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Quote# 122563

Yes TV is SOLE reason why people voted Hillary. TV is owned by globalists and Hillary is a puppet for the globalists. TV doesn't say she's a KKK racist, a misogynist, fraudster, murderer and satanic childmolester.

louise.deprez, Yahoo! Answers 10 Comments [11/18/2016 3:53:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 122532

I plead with you to learn to think for yourself. This is why Jesus commanded for us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES in John 5:39. It is tragic that billions of lost souls are followers of religion. There are over 1,000,000,000 Catholics! There are over 1,000,000,000 Muslims! There are hundreds-of-millions of Hindus! According to the Word of God, the Bible, none of those people are saved, because they reject Jesus as the Christ (John 3:16-18,36; John 14:6; Acts 4:10-12; 1st John 2:22). Religion is a road to Hell. Salvation is NOT found in any religion; but rather, in a Person—The Lord Jesus Christ!

I plead with you to turn off the TV and go to visit some alternative news websites, such as infowars.com, informationclearinghouse.info, lewrockwell.com, truthnews.us, eagleforum.org, and others to learn the TRUTH about what's going on in the world today. Every American needs to read the writings of Rep. Ron Paul, one of few Congressman who faithfully serves the public. The truth is available, if you want it. You have to want to remain ignorant nowadays to remain in darkness, because the truth is so obvious to those who break away from the mainstream newsmedia. Think for yourself! William Guy Carr decided to think for himself decade ago, and before he died thankfully authored several eye-opening books to wake up the public, including PAWNS IN THE GAME. You'll learn things in this book that no public school teacher will eve tell you, like the fact that every major war since the Revolutionary War has been started, nurtured and financed on BOTH sides by an International Banking Cartel (the same families who control The Council On Foreign Relations and the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank in America).

Another great work to open your eyes is by Myron Fagan, THE ILLUMINATI AND THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. There are two types of people in the world—those who love the truth and cannot live without it—and those who couldn't care less and choose to live in ignorance and complacency. The biggest problem in America today is apathy, but who cares (pun intended!). I challenge you to become a seeker of truth. The Bible teaches in 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-10 that the Antichrist will deceive the masses of this world because they do not love the truth... “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.”

David J. Stewart, Love the Truth 13 Comments [11/15/2016 3:37:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122498

“A few people in the audience thought I’d get through this introduction without talking about spirit cooking. But come on!” announced MILO. “The right wing of America is caught up in another Satanic panic. The difference is, this time it’s real! We’ve seen the emails!”

“Spirit cooking is some kind of occult practice involving blood, semen, spit, and a variety of other bodily substances. I had no clue it could be a ritual, I call that date night! Maybe I’ve been using them in the wrong order” he continued. “I know a thing or two about black magic, you know. The ancient spirits of Africa flow through me. Regularly.”

“I’ve believed for months that Hillary Clinton sold her soul to Saudi Arabia. I had no idea she sold her soul to the devil” Milo joked. “We shouldn’t be surprised. Lesbians and witchcraft go together like Donald Trump and winning!”

Milo continued with his Satanic references, adding “How many electoral votes does Hell get? I thought I understood the electoral college, is there a loophole I don’t know? I assume she has Saul Alinsky down there organizing the community to vote for her. After all in states without Voter ID, when Ashtaroth and Beelzebub the Lord of Flies show up to vote, what election official is going to tell them no?”

“If you want a great example of media bias, imagine if the Trump campaign was participating in satanic rituals involving blood and semen” he concluded. “The closest thing Donald Trump has to an occult ritual is eating fried chicken with a knife and fork.”

Milo Yiannopolous, Breitbart 11 Comments [11/14/2016 4:06:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122495

There's a lot of evil in that "marketing" pic for Comet Pizza - and there are very few "accidents" in marketing.
1) the size differences in the three men, combined with the facial hair, suggest two men and a boy
2) the "boy" wears a gray shirt and presents a pizza to the men, with a "pleasers" smile on his face
3) the men stare at the pizza, presented on a white square of parchment paper, with surprised/shocked disbelief
4) one "man" wears a light blue shirt, the other dark blue
5) the hand-written announcement in the upper right says, "tiramisu proline"
6) there is a yellow square sticky note directly below the announcement
7) Urban dictionary includes a definition for "tiramisu" as "a foursome with partners of different races. The two "men" are of different races, implying that the viewer could be the fourth.
8) the yellow square is code for "water play" and the pizza has a slice of lemon on it...a slice of yellow
9) there is another slice of yellow on the counter visible between "light blue man" and "gray boy"
10) the background is awash in yellow light...there's lots of yellow to be had in the play area to the rear.
11) the "Comet logo" is positioned over the "blue man's" crotch like a stylized ejaculation
12) the logo doesn't look like a comet. It looks like the upper right butterfly wing (the boy corner), in virginal white

Evil hiding in plain sight. DOTR can't come soon enough...

Goy Rogers, Vox Popoli 14 Comments [11/13/2016 5:15:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 10

Quote# 122459

On so-called "artificially generated stampedes")

Important definitions:

artificially generated stampede – A sudden rush of people likely the result of panic-inducing information delivered via cell phones or mobile devices

viral blitzkrieg – A bombardment of information designed to saturate a specific location(s) and exponentially spread panic

dominipede – Multiple, simultaneous human stampedes likely the result of a viral blitzkrieg

Emergency evacuation protocol overview

A basic explanation of emergency evacuation protocol is necessary for understanding the principles associated with the artificially generated stampede. Historically, human stampedes have occurred in a variety of settings. However, the artificially generated stampede is best explained through the context of sporting events in large stadiums.

Every so often, when deemed absolutely necessary, a major football stadium undergoes an emergency evacuation. This is customarily due to situations involving inclement weather, such as lightning strikes. There’s a very specific protocol for executing large crowd evacuations.

First, an announcement is delivered over the public address system requesting fan attention and cooperation. Its purpose is to notify everyone that the event has been temporarily suspended. It is generally considered unwise to offer a definitive reason for a full scale evacuation. Expert consensus indicates that the lesser the justification, the smoother the evacuation process. A second announcement is then issued to clear the field of all players, officials and personnel. That message is repeated until the initial phase is complete. Then, a third announcement is delivered to evacuate the crowd. That message is repeated until the fans have satisfactorily exited the premises. Obviously these things take time. 20-25 minutes to safely evacuate an NFL or NCAA Division I stadium is by any means a conservative estimate.

What is the difference between a bomb threat emergency and a bomb threat condition? That’s a very important question. It should not come as a shock to know that just because someone phones in a bomb threat or scrawls the word “bomb” on a restroom mirror… that, in itself, is rarely sufficient cause to stage a complete evacuation. These kinds of incidents, or bomb threat conditions, happen far more often than the public is aware. There’s an obvious reason you wouldn’t launch an evacuation each time something like this happens. Precedent. Such action would constitute a horrible precedent and could encourage copycats. Bomb threat emergency classification invokes a reasonably higher threshold of evidence.

