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Quote# 114540

The renaming of terror group ISIL to "ISIS" could be an intentional ploy to associate negativity with Isis, and to create a programming to think of the Isis-Osiris-Horus Mythology with immediate disgust, and thus prevent the Alchemical Evolution which has spread thanks to the Internet.

iQ, Linda-Goodman.com 16 Comments [11/19/2015 4:34:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 114501

The massacre in Paris is reported to have occurred at 21:16 CET.

By 23:06 Wikipedia had an article up that is extremely detailed, containing statements from a former French President and a complete outline of events at several locations, matters that the press I read had not by then reported.

It piqued my interest that an article would be up on Wikipedia within two hours of the event happening. So I went there.

I began reading the current version of the article and then decided to read a much earlier version. I chose the 23:18 version for this article, not overly consciously. At that point I did not understand very much.

By the time I got myself organized here, I saw that the earliest versions of the article had just been erased from Wikipedia’s change record. Everything before 00:00 was erased from the record, preventing access to the originals of the story. That aroused my suspicions immediately.

(That list of deleted versions was gotten again by going to the user page of the person who wrote the article, known only by his number The list appeared there and the articles proved linkable and recoverable. You can reach them, until they’re taken down, by clicking on the list given in Footnote 1.)

The 23:18 version includes discussions of the hostage-taking, complete with an approximate number of hostages involved (60), as well as detailed accounts of events at several locations. It even has a detailed bibliography. How could your average Wikipedia author have done this incredible piece of work and in less than two hours? Obviously this was not your average Wikipedia author.

You’re invited to read this early version of the Wikipedia article, which appears at the bottom of this post.

Revisions were subsequently made to the article. But the storyline it established, which is undoubtedly why it was written in the first place and gotten into Wikipedia so quickly, did not change through any of those revisions. It’s the storyline that the article is designed to make stick in the public mind.

As yet (00:41 PM CET), the newspapers are reporting simply bullet lists of events which they’re aware of only very sketchily. But Wikipedia has extensive coverage. within a couple of hours. That just did not sit with me and I continued to investigate.

In some cases, reports on the cabal’s handiwork have been posted and time-stamped before the event. That has not happened in this case. The black-ops people seem to have gotten better at their handiwork. Nonetheless such full reportage only roughly two hours after the event, for me, still pointed to collusion.

Or did they?

On closer inspection, after this article was initially written, I’ve found a comment so implausible that it closed the case for me.

In the 23:06 version is this comment:

“In a televised statement at approximately 23:58, French President François Hollande declared a state of emergency and closing of borders for the whole of France.[7]”

How could the writer report what President Hollande did at 23:58, as if it’s a fait accompli, when he’s writing at 23:06, before it happened? Does this not remind us of the BBC reporting the fall of Building 7 with Building 7 still in the background?

The fact that it was dropped from the change record also makes the article difficult for the researcher to retrieve. Was it dropped to cover their tracks?

I find this circumstance to be so implausible as to establish the lack of credibility of the Wikipedia article.

I furthermore cite this as evidence that the event was pre-planned.

The reason for mounting such an article to places like Wikipedia (I assume there are other similarly-located articles as well) is to “fix” their version of events, on influential and accepted Internet information sources. The public trusts Wikipedia. Who would ever think it was being used to sell a black operation?

Some people may remember the New York pedestrian on 9/11 who, immediately after the “planes” crashed, was interviewed and said that the bombings were probably the work of terrorists. He was later shown to be a plant. And the television commentators who right away attributed 9/11 to Osama bin Laden? Also plants.

It was in fact their own government who engineered 9/11. But these accomplices were used to establish the storyline of terrorism in the public’s mind from the outset. Once a theme has set in the public’s mind, officials can use it to label an investigator a conspiracy theorist.

Here are indications that the intent of the Wikipedia article was to establish the Muslim/Arab storyline.

The Wikipedia article states:

“One report stated that there might be six gunmen.[10] French radio network Europe 1 reported that as many as three suicide bombers were also involved in the attacks.”

Suicide bombers are usually associated in the public mind with Muslims and Arabs.

“Someone who escaped the attack told a journalist that the attackers mentioned Syria and that there were five or six attackers.”

How did this writer gain access in less than two hours to “someone who escaped the attack” while listening to radio broadcasts, reading as many articles as he says he did, and writing such a detailed piece? This statement is for me not probable.

The work that this comment does is that it introduces a second element to the storyline: association with Syria. Watch for the Illuminati to say that ISIS has established itself in France and that these events were their calling card.

The storyline is further developed later:

“French President François Hollande issued a statement, saying the French people must remain strong in the face of terrorism.”

We’ve now had it “established” that the attack was by terrorists, probably from Syria, including some suicide bombers.

One element that was dropped from the 23:18 version, that is present in the 23:06 version, (2) is the statement: “The terrorists shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘This is for Syria.'” I’m not sure why they dropped this item. Surely it was a clincher, but they did.

The fact that this comment was dropped from accounts after 00:00 may explain why the earlier accounts were deleted from the change record. I think they feared being seen as stage-directing if the picture of terrorists shouting “Allahu Akbar” was left in. Being dropped from the change record, the statement was henceforth not available to the researcher. Or so it may have been thought.

