Quote# 136883

(=On a educational video on Universalism=)

You are a false teacher preaching annihilationism which is unbiblical.
You will be held accountable for everyone you deceive.?
Did you even watch it? He is saying hell is just a temporary place where you get "refined" and you will eventually make it to heaven and the devil is going to heaven too. This is total heresy and sends a dangerous message to lost people because it makes them think they will escape eternal Hell and they can sin all they want and not have to worry. This clown thinks he has stumbled across special knowledge but he is just a fool twisting scripture and preaching some strange perverted form of Universalism.
You can follow him into Hell if you want, it's your freewill to do so.?

Infinite Architect, Youtube 3 Comments [3/10/2018 8:52:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 136833

The right of decent private citizens to personally possess, transport, and responsibly use arms without government interference is the ultimate freedom and the main pillar supporting all other liberties. Few cultures have allowed their general population access to weapons, the tools of power, to the same degree as the United States. Instead, most societies have restricted the keeping and bearing of arms to a select few power brokers and their agents, often resulting in oppression on a grand scale.

Despite a massive amount of historical evidence to the contrary, there is a substantial body of Americans, many occupying positions of influence, who contend that the abrogation of the Second Amendment is the quickest path to domestic tranquility. Since this is as absurd as advocating blood-letting as a cure for anemia, it would seem advisable to question the motives and mentalities of the gun control advocates themselves.

In my observation, weapon prohibitionists can be broken down into seven major categories. Even though their motives may vary they all pose a mortal threat to liberty.

Many of those in favor of oppressive firearms legislation are are best classed as elitists. Elitists frequently identify with a peer group based on wealth, power, rank, social status, occupation, education, ethnic group, etc. and perceive themselves and their peers as inherently superior to and more responsible than the "common people", thus more deserving of certain rights. Since elitists practically consider those outside their class or caste as members of another species, that most anti-elitist list of laws, the Bill of Rights is viewed by them as anathema. Naturally, the Second Amendment is their first target as it serves as the supporting structure for other nine amendments.

Another type of individual who favors the restriction of private gun ownership is the authoritarian. Authoritarian personalities are characterized by their belief in unquestioning obedience to an authority figure or group and a disdain for individual freedom of action, expression, and judgement. Those with authoritarian personalities function well in symbiosis with elitists occupying positions of power. Because authoritarians repress their desires for autonomy they harbor a deep resentment toward free and independent thinkers. Of course authoritarians do not want firearms in the hands of the general population as this constitutes a major obstacle to fulfilling their pathological and obsessive desire to control people.

It goes without saying that career criminals would like to see the public disarmed for obvious reasons. A well-armed population makes crimes such as assault, robbery, and burglary hazardous for the perpetrator and this is bad for "business." Also, it would seem that even non-violent or "white collar" criminals live in constant fear of retribution from the public that they financially bleed and would therefore prefer that the public be disarmed. Evidence supporting this hypothesis can be gathered by studying the Second Amendment voting records of those legislators who have been convicted of willful misconduct.

Cowards by definition are easily or excessively frightened by things and situations that are recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful. It therefore stands to reason that the mere thought of guns and the circumstances in which they are employed causes them abnormal amounts of stress. Rather than admit their weakness to themselves or others, some fearful types jump on the anti-gun bandwagon and purport moral superiority to those "barbaric"enough to employ lethal force against armed assailants by claiming various humanitarian and pragmatic motives for allowing evil to remain unchecked. In reality, many of these individuals harbor an envy induced resentment toward anyone with the means, skill, and will to successfully stand up to criminal aggression.

The desire to assert oneself exists in nearly everyone, wimps included, so cowards seek out tame enemies against whom they can ply their pitiful brand of machismo. Instead of the sociopaths who commit acts of wanton aggression with guns, guns themselves and responsible gun owners are the main targets of their attacks. After all, real criminals are dangerous, so cowards prefer doing battle with inanimate objects that do not have a will of their own and decent law-abiding people whose high level of integrity and self discipline prevent them from physically lashing out against mere verbal assailants, however obnoxious they may be.

Ideological chameleons follow the simple social strategy of avoiding controversy and confrontation by espousing the beliefs of the people in their immediate vicinity or advocating the philosophy of those who scream the loudest in a debate. Quite a few supposedly pro Second Amendment public officials have shown themselves to be ideological chameleons when they supported restrictions on the private possession of military style semiautomatic rifles following recent atrocities in which such firearms were employed. Like their reptilian namesake, people who merely blend in with the ambient philosophical foliage seem to have little insight into the moral and social ramifications of their actions. Political and/or economic gain along with avoidance of confrontation are their only goals.