The final decision to order an evacuation rests with the incident commander, stadium manager or whoever is ultimately in charge. Any individual in this position of authority will readily concede the following: that under no circumstance would you evacuate a stadium by transmitting a mass text message. The reason being that it would irreparably alter the nature of the evacuation. Even if the message was carefully written, it could potentially spark a mass panic. The delivery method in which information is disseminated is often just as important as the message’s content. This is why it’s customary to utilize the public address system, perhaps in concert with the jumbotron. To present a coherent, scripted message that is far less likely open to individual misinterpretation. A clear, unified set of instructions is critical in maintaining an orderly evacuation process.

Current emergency evacuation protocol has been rendered obsolete by the ubiquitous presence of cell phones. The notion that only the incident commander has absolute control over all message content and distribution platforms under his/her jurisdiction is inconsistent with the current state of technology and real-world conditions. Current evacuation protocol fails to address this profoundly changed dynamic.

How an artificially generated stampede could occur

Transmission of information through accidental or intentional misuse of emergency messaging systems (Amber Alerts, National Weather Service warnings, campus text alerts, etc.), opt-in notification abuse, reverse 911 sabotage, social media platforms (facebook, twitter, etc.) and real-time internet hoaxes, deliberate manipulation of the media (television, radio and print), spoofed emails, bulk text messaging, targeted spam, robocalls, direct phone calls, mass tri-lateration in tandem with a Stingray device, etc.

The potential for hacking and deliberate misuse of ANY of the aforementioned cellular platforms.

A viral blitzkrieg

Why an artificially generated stampede could happen

Unfamiliarity with the concept

Because emergency evacuations involve sensitive, often taboo subject matter, there is a strong reluctance to engage in a meaningful dialogue. Unfortunately, when faced with the prospect of artificially generated stampedes, OODA loops
are basically rendered nonexistent. Therefore, trying to solve the problem through mitigation is not an effective strategy. The problem must ultimately be addressed through acknowledgment and awareness. Most stadium attendees just simply aren’t aware of the fact that a legitimate evacuation order would NEVER originate from their cell phone or mobile device. Until this topic is available for public consumption, the general public will remain dangerously ignorant.

It’s just another trigger

Panic associated with human stampedes can stem from a variety of contributing factors (tear gas, physical cordons and barricades, loud sirens, rowdy fan behavior, intoxicating substances, etc.). Think of a cell phone as a weapon. A gun. Think of a message as a bullet. Now picture tens of thousands of cell phones and tens of thousands of messages. AGSAF is not preoccupied with the notion of a single, conventional bomb threat delivered unilaterally. AGSAF is concerned about the prospect of an infinite number of simultaneous threats. Information is merely another trigger. Nothing more, nothing less.

Herding instincts

Human herding instincts are consistent in the majority of life forms. They are recognizable and well-documented in the evolutionary process. When faced with an external threat, this includes a desire to congregate toward the center mass in an attempt to reduce predation risks. A person’s ability to make rational decisions can be instantly compromised and overridden by these powerful, deeply ingrained herding instincts.

The panicked behavior of just a few individuals in a large, confined setting can have severe ramifications. When others witness fearful expressions accompanied by random individuals yelling or screaming, then pushing, shoving, running or falling (particularly down a steep flight of steps), conventional reactions are cast aside. It’s easy to dismiss your involvement in a stampede… until it happens. Human stampedes can develop suddenly, consistent with “fight-or-flight” response mechanisms.

The origins of a stampede could start with people “hedging their bets” and deciding to gravitate toward a concourse or exit. It’s not necessary to convince everyone that their lives are in jeopardy. All that’s required is convincing some people their interests would be better served if they hurriedly moved to a different location.

Historical progression of recent events

As evidenced by 9/11, acts of asymmetric terrorism appear trending toward high impact economic and militaristic systemic disruptions. Such occurrences often manifest themselves as spectacular events that visually resonate and feature unprecedented transaction costs.

Ineffectiveness of government

The U.S. government appears disinclined and/or incapable of addressing the fundamental notion of an artificially generated stampede. If raised, such concerns are likely suppressed within the bureaucracy due to the “if you acknowledge a problem, you own it. If you brief a lead official, they become accountable. And if it happens on their watch, their administration is to blame” mentality. This catch-22 is a recurring theme. How can an existing problem be solved if it cannot be adequately addressed? Government is rarely proactive when trying to tackle hypothetical, transformative issues. It is almost always reactionary, especially when dealing with human welfare in the realm of public safety.

The cell phone culture

Society is trending toward an accelerated level of electronic reliance. This is demonstrated through a greater degree of interconnectedness with a strong dependence on cellular technology and the expedited transmission of information. There also exists an ineffable, inherent level of trust placed in electronic short message services since most important communications tend to be concise, straightforward and factual. We’ve witnessed both the general public and the private sector (particularly the media), become increasingly susceptible to hacking, disinformation and a wide variety of hoaxes.

Why is the artificially generated stampede a moral issue?

Any attempt to initiate an artificially generated stampede would likely entail a strong degree of malicious intent. While a singular crisis is bad enough, it’s likely a perpetrator would seek to impact multiple locations in hopes of achieving a real-time cascade, or domino effect.

And while we would agree that it’s difficult to reprogram human behavior and institute awareness campaigns based on hypothetical scenarios, it is the prospect of a dominipede that necessitates an immediate change in the status quo. This issue extends well beyond safety. It is a moral one.

Eric Saferstein, agasf.org 4 Comments [11/12/2016 10:45:36 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 122456

The Satanic Faction of the Military Behind the 'Targeted Individuals/Mind Control' Phenomenon

Recently, Corey Goode has revealed testimony of the shill operation known as Personality Metamorphs, where essentially NSA/GCHQ type agents in offices full of computer monitors have hundreds of fake internet accounts for posting on forums such as GLP's competition and Project Camelot and all over Facebook and YouTube and definitely HERE as well: [link to spherebeingalliance.com]

What you probably don't know is that behind this entire operation is a rather elaborate scheme involving brain wave entrainment and EMP technologies developed out of all sequences of the MK Ultra and Montauk projects and are operated out of bases that have sequestered wireless electricity transmission technologies such as Pine Gap in Australia. A deathbed confession from a notorious Satanist reveals the name of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino in relation to the top secret facility of Pine Gap: [link to www.savethemales.ca]

