Quote# 137171

Do you think it's a mere coincidence that the Word of God is so concise on world history? The Bible records the beginning of mankind at about 4,000 B.C., and secular history is eerily silent before 4,000 B.C. for those who claim to believe in evolution. If I were an evolutionist, I would be extremely disturbed by this FACT. Prove me wrong! I dare you. I triple-dog dare you to show me any recorded civilization before 4,000 B.C. And I don't mean some pottery jug or item that you claim is 14,000 years old--Show me any evidence of civilization prior to 4,000 B.C. You cannot. In fact, it is difficult to find much recorded history before 2,500 B.C., because the flood of Noah's day destroyed most of it.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 20 Comments [3/10/2018 1:56:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137168

Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Meet Elijah Muhammad (pictured above). He’s the founder of the Black Muslim Nation (religion). Elijah Muhammad was born in October of 1897 in Georgia to William and Marie Poole. He grew up poor with 7 brothers and 5 sisters. His father was a Baptist preacher. It’s hard to imagine Elijah Muhammad growing up in a Baptist home and then becoming a Muslim (one who adheres to the Islamic Faith), but he did. Genuine Muslims and Baptists believe each other are going straight to hell. Elijah Muhammad was a devout Muslim and believed that only Allah was God, not Jesus.

The Black Muslims have an official web site at “Muhammad Speaks Website.” The following quotes are taken directly off their web sight:

The following article was transcribed from a video-taped lecture of the 1973 "Savior's Day" Lecture given by Elijah Muhammad titled: A Savior Is Born, February 26, 1877—-“Brothers and Sisters, I'm so happy to see your smiling faces, who have come here from far and near to help us give thanks to Almighty God, Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, To Whom Praises is due Forever.”

Elijah Muhammad met W. D. Fard in 1931 for the first time and believed that Mr. Fard was literally Allah incarnate, with a message for Elijah to spread to all nations. Here are Elijah’s own words:

“In Detroit one day in the latter part of 1931, our leader met with Master W.D. Fard --THE SAVIOUR--Who was teaching among Blacks at 3208 Hasting Street. Our Leader immediately recognized the POWER of THE MESSAGE and THE MAN (MASTER W. D. FARD) Who said that He was God in Person. Our Leader, right away, accepted the Truth of the Message and the giver of the Message, seeking more insight, more wisdom, knowledge and more understanding.”

Master Fard Muhammad

Elijah Muhammad claimed that Mr. Fard had a black father who purposely married a white woman so their son would be white (to allow him to sneak into the U.S.A. unnoticed and liberate all blacks). Elijah believed that he was the last great prophet that Allah (W.D. Fard) would send before the end of the world. Here are Elijah Muhammad’s objectives:

“I am doing all I can to make the so-called Negroes see that the white race and their religion (Christianity) are their open enemies, and to prove to them that they will never be anything but the devils' slaves and finally go to hell with them for believing and following them and their kind.”

So it’s clear that one cannot be a Christian and a Black Muslim. Elijah Muhammad (as do all Muslims), rejects the deity of Christ (that He is God). They don’t believe Jesus was ever crucified, nor do they believe that Jesus can forgive sin. They say God has no Son. They claim Jesus was a prophet of Allah, no more. Both Islam (Muslims) and Black Muslims reject the Bible (Word of God) on the claim that it is distorted and corrupt, they claim the Quran (also Koran) as God’s only Word. The Quran is nothing more than an Anti-Jew, anti-Christian book filled with jumbled words and much contempt for Jesus Christ and His Word. It’s important to recognize
that orthodox Muslims (followers of the Islamic religion) are not the same thing as Black Muslims. Nearly all Muslims reject Elijah Muhammad and his foolishness. Elijah was first a Muslim and then simply started his own false religion in addition. Muslims do not recognize Elijah Muhammad as anything except a nut. However, the two religions do have quite a bit in common—mainly that Elijah Muhammad was an Islamic Muslim.
Elijah Muhammad foolishly claimed that the Bible prophesied of his coming in Deuteronomy 18:18 and Malachi 4:5.
Let’s hear what this prophet says about white people:

“The Yakub made devils were really pale white, with really blue eyes; which we think are the ugliest of colors for a human eye. They were called Caucasian.”

