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Quote# 56013

I heard rumors that Canada & the USA went bankrupt in 1933 and became corporations under the same name. The gov't created a comercial law system that suspended everyones natural common law rights because the court room became ships the were under the Law of Admirality then re-defined land as body of water to implement this in all our land Acts. Everytime someone enters the court room and see's a flag with a gold or yellow fringe this is a warning that your natural god given human rights are suspsended and the judge is the supreme authority on the ship because he represents the captain who has final say based on the ships owner ( the gov't).
This could explain why Americans who argue via the constitution always and i mean always lose because they entered a new jurisdiction separate from the law of the land where the constitution protects them.
This way the gov't always get's their way.

If you look up the definition of gold fringed flags on the internet or in military & legal dictionaries you will find this to be your conclusion.
Therefore why does American and Canadian Institutions continue to fly gold fringed flags. This mean they are at war with something and the law of the land has been suspended and the law of admirality is in effect. The Governor General and even the CCRA fly these flags.
What the stink is going on?

BattleofBatoche, Above Top Secret 21 Comments [1/7/2009 6:24:52 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 55730

[Either RSTDT or CTSTDT, I wasn't sure so I did a coin toss....]

So what? Have you ever read an article published in 1919 in the American Hebrew? In it, the jewish author claims that "6 million" jews are being genocided in a "Holocaust" - it is the first time "Holocaust" is know to have appeared anywhere. google it. read it. Tick tock, tick tock - sense something wrong with the picture?

Focoist911, YT 4 Comments [1/7/2009 4:36:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain

Quote# 55654

No, the only real Jewish conspiracy is the one aimed at undermining the future existence of Israel, and, consequently, the survival of the Jewish people worldwide. Iran, Holocaust deniers, the British left and all the rest of the mosquitoes carrying the antisemite bacillus are child's play compared to this threat.

There is a Jewish conspiracy to prevent massive immigration of North American Jews to Israel.

Yishai, Kumah 14 Comments [1/7/2009 12:51:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Frank

Quote# 55714

The US is going to fall. But not in 2010. 2009 seems much much more likely. Some will call it the Second Civil War (as though there was a first, really it was the War of Southern Independence). Others will more accurately call it the Second American Revolution. On the one hand you will have globalist thugs on behalf of the "government" trying to enact the NWO on us against our will. On the other hand you will have patriots fighting to preserve their liberty. In the middle you will have bandits looting all they see, and innocent people who are just trying to survive.

Somewhere along the line the UN and EU will likely send troops over to assist our by then illegal and rogue "government" to suppress and the "rebellion" and to slaughter every last freedom-loving patriot with enough guts to stand his ground. Of course, the terrorists in DC (our rogue "government") and in New York (the UN) will falsely label those freedom-loving patriots as being terrorists.

This war will be precipitated by a massive economic collapse, that will make the Great Depression look like paradise. Government agents, probably disguising themselves as militia, will engage in some form of terrorist activity in order that the government can then give a "good" reason to go after and destroy all legitimate militia groups. Alternatively, they will try to provoke actual militia groups into engaging in violent activity. Of course, some militia groups are practically "chafing at the bit" for such a provocation - others are more level-headed. However, no matter how it ultimately goes down, the blame for why the Second American Revolution turned into a shooting war will rest with a rogue US government.

Many will call the above a "conspiracy theory" and other things of that nature. It is a prediction, and one that I feel to be frighteningly accurate. Some may call me crazy now, but let's just see if you're still calling me crazy a year or two from now. Because, it is going to go down very much like how I just described

Bob the Quiet, Fulfilled Prophecy 29 Comments [1/5/2009 9:07:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 55556

You guys should be ashamed of yourself to vote for a black.

Soberguysknowsbest, YouTube 7 Comments [1/5/2009 1:08:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 55844

I was first exposed to this RADICAL understanding of the law when I lived in Illinois. I was in court that day for going 21-31 over the speed limit. Anybody with a lawyer was getting immediate dismissals including myself and the prosecution didn't even say a word. The lawyers spoke a different language that I couldn't understand but the one word I kept hearing over and over again including from my lawyer was Common Law. Each lawyer only spoke for about a minute or two but it was an open and closed case once they did.

Later I ran into Freeman-on-the-land and I finally understood potentially the reason why we all got dismissals that day, Common law trumps De Facto law. In essence because I didn't violate anyelses God given rights as speeding is not a crime against another person they had to let me go.

