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Quote# 102113

Two posts, same thread, one right after the other

All Culture is based off the fact of being a "Cult"

Its social memes that are reinforced through societal carrots and sticks. Culture can be malleable but for most people it is the unstoppable force.

Society sets up dichotomies and slots to control the populace even when they deviate from main stream culture to create their own little sects.

Remember government etymology means govern- "control", ment- "mind"

You can be a liberal or a conservative or libertarian or a political atheist. You can be white or black or hispanic or asian. You can be rich or poor or middle class.

But you can never just be you as an individual.

You must belong to some divide and conquer sect so that you can be pigeonholed, marginalized, explained away, controlled, and your dissent can be pigeonholed, marginalized, explained away, and controlled.

Keep it in mind when thinking about hot button issues, or framing debates and setting up false dichotomies

Second Post Begins Here

I'll also add that that men as a whole have been pretty disenfranchised since the mid 80s.

Since then the stable jobs in manufacturing have been obliterated by NAFTA, GAT, the new TPP. It was self serving lobbyists and politicians on both side that destroyed the economy but the policies were enacted under liberal presidents.

So you've decimated the base by which a man supports himself and family. Great

Then add in 2nd and third wave feminism which- I'm sorry to say is just misandry. 1st wave feminism was all the equality stuff which was really just a scam to create two groups of people in the US that could be taxed. Feminists complain about glass ceilings and equal pay while not realizing they're just tax slaves and throwing out obvious things like- If you chose to get pregnant, yeah, you're gonna be out of work for a while if you care the slightest bit about your child which is going to hurt your career.

Men don't have that issue.

Add in the drugs and pharmacology that started in the 90s. It affects mostly males and I think it's because of the feminist culture. If you're man you're probably not gonna want to sit still and boys want to go run around and fight and mess with things hands on. Girls just aren't like that.

Ever wonder why males are dropping out of colleges and the ratio of female to male college graduates is changing drastically on liberal campuses?

Add in the effects of plastics and GMO food and soy that has phytoestrogens and hormone blockers. Wonder why girls are hitting puberty at younger and younger ages and boys are all the sudden becoming more bisexual and gay?

Add in the police state and NIMBY laws that came about in the 90s criminalizing children running around playing and getting into childish mischief. Wonder why everybody spends all their time indoors online or playing games?

Add into the fact that all the old institutions for society in general were destroyed by cultural marxism and moral relativism. Everybody's equal- except they're not. We should however be equal under the law, but we're not.

I was not suprised when I first heard about the men's rights activists popping up in recent years. It makes sense. They are men with no place in society.

And just like all these shooters- they are people with nothing to do, no future, no life. Drug addled in childhood. Fed propaganda, going into a world where they can't support a family because they have to compete with women for fewer and fewer jobs. Their normal childhood activities would get them suspended or detentions or arrested. They have to be politically correct with everything and are told they are the source of all problems in society because they're white men that some how oppress everybody else just by being alive.

That is enough to drive anybody insane. The SSRI's just push people over the edge and a gun is a handy choice.

The media hypes up the drama even though school shootings are more rare than television and most gun violence is suicide and gang warfare.

If you remove suicidal people and criminal behaivor from the mix the anti-gun people have nothing to talk about statistically.

But then again liberals are not interested in facts or truth, only propaganda and self serving platitudes.

Kel-chan, Newgrounds 12 Comments [7/15/2014 3:43:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 102107


While untold millions fascinate themselves with the World Cup matches accepting the bread and circuses strategy of the Roman Empire concept of rule, we here at the Cafe have marched to a different drummer. We apply ourselves to the shadow language of the Google Doodles related to same. The tell the story of the hidden spectacle of world global domination. Concealed therein are significant truths not spoken of clearly. As a case in point this cute little doodle speaks volumes.

We see the letter 'r' as the Russian Empire. Much of the world is lined up against them because they have little interest in the corrupt western debt slave banking system. The warning signs are rising significantly to the breaking point. The stress signs are obfuscated by the games. Few see the pressure rising or the potential for conflict. But it has always been that way in history. Visionaries are ignored and maligned. In this doodle Russia draws a line in the sand as it is termed and challenges the western backing system by applying shaving cream to its face and raising a razor to give it a shave.


R Shave is a grooming establishment in London, Ontario. It could shadow the home of the bankers. They, too, are apt to give account holders a shave as bailins become the order of the day. The bankers will just take your money to serve the system a trifle longer until the final collapse.

G Beard is George Miller Beard. He was a US Navy surgeon who served in the Civil War about the gunboat New London. With this we get another reference to the London banking syndicate. He specialized s a neurologist and developed the term neurasthenia a mechanical weakness of the nerves. There are mechanical weaknesses in the financial system that needs to be corrected. He lobbied for the insane and studied non insane disorders like the reflex action. As the razor gets closer we may see more nervous disorders. The results of a collapse will just spring upon us. New London is also home base for the US Coast Guard and US Navy submarine services. They will be active along the line.

