Quote# 131444

Recently animal liberation activists released 40,000 mink from a fur fam from Minnesota earlier this week. Thousands have died and thousands are yet to be 'recovered', but it caused $750,000 in damages to the man's fur farm.

There's a 100% the mink were going to be killed on the fur farm and skinned for their fur. I'm honestly glad this happened. Even though the mink died (they would have been killed anyway), I think it's better that they died a natural death or a fighting chance then no chance at all confined in their cages.

The damages done to the fur farm are huge, and personally I hope the farmer does not recover from the damages done. What's bothering me is the farmers sympathizers pretending to care about the mink. Do they not realize the mink were doomed from the beginning?

I have also heard rumors that the farmer did it himself to claim the insurance money. He says he is a 3rd generation mink farmer; and for someone who's a mink farmer, i'm sure he's aware of how controversial his career is. You think he would have a security setup, but he did not.

I think the animal liberators did understand that the mink were doomed, regardless of their environment and were willing to risk it to cause serious damages to the farmer. What are you thoughts?

muttstuff, r/vegan 21 Comments [9/10/2017 7:45:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131496

Caught two Fly's fucking in my bathroom. Even the worst species on the planet have more sex than me. IT'S OVER.

HothOurYou, /r/incels 24 Comments [9/10/2017 3:37:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 131493

Sexuality is a disease.

Sexuality is a mistake of nature. Sexuality is the root of all evil, not money, not love of money, not power, not anything like that. All crimes happen because of sexuality, and I don't mean just rape, but even tax evasion and petty hooliganism.

Everyone that wants to call himself/herself human should strive to destroy sexuality/eroticism/romance.

throwawayfreak44, /r/incels 19 Comments [9/10/2017 3:37:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 131488

Theres no such thing as pretentious/asshole vegans....just carnivores who are ignorant and brainwashed. Personally I have no problem calling people out for living a life of ignorance at a low level of consiousness. They only make this world a shittier place.

13ltcxmr, r/vegan 14 Comments [9/10/2017 3:36:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131487

(ALF stands for Animal Liberation Front, a radical animal rights terrorist group. ELF, which stands for Earth Liberation Front, is basically the same, only that they are environmental-focused)

I support both the ALF and ELF %100. Radical change is created through radical action. Police and authorities have shown they are willingly to use violence to maintain the status quo and oppress animals and humans alike. No amount of stern letters and peaceful "protesting" will change this. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

Factory farms are a modern day holocaust. We are allowing the mass captivity, torture, and slaughter of innocent sentient being to happen before our eyes. Although I am proud to be vegan, individual consumer choices can only do so much. The ALF are the ones risking their lives and livelihood's to end this speciescide. They are far better people than me.

{deleted account}, r/vegan 7 Comments [9/10/2017 3:36:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131486

Lab animals are almost always euthanized at the end of their lives, having endured a life of tests, and crippling medical conditions. We must remember that the purpose of medical testing is to induce suffering, through modeling diseases and sicknesses. Its animal abuse, just not for pleasure.

Lightbulb9, r/vegan 7 Comments [9/10/2017 3:36:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131485

(This vegan fundie is responding to a post about destroying traps for animals -- rural farmers in the USA use them to feed their family)

I live in northern Ontario and am surrounded by hunters and guess what? not a single one of them hunts "to feed their family". it's all sport, all bloodlust and "tradition". they're literally all out of shape, beer swilling pieces of shit who still buy meat at the grocery store to eat as well. so fuck them.

I am fucking elated at this post! I wish I had the resources, as well as a few other vegan companions who were willing to go out and do this. hunting in the developed world is absolutely, 100%, selfish and unnecessary.

durtyarms, r/vegan 17 Comments [9/10/2017 3:36:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131484

I used to agree with you, but now I think liberating sentient, conscious beings from ecperimentation, cruelty and suffering is a noble endeavour. It might be short sided since it fails to adress the institutionalization of cruelty, but the only reason we feel hopeless of the idea of veal made of baby cows and not baby humans is because of the desensitazion of our cultures speceism.

