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Quote# 112830

Disney’s 1940 ‘PINOCCHIO’ is fast emerging
as the most prophetic, most important film of the
20th century.

Planned cultural debasement, war AGAINST the MALE.
and even EUGENICS are ALLL pre-figured in PINOCCHIO.

IT 2 IT, Deadline 14 Comments [9/15/2015 3:18:20 AM]
Fundie Index: 8
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 112829

[Re. the Mecca crane collapse]

Was this an active 911 HAARP event? I suspect it was. Too odd to be believed as anything else other than a Building 7 scenario. Something to start the September and October Illuminati season. We have so much religious activity from Schmita to the Hajj to the Jesuit Mass, one can only guess where the action will happen. I suspect the Levant and US Crescent. We will see.

Puddy Dunne, Coalition of the Obvious 12 Comments [9/15/2015 3:18:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112828

Literally, as hard as it may be to grasp, many of the world's leaders, judges, preachers, teachers, executives (and others from all walks of life), look like any other normal person by day, but worship Satan in occult rituals, bizarre human sacrifice, sex orgies, and unthinkable behavior at night.

Case in point was U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who was known by his close friends as “Rainbow Ronnie” for his homosexual lifestyle. Reagan was a regular annual attendee of the satanic, openly homosexual, Bohemian Grove cult just north of San Francisco, where witches hold séances and rituals outside its gates during the meeting of world leaders each July. Alex Jones infiltrated the group in the year 2000, recording an actual (very creepy) Cremation of Care ceremony, in which a (supposedly) mock human being is offered tied and bound upon an alter to a 40-foot idol of Molech as world leaders participate in worship of Satan (the god of this world - 2nd Corinthians 4:4). You couldn't make up better fiction. President Richard Nixon also attended Bohemian Grove while President, which he commented was the “most faggy” thing he's ever seen.

Purportedly, both male and female prostitutes are flown into the grove from around the world for the pleasure of their decadent members (all of them). My friends, you have absolutely no idea unless you've been paying attention just how satanic, creepy, ruthless, murderous and sexually perverse the Luciferian-worshipping elite are, evidenced by the blatant murder of Senator Nancy Schafer who was fighting on the frontlines against the CPS abduction of children for cash, many of which children are never seen again, purportedly taken for the personal pleasure of child molesters, homosexuals and Luciferians. Don't be a skeptic unless you've investigated the matter as I have done.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 16 Comments [9/15/2015 3:16:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112788

Chicago is ground zero for the forming police state against Americans. Innocent law-abiding citizen's guns are being confiscated, while the punk street gangs are terrorizing the city with military weaponry. Do you think for one second that the drug cartels who illegally traffic $37,000,000,000 worth of cocaine into the United States each year, are not also able to ship any type of guns or military assault weapons into our country? Yet, Chicago's Communist mayor, Rahm Emmanuel is working relentlessly to demonize guns and take them away from every citizen. The TRUTH is that the global powers (Illuminati) which have overthrown the U.S. government are incrementally taking American's guns and liberties away, so that when completed, they will have a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State. This is the Orwellian Nightmare come true (listen to George Orwell's book “1984”). Also, see the book, “Pawns In The Game” by William Guy Carr.

Despite the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars spent to allegedly fight the elusive “War On Drugs,” the drug problem in the United States is worse than ever, killing and injuring millions of families each year. God sees all the evil, right down to the smallest detail, and judgment day is coming for all men (Hebrews 4:13; Ecclesiastes 12:14; Romans 14:10-12; Hebrews 9:27).

The Lying Wonder Behind the 9/11 Attacks

Instead of critiquing 9/11 truthers, join them, like admirable Veteran NYC fire-fighter Rudy Dent! (a powerful MP3 interview in which Rudy Dent blows 9/11 wide open, witnessing that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job, a staged false flag terror attack). The evidence is overwhelming and to-date no legitimate investigation has ever been done into the 9/11 attacks. The perpetrators are still at large, but we know exactly who they are. The Illuminati owned and controlled mainstream newsmedia has covered it all up.

