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Quote# 143248

The people who hate Trump hate everything and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They even hate themselves. They are descendants of Cain, who's entire lives are made up of what they hate. Hate lives within them and will never let them go free. The devil controls their every thought and emotion. The worst part is that they accuse others of who they actually are. It's 90% media driven. They attacked a 16 years old child, because he was wearing a MAGA cap. A Trump hater created and innocent and blamed it on Trump followers. A Trump hater sucker punches an innocent man in the face solely because he hates Trump. The Trump haters are the bullies who are crying that they are the victims, when they are actually the perpetrators of hate.

When you stop and seriously analyze our entire situation here in this country and the world, using logic, you'll soon come to the conclusion that we're much better off than we were just two short years ago. Millions fewer people on government assistance. Millions more people with jobs, Million more people getting raises, and fewer incidents of falsely created hatred incidents such as what happened in Ferguson, Baltimore and multiple burning of cars buildings and smashing windows such as at Berkeley. The last administration was the instigators of those types of hateful demonstrations. Slowly but surely people are seeing the differences and are waking up and realizing they were the haters and didn't even know why. These people stand out in a crowd as they're the ones who are smiling, rejoicing and who are thankful for what they have instead of complaining about what they don't have and think is better for some reason. You must feel sorry for the haters.

I could list 100s of things we should be thankful for and rejoicing instead of wasting their time hating. Negotiations with North Korea, our embassy move in Israel, the economy, fair trade agreements, taking China to task for unfair trade and theft of technology. The list goes on and on. After 8 years of tyranny and hate we’re slowly recovering from the damages, both here in this country and overseas, as well

Frederick Young, former Outside Plant and FIOS Planning Engineer , Quora 12 Comments [4/14/2019 3:18:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 143246

Today's Laugh 4-14-19

Frame 1: Two silhuettes: A man runs away as a vampire pounces him from a dust cloud. Text reads: "A hellish fiend stalks a patriot in the DC swamp. It pounces!"
Frame 2: A fanged Nancy Pelosi and a man wearing a Trump hat both scream at each other.

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 16 Comments [4/14/2019 6:32:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143242

...I kinda dislike parents. Including mine.

I am a hardcore anti-natalist and think having children is the most selfish thing one can do. And granted, people follow lots of selfish impulses - wanting to have children is like wanting to have a romantic partner, it's instinctive.

But it's still selfish when you consider most people are kinda shitty as parents and they don't want to raise or love a human being (neither do I - it's hard and this is a shitty world); they want a baby. Or not even - they want to have sex without birth control. It's animalistic.

Simple as that.

I don't understand how women want children with men when so many men in particular are guilty of this. Men want kids because they no fucking idea how miserable and boring it is raising children and their own parents socialized them to nothing different.

I don't understand how anyone who has experienced serious sadness or hardship in their lives wants children and assume that person is very stupid in general...because you will probably pass whatever gave you sorrow to your child. Particularly as an adult. I am repulsed at the thought of not only being pregnant, but putting my and my disgusting, ugly, bloat-faced mother's face into a little baby. The acne. The body hair. You could not pay me any amount of money to do so.

Sorry if I'm offending parents here, but...yeah, in the abstract, this is what I've come to.

I feel like this about being born.

Why did my parents think it was a good idea to have kids? Both of my parents have been dealing with depression and the family history is full of it.

My father has a nasty temper with narcissitic tendencies and my mom is ugly and chronically ill. I resent my mother for having kids with my father knowing that he would be abusive and being so weak that she would just watch.

Both me and my sister have been depressed and anxious to the point of having to go to a child therapist. I had a stay in the psychiatry when I was only 13.

I loathe my parents for giving me all those shitty genetics and inflicting their issues on me.