Corporations have drafted laws that equate liberating animals with terrorism because they are considered property. They are slaves. Massive government surveillance is supposed to quell dissent, but I think it is going to have the opposite effect. Again I dont disagree with you. Direct action is ineffective because it doesnt adress the root of the issue. But what about the underground railroad before the emancipation proclomation?

Would freeing slaves from cotton farms be wrong if the government had called you a terrorist?

The law is always slow to catch up with reality because corporations are so entrenched, but I still think the ALF is made up of kind hearted people who just feel so deeply. My direct action is talking to people. Leafletting. Posting on social media. Flyers. Getting the word out. The ALF's direct action is a lot more ballsy, mission-IMPOSSIBLE 21st century underground-railroad-for- animals status.

And so when the law is immoral, resistance is obligatory. I admire what they do and respect them. If any of you are out there on r/vegan I send you all my love and follow up as much as possible with the latest NSA leaks.

bliess, r/vegan 5 Comments [9/10/2017 3:36:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131483

Non-violence aids the oppressor. And besides, if the mass, systematic killing of animals is as bad as we say, then what is an appropriate response to it?

Lightbulb9, r/vegan 3 Comments [9/10/2017 3:36:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131481

This is what happens after decades of voting for Socialism/FemiNazis. Their current PM Lofven even thinks “immigrants” – read muzzturds” – have more right to Sweden than the actual native born white Swedes – that’s how mentally deranged these fucktards have become!

Swedenstan is what Swedenstanis voted for & that’s what they’ll get by 2025 at the latest. Anyone who actually considers themselves a real Swede better get out while they can, there is no hope, no turning back the clock.

Germany is going to the polls in 2 weeks time & they will vote more of the same – there is little difference between the traitors Merkel & Schulz.

MohammedWazzaPaedophile, Bare Naked Islam 1 Comments [9/10/2017 3:35:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131480

I would be amazed if the men you mention had repented.

I would not be amazed to discover when the books are opened during the second judgment that those individuals had been turned over to reprobate hearts at some point before physical death.

But the reason they will be in the lake of fire for all eternity is because their names are not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, not because of the things in the other books.

In that they will be no different than anyone else who does not repent, for whatever reason they did not repent ... which INCLUDES people who chose their perversions over the Savior.

And that is and will be THEIR problem.

What more could be done for them than Christ has done? Should they receive Heaven without repentance too? May as well ask if sin should increase that grace abound all the more. May it never be!

So you, why did you think to bring up such grossly wicked men as if they were the only comparisons?

Do you not realize that there are men that many people deem to be really great guys who also have perished (if we go by the witness they gave about their beliefs rather than by the wishy-washy sentimentalism of a world that thinks “good people” go to Heaven even though they reject the Gospel)?

To this I will add: it is not remarkable that people who were wicked in ways the culture deems less offensive may be damned in the very same manner to those whose crimes offends men the most.

For the natural state of men apart from Christ is not “holy”. And the culture is polluted, its judgments faulty.

Rather, if you want to marvel and be offended: YES ... there are people whose sins are legitimately among the most offensive to mankind who have repented, and they will be in the Kingdom ... even as “good men” who did not repent perish. It is even likely that some of the victims of those bad men (who repented), victims who themselves never repented, will also be damned. Just a matter of statistics that this is gonna happen.

Again, going back to your post, I’ve never seen evidence or credible claim that the men you rattled off repented. When they are judged any forced confusion on the matter will remain impossible to maintain.

But that is not your problem.

Your problem, and indeed your opportunity is have you repented? Have you been saved?

I certainly hope you have (I’m not judging you), or if not yet, that you will. The sooner the better.

Rurudyne, Free Republic 6 Comments [9/10/2017 3:35:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131477

you are working off a fantasy in your mind because you reject God .......... if there is no God then there is no objective morality .... if there is no objective morality ..... then it is ALL just your opinion .... no matter who or how many you may convince to agree with you .... if there is no God .....