The Bush administration got caught red-handed, but are getting away with it because the highest positions of law enforcement and power in the U.S. are also bought-off and controlled by the Illuminati. It's all under Luciferian Masonic control. Indeed, the truth is stranger than fiction. Thankfully, there is a God in Heaven unto Whom, “all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.” Amen and amen!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 19 Comments [9/14/2015 2:25:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 112771

There's no reason in the world for TSA to be groping citizens and sticking their hands down people's pants at all U.S. airports. The so-called “shoe-bomber” and “underwear bomber” are proven hoaxes, intended to be used as a pretext for Communist takeover. The criminals behind the Al Qaeda boogieman stage these false-flag terror attacks as a pretext to create a thug Police State (and it has been extremely successful in America). The 911 attacks gave the global criminal elite more territory than they ever could have imagined. It worked beyond their wildest expectations, so much so that there hasn't been another attack in over 10-years now. Americans are like dumb sheep entering the slaughter house, and WHERE ARE AMERICA'S PASTORS??? They're boarding the trains to go oversee prisoners at Auschwitz concentration camps, repackaged today as Clergy Response Teams.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 15 Comments [9/13/2015 6:44:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 112766

Ex illumanati slave speaks - Reptilian* (*elite bloodline) ate humans elisabeth II england Mind Control MK ULTRA


Quote by Prince Philip:"Cannibalism is a radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation."

Also use "Google Images" for the USA visit by Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth the last time they visited the USA in 2008 when Bush was in office. There's about 4 or 5 photos of Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth, George and Laura Bush in formal attire, all standing in front of the White House after a formal dinner waiting for their limo's I imagine. They all look totally bizarre as if they were just drinking blood and gorging on flesh. It is the most bizarre photo Ive ever seen and I've seen many bizarre photos. With Laura Bush looking totally evil, eyes bulging, veins engorged, and her face flush. I wish I had a link to the photos. PM me if you can't find one and I will send it to you. YOU have to see it to believe it I guess.

Her name is Gabriela Rico Jimenez. Carlos Slim is an actual Mexican elite worth 53 billion US $'s, you can check him on Wikipedia. She is no doubt a mind control victim. It would be nice if someone can confirm the translation, I noticed some spelling errors like "discusting" so if they can't spell basic words they mite have messed up the translation.

Gabriela Rico Jimenez, twenty-one years, lashed out at staff at a luxury hotel in Monterrey, and accuses the Queen of England to practice cannibalism.

It also denounces the murder of a scream that Murillo (seems to be a leader Antinarco who died in a plane crash in Mexico City where she landed).

The girl, who seemed in shock, shouting that she wants her freedom and insists on asserting that they "ate humans", referring repeatedly to Queen Elizabeth II of England, among others.

Although the news has been calling it "crazy and distorted information", the victim behaves as if she had witnessed something difficult to digest, and hence, nervous and deeply upset.

One of the things she says is that "everything started in 2001, the one that knows the truth of what really happened is Carlos Slim" (he is the the worlds 3rd richest man, and the guy that owns Telmex, a phone company and other stuff. Google him!)

"I was knocking on doors, what I wanted was my freedom."

"Look at me, you ****er (I think)" "Is this how you wanted to see me? Well, look at me! I'm here!" 2:38

"I want you to give me the maximum sentence, so Scotland, and Russia, so all the countries __, Murillo wouldn't be ashamed of her sons, because they're worth so much, cause they need their father, you're a __, and its gonna hurt your soul!" 3:19

"Leave me alone! Get away from me! You took me to the police station, didn't you? and then you took me to the hospital. YOU! you were there, weren't you?!" 3:34

Quote: "That's why they killed the Queen of Scotland, the Queen of England!" (then she mentions something about the princesses of Disneyland)

"They killed a lot of people! They ate humans!" 4:13

"That's disgusting! I didn't know anything about this!" 4:21

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 12 Comments [9/13/2015 3:34:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112765

'CORIOLIS EFFECT' proves beyond the shadow of a doubt EARTH IS FLAT - Thank you science & every GOD fearing pencilneck.

If earth spins counter-clockwise, then, it spins from left to right - west to east.
[link to www.backfencepub.com]

North America being half-way between West and East means the sun rose in the West (left) and will set East (right) as the earth keeps spinning counter-clockwise going from left to right - west to east. This is very clear!

Either the spherical Earth spins clockwise.