So-called supersoldiers such as James Casbolt have also revealed recently that Aquino is a general of the NSA. This surveillance technology goes above and beyond merely spying on people's phones and computers. Snowden documents revealed that microwaves are beamed onto, for example, computer screens so that visual and audio information can be usurped via the laser beam and thus remote surveillance can occur WITHOUT mics or cameras. In other words, with adequate microwave beaming, an entire 3D holographic read out of an entire area, I.e. everywhere, can be tapped into. Not only that, but the visual input from the eyes into the brain and the different brain wave states can be monitored and hacked into by this modern mind control technology. If you have ever seen the movie Videodrome, you will recall a helmet that records internal hallucinatory states. Another main component in the movie involved Satanic snuff/sex rituals and pirate satellite transmissions that piggy-backed on an encrypted channel, but were essentially beamed onto the entire populace. Aspects of these movies, such as in Spielberg's 'Taken' also depict what the NSA is doing at the highest level, which includes tweaking humanity's DNA and introducing negative frequencies onto the overall human populace who are not "shielded" or endowed with mutant DNA. This is, of course, for population reduction and also apparently for a genetic mutation of the species which is also depicted in the X-Men films (directed by Bryan Singer who has been accused by numerous sources to be involved with a shadowy Hollywood elite called 'The Group' who sexually molest young boys etc).

Although I can not prove it whatsoever and had until recently thought of as a "dear friend", one of the beloved guests on Project Camelot etc, Richard Alan Miller is actually very highly connected to ALL of this - as well as to the so-called "non-lethal weaponry" of John Alexander and what has been revealed as being called 'Murder Inc.' in Steven Greer's 'Forbidden Knowledge' book. Miller actually operates the microwave weaponry and does daily Personality Metamorph posts on a specific conspiracy forum and GLP as well as Facebook etc. They will target specific individuals online with fake accounts and do things like mess with their heads by posting information that is indicative of personal knowledge of the individual's personal environment etc. These people can SEE through our eyes and interact with our household appliances (by making them pop and click), and also entrain or pulse our brains with specific frequencies utilizing microwave ray guns and satellite-based weapons connected to HAARP and/or Pine Gap. The user ryba777 on the conspiracy torrent website 'ConCen' is also Richard Alan Miller and has posted information about these microwave guns along with veiled threats.

"World War 3 is being fought on the internet"
- Richard Alan Miller

p.s. A Personal Note: I have been being pulsed regularly for the past 2 months - I can feel electrical pulsing on my right temple, as well as all over my face, in my eyes and recently in both feet at specific intervals. When I am starting to enter REM sleep I am awakened by a blast of EMP to my face or the side of my head and can often feel prickles at specific regions in my brain - [although having recently purchased and been wearing a microwave blocking skull cap, the pulsing has started to occur in my feet.] Certain forum posts in direct reply to my own have hinted at threats involving microwave blasts. Specific posts and threads over the past 3 years are archived and correspondence documented. Specifically after an 'Ask Me Anything' thread by Michael Aquino where he was locked out of his main account upon being found out by staff that he was trolling regular users to the site. Springer, the owner and administrator of a competitor conspiracy forum was also notified of this PsyOps, the logistics of which are detailed in Michael Aquino's book 'MindWar', which reveal the manipulation of brain wave states in regards to modern psychological warfare techniques and their goals for spinning intelligence/stories online and accomplishing military goals without the use of physical warfare. Shortly after notifying admin for a certain forum, I started having internet and cell phone-related issues, up to and including my phone turning off when I was outside and in need of calling somebody at a specific time, and when I was finally able to re-start my phone, the background image had been changed. The phone battery also eventually swelled up and essentially exploded, likely from being pulsed with EMP so many times. I also have experienced a myriad of internet technical difficulties, too many to list here. I have had to endure a few episodes of gang-stalking, shortly after revealing Aquino and friends to a specific forum's mods, and a close friend of mine has also been victimized by mind control games and has verified several things with me as well. There was a period of time when I was merely under NSA surveillance, but since speaking up about specific people, namely Richard Alan Miller, who turns out to be my 'handler', these issues involving microwave pulsing have increased quite dramatically.

These Satanic operatives know a lot and can do a lot of technological things, particularly to mind-fuck and irritate people - but the irony is that they are all trapped having to do surveillance on people. 24/7. In that sense, they have, by virtue of their own self-fulfilling prophesy and complete reckless disregard, created their own digital Hell that they are the managerial class operators of. They might as well be chained and hand-cuffed! And on a metaphysical/archetypal level - they are eternally trapped. Remember that scene in 'Interstellar' when the astronaut gets trapped in the "morse code library" - back in time? Time travel to the moment when their timeline bifurcated into a dead end trap. They will basically have to Quantum jump like in the show Quantum Leap to pay off all their bad karma. Their technologies will be re-purposed...

I regret to add that the NSA utilize a vast majority of their surveillance capabilities for perverse sexual voyeurism. Even though a lot of the operatives are really old and their sexuality isn't working for them any longer, others spend a lot of time preying on people who are doing sexual things.

These Satanists actually do worship sexual perversion and they do try to steer innocent civilians down that path. Sex is all that is holy to most Satanists. Bestiality, snuff, child porn, mentally and physically handicapped people, incest, scat etc. They are into all of that! It's not just a stereotype!

TheCorsair00, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [11/12/2016 10:43:51 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122455

North Korea is an Pentagon Vassal State

If it weren’t for the fact that he is absolute dictator of a country with a formidable army and nuclear missile technology, North Korean President Kim Jong Un, the 290 pound, 32 year-old ruler would be a clown figure. Unfortunately for world peace, Kim Jong Un, while he is playing games with his rockets and threats of war, is serving the long-term interests of the USA, especially the military industrial complex, the Pentagon and State Department, whose priority increasingly is to make an Asia Pivot of military power projection to contain and isolate the Peoples’ Republic of China as well as Russia

In the end of the 1990’s I had the chance occasion to have a chat with the late James R. Lilley. Lilley was at the Davos World Economic Forum and by chance had sat at my dinner table together with a delegation from the China Peoples’ Liberation Army. As I was the only westerner at the table he struck up a conversation, and as he saw I was more than conversant in global politics, he began talking, perhaps more than he should have with one he did not know.

James R. Lilley was no outsider. A member, together with his close friend, George H.W. Bush, of the infamous Yale University Skull & Bones secret society, Lilley served some three decades at the CIA along with Bush. Both Lilley and Bush were US Ambassadors to China.

Lilley’s term in Beijing coincided with the May-June 1989 Tiananmen Square student protests. I have reason to believe he played the key US role in orchestrating that clash between thousands of protesting students and the Chinese government as one of Washington’s early Color Revolution attempts to destabilize communist China simultaneously with the CIA’s role in destabilizing the Soviet Union.

