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Quote# 136261

No, there are not plenty of times. Even the Crusades was a long overdue attempt to protect Christian outposts from violent attacks from muslims.

And there is nothing in the Bible that anyone can see as inciting violence.

The main difference between the qu'ran and the Bible is that the Bible has an OT and a NT, and with the NT, Jesus and the advent of Grace, a whole new chapter in human history is commenced. The old is done, bring in the new!

Not so with the qu'ran. This is where the problem lies, and why the violence is steady and unending throughout the qu'ran.

Jesus NEVER hurt anyone or used any violence at all, and all CHristians are commanded to follow the example of Jesus.

mohammad, on the other hand, was a very violent thug, their, murderer, oppressor, rapist and pedophile who murdered hundreds of people.

Jesus rose two people from the dead and saved people.

There is no comparison at all between the 2 books. Which is so obvioulsy why all the sick, twisted, super violent terrorists are ALL muslim. AND they are committing genocide against the Christians.

The outcome of the 2 books is right in front of us, in spite of the liberal left leaning media that barely reports it.

klyneal, Christian News Network 16 Comments [1/28/2018 7:38:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136260

You can never get them too young.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 28 Comments [1/28/2018 7:37:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 136258

Ten Words of Counsel for Single People

I have ten words of counsel for persons who are not married but who have to deal with sexual desires. Some of these have a masculine orientation because I know the male temptation firsthand but not the female. Some are dos and some are don’ts, but all aim to be positive in that they are intended to help you preserve your freedom from any enslavement but God’s.

1. Do not seek regular sexual gratification through masturbation — the stimulation of your own self to sexual orgasm or climax. Masturbation does not solve sexual pressure for very long, it tends to become habitual, it produces guilt, and it contradicts the God-given design of sexuality. Our bodies and desires were designed for the sexual union of persons, and masturbation contradicts that design. But perhaps worst of all, masturbation is inevitably accompanied and enabled by sexual fantasies in the mind which we would not allow ourselves in reality and so we become like the Pharisees: well scrubbed on the outside, but inside full of perversions.

2. Do not seek sexual satisfaction through touching or being touched by another person, even if you stop short of sexual intercourse. Everyone knows that intimate touching is the prelude and preparation for sexual intercourse, and therefore it belongs where that event belongs, namely, in marriage. Where the permanent commitment that characterizes marriage is missing, caressing becomes depersonalized manipulation; it turns the other’s body into a masturbation device to get a private physical thrill. God made us in such a way that if we try to turn that moment of touching into a personal, spiritual expression of love, we are not able to do it without making promises of faithfulness. Implicit in our hearts at that moment is the statement: You may touch me because you have promised never to leave me nor forsake me. You may have me because you are me. We are so made that we cry out for permanence when giving away our most intimate gifts. They belong in marriage.

3. Avoid unnecessary sexual stimulation. It doesn’t take any brains to know that there are enough X-rated movie houses and adult bookstores in this city to keep a person livid twenty-four hours a day. To visit these crummy places is temptation enough. But the real test is what you do with the more legitimate sources of sexual stimulation. PG movies, Time magazine, the newspaper, television, drugstore magazine racks, rock music lyrics. In our society you cannot escape sexual stimulation, but you can refuse to seek it. And you can avoid it often when you see it coming. This is the great test of whether we are enslaved or free — can we say no to the slave driver in our bodies who wants us to keep on looking and keep on lusting.

4. When the stimulation comes and the desire starts to rise, perform a very conscious act of transfer onto Christ. I wish I had learned this much earlier in my life. While riding down the road, if some billboard or marquee puts a desire into my mind for some illegitimate sexual pleasure, I take that desire and say, “Jesus, you are my Lord and my God, and my greatest desire is to know and love and obey you, so this desire is really for you. I take it from your competitor, I purge it, and I direct it to you. Thank you for freeing me from the bondage of sin.” It is remarkable what control we can gain over the direction our desires take, if we really long to please Christ.