Please share your comments and experiences on this, would like to learn as much as possible before sending something this radical to the powers that be.

brickhouse32, Above Top Secret 11 Comments [1/4/2009 10:15:48 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 55557

DawnIsMyGoddess, PrisonPlanet 22 Comments [1/4/2009 10:54:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: ozznova

Quote# 55552

I'd like inform you that Scarlett Johansson (actress)actually is a clone from original person,who has nothing with acting career.Clone was created illegally using stolen biomaterial.Original Scarlett Galabekian last name is nice, CHRISTIAN young lady.I'll tell more,those clones(it's not only 1)made in GERMANY-world leader manufacturer of humans clones,it's in Ludwigshafen am Rhein,Rhineland-Palatinate,Mr.Helmut Kohl home town.You can't even imaging the scale of the cloning activity.But warning,H.Kohl staff strictly controlling their clones spreading around the world,they're NAZI type disciplined and mind controlled,be careful get close with clones you will be controlled too.Original family didn't authorize any activity with stolen biomaterials,no matter what form it was created in,it's all need to be back to original family control in Cedars-Sinai MedicalCenter in LA.Controlling clones is US military operation.Original Scarlett never was engaged,by the way

sergal, kansascity.com 33 Comments [1/3/2009 7:41:09 PM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 55211

Its true that we can preserve foods and also Medicines in the Pyramid
as i shown in the video pyramid has maximum energy in its Kings Chamber, to be clear Kings Chamber is the area present exactly at the middle from Apex to Base,

You know that pyramids are constructed to preserve dead bodies other wise called Mummies, till today body of the mummies are not spoiled much they have intact hair and nails also. so correlate this issue to preserve food, finally my conclusion is u can store food for long time, if u place them in correct position in the Pyramid they spoil for a long time.

http://www.metacafe.com/channels/prudhvi27/, MetaCafe 12 Comments [1/3/2009 6:19:11 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: jsonitsac

Quote# 55604

Hey everyone, been a while since I've posted anything. I'm pretty sure this is where I'd post this. Normally I don't get too caught up in conspiracy theories, or much related to them. But, my experience the past fews weeks may just have made me change my mind.

I've heard all of the stories about these things, dark ops training routines taking place at night on farmers fields, and in the suburban mazes of sprawling metropolises, but I'd never paid much heed. Anyways, I'll get to the point, the past month I've been woken to the sound of helicopters flying overhead my home, at around 1:00 am - 1:45 am. I'd not been able to properly identify the noise, until today, when I hear a helicopter nearby my home, only to look out the window and see a matte black helicopter facing towards me, so close I could make out the pilot in the cockpit. It was slowly hovering in a circle around my neighborhood, twice it did this, and it flew away to the east.

I really don't know what to make of it, what business does a helicopter have flying around my neighborhood at night, and now in broad daylight. I'm not saying myself and my neighbors are victim of some Illuminati population control experiment, and we're being covertly observed at night by low flying black helicopters. I just can't imagine what they'd be surveying in the lower southwest corner of Michigan, where as far as I know theres only soybean fields and an occasional town peppered here and there. Is there anyone who can offer me some insight on the matter of black helicopters? Thank you all in advance!

Nick, SWMPR Founder.

Diamob, Alien UFOs 17 Comments [1/2/2009 5:54:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By:

Quote# 55192

Technological advancements are controlled by the Anunnaki, except for the instances when the Amoebas bring improvements to the planet. Technological advancements sponsored by Darkness are designed to give the least possible benefit to humans while providing the Anunnaki masters with the most benefit.

The wheel was forced upon humans to extract the maximum possible efforts for as small a benefit as feasible. Moving things by employing wheels is a very inefficient method.

Amitakh Stanford, Xee-a Twelve 22 Comments [1/1/2009 11:29:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Nerdanel

Quote# 55455


Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for women's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them.

Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity, making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are being conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Thus courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds created feminism to weaken the family and poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God.

"Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our heterosexuality.

Henry Makow, HenryMakow.com (Cruel Hoax) 25 Comments [1/1/2009 9:12:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: ozznova

Quote# 55215

Aaron burr was worse than Warren G Harding, but he didnt run an Administration. So was Andrew Johnson, and he was impeached. Teddy Roosevelt was up there also for paving the way to WW1 and being an Environmentalist British Nazi agent.

Revolt426, PrisonPlanet 24 Comments [1/1/2009 12:39:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: ozznova
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