenda. Those in favor of what was once thought clearly immoral now outnumber those who do not. If you think it is not so, recall Bill Clinton and the blue dress incident 20 years ago. His approval numbers improved iirc.

Tyranny is the inevitable result. MAGA is just a fantasy.

BJ1, Free Republic 9 Comments [8/16/2017 8:06:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130609

Yes. The LGBTQALDLTRE-whatever community have a long-standing reputation for having a “flair for the dramatic” and being outright drama queens. Is it any wonder show biz has long been infested with them? Since the Matthew Shepard case, tragic, but was actually an argument over drugs that got deadly, NOT “homophobia”, so many apparent gay bashings that turned out to be hoaxes have occurred.

Like the boy who dried wolf, what’s gonna happen when a real bonafide case of a gay hatred motivated crime occurs. Oh, yeah it did, the Pulse Niteclub shooting. And guess what, THEY BLAMED IT ON THE GUN! One reason the APA really needs to consider reclassifying homosexuality as a mental disease.

Impala64ssa, Free Republic 10 Comments [8/16/2017 8:06:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130608

Unless I am mistaken ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell was an Executive Order and can be easily changed by the President.

Well easy in an administrative way.

However it would set off a political fire storm.

But as a practical matter and the fiscally responsible thing to do is to reinstate the requirement to state under penalty of perjury that an enlistee is not a homosexual and not a transgender in waiting.

The military is not designed to be nor can it function as a purely medical plan for these mentally ill people.

Pontiac, Free Republic 6 Comments [8/16/2017 8:06:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130607

This is a steaming pile of BS!!!! I know some young men in the service and their take on the transgender military service is that these people enlist, then declare they are trannys. Now the Gov has to pay for their hormone therapy and they go on inactive service until they have completed the hormone regimen could be up to 2 years.

So now Uncle Sam gets to pay them for being in the service and pay for their treatments and US gets nothing out of them in return they cant even file papers because they can’t house them with the men or the women!!! This was nothing more than a concession by the Obama admin to the LGBT community to give free Gov funded hormone therapy.

BobinIL, Free Republic 3 Comments [8/16/2017 8:06:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130602

There are no LGBT people, just sinners and the mentally ill.

Martin, Premier Christanity 10 Comments [8/16/2017 6:20:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 130601

[=An extended version of another one of his comments

"Mum... Dad... Sit down I have something I need to share with you, Before I begin the news I have may be against all the basic principles you have practiced all your life so you need to know something first...
In My hand I'm holding a live grenade... I've pulled the pin out but I still have the lever depressed. If you upset me by not accepting everything I tell you with a big big smile, I'll drop this thing and destroy this family. Accept my news with a big smile and I'll put the pin back....
By the way... I'm Gay"
This is how the conversation NEVER goes...
"Mom... Dad... I know you find it almost impossible to accept the fact I've chosen a new lifestyle and I know this isn't what you wanted for me as I was growing up. I know you've never accepted homosexuality as a 'Blessed' lifestyle choice and I completely understand how heart-breaking it is for you to know I've turned my back on everything you believe. Nevertheless I love you and will stay with you no matter what your reaction is"
The most Common two stories I hear are "My parents were terrific and I had no problems"
"My parents threw me out of the house and I hate them"
It's all or nothing with homosexuals... "Accept me or I'll hate you forever and I'll never try to understand how I've broken your hearts!"
(I've a funny feeling you KNOW I'm right!)

Victor Cardiss, Premier Christianity 12 Comments [8/16/2017 6:20:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 130600

[When you think race/ethnicity is comparable to family because Dunbar's Number ain't shit]

>Kicks down your door
>Crams multiple ppl into your house
>"Hey, stop this!"
>"Wow, you're a family supremacist? Why do you hate these ppl?"

nontolerantman, Twitter 4 Comments [8/16/2017 6:20:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 130597

Even if the #SyriaStrikes start WWIII, the whole planet gets nuked and we all die, that's still much better than if Hillary would have won.

Mark Dice, Twitter 7 Comments [8/16/2017 6:18:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 130596

What you actually believe vs what you write on your papers when the professor is liberal.

Danielle Butcher, Twitter 10 Comments [8/16/2017 6:18:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 130594

I can't explain why I don't need feminism, I'm too busy succeeding without it.

