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Quote# 141849

A detailed criticism of Recolonization Theory has previously been published by McIntosh, Edmondson, and Taylor, and another by Holt.

The principal error of this view is that it starts from supposed scientific anomalies, such as the fossil record, rather than from Scripture. This has led to the proposals among some Recolonizers, but not all, that there must be gaps in the genealogies recorded in Genesis 5 and 11, even though there is no need for such gaps. Indeed the suggestion of gaps in these genealogies causes further doctrinal problems.

Even the views of those Recolonizers who do not expand the genealogies contain possible seeds of compromise. Because the Recolonizers accept the geologic column, and because the Middle East has a great deal of what is called Cretaceous rock, it follows that the Middle East would need to be submerged after the Flood, at the very time of the Tower of Babel events in Genesis 11. This has led some of the Recolonizers to speculate that the Ark actually landed in Africa, and therefore, that continent was the host to the events of Genesis 11 and 12. This would seem to be a very weak position exegetically and historically. Such exegetical weaknesses led Professor Andy McIntosh and his colleagues to comment, “Their science is driving their interpretation of Scripture, and not the other way round.”

Paul F. Taylor, Answers in Genesis 9 Comments [1/5/2019 10:30:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 141846

God is great and God is good

Christmas Day has come and gone, but the Birth of Jesus will linger on. For every child of God we celebrate the Birth of Jesus each day that we live.

How wonderful to know that God lives within our heart.

As we begin a New Year let's always remember what God has done for each of us. We try to make resolutions to do better, go on a diet, and so many other things. The most important thing we could ever do is accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and live for Him.

If He comes today are you ready to meet Him? Would Heaven be your home? It is so important to know for sure that you are saved.

God forgives all sin no matter how big or how small. The good part is He remembers them no more.

"As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us." Psalms 103: 12.

Satan will try to bring them back to our mind, but think of God's Mercy and Grace. God is greater than anything we have to go through.

God is great and God is good.

Happy New Year everyone.

Patsy Lambert, Newberry Observer 13 Comments [1/5/2019 10:29:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 141845

Only God in Heaven knows the abuse, cruelty, mental anguish and torment of soul that I endured during my first and second neck surgeries. Yet God saw me through. Things can happen to a person that aren't noticed by others, because they're just a small contributor or part of the big picture. Meanwhile you're suffering in unbelievable torment and no one cares or knows what's happening to you, because they're not in your shoes. It was far worse than death. I believe that my life's testimony makes the angels cry. I really do. You just don't know. You couldn't possible know. Many people would have killed themselves. I'm so thankful that God gave to us Job and the Psalms, documenting the sufferings, mental anguish, frustrations, pain, grief and sorrows of Job and David.

Kindly, I wish everyone could know, so I wouldn't feel so alone. I'm glad that the Bible says one day my life will be known to all. Matthew 10:26, “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.” Until then I must suffer.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 18 Comments [1/5/2019 10:28:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 141844

Last night some of our regional Parma nationalists hung up a sign that said “Mom and dad. The rest is faggotry”.

From FN’s facebook page: “Grazie a Dio non siamo catto-comunisti liberali.
E all’inizio del 2019 possiamo anche noi gridare al miracolo, anche a Parma, città sempre più alla
deriva, i bimbi nascono da genitori dello stesso sesso, e pensare che sino a pochi anni fa, dalla
nascita del genere umano, i bimbi venivano procreati da un uomo e una donna e non da un mammo…”

The preceding paragraph basically states, “thank God we aren’t godless liberals and kids come from a man and a woman…”

Forza Nuova Parma, Forza Nuova USA 10 Comments [1/5/2019 10:28:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: hydrolythe

Quote# 141842

The Anti Christ is a spirit that men surrender to who, like the gentleman who answered previously, is anti Jesus Christ. Anyone who denies that Jesus Christ (God) came in the flesh to this earth, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again through the power of the Holy Spirit has the spirit of the AntiChrist. For what the Anti Christ calls for men to receive basically that there is no God, and if there is no God, then there is no heaven, thus there is no forgiveness of our sins, real peace or joy, and that there is no greater Creator who loves us enough to create us, intercede for us, or even die for us- even though the evidence for God’s existence is evident in nature around us. For we know these three things for sure:

1.) Nature wasn't created by men/mankind. We know this because this makes absolutely no sense.