Security monopolists are those members and representatives of public and private security providing concerns who want the means of self protection out of private hands so that they can command high fees for protecting the citizenry against the rising tide of crime. These profiteers stand to loose a great deal of capital if citizens can efficiently defend themselves. To the security monopolist, each criminal who enters and exits the revolving door of justice is a renewable source of revenue providing jobs for police, social workers, victim counsellors, judges, prison employees, security guards, burglar alarm installers, locksmiths, and others employed by the security monopolies or their satellite organizations. No wonder it is so common for an honest citizen to be more ruthlessly hounded by the authorities when he shoots a criminal in self defense than a criminal who shoots honest citizens.

Just as a limb will weaken and atrophy if not used, so will aspects of the mind fail to develop if nothing in one’s environment exists to challenge them. People who have led excessively sheltered lives tend to have a difficult time understanding certain cause and effect relationships and an even harder time appreciating just how cruel the world can be. These dysfunctionally unworldly types are truly perplexed at the very notion of firearms ownership with regard to defense. To them, tyranny and crime are things that happen in other places far removed from their "civilized" universe. Also, they do not understand the value of private property and why some people would fight for theirs since they never had to work hard to acquire what they possess. While those suffering from dysfunctional unworldliness are most often people who have been born into considerable wealth, this condition is also common in members of the clergy, academicians, practioners of the arts, and others who have spent much of their lives cloistered in a safe and pampering environment. While many of these people may be quite talented and intelligent in some ways, their extreme naivety makes them easy prey for the tyrants who use them for the financial support and favorable advertisement of their regimes. Needless to say, the anti-gun movement is well represented and financed by the dysfunctionally unworldly.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and it behooves all vigilant lovers of liberty to know and be able to recognize the various types of arms prohibitionists and understand their differing but equally dangerous motives. Acquiring knowledge of one’s foes is the first step toward defeating them. We must never forget that a threat to private firearms ownership is a threat to all freedoms.

The inalienable and fundamental right to keep and bear arms which is enumerated by (but actually predates) the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is not about hunting, gun collecting, or target shooting. Its purpose is to insure that every responsible American personally possesses the means to defend the Republic from all forms of tyranny, within and without. It is what permits the other nine Amendments in the Bill of Rights to be more than mere hollow phrases on a piece of paper. Its free exercise is the antithesis of serfdom and the only meaningful form of holocaust insurance known to man.

We must never insult and degrade the spirits of our Founding Fathers by permitting the Second Amendment, the pillar of freedom, to be destroyed by the cold flame of legislative ink.

Gus Cotey Jr, Jews For The Preservation Of Firearm Ownership  1 Comments [3/10/2018 8:51:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 136830

Bahai'ism is nothing more than a political group backed by the Great Satan (the US) and the Little Satan (the Zionist Regime) that has sought to overturn the mandate of the Islamic Revolution since February of 1979. As such, the Baha'i have forefitted their rights to life and protection by the state and need to be eliminated. I want Qasem Soleimani to send his army of 15,000 to every Baha'i settlement in Iran and take all Bahai's hostage and hang, draw, and quarter all Baha'i men and burn all Baha'i women at the stake (after raping them) for rejecting Shi'a Islam and the twelve Imams.?

glennmillerfan, YouTube 2 Comments [3/10/2018 8:50:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 136829

So-called "tough love", coined by James Dobson, has harmed and put more kids on the street homeless by their own parents, simply for being born gay.
No -- it's not "love" at all.

Ken Faivor:
Bleeding heart for those who live in sin are you?..... Not me, sin has consequences. This has to be learned, he earlier the better. If it's not learned here where will you learn it?........ In hell?........To late.
This is why mothers don't make good fathers......They like to coddle.

Just... wow.
You advocate throwing your own child out on the street simply because they were born gay?
That's the definition of heartless.
(And insulting me because I'm a mother? Seriously?)

Ken Faivor:
Yes, seriously.......A big problem today. Kids being brought up without a proper father figure......Maybe that's why some are gay.....You think? Mommy's boy's.

No, that's not why they are gay. They're gay because that's how they were born. Everyone's orientation is an innate human quality.
You think disowning your child, throwing them out and making them homeless is acceptable?
No, it's neither "tough" nor "love".
It's *cowardice* and *fear*, directed at your own child.

Ken Faivor:
You being so defensive makes me think you have a gay son......Do you?

I'm a lesbian. And I know people who've experienced the reality of so-called "tough love" -- the reality of receiving hate, fear and indifference along with a complete lack of care for their own children.
I didn't experience that when I came out, because my family didn't disown me, throw me out and try to explain away the reality of having a gay child. They continued to love and accept me as I do for them. In fact, precisely *because* they didn't listen to Dobson's nonsense, our family relationship is stronger than it has ever been and our faith has grown immeasurably as well.

Ken Faivor:
Well, your family can accept you as a lesbian if they want to, but God won't.......How do you feel about that?