Or, earth is flat and spins counter-clockwise explaining the Coriolis effect.
[link to www.lhup.edu]

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 13 Comments [9/13/2015 3:32:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 112752

The truth regarding these 10 commandment monuments being erected on government property

Not many topics arouse the emotions and fury of all citizens than that of the placing of the 10 commandments on government property.

There is more than meets the eye (or the media stories) regarding this ladies and gentlemen.

Has anyone, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Agnostic or any other belief system actually looked upon these 10 commandment "monuments" that cause all these issues up close?

A brief investigation of them is in order no? If we are going to get worked up, regardless what side we may be on, should not we at least look at them?

They are generally donated by high level masons. Filled with occult and illuminati symbolism.

And they are not even the full commandments. They are condensed to remove the signature of God from commandment #4 (in other words, by what authority God even gives these commandments to men)

Here is a picture of the monument in Oklahoma. Dripping in demonic symbolism.

Please take a few moments to look.

[link to i.imgur.com]

We find not only the all seeing eye, an upside down American flag and the star of saturn(hexagon). We find the symbol of Constantine the sun worshiper, the "chi roh".

At the bottom we see who the "monument" is dedicated to.

[link to www.mikeritze.com]

Take 20 seconds and read his "Civic Activities"

Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen of all faiths, creeds and colors, we are being played.

Christians are being played against Atheists.
Atheists are being played against Christians.
Secularists against the religious.

We are all being played against each other.

Flowers, Give Me Gossip 8 Comments [9/12/2015 4:28:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112751

The thumb-sucking baby public wants Big Daddy to take care of them. Most people are not independent thinkers, and the criminal elite pulling the strings from behind the scenes know it. We are a society of sheeple. This is why government has killed over 200,000,000 innocent people over the past two centuries. Wake up and start listening to alternative newsmedia!

Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said that the newsmedia is the greatest power in this universe next to the Word of God. Brother Roloff was so right. Our own government leaders in the White House, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, FEMA, and other key appointed leaders by the CFR in recent decades were caught orchestrating 911. The evidence that has surfaced over the past 10-years is astonishing, overwhelming, irrefutable and disturbing. It is only because the same corrupt criminals (CFR members) own and control the mainstream newsmedia that they were able to pull it off and get away with it.

No one has ever been arrested, indicted, nor convicted for the 911 attacks; yet Pastor Kent Hovind, a faithful preacher in Florida, is rotting in prison for 10-years for not accepting a $50 state license for his ministry, standing upon his conviction that the government has no authority over the church. Since he refused a license, the state of Florida (the same State that murdered Terri Schiavo) made him pay taxes on all his property and ministry assets. He refused, as he wouldn't have to pay taxes if he were a state-licensed 501c3 organization. As a ministry he shouldn't have to pay taxes, just like non-profit homosexual organizations like NAMBLA or abortion groups like Planned Parenthood don't pay taxes.

The thug judge even said Pastor Hovind was a threat to the community. That's how tyranny works, by demonizing anyone who dares to resist the almighty power of the State. They went after Kent Hovind because the State of Florida is corrupt, with Jeb Bush as governor (yes, George W. Bush's brother). Florida is a drug import state, as is Texas. Rick Perry is a flaming homosexual, part of the Bush criminal syndicate. The CIA is the most evil, Anti-American, murderous organization in existence. The movie series, Bourne Identity (Supremacy, Ultimate) is a joke, not even scratching the surface how corrupt the CIA really is. The CIA was set-up to overthrow the American republic!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 17 Comments [9/12/2015 4:04:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112749

I NEVER wanted to spit on the Reptilians. But they forced my hand dude. (Cough cough POISON!!) When I was a 3D Human 8 years ago. The Reptilians poisoned me with CYANIDE first and I just couldn't catch my breath for a whole year until I received the antidote from my first encounter with the Felines. 2nd with THALIUM and my feet, stomach hurt and my hair was falling out and I was very pale. 3rd RICIN I felt like I was choking to death and could not breath. 4th this certain SPIDER VENOM where I was partially paralyzed and could not turn my neck left or right. 5th MERSER I had a terrible fever and was very ill and sweaty. Think the Reptilians will understand that they struck first and started it. And forced my hand to spit. Maybe they will realize and give me another chance as a un-brain dead 3D Human with them on there beautiful planet Earth. Ill pray to God and the Angels!