According to Elijah Muhammad, Yakub was a black scientist that created the white race in a laboratory by separating one of his own black germs; hence, all white people came from a black man. Elijah adds,

“The black nation is only fooling themselves to take the Caucasian race otherwise. This is what Jesus learned to their history, before He gave up His work of trying to convert the Jews or white race to the religion of Islam.

The Holy Quran (Surah 49:13-15) throws a great light on the truth of the creation of this pale, white race of devils. Black people have a heart of gold, love and mercy. Such a heart, nature did not give to the white race.”

Wow! This is religious science-fiction at it’s best folks.
If you want to know the sickening truth, visit their site at muhammadspeks.com Beware, this is a hate site in our opinion.

Muhammad was a racist, full of hate and resentment for all Christians and white people. This is wrong, and two wrongs don’t make a right! Racism is a sin, period! The Bible says, “For ALL HAVE SINNED…” (Romans 3:23). All men, of all races, of all religions are sinful and wicked. The Jews (whites) were enslaved for hundreds of years by the Egyptians, enduring cruel treatment and hard labor in the time of Moses. Elijah Muhammad is wrong to teach that white people are devils, WE ARE ALL DEVILS WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST!

Elijah Muhammad had a strong influence over multitudes of blacks because of his message against the cruelty, killings and slavery which was inflicted upon them by many of the whites. He offered a message of hope. Sadly, he rejected Jesus Christ and led many multitudes down a wrong path to Islam (Allah worship). His influence is still great today even though he died in 1975. His foolish teachings concerning the white race are ludicrous and simply indicate the bitterness and anger he was never able to resolve in his own sinful heart. He was a man without Christ!

Malcolm-X (or Malcolm Little) first converted to the Black Muslim religion while in prison. Upon his release in 1952, Malcolm-X became a minister of the Black Muslim religion. In 1963, he and Elijah Muhammad split up due to their differences. Malcolm converted over to orthodox Islam and denied his affiliation with Elijah Muhammad’s Black Muslim religion. Two years later in 1965, Malcolm-X was murdered.

Louis Farrakhan is also a Black Muslim and is well known for organizing the “Million-Man March” in Washington D.C. He follows the unscriptural doctrines of Elijah Muhammad, as do all Black Muslims. Below is the death announcement of Messenger Elijah Muhammad:

“On February 25, 1975, at the age of 78, Elijah Muhammad died in a Chicago hospital, reportedly, of congestive heart failure -- with no aid from white people, he left behind, an empire, estimated to be worth $60,000,000, which included LAND and cattle holdings in Michigan, Georgia and Alabama, along with grocery stores, restaurants, mosques, schools and newspapers, homes, clothing stores and many other things.”

All this wealth and Elijah Muhammad couldn’t take a dime of it with him. He left this world at 78 without Jesus and went straight to hell-fire and damnation. He didn’t go to hell because of his sins, but for his unbelief in Jesus Christ. All Muslims (Islamic and Black) reject Jesus Christ as their Savior. They say they will accept the Jews and Christians—"If they reject Christ." Will you reject Jesus Christ, God’s son? Call on Jesus now, friend, to forgive your sins.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 11 Comments [3/10/2018 1:55:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 137164

What always bothered me though was the idea some Christian fundamentalist types have that Halloween is too “dark” to be compatible with Christianity. This bothers me because I want to be Christian but the Christianity of sunshine, light and happiness seemed to exclude me. According to my parents I’ve had my days and nights mixed up since the day I was born, the light hurts my eyes and, well, “happiness” is just a word that no one has ever associated with me. It also struck me as extremely bizarre given my understanding of Christianity. Here you have a religion that has as its symbol a method of execution, a religion based on God becoming man, being killed, having people poke their fingers in his gaping wounds and who commands you to eat His flesh and drink His blood. All of this, and you think **I’M** too “creepy”!? I wonder sometimes if people are reading the same Bible I have because, as I have often said, Christianity is a Lovecraftian death-match, not a hippy religion.


