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Quote# 137373

The video games have zero measurable effect. Kids in other developed countries play the exact same games. They don’t shoot up schools, or kill their sisters.

The problem is the guns. Period.

In fact there is ample research concluding that video games reduce empathy and increase meanness.

And there is a truly bizarre streak on the left that makes slippery-slope arguments for anything that can remotely be considered “speech,” including games where you get little squirts of dopamine for shooting people, that bears a unique resemblance to the bizarros on the right who make slippery-slope arguments for anything that can remotely be considered “firearms.”

When “freedom" is defined as “the right to be an asshole,” we become a society of assholes.

And “My rights over your dead body” is the ultimate in selfish cowardice.

To quote a former Google employee who has since gone dissident, “there are a thousand of us on the other side of your screen, whose job is to break down your self-regulation [ability to rationally control your own behavior].”

Anyone who wants to rationalize that, has no right to complain about The Regime.

G2geek, Daily Kos 10 Comments [3/20/2018 4:34:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 137366

I imagine places such as the Middle East and the more rural parts of South America will one day be known as the "last bastions of religion". In other words, it's purpose has been served, and more and more people are waking up to reality.

It’s Porpoise has hardly been served. Belive me, People cannot survive a Meaningless life like what Atheism Offers. Because in an Atheist Society, Your tiny, miniscule, Worthless. No one would care if you were to Kill yourself. Such a Sad Existence has no place in Life.

The Ozark Frontier, nationstates 14 Comments [3/20/2018 4:28:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: zyr

Quote# 137365

Based on the drama between Sonia Sae VS that liar: Alice. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOqKUF…)

Pupaveg, Deviantart 9 Comments [3/20/2018 4:28:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 137364

David Loved Jonathon in a totally different way to woman ,thats what he is meaning .
It has Absolutely nothing to do with sex.
its so obvious how the homosexual community has taken this out of context to suit their argument.
Good luck telling God thats what David meant on the day of Judgement

surferdude3522, Youtube 4 Comments [3/20/2018 4:27:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 137361

Confronting the Gay Priest Problem

Recently, a priest who was prominent in the pastoral care of those with sex addictions received his fifteen minutes of fame when he revealed to his congregation at a Sunday Mass and to the National Catholic Reporter that he was “gay.” According to news reports, his self-congratulation was met with thunderous applause. In a television interview, he proclaimed there is “nothing wrong with being gay.”

The game plan of a gay priest “coming out” was quite predictable and is politically effective. In revealing his homosexuality, the Midwestern priest was careful to assemble a string of ambiguous assertions that cannot be immediately assailed on grounds of orthodoxy, but when bundled together are morally subversive. Here is the template:

* Claim that sexual transparency is a matter of personal integrity.
* Remind the public that you are a Catholic priest in good standing.
* Proudly proclaim that you are “gay.”
* Cultivate the adulation of your congregation by claiming victim status and the freedom that comes from such an honest revelation.
* As a pre-emptive strike against disciplinary actions by ecclesiastical authorities claim that your self-revelation is truly courageous.
* Feign humility and presume you have become a necessary role model for others.
* Remind us that you and all gays (and members of the alphabet soup of sexual perversion) are created in the image of God (implying our sinful neglect).
* Commit to celibacy (i.e., not to marry), but carefully avoid the term “Christian chastity.”

Each of these assertions, standing alone, would likely withstand ecclesiastical censure. But when woven together, the gay agenda promoting the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle within the Church comes into a clear focus.

The priest’s bishop also responded according to a predictable contemporary ecclesiastical template: “We support [the priest] in his own personal journey and telling his story of coming to understand and live with his sexual orientation. As the Church teaches, those with same-sex attraction must be treated with understanding and compassion.”

The bishop probably succeeded in preventing a media firestorm. He also effectively allowed the priest to rise in stature as a gay freedom fighter. The studied moral ambiguity of the clerical gay activist proved to be an effective political buzz saw. The full and beautiful teachings of Christ on human sexuality, however, were further undermined.

Faithful and orthodox Catholics are at a political disadvantage in our gay-friendly culture. We realize that same-sex inclinations – as with all seriously sinful inclinations – cause great suffering and, unrestrained, can become a true slavery that endangers others including adolescents and even young children. But our opposition to the gay agenda is often crudely characterized as hateful and unreasonable. So a brief sketch of natural law in Catholic sexual morality may be helpful.