It must have come as a wonder to many observers that the letters of the doodle have a distinct letter 'V' on them. That is very significant. The possibilities are immense. Of course my preferred choice would be V for Vendetta. The O's of course represent OV. The first reference is Ov and Yidoni a scriptural reference to witchcraft. Our system does delve into the black magic that will bring no reward. It is to be shaved as well. The second OV is the suffix to Russian names meaning belonging to. The line has a Russian element and a dark magic western element at odds.

George Freund, Conspiracy Cafe 7 Comments [7/15/2014 3:36:10 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 102104

I am in constant contact with a group of ETs that are "visiting" near the Earth. Talk with them daily...

Back in 1951, at the age of about 4-1/2 A UFO visited the farm where I grew up. The overall event actually lasted the better part of a week, or so I've been told. The story go that a UFO, complete with a "door", hovered over my grand-parent's farm everyday.

On it's last day of "visiting" I apparently went missing for about 6 hours. When I returned I told a story about going to see the spaceship, and the people on it. Not really much interesting in the story, but the aliens; One Nordic, and one Gray...and apparently all we did was talk.

Today, the aliens are a different group, and somewhat more active in "world affairs", and of course, I have conversations frequently. Being a computer scientist / software engineer by education, and lifestyle I have had to attempt to devise a method of validating the reality of my "contacts". Not quite as simple as it might seem...So...from time to time, I request, and typically get, a short term "prediction" of an event happening in Earth's local space; a UFO sighting, solar flare, or something that can be detected by someone other than me...so I have a pretty good indication that they are real.

tanka418, Above Top Secret 9 Comments [7/15/2014 3:34:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 102103

The United Nations has already interfered in our elections, they are working to end our Second Amendment rights with their Small Arms Treaty, and they are pressuring States to overturn laws legalizing marijuana. In short, U.N. bureaucrats are very much a part of our country and the way it is being run. For years, they have been working to implement harsh socioeconomic controls over the United States, and these controls are being rolled out right now. We must become aware of these controls and refuse to accept any plan that is attached to the U.N.’s Agenda 21 international program.

Fax Congress Now!

This is not conservative hype and it is not a conspiracy theory, as global warming alarmists would like for you to believe. Agenda 21 is alive and well in your community right now.

Tony Adkins, Conservative News Daily 12 Comments [7/15/2014 3:34:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 102102

Break out the violins folks! It's time for that familiar old refrain of Marxist demagogues everywhere - "the children". Sing it with me: "We are the world. We are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day so lets start giving."
Ah yes, Sulzberger's manipulative Times just loves little children, except for the ones killed and maimed by U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the ones blown apart by Obongo's drones in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia etc, or the ones killed by our noble Israeli "allies" during their periodic raids on Gaza.

Reports from those at the scene reveal that many of these "children" are well into their teens or older, perfect "gang banger" age. Could it be that the plan is to import and train a rag tag army of foreign mercenaries under the cover of "the children"? Why are these "children" being sent to Army bases? Are we seeing the formation of an American "ISIS"?

As thuggish as some of our homegrown Feds are, finding a large number of them willing to actually fire upon the American citizenry is unlikely. But finding thousands of "gang members" willing to fight for cash, drugs and sexual access to helpless White women is easy. Something is clearly afoot with this engineered invasion; an invasion which was pre-planned during the final months of 2008, when the outgoing President Bush signed a bill banning the deportation of unaccompanied "children".

Think it can't happen here? Well, this scenario is EXACTLY what the secret U.S. government has already imposed upon Libya, Syria, and now, Iraq. The "children" are only the Trojan Horse. Hold on to your guns folks!

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 6 Comments [7/15/2014 3:33:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102101

MI6 spy Adolf Hitler was sworn in as chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Eugenio Pacelli was crowned Pope Pius XII on March 12, 1939–just on the eve of World War II.

Eugenio Pacelli became Pope Pius XII in March 1939.

World War II was all about restoring the "unholy" Roman empire of Charlemagne and the restoration of the Papal States.

Of course, nobody asked the Italians if they agreed to the division of their country, and the restoration of the Papal States!!

Another key objective was the ending of what the Vatican called the "Great Schism" or the split between East and West which began around 400 AD.

Hitler's vast armies invaded Russia on June 22, 1941–the very date that Napoleon began his invasion in 1812. Hitler had originally planned to begin the invasion in April but the heroic Greeks and Serbs delayed the invasion until June 22.

Even after the unexpected delay of the invasion, Hitler was supremely confident of victory because another British spy was running the Soviet Union at that time. His name was Joseph Stalin from Georgia. Georgia (like Prussia) was an outpost of the British Empire and the Georgians HATED Russia and the Orthodox Church with a passion.

