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Quote# 105666

Comet Lovejoy, Impending Megaquakes, Weird Stillness In Atmosphere, 666 GLP User IDs. And So It Begins

This is it.
As the comet brightens above Mag 5.0 toward Mag 15.0, the frequency and intensity of worldwide quakes most notably in California will correspondingly increase, leading to the magnitude 15 Yellowstone Megaquake.
The stillness and quite being experienced is the absence of foraging mammals. They know what is coming.
As far as 666 user IDs, this is our warning. There is little we can do about this Extinction Event now.
You may begin to notice ringing in the ears as well as sudden migraines when you've never experienced them before. This is the Pluto alignment that will increase the comet's speed 3-fold.
Ironic, isn't it. Comet LOVE JOY. Or is it ...?

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [1/7/2015 4:08:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 105657

Members of the public have been terrified in cities where these operations have occurred. Unmarked helicopters and black hooded, armed troops descending on unsuspecting American mass population centers is one of the most gross and infringing violations of governmental and military authority ever perpetrated on the U.S. citizenry. But this is mild compared to what it will be like when the training stops and real implementation begins!

Yes, indeed, FEMA is definitely an emergency management agency, and when the president decides there is a national emergency, FEMA will certainly do the "managing"!

Now, getting back to FEMA's underground headquarters and some of their other functions. FEMA, as you would suspect, has the most advanced communication and data compiling technology available. Their massive data bank includes information on practically every citizen in the U.S. It also has lists of nearly all organizations or groups. Especially those whom they consider subversive or militant.

This basically includes every group, organization, and many individuals who actively oppose the goals, aims and objectives of our increasingly imperial American government. Your name may very well be on this list.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 18 Comments [1/6/2015 4:27:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 105631

Sadly, far too many Americans do not recognize dictatorships or totalitarian rule as we do. But to help educate many Americans, ALIPAC has called for the impeachment of Barack Obama to be followed by charges of treason against the people of the United States. Furthermore, we never refer to him as "President" Barack Obama because we find his incredible disregard for the US Constitution, our existing immigration laws, our Congress, and the will of a large majority of American citizens who want secure borders instead of Amnesty to be treasonous!

On the issue of illegal immigration, Barack Obama is a traitor and should be impeached, put on trial, and incarcerated for his many crimes against the American public and the great deal of death and destruction our citizens are enduring at the hands of the illegal immigration Barack Obama supports and seeks to make permanent with amnesty!

William Gheen, ALIPAC 14 Comments [1/5/2015 4:26:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Manure Inspector

Quote# 105623

The Moon Is Fake

You read that right. The moon is indeed false. It is not there. Or, at least, what we think (or told) we see is not actually what is there. Some would say hologram. Others would say "spaceship". I for one don't label it as either, but just deeply know that the moon is false. Here is some information for you to debunk, kids:

- The moon has quakes. Some are small, some are large. Some cause the moon to "ring". However, the moon does not have tectonic plates so what is causing the moon to quake like this? What are causing these reverberations influenced by seemingly nothing?

- Earth's moon is the furthest away from Earth than any other planet in our System, yet the earth has the weakest gravitational pull of the planets and the moon is the largest of the moons. All of the planets in our system can fit in the space between our earth and our moon. These stats don't add up.

- The moon is so perfect in it's rotation, alongside the rotation of our planet, around the earth and subsequently around the sun , that it never shows us it's backside. On top of this, despite the amount of cameras in space by various governmental agencies/bodies, there is still no real photography from the backside of the moon other than some Chinese photos that are most certainly doctored.

- The lunar eclipse should be impossible, yet is is real and visible to us here on earth. The odds of the moon and sun being so perfectly aligned is beyond astronomical.

And now for some quotes.

Irwin Shapiro,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

“The best possible explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist.’

“The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties are none of them could be considered remotely watertight.”

Christopher Knight and Alan Bulter
Book: Who Built the Moon?