Authentic Christianity, as I understand it, has nothing to do with this modern day collection of churches full of “nice” people who are all about sunshine and social justice, who think demons are just metaphors and God is so loving that He would never actually condemn anybody. Yes, God does love everyone but in a way that is far beyond our understanding. As far as being so loving as to never punish anyone, ever, all I can say is to tell that to the population that drowned in the flood or the parents of all the dead Egyptian children wiped out by an angel because their Pharaoh would not release the Israelites from bondage. God is not your BFF in the sky, God is not your “copilot” and God is not your ‘buddy’. God is beyond our comprehension, God is unfathomable to us and His ways are not our ways. God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-seeing) and omnipresent which, to put it in an unusual way but one which I prefer, is to say that God is so huge that He fills the entire universe and is everywhere at once. God is fair, God is just but if you think he’s too nice to punish you, just remember that when Jesus Christ died on the cross the sun was blacked out because God the Father turned His back on His own Son because he had just taken on the sin of every person to ever exist

Mad Monarchist, The Mad Monarchist 9 Comments [3/10/2018 1:54:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Michael

Quote# 137159

The only natives of the U.S.A. are the American Indians. Central American Indians have their own countries to be legitimate victim groups of.

WR_the_realist, American Renaissance 9 Comments [3/10/2018 1:53:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 137157

the goal for dissident maul-righters should be to push an agitprop campaign that associates normal, happy, positive words and terms with antisemitism in the minds of anti-gentiles: american, social cohesion, "ties that bind", school spirit, close-knit community, small town america, looking out for one another, etc.

Heartiste, Gab 6 Comments [3/10/2018 1:53:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137153

Sally Edwards:

The Christian will forgive your lack of discursive faculties relative to the fact that it was not stated that the carnally monikered "Big Bang" was a part of secular pseudo-theory of evolution. The fact that you ignored the thesis of the T-man's post tells us all we need to know about you, your reasoning capabilities, and your ignorance of the Christian Bible! Rather than concerning yourself with my degrees, including the Ph.D. that I earned at a secular university in California, focus on studying the Christian Bible in the hope that one day you might TRULY repent of your sins and come to Jesus to have the stature and wherewithal to verbalize anything that truly matters to any Christian within this illustrious symposium.

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Disqus Grace and Truth 11 Comments [3/10/2018 1:48:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 137134

What we appear to have here is an explanation for the German Foo-Fighters which were recorded during World War II and which seemed to fly of their own power and volition. This may or may not be so but Landzig may well have known about these and if so knew their origins. These seem to be a 'representation of the morphogenetic grid' which has something to do with what is called the Morphogenetic Field. This is simply a blueprint that stores information form how something is formed - like a 'blueprint' for the human shape or parts of the body etc. At least that is how I understand the concept. The Morphogenetic Grid, I am assuming, is linked to the Earth-Grid (Grid is an Earth-Giantess) and to Sacred Geometry.

These are 'fourth-dimensional interfaces with the Life-Force itself'; that is, this stems directly from the Life-Force of the Cosmos. They have something to do with what is called Thought-Forms (Tulkas) which are projected, vessels of creation. The power to manifest these appears to be what is called the Vril-Force.

This gives an explanation as to what the 'Balls of Light' are in the field of UFOs; these are not the 'Flying Saucers' spoken of by Viktor Schauberger and the sightings of these over the past few decades. They may be the 'Balls of Light' seen over the fields that have produced Crop-Circles; these have been photographed as one crop-circle was being made. I have myself witnessed a 'Ball of Light' passing across the skies at the time of the Hale-Bopp Comet. This was certainly not a 'Flying Saucer' but obviously a 'Ball of Light'; we have to distinguish between the two.

In the book the flying machines used to transport the subjects of the book are called by the name 'V-7' and referred to as a 'Spinning Disc'. Here we are in the realms of a physical spinning saucer-shaped disc. A flight to Prague is done in a Dostra Maschine which is some 45 metres long and made of Quettschmetall or 'crimp-metal' which is a highly compressed metal. This can do 830 kilometres per hour.