5. Pray that God would give you, in ever-increasing strength, a longing to know and love and obey him above all else. I read a sermon once entitled, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection.” The point was, there is no better way to overcome a bad desire than to push it out with a new one. It is in prayer that we summon the divine help to produce in us that new desire for God.

6. Bathe your mind in God’s word. Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth” (John 17:17). There is nothing that renews the mind and enables it to assess things God’s way like regular meditation on the word of God. The person who does not arm himself with the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) is going to lose in the battle for his or her body.

7. Keep yourself busy, and when it is time for leisure, choose things that are pure, lovely, gracious, excellent, worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8). Idleness in a world like ours is asking for trouble. It is much harder for sexual temptation to gain a foothold when we are busy at some productive task. And if you need some fresh air, walk in a park, not down Hennepin Avenue.

8. Don’t spend too much time alone. Be with Christian people often. Don’t forsake the assembling of yourselves together, but encourage one another, stir each other up to love and good works. Talk of your struggles with trusted friends. Pray for each other and hold each other accountable.

9. Strive to think of all people, especially people of the opposite sex, in relation to eternity. It is not easy to fantasize about a person if you think about the eternal torment they may shortly be suffering in hell because of their unbelief. Nor is it easy to disrobe in your imagination a person you know to be an eternal sister or brother in Christ. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:16, “From now on we know no one according to the flesh.” We view everybody from God’s eternal perspective.

10. Resolve to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and he will add to you everything you need sexually. It may be a spouse. It may be the grace and freedom to be single and pure and content. That is up to God. Ours is to seek the kingdom. Or to put it another way, our all-consuming passion must be to glorify God in our bodies by keeping ourselves free from every enslavement but one: the joyful, fulfilling slavery to God.

John Piper, Desiring God 18 Comments [1/28/2018 7:37:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 136246

I love the hypocrisy of this (not you specifically, just the general attitude people have.)

People against homosexuality can say it's an unnatural pairing because it can't lead to reproduction, and thus shouldn't be supported. But then the supporters try to turn that around, and say "Well then you're saying that people who can't have children for whatever reason shouldn't be allowed to either, right?!" It happens every single time.

But when it comes to incest, those same supporters won't agree if you use the exact same approach and say "Then anyone who even has a chance of passing a disease or disorder shouldn't be allowed to be marry or have children, right?"

Yeah, I kind of sympathize for them, even as a conservative. It strikes me as ridiculous that society is embracing things like homosexuality (which to me is far more strange than a brother and sister) but still condemning incest. Either traditional ideals should remain in tact, or anything should go. There is really no legitimate case to make for in between.

Itisamuh, mmo-champion 14 Comments [1/28/2018 7:32:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 136245

Why do we condemn pedophiles and accept homosexuals?
Before you become morally outraged at my title please read my post.

Pedophiles like homosexuals cannot help their sexual preference, that is, they cannot help themselves. Yet the media in the West has completely demonised pedophiles as these monsters that kidnap children and lock them up in their basement to satiate their supposed perversion.

shinra1, mmo-champion 15 Comments [1/28/2018 7:32:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 136244

Personally if one of my male friends was attracted to a 12 year old girl, and another was attracted to a 24 year old man, I'd say the one attracted to the 12 year old girl is more normal. Make the girl 3 years old, and I'd possibly change my mind

itisamuh, mmo-champion 8 Comments [1/28/2018 7:32:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 136243

10 Ways Women Dress Immodestly


1. Dresses or skirts with lengthy slits
Apparently when a man’s eye sees a long slit that comes up to the knee or above on a tight skirt or dress, he can think, “Oh, a few more inches and what would I see?” That is the way a man’s mind works. The slit is a magnet to men’s eyes.

2. Dresses, skirts or jeans which tightly cling to the butt
A skirt that tightly clings to our butt is a skirt that not only comes down over our butt, but deep into the back of the thighs. We’re not talking about fitted clothing here, but rather skin tight clothing. It draws men’s attention.