For here’s the new question: Which came first? Nature or mankind? Because if mankind came first then he would still be floating in space because there would have been no earth to stand on because mankind didn’t make it exist first. The only other way for man to have existed is that a Creator greater then mankind himself would have had to place him here…Then if nature existed first, then how did it get here apart from mankind existing? Or, where did men get the materials to build the objects to build all of nature?

2.) For the evolutionists: if it wasn’t created by men, then it definitely wasn’t created by animals.

3.) “Big Bangs” are all the same. If they (huge explosions) don’t produce life now but rather destruction, why would they produce life ever?

Terrence Harris, Quora 5 Comments [1/5/2019 10:27:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 141841

By Bible prophecy only America is "Israel," fulfilling all eight of Isaiah's given signs, confirmed by Ezekiel.

The pedo homo Vatican Anti-Christ's tribal racist Rothschild fiefdom, founded explicitly as an atheist state, fulfills not one sign for "Zion," "Israel Restored."

There is no private interpretation of prophecy. Those who deny prophecy deny God, America's only named King, Savior, Lord, Shield, and Sovereign.

Herod's Idumeans, Rome's "Christ-killers," the Edomites, filched the name "***" following the extermination of the remnant of the House of Israel at Jerusalem in AD70: they are "Gog" attacking America, true "Zion" as Ezekiel 38:11 foretells.

Babylon wields Gog: both impaled The Christ under codified Roman law; both ritually sodomize their miracles from God for satanic cult consciousness; both promote illegal and Muslim immigration to invade and conquer God's America, now "sheltering the remnant of the House of Israel": Sheba, Saxon, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and Norman.

Hebrew is from Gaelic. Celts were at the Black Sea for thousands of years before The Flood.

iAmerica10, Zero Hedge 14 Comments [1/5/2019 10:27:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 141835

Question: "Why did God allow Solomon to have 1,000 wives and concubines?"

Answer: First Kings 11:3 states that Solomon “had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines.” Obviously, God “allowed” Solomon to have these wives, but allowance is not the same as approval. Solomon’s marital decisions were in direct violation of God’s Law, and there were consequences.

Solomon started out well early in his life, listening to the counsel of his father, David, as recorded in 1 Kings 2:2-3, “Be strong, show yourself a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: Walk in his ways, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and requirements, as written in the Law of Moses, so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go.” Solomon’s early humility is shown in 1 Kings 3:5-9 when he requests wisdom from the Lord. Wisdom is applied knowledge; it helps us make decisions that honor the Lord and agree with the Scriptures. Solomon’s book of Proverbs is filled with practical counsel on how to follow the Lord. Solomon also wrote the Song of Solomon, which presents a beautiful picture of what God intends marriage to be. So, King Solomon knew what was right, even if he didn’t always follow the right path.

Over time, Solomon forgot his own counsel and the wisdom of Scripture. God had given clear instructions for anyone who would be king: no amassing of horses, no multiplying of wives, and no accumulating of silver and gold (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). These commands were designed to prevent the king from trusting in military might, following foreign gods, and relying on wealth instead of on God. Any survey of Solomon’s life will show that he broke all three of these divine prohibitions!

Thus, Solomon’s taking of many wives and concubines was in direct violation of God’s Word. Just as God had predicted, “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God” (1 Kings 11:4). To please his wives, Solomon even got involved in sacrificing to Milcom (or Molech), a god that required “detestable” acts to be performed (1 Kings 11:7-8).

God allowed Solomon to make the choice to disobey, but Solomon’s choice brought inevitable consequences. “So the Lord said to Solomon, ‘Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates’” (1 Kings 11:11). God showed mercy to Solomon for David’s sake (verse 12), but Solomon’s kingdom was eventually divided. Another chastisement upon Solomon was war with the Edomites and Aramians (verses 14-25).