Male and female sex organs differ and have a unique reproductive function. The body of every human being contains a self-sufficient digestive or respiratory system. But it only contains half of a reproductive system and must be paired with a half-system belonging to a person of the opposite sex in order to carry out its function. These are undeniable biological facts.

“To engage in sex” is a relational term that implies male and female complementarity. Only a male and a female truly “engage in sex.” In contrast, same-sex “relations” involve the exercise of one’s sexual power, but not according to its self-evident nature. Sodomy is not really relational “sex.” It is merely a masturbatory use of sexual powers. Similarly, there is no such thing as “sexual relations” with a “sex robot” (alas, an emerging technology).

When a priest claims to be “gay and proud,” he is revealing that he has assented to his same-sex attraction. Free and deliberate thoughts have moral implications, as Jesus asserted: “But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Mt 5:28) The difference between internal assent and external action is only a matter of a sinful opportunity. An unabashed and proud “gay” priest has already committed sodomy in his heart.

So how might an ecclesiastical superior defend Church teaching if one of his priests (or religious) claims a special dignity by “coming out” as gay? The superior should invoke immutable Christian moral principles in dealing with a self-described gay priest:

* Acknowledge that he is afflicted with “same-sex attraction” (SSA).
* Admit that SSA is an inclination toward mortal sin that if not restrained will lead him and others to eternal damnation.
* Identify and renounce any physical expression of SSA.
* Properly define celibacy to include Christian chastity that precludes all sexual activity in thought, word or deed.
* Invoke Scriptural references condemning sodomy (cf. Genesis and Saint Paul).
* Renounce the use of the word “gay” because it is a political term that has its roots in the homosexual subculture.
* Apologize for encouraging others to publicly reveal their mortally sinful inclinations. (The Eighth Commandment protects natural secrets.)

After a careful inquiry, the superior should release a public statement of clarification, prohibiting the priest from his homosexual activism and taking further personnel action according to the demands of Catholic morality and Canon Law.

Would a media firestorm ensue? Probably. But the superior would courageously confirm that the studied ambiguity of the gay agenda promoted by the priest is a lie.

During the rite of ordination for priests, the bishop says, “May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfillment.” Priests – and everyone – are in a constant state of change, for the better or for the worse. Fulfilling the duties of Holy Orders or any Christian vocation with true moral integrity is a lifelong task.

If we are going to find our true and final happiness in Christ, we must not only recognize and understand our sinful inclinations, but make firm and constant efforts to overcome them. “Celebrating” those inclinations simply makes no sense – whether the inclination is same-sex attraction or any other deviation from God’s plan for us.

Rev. Jerry J. Pokorsky, The Catholic Thing 12 Comments [3/20/2018 4:19:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 137360

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Far-leftese (alt-leftese)...yes, they speak a different language"

A *CM I respect, Mick Williams, posted this glossary of far left/alt left terms and their definitions. I smile every time I read them because they're so true. Check it out:

*CM = Community Member (Mick Williams)
**This does NOT apply to traditional Democrats, imho, but I would have to confirm that with the author.

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Thanks.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 9 Comments [3/20/2018 4:19:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137359

"Today's Laugh 3-19-18"

Lady Checkmate:
Mick, how do you do it?!? You always manage to capture a full lesson, sermon, etc., in one clip. You know what, never mind, lol. Thank you for sharing the gifts and talents God gave you with us. We're blessed to be a part of your side ministry.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 7 Comments [3/20/2018 4:19:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137236

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Mike Huckabee resigns from country music board, citing political and religious intolerance"

(Fox News cut-and-paste follows, link here: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/03/02/mike-huckabee-resigns-from-country-music-board-citing-political-and-religious-intolerance.html)

Lady Checkmate:

Robin Egg:
I guess the LGBTWHATEVER has hijacked country music now too. What a shame. Weaklings.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 14 Comments [3/19/2018 5:58:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137234

I'm trying to stay away from social media. But the blatant ignorance and twisting of God's word that I constantly see on here drives me insane! I've never before seen so many degenerate, reprobate, sin-twisted, juvenile CHRISTIANS in my entire life!

These aren't sinners we are talking about: these are supposed to be the saved folk! No wonder churches are struggling to keep their doors open!

"Christians" who love sin hate to be corrected. They hate to be told that God is a God of wrath as well as a God of grace. They are quick to say only God can judge them, without taking time to think: that He already is!