3. A skin tight upper garment
It is one thing for our garment to come down and hang loosely upon the breast, but if it tightly clings to our breasts as well as closely shapes and isolates them we can create a big distraction! People should not receive an anatomy lesson in mammary glands when they look at us!

4. Unbuttoned blouses, low neck lines or cleavage
Some of us women unbutton down to one button away from bearing our bras. Apparently when a man sees only one button to go his mind can go, ‘I wonder what is under that one more button’. John Piper shared in a sermon: “Women, remember that in a church setting you need to at times bend over and pick up a child. Bend over and look at yourself in the mirror before you leave the home. What may seem to cover you well standing up, does not cover you sufficiently when you bend over.”

5. Sleeveless tops with large, gaping arm holes
We look down on our sleeveless dress and see nothing but our shoulders. But if it has a large gaping arm hole, a man sitting behind us looks up at the pulpit, sees through to our bra and his mind can go where he doesn’t want it to go. If the arm holes are tight enough that no one can see in, Pastor Albert suggested it is our liberty before God to choose to wear them or not.

6. Low rise skirts or jeans
This is the style made popular by Brittany Spears, Jennifer Lopez and other celebrities. We’re talking skirts that barely hang on the hip bones and jeans that barely come up and cover the crack of the buttocks.

7. Skirts and dresses that are just plain too short
If we find it difficult when we are seated to adequately cover ourselves, then our skirt/dress is probably too short. We can get engrossed in something in a public setting and forget to keep our knees locked together. Before long our legs end up spreading a bit and anyone just happening to glance can see clean up to our underwear. Mrs. Albert Mohler advises, “If you arrive at church dressed in such a way that by the end of the service the people around you, by no fault of their own, know the colour of your underwear and they have watched you do a shimmy dance as you try to get your too short, too tight skirt to go under you, there is a big problem.”

8. See-through clothing
Clothing that fails to fully cover our underwear that could benefit from a camisole or a slip underneath.

9. Skin tight trousers or jeans that tightly hug the buttocks, the thighs and the crotch.
Some of us rock up to church in jeans that either have spandex/lycra in them or a kind of very stretchy material that hugs the buttocks, comes around and hugs the thigh and presses up on our crotch and the crack of our buttocks (think jeggings). Pastor Albert says we have no idea what that does to many a man when he sees it. It draws his eye to the most erotic part of our body. That whole area becomes a magnet for men’s eyes.

10. A bare midriff and back
We’re talking about where tops come down and just barely, if at all, meet the low rise jeans. We may look in the mirror and say, “Well, I am fully covered,” but all we need to do is to reach over a couple of inches and our belly is showing. If we just bend over, people can see our back and usually the top of our underwear.

Rowina Seidler, Ruby in the Rough 18 Comments [1/28/2018 7:29:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 136240

I think you will agree the bible makes it clear that the world was absolutely moral at the start until the human decision to alienate itself from absolute morality. 
The world is therefore fallen and God then works with humanity as it is. The Old testament then forms an account of the development of a nation who have a certain revelation of God
which God wants to preserve. God navigates the isrealites through ancient peace and warfare.

Why then should the jewish religion be so imperfectly preserved in the world where everything is tainted and there is no effective absolute morality? The answer is that it is a vehicle for the eventual saviour of individuals of any and every nation Jesus Christ.

I think your mistake is not recognising the fallen imperfect state of the world where absolute morality is not exercised 

Private Frazer, Religion and Ethics 8 Comments [1/28/2018 7:28:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 136237

There are on line you tubes of professors teaching history, of how the Muslims gather in specific areas ...and are fine, no problems, then they start spreading out, making demands, killing non-Muslims and taking over. That is how they took over the Mediterranean. Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it. Check out Doctor Warner on you tubes for two-part history lesson. S

sharaleigh23, Realabortiondebate 2 Comments [1/28/2018 7:26:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 136236

(Comment on an article posted entitled "Germany Introduces Women’s Pants with Safety Alarms to Thwart Off Migrant Sex Attacks" http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/video-germany-introduces-womens-pants-safety-alarms-thwart-off-migrant-sex-attacks/ Boldface mine):