Ken Faivor, Disqus - Religion 6 Comments [3/10/2018 8:50:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 136828


You mean you know little girls that walk around with .44 Magnums as their carry pistol? LOL! Maybe you ought to get them a DEs just to balance them out!

Not to brag, but this Christian owns 57 handguns, and not some junk like the redneck Ruger. I'll stick to my Grand Raptor, CZ 75, and my .40 S&W chambered P229. The ladies can have more suitable armaments, like the P-64, or compact M&P in .45 which is accurate and easy to field strip.


Relative to you liking the CZ 75, you should try the vz.58 rifle, if you haven't already. After acquiring a few for myself and friends several years ago, back when Obozo was trying to ban guns and ordered the Feds to purchase obscene amounts of ammo to drive up the prices, I'd say it's a must at any Christian shootout or youth training camp!

Regards the woman, you're kidding us, right? Right? Surely a Christian woman knows her place in the Godly scheme of things, and will not take upon herself to make any choice without explicit acceptance from her husband! Therefore, ultimately, it is up to the man to decide. While usually, the woman may be allowed her own choices, sometimes, a manly decision may be required! (e.g. Hebrews 12:6 in context of 1 Cor 11:3).

In the name of our Savior,
Brother T

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Disqus Grace and Truth 9 Comments [3/10/2018 8:48:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 136812

[Comment under "New SJW tactic : AHS combats "hate" by publicly laughing at an incel who is considering suicide."]

I'm not saying some rape from time to time is not justified, but certainly not to the extent /r/incels talks about it. /u/caamib is scary.

Tried to rape his mom. Now has plans to rape his daughter. But would you rather he exposed himself on Reddit, or just went on to do it in his country where nobody would care? I believe in giving degenerates enough rope to hang themselves (figuratively). I also believe in actually hanging them in some cases.

whereismysafespace_, Reddit - r/Drama 9 Comments [3/10/2018 8:47:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 137167

I didn't say that because many major scientists believed in Creationism that it proved Creationism is real. I was merely pointing out that being a scientist does not mean one is not a Creationist, and that all scientists are not evolutionists.

If someone uses the Bible to justify racism, they are making up things since racism isn't in the Bible. However, if someone uses evolution to fuel their racism, well, that is what evolution is based upon. It surely isn't built upon science.

Evolution has never been proven. Even evolutionists will tell you that.

Guest Verified, Christian News Network 11 Comments [3/10/2018 2:46:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137166

The fossil record proves the Great Flood, not evolution.

By referring to Christian behavior, I was referring to those who are truly born again and who walk that way. You can spot them by the kind of fruit they have.

The living breathing God was demonstrated when Jesus Christ, an historical figure, walked the earth. He is alive to this day, and seated on the right hand side of His Father. You can talk to Him any time, read His works in the greatest Book (and world's bestseller) to this day. He still does miracles, answers prayers, and forgives sins. If you tried Him (tested Him, proved Him, sought Him), you'd be blown away.

Guest Verified, Christian News Network 11 Comments [3/10/2018 2:46:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137165

The bottom line is this: if liberalism is supposed to be all about the power of the people and allowing the people to do exactly as they please; why are so many people in even the most “successful” of liberal societies so constantly unhappy and discontented? The answer, as should be all to obvious by now given recent events in both Europe and America, is that the people are not actually ruling themselves, they never have done and doubtless never will. They are being ruled but not in an open and honest way and this means that they are being manipulated by those who are their rulers but do not wish to be seen as such. This, I think, is something no traditional monarch has or could ever be accused of doing. For them, such a thing would have been unseemly as well as unnecessary but in the liberal system of idealism, it must be done to maintain the charade, to keep hiding the truth that liberalism is just as totalitarian as every other political “ism” that has ever been devised.

The Mad Monarchist, http://madmonarchist.blogspot.co.nz 6 Comments [3/10/2018 2:46:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Michael

Quote# 137161

I prefer the more accurate term of art “countersemitic”. (The ADL, unsurprisingly, does not.) We are countering the malicious agenda of a hostile minority intent on drowning us in foreign invaders, trite consumerism, backbreaking debt, endless interventionist wars, and basically anything that destroys the historical and cultural bonds of the majority’s community, neighborhood, town, and nation.

Free Trade is practically a euphemism for Open Borders. The underlying motivation of the neocons and their useful signalers is One World Deracination. Neocon Globalists love free trade because they love open borders, cheap dispensable labor, and a terrorformed society that restricts the ability of Whites to act as a bloc and petition for their own interests. Arguing from the relatively benign premise of free trade allows the shift to “free movement of labor” rhetoric, which is the real goal of the Nation Wreckers.