Why do you think they can't stop sinning, can't stop fornicating, can't stop jamming silicone and plastic objects into their vaginas and rectums, cant stop aborting their babies, embracing cancer, can't keep a decent man or woman around long enough to have an enjoyable marriage with, cant abide in their assigned birth gender, can't earn a decent wage or income in a land that flows with milk and honey?

These are all signs of judgment! And God is so cold with handing out those judgments, he'll simply bind you to the sin you don't want to give up anyway and let it consume you all the way to the grave.

"Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done." Romans 1:28

Here's an uncomfortable thought: maybe some folks can't stop sinning and don't want to give up their lifestyles of sin because God has already turned them over to eternal damnation. You don't have to wait to die to experience Hell. Hell can start for you right now too!

See, people have this grace and mercy thing confused! Grace buys you time to repent, and mercy ensures you are forgiven... IF you repent. And that's the key: REPENTANCE. Without it, you're still under the sentence of Eternal Death.

Now we have these feel good compromised sin loving pseudo-believers running around using grace as a license to sin; even teaching others to do the same. But look at what God thinks of such individuals:

"For some godless people have slipped in unnoticed among us, persons who distort the message about the grace of our God in order to excuse their immoral ways, and who reject Jesus Christ, our only Master and Lord. Long ago the Scriptures predicted the condemnation they have received." Jude 1:4

God says these folk are ALREADY CONDEMNED! That means they CAN'T and WON'T be saved! So why are you listening to and mingling with already condemned people? What could they possibly offer you, if not to take you to hell with them?

I'm often accused of being mean or harsh in my response to someone who disagrees with me. Not true.

I'm only harsh to those who are too stupid to be quiet when they don't know what they are talking about, too degenerate in their salvation to know you can't mix the holy with the profane, and too juvenile in their interpretation of scripture to know when and how to apply them.

So instead of arguing, unlearned people need to be silent and teachable. When I'm teaching whether on this page or elsewhere, class is in session. Souls are being set free.

Just like you wouldn't scream out and insult your professor in class or disrupt a doctor during surgery, you won't do it here either. What makes you think I'm supposed to tolerate that disrespectful mess?

That's the type of stuff only remedial kids do; you know, like the ones who have to wear the helmets and diapers so they won't bang their heads against the wall or crap themselves.

Many of the commenters on my posts are just like that. They're extremely remedial. And there is nothing you can do for them but push them far away so they don't disrupt everyone else.

But don't feel sorry for them. These are not innocent people who don't know any better. On the contrary, they are nefarious plotters and agents of evil determined to send as many souls to hell with them as possible. They just picked the wrong page to do it on.

I gave FB a break because I got fed up with dealing with these remedial fake demon-Christians! They're like cockroaches who run scrambling all over the place the moment you shine the spotlight on their favorite sin. They disgust me. However, God didn't call me to be the Orkin man!

I'm often accused of just wanting to sell my ebooks; as if that's a bad thing. That's one of the stupidest so-called 'insults' I ever heard. Why would I NOT want to sell my ebooks? Who writes and publishes books for them not to sell? The deeper question is:

Why are so many people hoping that I won't be able to sell them? Do my ebooks threaten them? Or do they threaten the demons in them that they refuse to let go of???

For me it's never only been about selling my ebooks (though I have every right to do so). My ebooks are just a powerful method of getting people to do an in depth analysis on their spiritual condition so they can fix the problem and grow up to fullness in Christ.

Truth is, I could cut a deal tomorrow with any number of major publishers for a really big check if I wanted to, buy a condo on a beach somewhere exotic and kick my feet up without giving two thoughts about whether some of you make it into heaven or not.

I choose to be independent to remain in total control of my message, so no one can bury it or use it the wrong way. That's nothing to be ashamed about.

And it's not about donations. Please! If my survival depended on those Ive asked donations from so far I'd be sleeping out of my car and eating from garbage cans by now.

This is deeply serious spiritual business for me: my Master's business. Nothing less, nothing more. I'm not here to entertain you; I'm not here to make you feel good. Go watch another black wealth-divesting Marvel comic movie for that. I'm here to save souls!

So from now on if you want to catch me, dont expect to find me here much. FB sucks! Too many unmonitored wack-jobs and weirdos to have engaging dialogue. I'll be posting almost exclusively from my new website, linking the articles back to here from time to time.

And for the non-reprobate real Christians who still appreciate powerful spiritual content: all of my articles and ebooks old and new will be there. I'm only using FB as a promotional tool from now on.