Solomon was not a puppet king. God did not force him to do what was right. Rather, God laid out His will, blessed Solomon with wisdom, and expected the king to obey. In his later years, Solomon chose to disobey, and he was held accountable for his decisions.

It is instructive that, toward the end of Solomon’s life, God used him to write one more book, which we find in the Bible. The book of Ecclesiastes gives us “the rest of the story.” Solomon throughout the book tells us everything he tried in order to find fulfillment apart from God in this world, or “under the sun.” This is his own testimony: “I amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. I acquired . . . a harem as well–the delights of the heart of man” (Ecclesiastes 2:8). But his harem did not bring happiness. Instead, “Everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun” (verse 11). At the conclusion of Ecclesiastes, we find wise counsel: “Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man” (12:13).”

It is never God’s will that anyone sin, but He does allow us to make our own choices. The story of Solomon is a powerful lesson for us that it does not pay to disobey. It is not enough to start well; we must seek God’s grace to finish well, too. Life without God is a dead-end street. Solomon thought that having 1,000 wives and concubines would provide happiness, but whatever pleasure he derived was not worth the price he paid. As a wiser Solomon said, “God will bring every deed into judgment” (Ecclesiastes 12:14).

Got Questions, Got Questions 7 Comments [1/5/2019 10:25:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 141834

The "science religion" says it is not a religion but:

seminaries - universities
priests - scientists
dogma - "science is not religion"
creation story - big bang
#Bible - Darwin's Origin of Species
#Jesus - evolution
collection plate - grant writing

Not religion? Really?

Call To Repent, Twitter 20 Comments [1/5/2019 10:24:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: JHB

Quote# 141832

In my neck of the woods a high school trans female wrestler won "her" weight class against a real female. It was excited to win the championship while the real female (seemed to be a gracious young lady) wept. If the trans kid and his parents want to continue the charade, more power to them. But their charade created an unfair competitive advantage that I can't believe the high school athletics board would allow. Maybe it's little feeling would get hurt??

I am in no way condoning bullying, but if a kid or adult is making the wrong choices, their peers will most definitely let them know what they think. IMO this is not bullying, but it has got to the point where no one can criticize anyone about anything without being accused of being some sort of bully, phobic, hater, ect.. When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's everyone was bullied/teased, no one was exempt. You quickly learned to act correctly, wear acceptable clothing, bathe regularly, and so on or the teasing would continue. We have what we have today because of this PC culture. It's very wrong, and these kids are going to be in trouble when they get into the real world w/o their safe spaces.

DWB, Rapture Forums 14 Comments [1/5/2019 10:23:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 141831

I used to actually care about these people, the gays in the West, and wished they would stop killing themselves with unprotected sodomy. It seemed so inane. Now, I no longer give a hoot. To hell with them. They deserve everything they get. I just hope they live long enough to pass it to their buds. Same with those who get it from needles. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Is that harsh?

Penelope Dreadful, Free Republic 11 Comments [1/5/2019 10:23:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 141825

I've been wondering for quite a while about the practical and legal difficulties surrounding the concept of compiling a carefully curated, distributed list of leftist vermin and then officially notifying them via registered mail and other legally recognized methods that they're persona non grata on the grounds of my private property and my own company and on the grounds of a fair number of other participating private property owners, sole proprietorships, and corporations. Obviously, notorious leftist vermin such as Morris Dees, Oprah Winfrey, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Louis Farrakhan, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and hundreds of others would be high on that list.

The notice would make it crystal clear that they're considered deeply immoral persons of extraordinarily bad faith and that they're subject to immediate arrest and prosecution for trespassing and other charges should they knowingly step foot on posted properties such as restaurants, manufacturing firms, and numerous other venues. In the face of the incessant, mewling hatred shown by leftist vermin for decent Americans, such a stern measure against leftist terror seems almost inevitable. Still, one doesn't doubt that viciously fighting back in this manner would raise holy hell amongst the general public, regulatory agencies, judges, and legislators. I'm inviting thoughts on this long-overdue idea. -_-

Sarcasm Factory, Free Republic 16 Comments [1/4/2019 5:12:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 141823

Amos Yee, the Singaporean vlogger who was granted asylum in the U.S. last year, has been suspended from Twitter for his pro-pedophilia views.