The Moon has astonishing synchronicity with the Sun. When the Sun is at its lowest and weakest in mid-winter, the Moon is at its highest and brightest, and the reverse occurs in mid-summer. Both set at the same point on the horizon at the equinoxes and at the opposite point at the solstices. What are the chances that the Moon would naturally find an orbit so perfect that it would cover the Sun at an eclipse and appear from Earth to be the same size? What are chances that the alignments would be so perfect at the equinoxes and solstices?

Dr Harold Urey,
Nobel Prize for Chemistry

“I’m terribly puzzled by the rocks from the Moon and in particular of their titanium content.”

Dr. Gordon MacDonald,

“it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogenous sphere’. He surmised that the data must have been wrong – but it wasn’t.”

And lastly, Sir Carl Sagan in response to the moon ringing like a bell when struck by explosives at opposite poles.
Carl Sagan,

“A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 21 Comments [1/5/2015 4:22:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 105622


Last week marked the 10-year anniversary of the great Asian Tsunami which devastated Indonesia on December 26, 2004. Just two days after the media-hyped anniversary of what many believe was the result of an atomic 'Tsunami Bomb' detonated near an underwater fault, another tragedy struck Indonesia. Indonesian Air Asia flight QZ 8501 suddenly disappeared with 162 passengers and crew in board. No distress signal was issued and no cause has been determined. Adding to the mystery are bizarre images of what purport to be "floating bodies" and the usual dry-eyed, fake-crying crisis actors.

This terrorist disaster, and also the missing Malaysian Airliner from last spring (which later turned up in Ukraine?) have adversely impacted the reputation and stock price of both the Malaysian and Indonesian Airlines. The scribbling scumbags at Sulzberger's Slimes, those armchair experts on aviation, are today compounding the controversy by citing "renewed concerns" (by whom?) questioning the competence of Indonesian Airlines.

Could the nuclear-caused Tsunami of 2004 and last week's air disaster have been the work of the U.S.-Israel Axis of Evil? That shouldn't be too hard to figure out. You see, Muslim Indonesians have a very negative view of Israel. Indonesia (like Malaysia) has also become very close with the Russia-China trade bloc. A headline from this past week's 'New Straits Times' (Malaysia) proclaims: "Russia, China eyeing cooperation in Indonesia."

The New World Order is very worried about Muslim-majority Indonesia - a business-friendly and rapidly developing trade region with 250,000,000 people. As the aforementioned 'New Straits Times' piece explained:

"Envoys from Russia and China paid a visit to Indonesia’s coordinating minister for the economy, Sofyan Djalil, last Monday in an effort to scout for a stronger economic cooperation and discuss potential infrastructure development."

It's an all-too-familiar and oh-so-predictable pattern. Defy the Globo-Zionist crime syndicate, and weird "accidents" suddenly happen.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 4 Comments [1/5/2015 4:22:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 105620

Was Crazed Cop Killer a Police Plant Whose Goal Was to Stop Anti-Police Protests?

Maybe reading passages of the CIA Torture Report did something to my psyche. But my mind no longer processes news and information in the linear fashion it once did. Maybe that's a good thing. Or then again, maybe not. Let's take for instance the tragic killing of the two New York police officers on Saturday. I doubt whether the thought would even have occurred to me last month. But it is certainly on my mind now. Did Ismaaiyl Brinsley act alone?

He was a suicidal, emotional misfit, who had alienated friends and family. So, might he have hooked up with a different caliber of associates at some point during his 19 arrests and various jail terms? Perhaps a kindly soul had stepped into his life after he had lost touch with every other shred of reality, someone whom he could tell his troubles to, someone who understood his frustrations in life, who might have lent him money, a gun, someone who could suggest "heroic" actions that he wouldn't have thought up himself? Of course this someone had a hidden agenda. It would be to manipulate this lost soul into engaging in something so heinous that it would embarrass those politicians calling for police reform and more importantly turn the public against the "I Can't Breathe" police protests sweeping across the country. The motto of such tacticians would be that two "sacrificial" deaths in war was a small price to pay for the consolidation of police power and the subordination of civil society.