Wulf Ingessunu, Inglinga 5 Comments [3/10/2018 1:47:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137133

Why are people calling her strong and courageous. Anyone can take it off. It takes strength to keep it ON. Girl bye

Merwa Abdulla, Twitter 9 Comments [3/10/2018 1:47:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137132

[When you inadvertently stumble on leftist critiques of private power but extend it to nationalizing women]

if the phone company don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if the electric company don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if food distribution companies don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if hospitals don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
if women don't want me, fuck em i don't need em.
i am a libertarian, i am an island.


so alone.

Heartiste, Gab 10 Comments [3/10/2018 1:47:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137131

Another brutal AF ragefuel rejection from a slut from a r/braincels user. Women doing things like this is why mass shooters are praised.

I was actually on a date until a Chad LITERALLY stole her from me
I'm still shaken up by this. It happened last night, I somehow managed to manage with a 5/10 on tinder. Being a virgin and having kissed only one other girl, this was the best that could happen to me.

I'm short, extremely scrawny and have a long nose and thinning hair. Not exactly a catch.

Anyways, I meet her at the bar and for the most part she seemed nice to me. She didn't run away or anything. The night goes on and we're drinking and ordering food, quite a bit of it. I'm having a great time and I was thinking she was too.

With so much drinking I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, when I come back I see a muscular drunk chad sitting next to her with his tongue down her throat. As I'm walking towards the table they get up with Chad's arm around her and she tells me she has to leave. I see them walking away with his hands squeezing her ass.

She left me with the bill that I paid for.

I went back home jerked off and then cried

I never went on a date at all, but hell, i'm glad I never did. This shit would be brutal. Not sure why he would go to a bar for their first date; that's like the worst shit ever. Nothing new really. Post like this just makes me look forward to more heros out there.

Holy fucking shit sticky this. One of the most brutal things to do. I would leave without paying.

Its been time since I read something this brutal.

>she left me with the bill that I paid for.

If this is true... I... I'm sorry Elliot...

Look at his post and my comments from my vvv11 account. The WOMAN left with CHAD without paying. The poor guy had to pay for the whole date AFTER seeing this.

I've read worse on r/incels. Traumatizing/breakdown worthy shit over there.

God damnit, I.. just can't fathom his feelings after that major cucking.

Same, I was just talking to him on r/braincels. He seems... calm. Which is kinda scary.

Fuck, I would've blew my brains out If that happened to me

Same. Same. One rejection happened to me that I said I'd rope if it happened to me, and it did. Not sure how I'm here now.

This is why you avoid women.

Teach him to buy shit for foids, maybe he'll learn never to enable them next time.

Women deserve rape.

I hope this isn't real like wtf

Damn man Im so angry right now, this why I don't even try as a sub7 or 8 it's a lost cause, and JFL at going on dates with someone you barely know


Hookup culture is just fucking wonderful isn't it.

various commenters, incels.me 11 Comments [3/10/2018 1:22:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137130

[RageFuel] Tyrone and Chad Can Get Away With Stealing

Getting food at Subway at my uni, and these fucking mega Tyrones (definitely here for sports) are getting their food. The fellow blackcel monkeys behind the counter are ooga booga-ing with these Tyrones holding up the line. After the Tyrone pays for his sub, he just walks over and takes two things of doritos without even hiding it.

At the same time, a fellow incel next to me got completely fucked. They switched his sub with an online order and started putting shit he didn't want on it. He told them to stop and they didn't even apologize, ask if it was okay, or if he wanted a new sub.

More proof that you just have to be attractive to be venerated by society.

Tyrone = GL black guy or tall and muscular black guy?

He was GL, tall as fuck, ripped, and just perfect in a lot of ways. Seriously a giga-tyrone.

Primitive game too strong.

The same thing it means for Chad, Chang, Super Pajeet. 8or8+/10 Aesthetics and not short with decent shoulder width and a slim or muscular physique. Don't listen to the other idiots claiming otherwise and saying face dosent matter for blacks.

Black men have massive dicks and white women die for that.

