Quote# 135644

From FDJ-secretary passing by being Kohls "girl" to a nowadays 12-year old chancellery. Which potential could she have for the way of our country. That was the thought of many, especially out of the once conservative CDU. Instead Angela Merkel harmed Germany so much that it couldn't possibly be worse. She managed to turn the CDU into a left green party without conservative content. She cooled the conservative heads inside the party, bullied them out or let them stew in the third rank. She has surrounded herself with spineless sycophants that let their German flags torn from their hands on the public stage and still grin like idiots while they continue to applaud the big boss.

Under her dictations the former Volkspartei* CDU has become anything, which is why all old parties have no problem with coalitions under the leadership of Merkel - Jamaika or GroKo; everything is possible in the Land of Many Colours. Only obtaining power counts, not the country and not the people. The German people are [sic in original] according to the Merkel ductus, those who "have already been living here longer".

Original German:
Von der FDJ-Sekretärin über Kohls „Mädchen“ zu einer mittlerweile zwölfjährigen Kanzlerschaft. Welch Potential hätte sich aus diesem Weg für unser Land ergeben können. So dachten einst viele, vor allem aus der ehemals konservativen CDU. Stattdessen hat Angela Merkel Deutschland Schaden zugefügt, wie er größer nicht hätte sein können. Sie hat es in zwölf Jahren geschafft, aus der CDU eine linksgrüne Partei ohne konservative Inhalte zu machen. Sie hat konservative Köpfe innerhalb der Partei kaltgestellt, rausgemobbt oder in der dritten Reihe schmoren lassen. Umgeben hat sie sich mit rückgratlosen Speichelleckern, die sich auf offener Bühne die Deutschlandfahne aus der Hand reißen lassen und trotzdem dümmlich grinsend weiter die große Chefin beklatschen.

Unter ihrem Diktat ist die einstige Volkspartei CDU beliebig geworden, ein Grund dafür, dass alle Altparteien kein Problem mit Koalitionen unter Führung Merkels haben – Jamaika oder GroKo; alles ist in Buntland möglich. Es zählt nur Machterhalt, nicht das Land und nicht das Volk. Das deutsche Volk sind nach dem Duktus Merkel die „schon länger hier lebenden“.

* major/big tent party, literally "party of the people" - Pharaoh Bastethotep

INXI, PI News 6 Comments [1/1/2018 1:04:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 135643

Just as minarets mark out the conquered territory of Islam, public menorahs symbolise the ascendancy and triumph of the Jews. The menorah lighting ceremonies and Hanukkah messages from western leaders are a kind of ritual of submission performed for the pleasure their masters.

czakal, Wordpress 11 Comments [1/1/2018 12:48:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 135638

If Christians are not going to Heaven, where are they going?

Doug Bristow, Age of Rebellion 27 Comments [1/1/2018 8:42:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 135636

Glad you asked! I am "expecting" the Rapture sometime in the early spring, and the beginning of the time of Jacob's trouble right after, around the middle to end of May. That's my "wish list", let's see what, if anything, happens. But since it is the 70th anniversary of Israel back in the land, SOMETHING has to happen. "And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth." Isaiah 62:7 (KJV)

Geoffrey Grider, Now The End Begins 19 Comments [1/1/2018 8:41:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 135635

a White person would never be given the benefit of doubt like this. and I'm not saying this from a place of white grievance, but just the truth---when Stephen Paddock murdered 50 people in Vegas (with no known ideological bent), it was imperative in leftist circles to call him a terrorist. The rush to call a White person a terrorist and the skepticism to call a Muslim a terrorist is a leftist attempt at narrative turnabout. While it may be rooted in good intentions, unfortunately it usually just results in racism against Whites or increased Islamophobia (due to perceived political correctness)

Rameses2, Reddit 13 Comments [1/1/2018 8:41:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 135634

well let's use a more modern example then of actions==>consequences. anyone who is intellectually honest realizes that the "white privilege" meme will eventually lead to murder. And who knows what the backlash to that may be? Perhaps it will mean that mass immigration, affirmative actions, divesity requirements, etc. will be branded taboo. perhaps the pushers of the "white privilege" concept are doing more damage to minorities than helping them.

Rameses2, Reddit 6 Comments [1/1/2018 8:41:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135632

well the West's current zeitgeist is a direct backlash to the Nazis and WW2. The Nazis made European nationalism unpalatable. They also made White ethnocentrism taboo. Europe decided to reject its prior obsession with race and homogeneity, and chose to open up its societies (without ever imagining the damaging consequences of mass immigration and multiculturalism, because European leaders are functional retards). Not to mention that WW2 left Europe with a labor shortage, and so Muslims were imported to make up for this.