Most fortunately for the Nation Saviors, “free trade” has become justifiably saddled with negative connotations, so this neocon sleight of rhetoric no longer works as well as it once did (there are still GOPe cuck hold-outs, but they’ll bend the knee to Trumpism in due time). Tariffs, for example, are immensely popular, and support cuts across voter demos. The latest poll has 80% of Americans supporting Trump’s tariffs.

Neocon Globalists pull more than their weight, but they aren’t acting alone. The universalist strain runs deep in neoliberal Gentile Whites.

Ovidiu Stoica notices,

It is a continuation of the liberal project of modernity which started in the 18th century but got trapped inside the national state because of nationalism. The goal is universal individualism and contractual only relations between individuals- no non-commercial (not chosen) community ties&bonds which would limit the individual.

Pure transactionalism is, ironically, dehumanizing of the individual, because we didn’t evolve in a social vacuum. There are those who would like us atomized and vacuum-sealed, but they don’t have the majority’s interests at heart, so it’s smart to dismiss their agitations as the effluvium of tribal spite, and to stop pretending they are worth heeding and that they know what’s best for us.


Why? is a great question, and “social status striving” left to stew in a cauldron of envy and in-group favoritism is the answer. Status striving to feed an insatiable ego is a powerful force, powerful enough in some successful but implacably resentful minority groups to convince them to destroy the country they live in to spite the majority. As well, this particular group (and others who have evolved a similar temperament) may be better able to handle the societal instability their spite creates, and so for them the increase in their relative power vis-à-vis the shrinking majority is worth the comparatively smaller decrease in their well-being caused by the consequences of their monstrous Babelic creation.

CH, Chateau Heartiste 1 Comments [3/10/2018 2:35:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 137160

Yeagley himself was a decent man, yes, and I respected what he had to say, and respect the friendship he had with Jared Taylor. Let us not forget, however, that the AmerIndians play the race card and victim game just like the Negroids and Mestizos, and know exactly what they are doing. A reservation may not be the violence place that the Black Ghetto is, that is true, but it is nothing great. All of those tasteless jokes the Libtarded Media makes denigrating poor Whites more than apply to Indian Reservations. Meth Labs, Welfare Checks, and Casinos.

ODDeutschePolkaConfederate, American Renaissance 4 Comments [3/10/2018 2:35:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137158

My ancestors came to America from Europe, and I'm glad that they had the sense not to miscegenate with the AmerIndians. Before we put the AmerIndians on such a pedestal, we should remember what Hell they put the European settlers through. The Injuns love to fight, get very drunk on small servings of alcohol unlike us Caucasians, and want to wreak havoc once they are snookered. In the Upper Midwest, German and Scandinavian settlers went through Hell with these savages, who were the aggressors 99% of the time. The wild Indians could not just allow folks to peacefully farm the land the Government had sold them. My forebears hated the Native Americans, and had good reason to hate these angry savages who were always attacking for no reason. I'd rather have Arabic Christians from Syria and Lebanon living next to me than some drunken Injun that wants to fight all of the time for absolutely no reason whatsoever, other than their own irascible temperament. I'll take an Injun over a Negro or their Mestizo Chalupa Eater racial cousins, but that is about it. Injuns need to stay segregated from Whites, and intimate relations with them is, IMO, most definitely miscegenation. As far as Yeagley, I liked what he had to say about Whites not allowing our country to be taken from us. I also considered him non-White, and found his referring to himself as a Kraut very off-putting. German Americans calling ourselves Krauts would be akin to Italian Americans calling themselves Dagos, Irish Americans calling themselves Micks, etc. Yeagley was an AmerIndian first and foremost, just like these Mestizos and Mulattoes in that he was most in touch with his non-White side.

OHDeutschePolkaConfederate, American Renaissance 6 Comments [3/10/2018 2:34:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 137156

AmerIndians are not White people. In some cases, they were friends to European settlers, that is true, but more often than not they resented our presence here, and let us know this by raping our women, scalping and killing innocent settlers in the dark of night who were only trying to peacefully farm land they had been sold fair and square. Many settlers tried their best to reason with the Indians, but reasoning with an Injun that has had half a glass of beer is an exercise in futility.

I can't really blame them for resenting the presence of Europeans, as I resent the invasion of my own country,what is done is done though, and Native Americans would be wise to chose proper alliances, and the only ones who would ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for native americans is the white man. That is not possible when the US is flooded by Asians, Africans, and Mexicans..

Martel, American Renaissance 0 Comments [3/10/2018 2:31:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 137155

Bullying is a good thing

I am a supporter of traditional bullying; things like name calling and locking in lockers and wedgies. This is different than some modern bullying, like hacking into someone's phone and sharing their nudes with the entire school; as that is clearly on a different level.

