Quote# 138523


Why do you have to deal with knowing he's in hell? People get sick, people get hurt, people get old, people die, some of them go to hell. Happens every day. Is that a challenge to believe?



You are not to judge God.

section9+1 and Invalidusername, Christian Forums 6 Comments [7/3/2018 11:32:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138521

The American settlement belongs to the European descendents of those that established the state in the Eastern parts of America (and gave the previous residents the right to either assimilate to that state with equal rights or keep tribal ties on reservations)

You "could argue" that the South-West part of America should belong to Natives/Mexicans based on the fact that there was a noteworthy presence of farming and populated agricultural development there, but we can only have that discussion if and when the original european-american nation is recognized

Also, the descendents of Native Americans DO NOT BENEFIT FROM MORE MIGRATION as their lives ALSO get worse

MarquisDePaid, Reddit 7 Comments [7/3/2018 11:31:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138520

What's your age range for "child"?

A parent should be training the child for the real world, not simply showing affection. That could turn it for the worse for the kid (I.e. spoiled people or those unprepared for living alone). I have no say in how people parent, but had I the power i would ban everyone from being a parent. But that's not a thing so whatever.

Many don't see killing or abuse as a bad thing. In fact, many societies have promoted such behavior and continue to do so.


I didnt say Islam is the only way to parent (I dont think it says too much on that topic). Nor did I say to withdraw love, I said not to just only show love and that's it.

You would reinforce your religion on your kids because you theoretically "know" it's true. Why parents care so much is beyond me, but I suspect its due to the modern view of parenting where your kids are your trophies or toys. Im sure reinventing the method of parenting would help resolve this issue and grant greater freedom of choice more effectively, while resulting in less deconversions. Parents suck: its a skill thats never taught and everyone believes is natural; obviously its not. This is one reason im against society-based morals because society is not often very bright.

Why is doing harm bad? There are countless examples and perspectives to indicate that harm can be good. There's a reason why there are so many philosophies regarding ethics. But i can give simple examples: For one, it can instill discipline and promote deterrence. Second, survival of the fittest. Third, self defense and prevention. Fourth, to stop "evil" from taking hold. Fifth, makes the mother happy.

Archeol11216, r/ExMuslim 0 Comments [7/3/2018 11:31:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138519

(In response to "If God exists he is evil. How true is that statement?")

This argument rests on a couple of assumptions:
1) It imposes human ethics on God. It imposes human judgement on God. In the same way your dog can't make judgement about you or even your 2 year old can't make judgements about you. This is on two levels--your kids aren't in a position to understand--they don't have enough wisdom and experience. Second, and most importantly we aren't in the position of power.

2) This misunderstands the necessity of free will for human life or love or anything we value to make sense.

3) It misunderstands that Satan is at the root cause of the problem.

4) It misunderstands the importance of spiritual and character development over physical pain. Even Olympic stars and championship athletes understand the value of training and stretching your muscles.

5) One analogy CS Lewis uses is a home remodeling. God loves us too much to leave us the way we are.

Nathan Ketsdeverr, Quora 13 Comments [7/3/2018 11:30:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 138516

(=Response to a discussion about the Bible not originally condemning homosexuality. The discussion is fairly lengthy=)

Your first two sentences are incorrect. Homosexual activity was proscribed from earliest Old Testament times as shown in Deuteronomy 23:17 & 18, 1 Kings 14:24 and 2 Kings 23:7.

The sin of Sodom that led to its demise was recognised in the Letter of Jude written probably cAD65 or possibly cAD80.

Errors, alterations and additions in and to biblical texts are well known to modern biblical scholarship, and a good study Bible illustrates these matters so that, I and all of today's readers are able to discern the original intent.

Concerning Leviticus 20:13. Your information, though informative, is not persuasive. To ritually defile someone (especially by accident) would have been seen as a hateful thing but not warranting the death penalty which we can see was ordered for the most serious of sexual offences.
Concerning your comment about Leviticus 18. Between vv6 - 23 there are 17 prohibitive verses regarding unlawful sexual relations and just 1 non-sexual prohibition. So, yes, this seems to be, with one exception, "all about sex".

