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Quote# 142532

Hadi: Muslims used by ‘enemies of Islam’, now non-Muslims running the country

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 17 ? Misinformation fuelled by the “enemies of Islam” has influenced Muslims and resulted in a “dangerous” political shift in the country, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has claimed.

In a report by PAS organ HarakahDaily, the PAS president alleged that Muslims, especially the youth have been misled by a misinformation which has inadvertently turned them against Islam.

This, he added resulted in a change of government and a country run and dominated by non-Muslims.

“We have seen how Muslims especially those among the younger generation, who are influenced by Whatsapp, the cyber realm, not realising they themselves have turned and become detractors of Islam.

“(They) have been used by the enemies of Islam, to the point where there is a change of politics that endangers Muslim in our country. When it is being ruled and dominated by non-Muslims,” Abdul Hadi reportedly said.

Hadi then urged Muslims to expand their knowledge on the digital realm in an effort to spread the teachings of Islam while defending the faith on the digital platform.

“Those defending Islam must use all of their skills and knowledge to spread and uphold Islam.

“Those who are capable in this realm, have a responsibility to spread Islam, defend Islam and attacks its enemies with information technology,” he said.

Hadi explained that in a borderless global world, information technology has enabled a cyber war, especially against Islam.

“It is considered 'world without borders. (People) can spread anything to the world whether it is spreading Islam or opposing Islam.

“We are witnessing many groups that oppose Islam across the globe, through the cyber-realm of information technology with various slander.

“We are witnessing a clash in the cyber realm of information technology. Attacks on Islam, its leaders and supporters with various arguments and slander. To give a negative impact on Islam, to humiliate Islam, to demean Islam and scare people away from Islam,” he said.

Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, Malay Mail 5 Comments [2/22/2019 1:50:14 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Bedhead

Quote# 142530

Humanity, as a whole, has a problem with kleptomania. We can't stop stealing. Look at the original property that was stolen: the forbidden fruit that contained the wisdom of good and evil. Have we given it back? No way. We use it in everyday life, sometimes for good, like when deciding to return a lost wallet to its original owner; and sometimes for bad, when we know something is wrong, yet we do it, anyway. We have used this wisdom, ever since it was first stolen, and haven't returned it to God. In fact, the irony is we ask God for more of it in prayers. I'm sure I've jotted down in earlier letters the "Serenity Prayer:" "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." God, being the loving being that he is, often gives us more to help us along the way. But it is strange to think that we are asking the victim of the crime for more of what we stole.

Not only did we steal an Object from our Creator, but we also robbed him Of his identity. The words that convinced Adam and Eve to disobey the law were surely the last ones spoken by the serpent: "You will not die, for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God. (Genesis 3:4-5)" We don't want to be the created ones. We want to be the Creator and the Master of the Universe. There is a part in all of us that wants to usurp God's position and assume the throne ourselves. We thirst for power and hoard it to secure our place, over and above others. It frustrates us to the core that God has infinite power at his fingertips. When humanity saw a chance to take some of it from him with a single bite of fruit, he took it.

Troy D. Ehlke, Foundations of Faith: Building on Scriptural Foresight and a Father's Follies (book) 12 Comments [2/22/2019 1:45:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 142529

"Can They Really Be That Dumb?"

She's been dubbed Alexandria Occasional Cortex, whose green new deal was so childishly naive that it was hastily scrubbed from the website. We therefore posit, for your approval, the theory that these dimocrat rock stars are republican plants.
Our next fifth-columnist is Elizabeth Warren, hard at work to ensure a resounding dimocrat defeat in 2020. Her campaign is DOA thanks to her bizarre channeling of Pocahontas. Undaunted, she remains the darling of fake news with statements like 'Trump's wall is a fake national emergency'. Cory 'Spartacus' Booker grilled a conservative judicial nominee with solely LGBT-related questions, brilliantly suggesting he cares about nothing else. Could the Walk Away [from the dimocrat party] movement have him on the payroll? Kamala Harris stereotypes Jamaicans as drunken potheads, drawing the ire of no less than her own dad. Beto O'Rourke wants to dismantle even the existing sections of border wall.
Turning from 'young crazy' to 'old crazy', we find a most diabolically clever plant in Mad Maxine Waters. Her infamous parking lot rant, urging a handful of faithful to harass conservatives, artfully skated the line between dimocrat indoctrination versus outright sabotage.
But a more likely scenario is found in the opinion of a conservative pundit. In his view, when one is talking to dimocrats, he isn't talking to human beings, but to demons with a weird, self-defeating sense of humor.
Points to ponder, in the time remaining,. . . .in The Twilight Zone.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 21 Comments [2/22/2019 1:45:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 142528


In his present form - that of a man - Satan is able lo transform himself into 999 different forms. All the time I saw him he was in the form of a man. He was very similar in appearance to the pictures we see of him and his face was very diabolical.

He can also appear in his original form of beauty (making 1,000 forms in all), but can do so for only a limited period of time. I have talked with human beings who have seen him in the form of a vulture (but talking like a human; he knows all the languages on earth), a black man. a white man. a ram. a lion and other forms.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -II Cor. 11:14

He can transform himself into an angel of light. I have spoken to those who have seen him. as well as other demon spirits, in the form of Jesus or an angel of God. Would you know the difference? This accounts for the appearance of the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church. He didn't make it up. it's just that Moroni was not an angel sent by God - he came from the Dark Kingdom.

This ability of spirit beings to change forms will be discussed with greater detail in later chapters. However, I believe you can see from this knowledge how the Islamic prophet heard the voice of an angel and how false religions such as New Age are brought forth. That is why we must be spiritually mature and know the voice of the Holy Spirit in order to not be deceived.