1. The Nazis were not wrong - its just your opinion

2. Love is no better than rape - might be unfashionable but not wrong

3. Blowing up innocent people watching a marathon is no morally
different than feeding the poor - it just your opinion

4. Religious crusades are not wrong - because there is no standard for

5. Tolerance is no better than intolerance - why tolerate anything

6. There are no human rights - it is just your opinion

7. Atheist cannot justify morality

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 25 Comments [9/10/2017 1:02:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 131476

!On a meme about calling the cops on a paedophile friend]

Only a shitty friend does some shit like that

[Various people call him out]

Im guessing you ALL started feelings of infatuation or sexuality at age 18 or 20 ?? HAHAHAHA 14 to 16 is the age it all starts you're all fucking ridiculous are you gonna sit there and tell me my Dad is wrong or sick for having my two new baby sisters with a woman that is 10 years younger than him ?

The founding Fathers were getting with 14 year olds

Youre all fucking brainwashed to the point that ... You can't even see how brainwashed you are

What about 70 year old rich dudes sugar daddying 18 year olds and shit ?? ILL WAIT

Daniel J. Morales, Facebook 14 Comments [9/10/2017 1:02:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 131475

I am the only person on earth, that really knows just what God is really like. God promised in the bible that he wanted no person to perish or die lost without salvation. but, I am the only person on this earth that has the baptism of the holy ghost, or god inside body. the bible required this. the bible say, if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his. therefore, God promised to save you, but, god won't, God lied to you, deceived whole world. god is a deceiving spirit. God is a tricking, and trouble making spirit. God wanted to see people harmed. God is an evil spirit that people call on, or conjur up, and when God is inside your body, or present in your life, then the destruction of you, has begun. now tell sweet Jesus to kneel before you. allow god to serve you day and night. this is to lure you to God. after you come, then god will began stripping your assets, detroying your job and marriage, and lastly, attacking your body. don't allow God to lure you to the God-game. this is, lure, destroy. shame on you sweet Jesus. now God is getting a taste of his own medicine. it is time for God to be exposed.

Katie murphy, Facebook 7 Comments [9/10/2017 1:00:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 131473

You asked how I got into witchcraft (and yes, absolutely, it DOES work!)--well, it's in the family to begin with. All women in my mom's family were witches from day 1. She's German (a war bride) and lived thru WWII. Her hatred of God is unbelievable. She would always tell me her war stories when I was growing up--imagine telling a 4, 5 year old kid about shot up people and bombs and bullets going off everywhere. Her favorite one is where the street melted from the heat of the fires and bombs...a woman was stuck in the melted street holding a baby up high trying to save it from the flames. There was no way to save them and she cried out to God to help them. Nothing happened. She watched the woman and baby burn up before her eyes. As she tells the story, you can see evil taking over her. She shakes her fist to heaven and says "where was God?". Of course that proves he doesn't exist.

Well, it wore me down and by age 8, I had had enough of this "God" that either (a) did not exist or (b) was so unimaginably horrible, I would hate him too. That night I cursed God (age 8) and decided I would follow Satan. Don't laugh--my entry point into the occult was fairy tales. I studied those things and learned about trolls, magic wands, fairies, elves, witches, spell casting...all from fairy tales. Spirit guides were assigned to me by age 12 and I really took off. Yes witchcraft works. It's all about power and control and the power is INSTANT. Immediate gratification.

The price is high. I had an abortion on Walpurgisnacht 1979 (my present husband's baby). I didn't schedule the appointment for that date--it "happened"--a Satanic present. And I had a D & E. It brought me to my knees 5 years later, calling on a God I wasn't even sure existed. I asked to be sent to hell because I deserved to go there and serve my lord Satan for killing a baby. I have never in my life experienced such an agony and literally "breaking" of my heart. The sobs were uncontrollable. I felt something gentle and warm "washing" over me like water, but I wasn't wet. There was a calm and peace that entered me.

I knew I had to get rid of my occult things so I threw away everything--books, jewelry, tarot cards, toys I bought for the kids (He Man, My Little Pony--I even stripped the sheets off the kids beds because of the pictures on them). I went wild cleaning house--there were 19 trash bags out in front of the house next day. I got a King James Bible and devoured it. I read most of the day. After I read the Bible thru once, I began again. I lived and breathed Jesus Christ.