I have experienced this at my high school, but never at my University. That is probably because the athletes at my school are already considered royalty and would never have to purchase their own food.

OP = Uncle Tomcel. Why are you talking about your own kind like you're some alt right faggot?

Tallfags already get everything handed to them in life, but no they need even more. All tallfags and the roastlets they fuck deserve to be acid faced. I hate the early puberty fags that were tallfags until everyone caught up to them in puberty. Just seeing their life quality decrease a fuck ton just because they aren't tall anymore makes me rage inside.

White men have big dicks too, well almost all of them (not me)

good, more alt-right soldiers were created that day

various commenters, incels.me 5 Comments [3/10/2018 1:20:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137127

(Note: They are reacting to r/AskReddit thread "What age did you lose your virginity?")

[LDAR] Daily reddit suicidefuel

“What age did you lose your virginity

Didn't read, but I'll wager the average age there is 7 to 12 years old.

>12 with a 17 year old at the time, he was such a sweetheart. Looked him up on Facebook and found out he died of pneumonia :(
>I was 13. We were suppose to be working on some project in grade 8. I took his student ID and put it down my panties, told him to go look for it. We were just getting to the good part when my mother came to see if we need snacks.
>I was 10, not sure if this counts as rape because I enjoyed it


First one is lifefuel I suppose.

just kys if you're a virgin after middle school



LOL. I almost roped after I lost my virginity at 24 to a hooker (told myself I didn't want to be a 25yo virgin). Felt so empty and dirty afterwards, and ashamed that I had to pay to a rather ugly femoid to (badly) pretend to be sexually interested in me. Literally didn't leave the house for 3 days and drank myself into stupor from morning till night, would barf, pass out and drink again.

I was such a naive faggot back then, I look back and wonder if it was really me.

When I kill myself I'll get 72 virgins, so probably then.

various commenters, incels.me 9 Comments [3/10/2018 1:20:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 137122

My nephew sent me SuicideFuel.

I give up on life. I have a nephew (15) whom is one of the only friends I have on Snapchat. As a joke, I snapped him a video of me watching anime. He has sent me a clip of a girl giving him a BJ at a park. I’m fucking done. At 15 I was playing games and watching movies and shit. Fuck this earth

Jokes on him though because I have Phantom Snap which automatically saves any incoming media. Fuck it seriously, I can’t believe this. I quit. In a fuckin Park

As an unclecel I will no doubt have to endure the same unfortunately.
It's over when 15- year olds are having sexual experiences while you rot and post in an incel forum.

Never acknowledge him ever again. Seriously I'd never talk to him after that.

I can’t believe this shit falls into place so simply for Chad. He met here on kik. Fucking kik of all places I’m out.

i had a friend like that in highschool, he used to get sucked off by his GF in public at age 15/16 all the time. actually he did something suicidefuel worthy again last night which i will make a thread about

(Richard spencer)
Welp now u have to go ER on him,unfortunate but it has to be done.

What degenerate scumbag. Hope he gets STDs.

And people wonder why I'm here.

TFW when kids half your age gets to know what prime pussy feels like. Why even live at this point

If my cousin or nephew ever did this to me I'd beat his ass. Thats some disrespectful shit.

I would beat the fuck outta him tbh

TFW you will never be with a prime jb.

(Mr Joyboy)
Your nephew has to go in an oven. Want to do the honours?

I remember in highschool one of the black kids in class had videos of half the girls in school giving him head. I think that was the first time I saw someone elses dick. This is back in the flip phone era too mind you. no snap. literally hey man check this out. *hands me his phone*

Hope you don't live in JewSA because you just admitted to having cp. FBI gonna go knock knock

various commenters, incels.me 7 Comments [3/10/2018 1:20:05 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 137121

Of course I'm crazy, insane, deeply disturbed etc., in the eyes of unbelievers and especially in the eyes of God-deniers=atheists, because they don't realize that Satan doesn't want them to listen to me, and he's using his influence on them to come up with hostility, mockery and all kinds of nonsense.

