Quote# 139471

It feels like everyone is trying to get an angle. Every interactions is designed for a specific purpose, everyone is trying to advance themselves. Friendships, partnerships, romantic "relationships", they can always be used as tools and commodities for someone to advance their purpose.

Bitches have played me too many times for me to not be cycnical and ruthless as fuck when I need to be. I'm too intraspective and observant to not be. It is a survival mechanism, also known as "psychopathy". But anyone who fakes shit as a means to an end is a "psychopath". I mean, faking love, faking being genuine, faking infatuation just to get what you want and then bail? That's "psychopathy", and we all have it in us.

It's fucking bullshit. I wish there WAS pure love. 100% innocuous love and positivity spread for no other reason than the sake of it, because you care for your girl/friend/neighbor/whatever. But it ain't that way. Everyone is a "psychopath" looking for a means to an end.

ItheIthe, incels.me 5 Comments [8/3/2018 12:39:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139469

(By manlets he means short people)

The problem is manlets trying to punch above their weight. If they just accepted the limitations and acted like the subhumans they are, then a lot of this vocal bias would diminish. I think Abe Lincoln said it first, but....

Fuqdatass, Bodybuilding Forums 5 Comments [8/3/2018 12:38:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139461

My Dad is Proud to be a Betabux, Even Though It's Pathetic

Actual quote from my dad. "me, no girls never liked me, i was ugly and i knew it. But i didn't give a rats ass. I went to school, i worked hard, i got a job, i had patience, and eventually it paid off since i met your lovely mother".

Just fucking lol. Imagine working your ass off in highschool to get good grades while Chad fucks Stacy every weekend, then working hard in University studying either engineering or finance or medicine or whatever while Chad parties every weekend, then finally getting your job and Stacy "settles" with you and by then she's bored of sex and doesn't even want to do it anymore. JUST FUCKING LOL

FoidsDeserveCancer, incels.me 16 Comments [8/3/2018 7:12:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139456

I can say with extreme confidence that straight men will not ever choose trans people over biological females.

If it wasn't for porn I'd agree.

Porn has all the ingredients for a powerful classical condition https://www.simplypsychology.org/classical-conditioning.html effect. The user consumes port in an aroused emotional state, the background content, the ideological assumptions and the actions portrayed in porn become associated with the extreme pleasure of orgasm.

We see this already in the numbers of men expecting anal and other activities that previously played little role in straight sex.

Once porn features trans women, man will become conditioned to respond to the artificial, but hyper exaggerated femininity that TW can perform.

wankmastag and GenderCriticalDad, r/GenderCritical 13 Comments [8/3/2018 2:20:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139452

Today's Laugh 8-2-18

CAPTION: The house of horrors presents: X-ray souls

Heading on sign: Crime: Deep State Coup

Woman speaking to child: No, Mark--that doesn't happen to Christians.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 19 Comments [8/3/2018 2:19:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 139444

Muslims were right all along, they just lack the economic opportunities but give it to them and I will take a place like the UAE over any Western country. In the West people often associate Muslims with crime but in Muslim countries there is very little crimes because they kill murderers and cut off rapists cocks and thieves hands, the problem in the West is not Muslims, its leftist justice laxism, weak weak justice that let criminals walk free.

Farhandlir, r/MGTOW 15 Comments [8/2/2018 3:09:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139437

I don't believe in the Armenian Genocide; yes alot of Aremnians died, but it was the result of multiple things, including living in the middle of a Warzone with Great Powers fighting each other on each side combined with private pogroms, but overall not something endorsed or done by the Ottoman Empire or any other state actor.