Here I am 14 years later and I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for cleaning me up and setting me on my feet and covering me with himself. Thank you Lord Jesus! I am free of Satan!

"Karen", Jesus is Savior 10 Comments [9/10/2017 12:49:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Word Salad Award

You fail linguistics forever.

Quote# 131470

The spelling belongs to the domain of language regulated by a particular government, and is therefore not a part of the Common Anglish/English/Ynglish language, which honor a greater body of people and a greater vision of government, to which the word "honor" is bound to greater ownership of the altruistic, sacrifice for the greater body of people, for the higher then the highest principle, and to the providential and not merely the prosperous.

In the context of auto- olig- and mono- archic governments, the term is also loaned to the honor-ific, to the stylistic, and in a different way than in the land abundant nations, to the materialistic.

The democratic nations have a higher concept of honor which is not undermined by the oligarchic nations concept of honor, which is flexed with indicated spelling which is stylistic in the local pattern of Received English and therefore gives loan to European English and the European ideas of government, which do not give sufficient redact form to the anti-oligarchic principle.

Stevertigo, Wikipedia 12 Comments [9/10/2017 12:45:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131468

The very people complaining about immigration are the very people who will tolerate homosexuality. These types of people tolerate homosexuals as long as they’re ‘legal’ or illegal immigrants who are not criminals.

Theodore Shoebat, Shoebat.com: Awareness and Action 14 Comments [9/9/2017 2:30:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 131467

These hurricanes are not the result of global warming; they are the Judgment of God because of the innocent blood crying to Him for vengeance. In America, the blood of nearly 60 million babies murdered by abortion ascends as a howling chorus to God from landfills and sewers, where these innocent little boys and girls have been discarded. These hurricanes are not ‘natural disasters’; they are super-natural chastisements.

Randall Terry, Christian News Wire 21 Comments [9/9/2017 2:28:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 131465

I'm talking about now, not the leaders of the past,

There isnt a single Nation under the Shariah of Allah ?? ? ?? , the nearest we have is Saudi Arabia and even they are rotten,

Surely you know this,

If you watched the Video then you know and cannot deny that Pakistan is a Kufr state, just like Bangladesh and others,

Telling people to migrate from Kufr to Kufr is not a particularly strong argument,

Lastly we had righteous Muslim rulers in the past, your slandering of them does not support the argument,

Saif-Uddin, Ummah 4 Comments [9/9/2017 2:27:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131461

BLM leadership in general is largely composed of queer blacks.

The chapter in Toronto did a half hour sit-in recently, blocking the sodomite parade.

I didn’t really know anything about them, I only noticed there are angry black women in the front line (where are the men?) and later found out many of them are lesbian or bi. Before I thought, are they sisters /mothers of those killed by police? They’re not!

This gives them an extra angry edge ,because they will hate not only just whites, but whites as a family unit, the way all gays subconsciously hate normal family. And that hatred is phenomenal.

In the US there are tons of poor blacks which have nothing to lose, which BLM can use as their army to just trash the middle class and grab a bit wealth just how it happened in Russia with poor angry men.

They’ll be happy to do it!! And what if you can’t have a gun?

Simultaneously, based on history, Christians can be put in concentration camps and exterminated, which happened after the Bolshevik revolution, leaving the nation’s culture composed of low class wannabe rulers/imbeciles (a disaster to live among).

Read the history of USSR!!! I see history repeating itself.

Russia is still traumatized for generations to come. But they have Orthodox Church as a place anyone can truly heal themselves and LGBT was never given green light.

What does US have to sustain itself as a nation?? I’m not talking about money or food.