The 20-year-old’s YouTube channel was removed earlier this year after he used the platform to defend pedophilia, and it appears he transitioned over to Facebook and Twitter to continue promoting those views. More recent posts were circulated and reported last week in an effort to get Yee suspended. Yee posting an image of a young girl with the caption “How does one not become a pedophile?” might have been the deciding factor for Twitter finally banning him on Saturday. However, his Twitter bio had long declared, “I defend Pedophiles publicly on the Internet.”

He was also urging followers to join his “pedo-friendly” Discord server, though according to a Facebook post, that server was taken down, as were the accounts of people in that server.

Yee’s Facebook page and Patreon account also appear to be down. Complicating matters even more, the U.S.-based activist who helped secure and finance Yee’s asylum status, Melissa Chen, now wants him to be deported. Yee was originally granted asylum after criticizing Singapore’s late president in 2015. Last year, when his pro-pedophile views started becoming public, Chen disavowed him.

On Tuesday, she released a statement writing, “Legitimizing pedophilia and organizing/promoting it generate negative externalities that involve the welfare of children, and they should not be given free reign. Being in America is a privilege and not a right. #AmosYee has abused that privilege. Deport him.”

Amos Yee, Daily Dot 11 Comments [1/4/2019 5:12:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 141822

I’m sure there are “dating” sites for homosexuals, although gay men are often just looking for quick sodomy. They just want to coerce approval from everyone. I’m sick of it!

Have the trannies sued for the right to misrepresent themselves on dating sites?

reaganaut1, Free Republic 12 Comments [1/4/2019 5:10:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 141821

Most people believe that the moral laws in our society are justified. If not, these moral laws would have changed already. But looking back, we see that the morality has changed. When you look at the sexual morality, then you see a lot of changes compared to one hundred years ago, but also when you compare it to some decades ago. Sex outside marriage is much more accepted nowadays. Homosexuality is much more accepted. Contraception is much more accepted. Adult pornography is much more accepted. Some things are still not accepted by a large majority of the people in Western countries. Abortion and prostitution are still under fire by many people, and everything concerning child erotica, child sexuality and child pornography. I predict that all these things are going to be accepted by a large majority in the future.

In the 1950s, writing about sexual stuff could lead to the prohibition of that writing. Books with the word ‘neuken' (fucking) in it were banned. The morality police would come into action. Porn magazines were not allowed, and what was considered porn at that time also included images like sexy lingerie photos we today see in public advertising on billboards. The adult porn movies and magazines were partly to satisfy our feelings of lust. But they were also at the same time of a political nature: they challenged our sexual norms. That is why many porn videos were shoot in civil household situations. Not in a modern looking art décor household, but in an old fashioned one. To challenge our norms. Let us be thankful to those early pornographers.

Most child porn today is produced by children themselves. This I read in De Groene Amsterdammer (18 October 2018). We as a society want to warn the children not to make sexy images of themselves. We always want to solve this problem with the repression of children's sexuality, because that is what we don't want: sexual active children. We lie to them, that we just want to protect them. There is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with minors producing porn. There is nothing wrong with minors uploading these images and videos on the internet. It is only wrong if someone does upload stuff without the permission of those involved. We have privacy laws to prevent or punish such behavior.

When pornography, including child pornography, will become more accepted, then the shame will at the same time decrease. So involuntarily sending someones nude picture to a friend of yours would be, while still wrong, less damaging. Less unnecessarily suicides will occur. We just have to learn people, of all ages, to be kind to each other, not to bully each other, and to respect their wishes, their privacy. Only looking at pictures never should be illegal. Even if these pictures are of an abusive nature or placed online without the consent of the children. Almost every adult is interested in child pornography. It is a lie to say only so called pedophiles are interested in these images and videos. Also children are interested, of course I would say, in child pornography.