A Georgian woman named Vera Putina claims to be the mother of "ex-KGB" President Vladimir Putin. There is no such person as an "ex-KGB" spy, or an "ex-MI6" spy....Once a spy . . . always a spy!!

Georgia is an outpost of the British Empire and Stalin just happened to be born in Georgia too.

Joseph Stalin was an MI6 agent at the very pinnacle of the Soviet Union.

"Soviet" was just a cover for MI6.

Hitler felt supremely confident of victory because a fellow agent controlled Russia.

The turning point in the war came at Stalingrad in January 1943.

The turning point of the war came at Stalingrad. Hitler was all ready to follow Napoleon and enter Moscow. 3 things foiled his plans, and instead of Hitler entering Moscow, Stalin entered Berlin:

1. The heroic Greeks and Serbs delayed the invasion of Russia by 2 months.
2. The heroic Russian army fought bravely against the Nazis.
3. General Winter fought furiously against the invaders.
Communism began in Britain with Charles Darwin and Karl Marx. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Russian Revolution were all started by the Jesuits.

The Pope has a powerful weapon at his disposal called EXCOMMUNICATION. During the Dark Ages, this Papal thunder could hurl rulers from their thrones. Queen Elizabeth I was excommunicated by Pope Pius V and this led to the launching of the "Invincible" Spanish Armada in 1588.

To ensure that Hitler was never excommunicated, MI6 had an agent in the very bedroom of the Pope.

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 10 Comments [7/15/2014 3:33:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102088

Rep. Gabby Giffords is an actor. She was not shot in the head. 100% fabrication.

Anyone who is just coming to this thread or anyone who says "well it was going good until I watched this specific part, etc," PLEASE WATCH THIS VID.

It is showing how the entire Gabrielle Giffords shooting is a complete hoax and a fabricated event by DHS. Giffords in an actor. 100%

When you get shot in the head there is a tremendous amount of blood. In all video and pictures taken at the shooting, there was no blood whatsoever.

Watch this 5 minute clip and you will see it is all a hoax.

Wake up, welcome to the fake reality our puppet masters want us to accept.

MrE, Godlike Productions 11 Comments [7/14/2014 3:16:49 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 102060

If you look around the globe, there is a lot of very good real estate that is simply not being touched by humanity. Areas that have been designated as national parks, reserves, military bases, etc.

In general, sightings of UFOs and USOs concentrate heavily around these areas.

And you can't tell me that they have been left alone by our capitalist, greedy human governing officials for the good of the planet. That doesn't make any sense.

UFO's have been documented pretty much throughout all of recorded human history in one way or another, whether in art or ancient writings or religious beliefs.

I think that the global elite, the leaders REALLY pulling the strings, have probably always been in some kind of contact with these beings, or aware of them in some way, but I believe things REALLY got mixed up and tied together between humanity and these beings recently, like around the time of Roswell and Eisenhower's reported California conference with some ET's.

I'm not 100% sure of the relationship between these dudes and humanity, but I'm fairly certain that we are either their science/genetic experiment or slave laborers or a combination of both. I wouldn't be surprised if they have been manipulating our genes and breeding us to their specs for quite some time.

My truest epiphany on the situation came when I realized that in virtually all recorded sightings of Greys, witnesses report them as being nude. That doesn't really make sense if they came from somewhere far away - that is more something you would expect from a terrestrial being.

Not to mention the fact that their physical features are characteristic of what you'd expect to see in creatures that evolved in caves or deep under water - with the large eyes and pigmentless skin.

It also doesn't make sense to me that the most intellectually advanced life-form on planet Earth would evolve on it's surface. It just doesn't make sense. The surface of the Earth has been subjected to repeated and extreme climate changes, asteroid impacts and mass extinctions. All of our knowledge about evolution and the fossil record indicates that the species that survived were those that lived in the depths and underground.

I have a feeling that the whole Orson Wells 'War of the Worlds' broadcast was the original psy-op. Chances are, our government was beginning to realize that with human civilization expanding, people were going to be seeing more and more things that they couldn't explain. If they got martians on the brain, they would presume that what they were seeing came from somewhere other than Earth.

And because every LOGICAL and REASONABLE person knows that there's no such thing as martians, anyone who saw something or was abducted or bore witness to something that they couldn't easily explain could easily be labeled crazy and their stories dismissed as absolute lunacy.

Why the push for secrecy? Maybe our government wasn't given a choice - they are likely far more technologically advanced than we are and may have threatened to wipe us out. Or maybe our government didn't want the human civilization status quo messed with.

I do believe that they work in some kind of collaboration with humanities leaders, maybe exchanging tech for secrecy or something else entirely.