Alan Minchin, Disqus 8 Comments [7/1/2018 4:05:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 138514


I've spoken a little on here about our situation. We have several grown children and several grandchildren. Our children are professing Christians.
Over the course of many years things have gotten worse and worse in our relationship with them.
We no longer attend church, it's been over 10 years due to wife's health.
Our children have grown away from us and want nothing to do with us.... we don't see them or the grandchildren.
Even our unbelieving family members want nothing to do with us.
Our children are involved in our extended families life, but not ours and of course involved with the church which also over the course of the many years that we have not been able to attend church, no one in the church has reached out to us.
I've mentioned before that we've tried to reach out to them, but, to no avail we've gotten no phone calls, visits or anything.
Our children visit to our town and visit with their in-laws and the church.
I've brought this to the church board, but, was dismissed!

We are so heartbroken over this and we know Scripture, but, we are SO heartbroken, finding it SO hard, even with God's promises to hold on.
What is going on in the Church?
Is it possible that a whole Church, it's Pastors, Elders and all the members are not true Christians?
Really need some encouragement to go on, it's been a really difficult couple of years.

Roger, Rapture Ready 15 Comments [7/1/2018 12:50:56 PM]
Fundie Index: -3

Quote# 138515

Re: Today I Was Assaulted By My Biological Sister And The Police Didn't Arrest Her


Tl;dr Sister stole 20 bucks from nephew. I ask where it is. She gets offended and we argue. She threatens me with violence and I don't back down. She starts swinging at me, I evade the punches but she cuts parts of my face, leaves two long red streaks on my chest and I call the police. Police show up, see the cuts and don't arrest her even after 'giving me the choice'.

I would give Charles the 20 pounds and write your fridge off to experience. Then cut your sister out of your life and let her dig her own grave.

PS: A useful trick if someone is throwing punches at you and you do not want to hit back is to deliberately bring your elbows up in front of her fists, if you can. A fist meeting and elbow will get the worst of the encounter and what is she going to say: "he attacked my hands with his elbows!"?


and what is she going to say: "he attacked my hands with his elbows!"?

Yes. And in this day and age she could probably get away with it too!


Police show up, see the cuts and don't arrest her

I'm surprised they didn't detain YOU.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but you made a huge mistake. Never call the police, I have read many stories where something similar to what you describe happens (woman starts a fight, man calls police) and it ends with the man being taken away in irons.

Yeah I know that doesn't make sense, but that's how skewed things are in favor of women.... those visible cuts saved you.

Please don't advise men not to call the police. Yes, it's true that men will often not be treated seriously, and it's also true that occasionally the male victim is the one who gets arrested.

But if we're ever going to change this scenario, we need to get female on male assaults documented. We need the statistics to show that domestic violence is not a gendered issue. We need women to be jailed over this.

We can advise men to get better evidence - like pictures, video, and confessions. We can advise them to separate themselves from women before calling. But please don't advise them to not call. That's only going to perpetuate the problem.

Domestic violence calls do not end well for men. I will advise them on what I consider to be the best choice for the circumstances, in this instance the application of law is so horrendously skewed against men that I do not think it is a good idea to call the police.

You believe calling the police and risking a terrible outcome will accomplish this?

I would never throw a man under the bus for "the greater good". I understand your general argument but your methods are unacceptable to me.

I'm sorry but I disagree completely. Mandatory arrest and no drop prosecution make this too risky of an action for me to ask men to take. For the time being, I will continue to advise them not to do it.

In my country, people are always complaining about the fact that "police don't take into account women's complaints", that women are harassed and can't do nothing. But these idiots don't realize that police also don't take into account men's complaints, and that most of men can't do a single thing when a woman tries to hit them. What you're saying is a large proof that there is cases of women who punches men unfairly (and I think that a woman saying to a man that she would "kick him in his balls" is also pretty sexist). As long as there is this stupid "women are wonderful effect", most people will not realise that women can be violent and cruel (stealing money from a 12 old nephew is heartless, and she even tried to punch you for complaining about that...) In fact, people needs to know that women can be evil too, so cases like your will not occur again.