As for Germany specifically, the Nazis brought upon their people the destruction of many of their cities, the death of millions of young men, the rape of their women, and then 45 years of Allied/Soviet occupation. The Germans were forced by Americans to allow the migration of Turks as a source of cheap labor. And their guilt has led them to a state of total cuckoldry, to the extent that they have imported millions of nonWhites. There hardly even exists a cultural Germany anymore. None of this would have ever, ever happened without the Nazi's loss.

So it was a large gamble. Beat the Russians and the Nazis would have given Germany possibly the greatest nation in world history. But lose, and the Germans would become dispossessed.

Rameses2, Reddit 11 Comments [1/1/2018 8:41:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 135625

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Man massages teen's back at airport, hands him money"

(Fox News cut and paste as usual: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/12/31/police-man-massages-teens-back-at-airport-hands-him-money.html)

(NOTE: This IS a disturbing story, but it is being submitted due to Lady Checkmate's completely over-the-top response)

Lady Checkmate:
"Alarming content"? The alt-left child-rapists are at it again, trying to seduce a child and introduce him to gay-play with intentions to probably rape him later. Not to mention the pedophile tried to pay the child off.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 8 Comments [1/1/2018 8:38:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 135622

Carmine Bracale: Wake up, Carl. One cannot hate a myth, only the horror that an outdated myth unleashes on the world. You keep presenting a god that is not one whit better than the mythical god of the Aztecs, who demanded human sacrifice, or Moloch how demanded human sacrifice, or any of the other mythical pagan gods who fed on the blood of those naive enough or foolish enough to follow them. Can any sane person posit an ALL POWERFUL god who could eliminate the evil in the world with a simple 'fiat'....but instead, fashions himself into an equally mythical son and forces that son to undergo the most gruesome death immagineable. No sane creator would ever be responsible for the horrors commanded by the god of the bible. And it is ONLY the bible that you have, on which to base your 'love' for Jesus Christ....a personage for whose existence there is not the tiniest shred of evidence. You claim to 'hate' religion, yet without it your mythical beings would have no existence at all. They certainly are not posited by science, or supported by logic. And the nonsense of a 'personal relationship God in Christ in nothing more than a hope, a wish, a dream.... just a nice fuzzy warm feeling. I have enough nice, fuzzy warm feelings in my life, I don't need anymore. And please try not to confuse a righteous hatred of religious bigotry with 'hatefullness'. If there WERE a Universal Creator, he/she/it would have not the slightest resemblance to your god, or to your Christ. And please, don't insult me with your prayers: I neither need or want them. If you MUST pray, pray for the families of those who have been killed or persecuted by the followers of your Christ! That would make, at least, a bit of sense.

Richard Williams: Ok, that is quite enough. Admit how despicable humans can be in how they treat others, how about? What do you do with people who treat humans despicably and will not change? God had every right to get rid of them. This is the God you are talking about who actually cares about the direction of the lives of human beings. This is the context that God asked the Israelites to kill. It wasn't because they were of a particular race or language, it was because their sin had gotten so bad that it was a plague to the world around them. We who have made comments like yours have probably not experienced such a culture and it is easy for us to make blanket statements regarding something we are ignorant about. God is not ignorant like that. God acted in love for those who would possibly choose to live a better life when He made the plans to get rid of these particular peoples. Only people filled with the same sadistic evil of those people would not be able to see how badly these people were embroiled in sin.

Richard Williams, Patheos 5 Comments [1/1/2018 8:38:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 135621

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Does Atheistic Morality Make Sense?"

Can Atheists provide a coherent foundation and justification for their appeals to morality? What kind of options do Atheists have in terms of justifying their moral claims?

Atheists have VERY limited options. So, now the have to create a VERY complex system with limited option. Their ethical system is preference.


Lady Checkmate:
No. It's illogical. Sadly, just like satan, sinful man wants to be his own god with his own fleshly morality - which is as filthy rags to the Most High. There is but one God, The Ancient of Days and there is no other beside Him

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 12 Comments [1/1/2018 8:37:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 135612

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Utah teacher fired for showing students classical paintings containing nudity"

(Fox News cut-and-paste story follows, link here: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/12/30/utah-teacher-fired-for-showing-students-classical-paintings-containing-nudity.html)

Robin Egg:
Full frontal nudity in art is not appropriate for children this young. The teacher didn't bother to look at what he was passing out to the kids, so he got what he deserved.

Lady Checkmate:
Agreed! It's highly in a appropriate and nothing more than pornography at that age.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 16 Comments [1/1/2018 8:37:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 135599

He [Donald Trump] can't work with people who will not work with HIM. If he made a declaration that people must wear pants. there would be people walking around naked in DC purely because it was he who demanded it. Common sense be damned. That isn't his fault. Washington wants one direction and refuses any other.

beatles123, Wrestling Forum 21 Comments [1/1/2018 8:37:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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