Quote# 55604
Hey everyone, been a while since I've posted anything. I'm pretty sure this is where I'd post this. Normally I don't get too caught up in conspiracy theories, or much related to them. But, my experience the past fews weeks may just have made me change my mind.
I've heard all of the stories about these things, dark ops training routines taking place at night on farmers fields, and in the suburban mazes of sprawling metropolises, but I'd never paid much heed. Anyways, I'll get to the point, the past month I've been woken to the sound of helicopters flying overhead my home, at around 1:00 am - 1:45 am. I'd not been able to properly identify the noise, until today, when I hear a helicopter nearby my home, only to look out the window and see a matte black helicopter facing towards me, so close I could make out the pilot in the cockpit. It was slowly hovering in a circle around my neighborhood, twice it did this, and it flew away to the east.
I really don't know what to make of it, what business does a helicopter have flying around my neighborhood at night, and now in broad daylight. I'm not saying myself and my neighbors are victim of some Illuminati population control experiment, and we're being covertly observed at night by low flying black helicopters. I just can't imagine what they'd be surveying in the lower southwest corner of Michigan, where as far as I know theres only soybean fields and an occasional town peppered here and there. Is there anyone who can offer me some insight on the matter of black helicopters? Thank you all in advance!
Nick, SWMPR Founder.
Alien UFOs 17 Comments [1/2/2009 5:54:16 PM]
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