I don't trust the CJS for reasons like this. I've experienced first hand and learned about countless more accounts of males assaulted by women at best not getting justice even after reporting, and often being treated as the abuser

People say male-on-female violence is worse and more dangerous, but a female has more recourse against a violent man than vice versa. If a man doesn't hit back, he gets seriously injured. If he does hit back, he gets arrested. And whichever he chooses, the CJS isn't going to protect him from the abuser

I'm really sorry this happened. Have you considered cutting her out of your life entirely? Would that even be possible? Toxic relationships are terrible things to endure, and her being a close relative doesn't make it any more justifiable

various commenters, R/MensRights 5 Comments [7/1/2018 12:44:20 PM]
Fundie Index: -5

Quote# 138513

What is the equal-makery of gender, of the economy, of humans (planned economy until the final battle) but the compulsive attempt to mask one's own shortcomings and to want to deprive society of the ability to perceive differences, which is to say, the natural sense? To pulp in humanity until only grey monk's habits and jaded officials are left that decide on the destinies. The self-aggrandising leftist doesn't demand "social justice" (beautiful words that are sadly used up by now), because he cares about other souls, but because he knows that, in a real meritocracy and in a society with a moral compass he wouldn't become anything. At best caretaker in a community college. He/She reacts then consequently out of a sheer pathological drive to everything neurotically that endangers him in his illusory perfection. And a socialist must see injustices everywhere, because this is what confirms his view of himself and the world.

Original German:
Was ist die Gleichmacherei der Geschlechter, der Wirtschaft, der Menschen (Planwirtschaft bis zum Endkampf eben) denn anderes als der zwanghafte Versuch, eigene Unzulänglichkeiten zu kaschieren und der Gesellschaft die Fähigkeit der Wahrnehmung von Unterschieden, sprich das natürliche Gespür, nehmen zu wollen? Sie, die Menschheit, einzustampfen, bis nur noch graue Kutten und übersättigte Funktionäre übrig bleiben, die über Schicksale entscheiden. Der sich selbst überhöhende Linke fordert ja nicht „soziale Gerechtigkeit“ (schöne Worte, die inzwischen leider verbraucht sind), weil ihn andere Seelen sorgen, sondern weil er weiß, dass er in einer tatsächlichen Leistungsgesellschaft und in einer Gesellschaft mit moralischem Kompass nichts werden würde. Höchstens Hausmeister einer Volkshochschule. Er/sie reagiert dann konsequent aus einem schier krankhaften Trieb heraus auf alles neurotisch, was ihn in seiner eingebildeten Vollkommenheit gefährdet. Und ein Sozialist muss überall Ungerechtigkeiten sehen, weil das sein Selbst- und Weltbild bestätigt.

Note: The author is the MP of the AfD in Thuringia.

NADINE HOFFMANN, PI News 5 Comments [7/1/2018 12:41:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 138512

Dear America, The LEFT Has Declared War On You

While you’ve been busy enjoying your new jobs, improved wages, lower taxes, and less government interference in your life the left has decided that all of those things are immoral. They must be undone. And those who enjoy them must be made to understand that they are not good American citizens, but some sort of participant to hurt others. They would love to say it makes you a racist, except that African Americans and Hispanics are enjoying the best economy they’ve ever known in American history. They would love to say your lack of desire to give government more and more of what you earn makes you an elitist, except that you aren’t. You’re creating new companies, hiring more people, and taking control back of your personal choices. This leaves less capital for them to make choices for you and run your life with. Therefore when all options have been exhausted their desperation leaves them with only two options—conform to the new energy transforming life, business and people in America, or destroy it.

That they had control of extended reach into law enforcement, justice, the judiciary, and all of the media and entertainment elite allies they enjoy, the left never believed that they would ever see the tornado of activity that has occurred in the first eighteen months of the Trump administration. A Supreme Court Justice who will reliably remove power from the hands of government, twenty-four appellate court judges, and seventy-one additional judicial appointments that all reflect that same judicial temperament add up to a limited window of time before much of the anti-constitutional hackery that has taken place over the last few decades is toast. But they are content to undo as much of what is true just and good as they can on any level. This week Gubernatorial candidate for New York—Cynthia Nixon—openly advocated for the elimination of Immigration & Customs Enforcement. She claimed they had gone adrift from their mission. Yet their mission is to do nothing but enforce immigration and customs law.