Em18966, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [7/13/2014 6:21:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 102056

Can there still be any lingering doubt that Obongo, his Globalist handlers, and Sulzberger's glorified propaganda sheet are all "in cahoots" to grind down the American people into 3rd World dependency status? The deliberately fallacious classification of carbon dioxide as a "pollutant" was a trick designed to circumvent Congressional approval for killing the coal industry.

You see, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) cannot make its own laws, but it can crack down on "pollution". Thus was carbon, the very breath we exhale and the "food" of all vegetation, magically transformed into a form of "pollution" that causes "Global Warming".

Obongo the Evil may have broken every campaign promise that his mendacious Marxist mouth ever muttered; but let's give him some credit for fulfilling one 2008 promise (spoken to a friendly Editorial Board) to wreck the coal industry and drive up electricity prices.

Obongo's statement in black; with your intrepid reporter's biting wise cracks in red [the statements in brackets]:

"The problem is, can you get the American people to say this is really important and force their representatives to do the right thing. (you just love using "force" don't you Obongo. Typical Communist)

That requires mobilizing a citizenry. That requires them understanding what is at stake. Climate change is a great example. (Ah yes, us dumb citizens need to be "required to understand" the junk science of non existent Global Warming / Climate Change)

When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would sky rocket, even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. (That's just what a struggling American family needs, higher energy costs)

Because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas—whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was they’d have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money and they will pass that money on to consumers." (And then you'll piously blame the "greedy energy companies" for engaging in "Capitalist price-gauging")

"If we're going to get serious and cap the emission of green house gasses that are causing global warming (There is no Global warming and you damn well know it, you filthy degenerate Marxist LIAR!) then we are going to be having power plants have to figure out how to reduce carbon, because they’ll have to pay penalties (Penalties, penalties, penalties. Spoken like a true tyrant), if they exceed the cap—and that means they’re going to have to change how they operate.

And that means in turn that they’ll have to ("have to"; more control freak language) make investments (code word for throwing money away) that they’ll try to pass on to consumers and could result in higher electricity prices. (not "could result" monkey boy, WILL result)

In the short term, though, the government will help, (Great. Another welfare scheme. Let's call it ObongoElectric) we’re all going to have to be more energy efficient. (Does that mean that you and that nasty looking First Beast of yours will be curtailing your incessant Global joy riding on Air Force 1 & 2?)

We’re all going to have to (have to?) insulate our homes, change our light bulbs...(Yes Master. Your wish is this humble slave's command)"

This "man" is evil. Pure, unadulterated EVIL!

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 10 Comments [7/13/2014 6:20:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102055

These vile, demonic, wretched, blood thirsty Marxist Zionists never quit, do they? Mr. Breyer was just 19 years old when he served in the heroic Waffen SS; an elite fighting force whose tenacity saved all of Europe from Stalin's invading hordes. For that, he ought to awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Instead, he becomes the latest old man to be snatched away from his family, soon to be deported to Merkel's Marxist Germany for trial. There is no word yet on when Germany will go after elderly members of the Jewish led NKVD units who raped and tortured so many innocent Germans.

A heart breaking excerpt from today's story:
"The 89-year-old Johann Breyer shuffled unsteadily into a federal courtroom in Philadelphia on Wednesday morning, using a cane for support as he sank slowly into a chair at the defense table. The retired toolmaker from what was then Czechoslovakia, who immigrated to the United States in 1952, was thin and pale and dressed in a green uniform after a night spent in jail following his arrest at his home in Philadelphia. He looked confused at times, too, but when the judge asked him if he understood why the German authorities wanted to put him on trial there, he answered simply, “Yes.”
"He and his wife, who was with him in the courtroom on Wednesday, lived in a redbrick townhouse in a blue-collar neighborhood of northeast Philadelphia where the small yards are surrounded by chain-link fences. Some neighbors seemed unaware of the earlier accusations against him. “He was a nice guy who fed my dog treats and talked to my parents when they came down,” said Ken Perkins, a neighbor for about 20 years."
As for the "gassings" that Sulzberger's Times alludes to, no one put it better than British Historian David Irving:
"In fact more women died on the back seat of Senator Edward Kennedy's car in Chappaquiddick than ever died in the gas chamber they show the tourists at Auschwitz."
Stories such as this are hard to read. The daily task of reviewing Sulzberger's Times is one that your intrepid author dreads at times. Often, it is good for a laugh. But on days like today, with a story such as this, the emotional mix of deep sorrow and Holy Hatred requires a drink and/or a smoke.
Our hearts and prayers go out to Herr Breyer and his family.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 11 Comments [7/13/2014 6:20:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 9
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 102049

On the question of society's trust of men in general

Consult the male survival guide rule #10

Male survival in 21st century America:

1. Do not get married.

2. Do not have children.

3. Get a vasectomy.

4. Do not tell your sexual partners you have had a vasectomy.

5. Do not cohabit with any woman you are in a relationship with.

6. Do not ever be alone with a child for any reason.

7. Do not date or have sex with any woman who has a child.

8. Do not provide regular financial support to any woman.

9. Do not attempt to protect or help female strangers. If you see someone beating up a woman, walk away. Do not attempt to help her. Do not call the police.