Conclusion from all of this? Obviously. It was the Muslims and Arabs.

Now what I consider to be the fear-mongering began:

“Former French Prime Minister François Fillon also issued a statement, saying that ‘war is among us.’[22] Authorities urged residents throughout Paris to remain indoors for their own safety.[7]

War is among us! Is that not designed to raise fear in people? If that doesn’t get them going, the hostage-taking will.

“In response to the attacks, France’s borders were closed, and the national military was called in.[23] The country was also placed in a state of emergency.”

The country is under a state of emergency. Civil rights have been curtailed. Many people have lost their lives. A great deal of fear has probably been generated both by the attacks and the reportage. And we have an ongoing hostage drama to keep the public’s attention rivetted.

I can’t think of circumstances that would be more compelling.

Will this false-flag operation work? Will it fool the French people?

Many people have lost their lives in this latest act of state terrorism. Others are being held hostage. We owe it to all of them to expose the true nature of this false-flag attack on the French people and the world. And then to remain calm.

I urge the people of France to enact a campaign, whose motto is simply: “Stop.” And then explore all the possibilities that simply getting people to stop may bring.

Stop acts of state terrorism. Stop attacks on people’s civil rights. Stop demeaning Muslims and Arabs by falsely representing them as the culprits when it’s our own governments who are behind these acts of violence and massacre.

I request that others take another piece of this story and continue the unravelling until the whole black operation is laid bare.

I don’t think an operation like this could have been staged without leaving plenty of clues about its fabrication.

Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia 14 Comments [11/18/2015 4:10:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 114499


This dude rang the Art bell radio show few years back , he claimed he worked at Area 51 but was discharged for medical reasons

this is what he had to say:

Caller: Hello Art?
Hi...I don"t have a whole of time...um...
(Art:well,look let's begin by finding out whether you're using this line properly or not)

Area 51...I am a former employee
I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago.

I kinda been running across the country...um...um..man...I don't know WHERE to start...

They're...they're..gonna...triangulate on this position really, really soon...

Ok...um...um...Ok...What we're thinking of as Aliens Art,...they're...they're EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS...
that an earlier precursor of the SPACE PROGRAM MADE CONTACT WITH..uh...they are NOT what they claim to be...uh...they have INFILTRATED a lot of aspects of the MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT particularly the AREA 51,

...uh...the DISASTERS that are coming...the military....I am sorry...the GOVERNMENT knows about them....and there's a lot of SAFE AREAS in this WORLD THAT THEY COULD BEGIN MOVING THE POPULATION TO... NOW..Art...They are not.

...sobbing...losing transmission.
losing satellite....i shoul.......Transmission lost.

ART--In some way someone knocked us off the air (backup system now up and running).IN ALL THE YEARS I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE TRANSMITTER massively fail,--KNOCKED THE RADIO STATION OFF THE AIR.

SO does this explain the moon fake photos ---they made contact up their...massive structures can be seen in many photos-points towards some civilization, not human, that may be based there.

Does this explain all the volcanic activity and earthquakes we are experiencing like never before.

Does this explain why governments are not concerned about marine sea-life/bird-life being wiped out by toxins ie core-exit,oil spills, radiation from fukushima, because they know something more is coming.

Does this explain why fema camps are setup all over your country --with railways leading into them, with train carriage/cattle cars built with small windows and shackles fitted to them, to isolate and control the survivors of the coming disasters.

Does this explain Obama sacking an unprecedented number of top ranking military officials during his presidency.

Does this explain why isis was established funded and armed to spread chaos throughout europe with Merkel's /UN blessing

Does this explain why governments are letting isis spread terror throughout the world left unchecked to disrupt/destroy society...kill more people , create more chaos ...as a distraction from WHATS COMING......

ITS BIZARRE but can we afford to not consider the implausible!!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 12 Comments [11/18/2015 4:08:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 114491

I paused the screen, took my cell phone out and snapped a picture of Beyonce, when her eyes turn pitch black like a demon possessed person in a movie. From this vantage point I realized she reminded me of a grey alien. I imported the picture into my graphics software and began to remove Beyonce’s hair — don’t be mad at me, her hair is not real. What I was left with reminded me of a grey alien!

Notice the similarities between Beyonce’s transformation and the grey alien?
This whole “grey alien” media campaign was nothing more than propaganda to change the Fallen Angels or demons into extraterrestrials from another planet. “They” have been here the whole time and never left. Why is Beyonce looking very similar to a grey alien during her transformation? Has her DNA been altered? Only the DNA could be changing her appearances. You need only to look at the reptile, the chameleon, to understand how this works.

Michael Erevna, revelation now 9 Comments [11/18/2015 4:07:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 114488

Below are a number of reasons to question the official story of the Paris terror attacks.

