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Quote# 94768

All you people are nuts acting like he's the one to blame. They chose him to be president long before the election in 2008 and they knew all of this. Out of all the good, normal black people in politics, do you think it's coincidence that they chose a muslim, illegal alien, who shared anti-colonialist views from his father, and who's best friends and mentors were anti-American/terrorists? He's the perfect puppet to strip America of everything good she had and take advantage of her, without the courtesy of a reach-around. It's all part of their bigger plan to disarm the people, not only of the United States, but the people of all the countries, depopulate the world down to a manageable level of 500 million to two billion.

FirstName LastName , WND 9 Comments [6/9/2013 4:05:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 94767

This is for the dissenters that are forever posting their snarky remarks that lack any substance.

I am a law enforcement investigator with a large metropolitan police department. I have held that position for many years. In fact I am looking at retirement in the near future. I an a court recognized expert in many fields. I am however, not an expert document examiner. I do teach and train many new police officers, college students, and I train new investigators. I predominantly work homicides but have worked a variety of cases over the years. I have written policy and training guidelines for my department.

When I first heard the rumblings of the "birthers" I laughed and thought there was no way that the FEC wouldn't do their homework in vetting a candidate for the presidency. I felt you were just being sore losers. I never voted for Mr. Obama nor would I based on his radical politics.

However, when the long form birth certificate was posted on the White House website, I thought for laughs I would take a look at it. Much to my surprise, within minutes, I realized that it was a fake. Now again I am not a court recognized documents examiner. I have however in my many years looked at many forged documents and this was an obvious fraud.

I fretted what to do and decided to take my findings to a person that is a much trusted documents expert. I have worked on various cases with him over the years. When I entered his office and presented my findings to him, you could hear a pin drop in the office. He rushed my out of the office and explained to me that his boss had already told the entire office that they were not to discuss anything about the BC. He works for a federal agency and they do answer to the DOJ and in a way to Mr. Obama. Right then I realized I was onto something.

I fretted over this for several days and then realized I was obligated to contact someone. I began calling and emailing several members of Congress. Most refused to answer and the ones that did essentially told me that the FEC had vetted Mr. Obama already. Well they obviously didn't.

I have since come to realize that many in my field have reached the same conclusion that I have. I am very happy to see Sheriff Arpaio not let this go to the wayside. So instead of making fun of those that now realize the obvious, take a look at the video presented by Sheriff Arpaio and the Cold Case Posse. It will only take around 90 minutes of your time.

sockmonkey , WND 15 Comments [6/9/2013 4:05:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 94766

Yes my friends those google glasses that were designed to take movies from a person's perspective were designed with a purpose in mind. A Russian psychologist found out that inductively injecting a video signal into the bios of a microwave tube modulating the tube. In this way created a Audio-Video transmitter that could be pointed at a victims head when the victim was in REM sleep a part in the forward center of the brain that starts with a "P" can read and permit the brain to see the data transmitted back into the movie so therefore the victim now sees the movie through the eye of the camera in the first person in the form of a dream and thus the person can now be hypnotized or programed remotely. Because Micro waves can blast through non metallic walls it permits un-detection of the activity to all involved. A tell tail sign of this occurring is heavy bags under the eyes and radiation burns on the victims body like targeted sun burns in areas. Slightly disfigured eye sockets that heal back to normal over time. The Drudge report has published many a Politian's photos that show this effect one time they are normal looking the next time it looks like they are deformed then again later looking normal.

ChicagoThunder1, WND 10 Comments [6/9/2013 4:03:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 94758

Very, very, very pissed off third world nations who practically stole, pirate, and any unsavory thing to get technology used by the first/second world nations with a very intense hatred of the first and second world due to how much they screwed everyone else for essentially two/three centuries. Think of an alliance of nations that are essentially the USSR during WWII, have tendencies of the Nazis, and have much of their populous brainwashed into incapable of compromise or seeing alternatives to 'crushing the oppressors' while carrying out that objective through any means possible set by their leaders.