Other forms in which Satan has been identified include:
1. A red-eyed demon possessing webbed wings, cloven hoofs and a tail. This is our characteristic picture of the devil as portrayed by the media. This is Satan as the accuser of the brethren.
2. The image of a lion in which he imitates Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
3. A python, cobra or other snake. This is a common form for many in the Dark Kingdom. Whenever I am in Africa, especially in the jungle villages, I am always on the lookout for "snakes."
4. A wolf.
5. A large ram with fully curved horns.
6. A fox.
7. Various human or angel-like beings with a white robe, usually surrounded by a cloud of glory.
8. A large dragon, breathing smoke and fire. In this form he is very fierce in appearance. He likes to assume this form when coming to a meeting of the Dark Kingdom. Those in the meeting shake uncontrollably from fear when Satan comes in this form.
It should be pointed out that in none of these forms can he fool the Christian who is in tune with the Holy Spirit. Also, the fact is that Satan rarely comes to earth personally. He prefers to send one of his errand boy spirits, normally Beelzebub.
Satan is the most vulnerable the last Friday of each month. The devil is involved in an all night meeting with his evil government and is thus preoccupied. He is noi available to reinforce his spiritually wicked rulers of darkness and wicked spirits. This is a night when the whole Church should pray effectively for maximum results.
Another good time to pray when your prayers will not be hindered as much is during the hours of midnight and 2 A.M. Nigerian time. In America, this would be hours of 6 to 8 P.M. CST. At this time of the evening, Satan rests for two hours. If anyone wants to see him his bodyguard. Beelzebub. will tell them that "the Master is resting."
Therefore, this is another excellent time to enter into concentrated prayer which will bring much fruit.
And. as you will learn later, the witches and wizards are meeting during this time as well. They are usually involved from midnight to 3 A.M. Nigerian time each morning in their meetings at the coven. Our deliverance ministry ministers all night to people on Friday night of each week and there is much prayer. The reason for our success in this area will be seen when wc discuss deliverance.

J. P. Timmons, Mysterious Secrets of the Dark Kingdom: The Battle for Planet Earth (book) 13 Comments [2/22/2019 1:43:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 142343

December 11, 2018 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A group of archeologists and other scientists say they have discovered strong evidence that the region of the “Middle Ghor,” where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are believed to have existed, were in fact destroyed by a meteor that exploded in the sky above, raining down superheated matter and raising temperatures to thousands of degrees, a theory that matches the account of the cities’ destruction contained in the Old Testament Book of Genesis.

According to the theory, the meteor exploded at low altitude with the force of a ten megaton atomic bomb at an altitude of about one kilometer over the northeast corner of the Dead Sea, and obliterated all of civilization in the 25-kilometer-wide circular plain that constitutes the “Middle Ghor.”

The researchers presented preliminary findings on the subject at this year’s annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research in November, and have been developing the theory since at least 2015. They state that the evidence from radiocarbon dating indicates that a group of civilizations flourished in the area for over two millennia, until approximately 1700 BC, when the mud-brick walls of the buildings in the region simultaneously disappeared and only the stone foundations remained.

At the same time, the pottery in the settlements was heated into glass in the space of milliseconds, according to the results of an analysis of the Zircon crystals formed in the process, indicating that they were briefly exposed to temperatures of approximately 4000 to 12000 degrees Celsius, comparable to the temperature of the surface of the sun.

The explosion rained down platinum as well as molten lava on the region, according to two of the archeologists, and this further confirms that a meteor was the source, given that platinum is found in higher concentrations in meteors than on earth.

Approximately 40,000 to 60,000 people living in the region were killed, and a 500-square kilometer area was rendered uninhabitable for 600 to 700 years, the researchers estimate. They believe that the area was stripped of its topsoil, and that salts from the nearby Dead Sea were spread over the land, destroying its fertility.

The settlements that were annihilated in the event include the principal excavation site, “Tall el-Hammam,” which the archeologists believe is the city of Sodom, whose destruction is recounted in the Book of Genesis, chapter 19. The approximate date of the annihilation also matches the time period corresponding to the event in Genesis, according to archeologists.

The research has been carried out by the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project (TeHEP) by a team of scientists from various universities and scientific institutes, including New Mexico Tech, Northern Arizona University, North Carolina State University, Elizabeth City (NC) State University, DePaul University, Trinity Southwest University, and Los Alamos National Laboratories.

Close correlation with the Book of Genesis, chapter 19

Two archeologists involved in the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, Steven Collins and Phillip Silvia, wrote in a 2015 conference paper that “the physical evidence from Tall el-Hammam and neighboring sites exhibit signs of a highly destructive concussive and thermal event that one might expect from what is described in Genesis 19.”

“The soil/ash samples gathered from Tall el-Hammam contain evidence of top-soil destruction and sub-soil contamination with Dead Sea salts that would have prevented the cultivation of crops for many centuries following the event, which explains (in part, at least) the long occupational hiatus,” they add.

According to the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Genesis, verse 24, “The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven,” a statement that matches well the high temperatures and superheated stones that would have rained from the sky in such an event.

The Hebrew word for “brimstone” is normally applied to sulfur, which is a stone that burns.

Genesis 19 also seems to describe the general devastation in the region, including the loss of plant life discovered by the archeologists, stating in verse 25, “And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth.”

“The country about” is the Hebrew word “hakkikkar,” which refers to a plain seated between mountains, or a valley. Archeologists believe this area to be the Middle Ghor.

Genesis adds that Abraham “looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and the whole land of that country: and he saw the ashes rise up from the earth as the smoke of a furnace.”

Genesis and other books of the Bible state that Sodom was destroyed in retribution for the sexual perversion of the inhabitants, particularly their desire for sexual relations with the same sex, which the Scripture calls an “abomination.”

The New Testament Letter of Jude likens fires that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah to the “eternal fire” of hell.

“Sodom and Gomorrah, and the neighboring cities...having given themselves to fornication, and going after other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire,” the letter states in chapter one.