I feel like giving birth to a child and actually taking care of it is the most selfless thing you can do. And by selfless I mean being a fucking pushover. Because humans are more equipped to rearing children collectively, as if in a group, where we treat kids as part of a group. But the modern structure enables rearing single parentship based on your financial resources, so it's asking to raising a demon for 18 years without having anything in return + enduring 9 months of pain for it. You owe nothing to a child but the modern structure makes raising it a necessity, and in turn there's no payback.

vcardthrow1, 38wao & MsSinisteress, r/Trufemcels 5 Comments [4/14/2019 6:32:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 143237

Political Correctness never was about being offensive, every living person will sooner or later be offended by someone or something. It is all about language manipulation and censorship to promote an agenda, camouflaged as appropriateness. It is using flowery euphemisms to soften injustices and immorality and to sway opinions by redefining words to accomplish goals. It does not immediately change what people think, it only changes what they can say. Eventually, however, it eliminates opposing thoughts altogether because if you control the language, you control how people think. That is why Political Correctness is promoted by the radical reformist movement; they can keep changing the goal posts in attempted to eventually change societies thinking.

For example, the use of the acronym LGBT even in an opposing presentation is, in fact, supporting the pro-sodomy movement because pro-activists established it. The list of sexual orientations is a long one, however, pro-sodomy activists chose LGBT because the acronym pulls select behaviors from the complete list of other orientations including pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia/bestiality, etc. (from "Paraphilias," Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Washington: American Psychiatric Association, pp. 566-582). It separates the idea of “bad or immoral behavior" and ties it in with "the person" which plays right into the hand of Identity Politics, the “Social Justice” ideology and the Politically Correct movement. Activists did this in order to lessen the stigma of sodomy. In actuality, we are letting them control the language by using it. The term “social justice” is in parenthesizes because there is really no such thing as social injustice, there is merely injustice.

Another perfect example of the madness of Political Correctness is the initial redefining of “physical violence” to cover verbal abuse, then the eventual redefining of, or the attempt at redefining, verbal abuse to include “offensive to”, which brought about the whole “microagression culture” on many college campuses followed by “safe zones” (even if there was no intended malice in the offense). This has now lead to moving the goal posts once again to demand the use of specialized, and “newly created and defined” pronouns.
Those influenced by the Politically Correct Cyclone have even gone full circle with racism. They now justify hate of white people based solely on their skin color yet fully celebrate Black History Month. Certain transgender groups are now objecting to “bisexual” because it presumes the existence of only two genders and feminists are at odds with transgenderism because it promotes more than two genders. Yet feminists protest side by side with radical Islamists who defame, defile and even deform women through genital mutilation.

So is it honestly at all surprising that many conservatives would like nothing more than to sit down and honestly examine why you disagree with their position, however, many of the opposition are not interested in the conservative viewpoint on any issue, they simply want you to agree with them and if you are unwilling to do so, they feel the need to force into compliance?

TheOfficeOfTheNight, Deviantart 14 Comments [4/14/2019 6:30:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Shakesmyhead

Quote# 143236

Hello and greetings from 2019. I am happy you have come upon this time capsule and have very deep hopes that humanity has survived and this is not being read by a caterpillar, if it IS, I guess it will eventually evolve into a human being someday, anyway. I know, right?

Our current President Donald Trump has made terrific strides in making American great again, but the only way the Left will acknowledge this is by trying to give Obama the credit. Trump DOES make a few blunders, but when we point out that President Obama made them as well, the Left blames President Trump for President Obama’s mistakes. In fact, the Left blames President Trump for everything. And if you think the Left hates the President, you should see how bizarre they get when they see a red hat.

The Democratic Left, which is pretty much all of the Democratic Party, in order to push their agenda, has been allowed to make up words, phrases, and concepts in this day and age. For instance, they say “toxic masculinity” needs to stop, we can’t have “boys being boys”, you know, like shooting guns or anything, but that is merely because the feminists don’t want girls being girls, they want girls being boys so they can shoot guns, even though they could very easily shoot guns being girls. It is somewhat like The Boy Scouts of America but with girls included, although I don’t think the Girl Scouts of America let Boy Scouts enter. But, I’m optimistic, both sexes are starting to take high school showers together in Florida.

In fact, according to the Left, girls CAN be boys all they have to do is to FEEL like a boy, and if a boy feels like a girl, he can be a girl and it is okay because that isn’t toxic masculinity it is “non-toxic masculinity” which is actually feminine masculinity. I know, right? How can all of this possibly be? Simple--Because gender is a social construct but you are born that way. And if someone feels like the opposite sex, you have to call them by “zip” or “zot” or something like that; or it is considered violence and even though you didn’t know they felt like the opposite sex or forgot to ask, they can kill you. And homosexuality is okay because the sex they have isn’t hurting anyone, but you are deranged as hell (maybe not by next week), if you have sex with the dead, even though THAT really isn’t hurting anyone either.