At the time of Tiananmen protests, the man who developed the handbook for color revolutions, Gene Sharp, of the Albert Einstein Institute, was in Beijing until the Chinese told him to leave, and George Soros’ Chinese NGO, the Fund for the Reform and Opening of China, after Tiananmen, was banned when Chinese security services found that the fund had links to the CIA.

This background is important to better situate who Lilley was – a consummate insider of the George Bush CIA “deep state” networks that try to remake the world to their liking. In our Davos talk, Lilley told me he had been furious at President G.H.W. Bush in the aftermath of Tiananmen for refusing to make a stronger denunciation of the Beijing government, that, for a massacre that he knew never took place.

In the event, in our Davos discussion we touched on events in Asia and the ongoing focus by Washington on North Korea’s nuclear program. Unexpectedly, Lilley made a remarkable statement to me. He said, “Simply put, at the end of the Cold War, if North Korea didn’t exist we would have to create it as an excuse to keep the Seventh Fleet in the region.” Shortly before our Davos discussion North Korea had launched a missile over Japan, causing huge anxieties across Asia.

What is Kim Jong Un?

Who or better said, what is Kim Jong Un? Since the death of his father in 2011 Kim Jong Un has consolidated power as absolute dictator. In December 2011 Kim became Supreme Commander of the Korean People’s Army. His earlier history has been carefully hidden. It has been verified that he attended school in Europe at Liebefeld Steinhölzli school in Köniz near Bern. Accounts say he lived in Switzerland, under a false name, from 1991 until 2000. There he reportedly developed a prodigious taste for French Bordeaux wines, Yves St Laurent cigarettes, Swiss Emmenthaler cheese and luxury Mercedes autos according to Kim Jong-il’s former personal chef, Kenji Fujimoto.

While Kim’s extensive stay in Europe might or might not have been the opportunity for US intelligence to nurture some kind of contact, Kim’s deeds since taking control have been a godsend to the US role in disrupting Chinese as well as Russian relations with both North Korea and with South Korea as well as with Japan.

One of Kim Jong Un’s earliest indications of a major shift in foreign policy away from Beijing came when he ordered the arrest of his uncle for treason in December, 2013. Jang Sung-taek had been vice-chairman of the National Defence Commission, second only to that of the Supreme Leader and was “key policy adviser” to the politically inexperienced Kim Jong-un on the death of Kim’s father. More importantly, Jang was well-known as China’s best friend in Pyongyang.

As Washington moved to implement its new Asia Pivot military encirclement policies against China, removal of Beijing’s most influential friend in North Korea would be very convenient, to put it mildly.

Kim Jong Un not only had Jang executed, Jang’s wife, Kim Kyong-hui, the only daughter of former North Korean supreme leader Kim Il-sung, the only sister of former North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-il and the aunt of Kim Jong-un, a General in the army and Politburo member, was reportedly poisoned on orders of Kim, though no confirmation has been possible. What is known is that Kim ordered the systematic execution of all other members of Jang’s family including children and grandchildren of all close relatives. Those reportedly killed in Kim’s purge include Jang’s sister Jang Kye-sun, her husband and ambassador to Cuba, Jon Yong-jin, and Jang’s nephew and ambassador to Malaysia, Jang Yong-chol as well as the nephew’s two sons. At the time of Jang’s removal, the Kim regime announced, “the discovery and purge of the Jang group…made our party and revolutionary ranks purer …”

Clearly, Kim Jong Un was just the kind of dictator Washington’s warhawks could “do business with.”

Kim’s War Threats

The timing and effect of Kim Jong Un’s bizarre threats to wage war against South Korea and other states of the region, including Japan, as well verbal threats to strike cities on the US West Coast since 2013, fit too neatly into the geopolitical agenda of Washington, but not against North Korea. The agenda of Washington was aimed rather against China and the Russian Far East.

In March 2013, North Korea’s Kim, absurdly enough, threatened the United States with a “pre-emptive nuclear attack”, and Kim Jong-un issued a detailed threat to “wipe out” Baengnyeong Island, under United Nations Command and South Korean control since the Korean War and scene of previous naval clashes. Under Kim Jong Un, North Korea has boasted of plans for conducting nuclear strikes on US cities, including Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Military experts suggest the threats were pure macho bravado and that Kim’s nuclear capabilities are bluff at least at this stage. It had the effect of painting Washington as a major enemy of Pyongyang, a useful cover for Washington however and creating the backdrop for Washington to promote its Asian military expansion, in fact aimed at both China and Russia, not Pyongyang.

It’s commonly believed that since the 1950’s Korean War, communist North Korea has been a Beijing puppet regime. It’s true that China is North Korea’s biggest trading partner, and main source of food, arms, and energy. It has also helped sustain Kim Jong-un’s regime, and has historically opposed harsh international sanctions on North Korea. However, the relationship is anything but congenial for Beijing. Their main concern is to keep their North Korea neighbor from exploding in chaos.

While China does maintain certain influence and while China sees North Korea as a buffer between it and the US-allied South Korea, Beijing’s ability to influence the erratic Kim Jong Un seems to be extremely limited, if at all, a significant change from earlier Kim dynasty dictators. The one power to gain from Kim Jong Un’s bellicose actions is the United States as geopolitical hegemon desiring to turn Japan and especially South Korea against China.

In February of this year North Korea announced that it had fired a long-range rocket in violation of a UN Security Council resolution that was voted with approval of both China and Russia. The rocket firing was immediately condemned by Japan, South Korea and the US. Most notably, right after the North Korean rocket firing, the Seoul South Korea government entered serious talks for acquiring Washington’s THAAD missile defense system, arguing it was to counter the threat from the north. China protested loudly.

At the same time Japan increased its THAAD infrastructure installations from the US. Both deployments were aimed not at North Korea, whose missile threat to South Korea is ruled out. They were aimed at goosing up the governments of South Korea and of Shinzo Abe in Japan in their development of anti-China postures. Only months earlier, relations between South Korea and Japan were chilly and China was making peaceful economic overtures to South Korea. The Seoul decision to accept THAAD missiles has chilled those ties.

Russia Also Loses

China is not the only strategic loser in the latest nuclear tests and rocket firing provocations of Kim Jong Un. Russia, which has had largely positive relations with North Korea going back to the Cold War, has undergone a major loss of influence owing to very tough UN Security Council economic sanctions passed in March, 2016 in response to Kim’s latest military provocations. Russia agreed to the UN sanctions, but quite reluctantly, as did China.

Moscow stands to lose major economic deals and influence as a result in North Korea. More importantly, those deals, denominated not in dollars but in rubles, will also be prohibited by the financial sanctions. The Security Council resolution, drafted by the United States, will also scotch plans for a new financial clearing house to facilitate transactions between the Russia and North Korea.