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Lifesite News 16 Comments [2/20/2019 3:19:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 142291

(in response to: Christians believe you go to heaven or hell. Then how come psychics are able to talk to dead people who were not Christians and they say they are in a good place?)

Because most “psychics” are frauds that have been taught a variety of strategies for getting you to give away details without realizing it, that they then capitalize on to amaze you.

A single semester of Psychology 101 will have you seeing through those tricks.

The small fraction that are legitimate sorcerers are communing with demons, not dead people, and you should stay well away from such people.

Sean Thomas, been a Christian all of my adult life, Quora 14 Comments [2/20/2019 3:02:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 142515

"Most unvaccinated people will die as children" is just as stupid as "vaccines cause autism", and if you spread memes promoting the former myth, you do not have the right to feel superior to people who spread the latter

The way Reddit talks about vaccines you'd think the Angel of Death personally visits every child on their first birthday unless the mother (always the mother, anti-vaxx fathers don't exist) gets them vaccinated. When in reality, for every unvaccinated child who dies of measles, 500 will just get a fever and runny nose for a week. Meanwhile they smugly insist that it doesn't even matter if vaccines cause autism because "autism doesn't kill children", when if they could be bothered to do some basic fact-checking they'd find that autism makes you 40 times more likely to get lethal injuries in childhood. The worst part is that if you point out how stupid their memes are, they assume you're an anti-vaxxer; it's just like how after 9/11 anybody who pointed out how ridiculous Bush's policies were was accused of supporting the terrorists (EDIT: that was an unfair comparison, spreading dumb memes is not the same as invading a country unprovoked. But it's still the same worrying mindset of "our enemies are so evil that anything condemning them must be accepted, no matter how obviously wrong it is").

funwiththoughts, Reddit - /r/Negareddit 16 Comments [2/20/2019 2:36:18 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 142512

A Marriage Made in Hell

I am terribly troubled to have received your last letter. Of course you should begin twisting his thoughts concerning marriage — how have you not already? Do you not realize that even one human living according to the Enemy’s design can cost us souls? Your negligence on this matter is criminal.

Ever since the first wedding in the garden, we suspected that the Enemy was preparing something revolting — but who could have imagined? Even Our Father Below couldn’t guess the true horror of it all. Marriage, we found out only too late, does not ultimately concern the humans’ love for each other. His plan, from the very beginning, was to actually marry the wretched creatures himself — disgraceful!

Throughout time, he has brought two vermin together to display his unnatural love and disturbing sacrifice for his bride. He created husbands to announce — to all who would listen — that he would soon become one. How we once praised him, I still can’t imagine.

Marriage, Globdrop, reflects everything we detest. The male dresses up as the Enemy, while the wife stands in for his beloved. As he made man in his own image, he made marriage to reflect his terrible story. But while the Enemy means for it to narrate one tale, we can make it tell another. Through it, we can preach one of our gospels. Perhaps the most effective way to do so these days is to instruct him in what I like to call homofunctional marriage.

Homofunctional Marriage

Although unsuccessful for thousands of years, your great uncle Slubstone’s persistence has paid off remarkably. He actually convinced them that one man can marry another man! But your man, as you report, stands unconvinced. Yet, while he may never audition for homosexual marriage, he may readily participate in our homofunctional rendition. Let me explain.

It is quite simple really: whereas homosexual “marriage” puts two of the same sex together, “homofunctional marriage” consists of two different sexes that function identically. The same still marries the same: they both lead and follow. They both must shoulder the same amount of burden, both must offer the same amount of sacrifice, and both be equally responsible for the other before God.

When we convince the actors to learn each other’s lines and swap each other’s pants, they’re not left a different version, but a different drama. Romeo and Juliet becomes Juliet and Juliet. Interchangeable, dear nephew, interchangeable. Call it teammates, best friends, enlightened, liberated, progressive, egalitarian — whatever does the job.

An Anti-Drama

Now, as you can guess, 50/50 cannot last long. Someone must eventually break the tie. And Adam, as we keep reminding them, has had his turn. Monique and Alex are excellent examples from your man’s small group.

Monique is the modern strong wife. She lives in corporate America, shoulders the responsibility for the family, and is proud not to be living in the “comfortable concentration camp” of stay-at-home motherhood. As a point of principle, she is reluctant to do anything she considers domestic, and quick to share her opinion for hours on end, while her husband sits expressionless beside her. She balks at the thought of being a helpmate, chafes at the idea of submission. Her favorite Bible verse — to undo the ones she despises — is Galatians 3:28. With six words (“there is no male and female”) we have made her an apologist. Pleasantly, she hates the Enemy’s script nearly as much as we do. She has washed her face indeed.

Meanwhile, Alex has few complaints these days. He no longer expects to have much say in family decisions — and according to him, he is better off for it. He has finally realized (as many of our patients eventually do) that when he lets his wife steer, he never gets blamed for ending up in a ditch.

He finds the passenger seat most comfortable. More reclining. Less sacrifice and accountability. More opportunity for naps. He even hears the occasional commendation from others in the group for “laying down his life.” Having passed on our offer of masculinity that domineers, belittles, and abuses, he has taken nicely to that emasculinity which occasions less blood and more praise. He lives to defer. It takes less energy.

And what does everyone watching the two-person play see? Little different from those who have better things to do than attend Bible studies on Wednesday evenings. No one sees a man who loves his wife, initiates towards her constantly, and gives his life sacrificing his own comforts and strength for her eternal good. No one sees a bride who adorns her husband, respects and gladly follows him, all the while blossoming under his love and leadership. They see nothing of the Enemy’s drama.

Delightfully, they see a manly woman standing upon a doormat. Although a number of toxic texts were read at their wedding, they left them all behind when she drove him home from the ceremony.