Iori, AlternateHistory 9 Comments [8/2/2018 3:03:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139429

Now working in a slaughterhouse

It is as gory as hell as I see cows getting there throats cut before there skin is peeled off just like a banana, blood and guts everywhere, this is what i want to happen to all them God dam fucking normies, It might be motivation for me to be the next Jack the ripper

Murdoch89, incels.me 18 Comments [8/2/2018 10:54:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139428

The Nazis and Many Today Follow Charles Darwin's Philosophy

For those who do cross that line and kill human life, I ask you, at what point do you draw the line? The Nazis killed those who were maimed, mentally-retarded, weak, or whom they just didn't like, thinking that it was acceptable within the morally bankrupt teachings of Charles Darwin's THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES. Put another way, Darwin's philosophies could be explained by the carnal phrase, “Only the strong survive.” Scientists who destroy human life in a lab, and mothers who abort their children, and judges who legalize abortion, and those who killed Terri Schiavo in 2005, are thinking the same way that the Nazis did. Whereas Jesus Christ stressed the importance of even the least INDIVIDUAL (Matthew 25:40,45); the majority of society today only concern themselves with the stronger GROUP (The Origin Of Species).

There is a famine of Biblical Christianity in the world today. Few people genuinely care about the individual anymore. The Supreme Court ruled in 1972, in Roe vs. Wade, that an unborn fetus is not an individual, not a human being. The victims of alcohol-caused automobile deaths are too often only considered a “statistic,” instead of an individual. All the victims of booze are PEOPLE, individuals. Most public school teachers don't care if a few students fail, just so long as most of their other students get good grades to make the teacher look good. They don't care if a few students fall through the cracks here and there an fail. This is how the heathen world thinks, and it is all directly based upon Charles' Darwin's The Origin Of Species

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 18 Comments [8/2/2018 10:54:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 139422

What rights do adults have to deny kids their sexuality?

Human beings are sexual beings, from conception.

Babies touch their genitals and feel good about it. So they repeat time and time again.

As they grow older, they continue to seek and find pleasure out of touching their bodies, they discover where and how they like to touch and be touched.

Preteens and pre-puberty kids are just absolutely curious about their bodies and of their piers male and female. They start having a lot of intentional pleasure by touching and rubbing themselves.

And obviously during puberty their sexuality flourishes, they do learn and seek pleasure out of sex.

So why do we insist that kids cannot have sex, feel pleasure and show themselves? They like it! Showing themselves is part of their sexuality, most do enjoy it . They show and they see. Kids are eager for porn, they learn through porn. And today kids have a lot more knowledge about sex and their bodies thanks to porn that is freely available.

A 13 year old boy does not always have the chance to see a naked 13 year old girl if not through porn. Why deny them this growing and learning experience?

If kids did not enjoy sex we would not find so many of them on Omegle and the likes. They are there. They want to show, they want to see, they want to have pleasure! It's their right.

Adults do not have the right to deny them this their right.

Dumso, Reddit 10 Comments [8/2/2018 7:53:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 139421

CMV: Children Should Be Allowed To Consent To Sex.

I think that children are capable of consenting to sexual contact with adults, and it's actually incredibly harmful to take that right away from them, and a violation of human rights. The normal arguments you hear against it are that the adult is always going to have more power in the relationship so it's inherently abusive, the child isn't ready for sex, developed enough, etc., and that there's too much risk for harm and anyone who isn't traumatized is an exception.

The idea that power dynamics makes a relationship inherently abusive is just outright wrong. Power dynamics only matter if the party with the power exercises it, and laws are an equalizer because they make there be reasons not to exploit power dynamics if empathy and compassion wasn't enough of a reason already. We only extend this idea of power dynamics to sexual situations with children, in all other areas it's actually expected and socially acceptable to exercise power against children (using hierarchy to get them to do what you want, physical punishment as deterrence, lack of consideration for their will, etc.).

Any sort of argument about development and puberty ignores the reason people have sex, people don't have sex just because hormones compelled them to do it, they have it because it's a pleasant and meaningful experience to achieve sexual release and increasingly so if someone you want to be involved is involved to. The idea that children aren't sexual creatures is to say they can't receive pleasure and have positive sexual experiences.