Danielle Butcher, Twitter 11 Comments [8/16/2017 6:17:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 130593

Adam Ford, Adam4d 6 Comments [8/16/2017 6:16:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 130592

[From "A petition to save Dylann Roof's life"]

Dylann Roof is an innocent young man, trying to look out for the good of his community. As of this week, we found out that the state plans to murder him for actions that he simply did not commit. Whether his killings were in self-defense or just completely fabricated is unknown, but what we do know is that a pro-white man as brilliant and well-educated as Roof was a major threat to the status quo, and the state decided they would rather frame him in order to silence him than play fair. Roof is a true defender of the white race, and would never use violence when there was no threat against himself or his people. We, at Dylann Roof Innocent petition the government to right its wrongs, break free of Marxist zionist control, and spare the life of this bright, innocent young man Dylann Roof. Killing him would be an abomination to our country.

SmaskTheKayaks, Reddit - r/DylannRoofInnocent 14 Comments [8/16/2017 6:16:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 130590

An Imam in Zurich has been arrested after allegedly calling for non-practicing Muslims to be burned and killed.

The Ethiopian Imam, who was charged on August 2 of a number of other offences, including posting violent images of killings on Facebook and sharing them with people, and of working as an imam without authorisation.

Swiss prosecutors have now demanded the Imam is expelled from the country, with a 15-year ban on returning. They also want him to face an 18-month suspended sentence.

Complaints about the alleged hate speech reportedly go back to November 2016, when police raided the An-Nur mosque in Winterthur after being sent evidence of his radical speeches. Four people were arrested, including the Imam.

The mosque was then shut down in June this year.

In one speech, the unnamed Imam is said to have called on worshippers to expel Muslims who did not pray regularly.

In a statement, Swiss prosecutors said: ‘In his homily of Oct. 21, 2016, in the An’Nur Mosque, he is accused among other things of calling for expelling Muslims who do not pray in the community, and even burning them and killing them in their homes if they still refuse.’

He then apparently said that those who refused to practice Islam even after being expelled should be burned and killed in their homes.

Police reportedly arrested 10 people in connection to a brutal attack on two Muslims suspected of being whistleblowers in the Imam’s case.

Ethiopian Imam, Metro 1 Comments [8/16/2017 6:16:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 130589

(Talking about Heather Heyer, who was killed in Charlottesville. Emphasis mine)

went to a vigil for Heather tonight and with more certainty than ever I can say: fuck liberals. line em up against a goddamn wall.

Heather's name was only said once, a rabbi claimed the Founding Fathers weren't white supremacists, and another speaker claimed that the problem was from both the left and the right. Not once was Heather's politics mentioned. When they listed out all the bigotries they stood against - racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, not once was capitalism or even that milquetoast bullshit term "classism" mentioned.

They asked to say say the pledge with them - me and my comrades all took a seat in the middle of the crowd. Fuck you and your fucking flag.

Saw an All Lives Matter shirt, more than a few Love Trumps Hate signs, a goddamn Game of Thrones reference on a sign. So many cliches.

So many MLK quotes. I had pulled up the MLK quote about white moderates to yell if they opened the Mic to us in the crowd.

This was organized by Indivisible. I've only known this organization existed for about 12 hours - my take is already "grind them to dust"

It was a gathering of white people in pastel clothes doing ritual autofellatio to the tune of how woke they are.

A lot of people are saying don't politicize Heather's death - bullshit considering she died a martyr for socialism. But if anyone is guilty of using this for political gain, its liberals. At the end, the speaker effectively endorsed a candidate in Alabama's election on Tuesday.

They kept chanting about how if you wanna stop racism, you have to vote. Vote all you like - I won't - but it takes way more than that.

I'm reminded of Malcolm X's words on the ballot or the bullet.

"Its good to see people of so many socioeconomic backgrounds come together" buddy its only good when we get to feed them lead for dessert

And the worst part: afterwards an Indivisible organizer came up to me and said "can't wait for the next vigil" then "there will be a lot of these over the next four years"

Tamir, Philando, and Trayvon were killed under a Democrat, sweetheart

And Indivisible organizer said "well we stand for the same things," and my comrade Sean said "no, we fucking don't"

Barbarossa ?, Twitter 7 Comments [8/16/2017 6:16:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: DChan87

Quote# 130582

The LGBTQ+ revolution has flipped the entire male/female created order upside-down, and it has produced insecurity and an unraveling in civil society like never before—not to mention the destruction of countless lives trapped in the bondage that comes with sexual sin.