Hanss, Ezekiel 38 Rapture 5 Comments [3/10/2018 1:18:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137116

No one can detect gravity or what it comprises. But we know it exists because of the affect it has on material elements. Similarly with spiritual entities such as souls. We can't detect them directly, but we know they exist because they can impart conscious acts of will on an otherwise physically deterministic universe.

Alan Burns, Religion and Ethics 5 Comments [3/10/2018 1:18:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 137109

"Today's Laugh 3-7-18"

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 13 Comments [3/10/2018 1:18:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137099

Sure! To get started there’s this video where they discuss the amount of funding the trans lobby has accrued in a very short time. And there’s this post by Miranda Yardley. He touches on the rich autogynephiles in positions of power in trans lobby organizations, and how these same organizations get millions of $$$ in bourgeois patronage from Starbucks, Apple, NBC, etc. Here’s another blogger who noticed how much elite support transgenderism has received.

Wealthy white men are at the top of the trans lobby. Magdalen Berns even responded to a VICE video which gave a glimpse of how many rich autogynephiles live in New York. Spoiler: there’s a lot. Not only do they tend to be wealthy, but they were inundated in strict conservatism growing up, so they tend to gravitate to a wholly stereotyped vision of “womanhood” that looks like it came out of the 50s. Unsurprisingly, their foray into transgenderism is always sexually charged and there’s at least an implied fetish element. So transgenderism is under the ideological leadership of the world’s least oppressed people.

Transgenderism accomplishes a ton of bourgeois goals all at once. It promotes woman-hatred. It is obliterating the concept of womanhood in popular discourse. It is completely destroying feminism through a divide-and-rule strategy; liberal feminists are employed as flying monkeys and radical feminists are subjected to extreme censorship and violence. It is an automatic backlash against the meager gains for LGB rights in the past couple decades; it has rebranded conversion therapy as progressive; it has declared lesbianism transphobic; and it has introduced “gender identity” into anti-discrimination laws, which completely nullifies protections on the basis of sex and sexual orientation. It has given privileged white men an oppressed card, which has completely slowed down the black liberation movement and the socialist movement, as both these movements try to reconcile fighting for the oppressed while obeying the whim of whiny narcissists. It helps spread imperialism when it starts getting exported into the third world and picks up “culturally specific genders” as its pawns.

It’s also extremely profitable. At the base of transgenderism are some utterly reactionary philosophical assumptions. Transgenderism is idealist, meaning it elevates the mind and subjective feeling above material reality. It is mechanical, meaning it encourages the view that reality is made up of frozen parts, instead of the dialectical view that reality is a dynamic whole. In practice it relies on sophistry and fascist violence. Of course it hasn’t introduced these ways of thinking into capitalist society, but it is fundamentally a product of these ways of thinking.

communistroader, Tumblr 4 Comments [3/10/2018 1:14:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137090

[incest in Adam and Eve's family]

In ancient times, when the air contained double the amount of oxygen, there was nothing wrong with incest. Incest was genetically safe.

A brother and his sister are still a man and a woman. Nothing wrong with that. People today are just grossed by it due to cultural influence.

Shadow, Y! answers 7 Comments [3/10/2018 1:06:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 137077

And I am not buying into fat being unhealthy - it’s not inherently unhealthy and even if it was, fat people can do whatever the fuck they want with their health - but if I did pretend to accept that, your arguments are still fucked up.

You just hate fat people.

Sofie Hagen, Twitter 7 Comments [3/10/2018 1:06:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 137076

Right, is anyone currently working on getting this piece of shit CancerResearchUK advert removed from everywhere? Is there something I can sign? How the fucking fuck is this okay?

Sofie Hagen, Twitter 14 Comments [3/10/2018 1:05:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Daspletosaurus

Quote# 137064

I feel I was a responsible bully - never went too far, only targeted those whose behavior really needed changing. I used to give this kid shit for dressing like he was from the 80s and then one day he comes in dressed like a regular person. Another guy never spoke to anyone - after getting jumped a few times he got the idea that you need people who have your back in this life. Basically character-forming stuff.

All these anti-bullying programs have wussified schools to the point that there's no social pressure to confirm to any sort of normal behavior, and so we get things like bronies and trannies.