This article states what has been obvious to the discerning eye for a great many years now. Trump winning the Presidency has just exposed the whole mess and now you needn't have a discerning eye to see it...

Tall Timbers, Rapture Ready 7 Comments [7/1/2018 12:40:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 138511

think that this is just the latest attack on our President by the left. The outrage we keep hearing about is part of the talking points to undermine our nation and our President. The left is pinning their hopes on this latest "outrage" and when it fails, and I hope it does, there will be something else to follow this. The attacks won't stop until the left is in power again, in a position where they can continue to lawlessly degrade and destroy our nation.

None of the kids separated from their parents, nor their parents should be in our country in the first place. That their basic necessities are being provided for by our taxpayers is a generous kindness. We need a good border wall to make it more difficult for people to illegally enter our country in the first place. If our border is successfully closed, maybe those who in the past might try to make it to the USA in violation of our laws will instead fight to make their own countries a better place.

Tall Timbers, Rapture Ready 4 Comments [7/1/2018 12:37:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 138201

Though I continue to maintain that earthquakes are dramatically on the increase, in diverse place, it is wise to understand what constitutes an earthquake. Bombs make the earth quake...volcanoes...sinkholes...even the sun creates earthquakes. There are constant rumblings around the world, especially in US, highlighted by tremors under the ground, shaking houses...but what would certainly contribute to all of this would be rogue, planetary systems, gravitationally pulling on, and underneath, the Earth's tectonic plates, and as this appears to be happening right now, we can expect many more earthquakes, with devastating consequences. This might be, just might be, why there have been secret and reinforced, underground facilities springing up all around the world and why they are being kept secret, and why amateur observers are required to bring it all to your attention.

Not to worry, all these things must happen before that Great Earthquake which will signal the deathblow for all those listed in Revelation 21:8 (666)...but don't be surprised if the part of them that is indestructible, their unholy spirit, is dragged into the fiery lake of sulphur, for evermore, when it could have endured for all eternity, here on planet Earth, with a new universal science and freedom from all evil...but you have to be in it to win it...That means, following Jesus Christ accurately.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 2 Comments [7/1/2018 11:24:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 138188

The introduction to the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible confesses that it “falls short” of being “perfect,” and the NIV certainly does! However, the translating committee of the NIV also claims that “ALL” Bible translations today “fall short” of perfection. The translators of the NIV wrote in the preface, “Like all translations of the Bible, made as they are by imperfect man, this one undoubtedly falls short of its goals.” It falls short of being God's Word too!

The translators of the NIV are telling us that no one has God's Word today, that all translations are flawed and have errors in them. Do you really believe that the same God who spoke the universe into existence is incapable or unwilling to preserve His Word for today's generation? God promised in Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His Word until all generation. If God has preserved those inspired Words for every generation, then His Words are still inspired today. Please read, “The Inspiration Of The Almighty In The King James Bible!”

The NIV translators claim that we are all at the mercy of imperfect men to give us a reliable Bible, but what about a sovereign and omnipotent God? God gave us the King James Bible.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 10 Comments [7/1/2018 11:24:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 138135

Those Google Chromebooks are a dangerous Trojan horse for leftist politics in education. They also directly steer their users toward the kinds of job assignments a Soviet employment planner might make.

(See also: Conservative News and Views —The Humanitarian Hoax of "Convenient" Google Chromebook Education: Killing America with Kindness – Hoax 27.)