But I believe that for children, bullying helps teach them ways to cope with those types of people and toughens them up as people. Kids who get bullied should learn how to block out negative influences and to have thick skin; and eventually to stand up and do something to stop it, providing a life lesson and strengthening them as a person.

Trying to protect kids from bullies or stop bullying from happening (which will never work) just teaches kids to be victims, which creates weak adults. These victim children turn into adults that can't stand up for themselves to a boss or assertive co-worker, and continue to play the victim their entire lives instead of achieving personal growth.

Speaking of adults, adult bullying doesn't exist. Once you're an adult you are capable of figuring out how to either stand up to the person or find a way to remove yourself from the situation. Bullying is term for children and doesn't apply to adults, in the same way an adult wouldn't call someone they're interested in their "crush".

And for the record, I was bullied for being overweight most of my life. This opinion comes from my own ability to learn to cope with these "bullies".

TL;DR: bullying makes kids stronger and teaches them not to act like victims their entire lives

Tokestra420, reddit 19 Comments [3/10/2018 2:26:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Menomaru

Quote# 137154

If you believe in karma you'd never suggest that today's white european descendants are responsible for the misery of today's natives.. you are a simpleton.. its not stolen lands.. its conquered lands.. and as far as that goes the question of whether natives are the 'first' is just that a big fat question... the 'carbon footprint' comment is laughable.. truly... http://plantsneedco2.org .. natives want separate special treatment, I say they should get none... then there would be real 'reconciliation' .. hundreds of years of whites are born natives and fish and hunt and log .... 'hunter gatherers' is not just a native way of life and you are now trying to say it is ?? I don't know why natives feel so special and unique.. I know that liberals feed that narrative and I have no idea why... as for not liking the Western way of life they like their trucks and fishing boats and they sure like their cheap tobacco and cheap booze... so they just want to pick and choose.. maybe their plumbing is western too .. but we call it civilization, its an improvement over shitting in the woods.

Katebushfan666, Eurocanadian 7 Comments [3/10/2018 2:26:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 137152

Okay, I tried, but I can't hold my tongue any longer on your IDIOTIC posts.

This is exactly the kind of presuppositional FOOLISHNESS that belches out of the mouths of armchair "scientists" when common core meets the FAITH of the Church of Darwin.

The absence of kangaroo fossils are not remarkable anymore than you not seeing fossils from roadkill today.

How much roadkill do you EVER see fossilized? ZERO! Why aren't you WHINING about that FACT?

Likewise your a-priori commitment to the fossilizing of kangaroos as they "hopped to Australia" REQUIRES rapid entombment to fossilize. Were you expecting another flood to entomb the survivors of the flood?

Here's a really easy to understand article if you can't extrapolate what I'm saying:


Tele Man, Disqus Grace and Truth 8 Comments [3/9/2018 12:26:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 137148

The demonic band JUDAS PRIEST (the name alone is blasphemy against God) also uses backward masking. Back in the early days of the band they were sued and taken to court, accused of including subliminal messages into their music. The band's frontman and flaming homosexual, Rob Halford denied the accusations in court, which today cannot be denied anymore. Thousands of Rock and mainstream music groups have used been caught inserting deceptive backward masking into their music. Even the so-called evangelical wholesome boy band from New Jersey, THE JONAS BROTHERS included backward masking in their song, KIDS OF THE FUTURE which says “I speak for Satan, Satan, Satan. My sweet forsaken Satan, Satan!!!” The big question is why? The obvious answer is that some evil people are trying to trick your mind, inserting thoughts into your brain that you (under normal circumstances) would likely never approve of.

The lead singer (frontman) of the heavy-metal band JUDAS PRIEST is a flaming homosexual. For decades rugged men have been idolizing Judas Priest as a tough, manly group because of their heavy-metal, black leather, spikes and tattoos. All of a sudden, in 1998, the lead singer announces that he's a homosexual. This is more proof that all Rock music is saturated and rooted in sexual perversion, the New World Order and rebellion against God. Hell hath enlarged herself (Isaiah 5:14). The music industry is saturated with lesbians and homosexuals. It is very common for Rock singers to dress like transvestites. There's an evil spirit in Rock music that compels singers and musicians to do bizarre, freakish and demented things. Many Rock stars puke out fake blood in concert; such as Kiss and Motley Crue.

In one of Motley Crue's concerts a whorish woman comes out on stage with an actual electric grinder, touching it to her breasts and private area (covered with a shaped metal plate), causing sparks to fly for about 10 feet toward the audience. This is the sicko minds of the Rock music industry. You wouldn't believe the insane, demonic and shameful things that go on during Rock concerts. Some bands toss butchered animal parts and blood during concert, others defecate on stage, et cetera. Marilyn Manson pierced his own chest in a concert, and the blood ran down his body. You never hear anyone criticize these crazy people; but faithful preachers who help tens-of-thousands of people, even millions like Pastor Jack Hyles are demonized on the internet.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 20 Comments [3/9/2018 12:26:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 137147

[context: write down what policy you want to see after a second American civil war]

Woman don't get to vote or work as they get in the way of raising a family.