Further, the US-drafted economic sanctions target very precisely Russian-North Korean economic projects. It severely restricts North Korean mineral exports–explicitly of coal, iron and iron ore, gold, titanium, vanadium, and rare earth minerals–which were to be used to pay for the Russian investments and projects that included Russian electric power stations and metallurgic plants. Russia had planned to re-export the North Korean coal and finance Russian rebuilding of a rail link between North Korea’s Rajin port and Russia’s Khasan.

In November, 2013, before Washington launched its Ukraine coup d’ etat, otherwise known as Euromaidan, to split Russia from the European Union, Russia, North Korea and South Korea had signed a Memorandum of Understanding during a visit of Russian President Putin to Seoul. That agreement would also include South Korea in a further restoration of the entire Trans-Korean Railway, a major positive development towards stabilizing relations between the two Koreas.

At this point it clearly is the case that under the erratic 32-year-old Swiss-educated Kim Jong Un, Washington has found the perfect boogie man to scare South Korea and Japan into embracing Washington’s agenda to maximize pressure, military as well as economic, against Russia and against China. James R. Lilley’s Davos remark to me is borne out by the recent militaristic and foreign policy actions of North Korean Supreme Commander, Jim Jong Un. It seems it wasn’t even necessary for the United States to “create North Korea.” Washington only had to cultivate the infantile personality of Kim Jong Un.

William Engdahl, williamengdahl.com 2 Comments [11/12/2016 10:43:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122442

Nightmare Scenario that Could Keep Obama in Power

I've known enough people in intelligence to know that NOTHING is ever what it seems. (No Uncle intel, though). Imagine this:

Even Obama, and his inner circle, know that Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever run for any US political office. Given the breadth of the US surveillance state, there is little doubt Obama also knew about Weiner's laptop and exactly what is on it. So an alphabet intelligence agency sets a classic "honey trap" for Weiner, and the pervert falls for it. His incriminating laptop is confiscated, with damning information.

Now follow me. All this corruption news is too late to have an effect on the general Presidential vote. The election is rigged for Hillary to win. All the really treasonous evidence against Hillary and Bill will explode AFTER she wins the Presidency. But she will only be President Elect. Contrary to what you may think, Obama WILL NOT pardon her because these crimes will be so egregious and so heinous. He can't, and won't.

By standing against Hillary, and allowing prosecution, a lot of Republicans and Independents will be happy. This will trigger existing continuity of governance provisions and orders. The DNC is allowed to insert anyone, I believe. Obama will stay in power. All the Dems and Progs will be happy. But many of the more clueless Republicans will also be happy because Hillary and probably her husband, will be in jail.

Some guy with brains, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [11/12/2016 3:16:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122434

Unaffected by elections. Unaltered by populist movements. Beyond the reach of the law.

Say hello to America’s shadow government.

A corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country, this shadow government represents the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedom of its citizenry.

No matter which candidate wins the presidential election, this shadow government is here to stay. Indeed, as recent documents by the FBI reveal, this shadow government—also referred to as “The 7th Floor Group”—may well have played a patt in who will win the White House this year.

To be precise, however, the future president will actually inherit not one but two shadow governments.

The first shadow government, referred to as COG or Continuity of Government, is made up of unelected individuals who have been appointed to run the government in the event of a “catastrophe.” COG is a phantom menace waiting for the right circumstances—a terrorist attack, a natural disaster, an economic meltdown—to bring it out of the shadows, where it operates even now. When and if COG takes over, the police state will transition to martial law.

Yet it is the second shadow government—also referred to as the Deep State—that poses the greater threat to freedom right now. Comprised of unelected government bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, paper-pushers, and button-pushers who are actually calling the shots behind the scenes, this government within a government is the real reason “we the people” have no real control over our government.

The Deep State, which “operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power,” makes a mockery of elections and the entire concept of a representative government.

So who or what is the Deep State?

It’s the militarized police, which have joined forces with state and federal law enforcement agencies in order to establish themselves as a standing army. It’s the fusion centers and spy agencies that have created a surveillance state and turned all of us into suspects. It’s the courthouses and prisons that have allowed corporate profits to take precedence over due process and justice. It’s the military empire with its private contractors and defense industry that is bankrupting the nation. It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.” It’s what former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren refers to as “a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies”: the Department of Defense, the State Department, Homeland Security, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Treasury, the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a handful of vital federal trial courts, and members of the defense and intelligence committees.

It’s every facet of a government that is no longer friendly to freedom and is working overtime to trample the Constitution underfoot and render the citizenry powerless in the face of the government’s power grabs, corruption and abusive tactics.

These are the key players that drive the shadow government.

This is the hidden face of the American police state that will continue long past Election Day.

Just consider some of the key programs and policies advanced by the shadow government that will continue no matter who occupies the Oval Office.

Domestic surveillance. No matter who wins the presidential popularity contest, the National Security Agency (NSA), with its $10.8 billion black ops annual budget, will continue to spy on every person in the United States who uses a computer or phone. Thus, on any given day, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior. Local police have been outfitted with a litany of surveillance gear, from license plate readers and cell phone tracking devices to biometric data recorders. Technology now makes it possible for the police to scan passersby in order to detect the contents of their pockets, purses, briefcases, etc. Full-body scanners, which perform virtual strip-searches of Americans traveling by plane, have gone mobile, with roving police vans that peer into vehicles and buildings alike—including homes. Coupled with the nation’s growing network of real-time surveillance cameras and facial recognition software, soon there really will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

Global spying. The NSA’s massive surveillance network, what the Washington Post refers to as a $500 billion “espionage empire,” will continue to span the globe and target every single person on the planet who uses a phone or a computer. The NSA’s Echelon program intercepts and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax and email message sent anywhere in the world. In addition to carrying out domestic surveillance on peaceful political groups such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace and several religious groups, Echelon has also been a keystone in the government’s attempts at political and corporate espionage.

Roving TSA searches. The American taxpayer will continue to get ripped off by government agencies in the dubious name of national security. One of the greatest culprits when it comes to swindling taxpayers has been the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), with its questionable deployment of and complete mismanagement of millions of dollars’ worth of airport full-body X-ray scanners, punitive patdowns by TSA agents and thefts of travelers’ valuables. Considered essential to national security, TSA programs will continue in airports and at transportation hubs around the country.

USA Patriot Act, NDAA. America’s so-called war on terror, which it has relentlessly pursued since 9/11, will continue to chip away at our freedoms, unravel our Constitution and transform our nation into a battlefield, thanks in large part to such subversive legislation as the USA Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act. These laws completely circumvent the rule of law and the rights of American citizens. In so doing, they re-orient our legal landscape in such a way as to ensure that martial law, rather than the U.S. Constitution, is the map by which we navigate life in the United States. These laws will continue to be enforced no matter who gets elected.

