Quote# 131377
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To set some standards straight, before you read:
If you're ever so willing to read a Manifesto, please do read with an open-mind as the close-minded would see through the conveying message of the Manifesto.
Also yes, I am quite serious when I say I'm a Neo-Fascist, I'm politically active and bloody proud:
I was once a "Democratic-Socialist" in my early stages when I was learning about politics, because I was influenced by the nice sounding words "equality", "diversity" and "acceptance".
My friends, my teachers, even the media spoke greatly of the Left-Wing and how everyone has "human rights" and also how it is religiously affiliated as a just and moral cause to help your fellow human being.
I loved everything about the Left-Wing at the time, it sounded so right, so justifiable to fight for us all to unite as one equally same human being, sharing our own customs and traditions amongst foreign men in the country I loved dearly.
Well, that was until I started opening my eyes to the Left-Wings destructive nature.
It all started with the 2014 Sydney hostage crisis, it shocked everyone in Australia and the world.
I was shocked and surprised that it was done by a Muslim, and so, after school, I went home to research more about Islam, the further I dug I came to read online that Islam was a violent cult.
I was often told that Islam was a religion of peace so this left me very confused, the next day I confronted my Muslim friend about the violent quotes in the Quran I read online, to which he responded "They're lying, it's not in the Quran, they take it out of context", and so the next week as I was further driven by curiosity I borrowed the English version of the Quran from my local library to see if it was true what the so-called "Nazis" said online about Islam.
To my surprise, it was true, the standard version of the Quran was indeed true to holding many violent phrases against the "Infidels".
I felt betrayed, my Muslim friend and the teachers lied to me about Islam, to then they've lost my trust that they are teaching us accurate information, so I started questioning everything they've taught me thus far and started researching everything learning more deeply in its roots to see if it is at all accurate.
I became even more curious the more deeper I researched and started questioning the morals of "equality" and even the technical tenets of the Left-Wing, as curiosity led me to only more questions about everything I've learnt about Religion, Diversity, Equality and the so called "good and just" cause of the Left-Wing.
To everything I thought was morally right, correct and good in its practise, bad and evil I found myself to be very wrong.
Throughout all my research, I have concluded to find myself to be in total disbelief, I was in shock, I felt total agony to my discovery that me, my friends, my family and the fellow European brothers of descent that we were indeed living in a political dystopia, as it is true.
The more I thought about it, the more it became clear to me of what I thought reality once was, is now collapsing into what I know as the very real reality, it left me completely stunned.
I was shattered, morally, religiously, and politically.
To my conclusions, learning that by human nature and its principles, we are indeed not equal nor the same at all.
We are all different for a reason, as I am now convinced religiously and politically, we are not infact equal at all, but unique.
By keeping our Customs, Traditions, Ethics & Ethnics separate, we are playing by basic human nature, as it was always intended to be.
By nature, I am also talking religiously by Gods and God them self that we were always meant to be a unique blossom of different cultures and customs in its purest form, like a unique colour in the Rainbow.
As for example, when you combine all the colours together, it creates a disgusting brown darkish colour, it creates a mess.
The same with different cultures, as by natures fundamentals it is proven that different cultures do not mingle, but collide.
As such as the animals that we are, you never see the bear befriending the fish.
Nor see the Rhino mate with the Elephant, it was never intended to be, it doesn't work by nature.
Race mix is simply a form of destruction, a form of impurity, like a detached link from your ancestors blood and from the soil on which you live on.
By Left-Wing nature, in its true form and purpose is a self-destructive political monster of corruption that favours imaginative thoughts over realpolitikal action which goes against the very statically set principles of human nature to which they call "progressive Globalism", which is infact regressive and dangerous in its true form, created to trick the light-minded, the vulnerable and gullible people who is politically active into voting for disaster profiteers.
Alike Democracy as I've learnt, people are tricked into voting for the dangerous, destructive and corrupt Left-Wing and other regressive parties.
To which also in its other form on the Right-Wing such as Centre-Right like Liberalism are no better than the Left-Wing as it is a different form of Leftism "Globalism" but for the Right-Wing, in which Liberalism populates and fundamentally favours bigot groups for those who don't think regressively and to punish those who dare to think differently from the fundamental tenets of Leftism/Liberalism like the groups that are born from a Liberal democracy such as Antfia, "Anti-Fascist", and other fantastical anti-fundamentalist groups like LGBT where there is more than 2 genders or even Black Lives Matter where the foreign man deserves superior living conditions to the Native White European man in his very own country for all the supposed "evils" our White ancestors have done in the past that have created the great Western world we have today.
In all of this further proving what I believe in and why I do, we need to remove the dangerous Left-Wing and Democracy itself, it favours a false idea of freedom which ultimately leads to the destructive nature of Leftist and Liberal agenda's as such for example bringing the foreign man first before the Native people, as well as giving a false sense of equality that hides the destructive nature of democracy.
The Western world needs Social order more than ever, we need an authoritarian system that would lead us beyond the Left-Right spectrum of politics, a leader, a hero, for those to look up to, to inspire and to install within the people the values of the Western man, the ideal citizen body who rules with an Iron grip, who would light the way for the future generations of our great Western Nations to her survival and for those of descent to look back at our great unique history with pride and glamour to say I am proud to be a White Native European of descent, of this blood, of this soil that we share with one custom, one culture, one tribe, in this great Nation of ours where security is strong, where we are safe and where we live and prosper in this Utopia amongst fellow Western men of the same descent, we are free, we are safe, long live the West, long live Europe, we belong here, this is our country, this is our people of whom share the same blood, we are of the Western world, of European blood, we are Australian and this is what equal is!
Do your research before you are quick to judge and never be afraid to think independently from others, I'd rather die knowing I was living the truth about politics and its nature rather than to live my whole life believing in a lie just because the Media, my teachers, and my friends says its true, don't be fooled!
Africa for Africans!
Asia for Asians!
Europe for Europeans!
Dogs for dogs and cats for cats!
This is natures rule, and it will stay that way forever.
Religious or not, this is the intentions!
This is the correct and true European way of life, through one cultural unification, through order, and by blood and soil.
Steam Community 23 Comments [9/9/2017 2:41:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 7