And socialism is the latest and greatest thing, even though it has been around as long as dirt. But it will work this time, even though it has never ever worked in the past; because it is DEMOCRATIC Socialism. And the difference is ... actually there IS no difference but who cares because things will be free! Free health care and college and vehicles and cell phones and we might as well throw in meals until things collapse and there is no more food. We will still have to work, though. I know, right?

And abortion is perfectly okay because a woman has a right to do what she wants with her body, although it ISN’T her body because it has its own DNA. And it isn’t alive although it has a heartbeat. And it isn’t her body after the baby is born, either, but that doesn’t matter as long as we keep the mother’s mental health intact. And the best WAY to keep the mother’s mental health intact is to kill her infant.

And infanticide is something Islamic extremists have been known to do, but we can’t say that out loud or we are an Islamophobe. Which actually doesn’t mean in inordinate fear of Islam anymore, it has been changed to mean “hater” of all and everything Islam and sometimes more than that. And note; we are still CALLING the baby an infant because the Left hasn’t, as of yet, had the chance to come up with a stigma-lessening euphemism like “external cellular expiration” or for the more socially elite, “Baby B Gone”. We can even revive the child and have a nice, extremely short and pressure-prone discussion with the already overwhelmed mother, so that if she does have regrets after the slaughter, which she will, she has been involved in the decision because it is all about “choice”. However, choice still means two or more options, but if you express opinions favoring THE OTHER option besides killing, you’re a racist. I am not really sure why you are a racist; almost everyone who does anything anymore is a racist, so I guess it just got included in the name of “diversity” and “love”. Maybe not love.

If this is all confusing for you, I have to admit is rather the same for most of us on the RIGHT, what comforts me is that we live in a tolerant society, that is unless you are Christian or Jewish, and then you don’t count, especially if you refuse to make certain kinds of wedding cakes.

Besides much controversy these days about war, we have a rather perplexing breed of individuals we call SJW’s or “Social Justice Warriors”. They don’t really DO anything or WEAR any ARMOR, they just lay in wait for people to say something offensive, which is pretty much everything they hear. These warriors believe in “all things civil” especially good productive discussion, as long as they get to scream and you don’t get to say anything at all. That is, unless you agree with them, and then you can all hold hands and go to a designated area called a “safe space”. Oddly enough, although you might think these spaces were designed for preschoolers, they are actually most prominent on our college campuses these days. They are even in the internet encyclopedia called Wikipedia, which is a rather “strange bird” in itself because anyone can add anything to it in the name of collaboration, so it changes a lot. Sometimes these SJW’s turn into a fantasy creature called a troll, but it amounts to the same thing, screaming and then running off to a safe space.

Our Mainstream Media are much the same as the SJW’s but we still have freedom of speech, unless you post anything conservative on certain social platforms like Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and a few others. But they apologize for taking things down, usually; some of the time; if they get caught; and they have been working on new algorithms and training their staff to not be so sensitive for the last decade or so, so things are looking promising. Our search engines like Google aren’t very reliable either, but who needs an honest search engine?

I hope this has cleared up what 2019 is like at the time of burying this time capsule. I am sure you wish you had science and history records, but they were all destroyed by the Left and replaced with pornography.

An SJW just told me to tell you to write when you can. I know, right?

TheNewKnightsTemplar, Deviantart 19 Comments [4/13/2019 7:04:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Shakesmyhead

Quote# 143234

It's amazing. I don't like to get on the subject of evolution with atheists because they just freak out. They're like,

"Oh my, I can't believe you don't believe in evolution!"

Why would I? It's stupid! You have to actually defy science.

"Oh, it's scientific."

Well, what about this?

"Oh, I never thought of that. Oh, it never really even crossed my mind."