Macroaggression, reddit 20 Comments [3/10/2018 1:04:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 137063

IDF taps chief rabbi who once seemed to permit wartime rape

Eyal Karim later retracted remarks; has also said women's enlistment is 'entirely forbidden,' opposes female singing at army events

Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot on Monday nominated a rabbi who once appeared to condone rape during wartime to take over as the IDF’s chief chaplain. Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim has also maintained that it is “entirely forbidden” for women to serve in the military for reasons of modesty and has opposed female singing at army events.

Karim was embroiled in controversy in 2012 for his response to a question posed to him (Hebrew link) on the religious website Kipa, asking in the light of certain biblical passages if IDF soldiers, for example, were permitted to commit rape during wartime despite the general understanding that such an act is widely considered repugnant.

In his response, Karim implied that such practices, among several others that were normally prohibited — including the consumption of nonkosher food — were permitted during battle.

“Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties,” he wrote. “And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.”

When the quote surfaced in 2012 and caused a media firestorm, he published a clarification stating that his comments were in no way meant to be applied in the modern era, but rather pertained to a theoretical discussion of the biblical permission for a Jewish soldier to kidnap an enemy woman and wed her.

“Obviously, in our times, when the world has advanced to a level of morality in which one does not marry captives, one must not perform this act, which is also entirely against the army’s values and orders,” he wrote.

The IDF on Monday responded to allegations against Karim, saying the colonel “wishes to clarify that his words were only uttered in response to a theoretical hermeneutical question, certainly not to a practical halachic question.

“Rabbi Karim never wrote, said, or even thought that an IDF soldier is permitted to sexually harm a woman during wartime,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit added in a statement.

On the matter of women’s enlistment, Karim wrote in 2002 that it was explicitly forbidden.

“In a situation such as the one during the War of Independence, in which there was a real pikuah nefesh [matter of life or death] of the Jewish people, women also participated in the defense of the nation and country, even though the situation was not so modest,” he wrote. “But in our era we do not live with a real threat to our survival.

“And because of the liable damage to the modesty of the girl and the nation, the great rabbis and the Chief Rabbinate have ruled that the enlistment of girls to the IDF is entirely forbidden.”

In 2011, Karim also wrote that women should not sing at army events. If women do perform, soldiers who object to attending the events on religious grounds should be allowed to skip, he added.

Several Israeli lawmakers decried Karim’s appointment.

Meretz party leader Zehava Galon said that Karim is not “suitable to be the rabbinic authority of the army, in which tens of thousands of women serve, and is not suitable to represent Jewish morality in any form.” She also condemned “his frightening, racist, and inflammatory statement” regarding wartime rape.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid urged Karim to disavow his remarks about women’s enlistment, saying that without a public statement to that effect “he cannot be the military chief rabbi.”

“Regarding the reports that he said that beautiful gentile women can be raped during wartime, it appears this is not his opinion,” Lapid continued. “But if he thinks this, not only may he not be the chief military rabbi, he can’t even be a rabbi.”

In addition to Karim, Eisenkot nominated another 12 colonels for promotion to brigadier general, pending the approval of Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman.

Eyal Karim, Times of Israel 2 Comments [3/10/2018 1:04:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137062

The Lord said we would be persecuted and yes the U.N. looks the other way.

The U.N. wants the antichrist to take over. We need out of it. Pray and watch our Lord is coming.

Rickandkim Sells, Facebook 1 Comments [3/10/2018 1:01:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137061

ALL our rights are being stripped away people, our constitution is being ignored and murder is getting the stamp of approval and yet if you murder anyone, EXCEPT unborn BABIES..HUMAN BEINGS, THEN....you are charged and you pay the consequence and rightfully so. They force you to have insurance and they are finding away to FORCE YOU to participate in this? OMG! WE have to draw a line people and take a stand.. THIS IS WRONG!!

Char Edwards, Facebook 3 Comments [3/10/2018 1:01:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137176

Anonymous, Tell Mama 7 Comments [3/10/2018 12:39:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives
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