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Quote# 96399

Donald Trump went on the offensive Monday, hitting the airwaves to fire back at claims from New York's attorney general that his Trump University is a fraud.

The billionaire real-estate developer made it clear that he believes a $40 million lawsuit from New York's attorney general, Democrat Eric Schneiderman, is politically motivated — and could even have come at the behest of President Barack Obama.

Trump said on both MSNBC's "Morning Joe" and on Fox News' "Fox and Friends" that Schneiderman had met Obama last week, less than 48 hours before the suit was filed.

"They [met] on Thursday evening," Trump said on Fox. "I get sued on Saturday at 1 o'clock. Think of it. What government agency in the history of this country has ever brought a suit on a Saturday? I never heard of such a thing."

"It was a terribly drawn suit — incompetently drawn suit," Trump added. "They obviously did it very quickly."

On "Morning Joe," he said " Maybe it was because of Obama, I don't know, you people are going to have to check it out."

Schneiderman's suit alleges that Trump University defrauded more than 5,000 people by offering free get-rich-quick seminars, and accused Trump of operating a bait and switch.

"Trading on his celebrity status, Mr. Trump personally appeared in advertisements making false promises to convince people to spend tens of thousands of dollars they couldn’t afford for lessons they never got," Schneiderman said, according to The New York Daily News. "No one, no matter how rich or famous they are, has a right to scam hardworking New Yorkers. Anyone who does should expect to be held accountable."

But Trump said Schneiderman's suit was unfounded.

"It's really an unfair situation," he said on Fox. "We have this wonderful school. It did a terrific job. They were really fantastic.

"You have an attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, who really is a lightweight. He's not respected by anybody. He's got an approval rating … his high rating is about 4 percent — and by the way, our approval rating on the school is 98 percent. Ninety-eight percent of the people that took the courses give it a really great rating.

"So we have this fantastic school and he went after it, for political reasons."

Donald Trump, Newsmax 17 Comments [9/6/2013 3:13:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog

Quote# 96392

The NAACP was a precursor to the rabid potency of the Counter Intelligence Program of the 1960s used to infiltrate and take down the Black Panther Party.

The purpose of institutions like the NAACP was to bring in upper echelon Black people into their ranks and spy on the masses of Black people in America to make sure that sentiments like those of Marcus Garvey did not become the majority norm.

Mfon Amun Ptah, Kushite Kalkulus 5 Comments [9/5/2013 3:37:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 96391

The Black Family was stable and virtually intact in the sixties right until the Government funded domestic warfare campaign against Black America was initiated.

This included:
Welfare Expansion to Single and Unwed Women

The Delegitimization of Black Fatherhood

The institutionalization of Secular Hypergamy, No Fault Divorces, Paternity Fraud, and Domestic Abuse Extortion in Western Families

The Abortion Industrial Complex

Debt Expansion to Black Women through Miseducation and Middle Management Government jobs.

The Drug War

Mass Incarceration

The Implementation of Special(Inferior) Education in Public Schools
The Bio-warfare campaign that was HIV/AIDS

The Promotion of Sexual Perversion
And so on and so forth.

Mfon Amun Ptah, Kushite Kalkulus 16 Comments [9/5/2013 3:37:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 96384

[In response to a scientist promoting vaccine usage]

So ur cool with something being injected into ur body as long as the doctor says itll help u? Who died and made u a scientist. Stop believe what mainstream news tells u. Im all for vaccines but i believe in stretching it out for the child. Besides u still get sick anyway. Ur having the virus itself injected in ur body. I got the flu shot once.. i was sick for months. Nevet got it again never will

Reina Loka, Being Liberal FB Page 16 Comments [9/5/2013 3:31:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 96377

It was during the lead-up to the Kosovo War that I became aware of how mendacious NATO is. Lies about genocide already occurring in Kosovo before the war started. Complete silence about the outrageous nature of the Rambouillet agreement that NATO attempted to impose on Yugoslavia (the rejection of which was NATO's excuse for going to war with Yugoslavia).