Because we live in a school where it's just fill-in-the-blank. Fill in the blank. Fill in the blank. They're not taught to logic. They're not taught to reason. I thank God that I was in a home where I at least got taught how to logic, you know.

And you know what all these atheists have in common? You know, all, they've been attacking us online. They put out a little two hour documentary trying to expose the one pastor and I put out, Brother Brandon, put out a two hour documentary. You know what all these atheists have in common? Video games! They all play video games! And Harry Potter! You get on their channel, they're in fantasyland! That's all they ever do! They can't think for themselves. They sit back and they drink Coke all day and sit behind a video game system and then wonder why, "Oh, you're crazy, Brother Powell for believing in a creator. Oh, you're insane."

No, you're crazy! And you need to get off the video game system, and somebody needs to preach to them the gospel of Jesus Christ and so then they can be saved! That's what we need! And I am sick and tired of these stinking video games messing with people!

Matt Powell, Youtube 21 Comments [4/13/2019 7:02:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 143233

It is a constant mantra of activists, that people who are same-sex attracted are born that way and that there is no hope for change; i.e., they can never develop opposite-sex attractions or lessen their same-sex feelings.

No wonder the suicide rate among homosexuals is 3 to 5 times the average, even in locations around the world that are the most supportive of such a lifestyle! No hope is being given to the vast numbers of homosexuals who don’t want to be gay.

Their minds, bodies, and souls are telling them that there is something wrong with being sexually attracted to people whose bodies are not designed for committing such acts...so much so that every time a male homosexual commits one of the most common sexual acts on their partner, he actually damages the mind, soul, and body of that partner (1 Corinthians 6:18). When pressed, most any proctologist will admit to that, even those whose livelihoods depend on such patients.

Ask yourself, “Would a good God really create someone with an orientation to act in ways that He condemns and that does harm to his partners? Would a good God really create someone with an orientation that results in domestic violence rates, substance abuse rates, gay-related disease rates, and promiscuity rates that are off the charts in comparison to heterosexuals?" The questions answer themselves.

Dr. David Kyle Foster, Crosswalk 12 Comments [4/13/2019 7:01:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 143231

[Comments under "Raised by Aspergers parent"]

A lot of people here born to an aspie parent seem to be saying that the parent in question was extremely strict. I am a male diagnosed (more or less) as having Asperger's syndrome in my mid-20s and would like children of my own some day. However, one thing I have considered is that I might have less slack to cut my children on account of being an aspie and may therefore need to be more of a disciplinarian than if I were a neurotypical. I am not sure what I would think about physical discipline if I weren't a Christian, but given that I am one, I view it as being mandatory (Proverbs 13:24). I view it as being paramount that parents maintain self-control wherever possible and it is my view that a responsible parent will understand that everyone has a limited patience span, attempt to learn the extent of his/her patience span and take steps to discipline his/her children long before the boundaries of his/her patience have been reached. If I have children of my own, I will want to do my best by them at whatever cost to myself, which will undoubtedly mean using physical discipline on them for matters that other parents might consider minor so that I can stay within my limits and having the courage to stay on the path because I know it is the right thing, regardless of how distressing I find it. If I have children of my own, it is my view that I will be morally obliged to lay down my life for my children and/or wife if necessary (Ephesians 5:25), and so any pain I might cause myself by the use of physical discipline on my children is a minor matter.

Many "experts" in the field of autism spectrum conditions like to berate fathers on the spectrum for being disciplinarians, but I think that in many cases, they are merely being responsible fathers. If a neurotypical wife has the luxury of having a significantly longer patience span, she should not go out of her way to make life harder for her aspie husband by berating him for resorting to discipline earlier than she would otherwise do, or by undercutting him. Instead, she should be giving him as much moral support as is necessary to function as the leader of his family.

graemephillips, if you are talking about spanking, you need to do further research into child development. Spanking is never beneficial to a child, and destroys trust between the child and parent.

I think all Aspergian parents need to make sure to constantly develop a wider parenting vocabulary. A parenting vocabulary is the mental catalog of parenting techniques you can pull from. You don't want to end up doing just one parenting technique over and over. Like my parents who spanked over every little thing because they had no idea what else they could do. They had a parenting vocabulary of only one thing.