10. Do not speak to or touch a child you do not know. If you see a child drowning, walk away. If you see a child being kidnapped, walk away. Do not call the police.

11. Do not speak to the police for any reason ever.

12. Carry a cell phone or other device capable of audio and video recording at all times.

WorldsEndGirlfriend, Reddit: MensRights 19 Comments [7/12/2014 5:16:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 102009

Surely [crop circles] CAN be faked...but what of the circles found in where the stalks were NOT "mechanically" trampled? MANY circles are found in which the stalks are heated and basically "explode" from the heat (like a microwave) causing the plant to fall over.
This opens up a whole new argument though...if "they" are complex enough to make these circles why not communicate with us in other ways??
I guess the jury's out for me on this one still...

xanaxinator, Reddit 15 Comments [7/10/2014 3:35:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 101989

1. In 1939, there were nearly 15,700,000 Jews in the world.* After the Second World War that number had risen to over 18,000,000 Jews.**

What this means is that of the 15,000,000 original Jews on the planet, 6,000,000 were gassed, leaving only some 9,000,000-plus. Then, the world Jewish population rebounded and doubled to over 18,000,000 in less than nine years — an astronomical feat, which astounded biologists and baby doctors everywhere!

2. From the Beginning, there was the SIX MILLION, of which 4,000,000 were gassed at Auschwitz. Then, in 1990 it was discovered that only 1.5 million were gassed at Auschwitz, a difference of 2.5 million less.

But somehow the magical SIX MILLION remained, even though no instant replacement was ever found. YHWH moves in mysterious ways!

3. At the same time, the director of the Auschwitz State Museum Dr. Franciszek Piper, announced that the so-called gas chamber there had been fabricated by the Soviets AFTER the war!

4. But there's more. The International Red Cross reported that less than 300,000 internees of all nationalities in the German camps died of all causes, including old age. And of these, barely more than half were Jews. Most of these died in several typhoid epidemics caused by wartime conditions, which claimed many lives — including those of doctors, nurses and camp administrative personnel!

5. But even these deaths were too much for the German authorities. On December 8, 1942, Heinrich Himmler, chief commandant of all detention facilities, issued an order stating categorically: "The death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs."

6. In all of German-occupied Europe there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews claimed ‘survivor’ benefits from the German government. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.

7. It was a miracle. According to The New York Times of Sunday, January 4, 1987, celebrated survivor Elie Wiesel recalled "the day the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz." Then, in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington D.C., reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency on April 11, 1983, he had a different recollection. He noted that he was "one of the survivors liberated at Dachau by the U.S. Army" on April 15, 1945 — and thus became the only prisoner of war to hold the distinction of being liberated from two different camps in World War II!

8. Not to be outdone by The Weasel, famous ‘Nazi-hunter’ Simon Wiesenthal died serenely at age 96, knowing that, according to BBC News, he had survived 12 — count 'em! — Nazi ‘death camps.’

9. In 1948 a story appeared about a hapless Jewish girl who was done in by the Nazis. It was written with a ballpoint pen, something that did not appear on the market until after the war. It was called — The Diary of Anne Frank!

10. So where did this SIX MILLION business start? For that we must go back to one Ilya Ehrenburg,* chief Soviet propagandist during the Second World War and later on to die in Israel, who coined the mythic number on Dec. 22, 1944—BEFORE tens of thousands of Jewish internees, given the choice of staying to be "liberated" by the Communists or going with their German captors, did not hesitate to choose the latter option!

* The American Jewish Committee cites a figure of 15,688,259. ** The Jewish-owned New York Times for Feb. 22, 1948, uses a figure of 18,700,000.

*** When the Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war, asking whether they had witnessed alleged ‘gassing,’ the response was universally negative. According to IRC document #9925, June, 1946: "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them."

***** In his book Legend of Our Time, New York, 1982, The Weasel explained:"Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are — although they never occurred."

****** The monstrous lies of this Jewish psychopath succeeded in creating a climate of rabid, anti-German hate which led to the death of millions. Here is a typical example of the genocidal daily fare served up to Soviet troops, taken from an Oct. 1944 leaflet to the Red Army: "Kill! Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. Follow the words of Comrade Stalin and crush the fascist beast in its lair. Break the racial pride of the German woman. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the glorious Soviet army!"

White Devil Mom, Stormfront 16 Comments [7/9/2014 3:32:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: Insult to Rocks

Quote# 101988

"Top 10 reasons why the holocaust didn't happen.