This is probably going to be the meatiest counter-argument that I have. I'll say it bluntly, no scientific evidence that uses unbiased samples (samples that represent the population as a whole) comes to the conclusion that willing sexual participation, or EVEN unwilling, is incredibly traumatic by itself. A study into the most impactful combinations of abuse on a child's happiness, finds that sexual abuse (defined as unwilling) isn't even in the top ten combinations of the most harmful abuse (Ney, Fung, & Wickett, 1994). Countless other studies find that early sexual experiences with adults are incredibly unlikely to cause lasting harm (Rind & Tromovitch, 1997; Rind et Al, 1998; Clancy, 2009) and other studies show that children who are willing participants in sex are statistically identical to the control group when it comes to issues of mental health (Arreola et Al, 2008; Arreola et Al, 2009). There's research that shows that minors who have first time experiences with adults have nearly indistinguishable experiences as minors with peers and adults with adults (Rind & Welter, 2014; Rind & Welter, 2016; Rind, 2017) and a study done of Finnish children that found that children are far more likely to report forced sexual contact than willing because they don't consider the willing sexual contact abuse (Lahtinen, 2018).

I personally see no reason to disallow child from having sexual freedom given all the research (there's more even) and find it immoral to deny them sexual freedom. I hope that having a conversation on a sub about reasonable discussions will bring me some actual solid and impactful evidence/arguments against rather than the usual moralistic squabble and argument avoidance of other places. I want an actual discussion about this and reasons why, in the presence of immense evidence that I believe is contrary, that children shouldn't be allowed to consent to sex, reasons the research is flawed, skewed, biased, or in anyway "junk science", or research that uses non-biased samples (i.e. not samples with a disproportionate amount of clinical patients) and come to the conclusion that sexual contact the child is willingly involved in is going to cause them some kind of lasting harm or problems. Thank you.

JustBe1ngHonest, Reddit 9 Comments [8/2/2018 7:53:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139415

I saw the movie last night. It was idiotic and annoying but the visuals are gorgeous. The local movie critic loved it, of course, because overtly it’s completely anti-white and pro-underclass; an extended, Marxist “five-minute hate. It’s hard to capture the blunt crudity of the movie on these issues.

Far more interesting to me were the multiple levels on which the movie plays out: A jaded, disingenuous synopsis of the first level might be: Crazed global-warming fanatics create a permanent ice age that desolates the planet. A brilliant, white, European, scientist-entrepeneur devises an advanced technology to save a small remnant of humanity. He is charitable enough to save some prole scum and non-Europeans, even though they contribute almost nothing to this survival system. This salvaged lumpen-proletariat eventually revolts against their limited share in the rewards provided to more productive persons. The result is a bloody apocylapse that destroys all humanity except two lumpen proles who will soon be eaten by a polar bear because they have zero Darwinian fitness.

The second level plays out as a mindless, racist scream of hatred against the white race, engineers, entrepeneurs, and ecenomically productive persons in general. The script writers’ and director’s intent seems to be to diminish the humanity of all these persons compared to the underclass in economically developed countries and non-whites everywhere. As an example, the brutal massacre by axe, knife, and club of a classroom of young white children and their pregnant, young school teacher is played for laughs (even more effectively than the machine gunning of a fat woman during the “five-minute hate” in Orwell’s 1984).

On the third level, although it appears unintentional in this case, something happens reminiscent of what Steve Sailer has noticed in another recent movie, Elysium. The white-baiting message that seems to be the primary intent of the movie’s makers is overwhelmed by the overt message of the first level (see paragraph two above) and the grotesque nastiness of the second level, e.g., the school room massacre.

I saw this movie at the Coolidge Corner Theater in Brookline, Massachusetts. The audience was composed of the usual, mostly white and Asian, ultra-progressive crowd of local college students, aging hippies, and new class progressives that tends to frequent this theater, salted with a large dose of sci-fi lovers. The audience reaction was very subdued and most left the theater with rather thoughtful miens. My distinct impression was that recent events on our border, instigated by our current third-world leadership, may have made this particular crowd aware that white self-hatred is not a good long-term strategy for preserving one’s current standard of living, freedom, and survivability.

Jus Sayin, Unz 7 Comments [8/2/2018 7:50:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139419

Best way to stop paying taxes? I do not want my money to go to public school or any other cost that involves raising childern.

If women have no obligation to not be ride the cock carousel then why the fuck should I have the obligation to pay for their fucking children they got with Chad?

Apucel, incels.me 10 Comments [8/2/2018 6:26:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 139417

Re: If this post gets 100 upvotes, MDE will team up with GenderCritical to defeat the trannies

GC is so close, yet so so far away from the truth. All they need to do is drop the feminist lenses and hey, whaddya know?