What They Must Never See

Globdrop, begin instruction with your man immediately.

Tell him, if there is blood to be shed, it should be spilled evenly. Let marriage serve what they call “equality” — for no marriage can have two masters. Unmake him. Dignify (or at least excuse) that passivity which opens the back door to those sins that daily slaughter aimless men. Make him passionate about sports, not souls. If a man, then a mannequin.

Let marriage tell any story but the Enemy’s. Earthly marriage must never tell of the dreadful one to come. Muffle the obscenity. Invite him to take part in one of our homofunctional marriages instead. But while you work on him, never let it slip that, although the Enemy will hold him solemnly accountable for how he discharges his duty, he also extends endless help and offers boundless grace whenever he falls short.

Your perplexed yet expectant uncle,

In The Globdrop Letters, a senior demon (Wormwood) corresponds with a junior demon to advise him in the evil art of subtle deception. The series follows in the large footsteps of C.S. Lewis in his classic work, The Screwtape Letters.

Greg Morse, Desiring God 13 Comments [2/20/2019 2:34:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 142520

When I hear that a bunch of normalfags kicked the bucket, It doesn't bother me at all

This has nothing to do with any animosity toward normalfags at all. I just don't care. When I hear 50 people died in vegas or a 100 in Laos, the only thing I think is "Kek, Thank god that wasn't me". I regard it with same level of interest I feel toward the weather report. Who cares? The truth is nothing I'm saying is controversial. YOU don't care. And you should stop pretending that you do care. That's what bothers me about normalfags. The sanctimony, the faux outrage. Changing your facebook avatar to a french flag doesn't mean anything. Stop pretending.

Every human being on this planet is 100% invested in themselves, their family, and maybe their friends/pets. Even the friends thing is iffy. Most people think of their friends as employees in their personal social business. If Tom, the guy who is sorta good at pool dies, you're probably just disappointed you have to fill a space in your social queue. Sort of like how an employer is disappointed when the guy who understands how to work the router offs himself. Gotta find a new guy! Darn!

If you heard that a bomb went off in your neighborhood, what would you think?

"Oh god, I hope it wasn't someone I know!"
And you would breath a sigh of relief once their names weren't called. Despite the fact that 100+ people could have died! You sleep easy that night. Why pretend? Maybe it's too horrible to admit that most humans are selfish cocksuckers who regard each other as warm bodies unless they're genetically related. Can't admit it, can we? Meh, I don't care. When I hear about a genocide, I kick my feet up, grab the remote, and jerk off to HD 1080p pornography. The clarity of the tiny ridges on the roastie's butthole. Jesus christ

Mahlo, incels.is 17 Comments [2/20/2019 12:12:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 142519

Indian Science Congress Speakers Say Newton Was Wrong, Ancient Demon-King Had Planes
January 9, 201912:56 PM ET

At this year's annual meeting of the Indian Science Congress from Jan. 3 to 7, senior research scientist Kannan Jegathala Krishnan dismissed Albert Einstein's theory of relativity as "a big blunder" and said Isaac Newton didn't really understand how gravity works.

Nageswara Rao, a vice chancellor at Andhra University in South India, said that Ravana, a demon god with 10 heads, had 24 kinds of aircraft of varying sizes and capacities — and that India was making test-tube babies thousands of years ago.

Dinosaurs were created by the Hindu god Brahma, said Ashu Khosla, a scientist with expertise in paleontology at Panjab University in the North Indian city of Chandigarh.

Not exactly the kind of remarks you would expect at an event whose mission is to advance and further the cause of science, to stimulate discussion on scientific theories and to create an awareness of science-related issues, especially among children — and that is funded by the Indian government's Ministry of Science and Technology.

Krishnan, Rao and Khosla were addressing a group of 5,000 children assembled from all over the country at the event's Children's Science Congress. Their lectures were posted on YouTube and reported widely by the press. The congress organizers were red-faced, and the scientific community in India was outraged.

The organizers of the conference were taken aback. "This is the 106th edition of the Science Congress," said the group's general secretary Premendu P. Mathur in an interview with NPR. "Since 1914, we've had so many meaningful conversations with children on science. We've hosted Nobel laureates from around the world, and yet the controversy overshadows the good when some people misuse our platform for personal and political gain."

About 15,000 scientists from India and around the world attend the conference every year, said Ashok Saxena, a zoologist and a former president of the congress, in an interview with NPR. They are a part of the 50,000-strong Indian Science Congress.

Invitations were sent to 250 scientists and researchers to speak at the various sessions of the annual event.

Among the famous attendees this year were three Nobel laureates: Hungarian-born Israeli biochemist Avram Hershko, who won the prize for chemistry in 2004; British-born physicist Duncan M. Haldane, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2016; and German-born American Nobel laureate for medicine in 2013, Thomas Christian Südhof,

Addressing the comments made during the children's event, Saxena said, "We never dreamed that some of them would spout such irrational ideas. They were invited to speak based on their science credentials."

But this isn't the first time the Indian Science Congress has been mired in controversy. In 2016, Nobel laureate Venkatraman Ramakrishnan famously called the event "a circus" because of the way religious ideologies held sway over science and said he wouldn't attend another session.

Many scientists believe that politics is the problem.

The rise of the Bharatiya Janata Party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party, in 2014 meant that the ideals of the organization that it is closely linked with — a right-wing group called the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) — are now mainstream. The RSS believes in propagating Hindutva as a nationalist movement. The term refers to the effort to establish a Hindu way of life and glorifying Hindu beliefs.