1.) How many gunmen? Already, the number of individuals involved in the Paris attacks is in question. While some reports suggested four shooters were involved, others suggested three. The majority of mainstream reports seem to be only acknowledging two shooters. So how many shooters were there? Two, three or four? One witness, Pierre Marie Bertin, a 36-year-old who was at the theater when the shooting began, stated that there were as many as four gunmen. Bertin described some male hostages who “went onto the balcony and tried to negotiate for the life of their wives with one of the guys [terrorists]. It was sickening.” Bertin recounted somewhat more detail than some other witnesses and was clear that there were as many as four gunmen. Australian news media is reporting that three gunmen have been killed.


4.) Gunmen connected to ISIS, gunmen connected to Syria – Along with the very convenient and immediate statement by an allegedly arrested suspect that he was from ISIS, we also have screams of a shooter that “This is for Syria!” This gives us all the information that we need regarding the motivation of the alleged attackers. They are from ISIS. They hate the French because the French are “attacking” ISIS and because somewhere in France in a very darkened corner, under the sofa, there are freedoms. ISIS hates freedoms. This is quite coincidental considering the fact that a Russian airliner was recently bombed, allegedly by ISIS – at least according to the West.

5.) The timing of the event – Aside from the obvious connotations derived from the attacks occurring on Friday the 13th, the Paris massacre has taken place shortly before a major climate summit that was set to take place in France. The French government was expecting massive protests they alleged could potentially become violent, by activists opposed to globalization and energy austerity. Interestingly enough, France had already planned to impose border controls starting on November 30th in anticipation of the U.N. Conference on Climate Change in Paris “because of the terrorist threat or risk of public disorder.” Needless to say, there will be no massive protest now considering the fact that 2015 France resembles the 1943 version of itself more than anything else.


8.) Charlie Hebdo – The recent Paris attacks were similar to the Charlie Hebdo massacre that occurred earlier this year. The Charlie Hebdo attacks, however, were largely revealed as a false flag operation. Evidence for which can be seen in my article “15 Signs the Charlie Hebdo Attack Was a False Flag.” Thus, there exists a clear precedent for such attacks in France, albeit on a much larger scale.

9.) Who controls ISIS? For many, claims that the attackers belong to ISIS is a deal breaker. For these individuals, ISIS is a shadowy terrorist organization that supports itself and has created a caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq that can scarcely be defeated (except when the Russians bomb it). However, the facts do not support such a shallow understanding of the ISIS terrorist organization. ISIS was entirely created, funded and directed by the United States, Britain, France and other NATO countries. Its actions have been coordinated by the Anglo-American Intelligence apparatus for geopolitical purposes all across the world both at home and abroad. For this reason, the declaration that ISIS committed a terrorist attack in Paris is by no means a get-out-of-jail-free card for the Western Intelligence apparatus. Instead, it is the trademark of their handiwork. Please see these articles for more information on the nature of ISIS: here, here, here and here.

While the information presented above may not be enough evidence to conclude that the Paris attacks were false flag attacks, it is reason enough to question the official story thus far. If these attacks are indeed placed in the lap of ISIS, however, all fingers should immediately point to NATO and the Atlanticist Intelligence apparatus. It is they who control ISIS and they who bear the responsibility for its actions.

Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post 9 Comments [11/18/2015 4:02:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 114484

ISIS was automatically blamed for the Paris attacks – despite no evidence so far establishing responsibility. Official statements, actions and media hype created an atmosphere of fear, a likely public willingness to sacrifice freedom for so-called security, a rationale for harsh measures to try stemming the human refugee flood caused by US-led imperial wars, and a desire for revenge.

Perhaps the stage is set for escalated Western wars OF terror instead of unity to battle the scourge of ISIS and likeminded groups. Were Friday attacks state-sponsored terrorism – a carefully staged false flag for whatever may follow?

Herman Goering once explained how easy it is to get people to go along with “the bidding of the leaders…All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country,” he said.

Friday Paris attacks were either blowback for Western wars on Islam or a state-sponsored false flag. Odds strongly favor the latter. Western history of false flags for subsequent planned events suggests it.

Stephen Lendman, GlobalResearch.ca 4 Comments [11/18/2015 4:01:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 114481

The Illuminati (all elite secret society members) love to put occult symbols in plain site, mocking the ignorance and gullibility of the masses of society. It makes them feel empowered and gives them a sense of superiority over their fellow dumbed-down mankind. Case in point, look at any U.S. one dollar bill, which is saturated with occult symbols, including The Great Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye (official symbols of the New World Order).

In all his new episodes, Criss Angel's left eye is completely hidden behind his black hair, showing only one eye. This is extremely popular in the music, acting and entertainment industry. The All Seeing Eye is ultimately representative of the power of Satan. The All Seeing Eye is brilliant in design. Think about it. If I peep through a hole in your fence, I can see everything that you do, but you can only see my eye. Likewise, the Illuminati monitor all that we do. Increasingly the New World Order (world government) is being established by taking complete control over all information in people's lives. The controlling elite are cleverly and carefully hidden from public scrutiny.

Spiritually, the All Seeing Eye symbolizes satanic deception. Satan knows everything about us, but we only have a limited knowledge at best, trying to fit the puzzle pieces together. Remember, Satan is the father of all liars and murderers (John 8:44). The All Seeing Eye means that Satan is the god of this world, and he is relentlessly working to destroy men's lives.