Whole sections of areas in Europe are totally gone. That's the thing...it is the minority, Until. It. Isn't. Then cars are on fire and police and fire department are in jeopardy trying to enter those areas, they are raping women and little kids. Parts of Paris is gone. Calais -- totally gone...filled with muslim scumbags.


sharaleigh23, Realabortiondebate 11 Comments [1/28/2018 7:26:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 136228

Anne Graham: Judgment is Coming to 'Immoral' America, Perhaps a 'Nuclear Strike'

Commenting on the widespread sin and wickedness in America today, preacher Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of Billy Graham, said then when the evil is so widespread and people do not repent, then "God backs away" and leaves people to their own corruption. She added that God eventually will rattle America to repentance through some cataclysmic event, such as a "nuclear strike, an earthquake," or an "EMP attack that devastates our electrical grid."

Anne Graham Lotz, the author of 14 books and holder of six honorary doctorates, made her remarks in the January editon of Decision magazine, which is published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), founded by her father and overseen by her brother, Rev. Franklin Graham. (Lotz founded and runs AnGeL Ministries.)

In an article entitled "This Growing Darkness" by Jerry Pierce, Anne Graham Lotz said, "When you sin and you refuse to repent, God backs away. You don’t repent and you continue to sin and you become defiant, and He backs away further until in the end, God just turns you over to yourself."

"That’s where America is today," said Lotz. "Look at the end of Romans 1. He’s just backed away from us, turned us over to ourselves. As they say, ‘America, how’s that working for you?’"

Lotz further said she believes divine judgment is coming to America to help people to wake up, realize their sins, and pray for God's help.

"I’m talking about something like a nuclear strike, an earthquake that splits us in two, an EMP attack that devastates our electrical grid," she said. "Something major that would be a game-changer for America, because we are so defiant and rebellious and idolatrous and immoral, and we know better."

However, Lotz added that if enough Americans seek repentance now and pray to God, it could help mediate His judgment.

"If America -- and I don't mean America as a whole because I wouldn't expect America as a whole to repent of her sin -- but if Christians would come back to the Cross, and if we would rend our hearts," commit to truly change, she said, "to be the person He's called you to be."

"Our hope is based on the belief that there is a God and He has a plan and He's working it," said Lotz. "The world is not out of control. It's not unraveling. It's falling into place right at the feet of Jesus."

Anne Graham Lotz, CNS News 9 Comments [1/28/2018 7:25:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: KingOfRhye

Quote# 136218

We are not saved by our own self-righteousness, but by God's imputed righteousness, through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:3-4; Philippians 3:9).

So, a Christian can gamble, commit fornication, steal, curse in the Lord's name and do really bad things, and still go to Heaven. The people who have a big problem with that kind of thinking are NOT saved. We are saved by what Jesus did on the cross, becoming the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus died as the sacrificial Lamb of God (John 1:29). He raised up the third day as our heavenly High Priest (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 4:14-15).

David J. Stewart, Soulwinning.info 12 Comments [1/28/2018 7:19:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 136298

I remember the highly inappropriate behavior of the female trial judge in the Georges Zimmerman case. Women, in general, lack judicial temperament and ought not to be on the bench (or practicing law, for that matter).

Diversity Heretic, Unz 10 Comments [1/28/2018 1:36:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 136282


I Think It's TRUE!!!, Godlike Productions 32 Comments [1/27/2018 11:38:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 136281

We are the ones being freed from the oppre$$ion of the N.W.O. cabal of evil "illuminazi$" by our 'Moses' President Donald J. Trump! Trump is protected by God Almighty, the deep $hyt $tate is starting to UNRAVEL BEFORE OUR EYES!!! Just as predicted by Mark Taylor and many other religious prophets, seers and even PSYCHICS!!!

DIE DEEP $TATE, DIE YOU M.FK, Godlike Productions 14 Comments [1/27/2018 11:38:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 136280

At its core, the left-right divide all comes down to the most basic principles.