KC, Real Jew News 5 Comments [9/9/2017 2:27:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131452

Religion offers no explanation of consciousness either. In fact, it takes it for granted. Science has difficulty because consciousness is a subjective concept which no one else is capable of experiencing. This is moving from science to philosophy, but there are scientific explanations of how consciousness arises, and again, google is your friend. Wikipedia has some information on it as well

Amos Moses:
yeah ... it surely does ....... "consciousness is a subjective concept which no one else is capable of experiencing" ... and yet we all do .... and it is not subjective .... if it is then all your observations are subjective ....... INCLUDING any science ........ so that is obviously wrong ............ nope .... not moving anywhere except you are running from what you clearly know but cannot accept ....... science has no explanation for human consciousness and you cant even begin to get to empathy and the rest of your worldview as you would like it to be ........ AND YOU KNOW IT ..........

Consciousness is something we cannot share as an experience. I cannot know the way you interpret data. This is true, and if you claim otherwise, you are lying. That said, reality is objective, and consciousness can evolve as a reaction to pressure. For example, the ability to predict and anticipate. These things allow creatures with consciousness to have advantage over those that do not

Amos Moses:
then YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE of empathy as a path to morality and your position is a LIE ............

Consciousness exists, but each consciousness is different and we are incapable of experiencing other consciousness. We can express it through communication.
Seriously, why is this so difficult to understand

Amos Moses:
you are trying to make a connection between EMPATHY and morality .... and you cannot .... and while your last statement is correct ........ it has NOT ONE THING to do with the assertion you made .... science has no ability to ACCOUNT for how human consciousness arose .... and then how empathy came about and how that was the path to morality .... it is all absolute garbage ......... sounds good in your head i guess as you continue to deny God in your creation ..... but you lack ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER ...........

Bruce Wang:
Here is a paper you need to have a look at, called "The Complex Relation between Morality and Empathy". Replace the semicolon with a period. Just one will do.

Amos Moses, Christian News Network 6 Comments [9/9/2017 11:57:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 131451

They don't have a say in the matter, but neither would the animals you propose to feed to your cat. Those animals which are almost certainly affected in a much more negative way by being raised for pet food and then killed than your cat would be by responsible trialing of the vegan food.

Not trying to be a jerk, but it bothers me quite a lot me that people use this argument so often and only consider the perspective of their pet rather than that of all affected individuals. It seems to me that rejecting a "possible and practicable" alternative which reduces exploitation and cruelty would be difficult to justify.

Vulpyne, r/vegan 9 Comments [9/9/2017 11:56:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131449

When I say 'people who earn money by exploiting animals', I'm not talking about the average consumer, I'm talking about people directly involved in the exploitation (including CEOs). The fact of the matter is the matter is that these people do know better, they don't need anyone to explain to them why slaughtering an animal, skinning a live animal or forcing an animal to breath in a new cosmetic, is wrong.

I'm sure if your life and property were threatened every moment for making poor choices, with the message getting across why you're being targeted, and the police being worthless as usual, then yeah I think you would have changed your mind.

Yeah, I don't think anything should happen to people who eat meat until they know why it's wrong. Once they they know what they're doing is wrong they are fully responsible for all their actions. And if they choose to continue being carnists, then they should be treated as what they are, murderers and rapists.

Blood-Wiper, r/vegan 5 Comments [9/9/2017 11:55:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131446

The only way we can achieve animal liberation is by means of sabotage and violence against the capitalist carnist oppressors! I'm tired of hearing you apologists ramble about your pacifist delusions, because the vegan movement isn't going to get anywhere without direct action. Anybody who exploits animals deserves to have their personal life ruined and family threatened.

Blood-Wiper, r/vegan 10 Comments [9/9/2017 9:44:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 131443

Homosexuality, faggotry, sodomy, whatever you want to call it, has been a blight on mankind for millenia.

There are 3 types of faggots;

Those who are born that way due to hormone fluctuations in the womb; therefore, a deformity.
Those who are turned that way due to abuse as a child; therefore, a mental illness.
Those who pursue it as fetish; therefore, a sexual degeneracy.
All are simply degenerate and must be purged from society for the greater good. Let us look at the statistics. These will shock and horrify you.

Children in the care of gay men are three (3) times as likely to be molested, and children in the care of lesbians are ten (10) times as likely to be molested by their carers compared to children with normal parents.