And the lies continued. I had a part-time job transcribing CNN then. Whenever they referred to our bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, they called it the "accidental bombing". There must have been a memo from management instructing on-air talent always to use that phrase.

lysias, Daily Kos 7 Comments [9/4/2013 2:54:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 11

Quote# 96371

Check what Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and Ike and others said in the early 60's, particularly 63. They don't talk like that anymore and there's a reason. Check what Ike said about the CIA, and Kennedy. JFK got murdered and that's when the country took a real turn. That's when the coup was completed that took decades to complete. Since then the Presidency has been a more of a puppet than a figurehead, guided along the path the shadow government wants to go. That's exactly why the policies and actions of Obama are deemed by many as Bush III. The agenda is set from the outside and executed within. The President is like a CEO responsible for a company but reporting and taking care of the interests of the stockholders.

BigAlinWashSt, Daily Kos 5 Comments [9/3/2013 3:38:41 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 96370

It is well-documented fact that FDR was not pleased that Americans were actively resisting entering the war in Europe. It is also a well-documented fact that he provoked the Japanese. By cutting off their supply of oil, iron ore, and steel as well as moving the Pacific Fleet from the West Coast fleet to Hawaii, FDR was taunting the Japanese to strike first.

FDR knew that the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbor. FDR ran one of the most secretive presidencies in our history. FDR was responsible for building up the agencies that would eventually become the CIA and the NSA.

ConcernedCitizenYouBet, Daily Kos 11 Comments [9/3/2013 3:37:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 96360

This isn't even remotely 'new' news.

Blacks and the MB have been planing and preparing for such a 'day' for decades. There are more than 3 dozen MB 'training' facilities known around the nation. Most of those 'members'? Black.

Has the FBI done anything about it? no. Will they? no.

A racist free society? Not possible. Just like peace between the arabs and the Jews. Ain't gonna happen. One side continually wants to be carried and catered to or they'll 'riot' and the other just wants 'equality' for everyone.

These differences aren't inconsequential. These are foundational to the 'chasm' seemingly incapable of being bridged intellectually or socially by the 'differing' parties after more than 50 years.

There's no desire to be 'race free' in our society. It' s too good an excuse to act irresponsibly and not be held accountable.

Ruler4You, WND 8 Comments [9/3/2013 3:29:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 96311

The climate of the planet is changing and due to man made influences, but it is chemtrails, the program of doping the earth's atmosphere with weather control chemicals from high flying jets, not fossil fuels, that caused it.

Chemtrailing began around 1950, when jets started to be used widely worldwide. At that time, the number of tornadoes in the U.S. ceased being a constant 180 or so per year and started increasing so they are seven times that many or more every year now. Around 1950 is when the first new cloud species at that time was observed, the cirrus intortus.

Many if not most who oppose chemtrails believe they began around 1997, because that's when they started to be seen in the sky in great numbers, long, non dissipating vapor trails, stretching from horizon to horizon and lasting for up to an hour of more. In fact, they didn't begin then, that's when the air became so saturated with chemical that any new contributions simply precipitated out.
Since 1997, most manifestations associated with climate change have been recorded. Including the warmest year on record; the largest year to year drop in Arctic sea ice; the rapid melting of glaciers; the National Weather Service having to recalculate wind chill to accommodate the air having more heat than it used to; tornadoes occurring where they were once unknown, like Brooklyn; the worst hurricane season on record; the Northwest Passage being open for the first time in history; the disappearance of bees; the arrival of unprecedented hundred mile per hour straight line wind storms called “super derechos”; the development of the first new cloud species to be recognized since the 1950's, the undulatus asperatus.

But many promoting the idea of climate change are as craven as those opposing it. They won't admit that chemtrails are altering the climate. Because they have a vested interest in seeing technology based on the idea of getting rid of fossil fuels flourish, such as windmills and solar farms, even though they can do at least as much damage to the environment as fossil fuels.