Absolutely no dual citizenship as it splits your loyalty.

Gun ownership and training are mandatory.

Free speech is unconditional.

Tariffs at the border to protect local industries on price so quality becomes the deciding factor on purchases.

Abolition of permanent welfare except for the disabled. It should be limited to no more than half a year per person.

No difference in the minimum wages between children and adults to encourage employers to hire adults and kids to stay in school.

A single nation wide wholesale fiber network to replace all the copper, cable, etc. that only sells to ISPs at cost which then compete with one another at a national level so prices and services for all telecommunications are equal nationwide.

All drugs are legal for adults and weed for 16+. I don't like the idea of kids smoking dope but they'll find a way of getting fucked up one way or another so being the least evil of all the drugs it would be a method of harm reduction. If anyone got caught supplying other drugs to kids the punishment would be drug free amputation of their dominant hand and if it happened again they'd be publicly hung as a traitor to the community.

Race mixing would be a crime or at the very least go back to the extremely shameful act it was considered 50 years ago.

Jews get expelled/thrown into ovens.

475677, Voat 17 Comments [3/9/2018 12:25:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 137145

White Nationalism = Socialism

Why are Antifa and White Nationalists “fighting” each other when both sides want the same thing? Socialism! When confronted with this obvious contradiction, White Nationalists have created terminology in an attempt deflect this question; the “Horse Shoe Theory.” Much like their favorite defense mechanism in debate, “the Jew;” the Horse Shoe theory provides enough rhetorical cover so that their followers don’t become disillusioned with their abstract political stances. But no amount of rhetorical redundancy can eliminate the modus operandi of White Nationalism; Socialism.

How can White Nationalists tout that minorities are welfare receiving, inferior races? When its White Nationalists themselves who are advocating their own submission to the State, with their WHITE hands out waiting for a subsidized existence? By advocating Socialism, White Nationalists are admitting that White folk are incapable of independence and self-preservation without coercion of State authority. Much like how the modern LGBTQ movement has used State power to assert “its” perspective on society.

White Nationalism itself is NOT a natural and organic means of social organization if the State is needed for its existence. Much like Communism, White Nationalism has to be forced onto a populous, which molds the perspective of the masses into its man-made ideas. This is the basis of ALL Communist models throughout contemporary history.

Unlike the individual Freedom of Capitalism, White Nationalism uses the same politically-romantic collective language as the Communists. They emphasize the need for collective unity, recognition and justice; which are the same adherents of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. So are these groups really enemies?

I’ve personally called out the main mouth pieces of the White Nationalist movement on the hypocrisy mentioned previous, only to be purposely ignored. For they know, they can’t articulate the contradictions of their abstract political views. They are nothing more then Nazi cos-players who use the Internet to organize groups of disenchanted life losers who need someone else to blame for their own bad decisions. Just LIKE ANTIFA!


Ghost, Ghost.report 6 Comments [3/9/2018 12:24:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 137144

Lady Checkmate's headline: "The Truth About Sodom & Gomorrah"

God warns Abraham that He will destroy Sodom because of it's sin: Abraham pleads for Sodom(because Lot lived there)
Genesis 18:16-33 (KJV) (scriptural text omitted)

God destroys Sodom & Gomorrah (like He promised Abraham He would do, because of Sodom's sin)
Genesis 19 (KJV) (scriptural text omitted)

God Remembers Abraham
Genesis 19:27-29 (KJV) (scriptural text omitted)

Robin Egg:
Excellent article. Yet, the homosexual crowd insists that the Bible does not deal with homosexuality.

Just Mat:
What's equally bad to those who try to deny God or try to believe they won't have to pay any consequence are those who try to convince themselves and other they were born that way or that God is OK with their abomination.

Lady Checkmate:
There are those who have come out of that lifestyle choice and admitted that they were lying when they made those statements. Those who make those statements are intentionally deceptive, manipulative, flat out liars and show signs of a reprobate mind. We're all tempted with sin. They feed their temptation and want to pretend it's just how they are...no, they fed their temptation and allowed their flesh to lead them versus allowing God to lead them. For example, I'm attracted to men; however, since my divorce I've been celibate. It's NOT that I haven't been tempted, just like any other human being, BUT instead of following my flesh, I follow God (which I will admit is CONSTANT. I'll also admit it was VERY hard when I tried dating this one guy, BUT God is faithful and kept me in that dating situation. I hope that helps and edifies someone because it was NOT shared for any other reason.
God bless you, JustMat!