Posted by graemephillips:

I have no intention of doing any further research into child development. If the Bible describes it as mandatory (Proverbs 13:24), then as far as I'm concerned, I have absolutely no reason to look into things any further. It is my view that no human has any wisdom in excess of that in the Bible.

I fully agree that all parents need to have a wide vocabulary of techniques. A parent who only knows how to use spanking is a weak parent. Spanking should be used as part of a sliding scale of techniques (e.g. first offence verbal warning, second offence naughty corner and third offence spanking). If your parents found themselves spanking you (and any siblings you might have had) excessively, it suggests shortcomings in their application of the technique. Used properly, spanking is an essential tool for raising disciplined children, but used improperly, it either makes no difference or makes things worse.

[Bolding mine]

graemephillips, Wrong Planet 5 Comments [4/12/2019 5:21:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 143228

One day this life will be over

Our years on Earth are hard. There is much trouble and sorrow. But the Bible tells us we will suffer in this life. There are many people that have some kind of problems. We are living in a world where people think it's alright to do anything they want whether it's sin or not.

One day this life will be over and the ones that have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will life in a place where there will be no more trouble and sorrow. In this life we enjoy a lot of happiness. Spending time with family and friends brings a lot of joy and happiness.

When we see others going through heart aches and sorrow it's a blessing to be able to encourage them and let them know we care about them and what they are going through.

God has given us a love to share with others. That's one way God uses His children to bring glory and honor to Him.

God uses us to be a help and encouragement to someone that needs compassion and understanding.

"The days of your years are threescore and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off and we fly away." Psalm 90:10.

While we are on this earth let's serve God with joy and gladness, because one day this life will be over.

Patsy Lambert, Newberry Observer 13 Comments [4/12/2019 5:20:50 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Thanos6

Quote# 143225

[Serious] Should ethnics take pictures with dog filters?

This seems like a good idea for two reasons. The first is that the dog snout can cover your hideous ethnic nose. The second is that it makes you look like a dog, and we all know that females are more attracted to dogs than they are to ethnics.

tehgymcel420, incels.co 16 Comments [4/12/2019 7:46:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143224

Just got into an argument with a Christian pastor.......

I asked him if he supports lgbq+ (whatever the fuck they call themselves) He said he did.......... and has no problem with it...........

Modern day Christians are 100% cucks. They refuse to follow their own bibles.

The whole argument started over taxes. I was trying to tell him, it's wrong we're FORCED to pay (OR ELSE) into a system MANY do not agree with. I was trying to make it clear if we were actually free i would have a CHOICE. Of course no one cares and they do not hear me, but whatever, fuck them all.

Here's something for you Christian cucks to think about. The golden rule states: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" if that's the case ask your fucking selves would you go to your neighbors house and aim a gun at him demanding he pays money for living in HIS house. If he says no; throw him in a cage, if he stands up to PROTECT HIS PROPERTY, you kill him................... Am the only incel thats wants out of all this?

Fucking asshole kept telling me i need to get out of my own house as if i can just get a good job tomorrow and move on. (newsflash) short, ugly, manlets. ARE FUCKED IN THIS SOCIETY no one wants us NOT an employer not A FUCKING CUNT. Hey IT faggots i use to not be like this it was made clear to me how society feels about me after being insulted and told im ugly since i was a young kid. I no longer care FUCK YOU!

elab: As their very own countries and way of lives are being destroyed they cheer it on. (I am not religious) b

ChronicPaincel, incels.co 13 Comments [4/12/2019 7:46:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143218

The name “Satan” means “The Accuser”! Revelation 12:10, “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” That sounds like the evil manure-spreading newsmedia! All across America, local newspapers destroy lives by publishing accusations against people! It doesn't matter if the accusations are true or false, they are damaging! I am sure that most of the accusations made by the Devil to God about believers are true! Carefully notice that Satan doesn't accuse the unsaved, the Holy Bible says the Devil accuses “THE BRETHREN” (Christians).

