Quote# 130402
One by one, the 120 events on the special list God had given me while I was in his Throne Room, began to take place in the exact order listed! God had told me that these were markers along the road in confirmation of my visit to the Throne Room!
While I was there, God took me in a vision to my own office on earth, and let me see a lady who had been involved in witchcraft. He didn't tell me her name, but in one split second I saw this woman clearly and distinctly and noticed all the details of her appearance. In the vision, God told me to bind the spirits, cast them out, and set her free, and I did just that!
The following Tuesday night, a woman came into my office dressed exactly as God had shown her to me, and she was completely set free just as I had seen her in the vision in heaven. This was item number one on the list.
While I was in heaven, the Lord also let me see myself ministering in a place of real need. I didn't see the congregation as such, but I saw people who had various types of spiritual and physical bondages, and the Lord was beautifully giving them new life and victory. The name of the place was Christian Life Center, but it definitely wasn't our church.
On the following Monday, we received a telephone call from a pastor of a church in a very small town in Washington. God had placed it on his heart to call me and have me minister in his church. He didn't know why, but he KNEW that he had to call me. We checked the calendar and my wife called him back some definite dates. When he answered the telephone she was amazed to hear these words, "Christian Life Center!" There it was, just like God had shown me! That was item number two.
One of the reasons I get excited about this is that when God says something, we don't have to follow him around and keep reminding him, nudging him, and saying, "God, I have to keep an eye on you to make sure that you do the things you said you would." God had to remind me several times, "You tend to your business, and I'll tend to mine." He jogged my memory over and over again as he repeated these same words! If he doesn't do what he said he would, there isn't anything I can do about it, but I know he will. I trust him, and he has never failed! If he doesn't do it today, he probably has it on his schedule for tomorrow. But he will do it! You don't ever have to worry about that!
Event number four on the list related to a man who was to accept Christ on February 4, 1977, and who would die on May 30 in an airplane crash! God saved him on the exact day he said he would!
He was in our services on the Friday before he died, and asked to have lunch with me, saying, "There are some things I just have to talk to you about." As we ate together he said, "Pastor, I have a strange feeling that I might be going to die. Will you tell me everything you can about heaven?"
I had to bite my lip because I KNEW what was going to happen, but couldn't tell him. God had said I could not because of the impact it would have on other lives! However, I did tell him everything I could about heaven!
Just exactly as God had said over four months before, he went to be with the Lord on May 30, 1977, when he was killed in an airplane crash!
Another exciting event, number 34, concerns a young man who had sold out his life to Satan as a satanic priest. The Lord had given me his name and had even let me see him. On God's designated date, he came into the church and I recognized him, greeted him, and told him to come back into my office. God saved him, blotted out all of the old evil that was in him, and gave him new hope and new victory! Here is a letter I recently received from him:
As I related my life to you on April 9, 1977, you didn't seem surprised at anything I said. It was if you already knew! I discovered later that you did because my name was on a list you had received from the Throne Room of the Almighty God. You had been expecting me, and it was no surprise to you that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. My life had been a series of ups and downs. I was raised in a parsonage and had been to the altar many times, but somehow I never completely surrendered. I wandered from place to place, unsettled, undisciplined, with no purpose to my life, finally ending up in a spiritualist center. I became a medium and minister, holding seances and giving readings. Controlled by demons, I had sunk as low as a man can go. Truly "my house was left unto me desolate" (Matthew 23:38). As I tried to break away from this way of life, my home became infested with rats that would not be killed! I lost my home, my dignity, and then my family. I had no place to go. I called my mom and dad in Idaho, and found that they still loved me. I left the spiritualist center and came to Idaho, and like the prodigal son, I was welcomed home! In a short time the Lord gave my family back to me and my wife and I took a trip to Hawaii. We met a couple there from Boise who invited us to your church. PRAISE THE LORD! There is a white flag that stands in my office. It reads: "I HAVE SURRENDERED!"
/s/ Jim Olson
Item number 63 was another one which God actually allowed me to see and witness in detail before it happened. It concerned a family who were having serious marital problems. While I was in heaven, I saw them coming into my office and noticed the date was on the paper when this was to occur.
When the date arrived, these particular people didn't show up. I wondered what had happened, so I decided to stay a little while longer at my office. A short time after my normal closing hour, the telephone rang and a person who didn't identify himself, said, "Pastor Buck, will you be in your office for a little while?" I said, "Yes." He didn't tell me who he was.
When they came to the door, I greeted them BY NAME! This really shook them up! Then I asked, "What brought you here?" They said they had been having terrible marital problems and decided they would have to go someplace to clear the air. They didn't know why, but they had decided to come to Boise, Idaho.