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 12 Comments [3/9/2018 12:24:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137143


Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 11 Comments [3/9/2018 12:21:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137129

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Dreamers to Democrats: We're tired of your lies"

(Fox News cut-and-paste follows, headline here: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/08/dreamers-to-democrats-were-tired-your-lies.html)

Lady Checkmate:
They just realized they've been being used as pawns. The alt-left did/does the same thing to ALL minorities. They tried their hardest to convince women that they should reject chivalry, avoid hard working heterosexual gentleman and insist that we believe the lie that we're every bit physically equal to men, lol. The truth is a man pretending to me a woman IS equal because he's a man, BUT a biological woman is not equal to men in physical strength. Furthermore, they've tried to convince AAsvthat our skin cooor is sinful just like their lifestyle choices. They're racist, sexist and silly as heck. No one should trust those liars.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 22 Comments [3/8/2018 3:11:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 136996

A dangerous extremist who attempted to build an army of child jihadists by radicalising pupils has been convicted of a range of terrorist offences. Umar Haque, 25, taught an Islamic studies class despite the fact he had no teaching qualifications and was employed as an administrator. He was allowed to supervise classes of 11- to 14-year-olds on his own, during which he re-enacted attacks on police officers and showed students videos of beheadings.

Police fear Haque attempted to radicalise at least 110 children, some of whom he was in contact with at the Ripple Road mosque in Barking, east London. Thirty-five of those children are receiving long-term support. Haque also worked at the £3,000-a-year Lantern of Knowledge Islamic school, where he was again allowed access alone to children under the pretence of teaching Islamic Studies when he was in fact employed as an administrator.

Jurors were told he attempted to radicalise children at the school but were unable to agree on a count of disseminating a terrorist document which related to his time at the school. Haque was convicted by a jury at the Old Bailey on Friday of a range of offences, including plotting terrorist attacks and collecting information useful for terrorism. He had previously admitted four charges of collecting information useful for terrorism, and one count of disseminating a terrorist document, in relation to his attempts to radicalise children at the mosque. He was acquitted of conspiring to possess firearms.

Two other men, Abuthaher Mamun, 19, and Muhammad Abid, 27, were convicted for their roles in helping him. A fourth defendant, Nadeem Patel, 26, who had previously pleaded guilty to possessing a handgun, was acquitted of plotting with Haque. After he was found guilty, Haque shouted “I want to say something”, but was dragged out of the dock by officers. The judge, Mr Justice Haddon-Cave, said he would be sentenced later.

The schools watchdog, Ofsted, is facing questions over how it was able to rate the Lantern of Knowledge school as “outstanding” after an inspection held at a time when Haque was allegedly preaching hate to the children. In response to the conviction it said that Haque’s activities were a matter of deep regret and said it was “hampered by limitations on our powers” to inspect out-of-school settings. “His plan was to build an army of children,” said commander Dean Haydon, the head of counter-terrorism at Scotland Yard. “He had shown them graphic terrorist videos of barbarity – beheading videos and serious injuries mostly in terrorist attacks overseas.

“He had instructed children not to say anything in relation to not telling their teachers or their parents. We had a wall of silence. “He tried to prepare the children for martyrdom by making them role-play terrorist attacks in London. Part of that re-enactment including attacking police officers.” Haque was employed at Lantern of Knowledge from September 2015 to September 2016 as an administrator but also carried out duties as a classroom assistant. He allegedly used his laptop in the school to project on to a whiteboard images of guns, knives, beheadings and passports being burned, the court heard.

In late 2016 and early 2017, Haque was involved in the running of evening classes in a madrasa, based in a large marquee attached to the mosque in Ripple Road. He told the boys aged about 12 to 14 he had established contact with Isis and showed them a series of videos projected on to the wall inside the marquee, ensuring the doors were closed. The horrifying images included blood, wounds, and people falling from buildings. In one film, the exhumation of a boy was shown. Haque told the children the child’s body had deteriorated because he had been beaten after death when he was unable to answer questions put to him by angels.

In the madrasa, Haque had the children doing push-ups, races and grappling in order to train them. There were sessions of role-playing during which the children would be divided into the police and attackers. There were demonstrations of how to sever a head. After the Westminster Bridge attack by Khalid Masood last March, Haque used the atrocity as inspiration for the role-playing.

He said he intended to teach the children to drive as they got older so he could carry out multiple attacks across London. He forced them take an oath not to tell their parents, friends or teachers. He aimed to recruit 300 jihadists, it is claimed. The 35 children in long-term support were “paralysed in fear” by Haque, Haydon said. “He threatened them if they were to talk. It doesn’t appear that any of those children raised the alarm.” Six children gave evidence in court. The trial was shown video of a police interview with a child, who said: “He is teaching us terrorism, like how to fight.”