In the same article in De Groene that I mentioned, we can read that the Dutch morality police does not want to arrest all child porn viewers anymore. They have not the capacity to do so. (No public institution ever says we have too much people employed.) They pick the dangerous ones to prosecute. People working with children, they consider a threat. And of course if you are caught by someone that informs the police they will prosecute. Or if you are a prominent figure. So when the Dutch morality police has a list of hundreds Dutch IP addresses they don't go after all of them. How kind of them… I still see them as bastards destroying lives of innocent people. You only need to go after persons that do bad things. I'm convinced these people (doing bad things) are a minority of the people caught by the morality police. I also hope the Dutch morality police will not share foreign, like US, IP addresses but I'm afraid they do without hesitation, knowing about the cruel and inhuman life destroying convictions in many countries.

So when more and more people are producing child porn, more and more minors producing such stuff; when more people are watching it, then in the end the morality police and our society as a whole will say: it's normal, let's change our laws. That is how it always goes with morality laws. So when you read that a man is caught looking at improper images concerning minors, then hope for him that his friends will not turn down on him, hope that he will not get punished very harsh. See him as a hero doing things you wanted but not dared to do. I write he/him because women are more sexually repressed and they are still behind, they will one day also enjoy child porn as much as men do and hopefully as children do. I believe in freedom for all.

Marthijn Uittenbogaard, marthijn.nl 9 Comments [1/4/2019 5:10:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141820

Last year in Dec 2017 I reached a point where even fapping didn't give me any pleasure. I was over it. Nothing could really satisfy me in this mean life. But then something happened. This may sound weird to you but it's real to me. I cried out to God. In a glimpse, the love of God consumed me, filled my voids, I felt as if I am not alone. The presence of God was so much in my room that everything that fell apart was brought together. I felt loved by the one who died on the cross for me and rose again.
This is not any achievement. But it's the greatest battle I've every won in my lifetime. And you can too.

sauvy7, 9gag 13 Comments [1/4/2019 5:09:50 AM]
Fundie Index: -1
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 141819

There are no atheist, only those that say they are which originates from willful suppression* in protest to God’s authority.

* Rom 1:18-20 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Jeffrey Brown, Day Age Righteous Christian, Quora 11 Comments [1/4/2019 5:09:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 141818

Gay activists are coming after Christian churches next…and it’s already happening

November 19, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Over the past decade, attacks on Canada’s Christian communities by LGBT activists have escalated significantly. In Alberta, Education Minister David Eggen is threatening to defund and possibly shut down religious schools that do not accept Gay-Straight alliance clubs. Canada’s Supreme Court recently ruled against Trinity Western University, a private Christian institution in British Columbia, for having students agree to a lifestyle contract upon enrollment. And of course, attempts to force schools to teach gender ideology are taking place simultaneously in nearly every province across the country.

I’ve seen many Canadian Christians post articles describing these events on social media, often accompanied by the million dollar question: “What’s next?” I suspect that I’ve known the answer to that question for some time, but recent events in Ontario indicate that it could happen sooner than I’d thought. The potential catalyst is a story that has been reported on breathlessly by Canadian media for just over a week now.

A Bowmanville woman, Kimberley Mills, was attending the Calvary Baptist Church in Oshawa, Ontario. Calvary Baptist, like most churches (and all Christian churches for the past two thousand years prior to a few decades ago) holds to the traditional biblical teaching on sexual morality. Mills, however, has been in a relationship with her partner Meghan Fowler for several years. Despite the many liberal churches she could have attended that would have been more than thrilled to celebrate her relationship, Mills chose to attend a church that adheres to what the Bible says about sexuality, and even to serve as youth leader.

After sharing with people in her church that she was in a long-term same-sex relationship, she was removed from the membership rolls of Calvary Baptist Church in November, and received a letter from the church leadership informing her of this fact. This is standard practice for many churches: Membership is voluntary, but members must abide by the rules of the church community. As reported by the Toronto Star:

“It is a very serious matter to remove a member for discipline as you will note in the 1 Corinthians 5:5 text, and our hearts are broken over it,” said the letter signed by Dr. Tim Wagner, deacon chair.
Representatives from the church released a followup statement to say that everyone is welcome to attend Sunday services, regardless of whether they are members. However, the church does have the option to remove someone from membership — a “voluntary association of like-minded individuals.”
“We love and care for everyone since we are all made in the Image of God,” said the Calvary Baptist Church statement. “Those who choose to become members of Calvary Baptist Church share our theological and doctrinal beliefs and agree to live in accordance with those beliefs. When an individual ceases to hold those beliefs or live in accordance with them, as has recently happened, that individual may be removed from membership but always remains welcome to attend our services and other programs.”