I've been posting there undercover for over a year now. The ones that aren't lesbos are a half step away from becoming tradwives. I posted a Social Matter article there and it got upvoted because they probably don't understand what NRx is. For anyone who wants to post there, don't disagree with anyone or say anything suspicious and you should be good.

GenderCritical DESTROYS men in DRESSES using FACTS and LOGIC

They also hate the same (((corporations))),(((government))) and (((culture)))

(((wh*toid m*n))) for them unfortunately

but they also realise feminist men are faggot creeps who want sex as a reward so they're better than most

It’s so easy. Just admit that gender is a human construct which means for the sake of classification we should ban the entire concept of them. Instead, let’s define by XX and XY and leave it at that.

This was suggested by a confused Chinese student in my required social justice seminar class freshmen year. It caused people and the professor to lose their fucking shit, but they had no response. Just autism.

Don't they also hate normal men, not only trannies?

They hate normal men have become. I do too.

^ The correct answer. They hate that most male feminists are either weak skeletons, fat lardos, or creeps just waiting for an opportune moment to hit on them.

Most men who have money, fame, and/or power don't want anything to do with average/plain-looking women. The men that would actually date these plain women don't get 2nd looks any more, because they're too this or too that, or don't have enough X, Y or Z. The majority of attractive women (especially in big cities) would rather share a man than have a beta bitch all to themselves, and I can't really blame them. I'd rather pay an escort than have some gelatinous blob all to myself.

I've been aware of this group for awhile but never really bothered to do more than a cursory glance. Gave it a closer look and I'm honestly somewhat intrigued; they're using the same language that the degenerate left uses but uses it to undercut the degenerate part. I'd gladly ally with anyone who hangs around that circle.

These folks are motivated by feelings of disgust and alienation. They are natural allies.

Even radfems can see how fucked things are.

Femininity has been absolutely bastardized by mentally ill people, and mainstream media is supporting it. It's no surprise women who take pride in their femininity are unhappy with this.

various commenters, r/MillionDollarExtreme 9 Comments [8/2/2018 6:26:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 139399

1. Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court
Dear Justice Kennedy: An Open Letter from the Child of a Loving Gay Parent
New York Times Ignores Children of Gay Parents Who Want a Mom and Dad
(especially before you go calling people uneducated, bigoted, or hateful.... I have no hate, I am well educated, and I won't even talk about the way the word bigoted is thrown around)

2. Greetings Kim, Just because it occurs in the animal kingdom does not make it natural does it? and we are not animals are we?
even if there is unnatural attraction in the animal kingdom, animals do not find a way to act on those unnatural attractions do they? other than dry humping the wrong sex
The aberration remains an aberration.

3. I'm not 'putting anyone down'.... I am trying to lift them up.... up to where they belong.... with their Creator. Ignoring His will and His design is not going to get them there.... that is Truth with Love. <3

CL, Patheos 9 Comments [8/1/2018 3:25:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139390

Is there a connection between free markets and Poz. Is a sound reactionary polity somewhat socialist?

In the comments some have been making the stupid argument that poz is the result of evil Jewish capitalists pursuing profit, that gay marriage was promoted to sell wedding cakes, which argument scarcely deserves a reply.

But others have been making more sophisticated arguments, which arguments deserve to be promoted into a post.

Obviously sound economic policy is trade with outsiders, which requires the Christian program of peace with outsiders, which is apt to result in the hyper Christian holier than Jesus program of surrender to outsiders.

Obviously the Libertarian Party promotes free markets, and also promotes poz that will at best result in whites being ethnically cleansed out of America, and males being spiritually castrated, and at worst could result in whites being physically genocided and males being physically castrated. This started with the nineteenth century English prime minister Gladstone building a coalition between economists and the hyperpuritan leftist evangelicals, which was swiftly devoured by the left, and ever since then libertarians have been trying to revive that coalition by accepting ever greater levels of ever more suicidal poz and ever more emasculating poz.

So in this sense, obviously there is a connection between sound economic policy and suicidal poz, manifest in the logic of trade, manifest in the holiness spiral of Christianity, manifest in Gladstone and manifest in the Libertarian party.