Terry Hurlbut, Conservapedia 7 Comments [7/1/2018 11:21:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 138502

[Serious] Came to a realisation after a party

-I get frame mogged by literally everyone, i was continually called "Skinny" by people who hadn't seen me in ages
-Frame is vital tbh
-Height is also fucking vital too
-Face is the most vital tbh

Being NT/"Sociable" makes you seem more attractive, i used to be a massive lanky introvert that couldn't dance and 2 foids actually came up to me today and complimented me on my dancing (too drunk to care though)
I would highly advise any of my incel brothers that are Low-normie tier to try really hard to looksmax and NTmax, as it's a possible way of ascending.
That being said, i ain't ascending anytime soon until my frame looks alot less shit

Also love all of you.

bagelcel, incels.me 10 Comments [7/1/2018 9:05:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138501

[Serious] Every mass murderer in history was fueled by a looks based jealousy

Hitler - an angry framecel manlet who had delusions of grandeur of being a 6'5 supreme aryan with blue eyes. you can sum up his entire regime by simply saying he was subconsciously jealous and angry that he didnt look this way.

gengis khan - a tiny ricecel who was jealous of Caucasian people. by being such a weak ricelet, he knew he would never get white pussy the natural way (by being found attractive), so he rounded up his hooligans and did it the hard way - by raping and murdering those who opposed his ways.

Saddam Hussein - a typical sandcel surrounded by heaps of 2/10 curry looking women with no ass or tits and covered in stupid sheets. this drove him to the brink of insanity, especially when he would see westerners with their playboy magazines and strip clubs full of 10/10 white foids. He wanted to kill us all as a result and practiced on smaller targets first to ease the pain and take his frustrations out

el chapo - a 5'4 manlet who was destined to pick strawberries for $6.50 a week until he died of old age in a field at the age of 70, whilst having never touched a white breast in his life. Wanting the finer things in life (white pussy), he realized this and decided it wouldnt be him. so he started brutally murdering 100s of ugly spicecels (his own people) and rose through the cartel ranks to become an ultra powerful and dangerous billionaire.

You can literally make a case for anyone in history that their motivations were for white pussy, and out of looks-based rage/jealousy of others. stop me if anything im saying is false

stretch-cel, incels.me 19 Comments [7/1/2018 9:03:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138499

"I've seen so many ugly dudes who slay, bro!"

I've heard that from pretty much every normalfag and Chad on the internet.

What do you think about that? I think that they're either lying, the "ugly dudes" aren't actually ugly, or the "ugly dudes" are rich betabux whose gold digger wives fuck the mailman every day.

Sadness, incels.me 4 Comments [7/1/2018 9:00:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 138495

For somebody trying not to be homophobic you sure do are pretty damn homophobic. Here are all my issues:
1: There are no innate laws of nature. We didn't even reproduce sexually until the algae came along, which is certainly a long time. There is definitely the Christian metaphysical statement that we are created male and female, but it remains just that.
2: Great that you're propagating the theory that being gay causes AIDS. I'd say that the main reason AIDS is so prevalent is because of religious rallies against the condom and comprehensive sexual education. The virus will spread regardless of what our sexual orientation is.
3: The Bible clearly says that it was because they wanted to distance themselves from other cultures where homosexual seks was prevalent. Why even adding AIDS to the equation?
4: For some reasons Christians like you don't seem to have trouble with people who lend at interest, despite it clearly being against the Bible. Why is that? I'd say because that doesn't disgust people anymore.

Jacob Harrison:
1. Well what cause Algea to evolve sexually was for reproductive purposes.

2. Lack of sanitation in a hot desert environment like Ancient Israel causes aids. Ass fucking is generally less sanitary than normal vaginal sex. And abstinence only sex education teaches people the harms of sex to scare people into not having sex. It reduces the amount of people who have sex and therefore reduces aids.

3. I was referring to why it was dealt with harshly in the Old Testament not why it is forbidden in the New Testament.

4. I have a problem with lending at interest but unfortunetely that has prevailed today. In Merry Old England, laws were passed against lending at interest.

1. There is no "higher purpose" in evolution. I'd say that it was because sexual reproduction offered advantages at the time of the evolution happening.
2: Nope. Ass fucking and vaginal sex are equally unsanitory. Also, you act like you've never heard of the condom.
3: I too was referring to this. We might have differing translations, but mine clearly states that it was because of this.

Jacob Harrison:
1. Since our sexual hormones evolved for procreation, we should use it for procreation.

2. I heard of condoms but heard that even condoms are not 100 percent effective at preventing infections. Besides it is better to teach abstinence so that people don’t accidentally forget to use a condom which happens.

