Quote# 24735
i support a global powerdown,
people would just move out into the country- continue to consume current crop production turn over- and maybe an amature ration system run by government remnants,
move back to agri labour- rebuild trade slowly and reclaim the cities after.
build a new government from the ashes built on founding farthers principals wholeheartedly.
we have enough accumulated resources to set something up- we dont need more crap to make its way into america to pull it off- its not about pulling it off, but using the media to mobilise or rally- like the land army- if you want food- return to the soil, and then make a new trade system- a powered down trade system that ifs not for the soul purpose of inflation.
everyone can have their own self sustainable permaculture set-up using existing materials from gigantic american houses, and make smaller livable premises.
all extra investment or labour can put put into developing fuel cells and solar manufactoring.
if iran can build their own airforce, on f16 replicas then i'm sure producing panals for electricity aint that hard.
compost waste, or use for nutes
suburbia can grow plants in their gardens to last them for years for their whole family.
establish local trading.
then regional- abolish national trading. keep it stable and local.
and have a state wide transit system, medicare and professionals can come from europe if oil trading switches to euros to exclude american dollar-
the japs rebuilt in 30 years- america with a new humble beginning will be strong- poeple pulling together,
japan has the world best fuel efficiency- they will provide expertise and products for redevelopment. remember they will be immune to a dollar crash through energy self sustainability.
Loose Change 6 Comments [4/14/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Gravy