Criss Angel is preparing the way for the coming man of sin, the Antichrist!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 3 Comments [11/18/2015 4:01:30 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 114479

Since we now know the Charlie Hebdo attack was a Gladio 2 false flag by the usual suspects (NATO hardliners and Zionists), can we safely make the same assumption about these new Friday the 13th Paris atrocities?

I think we can. Almost every really big, spectacular terror attack turns out, after extensive critical examination, to have been the usual state-sponsored false-flag stuff. There is no reason to think this one will be any different.

The first question, as always, is: Who gains? And the answer, as always, is: Authoritarian insiders. Zionists. Militarists. Islamophobes. New World Order-Out-Of-Chaos freaks.

Speaking of which, the order-out-of-chaos thing is going into overdrive. Between the destruction of several Middle Eastern countries, refugees flooding Europe, preparations for World War III vs. Russia and China, and ongoing false flag terror, it seems the “creative destruction” people are staying busy.

The authorities will surely use these new attacks in the same way they used Charlie Hebdo: As an excuse to shut down critical thinking and dissent. They may even try to prevent me from returning to Paris on December 11th to present a paper exposing the Charlie Hebdo false flag at a mainstream academic conference.

After all, I was already prevented once from entering Canada to give a talk on We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11. France’s president Hollande has attacked Charlie Hebdo “conspiracy theorists” in harsh terms, and his think tank, the Jean Jaurés Institute, named me as one of the world’s top five “conspiracy intellectuals” to watch out for.

If I were a truly paranoid conspiracy theorist, or conspiracy intellectual, or whatever, I would think somebody staged these new attacks just as I was leaving Paris and planning to return one month later because…well, because they’re afraid that my book We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo is picking up steam and threatening to expose the state-sponsored crimes of last January. According to this paranoid interpretation, the Charlie Hebdo high perps are “fleeing forward” into even bigger chaos and an even bigger crackdown on freedom…especially the freedom to seek the truth about false flag terror.

Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today 2 Comments [11/18/2015 4:01:25 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 114478

Another Paris False Flag Attack?

At 7pm on Friday 13th we do not have much information about the “terrorist attacks” in Paris other than that Paris is closed down like Boston was after the “Boston Marathon Bombing,” also a suspected false flag event.

Possibly believable evidence will be presented that the Paris attacks were real terrorist attacks. However, what do refugees have to gain from making themselves unwelcome with acts of violence committed against the host country, and where do refugees in France obtain automatic weapons and bombs? Indeed, where would the French themselves obtain them?

The millions of refugees from Washington’s wars who are overrunning Europe are bringing to the forefront of European politics the anti-EU nationalists parties, such as Pegida in Germany, Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party, and Marine Le Pen’s National Front Party in France. These anti-EU political parties are also anti-immigrant political parties.

The latest French poll shows that, as a result of the refugees from Washington’s wars, Marine Le Pen has come out on top of the candidates for the next French presidential election.

By supporting for 14 years Washington’s neoconservative wars for US hegemony over the Middle East, establishment European governments eroded their electoral support. European peoples want to be French, German, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, Czech, British. They do not want their countries to be a diverse Tower of Babel created by millions of refugees from Washington’s wars.

To remain a nationality unto themselves is what Pegida, Farage, and Le Pen offer the voters.

Realizing its vulnerability, it is entirely possible that the French Establishment made a decision to protect its hold on power with a false flag attack that would allow the Establishment to close France’s borders and, thereby, deprive Marine Le Pen of her main political issue.

Some people are so naive and stupid as to think that no government would kill its own citizens. But governments do so all the time. There are an endless number of false flag attacks, such as Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio was a CIA/Italian intelligence operation that relentlessly bombed innocent Italians, such as those waiting in a train station, murdering hundreds, and then blaming the violence on the European communist parties in the post-WW II era in order to block the communists from electoral gains.

Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts.org 3 Comments [11/18/2015 4:01:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 114477

Bombing and Shooting at French Rock Concert is a Grandiose Arch Zionist Hoax

With revelations thanks to our posters.

It truly is a Zionist-controlled world demonstrated by the fact that so many people could participate in a fake, that is the fake death and injury of hundreds of people, and yet the world is led to believe it. This is the most ludicrous arch-fake of all, make no mistake about it. Nothing in regard to the claims of this fake is real.

What a terminally corrupt hoax it is, all occurring at a ‘death metal’ concert. No one can find it plausible. The French should leave such arch-fabrications to the Israelis. At least they make the fake blood appear more realistic. With that much bleeding going on, why isn’t this man rendered supine?

There are no open wounds to be seen anywhere. There is no legitimate source for the red matter. This is a hoax to the extreme. Who can prove otherwise?

That red matter was painted and dabbed on by an arch-fabricating moulage mole. And what a poor job of realism that mole performed. Furthermore, the cell phone is a key prop in this arch-phony, as it was in Sandy Hoax and a litany of other ridiculous fakes. So are various falsifying good Samaritans, who are performing heroic acts which are fully staged.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 5 Comments [11/18/2015 4:01:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 114467

Are the French attacks the wheels in motion for a SET of 'false flags'?