Left = Plato. Anti-Christian. Anti-family. Imperialist.
Right = Aristotle. Christian. Pro-family. Nationalist.

This heuristic will allow you to quickly and easily categorize any ideology correctly and cut your way through even the most determined fog of nebulous redefinitions attempting to ideologically mischaracterize a person, a party, or a movement.

Anyone who is against Christianity is necessarily against the West, also known as Christendom. Remember that the concept of ideology is, in itself, an intrinsically Western concept.

UPDATE: based on my personal observations, you could reasonably add a fifth element to the heuristic.

Left = Redefinitions, complications, explanations, interpretations, penumbras, emanations, and appeals to authority, credentials, and the sacred spirit of Science.
Right = Truth

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 33 Comments [1/27/2018 11:38:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 136217

An Irish priest has put out an urgent call for backup to help with the growing demand for exorcisms in the country, according to reports.

“It’s only in recent years that the demand [for exorcisms] has risen exponentially,” Father Pat Collins said, adding that anyone who doesn’t see the need for more exorcists is “out of touch with reality.” Collins wrote an open letter to Irish Bishops asking them to begin training more priests to deal with exorcisms, and cited the International Association of Exorcists' belief that demonic activity has increased substantially in recent years.

Each Catholic diocese in Ireland is required to have a trained exorcist who can identify whether a person is suffering from mental illness or has been possessed.

Collins has been speaking out about the activities of what he has called “the evil one” for years. He is widely considered Ireland’s most prominent exorcist, and he has also advocated for the church to take a more active role in demon hunting.

Pat Collins, Rawstory.com 10 Comments [1/27/2018 11:06:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Doubting Thomas

Quote# 136265

Prophet mohammed sahilahy wasallam married aisha when she was six but waited until she was nine to vaginally consummate the marriage because Aisha was too small at age 6 to fit on the prophet sahilahy wasallam. Mohammed sahilahy wasallam was exemplary in care for his wives and he didnt want to hurt Aisha. No authentic hadiths i have ever found specify prophet’s dimensions. However as muslim i know prophet was the exemplary charachter so he knew how to treat his wives the best of any man.

mitch, Dailyantifeminist 12 Comments [1/27/2018 12:32:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 136264

Would you continue the friendship knowing your friend is a child molester?Your thoughts??? I cut ties with a friend who was a child molester. It took awhile and wanted to look past what he has done, then I just couldn't do it anymore. We never brought it up and talked about what happened.

Depends on the situation. I just loooove all you judgmental people. Thank the heavens I don't know any of y'all. Seriously, digging for someone's birthdate and such so you can run a background check on 'em? WOW, just wow.

What criteria are you using as an age for these "kids"? Is it anyone under 18? If so you better add a WHOLE bunch of people to that list of yours.

Are there real bad people out there? Sure there are. How about those that sell drugs? Kids get ahold of those drugs and become addicts/die, how about those who provide alcohol to minors, provide false ID's,left guns out so their kids could get ahold of 'em or are addicts and don't feed,clean or clothe their kids etc,etc,etc. so where are they in the scheme of things? All of these acts can cause irreparable harm to a "kid" so how do classify them oh holy ones?

Are there some people that I'd not talk to or avoid? Sure but it's on a case by case basis and NOT just limited to one group of people (or would it be better for y'all if I said "pariahs"? ).

Just remember this, if you dig hard enough you'll find skeletons in most everyone's closet and if you're being honest about how you judge people (instead of just jumping on a band wagon) many of you would only be left with talking to yourself in a mirror.

Given the very liberal attitudes towards all things that are being done by the youth today I bet y'all won't talk to anyone under 30 very soon.

jimj, city-data 6 Comments [1/27/2018 12:32:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 136263

The truth is that most men are pedophiles. Human beings spent hundreds of thousands of years reproducing immediately and being worn out old hags by 25. Attraction to 13-year-olds is hardwired into men's brains by evolution. Nothing can ever change that. And it's rather nice that Ben Franklin, Walt Whitman, Leonardo da Vinci, and millions of other famous active pedophiles were not persecuted for it, otherwise the human race would have been much worse off.