P.s. Btw it's me the being you all call "IT" from the Dern Universe. Sorry I was sent through alot of black holes by Illuminati Reptilians into parallel and unknown universes. And in my new universe no one knows who I am :( . PLEASE! protect me from the evil Illuminati Reptilians and there black holes

Jehowah, Godlike Productions 12 Comments [9/12/2015 3:55:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 9

Quote# 112747

Extraterrestrials Ready To Enter Earth Center Stage On Cue

The United Nations (UN) one-world government is laying out the red carpet for its alien masters, according to insiders within the totalitarian regime.
As the chief organization of the New World Order, the UN has already established the Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).
Now it has appointed a Malaysian 'astrophysicist' - Mazlan Othman - to head the welcoming party.

"The timing is highly significant," said Professor William H Carpenter, leader of the Carpenter Foundation for Intergalactic Networking. "We know that the Pope, the vicar of the New World Order, was making preparations.

"The UN may be happy about a visit from thousands of extraterrestrials in highly advanced craft with devastating weapons, but most people are going to feel a tad uneasy."
There will be riots, said the Prof. He advises everyone to stay calm, buy guns and make sure you have plenty of canned food.

NASA says that rising greenhouse emissions may have tipped off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat. “Watching from afar, extraterrestrials have viewed changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilization out of control – and are taking drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat,”

The Earth is ready for its alien saviors and there couldn't be a better time then now. Everything is in place, wars and rumors of wars, pestilence and famine, natural catastrophes all over the earth, oceans dying from nuclear catastrophes.

September 2015 would be the perfect time for disclosure and first contact since multiple prophetic events converge at this time.

Many speculate that Pope Francis visit to the US will be the catalyst for disclosure and first contact.

The evidence of extraterrestrial entities involvement on early indigenous American history is overwhelming and it dates back to the ruins of the ancient Anasazi, a mysterious American people that disappeared suddenly during what the investigators allege was an invasion by 6-toed giants under a fallen reptilian that came through a portal.
Investigators agree that according to prophetic implications and actual evidence, these entities are ready to come back to our realm.


Get ready to be razzled and dazzled with mile long UFO's!

silver14, Godlike Productions 9 Comments [9/12/2015 3:47:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112729

Fox Lake Illinois Shooting of Police Officer is a Ridiculous Arch-Zionist Fake

What an arch-fake it is, a mere drill, this claim of a fatal shooting of a Fox Lake, Illinois, police officer, supposedly shot three times in the face. It’s a fake like all the others. Who could possible prove otherwise?

It really can’t get more ridiculous than this. It’s all happening in gun-control land, Illinois? Who could believe this even remotely possible? It is, after all, truly inane. How in the world else can it be described?

It’s also a show of force hoax or shall it be said an intimidation or Martial Law-style hoax, all at the behest of arch-Zionist criminals. Thus it is that according to the arch-Zionist rag, New York Daily News: Residents have been ordered to stay inside and roads have been blocked off…

The caption says that these mercenaries are searching for three suspects. Who in the world finds that plausible? It is glaringly a drill if there ever was a drill: obviously so, in fact, obvious to the extreme. It’s just like the Upstate New York hoax prison brake: all fake, nothing real about it.

Honestly, what? What in God’s name are they looking for? Why in the world does the mercenary have to sit on a common person’s roof in order to get a view of whatever needs to be viewed? Moreover, what is the other Zionist-installed mercenary doing aiming that long gun in that way? Good God, it’s all so blatantly obvious, all so clearly a mere show: a drill and nothing else.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 11 Comments [9/11/2015 2:31:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112727

Skull and Bones is of the Devil. Freemasonry is of the Devil. Nearly 2,000 carefully selected government officials, corporate tycoons and other luminaries—men with power to shape the future—assemble privately every July in a redwood forest about 65 miles north of San Francisco. The meeting includes a somber ritual that features the Druidic burning of an human effigy on the alter, chants from a robed chorus, and wild drinking and sexual promiscuity. Richard Nixon once famously described the gathering as “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” The Bohemian Club (“Bohos” as they are informally called) meet annually for a time of mixed business and pleasure, making decisions that will shape our nation's future, while sinfully indulging in homosexuality, cross-dressing, and debauchery. Please watch the video: The 124 Groups Of Bohemian Grove (the United Nations & Atomic Bomb were birthed at Bohemian Grove).