Militarized police state. Thanks to federal grant programs allowing the Pentagon to transfer surplus military supplies and weapons to local law enforcement agencies without charge, police forces will continue to be transformed from peace officers into heavily armed extensions of the military, complete with jackboots, helmets, shields, batons, pepper-spray, stun guns, assault rifles, body armor, miniature tanks and weaponized drones. Having been given the green light to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts, America’s law enforcement officials, no longer mere servants of the people entrusted with keeping the peace, will continue to keep the masses corralled, controlled, and treated like suspects and enemies rather than citizens.

SWAT team raids. With more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year on unsuspecting Americans by local police for relatively routine police matters and federal agencies laying claim to their own law enforcement divisions, the incidence of botched raids and related casualties will continue to rise. Nationwide, SWAT teams will continue to be employed to address an astonishingly trivial array of criminal activity or mere community nuisances including angry dogs, domestic disputes, improper paperwork filed by an orchid farmer, and misdemeanor marijuana possession.

Domestic drones. The domestic use of drones will continue unabated. As mandated by Congress, there will be 30,000 drones crisscrossing the skies of America by 2020, all part of an industry that could be worth as much as $30 billion per year. These machines, which will be equipped with weapons, will be able to record all activities, using video feeds, heat sensors and radar. An Inspector General report revealed that the Dept. of Justice has already spent nearly $4 million on drones domestically, largely for use by the FBI, with grants for another $1.26 million so police departments and nonprofits can acquire their own drones.

School-to-prison pipeline. The paradigm of abject compliance to the state will continue to be taught by example in the schools, through school lockdowns where police and drug-sniffing dogs enter the classroom, and zero tolerance policies that punish all offenses equally and result in young people being expelled for childish behavior. School districts will continue to team up with law enforcement to create a “schoolhouse to jailhouse track” by imposing a “double dose” of punishment: suspension or expulsion from school, accompanied by an arrest by the police and a trip to juvenile court.

Overcriminalization. The government bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals. The average American now unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. Consequently, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.

Privatized Prisons. States will continue to outsource prisons to private corporations, resulting in a cash cow whereby mega-corporations imprison Americans in private prisons in order to make a profit. In exchange for corporations buying and managing public prisons across the country at a supposed savings to the states, the states have to agree to maintain a 90% occupancy rate in the privately run prisons for at least 20 years.

Endless wars. America’s expanding military empire will continue to bleed the country dry at a rate of more than $15 billion a month (or $20 million an hour). The Pentagon spends more on war than all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety. Yet what most Americans fail to recognize is that these ongoing wars have little to do with keeping the country safe and everything to do with enriching the military industrial complex at taxpayer expense.

Are you getting the message yet?

The next president, much like the current president and his predecessors, will be little more than a figurehead, a puppet to entertain and distract the populace from what’s really going on.

As Lofgren reveals, this state within a state, “concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue,” is a “hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose.”

The Deep State not only holds the nation’s capital in thrall, but it also controls Wall Street (“which supplies the cash that keeps the political machine quiescent and operating as a diversionary marionette theater”) and Silicon Valley.

This is fascism in its most covert form, hiding behind public agencies and private companies to carry out its dirty deeds.

It is a marriage between government bureaucrats and corporate fat cats.

As Lofgren concludes:

[T]he Deep State is so heavily entrenched, so well protected by surveillance, firepower, money and its ability to co-opt resistance that it is almost impervious to change… If there is anything the Deep State requires it is silent, uninterrupted cash flow and the confidence that things will go on as they have in the past. It is even willing to tolerate a degree of gridlock: Partisan mud wrestling over cultural issues may be a useful distraction from its agenda.

In other words, as I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, as long as government officials—elected and unelected alike—are allowed to operate beyond the reach of the Constitution, the courts and the citizenry, the threat to our freedoms remains undiminished.

So the next time you find yourselves despondent over the 2016 presidential candidates, remember that it’s just a puppet show intended to distract you from the silent coup being carried out by America's shadow government.

John W Whitehead, newsbud 5 Comments [11/11/2016 4:36:46 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122426

Indeed, and the wild card is the rogue posing as POTUS - Barry Soetaro-Davis , the biggest fraud in American history. Instead of a lame duck wallowing in the DC ponds, he is most dangerous - RIGHT NOW. His legacy with forever be : Master of the tactical false flag , to promote a national gun grab, and agitation on divisive social issues such as "racism",gender, religion and such. Whether he signed off on the Sandy Hook movie production, or the MK Ultra operatives going "hot" like the Batman shooter - who knows? Probably not, he's an actor without a soul, and most probably in the final analysis, a President without a library. Now is the time to watch what a cornered "Choom Gang" does when it's literally all slipping away. Will he let his mission fail, and disappoint the ancient dinosaurs of HW Bush,Kissinger, Brzezinski , and the entire Bilderburg entourage? How can they postpone their demise? Perhaps one more great stunt, BIG enough to kick in COG rule , nullify the Trump landslide, and stick around indefinitely.
Every minute the son of communist Frank Marshall Davis sticks around until the January inauguration, is a minute of an America in peril.
Honk if you'd support a November 9th swearing in - no need for a transition team - just take his badge, his golf clubs, get'm out of Pennsylvania Ave.

the Smoking Man, The Spectator  4 Comments [11/11/2016 3:40:15 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 122425

First, the National Institute of Standards and Technology already implicitly admitted that WTC7 was demolisehed in their report which describes how the building collapse featured 2.25 seconds of freefall with no internal structural resistance.

Free fall acceleration for approximately 8 stories or 32.0m (105 ft). Free fall acceleration means that there was no resistance encountered while the top of the building when through the space where 8 floors of reinforced concrete stood just seconds before. We are talking about a building with had 58 perimeter columns and 25 core columns. And yet, 8 floors of that somehow disappeared almost instantly. If you read the full report, you will see that NIST does admit this, but never recognizes the implications of this fact. In fact, under a separate section entitled “HYPOTHETICAL BLAST SCENARIOS” NIST specifically excludes any controlled demolition based on the completely wrong assumptions that no blasts were heard (they were, of course).

Second, there were plenty of explosions reported. You can even hear them yourself on the various videos from the day. You can hear the firemen talk about them. If you haven't heard them, or heard the testimony of eyewitnesses talking about them., you obviously haven't even gone to the trouble of a single Google search for them.

There. there is no doubt about what happened to WTC-7 whatsoever. It was intentionally demolished with preset explosives.

CRAIG BARTMER NYPD: "I walked around it (Building 7). I saw a hole. I didn't see a hole bad enough to knock a building down, though. Yeah there was definitely fire in the building, but I didn't hear any... I didn't hear any creaking, or... I didn't hear any indication that it was going to come down. And all of a sudden the radios exploded and everyone started screaming 'get away, get away, get away from it!'... It was at that moment... I looked up, and it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. The thing started pealing in on itself... Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the shit's hitting the ground behind me, and the whole time you're hearing "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." I think I know an explosion when I hear it..."

