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Quote# 53546

It is true that stars aren't visible in space, yes? The Earth's atmosphere magnifies starlight for anyone on the ground, and the only reason the Hubble is capable of star shots is cause it's obviously infinitely more powerful than plain space-sight, right?

Stewart's Reply:

Correct. Stars are too far away to be seen by the naked eye. Only the atmosphere can magnify and reflect the light as it passes through, enabling us to see the stars. In space, all is black. That is how the US knew the Soviets were faking their space pictures--because they showed stars in the background!

Stewart Swerdlow, Expansions 16 Comments [12/2/2008 3:41:53 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 53544

(Conspiracy or Racist, I can't tell)

My guess is that Obama was ellected because Americans didn't want another retard or dementia suferer.
But largely, in short, Americans weren't realy informed as to what their other options were.

Ron Paul ran intellectual circles around all other candidates in the presellections, as did Ralph Nader, but they just didn't get the air time. They didn't pander to or have the media support, financial establishment or AIPAC.

Obama was the only plausible 'Presidential Material' candidate from an 'apparent' field of 2.

Did the fact he was black contribute ?

Sure; but so was Cynthia McKinney...

More importantly, regretfully, unlike McKinney, I fear Obama is a House Nigger, Whereas McKinney is a Black American Patriot.

Keep in mind that none of the 2 main Prez candidates or the others I mentioned appart from C.M. pushed on the 911 truth issue; and that's why she had the least support of all from the power establishment loby groups; and we all know who, voters aside, has the influence in $Billion ellection campaigns in USA.

phoneyid, Scam.com 16 Comments [12/2/2008 3:41:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 53413

President Bush was the last president of the U.S. as we knew it, and that Obama as president is a radical departure from the traditional presidency, based off my observation of a type of “Alpha and Omega Principle”, being that since our FIRST president was named “George”, then our LAST president will also be named “George”, and what comes afterwards is utterly formidable.

THE SEVEN THUNDERS, Christian-Forum.Net 19 Comments [12/1/2008 7:46:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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