Is more to come? Keep an eye on Europe. How many of the four points can be checked, i count all 4.

The Warning Signs of a False Flag Operation:

1. An immediate comprehensive narrative, including a convenient culprit.

2. Official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body.

3. Narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue.

4. Military training drills, police drills or large events occur on the day of and very near the attack itself, causing confusion to obscure eye witness testimony and allowing orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation and backup operatives.

PIN THIS !!!!!

knowledge is power

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 12 Comments [11/17/2015 4:22:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 114463

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Occultic differences between Luciferianism and Satanism

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

---Robert Frost----

Many even outside of the circle of dark occult beliefs are familiar with the entity known as Lucifer/Satan. Under Judeo Christian belief , Lucifier was a high ranking Angel of light created by God. God created Adam afterward. Lucifer was asked to bow to Adam. Lucifer took pride in his own light and the fact he was created earlier than Adam and refused to bow to Adam. He then plotted to rebel against God and set up his own throne higher than God's. He was cast out of Heaven, lost his light and much of his power and became Satan. After he was cast out, he plotted to get back at God and Adam. With the help and agreement of the serpent , Satan possessed the Serpent, entered the Garden of Eden and seduced Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of of knowledge of good and evil. Before Eve ate the fruit, Satan poisoned the fruit with lust which is the longing/basis of all sins(i.e. lust for sex, lust for materials of other etc). Eve ate and convinced Adam to eat and they were cast out of Heaven.

Satan/Lucifer is known as the father of lies and deception. He is also characterized as being incredibly prideful.

“And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14

Though having a severely altered nature, Satan still retains his ability to appear as an angel of light. The apocrypah book of Adam and Eve and the Cave of Treasures, tells an account of such an instance with satan appearing to Adam and Eve as an angel of light, within the cave Adam and Eve stayed in immediately after they were kicked out of the garden.

This ability to still retain some of his light (at least in appearance to man) has given rise to two influential dark occultic belief systems: Luciferianism and Satanism.

Generally Luciferians do not accept Satan, but believe that Lucifer is the true god. They believe he is misrepresented in the Judeo Christian Bible, and is in fact the good guy. A Luciferian honestly believes they are doing the right thing by worshiping Lucifer and doing his will. A Luciferian believes that lucifer was the liberator of mankind, he taught man knowledge and illuminated them by inducing man to eat for the tree of knowledge. He is therefore an educator, illuminator, and teacher of wisdom and secrets. They are worshiping and deceived by the fallen light, the shiny “Ice” aspect of Lucifer/Satan.

Luciferian clandestine groups and public interfaces include: the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Shriners, and the Universal Church of Lucifer .

Satanists generally recognize that satan was the corrupter and debaser of mankind and worship him for it. They adore the “fire” aspect of satan. Public interfaces include Anton Lavey, Church of Satan, the Temple of Set, Our Lady of Endor Coven.

A Luciferian is usually generational. They know more due to being exposed to secret societies that have direct contact with Lucifer. They tend to be more organized.

Most Satanists are pledge-ins, and not generational Bloodline.

Though Satanists do kill, the difference is they may kill a few people a year. When a Luciferian is in power, he may kill millions in a planned war. Take George W. Bush for example. Luciferians have power. They hang out at The Bohemian Grove. That's when they're not in male bath houses.

Satan/Lucifer pride seems to prefer being worshiped as the Luciferian aspect. As the power elites in many countries are Luciferian.

However, unlike God, satan/lucifer, requires all his followers to compete and fight against each other to be worthy of power.

George R. R. Martin series of novels, “Song of Ice and Fire” is a depiction of power struggles between Luciferians and Satanists. It is the basis for the popular HBO TV series “Game of Thrones”.

CULatter, Godlike Productions 7 Comments [11/17/2015 4:15:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 114449

The Fake Car Attacks of the Treacherous Arch Zionist Crime Syndicate

Make no mistake about it among the litany of terminally corrupt fakes committed by the arch-Zionist cabal are the fake car attacks attributed to Palestinians. Is there any proof even to the slightest degree that the Israeli-made claims are true, in other words, that unsuspecting, defenseless Israelis were attacked by Palestinian-driven cars or, alternatively, attacked while they were in their cars by Palestinians.

Yet, it is said:

Three Israeli soldiers were wounded — two of them seriously — when a Palestinian terrorist plowed his car into them as they stood at a hitchhiking post in the northern West Bank on Thursday afternoon.

The car is turned upside down. How could a mere strike against a few men in the middle of the road cause a car to overturn? It would be the first time in history that it would do so.

Regardless, it is easy to see it is a phony. The people of resistance should not buy into this. The Zionists want them to believe it, so they might act wildly and begin copy-cat attacks against these criminals. Then, they would be caught in the act, and the Zionists would use this to advance their criminal enterprise.