The most bizarre Pagan ritual of the Bohemian Grove—the Cremation of Care ceremony—is practiced by its members (all men), including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Alan Greenspan, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite, Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger to name but a few. The meeting is held every July. It is purported that Obama and McCain visited Bohemian Grove in July of 2008. WORLD LEADERS AND THE OCCULT. No sitting U.S. President ever attends the grove to avoid public scrutiny, as the President's every move is closely monitored by the media. Albeit, nearly every President attends the grove before and after holding public office. Here's information on the grove's financial records, who are registered as a 501c7 non-profit organization. Anyone who denies the Satanic nature of Bohemian Grove is either stupid, woefully naive or deliberately complicit. Many celebrity stooges in the newsmedia, like Bill O-Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, are “gate-keepers” (i.e., influential people who protect the grove by ignoring and downplaying the Satanic, perverse and treasonous activities of the club).

In the following full-length documentary films by syndicated radio host Alex Jones, you will learn the shocking truth about Bohemian Grove. Actual witches and warlocks (not members of the grove) gather and dance outside the gates, praying to Satan, summoning demons to Bohemian Grove (see 25 to 28 minutes in the Order Of Death documentary below). It is a fiesta of occult activity. It is the evil equivalent to a prayer meeting of believers before Pentecost; in this case it is witches and warlocks calling forth demons prior to the Bohemian Grove occult gathering. These are our nation's leaders worshipping a 40-foot owl!!! You couldn't make this stuff up...

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 10 Comments [9/11/2015 2:28:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 112726

The traffic light conspiracy

Ok, I have been on this one for a while and each day I commute, I am reminded of this BS.

The lights at the intersections are timed out to make you not only hit red lights each time, but the yellow lights as well.

It frustrates me how people will drive the same commute each day for years and never question why they will hit each red light at the same time each day.

Does it really have to be this way? F-no! SO why would they do this on purpose? well....

1- They will often get you to hit a yellow light if you are doing the limit; this will generate more hard stops, incidents and tickets produced.

2- Starting and stopping are the hardest things on your vehicle, more brake pads, fluid, tires, wear and tear, etc

3- If "they" can make your five minute drive into a 15 minute drive, that is three times the gas being burned.

4- If they make you stop an additional 6 times on your way home, sitting at red lights while illuminated signs of mcdonalds, as well as liquor and whores and cigarettes are flashed before your eyes; odds are, you will pull over and spend money.

People laugh when I bitch about this, but it really drives me wild.

It is the same as in life. From a young age we are taught and trained to believe that the world makes good sense and that if we become educated and successful; we will come to understand why things are the way they are.

This is the greatest lie, shit does NOT make sense, and anyone who buys into this idea is lost.

"Oh our system is not perfect, but it is the best we have"

Bullshit! it is designed to fail, designed to perpetuate industrial expansion, consumption, waste; and ineffective infrastructure.

Next time you sit at that light, you think about it.

White Sage, Godlike Productions 7 Comments [9/11/2015 2:27:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112724

Urgent! Another HUGE HOAX.!No Syrian toddler drowned! Link inside.

Hey guys this is George from Greece
This morning while browsing, i found a site that had proof that the photos of the dead syrian toddler is a hoax.

They just want to justify the invasion

See the two pictures and read the father's interview.

Damn! They are. so cruel... I have no words.

[link to themuslimissue.wordpress.com (secure)]

Giorgos, Godlike Productions 3 Comments [9/11/2015 2:26:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112722

Jack and I met a new alien being whose name is Qwanee. He is of a race of light that we have not met physically before, but is related to The Gendar. The first thing he said to us was "Tokyo Japan." I wrote that down, and then I continued to write as he continued to speak.

The people of Japan don't know it yet, but they are the ones chosen to have first open contact with the alien races visiting Earth, and it will happen "soon" in Tokyo. The plan is already in motion. As far as the alien races can see, it may even become fully diplomatic.

The Project has chosen Japan among all our nations for this task because of their favorable demeanor, which is evident throughout their culture and discipline. They have been a peaceful nation and have not become involved in any wars for some time. They are a strong, stable nation that can withstand opposition from others. As well, they are willing and worthy to handle contact responsibly in regard to their people and the rest of our world.