In addition to hearing the sound of the explosions, you can also hear firefighters and police telling each other to move back because the building is going to be blown. This was live on CNN. It's one thing to be skeptical, it is another to deny a) eyewitnesses, b) video evidence, c) physics, and d) logic.

Vox Day, Vox Popoli 4 Comments [11/11/2016 2:05:26 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: David

Quote# 122422

To add one more thing, VD [Vox Day] has never steered me wrong in the time I have been reading this site.

If VD says WTC7 was a controlled demolition, then I'm going to proceed as if that's true. The math doesn't matter and we can check it later if need be. We can argue all day about it to no practical benefit, except to our egos. And that's a waste of time and energy.

It is undeniable that the government COULD lie about it. That there exist people depraved enough and villainous enough to fake it... The groundwork is there and our enemies are capable of it. And if a man far cleverer than I is convinced... there's no point to argue apart from ego.

IndecisiveEvidence, Vox Popoli 10 Comments [11/11/2016 4:40:06 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: David

Quote# 122412

Freemasons Were Behind Removal of Bible from Schools

Four out of the six Justices who voted against this prayer and, therefore, voted God out of the Public School System were Freemasons! These Masonic Justices were:

Earl Warren - Sequoia Lodge #349, Oakland, CA.

Hugo L. Black - Raised in Ashland Lodge #356, Ashland, AL who later became a life member
of Birmingham Temple Lodge #636, Birmingham, AL.

Thomas C. Clark - Washington Lodge, #117, Dallas, TX.

William O. Douglas - Mt. Adams Lodge #227, Yakima, WA.

Because of the Supreme Court's decision in 1962 and 1963, prayer in assemblies was banned in all American public schools, eventually leading the way to banning the Holy Bible, as well. So, to reiterate, what did the Masons accomplish in 1962? They kicked God out of America's public schools. I want you to really think hard and long about this reality and then re-read the Bible verses at the beginning of this expose'.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 9 Comments [11/10/2016 4:36:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122411

The first realization I hope you grasp is that once Trump wins, radical leftists will go "full terrorist" across the USA, setting off bombs, riots and mass mayhem on a scale we've never witnessed before.

Leftists are brain damaged, of course, which is why they all voted for Clinton. That's also why they burn down their own communities, not realizing the very shops they're torching belong to their own uncles and grandmothers.

During these riots, Clinton-supporting leftists always seem to find the nearest white person and start beating them to death. Although such acts are, of course, felony assault, the leftist political establishment excuses the acts as a form of "social justice," meaning no one will come to help you.

Thus, my first piece of advice is to stay away from the riots. But if you have to drive through any cities for any reason, you might accidentally wind up being dragged out of your car and bludgeoned to death by angry leftist radicals who can't wait to commit mass violence (and even genocide), profiling people based on their skin color to carry out leftist hate crimes against whites.

For this reason -- and I'm not joking here -- you need to own and carry a loaded firearm if it's legal for you to do so. I recommend the Glock 19 as a good starting point, but some people prefer revolvers for the simple reason that they don't leave behind any shell casings at the scene. Whatever you decide to get, you need to be locked and loaded and ready to defend your life and property if violent, radical leftists attempt to commit felony assault against you.

I'm not joking, and I qualify this by urging you to abide by local laws. If you happen to live in an area where carrying a loaded firearm for self-defense is illegal, then you are living in the wrong state and should get out while you still can. Always abide by local laws and carry a firearm responsibly.

Most people have no idea just how bad things might get after the election, and the belief that dialing 911 will magically bring police who can save you is ludicrous. (They will be too busy dealing with all the other crimes happening at the same time.)

So that's item No. 1: A firearm (where legal). As a technical note, I don't like guns with thumb safeties. It's too much effort to screw around with a thumb safety in a moment of panic. Glocks have passive trigger safeties, not thumb safeties, which is one reason why I'm a Glock fan. Also, get some good handgun safety training so you can carry your Glock safely and responsibly. Learn how to disassemble and clean your Glock, and keep it lubricated so it doesn't jam when you need it.

Item No. 2 is, predictably, ammo for the firearm.

If you don't own 1000 rounds of ammo for your firearm, you're not serious about prepping. Do you really think the radical leftist rioters trying to assault you or burn down your house are going to walk away after you've expended that sole 50-round box of ammo you've procured?

Nope, angry leftist zombies will at you come in waves, and there are millions of them. If they're assaulting you, attempting to burn down your house, trying to carjack you or dropping fire bombs on your retail establishment, you're probably going to need more than 50 rounds of ammo. Don't forget the spare magazines, either, which you'll want to have pre-loaded with hollow point ammo rounds for maximum self-defense effectiveness.

Also, I'll share this from experience: Get yourself a good set of ear protectors, or you'll emerge totally deaf after a firefight. Amazon sells this decent set of ear muffs for just $17, with 34dB of noise protection. Trust me, you'll need it when the zombies attack.

Mike Adams, Natural News 11 Comments [11/10/2016 4:35:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 122410

Hitlary/Globalist's theft of the Election is an Excellent justification for Secession, which Texas will Lead either with our current leaders or over their graves. One way or another, Texas is NOT Going down any of Hitlary roads, PERIOD.

Liberty or Death ... nothing has changed since the days of Patrick Henry.

The contrived Mexican American war of 1848 was a trick to get Texas to join the Criminal Union. Santa Anna was Freemason, who was let go countless times to do the Elite's bidding.

the bottom line ..., Natural News 12 Comments [11/10/2016 4:35:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122382

The Blaze host Tomi Lahren accused the Democratic Party of being secretly “racist” by using a strategy of getting “black Americans dependant on government to get votes.”

On her Wednesday show, Lahren pointed to a video created by discredited conservative activist James O’Keefe, who alleges that a Democratic donor said that black Donald Trump supporters are “seriously f*cked in the head.”

“It’s not like it’s the mentality of the party, right?” Lahren quipped sarcastically. “Well it was Southern Democrats that fought for slavery. Oh, and the KKK, it was originally an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. The mission, to terrorize freed slaves and those who sympathize with them, which would be the radical Republicans.”

Ignoring the “Southern Strategy” that Republicans have used to attract white voters over the last 40 years, Lahren reminded her viewers that only 23 percent of Democratic lawmakers had voted to abolish slavery in 1865.

“But the Democratic Party has changed now, right?” she snarked. “They’ve switched on racism! Or did they just stop being overtly racist and move to a bigger strategy: get black Americans dependant on government to get votes while simultaneously deeming any Republican of any color racist.”

“Or their new favorite term: the alt-right,” Lahren continued. “Because somehow, border enforcement and ‘all lives matter’ and the right to bear arms and limited government have become alt-right positions for us redneck deplorables.”