Kannan Jegathala Krishnan, Nageswara Rao, Ashu Khosla, NPR 8 Comments [2/20/2019 12:12:03 PM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 142518

[OP of "LP faggot fakertarians, vs Libertarians"]

[Poster blasting "fakertarians" for supporting gay rights, civil rights, "moral decay" and feminism and featuring attacks on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the allegued dysgenic effect of welfare and multiculturalism]

HoppeanDoctor, Reddit - r/National_Ancaps 12 Comments [2/20/2019 12:10:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142517

Kelantan: Underage marriage is necessary

A ROUNDTABLE by state agencies in Kelantan has determined that underage marriage is a necessity and in accordance with Islamic laws, reported Utusan Malaysia.

This was part of the seven resolutions tabled during the discussions on Nov 28.

The roundtable rejected two United Nations conventions on children and women, which did not allow for children under 18 to be married.

Stakeholders at the roundtable contended that the two conventions were not suitable for Muslims in Kelantan as there were social ills.

The state, they said, also had strict laws before agreeing to child marriages and there was no need to amend these.

The current Islamic Family Law Enactment of Kelantan sets the mini­mum marriageable age at 18 for boys and 16 for girls.

> The daily also reported that local singer Ella was contented to be the Rock Queen of Malaysia for now.

However, she said she would not turn down a Datukship.

“I won’t say no if there is someone who wants to bestow me a Datukship but for now, what is bestowed upon me by my fans is the best recognition,” said the 52-year-old.

> Metro Harian reported that a rape suspect in Beijing, China, who used his pet snake to scare his victim, died after he was bitten by the reptile.

The suspect was believed to have been playing with the snake in the bathtub when it bit him.

A CCTV recording showed the poisonous snake slithering out of the room. It was later caught by firemen.

Police had been trying to arrest the man ever since a woman reported that she was raped by the suspect who threatened her with the snake.

Kelantan stage agencies, The Star Online 16 Comments [2/20/2019 12:09:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 142511

("A Youtuber reveals her new girlfriend")

As usual, this is said in love and not hate or judgment. As you are precious to God. So I will not give a thumbs down, as that's sneaky, but I will give the truth. And pray God you will listen.

This video looks like a Bible movie that is titled: In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wouldn't you say? Yes, I thought so! I've tried everything to stop these perverted videos from coming in but they keep stalking. So, once again, I guess God wants to have a talk with you. No, don't confuse this with "hate", as they say, so don't let Satan con you into believing that lie. Because real hate would be people in the comment section applauding this sin. It's sad how deceived an entire generation is. To the point that they have no clue that the lives they are living are an abomination to God. And when the "Boss" calls something an abomination, we had better pay close attention. What they fantasize as "freedom" is nothing but a display of the bondage that they are in. Jesus, forgive us. You beautiful people have to wrap your 3lbs of brains around the meaning of eternity and where you will spend it. Jesus desperately wants you with Him in Heaven and not in that place of eternal torment. And I want you in Heaven, also!

God loved the people of Sodom and Gomorrah but after years of constant warning to them about their sin of homosexuality, sex outside of marriage and other sins, He ended up annihilating every man, woman, and child. Even their animals! So you can clearly see that God has a limit. Yes, as the Bible says He is long-suffering towards us but His patience has a limit. To mock that is only to mock yourself and no one else. I share this in love to all of you. And you all know I'm not sharing in love because I do care about you. And I'm only the messenger. I will attach an account of Marilyn Monroe on the bottom of this comment. And where she is this moment as you read this.

Satan never plays fair, do not be on the receiving end of His deception. Your soul is worth beyond all the kingdoms of the world, and Satan knows it, and he hates you for it. So whatever it takes to drag you with him into his eternal destination, the Lake of Fire, he will gladly do. Whether it's the deception of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, reincarnation, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, tattoos and piercings, or being transgender, whatever it takes.

The only way to escape the fires of Hell is to repent and accept Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. Please do that now and repeat the prayer at the bottom. Millions screaming in the fires and torture of Hell today would give all their treasures or riches they had on earth for one opportunity to come back and pray the sinner's prayer and accept Christ into their heart. You have an opportunity, they don't.

Pray this prayer:

Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Love in Christ

So let's quickly look at Marilyn Monroe. At the apex of her fame in Hollywood, Billy Graham was moved by God to go and speak to her about her life and to tell her of God's love and the Saving power of Jesus Christ. He mentioned that he felt an urgency about her. When he finally sat down to speak with her, she laughed hysterically at him and said, "I don't need your Jesus!" She had no clue that death would end up surprising her only a few days later. And NDE after NDE confirms the fact that she is currently screaming and burning in the fires of Hell. Many have said the demons take sheer delight in mutilating her and throwing spears through her and throwing her into the fire. They said that her screams were unbearable to listen to. And it was very, very real. And none were telling a lie.

Your life is a gift from God to you and what you do with that life is your gift back to Him. And in the backdrop of eternity, you are only here on earth for a few seconds. So please, let's live our lives the way God wants us to live them. Nothing on this earth is worth missing Heaven for. From the few accounts of people who were taken to Heaven (via NDEs), it is a place that you do not want to miss! The streets are pure Gold. And the Gold is so pure that it's transparent! People said they saw their grandparents while they were there and they were young again (20's/30's) and beautiful! People even saw pets there that they had as children that had died decades prior! So you can clearly see that what's important to you is important to God. Please, accept Christ today and make Heaven your home!?