I'm also accepting DONATIONS to help with the new work. (I can feel the haters cringing and squirming right now.)

Anyone who wants to be a part of this new and improved undertaking can donate at the link on the new site under the Donate tab. And I'll mention the word 'donate' just one more time to make the haters cringe some more.??

Now that we've got that handled, go and support the new work. Prayers are always needed and finances greatly appreciated. See you on the new site! God bless.

Mack Major, Facebook 15 Comments [3/19/2018 5:58:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 137233

"Today's Laugh 3-13-18"

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 11 Comments [3/19/2018 5:57:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137232


Relative to the Fall, it does explain why some heathens turn sodomite, but not in the way that you fantasize. Allow me to enlighten you in regards to the where homos, dykes, and nancyboys come from. From Romans 1, to wit:

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to
corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own
hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Can it be made any clearer that the f@ggots are NOT born that way?! They become this way because they rejected Jesus! Had they TRULY repented of their sins, accepted Jesus as their Savior, and were Born Again, they would have been Saved from this disgusting sin as well as from all the others! So who's to blame for them being that way? NOT any genetics, but themselves and their rejection of Jesus!

Their parents, teachers, and pastors are also to blame, though not as much as the perverts themselves. Proverbs 13:24, to wit: " He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." Great Biblical wisdom, and it so happens that a boot up their behind tends to clear up all this identity "confusion"! Praise the Lord!

In the same vein, we also need to always keep in mind that none of that would've happened, had the woman not been deceived in the Garden! 1 Timothy 2:14 So, yes, ultimately it all goes back to the Fall, but not for any reason of biology or genetics.

In the name of our Savior,
Brother T

Tony Demarcus, Ph.D., D.D., Disqus Grace and Truth 10 Comments [3/19/2018 5:57:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 137219

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Trump’s Border Wall Could Pay for Itself by Cutting Welfare to Illegal Immigrants"

With President Donald Trump set to visit San Diego on Tuesday to inspect the eight border wall prototypes that have been built, a new study has found that the controversial barrier could cover its own cost.
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, the $18 billion wall will pay for itself by curbing the importation of crime, drugs and illegal immigrants who tend to go on the federal dole.

Hispanics make up less than a quarter of all welfare recipients in the US. This sounds like an excuse to pull funding from social programs.
Total welfare cost: $158.2 billion
Military: $886 billion

Lady Checkmate:
Hi Worriedforthefuture. Please stop race-baiting. We're discussing illegal aliens AND "Trump’s Border Wall Could Pay for Itself by Cutting Welfare to Illegal Immigrants", not "Hispanics" AND fyi, illegal aliens come in ALL races and ethnicities (not just one). Again, Please stop race-baiting.
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Thanks for understanding.
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Lady Checkmate, Disqus - News Network 7 Comments [3/19/2018 5:56:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137218

Lady Checkmate's headline: "PERSECUTION: Reporter Attacks Pro-Trump Evangelicals"

(link to Todd Starnes article follows: https://www.toddstarnes.com/show/wapost-columnist-calls-pro-trump-evangelicals-slimy-political-operatives/)

Robin Egg:
All my adult life I have considered myself a plain, ordinary law abiding, hard working, tax paying, church going Christian. I loved my family and took care of them. I'm kind to animals. I respect our military. Just ordinary. Then one day, I found out I was a deplorable. Now I find out that not am I just a deplorable, but also a SLIMY, POLITICAL OPERATIVE!!! MAGA!!
And honestly, I did not feel that I was voting for the lesser of two evils. I actually felt for the first time in decades that I was voting for a man that our Lord had chosen to give America and its true Christians a reprieve. And so far, I have not been proven wrong imo.

Lady Checkmate:
It appears Christians are the new minority, a situation only satan would appreciate.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 10 Comments [3/19/2018 5:56:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 137216

Making a baseless false accusation of 'hatred' ,against those pointing out the bible declares homosexuality an immoral perversion .when you yourself have raised to topic to dispute the issue .

is wicked ...and please spare us the 'victimhood' status ,your group of perverts have gained an inordinate amount of political power and rushed through your deceptive status as an 'orientation' ,in order to persecute those who disagree with you ,you have had them attacked,reported, and sacked on this basis ,prepare for the backlash ,people have has enough of your immoral facism.

abhijisabrang123, Premier 6 Comments [3/19/2018 5:56:34 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 137205