Tomi Lahren, Raw Story 9 Comments [11/8/2016 3:53:07 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 122381

89% of earth's pop. are BOTS, only 11% are HUMAN, Only 1 Billion on Earth, Not 7

I listened to this video last night --- twice --- and it blew my mind. Around minute 30-31 they speak of this construct being an endless plane

Some of my notes with the minutes on the video noted

Time minute marker:
114 VACCINES and chemtrails ARE FOR THE BOTS, they activate them

More of my notes (sorry for the caps, that's how I took the notes)

1,000,000,000 = PEOPLE ON EARTH NOW
11 PERCENT are HUMANS = 60,000,000
89 PERCENT are "BOTS" = 940,000,000

BOTS, can also be defined as THOSE WHO LOVE THE MATRIX

6 PERCENT OF HUMANS are AWAKE = 3,600,000

Sharing is Caring, Godlike Productions 11 Comments [11/8/2016 3:52:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122355

Ultimately, the First World War served as a means for the NWO to overthrow the Ottoman Empire, ruin the Habsburg monarchy, and force Russia to become the Soviet Union. These were all necessary to strengthen their financial interests as well as set up the nation of Israel. And as with their other exploits, they left their calling card on the conflict and did so by sinking the Lusitania.

The symbolism associated with the sinking is hidden but very much real. All one has to do is look at the name of the ship, RMS Lusitania. By rearranging some of the letters, the word "illuminati" appears. Now, this doesn't appear entirely accurate. The closest word to illuminati that comes from the available letters is "iluminat." An "i" and an "l" are missing. Those can be found if the ship's proper name is fully spelled, Royal Mail Steamer Lusitania. Using the letters from the unabbreviated name reveal the true masterminds behind the disaster as well as the war.

ILLUMINATI: The first "i,""l," and "m" come from the word "Mail." The remaining letters come from "Lusitania."

This is not a coincidence but rather a sinister calling card from the Illuminati who deliberately sunk an ocean liner carrying thousands of innocent men, women, and children. They're an arrogant group and rely on people to dismiss their symbols as mere coincidences. The more skeptics argue that the secret order does not exist, the bolder they become. In fact, the Illuminati have become so skillful at deceiving the public that they have begun hiding in plain sight.

Their signature on the sinking of the Lusitania is far more subtle and crafty than what they use today. Do not be fooled by the media and skeptics who dispute the Illuminati's existence. They are relying on you to chalk it all up to coincidence.

Bruce, Illuminati Watchdog 6 Comments [11/7/2016 4:51:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122318

George Soros is the major force behind Clinton. Behind Clinton is Bilderberg high-crime war-mongering cartel. SOROS is probably is the CEO of this crime sect. Every crime against humanity, including support for Monsanto as the leading source for spreading deseases and contaminating crops and foods around the world, supported by CLINTON and Bilderberg. The Masses and common people are stupid. They are the ones who believe in LIES. And every single statement coming from Whitehouse is A LIE and DECEPTION. USA blames Russia for everything. USA is the biggest EVIL in the history of the mankind. ALL modern deseases are courtesy of USA. ALL terrorism around the world is courtesy of USA. USA is a supermaster of deception. Every truth, every real fact on the ground in Syria, USA turns into a LIE.

snappir, Natural News  15 Comments [11/3/2016 3:24:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 122293

I wouldn't go that far to name specific groups, but a shadow government does exist in fact See all that American presidents since Kennedy's death? Puppets, no matter who it was. Kennedy tried to audit the fed and return money printing away from the Federal Reserve and back to the government. By signing the executive order he signed his own execution. Think this is a conspiracy theory? Then explain to me why the guy after him repealed that very executive order as his first thing in office.

A president doesn't have to lead a battalion into battle like Washington did, he only has to sell war to the public. Obama is a used car salesman. He has that nice smile that makes you want to like him, but in fact, things have gotten worse under him. The first black president ever and the black folks in America are suffering more than before. Odd, right?
To solve a problem one must first see the problem and the problem in America is that the system is rigged against the people unless the people see it for the rigged garbage it is. America is robbed in broad daylight and no one is the wiser. That's why so many people are waking up and start to support Trump.

Why Trump? Because he's an outsider. Since him being the nominee, the republicans haven't spend a single dime in advertisement to aid him. Yes, you've read that right. Zero. Nada. Nothing. At. All.
Another thing which is strange is the oddity that, whenever there is someone saying something bad about Hillary Clinton on CNN, there seems to be technical difficulties of some sorts or the moderator is rudely interrupting for some far fetched reason. It never happens if something bad is said about Trump though. What a convenient coincidence... Or is it?
Bottom Line is: The Mainstream Media are rigged altogether and you would do best to turn them off. I myself have stopped to watch television years ago. And frankly? I don't miss it. If the narrative is the same where ever you zap to... May it be CNN, MSNBC, or Mainstream Media there is... And Trump is always the evil and bad guy and Hillary a saint, you can bet your ass you can spell that shit P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A.

Politicians are groomed for their seat of power nowadays. Why else is so much Trump bashing from all over the world? The pope bitching about Trump's proposal with a wall... And that coming from a dude with his own army inside a city with huge city WALLS. Obama campaigning for Clinton... Doesn't he still have a job to do? Like being president? Why is he campaigning for anyone? Shouldn't concern him in the slightest. Come November 8th, Obama will be kicked out of the White House either way. He should spend his time with his job and looking for a new place to live in.
But back on track on THIS topic. I can relate to both sides, yours and OPs. Getting rid of communists is one thing and probably good for society. But the way we get rid of them determines what kind of society we have. However, these unhappy few thrown out of helicopters will serve as a warning for others to think twice before attempting the same thing again.

Now, enough of my blabber, I already typed too much into this post.

VariusMayhem, Humans Aren't Bastards 11 Comments [11/1/2016 3:40:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122290

American conspiracy theorist and popular Conservative radio host Alex Jones has made a long antisemitic statement in which he alleges that a “Jewish mafia” is ‘behind’ things as diverse Obamacare, TPP, to Uber – the cab hailing app.

He claims that there is a “Jewish mafia in the United States” who “run Uber” and “the health care” and that “they’re going to scam you; they’re going to hurt you”.

It is unknown why he thinks that Uber is a conspiracy.

He also accused George Soro and Madeleine Albright of being Nazi collaborators.

He then complains about being described as antisemitic for his comments about TPP, yet goes on to say “I better do some exposes on the Jewish mafia”. He describes a metaphorical Jewish presence as someone “foaming at the mouth with knives at cabinet meetings, basically threatening the president”.

Alex Jones, Everyday Antisemitism 13 Comments [11/1/2016 3:38:47 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom
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