Windmills, for example, take the energy from moving air. But, when energy is taken from moving air, there is less moving and less swiftly. And this is crucial. Wind helps distribute dust and disperse seeds, and it's essential to the dissipating of temperature. Solar farms, with their huge reflecting surfaces, will heat dust in the air unnaturally, can destroy cloud cover, and can produce an abnormal temperature variation between air and ground.

julianpenrod, Popsci 14 Comments [9/1/2013 6:33:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: J. James

Quote# 96288

I am fairly sure most of the chemplanes I'm seeing at this point in southern Britain are holographic. Gradually they just started to look wrong to me... The trails too far out and back to match with the plane's form. The movement seemed too fast and smooth. Under magnification the planes look bland and featureless. I saw one, I think, at low altitude the other day. I was driving so couldn't look for too long, but the perspective of the plane - foreshortening - looked wrong in relation to the altitude and angle. (I am an artist so I have a fair eye for these things.) It was quite low, but no sound at all. They are not even all that convincing - I could do a better digital compositing job myself - are we supposed to notice?? Hmm...Passing by Heathrow recently, I saw real passenger planes making real noise - these give an entirely different perceptual impression.

However, the chemtrails are real enough. Vast zones of grey swirly chemcrud are also being drifted in from the west. The solar hours are very low now for three months. Even my cat is depressed! The good news is every 7-9 days there is massive sylph activity and the sky is cleared rapidly, usually lasting for a couple of days.

Anyway, it would be interesting to know what other folks think or are noticing re. the planes. (Sorry if this is not a new topic, but I couldn't find another similar one when I searched)


Angiespark, Etheric Warriors 19 Comments [9/1/2013 5:50:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 14
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96287

We know a medicine man (zapper distributor) of the Kootenai tribe in Montana who told us that he was once invited to attend a ritual by Sasquatch in the Mission Range of the Rockies, near his home. He said they had cornfields and were gathered around a big fire. These creatures evidently have the easy ability to step in and out of our perception. This isn't necessarily a mystical process because we've seen clear evidence that the sewer rats have a small electronic device that enables them to do this temporarily and the lizard folks in the corporate world order, who (we believe) have to drink human blood to keep their human appearance probably have something a little more refined and a lot older than that.

Don Croft, Etheric Warriors 14 Comments [9/1/2013 5:50:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96286

This time, as I looked out the window facing north I noticed again a single long chemtrail spanning west-east and then the beginning of a second one coming from the east. I boosted again addressing the operators of the plane and those behind it, being very clear that I don't accept chemtrails in my reality.

Content with not seeing the plane coming back for a third run, I went about my other pre-occupations.

Somewhat later I looked out and saw two more chemtrails spanning the whole sky, but this time they were crossed in the shape of a flattened "X" as seen from my view. The two previous ones were already dissolving slowly and had moved away from the original place, so a certain amount of time had elapsed between the first two and the last two.

I don't think this was a coincidence. That it happened at the same place as before, right in front of my view and no other trails where seen in the sky, only these four trails appeared, and the last two where clearly separated from the first two, makes me wonder if it was some kind of staged "message".

What that means I don't know. Maybe alluding to some kind of "revenge" (in the sense that an X could mean something to be crossed over or taken out ). Or was it simply a confirmation or admittance of that the chemtrail agenda is failing?

Once at home I took care to boost some more.

Kristian, Etheric Warriors 13 Comments [9/1/2013 5:50:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96283

I know, beyond question, that there are a lot (perhaps dozens) of free energy devices that are fully developed and tested, ready for the market. The only question is, 'Who will be first,' because all of the inventors know that they're risking death to even try. The ones who are most generous about sharing the information are those who aren't being killed. From experience, I can say that sharing all of the information about a new and useful device doesn't guarantee that someone will steal the idea and capitalize on it. We didn't lose anything by giving away instructions for making basic orgonite devices and the basic zapper (the convenient version).