What I am trying to do is to formulate the reasons in my mind so I can give a good argument. Note: I am not trying to draw conclusions before the facts because I have seen enough proof that I am convinced that the holycaust is BS. Here are a few of my arguments and you can correct me if I am wrong in any of them and you can add to the list.

1-The post WW2 books written by the wartime leaders Churchill, Eisenhower, and DeGaule never mentioned any gas being used or any planned, systematic extermination of anyone.

2-In Eli Weisel's book titled 'Night' he doesn't mention gas being used and when the choice came that he would retreat with the Germans or stay and be under the Soviet umbrella he chose to retreat with the Germans.

3-if there would have been millions of people murdered then there would have been tons of human remains buried somewhere and it would be way too much to hide for very long. No tons of human remains were ever found. And if they would have been cremated then there would have been tons of ashes and no ashes were ever found.

4-Auswitcz was a place where synthentic rubber was being produced and U.S. intelligence was focused on Auswitcz for that reason. No U.S. intelligence reports ever gave any indication of gassing or mass extermination.

5-Jews took a census of their people before WW2 and after and in order for there to have been 6 million people killed each and every jewish female on this planet would have to given birth to something like 13 children and that never happened.

Nick Smith, Stormfront 13 Comments [7/9/2014 3:31:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Insult to Rocks

Quote# 101944

In order for White Nationalism to succeed 911 must be solved and Zionism must fail. White Nationism and Jewish nationism will not coexist as it becomes apparent that Jews will not actually immigrate to the Jewish state.

Thus it becomes imperative to defeat Zionism in order to combat the vices which so many stormfronters complain about such as immigration, multiculturalism, gun control, obamacare, jungle sex, gold confiscation, NSA spying, you get the idea. 911 is the key. Make no mistake. 911 is a far more critical issue than MLK day or the Kosher tax.

Questions for the 911 haters:

Did you know there were explosives inside the world trade center on 911?
Did you know that the Jewish owner of the WTC took out a multibillion dollar insurance policy on the mostly vacant asbestos ridden building 2 months before 911?
Did you know that the NYPD caught dozens of Israeli army veterans trying to plant explosives at King St., Holland Tunnell, and George Washington Bridge?
Did you know that Zim Shipping, an Israeli company, moved out of the WTC, 1 week before 911?
Did you know that Mossad mailed the anthrax?
Did you know that Israel pioneered remote control airplane technolgy such as the predecessor of the Predator assassin drone?
Did you know Israel bombed the King David Hotel in 1948 while dressed as Arabs?
Did you know that the Mossad attacks occurred just as the US military was simulating hijackings during Wargames Week?
Did you know Pentagon Accounting office was hit by a missile and a bomb not a plain?
Did you know that dozens of Pentagon accountants were murdered on. 911?
Did you know that chief Pentagon accountant Rabbi Dov Zakheim has links to Mossad?
Did you know that Pentagon admitted 2 trillion was unaccounted for 1 day before 911?
Did you know that the FBI has admitted that Barbara Olsons phone call blaming Arabs for 911 was technologically impossible?
Did you know that suicide is one of the top 5 sins in Islam and usually means a long vacation to Hell?
Did you know that Mohammed Atta was partying in strip clubs only days before 911?
Did you know that the remote control planes crashed into the offices of Paul Bremer future Gov of Iraq?
Did you know that Bremer appeared on TV on the morning of 911 blaming Arabs?
Did you know that he did not mention that he works in WTC?
Did you know that he expressed no mention or concern for his coworkers and employees during said interview?

Mossad did 911. No ifs or buts. This is the key to beating Zionism for now

How to get revenge on the Jews for 911:
1. Cut off Us taxpayer aid to the Jewish state
2. educate euroericans about 911
3. Promote Arab immigration to the Jewish state
4. Promote jungle sex between dark complexted dudes and ashkenazic Jewish women, especially the blonde ones. Think Siciliano, Karros or Zidane and Debra Messing . Catch my drift ?
5. Pipe lesbian porn into the airwaves of the jewish state.

Hope this post was helpful. Please allow discussion of this topic in the forums of the opposition so both stormfronters and anti stormfronters can comment. Difficult, unpopular, and controversial subjects should be allowed in the forums of the opposition.


A concerned citizen

Mossad did 911, Stormfront.com 18 Comments [7/7/2014 3:40:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 10
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101922

[Sovereign Citizens] is simply a labeling of yet another group of Americans as terrorists. I mean, to label everyone who knows the laws and fights the government based on them, a terrorist, just like the punks who shot the cops. This is a clear cut case of propaganda straight from the globalist agenda handbook.
http://adask.wordpress.com/ Adask writes "Am I about to be labeled a domestic terrorist."

pottersfield, Reddit 10 Comments [7/7/2014 3:12:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 101909

[This guy seems to believe that Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel are the same person, who is also porn star Ellie Idol, and it's a big conspiracy or something. Also, Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, apparently...)