When Jesus opens the sixth seal on the scroll, it brings an earthquake so great that the entire earth and even the sun, moon, and stars are effected.
“When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. 14 The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.”
This is clearly not a natural earthquake. It is massive, so massive that islands and mountains are moved. It is an event so huge that meteors fall to earth like figs falling from a tree. Verses 15-17 read,
“Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, 16 calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?”
The Great Day of Wrath has come. The survivors regardless of who they are, rich, poor, Muslim, Jewish, Bhuddist, old, or young, king or slave will be terrified. They will try to hide. They’ll beg for quick death rather than face the wrath about to face them. Who can stand? No one. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Terror at the realization that they were wrong will compel them to their collapse to their knees.

Donna L Campbell, DC Books 7 Comments [3/19/2018 5:53:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 137204

Now if you want to terrorize the globe, you need followers as well as a vast network of folks who are willing to supply you with the equipment you need to blow things up. A single man who dreams of killing others is never going to get anywhere by himself. He needs to find people who are willing to help him pull off his grandiose plans. After all, well-executed terror attacks require a lot of firepower, upfront planning and split second timing. One man working alone will never be able to do enough damage to hold the attention of the world.

But then we come to the end time prophet: an individual who is going to break all of the rules about what is required to make a global impact. The end time prophet will be a solo act. This person will not have any underground network of folks to help him (or her) carry off his attacks. He won’t partner with any other humans, nor will he try to rally any followers. In fact, when folks do try to publicly attach themselves to the end time prophet as fans or followers, the prophet will swat them away like a man swats at a bothersome fly. Such behavior is so unprecedented that governing authorities won’t be able to get their minds around it. A ton of resources will be spent trying to locate the end time prophet’s human support network because it will be inconceivable that the man doesn’t have one. When no one can explain how the prophet is pulling off the feats he is performing, people will conclude that he must be working for aliens from outer space. Either way, people will be convinced that the prophet must be working in tandem with a vast network of other created beings, because what other explanation could there be?

Now when it comes to God performing epic miracles through a human, there are two historical figures who Christians might think of: Moses and Jesus Christ. How will the end time prophet compare to these two? Well, one thing that the prophet will have in common with Moses will be his humanity. While Jesus was God in a human costume, Moses was just a regular human being. The end time prophet will also be a regular human being. But while Moses’ loyalty to God was fickle, the end time prophet’s devotion to God will be unwavering.

The man Moses had a ridiculous fixation with the issue of ethnicity. He felt that it was of great importance that he was Jewish, and he was very emotionally bonded to those who shared certain ancestors with him. Moses was so obsessed with genetics that he once told Yahweh that he’d rather be eternally damned with his fellow Jews than have to continue life on earth without them. This is like a woman with naturally straight hair deciding that she can’t find happiness in life unless she surrounds herself with a bunch of people who have the same kind of hair that she does. When God gets really angry at straight haired people and says He’s thinking of killing them all off, our woman says she’d rather be killed along with them and thrown into Hell rather than continue developing her relationship with God in a world full of curly haired folks. This is how absurd Moses would talk to God when his love of his fellow Jews became greater than his love of God. Moses really isn’t the fabulous spiritual role model that Christians and followers of Judaism make him out to be. Unlike Moses, the end time prophet will give us an example of what absolute devotion to God looks like. Of course the problem with a guy who is fully devoted to God is that he’ll consider everyone else to be expendable. Moses’ divided loyalties made him a far more likable person than the end time prophet will be. While Moses cared deeply about the welfare of the people he was leading, the end time prophet is going to come across as callous and uncaring. It’s hard to snuggle up to someone when you have reason to think he might stand there smiling while God does terrible things to you.


So what about the end time prophet? Will he also have a teaching ministry? No, he won’t, and this is yet another reason why this person will seem so bizarre. What’s the point of getting the attention of the whole world if you don’t have something to say? The end time prophet will have news cameras thrust in his face so often that he’ll never have to search for a pulpit he can preach from. People will be chasing after the prophet, desperate to get him to show up for televised interviews, press conferences, and religious conventions. While the prophet will occasionally say a few words, he’ll mostly blow off the invitations he’s given to speak. Unlike Jesus and Moses, the prophet won’t be trying to shape people’s theology or educate the masses. This person won’t have the raging ego that we’re used to seeing paired with world fame, nor will he have any interest in self-promotion.

