Quote# 140370
Mr. La, I have read many articles here, but yours comes straight from the heart.
The reason that Christianity presents the greatest difficulties of belief, is exactly because it presents the greatest rewards for continuing faith.
Any Christian, who lapses into despair and nihilism, ends up going insane like the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
For me, Jesus of Nazareth was, and IS, the greatest Quantum Scientist that will ever live. He told us , 2,000 years ago, that we could speak DIRECTLY to the Father, in his Name. We did not need the Levite priests to tell us how to pray or the infinite abundance of G-d’s love.
Most people are afraid of Jesus’ message, because it tell us real things, about ‘picking up our cross daily to follow him.” That does not fit well with our comfortable life-styles and instant gratification.
Your mention of Jesus ‘interacting with us continuously’ is a definitive confirmation of quantum mechanics, which Jesus already knew two thousand years ago.
If Jesus himself, dying on the cross, can experience the loss of his Father (“My G-d, My G-d, why have you forsaken Me?”) how much more can we, in the comfort of our society, ask him to strengthen our faith when it becomes weak.
You are also spot on with ‘ absolute logic’. - which is the tool for material scientists, but not for maintaining subjective faith in G-d.
“Seek first, the kingdom of G-d, which is WITHIN YOU, and all of these things you ask for shall be added to you.” Matt. 6:26
The discovery of quantum physics is the verification that Jesus knew THEN, what faith will bring to those who remain the “True and Faithful witness.”
Martin Cosentino,
Quora 11 Comments [9/9/2018 6:14:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Denizen