Pastor Jack Hyles was a righteous man, who stood like no other preacher against sin and evil in America, and for that very reason he has been relentlessly attacked like no other preacher! Dr. Hyles took a strong stand against the shallow ecumenical crowd, with their counterfeit Bible versions, sycophantic worship, worldly standards, and lack of soulwinning in their churches. For these things, Pastor Hyles was hated by the new evangelical crowd. Consequently, Dr. Jack Hyles' family has been unfairly persecuted. As one of my favorite preachers (Pastor Danny Castle) said, “God pity the preacher that the world don't hate!” 2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Are you being persecuted for your Christian faith? I sure am!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 18 Comments [4/11/2019 3:52:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 143217

Atheism briefly gained some traction in the previous decade by plying the gullible with a world where they'd be free to indulge their vices with impunity. Their gains evaporated when even the less astute realized it was also a world without accumulated knowledge, electricity, or indoor plumbing.

Having cataloged so much of it lately, I'm tempted to cite internet atheists' sheer absurdity as a proof for God.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 14 Comments [4/11/2019 3:52:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143216

How can any incel hate Elliot Rodger, who was responsible for bringing inceldom to the spotlight.

Without ER, inceldom would still be as much of a barely known concept as it was before he committed the attack. He was the one who first brought attention to our plight and problems by being vocal and explicitly detailing his social isolation and complete lack of success with women as being the main motivations for going ER, as evidenced in his youtube videos and 137 page manifesto. It was the first mass-murder by a self-proclaimed virgin and incel, so media and news channels were definitely quick to broadcast this story publicly in the state headlines. As soon as whole state knew about this attack, it spread to other states in the country.

Later it spread to other countries in the world. Information has no borders because these greedy news corporations and media outlets only care about money from selling this information to news corps/media in other countries, irregardless of currencies because they can be easily converted using the ER- "Exchange Rate", a tool created by the jews to rank each currency by assigning it a value in comparison to other countries currencies, creating a pyramid-like hierarchical structure where the stronger a country's currency, the more power they have in the global market of resources.

Thanks to the internet, international trade of information has become a much faster, simpler and efficient process. Elliot Rodger used the internet in order to broadcast himself as an incel and give voice to the incel movement. If he had not done this, the same news channels and media would instead be broadcasting propaganda about female superiority and ignoring the treatment of of low value men in the west, further distancing society from the truth. Instead, the world became more aware of inceldom which was no longer a concept but a reality, one which the west still silences discussion of (we are lucky to have this forum tbh). Fuck Internet censorship.

This forum which acts as a centre of learning and enlightenment through the teaching of the blackpill in its numerous forms, wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for ER because we wouldn't be able to find out that there are other people in the world who share the same experiences as us if the news corps didnt spread ER story and open the curtains to reveal a glimpse of inceldom to the crowd. If this forum was created only a couple of years later than it was created, an extra 1 million males would be dead from suicide around the world including many people here, who are only still alive today because of this site which is their main/only cope, without which they would chosen the rope.

You cannot hate prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and claim to be a Muslim. You cannot hate Jesus and claim to be a Christian. You cannot hate Moses and claim to be a Jew. And you can't hate Elliot Rodger and claim to be an incel. Elliot Rodger is the saint of the Incel brotherhood and his manifesto is our bible. To hate him and claim to be one of us (Incels) is an act of disbelief and should be punished seriously. Yes he took innocent lives but nothing comes without sacrifice. Elliot envisioned a bettER world in which incels would be treated like actual human beings and not socially ostracized, bullied, alienated and disconnected. He believed in something and sacrificed EVERYTHING.

While it should be obvious, i dont condone taking out your frustrations by harming innocent people no matter the circumstances. Elliot Rodger shouldnt be loved for what he did, which was a terrible crime. Rather, he should be loved for the long-term impact he made in the world, as he saved many more lives than he took by preventing thousands of potential incel/low-tier men suicides. He took a few lives and ultimately his own because he believed it was a price to pay for the greatER good.

Elliot Rodger is the true messenger of our ideology. His messages will influence the future beta uprising. He is viewed as a villain by the world. But in an evil world, the villain of the story is the true hERo.

IncelKing, incels.co 6 Comments [4/11/2019 8:46:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143214

The biggest problem is the conception of the modern nation state which basically encourages individualism as it destroys the local communities and families to make the state stronger.