Preposterous, you say. But folks were for the longest time saying the same about accusations that Americans used torture. David Shipler, author of Rights at Risk: The Limits of Liberty in Modern America (2012), notes that most men who get "entrapped" by an agent provocateur:

“seem ambivalent, incompetent and adrift, like hapless wannabes looking for a cause that the informer or undercover agent skilfully helps them find”.

The operative term these days is "entrapment." Since 9/11 dozens of such cases have come to light. An article appeared in the The Nation entitled: "Did the NYPD Entrap Ahmed Ferhani?" But this case involved entrapping a young man on a $100 arms smuggling deal, not anything so serious as the commission of homicide.

Constance Hillard, Daily Kos 13 Comments [1/4/2015 5:44:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 105609

The Chinese will get the vast Australian,Taiwan Chinese, Hongkong Chinese,Singapore Chinese,South Korean Chinese and Californian, the US land mass which on the coast has some of the best weather in the world where more than thirty million of Rich Korean Chinese and Chinese have started migrating . Australia,Hawaii,California,Taiwan,Hongkong,Singapore,South Korea will become a colony of China and expect to see millions of Chinese there in the next few generations (EB-5 U.S (+ Australia-South Korea-Taiwan-Singapore) citizenship to the Rich Chinese. When the dollar loses reserve status expect to see the Chinese softly pushing the USA back all the way to Hawaii. An Australia, U.S and NZ WWII financial beholden to the Chinese is not far off. So those Chinese controlled countries are working for low level Chinese propaganda horror films. The Pacific Security alliance has been broken by them. Japan,Canada,EU,India and Russia must stay away from them for their security and our border line against them. Japan and NATO and their enterprises institutes have withdrawn its support entirely on the Korean Peninsula (Chinese land=Mainland China, Singapore, Hongkong,Taiwan,South Korea, North Korea) rapidly. The US troop withdrawals on the Korean Peninsula (China) to a treaty ending the old cold war in 2015. EU,Japan and Americans probably won't come back to this Peninsula (Chinese land) once they leave.

Zack Müller1, Unbroken - Olympics Preview 9 Comments [1/4/2015 5:21:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 105569

Charles Darwin Was a Luciferian-Worshipping Occultist

History is shocking! Truly, the truth is always stranger than fiction. You couldn't make this stuff up...

THE MASONIC THEORY OF THE ORIGINS OF LIFE – The hidden link between Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche & Hitler

Those generally thought to be the founders of the theory of evolution are the French biologist Jean Lamarck and the English biologist Charles Darwin. According to the classic story, Lamarck first proposed the theory of evolution, but he made the mistake of basing it on the “inheritance of acquired traits.” Later, Darwin proposed a second theory based on natural selection.

Though, here we must mention the name of another theoretician who played an important role in the origins of the theory of evolution: Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin’s grandfather.

Erasmus Darwin was a Mason. Though, Erasmus Darwin was no ordinary Mason, he was one of the highest ranking masters in the organization; a 33rd Degree Mason.

He was the master of the famous Canon-gate lodge in Edinburgh, Scotland. Moreover, he had close ties with the Jacobin Masons who were the organizers of the revolution in France at the time, and with the Illuminati, whose prime cause was fostering hostility to religion. That is, Erasmus Darwin was an important name in European Masonic anti-religious organizations.

Erasmus educated his son Robert (Charles Darwin’s father), who too had been and made a member of the Masonic lodge. For this reason, Charles Darwin received the inheritance of Masonic teachings from both his father and his grandfather.

Erasmus Darwin hoped to have his son Robert develop and publish his theory, but it would be his grandson Charles who would undertake the enterprise. Although it came some time later, Erasmus Darwin’s Temple of Nature was finally revised by Charles Darwin. Darwin’s views did not have the weight of a scientific theory; it was merely the expression of a naturalist doctrine that accepts that nature has creative power.

The fundamental philosophy of freemasonry is based on Darwinism. That is because, though having no scientific aspect whatsoever, Darwinism is a fake ideology with a scientific guise propounded solely to make the mainstays of freemasonry (atheism, aimlessness, wars and degeneration) legitimate.