When a man has a deep need to feel understood by his fellow humans, he becomes distressed by people spreading lies about him and he looks for opportunities to protect his reputation. Many lies will be told about the end time prophet. People will make up all kinds of wild stories about things that the prophet did or said in order to poison the public view of him. Rather than try to correct the rumors and accusations, the prophet will be fine with letting people bury fact in fiction. You see, when a man isn’t interested in gathering followers, and when a man is backed by God, he really doesn’t need to care what people think of him.

Anna Diehl, Pursuit of God 4 Comments [3/19/2018 5:18:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 137201

WELCOME TO WAKANDA: The Mass Initiation Of Black Folk Into Witchcraft

"As it is written: "God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that could not see and ears that could not hear, to this very day." [Romans 8:11]

" For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered." [Isaiah 29:10]

So how many of you ran out to get initiated into witchcraft through The Black Panther movie? You do know that was what this was about, right?

It was a mass initiation ceremony to take black Americans in particular away from your own biblical heroes and faith in Jesus Christ, and usher you into the myth-making world of fake-believe and occultism.

I wonder how many demons got accepted into people’s hearts that day?

Never seen anything like it! Black folks playing dress up, buying costumes, spending $20 a ticket (can't afford to donate or buy my ebooks though), and running around talking about Wakanda—some fake country made up out of thin air.

Side note: How you gon' know more about the made-up nation of Wakanda, yet know nothing about the real nations of Africa, like Rwanda??? You know all about Wakanda, yet nothing about Botswana, Burkin Faso, Chad, or Tanzania. If travel agencies start selling vacation packages to Wakanda right now, there'd be so many black folks lining up to go it would be embarrassing. But ask them when's the last time they booked a vacay to somewhere other than South Africa: and you'll hear nothing but crickets.

Black folks are in movie theaters holding invocation ceremonies and prayer circles while watching this mess, literally going all out to indulge in this feel-good fantasy created by the same white folks in Hollywood who've always painted you with the broad brush of racism and inferiority.

And weren't black people just protesting Hollywood a few years ago? Now they're suddenly your friends again because they gave you a fictional hero movie? Black folks sure are easy! I just hope this many black people practice their newfound fondness for supporting movies with majority black casts by supporting the next Spike Lee or Tyler Perry movie when they come out.

To date, Black Panther has made over $500,000,000 at the box office. That's half a BILLION DOLLARS! $200M of that was on opening weekend alone. To my knowledge neither Tyler, Spike nor any other black movie maker has ever gotten a $200 Million opening weekend movie release by black movie goers. As in never. But Marvel comics sure did. And last I checked, none of their board of directors represented the race of the people who just made them a whole lot richer.

Remember that the next time you hear black folks crying about how we need to support black businesses. Imagine what half a BILLION dollars could've done to turn around some of these jacked up under-performing black schools in urban areas.

Imagine how many urban communities could've been revamped and revitalized with that sort of investment! Shoot: we could've paid off all the debts of Morris Brown college and opened up two more HBCU's with that sort of money!

Instead, it went to a Hollywood movie owned by majority white investors. Really let that sink in.

And black folks have been some of the loudest critics of black churches not pouring enough money back into black communities. How is this blatant display of waste over a movie any different?

The problem with us is that we like to be where the crowd of other black people are going. If it's popular we want in. But that's just the problem: a lot of black folks are also going to Hell! And according to scripture it’s a very popular place to be. Will you follow the crowd of black folks there too?

My dear black people—especially my black Christians: your great enemy isn't the white man. It's not some 'ism' or ideology that exists in this world. Your greatest enemy is THE DEVIL—particularly the one you've allowed to exist in your own head. You need to exorcise the devil of ignorance and blind racial identity out of your mind, before it destroys you.

One last thing. Take a look at this thing in the image to this article. The cat-man costume. Looks a lot like a demon, does it not? Yea, I thought so too. Black cats have always been used by witches in conjunction with black magic to cast spells and bring harm onto the unsuspecting.

That alone should give you pause to think why this movie was pushed so hard on the black community by occult Hollywood. You've been placed under a direct spell and don't even know it!

Quit falling for the hype. Repent, and ask Christ to forgive you for being so silly and eager to be led astray that you willingly walked right into a witchcraft induction ceremony and got completely caught up in the moment. Ask the Lord to purge you and to give you more wisdom to see what the enemy is really up to. That way you won't be led away from Christ and so easily led into witchcraft and eternal damnation.