Secularism is basically nothing but worshipping the state. Western interpretation of secularism is that you separate the state and religion in order to make the state the religion. Whenever someone supports secularism, it's always from the position of the state in the sense that the state should not be influenced by religion (but no one says anything when state ideology tries to influence religion, pushing certain degenerate ideological trends into religion like pro-LGBT "Christian" "churches" etc.).

Modern state = powerful elite, powerful institutions, extreme legalism and extreme individualism. And on top of it, you're supposed to worship it, wave the flag, be a loyal servant, never question the institutions and procedures of the state etc.

Teutonic Knight, incels.co 9 Comments [4/11/2019 8:46:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 143211

Today's Laugh 4-10-19

(Difficult to describe this "comic" but I will try. Superimposed in the middle of the screen is a picture of a newscaster with a headline below reading "Bernie Sanders: Trump Racist". In the main picture a man with a wizard outfit on and a hat with a hammer and sickle on it (who might be George Soros) is saying in tandem with the figure in the superimposed picture "Pay no attention to that globalist behind the curtain!" We see Donald Trump parting the curtain and flames in behind it.)

Mick Williams, Disqus - Faith & Religion 15 Comments [4/11/2019 8:38:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143202

"Report: Obama Sets New Record In Narcissism: Mentions Himself Almost 400 Times in 90-Minute Speech"

Link goes to DailyWire story here: https://www.dailywire.com/news/45691/report-obama-sets-new-record-narcissism-mentions-hank-berrien

(Image shows Obama in chair. Text reads: "It is very sad that our first African-American president will be judged in history as the most inept, corrupt, wasteful, subversive, destructive and divisive president ever. A man twice elected because of the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.")

(Image shows Obama. Text reads: "In King Obama's recent immigration speech, he used the first person singular I, Me, My 91 times proving once again, narcissism is Obama's true legacy.")

Amos Moses, Disqus - News Network 23 Comments [4/11/2019 8:38:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Jocasta

Quote# 143210

The Kosovo Islamic Community has decided to terminate contract with the Imam, Drilon Gashi, after the latter has accepted as a fact the Evolution Theory, which is opposed by many imams in Kosovo.

The Islamic Community in a letter sent to Gashi has accused the young imam for “inciting schism” with his comments in social media, and banned him exercising the profession of Imam to one year, but he will continue receiving two third of his salary.

The imam from the village Vitomirica of Peja finds the justification of the Islamic Community as not reasonable adding that most of the imams in Kosovo use social media platforms to reach their followers. Gashi says he wanted his opinions expressed in social media “make sense” and comment the religion “based on principles of common sense and by not ignoring scientific truths.”

The Kosovo Islamic Community , Gazeta Express  5 Comments [4/11/2019 6:20:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 143209

In all the years I've run this blog, nothing I've written has triggered the Leftist death cult more than my observation that their heretical religion is demonically informed and motivated.


By now everyone knows that the slippery slope is real. What the death cult vehemently denies one day, they violently enforce the next. Just as with butt marriage and child trannyfreakism, your celebration of and participation in open satanism will soon be legally mandated.

Free market worship and the NAP are no match for the twisted religion of conquest that is the current Left. Wake up, repent, and believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone has authority over demons.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 17 Comments [4/11/2019 6:20:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143208

(=Regarding the death of Tina Grimmie, mother of murdered singer Christina Grimmie=)

Ann clinkscales: At least she'll see her daughter again, R.I.P

Steven Scott
ONLY if they were both Christian.


kimberly rios: @Steven Scott umm ????

Steven Scott
Yes, Kimberly? It is true. ONLY if they were both Christia will they see each other. This will mean that they will be in Heaven and see each other. If only one was Christian, they will NOT see each other. If NEITHER was a Christian, they will not see each other.

Steven Scott, Youtube 7 Comments [4/11/2019 6:20:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 143207

I am SO sorry to hear that you don't believe Heaven is real. This means you also don't believe in Hell. Jesus created both of them. Heaven is for Christians, and Hell is for those who have NOT asked for God's forgiveness and become a Christian. If you still don't believe this when you pass away, then you WILL believe it when you stand before the Great White Throne, and see God. Unfortunately, it will be TOO late to change your heart, and you will have to pay for your life of sins.