The USA was offered first the opportunity to host open contact for The Project but the USA refused.

The USA will oppose the contact between The Project and Japan and increase its familiar propaganda tactics to try to interfere with its progress, but will be unsuccessful.

Nancy ES Malacaria, The Frontiers of Consciousness 6 Comments [9/11/2015 2:25:40 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: shy

Quote# 112695

OMG False Flags/Hoax Events...I figured out the endgame!!!! And its BAD

Uh oh, I am scared now. We MUST fight this!!

Ever since 9/11/2001, we have been hit hard and heavy with false flags and hoax events.

They will continue, since with every new event, there is more and more cognitive dissonance in the public psyche.

There are still many, many terrific blogs, youtube channels, internet radio channels, etc. which investigate these events and report on the events from angles different from the mainstream media.

I used to make videos about Sandy Hook. I eventually gave up. Why? People don't want to know the truth.

Here is my prediction, here is TPTB endgame with these false flags:

They will continue (for 10 years, 15, 20 years, however long it takes) producing these hoax events and report them as real until the truth seekers either give up and become sheeple again, or the truth seekers die off, or the truth seekers are eventually shunned by populace with the aid of the media (ie the media would push the narrative: Conspiracy Theorists are evil, they need to be reported and they need to be committed against their will, for our safety and theirs), etc.

At that point, the populace would be so docile as to never question anything.

Folks, we are almost at that point now!

How many people are brave enough to talk about 9/11 any random day of the week. Trust me, if you value your job or reputation at work, you will not discuss the subject at work. Want to be popular? No chance of that if you are willing to discuss truth and deception.

Imagine that world? Nobody willing to tell the Emperor he has no Clothes?

The SOnic DReamer, Godlike Productions 11 Comments [9/10/2015 2:49:40 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112675

Satellites Are Impossible

Satellites don't exist. All transmissions we receive are made possible by triangulating ground towers and dishes.

Satellites are purely science-fiction. All supposed images of satellites in orbit show fake CGI "satellites" orbiting a fake CGI "ball-Earth." First conceived by Freemason science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in 1945, they claim satellites became science-fact soon after. This is impossible for many reasons outlined in the following video, however, including the fact the melting points of the metals used in satellites are far lower than the temperature in the "thermosphere" where satellites supposedly are. Satellites, space stations, the Hubble telescope and space travel in general are absolutely the biggest hoaxes of the century, and NASA the most successful propaganda organization in history.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 27 Comments [9/9/2015 3:02:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 12

Quote# 112674

are bald men descandants of aliens?

i have always wondered if.they are hybrid geey or reptoid.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 16 Comments [9/9/2015 3:02:26 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 112673

2008 and 2015 CERN

Why do I feel chaos every time they switch the machine on? Like butterflies in the tummy.

2008 - Financial chaos
2015 - Financial chaos

I'm seeing a pattern.

I wonder, when they reach 99.9% the speed of light, will they attempt to boldly go where no man has gone before...the final frontier...we shall see...

butterfly effect, Godlike Productions 9 Comments [9/9/2015 3:02:19 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 112672

I once had a media and communications professor ask a packed auditorium of journalism students the interesting question: “What is the singular factor that affects all of humanity? A factor that can start or stop wars? That can raise up civilizations or destroy them?” Not one student could come up with the right, yet so obvious, answer: Space Weather. Almost 35+ years later, I still remember his words.

When I heard Dr. Simon Atkins recently talk about the ‘”WAVE X shift of 2015? it made complete sense. Atkins is a well-known climate risk economist and planetary threat forecaster with a doctorate in Biometeo-electromagnetics. He uses the science of magnetism to bring clarity to what is presently occurring in our world.

Space weather not only influences, but guides humanity. Statistics show that when there are intense solar flares from space, 82% of the time there is a downshift in the stock market 1-3 days later. These same solar flare peaks are known to cause eruptions of violence between classes (sort of like the full moon effect). It’s a natural phenomenon, but its all due to magnetic waves that ultimately affect every living organism on our planet.