In the harsh unsanitary environment in ancient Israel the buttcrack would be full of bacteria from the persons shit so back then, anal sex was less sanitary.

3. Does it say that in the Old Testament or the New Testament in your Bible. Show me the verses and I’ll see what those verses say in the Latin Vulgate.

1: It is not because something has evolved for procreation that we ought to use it for procreation. Just because something "is" it does not mean that we "ought" to do it.
2: And what when abstinence fails?

You're also delusional if you think that the butt is less sanitary than the vagina. Both are equally likely to get you an STD.

3: It does say in the Old Testament. Specifically Leviticus 18:3

Jacob Harrison:

1. But not using it for what it is supposed to do goes against the laws of nature.

2. Well it will fail less when people will be taught abstinence. And when it fails, well a new baby ?? will be born.

3. It does say that it is an abomination. But that was not the reason why it was dealt with harshly in Leviticus. Remember, it was a harsh desert environment and toilet paper has not been invented yet. Imagine all the bacteria from the dirty buttcrack. ??


1: What laws of nature?

2: Dude. Having a baby should not be taken lightly. You'll lose time and money raising it.

3: Leviticus 18:3 says this: "Don't live following the habits of Egyptians where you lived, nor those of the Kana'n where I'll bring you. Don't live your life according to their predicaments and commandments, "

Also, I never said it was harshly dealt with in Leviticus because they believed it was an abomination. I said it was harshly dealt with it because they wanted to differentiate themselves from the other people in their surroundings.

Jacob Harrison:

1. The laws of nature is doing what is most natural. Since sexual hormones evolved for procreation, they should be used for procreation.

2. The baby can be adopted.

3. It was forbidden because God saw it as an abomination. God did not want the Israelites to practice the abominations of the surrounding cultures. However the Bible never says that it was the reason why the punishment was so harsh in the Old Testament.


1: There is no "doing most natural". Things mutate first and only after they've mutated we know if they've a purpose or not. Sexual hormones didn't evolve for procreation, they evolved due to different physical-chemical bonds being combined to form a being that can reproduce sexually.

2: Don't you think that adoption clinics are already filled with children? Why add more?

3: Therefore you can't claim to know the answer either.

Jacob Harrison:

1. Yes sexual hormones evolved to produce a being that can reproduce sexually so that there would be genetic diversity. So they did evolve for procreation.

2. The reason why there are so many is because abstinence is not taught.

3. I don’t know all the answers but I try to make the best guesses. It is the most likely explanation because otherwise it makes God’s morality subjective to the context of the time.


1: Evolution is not a guided process, but, by our standards, a random process. Homosexuality is just as much a product of evolution as heterosexuality. And since you didn't propose me any moral argument against it, let me propose one in favor of it. Namely, that they have happiness acting upon it and that if you forbid it, that you don't maximise happiness.

2: So does abstinence. And besides you're commiting the perfect solution fallacy. It's not because a solution isn't perfect that we shouldn't learn how to use it.

I'll leave you with this: "The perfect is the enemy of good." - Voltaire

3: So you agree that if a dog does something right and decent, even if that dog has no knowledge of what is right and decent, that it is a moral agent. This is weird, but I'll go with it. I disagree, for one, that one needs God in order to be moral under the definition you propose. Utilitarianism, for instance, is an objective moral code without God under the definition you proposed, since it says that maximizing the human happiness is a goal in itself. I would even say that it is more moral than God under that definition, because there are several rules in the Bible that prevent you from doing good works to people, such as not allowing the Ammonites and Moabites to become citizens of Israel.

Jacob Harrison:
1. Regardless of whether you believe that God was the mastermind, guiding the process of evolution or not, we know that it is the environment that causes the organisms to evolve. I am aware of the evidence that some homosexuals evolved as population control, but that does not mean that all homosexuals are born homosexual. Besides, for the ones that are, well that makes their sexual hormones a useless holdover like the appendix. It cannot be used for it’s evolutionary purpose of procreation, so it must not be used. Homosexuals can have as much happiness master-bating.