The letter informed her that she was “living in disobedience to the Scriptures,” which made Mills very upset. The Star noted that this conflict “thrust [her] into the role of gay rights advocate,” and quoted Mills explaining that, “It’s clear that something needs to change. I feel that God designed me the way I am and He’s going to love me the way I am.” She promptly went public on social media, and says she has been (predictably) receiving much public support, as well as getting many messages from pastors informing her that they were in complete approval of her relationship. Again, it is difficult to understand why Mills did not choose to attend a church presided by over one of those pastors to begin with.

Mills now says that she had “started to be concerned about coming out at the church when a sermon took a strong stand against homosexuality,” and “felt like she wasn’t able to be true to herself while at church.” (This is understandable, as biblical churches do not exist to help people feel “true to themselves,” but rather speak of the need for repentance and obedience to God.) Mills had several discussions with church leaders that she found unsatisfactory, and instead decided to leave the church—“but she plans to continue speaking out about her experience.”

That experience has already attracted the attention of one gay activist, who has now put Calvary Baptist Church in his crosshairs:

Oshawa community advocate Mac Moreau has launched a letter-writing campaign asking the Canada Revenue Agency to review the charitable status of Calvary Baptist Church. As a registered charity, churches receive significant tax breaks from the provincial and federal government — with the requirement that churches devote all of their resources to charity.

“The church has allowed its resources to be used for activities that promote hate and intolerance,” said Moreau. “If you are going to promote hate and intolerance, you shouldn’t receive benefits from the Canadian government that all Canadians contribute to.”

Moreau said the letter — and potentially ensuing CRA assessment — isn’t meant to close the Calvary Baptist Church. The aim is to support other gay parishioners who are feeling pushed out of their churches, and to hopefully serve as a warning to all churches that preach intolerance.

“This isn’t meant to destroy a church family,” said Moreau, who attended the Calvary Baptist Church as a child and said he later left over concerns about the messages of obedience and intolerance. “This is simply to say in this day-and-age, when you’re receiving benefits from the public purse, this is not acceptable.”
This will be the next strategic move on the part of Canadian LGBT activists. Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has already placed an ideological litmus test (which includes LGBT issues as well as abortion) as a prerequisite for gaining access to the Canada Summer Jobs Program, and soon enough LGBT activists will turn their attention to those churches (and other religious institutions) that still hold to the traditional biblical teaching on sexuality. Perhaps Kimberley Mills will be the catalyst, or perhaps somebody else will. But it will happen, and probably sooner rather than later.

LGBT activists will soon demand that governments strip charitable status from any church or institution that disagrees with their ideology of sexuality, and will accuse any politician who declines to do so of being a homophobe or a transphobe. They will claim that these churches make the lives of LGBT people miserable, and that they should be condemned by all people of goodwill. Any good that these churches do, they will say, is vastly outweighed by their fundamental bigotry. And if the past is any indication, Canada’s spineless politicians will fall into line and do just that.

Jonathan Van Maren, LifeSite News 11 Comments [1/4/2019 5:09:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: I

Quote# 141817

In the wake of claims that so-called “fake news” helped turn voters against Hillary Clinton and toward Donald Trump in the last election, the term itself has become so overused that it is nearly meaningless. Trump uses the “fake news” label to deride the mainstream media and highlight their liberal bias, while the Democrats insist that “fake news” tricked many ordinary people into voting against their own interests. Since then, there has been much discussion concerning how to limit “fake news” — Canadian, German, and American politicians have all cited “fake news” as a concern that needs to be addressed.