"We drove up here, rented a motel room, and when we got inside the room, we noticed the telephone book was lying open to the spot where you have your ad which reads, 'Counseling by appointment'."
Instantly I knew that one of those angels had been there ahead of time and had opened the directory to the right place, and had also arranged at the front desk for them to get the right room.
As we conversed, the lady said, "We have had a good time driving up here together, things are all straightened out, and everything is going to be all right, so we won't waste your time. We'll be leaving now!"
I said, "No, you had better stay here, because that isn't the way it is." I told them that God had let me see this event happening months before. I said to the wife, "You have a gun in your purse, and you are planning to shoot your husband as soon as you get back to your motel."
He was really alarmed, and exclaimed, "You'd better not shoot me!" She was shaking all over. I said, "Open your purse and give me that gun!"
She opened her purse and handed me the gun exactly as I had seen it happen before. Then her very soul cried out to God! She knew there was no way I could have known anything about the gun unless God had told me, and he had let me know about it almost six months before it happened!
Both of them immediately fell down on their faces before God. He washed their sins away and instantly put their marriage back together. I have had one beautiful letter from them since then. They are going to a good church in California, happy in the Lord and serving God!
God told me he wasn't listing everything that would happen. He said, "I just want to pick out a few things so you can see by confirmation that I am really on the job!" There were undoubtedly hundreds of happenings between each of these events, but he let me see just a few to have as markers along the road. People have asked me what is going to happen when all 120 events have come to pass. I would like to say that the future events are planned in advance, just as much as they were planned in the past, only I don't know about them, but you can rest assured God has everything all mapped out!
An interesting item on the list concerned a Jewish man who owns a great chain of restaurants. Through a beautiful set of circumstances he met and accepted Jesus as his Savior. Evidence of his experience was seen by his desire that the hundreds of employees in these restaurants across the country would have the same opportunity. He said, "Surely God cares as much about these employees as he does about me." When he told me who he was, my spirit leaped inside of me because his name was number 112!
Number 113 of the 120 events which God entered on this paper from my book in heaven on January 21, 1977, was the selection of a new pope. God told me the pope has no more influence with him than the least of his saints, and has no greater privileges, but because his influence with man is great, his choice is God's concern. Therefore, in order to help in the restoration of his fragmented body, God had chosen a man named Karol Wojtyla of Poland. This prophecy was fulfilled October 16, 1978, when he began his reign as Pope John Paul II.
Number 116 on the list had to do with Red China. God told me not to panic when diplomatic relations with Red China were restored, and Taiwan was seemingly cut off. God has not forgotten nor forsaken his people. God has chosen to open the doors so that through this small opening the bright rays of his light can shine, bringing light and deliverance from chains of darkness.
One of the things God told me when he brought me back from heaven was, "I will come to you again." How I love him! He has revisited me over and over again by means of these heavenly angelic beings with messages for today's world!
In answer to those who ask if angel beings will come at my call - this is not possible! They do not respond to human beings, because they don't take orders from anyone except God. I have heard many people say, "I command the angels to do this and that!" This is an effort in futility, because you can't command an angel to do one thing!
Every single order comes from God, and that is why I know when they are speaking they are echoing words right out of God's heart. This is why they don't listen to the objections of people when God orders them to minister to individuals.
"For since the messages from angels have always proved true and people have always been punished for disobeying them, what makes us think that we can escape if we are indifferent to this great salvation announced by the Lord Jesus himself, and passed on to us by those who heard him speak?" (Hebrews 2:2-3 TLB).
My visit to the Throne Room has changed my life completely! I know God in a more real and personal way than ever before. My times of prayer have become visits with him. The Bible took on a new dimension and began to live. It is apparent that this experience became a big part of my entire life for it has occupied almost all of my thoughts and meditations since it happened. Though I do not have the benefit of the heavenly paper since God turned it into ashes, every item written on it was burned into my mind like a photograph.
I have often mentally gone over the various items on the list wondering how God would bring them to pass. Some of the things looked like total impossibilities. Upon occasion I mused over these seemingly difficult prophecies, jotted down my thoughts, and dropped them into my files. Recently, for my personal enjoyment, I drew out some of these papers.
One was dated February 4, 1977, just two weeks after the Throne Room experience when most of the prophecies were still in the future. It read, "How can these things happen? He was saved today, but it also shows his death in an airplane accident, May 30, 1977, Memorial Day. I surely don't understand why."
As I think of the long list of events which have already been fulfilled, and these predictions that God said would definitely take place, I cannot help but thank him because he has kept his word. 117 of these great events, these prophecies by God, have been fulfilled in sequence. The other three are in the process of being fulfilled at the time of this writing.
Roland Buck,
angels on assignment 9 Comments [8/11/2017 12:15:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Tony