Crush the opposition to an archology cluster? They carpet nuke that cluster and move on. Bash through that line? They would drown the defenders with bodies and wreckage while using Geneva illegal weapons like napalm with bits of radioactive cobalt in them or directed sonic weapons that liquify flesh in an instant while leaving no prisoners. They understand the concept of morality but chose to ignore it. Many of them are so blinded by propaganda and the 1984's 'good History' teachings that many don't see the First/Second World nations as people anymore, just monsters to be killed. Many who say otherwise are either dead or defectors.

The UNA's near-infinite variable projections indicated a huge 98% possibility that the CON would collapse much like the USSR did when it fell in 1991. Instead the CON start a war that no one could imagine. By the time the tactical nukes were used in late 2110, the UNA high command thought that the CON would then instead fall apart in violence. When the TacNukes were used in the Battle of Mexico City however, all hope for a non-holocaust end of the war died.

Aaron Fox, SpaceBattles 19 Comments [6/8/2013 4:59:27 AM]
Fundie Index: -8
Submitted By: Junkers "hornesse" 465

Quote# 94744

Let us consider the RE model, and please no giggling.

Their oceans. Consider a molecule of water anywhere in the ocean.

How much does this water molecule weigh?
How much volume does this water molecule displace?

What then is its buoyancy force?

Go ahead, figure it out... okay be lazy and I'll explain it. Every molecule in the ocean is perfectly buoyant. That is to say the buoyancy force is exactly opposite to the gravity force on it. This means the oceans are free from gravity.

Perplexed? Of course you are, you have never seen our oceans floating around our world like giant liquid clouds. They fill their container, starting from the lowest possible point. This can only be if the container is pushed into them. The earth MUST be accelerating into our oceans to prevent them from floating away.

Another victory for FE!!!

narcberry, Flatearthsociety 20 Comments [6/6/2013 3:40:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 25
Submitted By: Alexander

Quote# 94721

Well obviously FEMA doesn't operate in Scotland, but if they did i'd be asking questions, I haven't noticed any unusual stuff like that here, i'm sure peeps wouldn't be long in condemning it tho. So what you are saying is.. FEMA do not operate any detention centres? These compounds/eary buildings razor wired and with turnstiles are not designed to hold people or are operated by government/military? So it's just a vivid hallucination and we should all put our blinkers on and carry on regardless?

Furthermore, it's not my job to investigate, i am only gathering opinion and trying to gauge peoples perception of this phenomenon, obviously i can only go by what i see, and it's very suspect indeed.. Put it this way, remember when the iraq war was about to kick off and they showed alledged chemical weapons sites, pictures of mobile chemical labs/trucks modified etc, you know to like justify the invasion.. well, if anything like this (swathes of camps) was found in a middle eastern country i know for a fact questions would be asked... But when it's happening on our own doorstep it's ok nobody seems to mind, they are probably all sitting empty as i write this, but what if there ever was martial imposed in USA, do think they would sit empty for long?

MrLuvaluva, Shroomery 14 Comments [6/5/2013 3:02:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 94710

[This was posted on the blog of a woman recovering from paranoid schizophrenia.]

Keep trusting the mental health professionals. Not trying to make anybody go through a scizophrenic episode but google H.A.R.R.P. mind control, victims of mind control, victims of demon possion (secretly mind control and voice hearers). There is an alarming amount of people becoming paranoid scizophrenics around the world. Many of you would say see a doctor but what if our illness is man made and a biological weapon about to be unleashed on the world to create mass murder through mind control on the public. If you don't think what you hear is mind control, google mind control symptoms (bet you'll understand after reading).

Anonymous, Overcoming Schizophrenia 14 Comments [6/4/2013 3:05:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 16
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 94697

The banksters and their ilk have corrupted our politicians into encouraging Muslims to flood into the UK and Europe as a convenient smokescreen. The assumption is that Nationalists can always be tricked into seeing Islam as the main visible problem, therefore ignoring the deeper hidden cancer of the Khazar Financiers. Demonizing Islam ensures the security of the Bankers - and nets them a tidy profit into the bargain.

Anonymous, Eye of Woden 6 Comments [6/3/2013 2:21:57 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 94693

Frankly this is illustrative of the effect a Jewish agenda can have.

Not entirely knocking it. But it can and does go overboard.