On a positive note, when there are coronal mass ejections from the sun (CMEs), humans are more likely to experience euphoria, calmness and ultimately peace. CMEs are explosions of electricity and energy in the form of electrons and protons, according to NASA. This magnetic energy that comes from our Sun (which is why the Ancients saw the Sun as the God Source) actually elevates consciousness levels. The Sun is the great benefactor. If you stay out of the Sun you quickly lose your connection to third eye consciousness. You also can experience depression and/or illness.

I experienced this first hand many years ago when I worked in a darkened lab doing altered states studies during daylight hours. I started not only getting oily skin and breaking out with facial eruptions (which I had never had), but I became quickly depressed. Something told me to take a few 15 minute breaks outside each day and just sit in the Sun. It was like a miracle cure. Like a plant, we need light to thrive. Without it, it will lead to dysfunction, be it emotional and/or physical. It’s a lesson I never forgot.

The BIG SECRET is the Sun is also connected to our evolutionary awakening. During the last half of September 2015, there is a powerful wave of gamma light coming from the Galactic Core. This intergalactic WAVE X energy will be coming through to Earth at maximum strength and peaking on September 28th. We are already well into it and feeling its effects. It happens every 3,600 years, and is being called “The Event Horizon.” It is the next step in the evolutionary cycle of man.

As reported by Time Magazine, scientists know about this event, but are questioning what these mysterious intergalactic bursts are or, more importantly, what they will bring. Change, for sure. It is no coincidence that in the last 18 months worldwide earthquakes have suddenly quadrupled as this energy is beginning to be felt more and more on the planet. The earth is doing strange things. People of all countries and even the media have reported eerie sounding, and rather loud, groaning sounds coming from the earth. Expect more in August as these are signs of dimensional portals opening in the earth itself, says Atkins. Intergalactic WAVE X is getting closer. This is no Armageddon scenario as many biblical adherents are predicting, but a time when our cellular DNA is able to shift and open up our true gifts.

In 1984-1985, Dr. Peter Gariaev and his team of Russian linguists were studying DNA and the ways light, sound and frequencies interact with DNA. Their research led to many groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting discoveries with one of them showing that DNA is able to absorb and emit light (photons), which spirals along the double helix in sacred geometrical form. Literally, DNA creates magnetized wormholes in the time-space fabric. DNA acts as “tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” The researchers found that with the presence of light (photons), DNA activation and thus evolution can occur.

This is the great awakening that has always been promised us. This is an incredible time to be alive to witness this shift. It does not pick favorites. It does not matter what race or religion you embrace. It is here for us all. We are the Oneness.

Some people believe that helpful extraterrestrials (ETs) are trying to slow down this planetary energy from being too much for us because this faster electromagnetic energy can cause some people to feel like they are going mad (it opens enhanced mind/thought patterns). Call it energy weirdness. It’s no coincidence that violence rates suddenly surged in the US during 2015, after years of showing a decline.

This new energy is nothing to fear. We want this WAVE X energy. It serves to cleanse and help raise the consciousness of humanity. There are those who might disagree and are doing their best to suppress it. The CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland is ramping up to go full steam on August 15, hoping to stop this galactic energy. They’ve spent trillions of dollars for this very purpose. The dark forces behind CERN know this energy shift will spell the beginning of the end of control of the masses as it begins shifting DNA. Just imagine a world where a greater percentage of people are fully awakened than ever before. The 1% who have worked hard to enslave humanity for their own greed and benefit—well, their days are numbered.

Everywhere in our world we are now seeing the awakening of humanity speed up. We are seeing massive rallies against corruption and rallies for peace spread. We are seeing tyranny, cover-ups and false flags exposed. And more importantly, we are seeing movements converging that offer solutions to these issues the world faces. People’s inner worlds of heart and mind are breaking free and we are seeing this have direct and positive impacts in our outer world.

If you talk to most people these days they all feel like something is getting ready to happen in the next month or two. Most don’t know what it is, but they can sense it. Whether it be a global currency reset, financial collapse, civil chaos, more earthquakes, or something else—as a collective mass we are the precipice of a new world emerging. Trust that this is not the end. You may be feeling more tired than usual lately—like you just can’t get enough restorative sleep. Maybe you’ve even taken to power napping—which is good. Take care of yourself. Your cells are already feeling the energy change. No sense fighting it. It will be interesting to see what emerges for us all.