The government should drop all "age of consent" laws and make it a civil matter. Rape is rape, no matter the age of the victim, the only difference being that parents / guardians also have the right to press charges on their dependents' behalf. What you have now is government interfering even if all the people involved don't want it to, and even if it's just a picture on a computer... That's downright silly.

Child sexuality is a fact of life, and demagogue politicians and their enablers who refuse to see that still have a lot of growing up to do themselves!

Alex Libman, City-data 16 Comments [1/27/2018 12:31:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 136250

"Well parts of wise sociology is harm-reduction.

Say we have a person who is attracted to minors, and we construct the two opposing choices between 1) telling him that he is a monster and is going to offend sooner or later, and 2) telling him that he is a perv and lots of people are pervs and to stay clean off of minor-sex"

Neither of these is any harm reduction.

You explain why proposition nr 1 is wrong but what you should understand is that nr 2 is much, much worse.

- Calling somebody a "perv" would actually offend a sane person much more than the word "monster". A "perv" means... what? It sounds like a bunny dropping of a fifth rate mind.

-What do you care what lots of people are?

- Staying clean of minor sex is a horrible idea. First of all, bad/evil laws are there to be broken. And these laws are the epitome of evil so they should be broken, just like many German laws from WW2 should have been broken.

- The sole idea that somebody will abstain from sex due to laws in insane. It shows a fundamental misreading of human nature. You are like those idiots who tell incels to just "forget about women", while forgetting themselves that no incel would exist if their forefathers had "forgotten about women". A good advice to pedos should be- offend, offend, offend, as much as you can ! It is no offense at all. Of course one needs to worry about his safety as well as cops and many brainwashed civilians really enforce and believe in these laws but no sane human being will give up on sex due to laws. Horrible, abominable laws in that.

- You also forget the very important and ever present racial issue here. Most people who believe in these laws would also like to enforce laws in which you'd be hunted down and killed just for being white. They are dangerous, insane and shouldn't be listened to.

caamib, Eivind Berge's Blog 20 Comments [1/26/2018 2:00:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 136238

"I think"

And that's where your problem began.

Royce E. Van Blaricome, The Stream 17 Comments [1/26/2018 8:47:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 136234

Many Chinese have no morals or values and simply don't know the difference between right or wrong. None of the things like that are taught to them throughout their life. This is where Religion can be seen as a really good thing in instructing populations on societal norms and values. China is a perfect example of a nation with none.

5secondstourheart, Reddit 11 Comments [1/26/2018 2:39:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 136233

[fstdt commenter Snoogins' testimony]

Today seems to be one of the days where I can talk about this without being triggered, so here it goes.

I was very young when I was raped. There is a twelve year age difference between my assailant and myself and he was a minor when he assaulted me. Do the math. The horrible, horrible math. Instead of taking him to the police he was taken in front of the church elders. I never got justice. In fact, I was told that if I did not forgive this monster that God wouldn't forgive me. I was threatened with hellfire and damnation until I stopped talking about it and "forgave" him.

I consider myself lucky. Not only did I survive, I kept partial fertility. Many survivors who were my age when it happened lose the ability to have children. My daughters are my precious jewels.

It gets a little easier to deal with every year. A lot easier since I left the patriarchal, fundementalist church malarkey. My current counselor (an atheist and male feminist) is a blessing. And I have Christian friends I wouldn't trade for the world.

church elders, fstdt 16 Comments [1/26/2018 2:39:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 136232

[On Brandon Griesemer's terrorist threats toward CNN],

REDWAVE RISING TRUTH: Lol, CNN is fake news. Stop being fake news. You get caught all the time, stop it.

midgetsnowman: caught here meaning "I saw it on my facebook feed from a totally trustworthy site that also had a 15 page rant about ellen degeneres being the deep state"


REDWAVE RISING TRUTH, Twitter 11 Comments [1/26/2018 2:39:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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