Quote# 65166
Lets examine the Health Care Bill itself, shall we?
We have already established a govt plan to kill the elderly and those with expensive medical conditions. People deemed less desirable like those with downs syndrome will be denied basic health care as well.
Do you have cancer? Kiss off any chance of treatment, see the last line of this list.
The Bottom Line: Sarah Palin is right, This plan is evil. Evil people wrote the bill, and evil people promote it today. Democrats are evil for creating a plan to kill Americans in the guise of medical reform. There is a Hitlerite plan from the darkest days of Nazi Germany...and Democrats wrote this. Evil.
Mr Mannn,
Mr Mannn Presents 41 Comments [9/1/2009 9:48:18 AM]
Fundie Index: 36
Submitted By: DevilsChaplain