We see the free energy inventors come and go. In most cases I think the sewer rats simply do their best to make their lives a living hell after they've gone public about their work so of course most people will simply buckle under that kind of pressure. At least they're not all being murdered or imprisoned, any more.

don Croft, Etheric Warriors 11 Comments [9/1/2013 4:08:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96282

The fifth column activity of the corporate order is probably best demonstrated in the way the crime rate climbed in America after the creation of the CIA in 1947. The serial killers and mass murders are a case in point since that almost never happened in America before the 1950s, except for the US Army's constant, systematic slaughter of Indian villages and settlements across the West in the 1800s. When an American reporter tried to hold Hitler accountable for persecuting the Jews (this was before the nazis started killing them) Hitler countered with the mention of the US Gov't's slaughter of the Indians and the reporter had to shut up. Of course the SS are a key component of the CIA/NSA's current mass murder agenda

The dope trade is another source of crime/terror and who doesn't yet recognize that the CIA has always managed this effort and profits from it? They don't need a penny of tax money to commit their crimes. Tax money is simply collected to slow inflation, after all; it doesn't pay for anything--never did, except that it financed and made possible the first world war, of course. Those armies on both sides in Europe couldn't budge until the American Pajama People finally agreed to empty their pockets to a mostly British-owned corporation in Washington, DC (The federal reserve, which is neither)..

I think the intention behind all of this induced criminality (always exaggerated by the media whores) is to convince the Pajama People that everyone is evil or potentially evil, so everyone is on his/her own in this life and can't trust others. Orgonite in a neighborhood seems to dissolve this programming, much like the orgonite that young Billie 'Orgonite' Kibiator distributes in previously-murderous Nyamira District in Kenya (he does this on his motorbike) has stopped the human sacrifice and canniblism, there.

Don Croft, Etheric Warriors 6 Comments [9/1/2013 4:08:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96281

The author, who I think did a very good and thorough job, could have applied all of this analysis to the World Trade Center and Pentagon assaults but that's already been done, meticulously. Also unlike before, this credible author didn't get buried under an avalanche of fakery on the web. Somebody ought to send tis guy a zapper in case the feds poison him. Dr Joseph Farrell, who documents the present Nazi SS connection to the US Gov't, uses his zapper and is still on the job.

Don Croft, Etheric Warriors 6 Comments [9/1/2013 4:07:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 96280

A. The Tsarnaev brothers were born in Chechnya and then moved to the USA. Chechnya, a republic of the Russian Federation, inhabited largely by Muslims. Chechens, even more than ethnic Russians, suffered unspeakable horrors during Stalin’s reign. Also, they had often been discriminated against by the Soviet government and ordinary Russians. The banking Syndicate feasts on this kind of justified discontent in the same way that leeches in the Kathmandu valley feast on human blood. As in Afghanistan and elsewhere, as part of Syndicate’s efforts to destabilize and fragment Russia—perhaps the only significant nuclear challenge to the bankers—and as part of its deliberate program to destabilize the entire world (including the USA), the Syndicate, via its CIA and MI6 death squads, orchestrated and supported a secessionist movement in Chechnya. As part of this support, the death squads actively created, encouraged, and facilitated acts of terror in Chechnya and in the non-Chechen parts of Russia.

Like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn before his first visit to the USA, and later, like his tragically-misinformed backing of the Vietnam war, naïve Chechen militants witlessly view the CIA and the USA as their benefactors; it defies common sense that they would perform acts of terror against America. Before receiving the official script, blackshirt in good standing Rudy Giuliani, for example, correctly observed that Chechen extremists only wished to terrorize Russia and harbored no animosity toward the U.S. Supporting this, in 2013, among foreign mercenaries tasked with bringing genocide, chaos, fanaticism, and religious strife to Syria, Gordon Duff notes the presence of “Chechen mercenaries working with the CIA and Al Qaeda.”

Similarly, “Wayne Madsen and other journalists have established that the ‘Chechen terror groups’ linked to the elder Tsarnaev brother, by way of his CIA controllers . . . were actually pro-USA terror groups run by the US government against the Russian government.”

Hyperion, Etheric Warriors 5 Comments [9/1/2013 4:07:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: zipperback
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