** We are entering a time of mass deception on a level not seen before. Many Christians will be led astray in this hour into eternal damnation and be lost due to identifying more with their flesh and the world than with the nature of Jesus Christ. Don't get caught up in the hype of pop culture. Satan is on a seek and destroy mission: and YOU are in his cross-hairs!

Download a copy of my ebook DEFEATING BLACK ANTICHRIST: Demolishing the Myth That Christianity is the Oppressor's Religion. This ebook will strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ and help you avoid the lies and deceptions that are rampant in the world today. And no, it's not on a discount or on any sale. Just like you purchased those tickets to go see the Black Panther movie at full price, you'll have to pay full price to undo the spell that mess more than likely placed on your mind.

Satan wants to separate you from your faith and confidence in Jesus Christ. DON'T LET HIM WIN. Defeat him in his plans by downloading and reading the ebook NOW. Click the button below.

Mack Major, Mack Major Books 9 Comments [3/19/2018 5:15:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 137197

Refuse to click a Washington post link, but felt i should add this.

Regardless of what each political parties policies were even last election, in this modern presidency they mean two, very defined and very blunt things.

Conservative: Patriots and fans of the American constitution and the republic for which it stands.

Liberal: Neo-Socialist who sees America as an enemy and views the flag and constitution as “colonial”.

There is a clear line in the sand, the players are in position. All we are waiting for is the whistle at this point.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [3/19/2018 5:12:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137192

Therapy is a joke. It does not work, period. It is a waste of your energy just to crawl all the way to see some middle-aged whore/ beta numale nerd and rant about your problems. Therapy cannot solve your inceldom.


1. It’s a scam. We may be Incel but we aren’t stupid. We are intelligent. Therapy is a scam promoted by money hungry whores "with muh degree" to dupe money from people who are emotional wrecks. The cost of a therapy session is just ridiculous you might as well blow your money on hookers. A hooker would help you more than a therapist could, now that is saying something. ( although we all know escortcelling doesnt even solve inceldom anyway, but sex > therapy) If you really think putting in money to talk to some retard would cure you of your problems, you are an idiot, rich or both.

2. Nobody Cares

Nobody cares about Incels. Your parents don’t care about all of your problems. Your siblings don’t give two shits about your problems. Your boss doesn’t give a flying fuck about your problems. I couldn’t care less about your personal problems. So…what makes you think that some random stranger cares about your problems? Just because you paid them money? Stacey/ chad therapist will just act like they care in your session, they will say its confidential but they will still go home to their partner and laugh at the subhumans they had to deal with while making big $$$. Money is power, if you allow it to be. Incels, don’t waste your money. Nope. Your random stranger therapist DOES NOT CARE about your issues. They only care about your $$$. Let me tell you something. Thanks to the increasingly fucked up world for men, more and more people are going to therapy. You are just one out of a million of emotional wrecks. The moment you stepped your sorry Incel ass into the room, your therapist is already thinking of ways to shorten the session so you can disappear from his/her face and get another extra client at the end of the day.

3. It’s your fault

Incels, don’t take shit from anyone. Especially counsellors.Favorite line (might have variations) that therapist use to cover their ass when their “treatment plan” isn’t working. “It’s your fault bruh…you need to change yourself if you want me to change you. Just be confident, work on your personality"!!!

4. It makes you more Incel

Incels, you can’t hide your Inceldom! Let’s say by some miracle you escaped Inceldom (which will never happen, if it does you are most likely a Volcel). You landed yourself a girl. Things are going well until she finds out that you went to therapy before. You can bet your ass that her already used up vagina will dry up faster than a puddle of water in the Sahara. Going to therapy, aka seeking help from others, is a rather beta/omega move in the eyes of a female, unless you are chad. Chad can do anything, anything works for him.

5. Therapists are Blue Pill Agents

Incels, stay woke. FUCK the Bluepill. Honestly, the majority of therapists are full of beta cucks who are incapable of getting into a good STEM course, so they chose psychology. There are also some Stacies who chose psychology because they are too stupid to think about the worth of their degree. Worst of all, beware of the senior therapists. These people are one of the worst people in existence. They feel like they know it all and are willing to offer you advice (aka Bluepill the fuck out of you). Black Pill for Incels. Don’t go to therapy. The only think that therapy MIGHT be of use is to get rid of simple phobias. Aside from that, IT WONT SOLVE INCELDOM, ITS ALL ABOUT FACE. NO FACE= NO CASE. Continue taking the Black Pill guys.