The boy said: “He has been training us, kind of. Apparently fighting is good. If you fight for the sake of Allah, on judgment day when you get judged for your good deeds and bad deeds, fighting is good.” In November 2015, Ofsted inspectors visited the Lantern of Knowledge school, two months after Haque started working there. In their report, they said: “The strong sense of community, harmony and respect within the school reflects the school ethos and aims of leaders and governors to develop well-rounded citizens. “The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is outstanding. They have an excellent understanding of the world around them and make a positive contribution to their community.”

In April 2016, Haque was stopped at Heathrow airport as he attempted to board a flight to Istanbul – a well-trodden route to Syria for aspiring Isis recruits. As a result of the stop and searches conducted of his phone, in May 2016 he had his passport revoked and police started investigating him. In May, he and three others were arrested and charged with attack planning. Further charges related to attempting to radicalise children were filed a few months later. Haque had a long-term plan to launch terrorist attacks on a wide range of possible targets including the Queen’s Guard, parliament and media organisations.

Last June, Ofsted made an emergency inspection at the Lantern of Knowledge school in response to concerns about safeguarding children. On this occasion, the inspectors found it had not met regulatory requirements. After an announced inspection in December, Ofsted dramatically reduced all the ratings from “outstanding” to “requires improvement”. The report said: “Leaders do not ensure that training about risk assessments and procedures to support pupils’ welfare are applied consistently enough during some routine activities.” The Charity Commission is investigating the Ripple Road mosque. Ofsted’s chief operating officer, Matthew Coffey, said it was a matter of “deep regret” that Haque was able to work with children.

“Ofsted is committed to protecting children from harm, including radicalisation,” he added. “However, our ability to do so is hampered by limitations on our powers. We have no ability to inspect out-of-school settings, such as madrassas, and we believe greater powers in this area could help keep children safe in the future. “We know the government is keen to address these matters and welcome their commitment to closer working.”

Umar Haque, The Guardian 9 Comments [3/8/2018 2:01:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137119

Wyatt O'Keefe:

It is important to keep in the mind the Biblical principles relative to the status of the female within the Godly scheme of things. The female was created for the male. Not for herself! Therefore, the Christian Bible keeps things consistent in that when it talks about a male, it often implies that his female is there with him. It is a simple logical syllogism that when talking of the male of a particular kind of an animal, our Bible implies that his female was there with him.

Just as important is to analyze this scientifically. Relative to the command to take seven pairs of clean animals onto the Ark, I have discussed this matter with the utmost esteemed baraminologist, Dr. Todd Elder. He enlightened me regards to a bird called Laysan duck, which went almost extinct in Hawaii, up to where there were only seven adults left. But this duck managed to recover, and now the population numbers in the 100s. In fact, soon Christians may be able to go duck hunting when vacationing on Hawaii! Why does this matter? Simple: because it refutes the evilutionist lies that such population is not enough for "genetic diversity" needed to multiply a whole kind of an animal!

As we know, the Earth was created for the humans. Therefore, it was important that every kind of the clean animal recovered to a healthy stock after the flood so that the people would have their food. The unclean animals didn't really matter, therefore, two pairs of each kind were enough. Because it would not have mattered if some tiger or toad didn't recover to a healthy stock or died off, since the people did not need these animals in the first place! Isn't it great how our Bible is not only spiritually, but also scientifically, true?!

In the name of our Savior,
Brother T

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Disqus Grace and Truth 18 Comments [3/8/2018 6:48:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 16

Quote# 137118

Wyatt O'Keefe:

Have you ever noticed how evilutionists, when backed into a corner, attempt to retort their deficiencies by saying that they don't have an answer? Like, where did the Big Bang come from? Evilutionist: "ummm, we don't know, but you know, secular scientists are working on it..." LOL!

In the same vein, we can tell the evilutionist relative to his supposed "gotcha" questions, that the creation scientists are working on it. How did the kangaroo get to Australia? We don't know, but creation scientists are working on it!

Now here's another thing: did you know that tens of billions of US taxpayer dollars go to support secular research in the US? And because of anti-Christian discrimination, creation researchers do not get a dime of this public money! So, in order to be fair, the evilutionist/secularist satanists that ask such questions need to petition their legislators to allocate scientific funding to creation research, pronto! If only 1 billion dollars a year, a very small fraction of our nation's research budget (which is mostly wasted), would go to creation research, the pagans wouldn't have to wait very long to receive their answers!

In the same vein, I encourage every Christian to contact their congressmen, and let them know that we need funding for real research that delivers real answers that even the satanists (Matthew 12:30) are inquiring about!

In the name of our Savior,
Brother T

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Disqus Grace and Truth 15 Comments [3/8/2018 6:48:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
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