Tom Knight, Youtube 20 Comments [2/20/2019 5:01:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 142502

Tom Knight: Hi dream queen. Thanks for not attacking like most do in their first few sentences, my friend. So many church denominations are so far away from Christ and the Truth of God's Word that it's difficult to find a church that actually preaches about sin and the realities of Heaven and Hell. Most are about competing with the church across the street and having huge memberships and making lots of money. You can see it in the extravagant lifestyle of some of the pastors of these churches. But I came up Catholic and would say I"m closer to possibly Baptist now. But whoever has a passion for the lost (those without Christ) and hurting that's who I agree with. These are all God's precious kids, including this lovely girl and her lovely mother (mum, as they say over there). I care immensely for them and that's why I don't sugar coat the truth. As tomorrow is not a guarantee for anybody. And if you end up in this place, you will never get out. You might not have had the opportunity of looking in the eyes of people who have had NDE's, I have. And what they described of Hell was not a bad dream or a hallucination. It forever changed their lives. And most will not talk about it. I'm one voice that can stand alone and strom the Gates of Hell because you are all worth having the right to know the truth. What people do with that eternal truth is their decision. All I know is that Jesus weeps because He doesn't want any of you to end up in that very real place of eternal suffering. But He will never come against your gift of a free will. So you have ot accept Him as an act of your will. I will attach a prayer here.
Pray this prayer:
Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Mieke deM: Hi there! Let me start of by saying I'm born and raised Christian and I am a child of God. Then, how sad that you choose the word "fascinating" to describe the supposed work of Satan and then proceed to claim you care. Further more, how dare you speak for God by saying it's "too late for them" when His message is that it's NEVER too late to choose to follow Him. Lastly, God wants nothing more than for His children to be happy and thriving, who are you to say that they are living their lives wrong? Who are you to say they aren't children of God. Please, if you choose to represent Christians, then don't give us such an awful name as you just have. These people are brave in the face of adversity, they teach people to love themselves and live life fully. THAT is closer to teaching us the ways of the Lord than condemning people you don't even know to hell. Than judging. God teaches us not to judge, only He can judge, and yet here you are thinking you can do his job for Him. He teaches us to love, so spread the love He shows us, don't spread hate and use Christianity as an excuse to do it... I don't mean to be rude at all sir, but spreading love and the true word of the Lord is important, but shoving it down people's throats and claiming they're going to hell is not the right way....?

Tom Knight, Youtube 4 Comments [2/20/2019 4:59:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Christopher

Quote# 142497

What predates the Book of Genesis?

aCultureWarrior, Christian News Network 18 Comments [2/20/2019 4:58:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142508

Today’s Laugh 2-19-19


Tree#1: If there’s a Green New Deal, why are we dead?
Tree #2: They did away with the CO2 we breathe.
Tree #3: And fossil fuels. That leaves us.
Tree #2: Careful, Clyde. Humans are the only food left.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 27 Comments [2/19/2019 2:41:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 142506

[OP of "me after reddit bans r/Hoppeanism"]

[Contrast of "LOLbertarians" with "civil 'rights'", "democracy" and "libertarian party" with "Hoppeanism" with "private death squads", "discrimination" and "helicopter rides"]

PracticalSpecialist, Reddit - r/National_Ancaps 14 Comments [2/19/2019 2:40:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 142499

{Vman's note: This is from 2013, but I approved it for its sheer, wonderful nuttery}

Please don't have a go if you take offence to the truth. Go read The Secret History of the world by Jonathon Black, then come back and tell me if you still believe history and authority, because i believe in neither.
And you can really go take a running jump if you don't know how to meditate, because without meditation, the odds of the complainant being wise too are vastly reduced. I am a channel of the higher realms who takes meticulous care(unlike many other channels) before gleaning any information whatsoever. I get guided to truth, books, and people, and people get guided to me; the law of attraction, such a wonderful thing.

thanks for reading...


Crystals, bigger the better.
apopholite crystal
a few small zebrastones
lots of spring water

fast for as long as possible(3 days optimum)., drinking only spring water at this time. 2 hours before lift off (better for some reason after dark), start drinking water. lots of water. 1 pint every 20 mins. During this time, if you have lots of crystals available lay them out in two lines either side of you (so you do not touch them with your body) and put some zebrastones in the arrangement too.

When 2 hours up earth yourself as best you can, call on your guardian angel to appear to you and guide you, lay down, loosen your clothing, put the apopholite on your heart chakra, cover yourself over with blanket ensuring you cannot feel it.(being comfortable is a key) do not use a pillow, your head needs to be flat'ish. nothing wrong with something under your head just not elevated) earplugs will ensure your not disturbed. wait a little if you have to to go to the toilet to maximise your flight time.

start concious breathing and mantra to yourself 'I want to leave your body' and enjoy the ride.

when you return, your ears will be ringing like you have been up in a plane

Do not try astral travel after illness or under the influence of drink or drugs. do not travel more than twice weekly.


Will leave you with the words of the Buddha before my stuff. best piece of advice anyone could give anyone if you ask me.
'To he who can master his own mind, wisdom will naturally come to him'


find me a coffee shop that uses spring water and mexican coffee and i will drink there. (The reason i said this was there is lead in the petrol of every coffee producing country except Mexico, and flouride was hitlers most feared chemical weopon)

Dont do dairy heres proof. 2 teas , both with milk, brew 4 same time, but put milk in after brewing 4 1. milk cloggs bag n we are 85% water. (The proof everyone needs that its no good for you and me)

Noone can win any battle against dark, got to manage it usin anything you can. magic rites sigls crystals. (the non jewish kabbalah at its finest: Ultimate truth)

Power of the brains amazin, proven easily. car alarm remote, go well out of range, stick under chin. brain amplifies signal proof brain. (Check also my ode scientific method is wrong below)

Beyer made all the gas for Hitlers gas chambers, and pope JP 2 was the rep...SERIOUSLY. THE CURRENT POPE HITLER YOUTH TOO...CAN YOU SEE THE PATTERN NOW???


etheric tune ups. just pm me name, dob and town, your guardian angel n the light will do the rest(open offer to all, contribution based)

i will never forget palestine; why? master jesus was from there, is why the torah forbids an israeli state. (and the state of israel worship JC like the god he is not. see my ode god is a 3 letter word)

adam(f adam and eve fame) lived till 670 years of age, and they call it progress???