PM_ME_STRIPPERS, incels.me 9 Comments [3/19/2018 4:21:00 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137352

Good news: Stephen Hawking is no longer an atheist!

Bad news: it’s too late for him to repent of his blasphemy against His Creator and seek God’s mercy!

Woe unto worldly-wise men who forsake God. Don’t follow Hawking to Hell.

Westboro Baptist Church, Twitter 43 Comments [3/19/2018 5:16:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Chris

Quote# 137346

The immediate concern isn't that the Rapture is going to happen on May 14, but it's what is going to happen to the US when they finally make the details of this fiasco public. Every time one of the US Presidents have tried to give away God land to the muzzies, God has brought disaster from a hurricane that formed where NO hurricanes form and went SOUTH instead of north and then turned EAST across Kinnybunkport, Maine and destroyed G.H.W. Bush's vacation mansion when he announced giving away God's land to them "for peace" to three hurricanes and other weather disasters plus huge fires in California when Jared was in Arabia mapping the preliminaries to this so called plan. And according to the leaked information on it, Biblical Jerusalem is going to be given to the muzzies as their capital, leaving so called W. Jerusalem (not the real Jerusalem) for the Jews (as I said last year would happen and got laughed at for saying it. You have to think about it the way the non-Americans do in order to see this. Europeans and other nations have always seen them as TWO "Jerusalems" (Or a divided capital to use their terms). And suddenly some wild weather came streaming out of the Arctic into the E. Coast right over D.C. (the White House) when Jared got the Arabs and Jews in closed session conference to try to make the give away of God's land to the muzzies.

Why is this a concern greater than a May 14th Rapture. Because I tell you the Rapture isn't going to happen on that date - why? because all the "experts" are setting that as "THE DATE" it's going to happen. If anything, Biblically speaking, the Rapture will happen during at the LAST TRUMPET of the Feast of Trumpets (or the Jewish Biblical New Year). This setting the time in the Spring based on Song of Solomon has no Biblical validity. The only reason for any attempt at validity is that this site has tried to make it mean that.

Just Mat, Now The End Begins 14 Comments [3/19/2018 5:16:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 137345

I cannot know for sure if it will collapse on that date or even this year.; I have this information from a lawyer who was pretty sure of what he was telling our mutual friend. I'm ass-uming that it might happen on the 14th of May, as that would be a pretty opportune time to take the shine off Israel's special day of celebration, would it not?

It could happen sooner, but I hope not! Either way, it will put us all out of business, and watch out for the microchip implant/mark of the beast. We won't need to worry about investments or getting our money out of the bank, as it will be as valuable as it was in Hitler's day....they burned their cash by the wheelbarrow loads for heat. When the dollar does collapse, it will be a reset, such as the world has never seen before! It will be what the NWO has been working hard to bring about for over two hundred years! Here are some current links you might want to peruse on the immediate topic:

China Just Launched this Attack on the USD
Trump Just Launched this Massive Opportunity for Silver
Unsuspecting Americans to be Hit Hard by this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings
[URGENT POLL] Do You Trust Big Government to Manage Your Savings?

Skywatcher57, Now The End Begins 5 Comments [3/19/2018 5:16:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 137341

The followers of any religion are extremists. They literally believe that proud atheists like you and I will burn in a pit of fire for eternity for our horrible transgression of free thinking.

Just because some of them aren't vocal about it doesn't mean they aren't thinking it. It is literally in their book of myths. They hate us because we think for ourselves. Why defend them?

CarCarpetCity, r/atheism 23 Comments [3/18/2018 12:44:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137338

Actually, this is not correct. These two "consenting adults" engaging in sodomy are harming themselves. And the harm is both physical and spiritual. The physical harm is evident in another thread on UF that Abu Mubarak maintained, I would have to search for it.

The spiritual harm is more than just "religious", it alters the self, one desires filth and impurity and resents and despises purity, modesty, virtue. This is why homosexuals have one of the highest suicide rates, because they are conscious of their own degradation and defilement, their own desire for impurity, and despise themselves for it.

Abu Kamel, Ummah 13 Comments [3/18/2018 12:41:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 137337

There are things as a muslim I will never accept in this case zina or homosexuality. I will not change my beliefs just to make the kuffar happy. In an islamic state these people will be killed.

Basil_1, Ummah 12 Comments [3/18/2018 12:41:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Katie
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