Here is hard proof of the fake:

See what the Zionist is doing? He is staging it for show: for a mere camera-shoot. Who finds it plausible that there is a man hunkered down under the weight of that car, that is without having his neck broken and far more? Can anyone believe it? There is a stretcher, there, and the Zionist is pointing a gun at the car? In a billion years it could not possibly be true.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 6 Comments [11/15/2015 4:45:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 114448

As soon as the Iranian war starts and we go into the next presidency (whether Mr. Obama under martial law or someone else), I think Americans will begin to disappear, never to be seen again as in the Soviet era under Lenin and Stalin. This is what the recent passed NDAA law is all about. I think we will see some buses blow up in America, which will be false-flag terrorist strikes blamed on Iran and Al Qaeda (Al CIA-da). If the globalists blow up even one public transportation bus in the U.S. and the mainstream newsmedia blames some boogieman terrorist group (as they always do), then the American people will lay down and submit to any measures taken by Homeland Security to protect the nation.

They may likely blame some local patriotic group (like the Tea Party movement) as a pretext to go after patriots, constitutionalists, caring Christians and tea party groups. I don't have any special knowledge to foretell the future. I just keep up with world news and put one and one together. The truth is pretty plain to see if you're looking for it. It's so obvious that the global elite are taking over the Middle East, stealing all the oil and China is fast becoming the major world power.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 8 Comments [11/15/2015 4:45:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 114433

You mean like the 2003 U.S. invasion that led to 1 million Iraqis being killed, that kind of genocide. And please, spare me more Western hypocrisy and lies. We all know who is funding and arming ISISrael, Al CIAda and Al Nursra.

We all heard McCain say "Well, you know, we should do what we did in Afghanistan, arm the terrorists to be able to shoot down Russian planes". The Zionist states of America is 100% Jew owned and they are just the lackey poodles of Zionist colonialism in the Middle East. Satanyahu Terrorwitz just demanded the U.S. give the ZIONAZIS $50BN dollars!!

The Russians have completely exposed the lies and falsehood of American propaganda of "fighting' ISISrael. Russia has done more damage to ISISrael in eight weeks of intense bombing than the whole four years!!! that the U.S pretended to "fight" ISISrael.

shlomofekstain, Yahoo! Comments 6 Comments [11/15/2015 5:07:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 114432

Psychiatrists Are the New Federal Gun Control Agents and Political Thought Police.
The Obama administration has a new partner in crime and it is the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The APA created the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (5th Edition) which was recently adopted. DSM 5 is highly controversial and has sparked outrage from the mental health practitioners. As many of these practitioners point out, the new DSM-V makes a pathology out simple and normal behaviors such as grieving for the loss of a loved one.

This constitutes a new subjective approach in diagnosing of mental illness that promises to end free speech and any form of political dissent. The federal government has already declared anyone who oppose its unconstitutional policies as having “political paranoia,” which is now diagnosed as a type of mental illness.

Psychiatry Targets Internet Conspiracy Theorists

Particularly disturbing is that the new manual targets internet users and conspiracy theorists. If someone is judged, by some vague set of criteria, to spend too much time on the internet, they could be judged to be mentally ill and ineligible to own a gun. How are you receiving this information? The chances are that you are, at least according to Obama and Biden, giving in to your internet addiction and reading this article. Under the new Obama guidelines this would be grounds for gun confiscation. The alternative media is predicated on internet readership and listenership. These groups would be among the first groups to oppose a martial law crackdown, and now they are the first to be targeted.

Subsequently, this is just another backdoor method to disarm citizens who would oppose the abject tyranny being imposed upon America. And these facts sum up what is truly behind the Obama administration’s latest attack upon gun ownership because they want to prey upon a defenseless nation by disarming as many of us as possible before the purges can begin in earnest.

Under Obama’s new proposed gun regulations, anyone who has a diagnosable, or is potentially diagnosable (i.e. pre-crime) for being mentally ill, can have their gun confiscated. Vice President Biden even feels that they can violate HIPPA privacy regulations in requiring the states to report who has been treated for a mental illness. Therefore, in the name of confiscating your gun, this administration thinks it is acceptable to violate federal privacy laws.

What is interesting to me is that the Obama administration is not even trying to distinguish between mental illnesses in terms of who should, or should not own a gun. In the eyes of the Obama administration, all mental illnesses are created equal. A person with a phobia is just as dangerous as a sociopath. One in six Americans have a “diagnosable anxiety disorder”. This is completely understandable given the economic and political times that we live in. However, under the new proposed guidelines, all of these people would be ineligible to have a gun in their possession even though there is not a shred of research which indicates this population would be inclined towards gun violence any more than any other population.

I once predicted that any form of political protest would be demonized and used as the basis for the administration of assignment a mentally ill label upon anyone who disagrees with the government.

Political Schizophrenia

This is the new Soviet style political schizophrenia. We will see confinements among the alternative media and the veterans for things like ADHD, grieving, normal anxiety, bad eating habits, etc. All of these behaviors and more have been categorized as pathologies under the Obama administration and a supportive American Psychiatric Association.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Is the Newest Weapon Against Political Dissent

When I went through my clinical training, the Bible of mental illness, The Statistical and Diagnostic Manual (DSM-4r) defined Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as a highly controversial mentally illness used to describe children and teens as mentally ill they exhibited disobedience and defiance. When I was first nationally credentialed, most practitioners did not take this diagnosis seriously and we mistakenly believed that it would fade away. We uniformly believed this to be true because defiance and oppositional behaviors are hallmark traits of healthy rebellion exhibited by children and teens as they seek independence. Rather than ODD fading away, the diagnosis has become the tool of the ruling elite.