Kathy J. Forti, Trinfinity8 13 Comments [9/9/2015 3:02:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 112671

UPDATE!!!! on Closed Walmarts. JADE HELM

Son of a fucking bitch. Something just hit me today...

And no one, and i mean no has has mentioned it yet.

Alot of people have been saying that these closed Walmarts will be used as FEMA camps or detention centers. However, that may not be the case. Walmart is just too small to fit thousands let alone a couple million people. they already have actual FEMA camps for that... Remember during Katrina? The superdom was too fucking small. Walmart is even smaller!

What no one has mentioned is that they could be used as "Command Centers". Yes, you heard me. I agree that they have war rooms across the country, but what if they need these Walmarts for additional command centers since it is closer to the population... If you watch movies you will get the idea... They usually use schools or some other place that have plenty of space as command centers... Not only that, if there truly underground tunnels under the Walmart, then that will make it easier for them to transport shit.

If you go on youtube and type in "closed walmarts jade helm", you will see that the walmarts are still empty as of today. If they were going to use them as detention centers, they would have already built the cages or fences to detain people. That will take alot of time to build the fence and then bolt it in the ground. September is already here. However, if they are going to use it as a Command Center, all they need is a couple of tables and then set up their computers and equipment, which can be done in less than a day!

Just throwing it out there, but im not 100% sure..

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 14 Comments [9/9/2015 3:00:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112664

Trolls say: ‘but-but-but Newsweek says gmo and vaccines are safe!’

“Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them. – Protocol [12:4] The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”

De-Programming The Lattice, Tumblr 13 Comments [9/8/2015 4:15:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 112653

A “Fat Justice and Feminism” seminar sponsored by Swarthmore College blamed Ronald Reagan for the suffering of fat people and accused the Body mass index (BMI) of having “direct links to a white supremacist.”

The workshop, taught by feminist activist Cora Segal and self-identified “angry, man-hating lesbian,” Nicole Sullivan, took place Thursday and sought to “address the ongoing exploitation and oppression of fat people.”

“There is no scientific consensus whatsoever that fat people need to exercise more, or that fat is unhealthy. There is no evidence that [being] fat causes diabetes. Medical professionals are informed of this so-called knowledge by lobbying groups.” Tweet This

The Swarthmore Independent reports that Segal and Sullivan took aim at a variety of subjects including President Ronald Reagan, who they claimed “f*cked everything up” for fat people—though the Independent drily reports that “[n]o specific evidence about Reagan’s perverse policies or animosity toward obese people was offered.”

Segal and Sullivan also argued in favor of “communism and socialism as viable alternatives to capitalism and exploitation” and against oppressive healthy eating and exercise programs. The two reportedly went so far as to claim that “every physician is bought off by lobbyists and the diet industry.”

“There is no scientific consensus whatsoever that fat people need to exercise more, or that fat is unhealthy. There is no evidence that [being] fat causes diabetes. Medical professionals are informed of this so-called knowledge by lobbying groups,” the pair argued.

Paige Willey, an attendee to the conference, told Campus Reform "the whole event had a negative tone to it."

"Their whole argument was based in hatred. Very unproductive."

The activists also purportedly argued that the BMI features “direct links to a white supremacist” and is therefore useless because it was created by a “white, male, French astronomer,” Adolphe Quetelet.

The event was funded by the Women's Resource Center, History Department, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Interpretation Theory, and the Worth Health Center.

Cora Segal and Nicole Sullivan, Campus Reform 12 Comments [9/8/2015 3:27:34 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Yuu

Quote# 112622

George Zimmerman – The New Face Of Racist Republicans - FALSE FLAG against President Trump

This is completely fake. A psyops. They want to emotionally charge voters. Holy Fck the far left are good.

[link to ringoffireradio.com]

Everyone should let Zimmerman know that his hate is not welcome. Don't let them pin this phony on President Trump. They should call him out on the psyops.
[link to twitter.com (secure)]

The shooting of TM never happened.

Some of the symbols they use are the letters "V" , "Y", "OO" in names , rainbow colors, pyramids and all seeing eyes. Wake the FCK up people!!

[Bolding for emphasis]

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [9/7/2015 3:20:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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