This is clearly the most disgusting aspect of the homosexual lifestyle, with incestuous paedophilic tendencies being at a horrifyingly high level when compared to the normal population.

Children under the age of 16 are far more likely to turn out homosexual when sexually abused, showing how the rate of homosexuality has increased with the societal acceptance of faggotry allowing for these disgusting people to be near children. By stamping out paedophilia, we can cut down on the rate of homosexuality as one of the pathways to homosexuality is removed.

Children in the care of gay men are three (3) times more likely to identify with something other than the norm of heterosexuality, while children in the care of lesbians are four (4) times as likely. Continuing with the latter, children in the care of lesbians are 75% more likely to currently be in a same-sex relationship, while gay men result in the children being three (3) times as likely.

This is extremely concerning. This is all self-reported data specifically on children in the care of homosexual parents. This is not covering the data of homosexuals abusing children not in their care, and the influence the abuse will have on the mental health of the child.

By pushing for “equal rights”, which is a disgusting concept no matter the topic it is pushed upon, you are condemning countless children to a life of misery. The creation of homosexuals through child abuse by homosexuals will create more homosexuals due to knock-on effect of the abused becoming the abuser. Stamp out paedophilia, turn them into tree ornaments, put bullets through their skulls. Whatever it takes to protect our children and ensure they live happy lives.

As for those who are born “naturally” a.k.a. a birth defect, it is up to science and society to treat this. By shunning homosexuality and making them run from the streets and sodomy venues back into their homes, they will do less damage on the surface. But they must still be eradicated entirely. Hormone therapy corresponding with their sex, e.g. testosterone for male homosexuals, could be an option to treat their deformity.

Then finally, for the fetishists, they are nothing but purely hedonistic degenerates. Society must reform to shun this ill-minded lot. Bring back shame into society, for shame is a powerful force to ensure the conformation to society’s standards and preventing moral decay.

As we all know, HIV/AIDS is rife among the homosexual community, especially involving gay men.

There is a sickening fetish known as “bugchasing” where gay men willingly become “pozzed” by a HIV-infected partner, or the HIV-infected deliberately infects an unwitting partner to give them the “gift” of HIV. Degeneracy knows no bounds with the faggot. Some of you may think “Well it’s their life, if they want to destroy it, so be it” but you are forgetting that in this nation of ours, our taxes go to the NHS which provides free treatment for these degenerates to continue living and infecting further sodomites. You are paying so these utterly degenerate scumbags can continue on with their disgusting fetishes, further destroying this already broken society.

The dominant exposure to HIV is among gay men, with 50% of the cases being from this category. 82% of HIV cases in Rossendale are a result of homosexuality, with 61% and 58% in Lancashire and Cheshire.

1.5% of the UK population identifies as homosexual, with 1.1% being gay men. 1.1% of the population is responsible for 50% of the HIV cases in the UK. This means that gay men are 90 times more likely to have HIV than a normal person.

Gay men are three (3) times more likely to use drugs, and six (6) times more likely to inject drugs compared to normal men.

Reported use of stimulants is approximately five (5) times higher among gay and bisexual men, with methamphetamine usage at fifteen (15) times higher.

Drug use among lesbians is four (4) times higher than among normal women, with a higher usage rate of cocaine, ecstasy (MDMA), amphetamines and ketamine.

These are just three sickening factors due to society’s acceptance of homosexuality. But we must not forget those who are pushing homosexuality upon Western nations. It is the System and the Jew that inhabits said System. Homosexuality is a symptom of the cause.

The Rabbis praise homosexual acceptance within White countries, but not within their own faith or within Israel.

The System appeals to this tiny percentage of the population, such as with the cash-strapped police force painting and decaling their vehicles with rainbow flags paid for through the “diversity fund”. Never forget that the System is infested with paedophiles in all parties. They protect each other to continue pursuing their abhorrent fantasies. The people shall never forget the betrayal to the nation and its children committed by these degenerates.

System Resistance Network, TheLionRises 13 Comments [9/9/2017 9:42:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Katie