tonight before bed, glass of water, put your thoughts into the water what u want to dream about, drink the water n dream away

stonehenge was built by magicians with levitation, merlins family, they were showing off, its no sacred site its an ego trip. guided tours of stonehenge and Avebury available (contribution based)

if needed a reason not to shop at Tesco its the horsemeat, another is Master Jesus was from palestine, and tesco fund settlements(in gaza), the blockade will be busted in 2014 i assure
A part of you that believes that abundance can only come from cash, this limits all the other ways can come but u dont see.(bashar on abundance my inspiration for this)
levitation is against all the parameters of modern science on purpose, to disempower, levitation is mind/no-mind/will in one (this belief system don't want us empowered do they????)
secret history of he world-jonathan black, dictionary of angels- Gustav Davidson. other books recommended below, all from the higher realms

Daz the Druid, dazthedruid.blogspot.com. 11 Comments [2/19/2019 3:23:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142496

Even now, the true God holds the unrepentant by the nape of the neck to do them unspeakable injury if they will not bow to his great love and mercy, and take up his terms of peace and eternal joy offered them in the blood of his own Son.

Greg Morse, Desiring God 16 Comments [2/19/2019 3:19:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 142495

On the most somber of occasions, he sought to comfort the mourning. The cold casket adorned a chilled body as the eyes of family and friends, swollen from grief, gazed up at the speaker. He wanted to bring whatever consolation he could. And so, he did what many well-meaning pastors have done in his situation: he abandoned the truth.

Many can sympathize with the impulse to do so. The woman before him lived as worldly as they come, blaspheming God and his word whenever the opportunity presented itself. With all her friends and family gathered, it hardly felt like the appropriate time to tell them what God actually said. And so, the pastor proclaimed that — deep down — she was a good person and was with the Lord in heaven.

It was at that moment, when all sat pleased at the pastor’s words, that a young woman spoke up:

It’s a lie! Do not believe him! We will not all be in a better place! That hope is false! Only those who believe in Christ, the Son of God, the one who died and was raised, will be saved! Only those who repent and believe and follow him until the end will be in a better place. Wrath awaits all who die in sin! Please believe! He stands ready to forgive you!

People stared, aghast. A funeral usher approached to invite her to leave. One person furiously told her to shut the hell up — and so she was trying. Hell’s mouth gaped open. Souls were at stake. God’s truth was being butchered. She tried, alone, to warn her loved ones off the path to perdition.

My wife was at that funeral home a decade ago. She witnessed the minister’s sentimental words, saw the usher approach, and heard the crude language addressed to her. She was the young woman who, with trembling voice, offered all who would listen grace at the gates of hell.

Greg Morse, Desiring God 15 Comments [2/19/2019 3:18:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 142494

This is not surprising. IF they even go to church, the churches they go to don't even teach the Bible. They teach "the Gospel according to Communist PC". In short, you are not to offend the sinners and perverts but you are to show the sickening syrupy "Christian LOOOOOOOOVE". You aren't showing that love if you tell them they are hell-bound sinners. After all, they are "all God's children" and God loves them just the way they are. He made them that way and He won't condemn them. BAAAAAAARRRRRRRFFFFFF!

With that kind of brainwashing constantly being bombarded into their weak, dumbed down minds, it's no wonder they hate the thought of evangelizing - telling the sinner he's lost and going to hell. That's the most Christian loving thing to do IF you follow it up with telling them how to avoid it by getting saved. They need to be warned about hell all the moreso since time is short and they are all too soon going to face God and be sent to hell forever if they aren't told the true unvarnished Gospel and not this "Gospel of LOOOOOOOVE" crap that passes for the Gospel.

There are many sources of free Gospel tracts and presentation that you can get online and download and print out to distribute. One such site is www.hopetracts.org. OR if nothing else, you can download this presentation and e-mail it to people.

Just Mat, Now The End Begins 14 Comments [2/19/2019 3:16:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Bob J

Quote# 142492

It's truly fascinating how far down into the sewer and gutter of depravity, indecency, and immorality that Satan has dragged the women of this nation (and obviously other nations also) In a nation that God has blessed beyond measure and this seems to be the way we thank Him. How sad. Parents no longer have a clue about how to bring their children up with the Fear of God. No maturity whatsoever. It's like babies having babies! Everything goes! It is a sick world now. It proves emphatically that Satan really is the father of lies and the original author of Confusion. God holds these parents accountable and responsible for how they raise their children that He gave them. Let's wake up mom's (or mum's) from your slumber and take some responsibility in the rearing of your children.

Jesus Christ loves you and He died on an old rugged cross for your sins. Hell is real my lovie-dovies! It is not a joke or a myth. It is a place where the fire is never quenched, the torment never ends, and the worm dies not. Tens of thousands find that out the hard way every single day that are dropping into Hell. Satan deceived them into fantasizing that they could live their lives any way they "dang-well-pleased", but, they quickly found out after the last breath departed from their body that God didn't feel the same way. And God takes no pleasure in people ending up in Hell. Only Jesus can save from the fires of Hell. It's sad that an Ex Playboy Military Pilot/ Airline Pilot has to lecture "girls" on how to actually grow up and become ladies! Here's a quick hint for you both. If you one day wake up and discover you are BI, as you say, your next step is to fall on your face before a Righteous God and ask Him to forgive you and to set you free from a Satanically inspired lifestyle! Any questions? I didn't think so!

Now I will leave you with a true story of a Hell experience that someone had that died and had an NDE. This person had never repented of their sins and accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, so after their last breath, they were dragged by demons to the fires of Hell. While in Hell they witnessed a mother and her two children that had been killed in a car accident weeks before. The mother was standing in the center and her two children on either side. All were being mutilated and were on fire with their skin flaking off. The two children were screaming in the mother's ears these words, "Why didn't you ever tell us about Jesus! Why didn't you ever take us to church! Why did you do this to us! We are here because of you!"