The new DSM (5) has expanded the definition of ODD to include adults who exemplify “paranoid ideation” about the government and frequently express these delusional ideations on the internet.

In its analysis of the political abuse of psychiatry in both the Soviet Union and China, The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law stated that “Psychiatric incarceration of mentally healthy people is uniformly understood to be a particularly pernicious form of repression, because it uses the powerful modalities of medicine as tools of punishment, and it compounds a deep affront to human rights with deception and fraud…”


The Obama people are trying to take this country down a very slippery slope. They are seeking to disarm as many Americans as possible with all available means such what has been described in this article.

The historical precedent, and subsequent danger of seizing guns under such a false pretense, has been well-established. Therefore, I will not belabor a well-established point, that all 19 genocides in the 20th century were preceded by gun confiscation. Why should we consider Obama’s recent actions to be any less threatening of deadly?

What is even more frightening, is the new ODD diagnosis will not just seize guns. It will commandeer a person’s mind through incarceration, for their own good of course, and forced drugging which will chemically castrate the brains of all arrested political dissidents.

We already know that Obamacare forces doctors to ask the gun ownership status of their patients. It is not a leap of logic that anyone owning a gun will soon be diagnosed with yet another manufactured mental illness tied to gun ownership.

I would like to hear from psychiatrists. Are you going to support this tyranny? Or, are you going to be an Oathkeeper to your profession and “do no harm” to your patients? Or, will you capitulate and goose-step your way through the new political prisons in America and do your part to suppress liberty?

pinnoko, deviantart 7 Comments [11/15/2015 5:07:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 114427

PULLING DOWN ENEMY STRONGHOLDS is what we are to be doing. We need to Shut Down the Weather Channel, and give it Nothing to Talk about. It is Creating Weather. when there is none? Sick type of entertainment, when you need to Watch a weather Channel to find out what's going on, instead of DECREEING what is going on.

Ms.Terry Mosley, morning star 11 Comments [11/14/2015 9:37:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 114405

The IRS and EPA are violations of the Constitution. They have NO right under our Constitution to make law. Only the Legislative branch does!

Read the Constitution! You might be enlightened!!!

afchief, Christiannews.net 7 Comments [11/14/2015 4:11:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 114386

Toy Story

In this movie, one of Sid’s toys is a small fish hook attached to doll legs. The legs appear to be from a Barbie-type doll. The doll is known as a ‘hooker’ in the show. Also, the spider with the mutilated doll’s head is symbolising the ‘Eye of Horus’ (see Symbolic pictures: All-Seeing-Eye).

angelishka, The Talking Pot 10 Comments [11/13/2015 12:22:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: undie not fundie

Quote# 114384

Just as all Masonic Lodges will NOT reveal the very top leaders of their Lodge, they will NOT reveal that the "secret government" that controls the world is known as "The White Lodge".

Look up "Royal Arch Freemasons" and you will see that one of their logo's is that of the Star of David, which is a creation of the Rothschild family. This "star" is two Masonic triangles (pyramids) put together. The reason Freemasons use the pyramid as a "sacred" symbol is because of the fact that Freemasonry was born in Egypt, the "land of the pyramid".

Freemasonry is also known as "The Craft"...as in witchcraft, and it was brought out of Egypt with the Jews (during Moses' time). (no, Moses was NOT a Freemason).

Freemasonry uses God's people like toilet paper, and they (the Freemasons) claim to be SOOOOO religious as they "mirror" the True Word......but then, their god, Satan, also claims to be Christ...so what's new??

(royal arch freemasonry "picks up" where the master mason (32nd degree) leaves off, and the royal arch has four more degrees to it, with the very top degree being the one's who control the Lodges and who control the worlds governments)

While Freemasons use the color blue, (like in the blue ties worn by our Politicians), The Royal Arch uses the color Red, so when you see a politician, or anyone else, wearing a red tie, then know that that person has even more power than just a "regular" Freemason.

This world is secretly ruled by The White Lodge members who have reached the highest Royal Arch degree possible, which means that they are fully indoctrinated in EVERYTHING.

(to say "remote viewing" is just another way of saying "scrying", and this technique is based on the ability of the individual, and nothing else, which therefore makes it impossible for any one country to be "years ahead" of the other countries...no offense intended.)

wild bill hick-up, Give Me Gossip 9 Comments [11/13/2015 12:21:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 114383

The missile that was fired off the coast of California this last weekend WAS NOT fired from an American submarine.

There are reports that this missile was fired by China, but I, personally, feel it might have been fired from a Russian sub. The reason for it being Russian is because of the air-liner that went down in the Sinai, and "landed" near an area where U.S. and Israeli troops were having "drills" that included missiles being fired (there is also speculation of some sort of "sound beam" being tested).