2. I am not commiting the perfect solution fallacy. I am saying that abstinence is a better solution than contraception because it is the only way to prevent pregnancies.

3. God wants to maximize human happiness, but he sets righteous guidelines to prevent bad things from happening. The Ammonites and Moabites were not allowed to become citizens because they were a threat to Israel.

Jacob Harrison, Jacob Harrison Anglo Catholic Society 14 Comments [7/1/2018 8:26:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 138493

The special creation of this planet as recorded in Genesis explains it best. The planet was void but all the clues state it had once thrived in an evolutionary state. A terrible event like the one expected soon had likely struck the planet and it had become tidally locked .It wasn't spinning on its axis.We are told that there was plenty of water but it had all collected upon the dark side of the planet...all life was lost. Almighty God, who demands our exclusive devotion took a decision to resurrect this planet...simply by spinning it on its axis...the rest is Genesis.

NicholasMarks, Religion and Ethics 9 Comments [7/1/2018 1:58:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: NearlySane

Quote# 138492

But it is time to question the way the word "immigrant" has been deceptively extended to include what were in truth pioneers and settlers. Almost all the men and women who came to Canada from the British Isles and elsewhere in Europe, and, if you like, from British America, before 1914, were pioneers, not immigrants.

Immigrants started to arrive in Canada mostly after WWII. I am saying this in accordance with all the dictionary definitions I have examined. The New Oxford English Dictionary is very clear. Immigrant is "a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country". Settler, however, is "a person who settles in an area, typically with no or few previous inhabitants". Pioneer describes "a person who is among the first inhabitants to explore or settle a new country or area". "Pioneering" means "to be the first to use or apply a new method, area of knowledge, or activity, open up a terrain as a pioneer".

While the early settlers were responsible for this core culture, future settlers were responsible for the extension of this core culture into the "American frontier" or the "Great West". These men and women who opened the West were not immigrants. Immigrants only began to arrive in large numbers after the 1820s into the already created towns and cities.

In Canada, it can be said that the "core culture" was created by the time of Confederation in 1867, with French and English as the major languages, Catholic and Protestant values, French civil law and British parliamentary institutions and law. The "non-French and non-British" men and women who arrived in the 1800s and early 1900s were also settlers, insomuch as many of them settled in the new prairie provinces and British Columbia, or in new areas in Upper Canada and the Maritimes.

This distinction between settlers/pioneers and immigrants, which was recognized (at least implicitly) by past historians, has been explicitly obfuscated by current historians. The two standard history textbooks I have referenced often in my series on Canadian immigration, Origins: Canadian History to Confederation (2000), and A History of the Canadian Peoples (2011), avoid the use of the words "settler" and "pioneer", but always use the words "immigrants" or "diverse immigrants". Consider this: "immigration" enjoys the longest entry in the index of J.M. Bumsted's A History of the Canadian Peoples, after the words "Canada" and "Aboriginal Peoples".

It is not that historians did not use the word "immigrants" or "immigration" in the past. George Bryce's book, A Short History of Canada, published in 1914, a solid book of 600 pages, uses immigrants often, but he also regularly uses "settlers" and "colonizers" (without the negative connotation this term currently carries). The same is true of Donald Creighton's Dominion of the North: A History of Canada, first published in 1944, revised in 1957, which I greatly enjoyed reading in a tiny room at summer residence, University of Toronto, this past May. Both these books portray Canada as a nation fundamentally shaped by the French in Quebec and the English, not as a "nation of immigrants". J.M.S. Careless's book, Canada: A Story of Challenge (1959), subtitles the first period of large scale immigration to Canada as "Immigration, Development and the Pioneer Age, 1815-1850".

Canada's Pioneers

If I may disagree a bit with Huntington, it is more accurate to identify the settlers who created the core culture as "pioneers", in contrast to those who extended this culture into new areas in the West, who should be identified as "settlers" proper. The word pioneer carries two key meanings; one is very close to the meaning of settler, that is, a person who is among those who first enter or settle a region. But another meaning is uniquely about pioneering in the sense of being the earliest in any field of inquiry, enterprise, or cultural development. The French and the English were the earliest settlers and originators of Canada's core culture and therefore the true pioneers, while the Europeans, including English, who settled the West from about 1867 to 1914/21, were setters both in the sense of extending farming to the prairies, as well as extending Canada's political culture to this barely settled area of Canada.