Apparently, the scene was extremely horrific to watch. It took this person years to even be able to talk about what they saw in Hell. To mock this is only to mock yourself. Let's wise up slumbering parents out there. You are accountable to God for eternity for your children.

That family's opportunity at Salvation is passed. It is a place that has no door out. That mother's selfishness and narcissism dragged her children to Hell with her. So they don't have an opportunity, you do. Please don't play games with your eternity.

Pray this prayer:

Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Love in Christ?

Tom Knight, YouTube 10 Comments [2/19/2019 3:14:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: kumala

Quote# 142490

Black Nonbelievers: “In my house being a different faith or even ambivalent was alright, but not having any beliefs, that was a problem, and bothered my mother the most. When I told her I was an atheist...she saw this as the highest form of arrogance.”

Martin Yirrell: Indeed, it is arrogance, to claim you know all things, when you know that God exists.

TEACH smack talk (it's an art): Non believers don't know good exists because ..... His existence hasn't ever been scientifically substantiated. You don't get to tell people what they know or don't know.

Martin Yirrell: Science isn't the only way to truth, indeed it quite often isn't even a way. But you know God exists.

Martin Yirrell, Twitter 13 Comments [2/19/2019 3:13:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 142486

Ginny Bain Allen: Rosaria Butterfield has much Biblical wisdom on this significant topic. Her books I highly recommend.

mirele: Nope. Rosaria Butterfield should be avoided because she hides. She puts out essays and books, but she can't be publicly challenged on her anti-LGBTQ beliefs because she won't respond to comment. But she continues to be pushed forward as a role model for lesbians and others because she was once a liberal college professor and a lesbian. Hiding behind a website with no way to contact her and challenge her on her assumptions and beliefs is unhelpful at best.

Ginny Bain Allen: Following is an excellent excerpt from her book Openness Unhindered: Due to our fallen nature, we expect that we will be repenting of sin until glory. But repentance is not simply proof of failure. It is, more importantly, a sign of God’s hand upon us. It is a conversion proof, as only a saved person can repent of sin. Because of God’s righteousness, we honor His standards for holiness.

Ginny Bain Allen, Laura Jean Truman 5 Comments [2/19/2019 3:10:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 142485

Sandi in EL: consensual, or rape - it was still homosexual sex.
The first offer was sex - and Lot offered his daughters to satiate the men. The second offer was force, even being blinded by the angels, the homosexual lust pushed the men on for homosexual sex.
They could have had women, they wanted men - and their lust caused them to be blinded.
God did not allow one out of S&G but Lot and his family. Not one homosexual was considered righteous enough to be brought out of S&G.
It was homosexuality
Learn your Bible, Gug
btw - where is your scripture where the Lord endorses the sin of homosexuality? Thanks

Guglielmo Marinaro : Yes, and the incident of attempted homosexual rape in Sodom (Genesis 19) does not make all homosexual sex wrong, just as the incident of consummated heterosexual rape in Gibeah (Judges 19) does not make all heterosexual sex wrong.
There was no offer of sex, as the text itself plainly shows. That is just your invention, which you are trying dishonestly to add to the narrative. The men of Sodom demanded that Lot bring out his guests to be gang-raped. Lot rightly refused, but then despicably offered them his daughters to rape instead. Yes, they turned down the women, because it was the visitors that they wished to abuse and humiliate, and they resented Lot, an immigrant, passing judgment on them. They then told Lot that they would treat him even worse, thus confirming that rape had been their intention from the start.
The concept of a city in which every single man was homosexual is beyond any sane, intelligent person’s threshold of credulity.
Learn your Bible, Sandi. You can invent things to your heart’s content, but please stop deceitfully claiming that they’re in the Bible. Thanks.

Sandi in EL: Yes it does make all homosexual sex wrong and Christ confirmed that with Leviticus.
There was an offer of sex and Lot offered his daughters to protect the me.
N, we've been here before, "to know" is the term used with Adam and Eve and Eve was not raped.
You don't offer sex to those you wish to abuse and humiliate.
Lot passed judgment because of their evil - homosexuality
You don't want to believe Christ, that's fine. Don't call yourself a follower of Christ then.
You are the one denying Biblical truths, Gug . Learn your Bible

Guglielmo Marinaro: No, it does not make all homosexual sex wrong any more than the story of the heterosexual gang rape at Gibeah makes all heterosexual sex wrong. The unknown authors of Leviticus make no mention whatever of Sodom in their clumsily worded condemnation of sex between men.
No, you don’t offer sex to those whom you wish to abuse and humiliate, and the men of Sodom didn’t offer sex to the visiting angels. That is purely an invention of yours, as the text conclusively shows. They just demanded that Lot bring out his guests to be gang-raped.
Yes, we have been here before, and you are repeating the same faulty argument as before. The Hebrew verb, yada‘, “to know” when used as a sexual euphemism, refers to sexual congress. It does not imply that the sex is consensual; it may or may not be. The context in which it is used in the Sodom story makes it plain that it refers there to attempted rape, and the very same verb is used of the rape of the Levite’s concubine at Gibeah (Judges 19:25). But you know this perfectly well already, because I have previously pointed it out to you at least twice. By continuing to repeat that crooked argument you are proving your deliberate dishonesty.
Sandi, since you have made plain your determination to keep reiterating – in the teeth of the clear evidence of the text itself – your untruthful claim that your fabrication is part of the Sodom narrative, I won’t waste time on any further discussions with you. There is little point in debating with someone as intellectually dishonest as you are.

Sandi in EL: cut the editorial, and show me scripture when Christ defends the sin


Sandi in EL: still no scripture Gug? You cannot show where Christ endorses homosexuality?
I've shown you where you are wrong on this before. Look back (edit)

Sandi In El, Premier 8 Comments [2/19/2019 3:09:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: CC
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