Putin knows who dropped that air-liner, and it WASN'T ISIS. As a warning (my opinion only), Putin had one of his subs off the coast of California (that have been there for months now) fire a missile. Again, this is all part of the script, as the worlds leaders bring in the New World dis-Order...minus a few hundred million Christians and Jews.

The big question that we should be asking is this: "Where was this missile headed"?

Is it possible that when the missile reached its pinnacle, that it released something into the atmosphere??

We'll know pretty soon.

wild bill hick-up, Give Me Gossip 6 Comments [11/13/2015 12:21:28 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 114381

The next generation of children watching Sesame Street will be left with the impression that autism is completely normal, and that some children just have it for no apparent reason. They'll also grow up thinking vaccines are good, thanks to another indoctrination campaign recently launched using the Elmo muppet character, who now openly endorses the CDC's childhood vaccination campaign.

The cute, inquisitive Elmo of old has been transformed into a shameless puppet for the vaccine industry, pushing pro-vaccine lies alongside United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy in a recent propaganda video aimed at children. After rolling up his sleeve for his vaccinations, Elmo is shown asking Murthy why all children aren't vaccinated, an obvious jab at parents who question vaccine industry claims.

It might be hard to stomach, but you can watch that video here.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed Sesame Street of today clearly isn't the same Sesame Street that many of us grew up with. Sadly, it's been hijacked by chemical interests with an agenda to vaccinate every child in the world, which Microsoft founder Bill Gates admitted openly during a 2010 TED Talk covering depopulation and climate change.

Parents, beware.

Ethan A. Huff, Natural News 6 Comments [11/13/2015 11:25:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 114380

On June 4th, 2015, REUTERS accurately reported that arch evil and overtly criminal MERCK (mass murders on Vioxx, mass sterilizers with Gardasil, fakers/fraudsters on Tamiflu), criminally colluded with the US FDA, to criminally block approval of all competitors' MMR Vaccines and then arch evil criminal MERCK criminally colluded with the US CDC to criminally hide since early 2003 that the Merck MMR Vaccine has empircally spiked us infant and chils AUTISM by at least 314 percent.

pharma insider, Natural News 5 Comments [11/13/2015 11:24:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 114378

Soon General Hossam Sweilam, a former general and head of a military think tank, explains fourth- and fifth-generation warfare. The theory, which has been a mainstay of Russian military thought, seeks to explain that warfare has evolved beyond traditional armies to rely on proxies, psyops, and misinformation as the primary weapons.

Men in uniform—police and army included—purport that the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak and has led to instability ever since was caused by American-funded groups and media, in cooperation with Israel, Qatar, and Iran. The conspirators vary based on who is speaking.

Sweilam says America utilized fourth-generation tactics, funding the April 6 Youth Movement, a key organizer during the uprising against Mubarak, and the Muslim Brotherhood to sow sectarian conflict and social unrest.

Fifth-generation warfare takes that one step further. This is where the weather machines come in.

Sweilam, the former head of an Egyptian military think tank, speaks about HAARP, a now-defunct program to study the ionosphere, touting it as a weather-changing machine.

“America used another means to disturb Egypt by using fifth-generation weapons,” Sweilam told The Daily Beast. “[The U.S. government creates things] like exciting volcanoes, earthquakes, and starting fires in some Egyptian villages in the south by using electromagnetic pulses from HAARP system to destroy the Bab al-Mandeb, which is important for the Suez Canal.”

Sweilam points to lyrics by Army of the Pharaohs, a hip hop group formed by an MC from Jedi Mind Tricks, as proof of the conspiracy. For added cohesiveness, he points out that Jedi is another word for Jewish.

General Hossam Sweilam, The Daily Beast 5 Comments [11/13/2015 10:52:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 114377

If your pastor thinks the Church has no business fighting against the New World Order, then he is carnally-minded. The New World Order is rooted in evil Communism which robs men of the fruits of their labors, robs taxpayers of their money, robs homeowners of their houses, robs workers of their wages, robs businessmen of their businesses, robs citizens of their freedom. Communism is theft, plain and simple!

The problem is that the average free citizen today is woefully ignorant of the evils of Communism and its horrifying consequences on every society throughout history. People just don't care, take everything for granted, won't study the truth about history, and are going to be sorry when they finally realize what has happened. History always repeats itself. America's decadent society is nothing new, and our fall to Communism is nothing new either.

The New World Order gang are criminal thugs, thieving liars, mass-murderers, Christ-rejecters, and Luciferian worshippers; they have no remorse, no tears, no regrets, no feelings; they can't be reasoned with; they are servants of Satan; they are wicked men and women; their Hell will be hotter and their suffering more intolerable than anyone could possibly imagine for what they've done to innocent families and lives. All they care about is their next fancy dinner party.

Freemasons are behind it all. Just look at the back of every U.S. dollar and you'll see the Masonic pyramid in your face. The culprits behind the pillaging, ravishing and destruction of our nation economically, educationally and morally are all directly or indirectly linked to Freemasons. Do your research and you'll be shocked. Or just go back to sleep in la la land with your mp3 player and television.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 5 Comments [11/13/2015 10:52:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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