(But not however manifest in capitalists selling wedding cakes to gays, nor in capitalists selling mortgages to cat-eating illegal immigrants with no income, no job, and no assets. Obviously making marriage gay reduces marriage, does not increase it, obviously gays do not get married except to humiliate Christians and prevent straights from getting and staying married, and obviously selling mortgages to cat-eating unemployed illegal immigrants loses money. Obviously very few non Asian minorities can successfully handle a substantial mortgage, thus attempts to provide a substantial number of non Asian minorities with substantial mortgages inevitably and entirely predictably blew up in the loss of a trillion dollars. Whiteness predicts loan repayment better than credit history, except for the longest and most stringent credit histories. Even Asian nonwhites have substantially higher levels of credit scam for the same level of credit history, and non Asian non whites are all scammers, as near to all of them as makes no difference, just as all female CEOs and board members blow up the company as if it was a marriage to a beta male. If a non Asian nonwhite repaid a mortgage, it is solely because he flipped the house for a profit, and the real estate agent had to take the back payments on the mortgage out of the sale, in order to deliver a clean deed to the buyer. If he had a clean credit history before he took the mortgage, it was faked up. All women are like that, and all non asian minorities are like that.)

Carlylean Restorationist argues

Are you happy with Poz so long as there’s a free market liberated from central planners?

I’m sorry but I’m just not, at all. I’d rather live in 1988 Berlin not because I love five year plans, Soviets deciding what brands of breakfast cereal will be on the shelves (if any) and tanks on every corner.
I’d rather live in 1988 Berlin than 2018 Berlin because 2018 Berlin’s violent, rapey and full of filth, while 1988 Berlin isn’t.
I’d feel safer, more at home, in the 1988 version of Berlin.

(I use Berlin rather than London not because of any preference for it – quite the opposite in fact. The reason is that 1988 Berlin had the worst kind of economic policy imaginable to one of our mindset. The thing is, in spite of that policy – or (red pill) because of it – it doesn’t suffer from what 2018 Berlin suffers from under global relatively free trade.)

Well yes, but the brown face of the Democratic party, like Venezuela, has close to the worst economic policy imaginable, and also at the same time has poz at ethnic cleansing levels, in that the whiteish minority is being driven out of Venezuela Kristallnacht style.

Eighteenth century England had reasonably sound economic policy, and also far less poz than any twentieth or twenty first century society.

So, if we compare 1988 Berlin with 2018 Berlin, or with the suicidal ethnomasochist globohomo policy of the Libertarian party, looks like a strong connection between sound economics, and suicidal poz.

If we compare eighteenth century England, with Gladstone’s England, looks like a strong connection between sound economic policy, and seriously damaging levels of poz. Gladstone began today’s attack on the family, began the replacement of marriage with child support, and turned the British empire into the anti British empire, foreshadowing today’s anti American “International Community” empire.

If we compare the Libertarian Party with almost anyone, looks like a strong connection between sound economic policy, suicidal ethnomasochism, and globohomo self castration.

On the other hand, if we compare Trump’s America with Venezuela, or Trump with the brown face of the Democratic Party, or eighteenth century England with almost anywhere, looks like a strong connection between sound economic policy, free markets, and lack of poz. The libertarians attack Trump for insufficient capitalism, and insufficient poz, while the brown Democrats attack him for excessive capitalism, and insufficient poz.

The emancipation of the Russian serfs was simultaneously suicidal poz, and bad economic policy. I read that the “lavish lifestyles” of the nobility were harshly curtailed, and I also read that famine followed so it would seem that the lavish lifestyles of the serfs were also harshly curtailed. Which only makes sense if leftism did exactly what it always does: Knock over the apple cart to grab the apples. The emancipation of the serfs was a disaster for almost everyone in agriculture, particularly the serfs. The emancipation of the serfs was a disaster from day one, and steadily got worse and worse all the way to the liquidation of the kulaks, because the emancipation was accompanied by the introduction of collective land ownership. The correct solution was to emancipate serfs without land, converting them into agricultural laborers, tenant farmers, and sharecroppers. But the left was already campaigning vehemently against emancipation, and had it been done that way Alexander would have gone down in Whig history as worse than Vlad the impaler. So in Czarist Russia we see a connection between unsound economic policy, and poz leading to suicidal poz. Bad economic policy, in the form of collective land ownership, led to more poz, which eventually led to a disproportionately Jewish communist party taking charge. (Albeit Stalin continued bad economic policy while massively reducing poz.)