The Mason Magazine [printed in Turkey by the freemasons] explains why they support evolution theory as follows:

Darwin’s evolution theory showed that many events in the nature are not the work of God. Freemasons try to impose Darwinism as a scientific theory. Darwinism is used as a tool to pave the way for the atheist Masonic powers to spread their deviant belief system. Therefore masons adopt the propagation of this theory as one of their primary duties.

Mason Magazine refers to this “masonic duty” as below:

The greatest humane and Masonic duty we all own is to hold on to the positive science, to spread this belief among people and educate them with positive science [Darwinism] by adopting the view that this is the best and only way in evolution. An important example which proves the fact that Darwinism is one of the biggest deceptions of freemasonry is a resolution carried out in a mason meeting. The 33rd degree Supreme Council of Mizraim Freemasonry at Paris, reveals in its minutes its promotion of evolution as science, while they themselves scoffed at the theory. The minutes read as follows:

“It is with this object in view [scientific theory of evolution] that we are constantly by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism…”

Masons openly admit that they will use the scientists and media which are under their control to present this deception as scientific, which even they find funny. When freemasons talk about the successes they arranged for Darwinism, they actually refer to infiltrating a deception into universities, schools, text books, into most of the mass media as a scientific truth, squelching the ones who have anti-Darwinist views, and hindering anti-Darwinist activities by oppression.

By means of Darwinism, it was, of course, not difficult for freemasonry to cause outbreak of hostilities, to commit mass murders, genocide and racism. Freemasonry drifted the world into a horrible disaster by means of various senior freemasons, by making Darwinist ideology a basis to its objectives, and by brainwashing methods. This horrible plot caused more than 350 million lives. They experienced the destruction of two world wars without understanding what was going on.

In The Secret Cult of the Order, Antony Sutton states: ‘Both Marx and Hitler have their philosophical roots in Hegel. It is here that one arrives at the Hegelian nexus where Darwin, Marx, and Hitler intersect. Recall that Nietzsche-ism, Darwinism and Marxism were all mentioned together in the Protocols of the Wise Men of Sion. This was no accident. Nazism (a variant of fascism) sprung from Nietzsche-ism. Communism sprung from Marxism. Both were based upon Hegelian principles. Moreover, both were ‘scientific dictatorships’ legitimized by the ‘science’ of Darwinism.

The interest of both Hitler and Marx in Darwinian evolution is a matter of history. While he was living in London, Karl Marx attended lectures on evolutionary theory delivered by T.H. Huxley.

Recognizing the odd synchronicity between the communist concept of class war and the Darwinian principle of natural selection, Marx sent Darwin a copy of Das Kapital in 1873. Enamored of evolution, Marx asked Darwin the permission to dedicate his next volume to him…

However, Fascism or Marxism, right wing or left … while the foundation for each of these roads is Darwin’s theory of evolution.

In fact, in Evolution and Ethics, Keith candidly stated: ‘The German Fuhrer (Hitler) as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution’ (Keith, Evolution and Ethics, 230)

In both the case of communism and Nazism, the results were enormous bloodbaths. This is the natural consequence of Darwinian thinking and the legacy of the ‘scientific dictatorship.’

In applying the ideas of Darwin, both communists and fascists have murdered millions. Both of these groups find their origins in the elite (the Illuminati), who are still pursuing the same objectives today. According to the Darwinian mantra of ‘survival of the fittest,’ victory will demand bloodshed…

Atheistic freemasonry infiltrated to masses under the appearance of Darwinism and led millions of people to be murdered. This system of Satan* himself ruined nations and became the primary perpetrator of massacres against believers. The methods of this system has always been tried to be shown as reasonable and thought to be shown to have a scientific base under the veil of evolution. The fact is however, apart from being bereft of a single scientific proof, every scientific evidence once again demolishes this theory. The fact that Darwinism is a great deception is a certified, proven fact.

SOURCE: http://www.globalfreemasonry.com (website no longer exists)

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 26 Comments [1/1/2015 7:35:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 11
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