The first observation we should make is that the actor who plays Katy Perry also plays Zooey Deschanel. Apart from the obvious resemblance, their connection is revealed through both Gordon Joseph-Levitt (who dated Zooey Deschanel) and Russel Brand (who first hooked up with Katy Perry and then with Zooey). Both Gordon Joseph-Levitt and Russel Brand are fake personas. Zooey is most likely an earlier role for this actor, with the pertinent episodes of her life and film career shot earlier than would appear to us, because of other obvious differences related to the fireworks mentioned above. I think it is more shocking that this actor’s handlers would think that bust size alone would preclude us from making the connection that they are the same person… how shallow do they think we are? I mean, haven’t they seen Your Highness (2011)? Zooey’s performance in her more recent movies (like My Idiot Brother) is rather muted and almost seems like there is something not right with her…

So, working backwards, we can trace Katy Perry back to Zooey Deschanel. That’s not so bad, it’s not a crime for an actor to play multiple roles, unless the intention is subvert our liberties or affect our minds in a negative fashion.

But like the Angelina Jolie and Lady Gaga characters, we should be aware of the negative aspects of the entertainment industry to which this actor has been exposed, and to which I have alluded to and sifted through in earlier posts like parts 1-5 of Hollywood is Just a big Escort Service for the Elite.

Zooey Deschanel used to play the role of Ellie Idol.

[And from the comments section: "People have been saying Cobain is Rivers Cuomo for years. Lots of info out there about that, looks on to me. I think DGB said Kurt played Sid Vicious too, not sure if I see that. Kurt was usually the shortest guy in pics, and Syd the tallest. Did watch some video of Syd, and it's obviously a big act."]

XDISCIPLE, Word Press 17 Comments [7/6/2014 2:39:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 101883

[On the board of "The Lego Movie"]

This entire movie's subplot(the propaganda) seems like it's not sure what it wants to be, like an occupy protester, it doesn't know what exactly it's protesting it's the only thing it seems to be sure about is that it wants Change change and more change. At the same time that they promote a communist agenda by saying that corporations are behind the evil of Borders(when in reality corporations are the only ones that benefit FROM open borders/no borders) they promote an Anti-collectivist ideology that we're all unique individuals who should never identify as a group when it comes to traditional institutions and cultures but we must "band together" to destroy the Evil Corporate government that promotes evil things like borders. This propaganda may seem to be incredibly confused but it's actually not, communism was created and pushed by the RICHEST people on the planet(Rothschild(Bauer)) people who've had the best psychologists working for them for 200 years, they know how to manipulate the masses. They are telling you to be an individual at the same time that they are telling you to open your borders, they are telling you that conformity is bad that we should all be eccentric anti-establishment characters, in fact in this movie they imply that it's uncool to be a conformist and like popular things, encouraging an entire generation to embrace counter culture(counter culture is genocide by the way, the UN defines any attempt by ANY group to change, destroy or manipulate ANY Culture, Race, Religion, Ethnicity, or group of any kind as Genocide and you cannot argue against that if you even try you I suggest you look up the UN's definition for yourself if you don't believe me, genocide isn't just a group of people killing other people it's attacks on ANY culture, race, religion or group it could be very indirect and even unintentional but it's still what it is)The people pushing this propaganda are the same people who created the communist manifesto and printed it( written by marx and printed one of his cousins, Bruno Bauer who later changed his last name to Rothschild) They own the entire western media, our banks, our education system and they pretend that your being anti-corruption if you just give up your identity, open your borders, destroy your own culture, race and entire civilization to create a new world ripe for exploitation for those that remain on the top while EVERYONE else suffers below them. Do you think the Mega Corporations that MADE this movie are really going to promote things that aren't in their interest(maximizing profits)? That's all communism is about, streamlining profits under the guise of good will and equality for all*(equality doesn't exist and it never did or will, no one is equal, no individual, no group, or culture) but communism has always been trying to overcome inequality by making everyone exactly the same in every way, the same language, the same(mixed)race, the same(generic)culture, the same opinions, the same income, If the could they'd even have a single Gender(oh Wait don't you know?, Gender is just a social construct now) we're not creating diversity by removing the mechanisms that created them(geographic isolation).

ccharlie183, IMDb 12 Comments [7/5/2014 6:04:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 101862

When it comes to Israel, its never a coincidence. ISIS claims they're an enemy of Israel, but I'll believe it when I see them attacking Israel directly. And conveniently ISIS appears to be an opponent of Assad, who has proven to be an enemy of Israel, and Iran is also not too thrilled about ISIS encroaching near their borders. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense why'd they focus their operations on Iraq, when their movement supposedly started in Syria. Is the Iraqi army really that much weaker than Syria's? Even after JewSA supposedly spent the last 10 years and countless billions building them up? And the USA also supplied weapons to ISIS. None of this makes any sense. I smell a rat, particularly a jew rat. Israel benefits when their opponents are busy fighting among themselves instead of working with each other to crush the criminal Zionist State.