Steven Scott, Youtube 10 Comments [4/11/2019 6:20:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: CC

Quote# 143206

(Lyrics to "Ain't No Rest for the Triggered")

Well I shared a thought online
It was an innocuous tweet
I didn't really think much of it at the time
But then a couple of days later
I was fired from my job
And the reason left me well beyond surprised
Someone had taken what I said
Wrote a ridiculous op-ed
And spread it all over the goddamn internet
I came in contact with the author
And I asked her, "Hey, what gives"
She messaged me and this is what she said:

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the triggered
We're easily displeased
We've got hair to dye
We've got tears to cry
Please gimme your sympathy
No I won't let loose, I get my news
From places like Salon
No there ain't no rest for the triggered
Donate to my Patreon"

Not even fifteen minutes later
I had come across a crowd
It was a protest over something someone said
They called for the resignation
Of a man who seemed quite patient
In explaining what it was he really meant
Apparently the crowd was mad
That he didn't wanna ban
Halloween costumes that might have offended some
When I tried to intervene
A lady lunged out right at me
She summoned some muscle, and then began to hum

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the triggered
We're easily displeased
We've got hair to dye
We've got tears to cry
Please gimme your sympathy
No I won't let loose, I get my news
From places like Polygon
No there ain't no rest for the triggered
Donate to my Patreon"

So now a couple hours passed
I'm walking up to my front door
But from my peripheral vision I could see
That a man had dropped his keys
And like a gymnast on trapeze
I caught them in mid-air and said, "Sir, you dropped these"
He turned around in pure disgust
He said, "I'm not even a man
I'm a bigendered girl with manly tendencies"
I said, "Okay, Sir, whatever"
And he called up the police
Now I'm serving six to ten because I dared to disagree

"Oh, there ain't no rest for the triggered
We're easily displeased
We've got hair to dye
We've got tears to cry
Please gimme your sympathy
No I won't let loose, I get my news
From places like Salon
No there ain't no rest for the triggered
Donate to my Patreon"

Chris Ray Gun, YouTube 24 Comments [4/11/2019 6:19:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 143204

Here's a comment that recently showed up out of the blue on a post I wrote almost four years ago.

Note the result of my little demonic activity check. The anon who went to the trouble of digging up a post from 2015 just to leave a mocking comment suddenly falls silent when I ask him to make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. This wasn't the last instance of that phenomenon.

Brian Niemeier, Kairos 7 Comments [4/11/2019 6:18:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 143201

God is Justice. He punishes anyone who declares their own subjective, humanistic standards higher than His own. There is no cruelty in Justice. The unjust suffer rightfully for their own evil. Man has been evil and cruel to each other since Adam decided that his own declaration of good and evil in the Garden of Eden.

God is Love and Good. All acts of goodness, kindness and love are expressions of God. God is the Standard of all those things. Loving our neighbors produces them as the fruit and the Spirit of God's Law. When man arbitrarily twists, neglects or transgresses the Law of Love towards God and our neighbors, only suffering, cruelty ans meanness results.

God is Wisdom. It is wise to obey God who knows all things. Only a fool sets himself up for a beatdown. We have seen so many examples of fools on Youtube who we feel are unloving, mean and cruel to others and get what they deserve in the end. Are we going to blame the instruments of Justice, Goodness, Wisdom and Love as being mean and cruel? Certainly not! Justice was met and it was good and the very expression of Love.

Humanism creates religion and ideologies counter to God's Law and it is the height of arrogance and ignorance to label God evil and cruel when the author of all that is evil and cruel is in fact, man himself!

Shawn Hornby, Quora 15 Comments [4/10/2019 2:15:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Denizen

Quote# 143200

I am glad that Netanyahu won. I am so proud of DJT. I am proud of the despicable Americans, like myself, who God used to put Trump in the position he is in to help save America, however fleetingly that victory might be.

I also want to urge all who read this to realize that Jesus' return may be sooner than we think. Prepare yourselves and those you love.

Poppo, Now The End Begins 18 Comments [4/10/2019 2:15:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
Submitted By: Bob J
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