As a pro-life activist, these sorts of discussions make me nervous. Not because I don’t think that any “fake news” exists — I see plenty of social media posts from obviously fake websites peddling obviously fictitious stories. What concerns me is the fact that I don’t trust government authorities or the mainstream media or the academic establishment to determine what is and is not “fake news.” Inevitably, this sort of thing will end up resulting in the censorship of views that progressives dislike.

Consider the current conversation on abortion, for example. How often are media sources actually willing to discuss what abortion is? Pro-lifers are portrayed as wild-eyed religious fanatics or fundamentalist throwbacks trying to control female sexuality, while abortion supporters are portrayed as liberty-loving reproductive rights warriors. But imagine if a newspaper simply printed photographs of the human being in the womb at each stage of development, from conception until birth, and asked questions about when it was ethical to end that life? Or imagine if journalists confronted politicians with the fact that abortion often involves doctors tearing the limbs from the bodies of pre-born children, and asked if this was a humane response to a crisis pregnancy?

This, of course, would never happen. Media discussions of abortion exclude any details of the procedure we’re actually talking about. When the Planned Parenthood videos were released, for example, the media immediately accused David Daleiden and his investigators of “deceptively editing” the footage. Let’s say, for the sake of the argument, that the media’s accusation had been correct. What about all those discussions about “crushing” the fetus? What about those abortionist panels that had audiences in stitches over stray eyeballs plopping into the doctor’s lap? What about the abortionist casually chatting about how she had to “pull off a leg or two” during abortions? Nobody was claiming that those videos were “deceptively edited,” because they obviously were not. So why did those — and many other — horrific revelations not make the news?

The reason is simple. The abortion industry has progressive politicians, the mainstream media, and much of academia running cover for their barbarism. The media assists them in the coverup of what actually takes place within the abortion industry, which is why bombshell videos of abused animals get nonstop coverage but casual discussions about crushing tiny human beings gets dismissed and the whistleblowers maligned and slandered. That’s also why it took a concentrated social media shaming campaign to get even the slightest bit of news coverage for the Kermit Gosnell trial, where America’s most prolific serial killer was being charged with murder. Some journalists openly admitted that they didn’t want to cover the trial because it made the abortion industry look bad.

If we want to see what abortion activists intend to do to free speech, all we have to do is look at Europe. Two Members of European Parliament have begun the process of attempting to criminalize pro-life views and assert that opposition to abortion is “a form of violence.” The French Broadcasting Council and the French State Council actually banned a beautiful video called “Dear Future Mom,” because it showcased happy, smiling children with Down syndrome telling parents not to worry, and that they loved their parents like any other child would. It was decided, however, that this video would make the thousands of mothers who decided to abort their child with Down syndrome feel bad, and thus it should be censored. Those who are willing to violently end the lives of pre-born children will think nothing of censoring the truth and restricting freedom of speech.

“Fake news” may be a problem, but it is a problem borne out of our divided society, where nobody can agree on what the truth is anymore — if “truth” even exists. When government bodies and academic institutions begin to discuss how to address “fake news,” you can be sure that they do not simply mean fabricated stories with no basis in fact. They also mean the truth about abortion, and a wealth of information that they find inconvenient to furthering their so-called progressive causes. Our media and our politicians assist in the coverup of some of humanity’s greatest crimes, inflicted on our own offspring. They are not committed to truth, and we must be very wary when they begin to pretend as if they are.

Jonathan Van Maren, LifeSite News 11 Comments [1/4/2019 5:09:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: I

Quote# 141816

I was in a BestSeller book store recently and was surprised to see a Harry Potter book behind a warning sign which read: CENSORED. Here is a list of Censored Children's Books. I asked the store attendant about the censored Harry Potter book and she said that many parents were concerned for their children because of the WITCHCRAFT in the book. I commented to her that I was glad to see the censorship sign, parents should be warned. I wish every book store in the world would place warning labels on the evil Harry Potter collection. If I had my way, there wouldn't be any Harry Potter. I would burn every book, movie, shirt, toy, and item that dealt with Harry Potter's witchcraft. Perhaps when the Lord Jesus Christ returns, I will get my wish.

God hates witchcraft and so should we. Harry Potter should not only be censored, but utterly destroyed...

"Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver." -Acts 19:19

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 11 Comments [1/4/2019 5:08:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 141815

we are living in a spiritually sterile l materialistic, faithless, Soulless, Godless drunken, drug infested, sexually perverse, Men marrying men-Age of darkness and ignorance and aggressive disbelief and irreverence for anything truly pure Holy clean and true! That the laws of light, life and God are now subverted that those atheists think now that Good is Bad and bad is good! Yep! T'is truly the End of days!

Even Michael Jackson knew the truth of it as he was always singing- you know I'm BAD! I'm bad I'm really really bad! And everyone's going -

Good! Good! Good! He! He!?

David Hague, Quora 9 Comments [1/4/2019 5:08:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 141812

There is also the influence of the communist BBC from which the Irish get most of their news. I have always been a proud Irishman my parents were born in Ireland and most of my relatives are still there but after the Irish voted to kill their babies and their future I took all my Irish books about history , culture and folklore and threw them all in the dust bin along with any Irish flags I had. I no longer celebrate St. Patrick’s day because I am ashamed to be Irish.

John O'Neill, Disqus 15 Comments [1/4/2019 5:07:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Citizen Justin

Quote# 141807

People dont care if its not your fault that you have shit life or you are ugly, they just want to communicate with high value successful people

When you open news site and you see an article about a guy in wheelchair having problems entering his appartment block or getting on the bus by himself, you barely if at all read it and close asap and forget, you cant really relate and life is too short to deeped into other's people problems when you have your own.

Thats the mindset and logic of nearly everyone. We are egoistic creatures, we care about our own well being.

Nobody gives a shit if you have failed due to your ugly looks or something else, you just a loser and thats it. They forget about you and move onto the higher value ones.

subhumanpermavirgin, r/Braincels 11 Comments [1/2/2019 11:09:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 141806

Lady Checkmate's headline: "Sir, you're not a ma'am" - Man exposes LGBT Targetted Persecution of anyone that disagrees with them"


A man that wants to be a woman has shown the world his true character and intent. When a customer refers to him by his actual birth gender, he becomes irate-cussing unnecessarily, threatening the store clerk-challenging him to a fight outside and violently destroying store property. But that's not all, before the aggressive man leaves, he issues a final threat that he will report being called "sir" to the homosexual community and that the store will lose money. I can't help but wonder if he'll report his own violent outburst, vandalism, terroristic threats, and disturbing the peace, in between his tears of course. Hmm...what do you guys think?

Don't forget to RECOMMEND. Lets get the Truth out so that Light may shine bright in this dark place and Jesus Christ may be glorified. Even if the discussion is closed, please still RECOMMEND. May God bless you and keep you.

Lady Checkmate, Disqus - Faith & Religion 13 Comments [1/2/2019 11:08:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 141803

atheism denies Adam from the Holy King James Holy Bible. And therefore atheism also denies the a in atheism. And therefore atheism denies the a in virginia. So atheists do not like sex.

Dale Garland, Facebook 26 Comments [1/2/2019 11:02:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Winston Jen

Quote# 141798

[Note: the fundie/sexist is the person who wrote this hit piece, not the woman being defamed]

One of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s accusers admitted this week that she made up her lurid tale of a backseat car rape, saying it “was a tactic” to try to derail the judge’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee revealed the fraud in a letter to the FBI and Justice Department Friday, asking them to prosecute Judy Munro-Leighton for lying to and obstructing Congress.
Mr. Grassley said Ms. Munro-Leighton is a left-wing activist who hijacked another “Jane Doe” anonymous report about a backseat rape and claimed it as her own story, calling it a “vicious assault.”
“I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped me,” Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote in an Oct. 3 email claiming to have been a victim of the judge.
Mr. Grassley’s investigators tried to reach her for a month but were unsuccessful until this week, when they spoke to her by phone and she confessed that she was not the original Jane Doe, and “did that as a way to grab attention.”
She admitted to the false allegation, and said she has actually never met Justice Kavanaugh.

Stephen Dinan, Washington Times 6 Comments [1/2/2019 11:01:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
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