CountryBoy88, Stormfront.com 5 Comments [7/5/2014 4:25:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: HEIL SATAN

Quote# 101843

A Republican candidate is contesting the results of a primary race he lost this week with a rather shocking and extremely out-there allegation: his opponent, incumbent congressman Frank Lucas, is dead, and the man he ran against is a lookalike.

This is what Tim Murray (who challenged Lucas last time as a Democrat and this time switched to the Republican side) actually says on his actual campaign website: “It is widely known Rep. Frank D. Lucas is no longer alive and has been displayed by a look alike. Rep. Lucas’ look alike was depicted as sentenced on a white stage in southern Ukraine on or about Jan. 11, 2011.”

Yes, he’s claiming that a Republican member of Congress went to Ukraine and was “depicted as being executed” on live TV, and obviously, after you die, you are “not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time.”

Tim Murray, Mediaite 24 Comments [7/1/2014 5:18:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 17
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 101838

Global Warming is more popular than other, more credible threats because it reads like a religion.

Original, uncorrupted paradise earth.
The Devil (big oil)
Man's corrupting influence.
Apocalyptic eschatology.
We must repent and respect Mother Earth! We have made her angry! (People blame everything from earthquakes to autism on Global Waeming)
Messiah (Obama. Remember the deafening applause when he said that his election was the day the oceans stop rising)

So Boerd, RolePlayerGuild 14 Comments [7/1/2014 5:12:38 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 101837


GENERAL FRANCISCO FRANCO (1892-1975) was a devout Roman Catholic. The Jewish Propaganda Machine, that is, the Jewish-controlled Press, Media, and Publishing houses, labeled General Francisco Franco as a "fascist." The Jewish-published history books still do the same.

The reason why the Jews labeled General Franco as a "fascist" was because Franco saw his actions as a crusade to place the Church and the nobility at the center of Spanish life.

Since the Jews would have no political control in such a "Christian" scenario, Franco has been branded by the Jews as a "fascist." This is what the Jews are all about: control. It's only a matter of time before Christians rise up once again—as they did in Spain—to stop the Jews!

Brother Nathanael Kapner, Real Jew News 12 Comments [7/1/2014 5:12:27 AM]
Fundie Index: 13
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101831

I will ad a real proof that Jews are the ones behind his [Michael Jackson's] death.

Michael Jackson was in Islamic Arabia for a certain period of time before his death, which probably suggest that he embraced Islam and therefore was killed.

In an interview with his sister, she emphasized a great change happened to him without mentioning that because when mentioned, people would embrace Islam like him and will single out that Jews are behind the scenes.

Jewish Media company created his fans but does not want him to effect them. The poor guy did not realize the fact that Jews' first enemy is Islam and embracing it would threaten his life. So the Jewish media created his fans and wanted him to effect them the way they like.

When he crossed the line, was killed so the fan manufactured by the Jewish media would not be employed to serve Islam. Unlike Christians, Jews have no tolerance for Muslims. More over, he was killed by a Black to make it appeared as "normal" and far from suspicions of Jews who are usually white.

Then something happened "over drugs," and strangely the doctor is still out of the prison.

This over thing happened to Princess Diana. She was close to a Muslim friend and probably pregnant. I assume that she was about to be Muslim or converted to Islam without publicizing it. She was killed with the same over thing " over speed" and "over drinking driver."

you see?
Masons or illuminati or what so ever Jewish society are doing very well. Islam would bring death to top famous / popular social icons.

Muslima, Real Jew News 13 Comments [7/1/2014 5:07:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Wykked Wytch

Quote# 101830

Even a politician can see that Obama is part of an overall conspiracy. Yes, there is that word which means conspiring together with others to some purpose or end. The direction is to effect the Cloward-Piven strategy of "overwhelming the system" to cause it to crash and thereby be replaced with a socialist/marxist system of Obama's making. The rule of law is ignored and treated as a mere inconvenience. The Constitution is, in Obama's words, "a seriously flawed document". His plan is to enact methods and regulations that have failed in every country that has embraced them. He feels not only above the law but more intelligent and able then the Founding Fathers whose brilliance created the nation. His marxist muslim favorings lead to the trashing of the Judeo-Christian roots of America and its blessings from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To sing the praises of allah and to replace the God that loved us enough to send His own Son to die in our place as a propitiation for our sins, with the death cult of the muslim is to insult the very basis on which the nation is founded. The inspired Scriptures form that very foundation.

The arrogance of this man knows no bounds and will result in the death of this republic unless we stand tall and show him the door after telling him the meaning of "no".

Dr. Jim Garrow, Facebook 8 Comments [7/1/2014 5:07:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
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