The first settlers pioneered many types of home-made foods using local products, including buckwheat cakes, rich batter puddings, berry pies, molasses, gelatin, ciders. The diet of the settlers — wild asparagus and berries, chestnuts, ducks, partridges, cucumbers, celery and turnips, roasted pig, boiled mutton, rice pudding, fishes of several kinds — was far superior to the current overrated food of dirty Chinese restaurants with their artificial sticky sauces and rootless globalist menus. They also pioneered city halls, fire-fighter's organisations, theatres, Temperance Societies, sports and inter club games (curling, bandyball, lacrosse, softball, hockey, horse racing), public libraries, debating societies, mechanics' institutes, agricultural associations, literary societies, private schools and colleges, circuses, brass bands.


The goal of the globalist left and corporate right is to destroy the national identities and heritages of European peoples. They want to equate the Canadians who pioneered and settled Canada with the immigrants who came to a ready-made nation after 1921/1945. The fact is that, as we will see in a future article, the immigrants who came between 1921/45 and 1971 were mostly Europeans who came to be part of an already created Canada, worked hard and assimilated without any ulterior motives. The immigrants who have been coming since multiculturalism was announced in 1971 are very different from these European immigrants, and the reason for this is not only that they are from Third World cultures; it is that they are arriving into a Canada that is under the tutelage of an ideology that celebrates their non-European traditions and encourages them to affirm their group rights in ways that will eventually undermine the Canada created by the White pioneers, settlers and hardworking immigrants who came before.

Ricardo Duchesne , Eurocanadian  12 Comments [7/1/2018 1:58:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 138490

Why are SJWs like yourself the only people defending pedophilia?

You do know that trying to elicit sex from a minor, of any kind, is a crime right? Nothing you say or do will change that fact. But please keep talking. We love to know who our resident pedophile defenders are.

Who said I was an SJW? If I was an SJW I'd be wishing certain death on him like Floopa, without even knowing the facts!

I'm not on Kevin's side. I'm on the side of the victim which is Rapp but that doesn't mean I condemn Kevin to death or wish him harm. As I mentioned on the previous pages of this thread: Kevin is a tortured soul whose father abused him so I can find it in my heart to forgive him for allegedly touching a 14 year old (a grown kid basically who knows right from wrong and had a job) inappropriately 30 years ago.

Humans are flawed. There's no one who is perfect.

Shinra1, MMO Champion 4 Comments [7/1/2018 1:57:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 138489

[ on kevin space sexual assault allegations ]

I want it to be investigated and him and any possible witnesses questioned by Police. The fact the Spacey thinks it could have happened is, to me, alarming.

We don't need to waste tax dollar money on futile and pointless investigations which won't lead to any meaningful resolution. It's best to forgive and forget.

Well, go to jail as any other pedophile?? That could be a start right?? Is there a difference in your small mind between sex with a 13-year girl like Polanski did and him and 14-year boy?? Or gays now got a one time free pass from jail time?

Jail? For merely lifting and drunkenly touching a 14 year old boy? For something that happened 30 years ago? For something that may or may not have had happened?

he provide proof he's innocent, or turn himself in. "i forgot what i was doing, i was under the effects of alcohol" is not an excuse.

Turn himself in for what? For drunkenly 'wrestling' around with someone he thought was a friend of a friend.
that sounds like "Rape Apology" for me . Oh, what you didn't think that SJW BS works both ways??

But nobody was raped? Are you dense? Did you even read the article or the OP? He left the room. Which gives further credence to the idea that Spacey, then a 26 year old lad, was intoxicated.

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry doesn't cut it when you tried to rape some kids.

There is no proof that he tried to rape anybody.

But lets say for a second kevin admits that he made the advances and that Rapp rebuked him. So what? What actual crime was comitted.

I think you people have been watching too many episodes of the new season of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. LMAO

Shinra1, MMO Champion 4 Comments [7/1/2018 1:56:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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