So yes, there is a connection between sound economic policy and ethnomasochistic rule by globohomos, since sound economics favors peace with outsiders, and favoring peace with outsiders is apt to blur into favoring surrender to hostile outsiders.

But Charles the second introduced sound economic policy at the same time as he exiled poz, and burned poz at the stake for heresy.

Jim, Jim's Blog 4 Comments [8/1/2018 3:25:10 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139386

(=Note - This one legit got a chuckle out of me=)

The Bible has not been rewritten, edited or deleted, but it has been translated. Men wrote as God caused them to write over ~1500 years and the result is an inerrant consistent set of documents.

Martin, Premier 13 Comments [8/1/2018 3:20:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 139385

You're right: Canada's a horrible, racist place full of brutal White sexists.

So why don't you go to Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, or one of the other beacons of enlightened civilization from whence your pets come?

You won't? Funny that.

Astrofrog , Eurocanadian 7 Comments [8/1/2018 3:01:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 139384

Were our "first nations" really first? The official narrative, like most official narratives of history, will not be allowed to be challenged. With the size of Canada and its 3 coastlines, what does "first" mean?

Our ancestors didn't "immigrate". They conquered, and they settled, and as a result this is our land now.

You midwit leftists are all the same. "Educate yourself", "you're so ignorant". Never anything original. Just because you pulled a B- average while drinking your way through university, your expensive political indoctrination does not counts as an "education". Certainly it's left you incapable basic rhetoric, to say nothing of the ability to understand the distinction between absolute numbers and per capita. You are, however, quite capable of spewing the vile, anti-White hatred your professors packed into your head while you sat there in class in a pot haze.

Astrofrog, Eurocanadian  6 Comments [8/1/2018 3:00:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 139411

It becomes a concern when some mentally deranged, filthy disease-ridden queer starts making demands ... whether they want it to be a concern or not. It’s never a case of “Organization X” jumping up and saying “what we really need is to start recruiting lunatic perverts!!!”. It’s always a case of lunatic perverts demanding to be admitted to “Organization X” against the better judgment of its members.

NorthMountain, Free Republic 5 Comments [8/1/2018 2:42:37 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139408

Even though born here, RATs are NOT Americans. They’re socialist/globalist filth that are hellbent on destroying our country.

Of course, they want the illegal vote....they can’t win without it. The whole damn lot of em should be hanging from light posts.

lgjhn23, Free Republic 10 Comments [8/1/2018 2:41:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 139401

I'm bald, 0 friends, no family, what difference would money make if any? I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

Whats the point of me bettering myself and trying to learn a trade or go back to college. I can have more "Money" but I would still have no friends and no family.And I would still be stuck in my Baldcel/Framecel body. I would still be an incel just driving a better car and living in a better apartment/house.

Absolutely no reason to try. I can see why the NEET/LDAR lifestyle is so appealing as an Incel cause you realize you can make Money yes but you would still lack in Looks and Social/Family status. You can never be a Normie. The damage is fucking done. Whats money gonna do for you? Get more escorts, be a betabux to some fucking whore slut single mother. Live in a bigger house? Your not gonna have any fucking kids you would end up like Citizen Kane a single man in a house all by yourself. No friends or family to come over. Get a sports car? Heck its in the parking lot you stupid fuck how would that help you any? Go on vacations? Who the fuck are you gonna go with you friendless loser?

What an absolutely miserable existence. LDAR is the only hope. You can pirate all of your media needs. All an Incel needs is Shelter+utilities, Food, and internet connection. Heck an incel can be fucking homeless. Just use the internet at Mcdonalds/Library/College and panhandle for like 5 minutes to make 10-15 dollars for your food for the day. Live in a fucking Tent. Can any of you guys really put up a compelling argument for this?

bluecollarCEL, incels.me 5 Comments [8/1/2018 2:39:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie
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