Quote# 130792
[From "The Case for Running Over Protesters Who Block Highways"]
Your morning commute is bad enough as it is: groggy-eyed, gridlock traffic, and a full day of work looming above you like your dickhead boss likes to do. But for some reason, today, the bumper-to-bumper pace of cars seems particularly…
You crane your head out the window, strain your eyes into the horizon of automotive metal, and—
WHAT THE FUCK!!? Just poking above the rows of cars, lined up side-by-side, are…
people—standing—blocking traffic to a complete stand-still.
Morning Commuter, Meet #BlackLivesMatter:
Nothing epitomizes the irony of the modern American “activist/protester” like the juxtaposition between these privileged college kids “fighting for justice” and the hard-working adults busting their asses trying to get to work to feed their kids.
Years of being pampered and spoiled by their parents have taught these idealistic morons 2 things: 1) that they’re invincible, and 2) that the world revolves around
This level of self-centered narcissism masquerading as “altruistic” concern for #BlackLives or #MikeBrown or whatever dumb-fuckin-hashtag is created next to give these purposeless youths some kind of direction—these pitiful shitheads claim to be considerate of others while engaging in the most inconsiderate, obnoxious, fly-buzzing-in-your-ear-annoying behavior you could imagine.
It was another day of work for Tyree, a middle-aged black man from California who was driving to his job at Ross. But along the way, he found himself at a complete stand-still as a group of protesters lined up across the highway and blocked traffic.
They were with #BlackLivesMatter, a cult of black supremacists who pretend to be victims of some obscure, mostly non-existent thing they call “white supremacy” in order to covertly push their racist agenda. But Tyree Landrum wasn’t having it.
In a courageous act that likely got him labeled a “coon” or “Uncle Tom” by his more ignorant counterparts, Tyree stepped out of his car, rushed up to the protesters, and got all up in their faces.
Unsurprisingly, Tyree’s forceful pleas were met with pretty much nothing more than looks of bewilderment from the protesters who, in a semi-delusional haze, simply stared at him as if his words were valid, yet did not matter—the hallmark of privileged Millennial “activists” (“
Sure, what you said is true, but what about my feelings?”)
And so it is with great urgency that I coin a new term in this age of delusionally-dangerous liberal “activism”: “Highway-Terrorists.”
/'hi?wa 'ter?r?st/
“a delusional individual who shuts down highways or other critical transportation infrastructure to promote a dubious and/or fallacious cause that results in the endangerment of innocent people.”
Now, upon first look, using the word “terrorist” to describe these naive college students/activists may seem extreme, but a closer examination reveals the inherent, widespread danger these highway protests pose to thousands—even tens of thousands—of innocent people.
The Dangers of Highway-Terrorism
1. Unemployment–>Poverty–>Starvation–>Death
We need only look at the aforementioned case of Tyree Landrum to realize the vast economic damage that highway-terrorists can inflict upon local communities.
2. Disrupting Paramedic/Firefighter Rescue Efforts
Highways are designed to ensure the flow of traffic at higher speeds than regular streets, which is one reason paramedics and firefighters will often utilize these routes when responding to emergencies.
However, when highway-terrorists block freeways, ambulances are faced with an unnecessary
life or death delay. In the world of EMTs and rescue operations, every second counts.
3. Women Giving Birth
It is not uncommon for women to go through labor—or straight-up give birth—while
in a car and being driven (or driving) to the hospital.
The Case For Running Over Highway-Terrorists
And so we come to it: the big question: are innocent motorists morally justified in running over highway-terrorists?
Fundamentally, the justification for such an act comes down to the simple principle of self-defense: when you are being aggressed against by violent, barbaric people who may very well take your life or that of another person, are you justified in fighting back?
Well, unless you like victim-blaming, the answer should be an obvious “yes”.
So, we’ve established that you have a right to defend yourself against aggressors, now the next question is: are highway-terrorists “aggressors”?
Well, the three aforementioned points describing how deliberately delaying traffic can lead to injuries/loss of life for countless innocent people should answer the question:
OF COURSE highway-terrorists are aggressors: they are deliberately choosing to engage in behavior that can lead to innocent lives being lost or harmed. Do not let the big posters and synchronized chants for “justice” distract you from the vicious, underlying reality: these people are terrorists who orchestrate elaborate, coordinated, premeditated strikes that have quite a high chance of injuring or killing innocent people.
So let’s follow the logic: you have a right to defend yourself against aggressors. Highway-terrorists are aggressors. Thus, you have a right to defend yourself against highway-terrorists.
But now,
what exactly constitutes “self-defense” in this case? The most obvious suggestion would be putting the pedal to the metal and plowing your 2-ton vehicle right into the dead center of those naive (yet dangerous) “activists”, shattering their idealistic (yet dangerous) fantasies in the span of a few tire revolutions.
Kind of like this:
Now, this of course is a very
EXTREME thing to do, something which would only be justified in the most
EXTREME situations. You need to use discretion: the degree to which you exert self-defense
should, to a degree, be
proportional to the aggression inflicted upon you by a highway-terrorist. I don’t believe doing what you saw in the above GIF is pretty much ever justified,
unless, for example, you’re a pregnant woman who gave birth in your car and your baby needs immediate medical attention in order to survive. Now, if you’re thinking, “but how is it justified to run over and potentially kill 5 highway-terrorists just to save 1 newborn life?” Well, this is what I call the “self-defense inflation tax.” It basically means that, when defending yourself, you are justified in inflicting approximately 3 times as much damage as the initial aggression inflicted upon you. These are just added costs for being the one who started it, and it’s completely sensible.
So yes, in the most extreme situations, like trying to get your newborn to the hospital, I believe plowing through highway-terrorists is completely justified.
In all, I conclude that, at the
least, every single motorist is morally justified in slowly driving their cars forward—first as a warning to highway-terrorists, then gradually increasing the speed, gently nudging them out of the way.
If any of the more extremist ones choose to increase their aggression by hanging on to the car, punching your window, or kicking your door, you are thus now justified in increasing
your self-defense, maybe with some more speed, or a sudden swerve to shake off the moron hanging on to your side-view mirror.
Ultimately, dealing with highway-terrorists is a very serious matter, one which requires
your discretion based on
your personal situation. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Happy Travels!
Chris Delamo,
Red Pill Philosophy 16 Comments [8/20/2017 12:12:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JeanP