Some places do much better without Jewish influences setting an agenda. Boy Scouts is one of them.

Hollywood for example is run by Jewish influences. (I know, I know, but it mostly is)

All gay, all the time.

We need a bit less of that. It is not all wrong, but where it is wrong, it can take over.

I believe the Boy Scouts should be left (exactly) as they are.

Cringing Negativism Network, Free Republic 5 Comments [6/3/2013 3:18:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 15

Quote# 94690

I'm a "birther".

I have taken on that label because for standing up for the Constitution, I'm supposed to be some kind of nutcase akin to a "truther". A "truther" I am not.

But I am a "birther".

Even people on my side of most issues are siding with Oblahma and the MSM on this issue, but there are some very important things that they are overlooking. These things are very important to the future of our Republic and the survival of the Constitution. To dismiss those who take a stand as "birthers" is to simply not care about the Constitution or its future. Think about this:

1. Regardless of the content of Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro's original birth certificate, whether issued in Kenya or Hawaii, he has gone to great pains to keep it from being revealed to the public. This means one of two things: 1. That he was not born in Hawaii, as he claims, or 2. There is something else that would be revealed that would further damage his credibility and/or status as "President of the United States".

2. As a child, Obama traveled to countries where Americans were not allowed to go.

3. As a child, Obama attended school under documentation that showed him as something other than a citizen of the United States.

4. He has openly admitted that his father was not a citizen of the United States.

5. The only other person to hold the highest office in the country without being born of two American citizens also went to great lengths to keep that fact from the public, and that fact was not discovered until many years after he had left office and died. This is evidence that both Barack Obama and Chester Arthur KNEW that they might not be eligible for the presidency under the Constitution. Obama is the first person to take the office in a situation where the public had been alerted to the problem beforehand.

6. There has never been an interpretation by the courts on the definition of a "natural born citizen", and the wording of the Constitution,

RWR, RightWingRocker 20 Comments [6/3/2013 3:01:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 13

Quote# 94678

(Check ou the entire site, it's hilarious.)
Reasons For Mercer's Presidential Candidacy
32. To Prove President George Walker Bush, Jr. and other Public Officials have been Impeached by the United States Congress in 2004 for torture of me and my family
49. To Prove the United States Government killed my sex life, my wife sex life, my daughter-in -laws sex life both may sons [sic] and other of my family members sex life with Espionage Experimentation and Espionage Exploitation sex killing.
56. To Prove Jeb Bush is all in my house with disease.
67. To Prove these perpetrators are trying to stop me from running for President of The United States. They are Vice-President Dick Chenny, Former Vice-President Al Gore and their Assessors. They keep killing my mother and our family

lee mercer Jr, http://www.mercerforpresident2008.com 21 Comments [6/2/2013 8:46:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 23
Submitted By: Alexander

Quote# 94660

Don’t forget that Barry aka Barack H. Obama is an OPERATIVE of the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, and the CFR own the secret service the CIA, the judiciary, the media and both political parties, Obama is their man to bring about the NEW WORLD ORDER, did they appoint him because, due to his inability to offer proof that he really is a natural born citizen, and they can blackmail him with their knowledge about all of his ILLEGAL DRUGS AND HOMOSEXUAL SEXUAL ESCAPADE that they can ged rid of him any time they want if Obama does not follow their orders?, it is evident that Obama is a PUPPET OF THE CFR, he can’t produce any coherent argument when he is not fallowing his CFR controlled teleprompter.

Zorro, HillBuzz 9 Comments [6/2/2013 5:33:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Hasan Prishtina

Quote# 94646

[Water fluoridation] is unethical-—Nuremberg Trial stated that adding any chemicals to the water for medicating purposes is evil. Europe doesn’t allow Fluoridated water in almost every country. They took it out-—and there was no increase in cavities.

Harvard just did studies last year that shows drop in IQ by 10 points in children who have fluoridated water. We should know that anything the government mandates is probably evil. Power corrupts and Fluoride which used to be a toxic waste and expensive to dispose of-—became a million dollar business.

savagesusie, Free Republic 18 Comments [6/2/2013 3:40:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 15
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