Jason & David Benham, WND 3 Comments [8/16/2017 6:14:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 130581

The problem, you ask?

Men who don't know they are men, or who so strongly want to be women (and demand hormone treatment to make them more resemble women with developed breasts and perhaps breast enhancement surgery and going so far as having penises removed and vaginas created where there are none) and enjoy all of those he thinks linked with the female sex, namely shower and bathroom privileges in the area set aside for women.

This goes in reverse for women desiring they were men instead of women, demanding to be treated as men, hormone treatment and "reassignment" surgeries, picked up thanks to the taxpayers in the form of our tax dollars going to the Department of Defense!

The ultimate problems arise when people who share these delusions demand the "right of serving in the military" then demand the medical treatments necessary to recreate bodies that nature never intended.

Such people deserve our pity but they do not deserve to be acting out their psychosis, while pretending to serve their country.

zerosix, Free Republic 3 Comments [8/16/2017 6:14:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130577

My name is Yuan Ji. I was born into a farmer's family in Shandong Province, China. I started practicing Falun Gong in January 1999, to heal my illnesses. After I started the practice, all my illnesses vanished.

Years later, I stopped practicing due to various forms of interference. One day, I fell very ill and was diagnosed with severe diabetes. I was hospitalized for over four months, which cost me upwards of US$10,000. The doctors told me that there was no cure for diabetes, and the best they could do was to help control the symptoms with medicine.

My fellow Falun Gong practitioners shared with me and encouraged me to resume studying the Fa. But I lost my confidence and thought that Master didn't want me. One afternoon at 6:00 p.m., I saw two small Falun rotating in front of my bed. I watched them for four minutes. They disappeared when I tried to focus in on them.

I was delighted, as I knew Master was still protecting me, even though I was not cultivating well. I was speechless before Master's compassion and grace.

I then resumed reading Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Gong. A miracle occurred a few days later. I went from taking four insulin injections a day to taking one pill a day. A few days later, I didn't need to take any pills. I went to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor said that everything was fine with me.

This is one of the many miracles that happened on me since I started practicing Falun Gong.

Yuan Ji, Minghui 3 Comments [8/16/2017 6:14:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 130537


The boy said he looks up to drag queens. "I love them because they do what they want to do and they're not afraid to do it," Nemis said. "My friends at school think Lactatia's very courageous. She's really good at dancing, they also think that she's really good at playing video games and stuff like that."

EDITOR’S NOTE: Did you really think the LGBTQ agenda was about “tolerance and equality” for gay people? Nope, the real target and aim of the LGBTQ movement has always been the children. Hitler was so successful not only be he persuaded the German people. Hitler succeeded because the Hitler Youth he started in the early 1920’s yielded the harvest of an entire generation he followed his teachings in the late 1930’s. You want real control? Control the children. Evil genius works like that.

“I’ve been wearing my sister’s tutu since I was like threes and fours, even like twos, and I’ve been dancing around in my little pink dresses and stuff, so yeah I think I’ve had Lactatia inside me since I was born, that’s why I love that song ‘Born This Way,'” Nemis said in the video.

The boy took on the idea that children (at age 8!) should not even know what a “drag queen” is. “I know people would like go up to their parents and tell them that they want to be a drag queen, and then their parents would be like, ‘You shouldn’t even know what that is.'”

The boy’s mother described the whole experience as “overwhelming — you feel overwhelmed by pride that your child is expressing themselves, and showing the world, and it’s being so well received, and she’s pretty good at what she does.”

Yes, the mother referred to her son as “she.” This gender confusion ran through Nemis’s own view of himself. While he identified as a “diva” over and over again, he seemed unclear as to whether or not a man can be a “diva.”

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified.Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 16 Comments [8/16/2017 6:11:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 130586

[Note: This is referring to the actions of the Bundy Militia terrorist group]

We request that President Trump pardon every American citizen that was involved in the activities that took place in Bunkerville, Nevada and the activities that took place at the Malheur Refuge in Oregon. Innocent Americans are being held in prison and sentenced to ridiculous jail terms for standing up for what was right and defending the constitutional rights of others and that any and all people currently being held be released so they can return to their families and back to their normal and everyday lives.

S K , We the People: White House Petitions 14 Comments [8/15/2017 10:59:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom