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Quote# 122805

Seriously, Soros is on a much different level than them. He is a Communist atheist. So he probably despises their religious beliefs. But he has something in common with them. A hatred and a desire to weaken America and the free world.
He makes money like a Capitalist. He wants higher taxes for big government, all the while he keeps his money in off shore tax free accounts.
Soros is in a way ahead of his time. He wants one world government, communism in a form. He wants to legalize drugs, gay marriage, all kinds of stuff, most people find repulsive. He will bang the old communist drum, we are a team, one and all, high taxes, everybody is the same all that bs. Of course he and his inside cronies will be allowed to live like rich Kings, thats ok of course.
He has lots of big money friends. Hollywood, New York Times and other major media. A handful of Democrats, and I can't honestly say who, I would be guessing.
So the left wing American press and Euro press twist the news to make the liberals look good and the traditionalists look bad. They want no religion mentioned whatsoever in the public square, and would love to out law it, believe it. Another tool of theirs is the Politcal Correctness movement. That was started by Stalin the Russian Communist. Its a way to control what the populus says and thinks. Mind control!
They believe they can beat us all by having us beat ourselves. And he might be winning. But hopefully enough word will get out so we can stop him, and his buddies, they believe they are in a war, and they are. Why is the ACLU suing towns for Christmas trees and God in the pledge of allegience. It all comes from the same pot, and Soros is sitting on top of that pot hoping to rule the world. This is not a joke or paranoia, just watch all these stupid ACLU attacks on freedom coming this holiday season, Soros gives BILLIONS to the ACLU.
See, they got to me, I said "holiday" season. What exactly is that holiday, uh huh, CHRISTMAS! They have convinced us it is a bad thing to even say CHRISTMAS, Soros prefers the big brother Holiday instead of that religious Christmas name!

TG Special, Yahoo Answers 5 Comments [12/1/2016 5:33:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 122800

One of the world's most iconic brands is also one of the most diabolical instruments of the Illuminati, and that's McDonald's. So far little research and study has gone into just how much this fast food chain serves the New World Order. Not only does McDonald's stand as the single-most successful restaurant ever, but it's also one of the Illuminati's most successful means of mind control and selective breeding. What this chain seeks to do is far more sinister than making as much money as possible. What it wants is to help usher in a new era where Satanism flourishes, and the people are largely clueless when it comes to the company's true intentions.

The first clue that points to the Illuminati is McDonald's golden arches logo. When viewed sideways, the image looks like the number "13" with the "M" as the "3" and the "McDonald's" as the "1." This is nothing new. However, the symbolism can be taken further. Not all of the McDonald's logos will look like "13" when turned on their sides. Some of them will look more like a "B," and that "B" does not stand for burger. It stands for Beelzebub. The company has a very crafty logo that represents two aspects of Satanism. Now if that's not enough, there's more.

McDonald's color scheme (red and yellow) also points toward satanic symbols. These colors are closely associated with fire, which is further associated with hell. When someone enters a McDonald's, they are surrounded by colors and symbols of Satan, and speculation exists about whether or not the fast food chain serves as a satanic temple as well. By luring people to a palace of gluttony, the Illuminati are achieving their goal of Satan worship without the worshipers even knowing it. Another fact that supports McDonald's acting as a satanic temple is that it functions mostly on cash, so when someone buys a meal, they pay with dollar bills.

And what temple could be complete without an idol? Greeting customers young and old alike is the iconic Ronald McDonald, and the happy clown is the subtle representation of Satan. With a head of red hair and face paint reminiscent of heathen rituals, this classic image is little more than a farce. In actuality, the clown was designed by the Illuminati to appeal to children in order to make them more susceptible to notions of Satan and hell.

Bruce, Illuminati Watchdog 8 Comments [12/1/2016 5:28:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 122799

Ohio State University Knife Attack: Contrived And Staged False Reality Event

The false reality events under criminal aka Obama’s White House occupancy have long since grown old and stale. “Wolf, wolf!” Another violence event. “Wolf, wolf!” Guess where? Another college community.

The treasure trove of crisis actor possibilities is always in ample supply. always available at the post high school academic educational industry where impressionable youth have their minds daily propagandized by the latest cultural political correctness.

College students are always looking for more money. Extra cash can buy more booze and drugs; more fashionable boxer underwear for slouchy pant butt crackers.

There is no shortage of possible student crisis actors. Being featured in a worldwide publicized event might even garner more future acting possibilities.

No problem with selling one’s soul to the mainstream media whores for a narcissistic piece of ongoing immoral historical revisionism.

Nathan Bickel, Moral Matters 7 Comments [12/1/2016 5:27:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 122798

Ohio State University Shooting/Stabbing/Car Crash PSYOP – HOAX!!


Its constantly the same story- the shooter dies in the end, he had no motive, he (was a loner).. its always the same thing. This (fake news fearporn propaganda staging of scary fake events) has been going on for a number of years at this point and is occurring at a quickening rate. It needs to be ceased. The Ohio fake event was drill put on by police, the federal government, the media… part of an ongoing agenda to frighten the whole population into accepting more (removal of civil rights and imposition of Big Brother Police State) Domestic Spying Tyranny.

We are being fooled as a public. You are being sold out (to the NWO) by the folks we pay our taxes to. These organizations (conspiratorially) are attempting to frighten you, make you think these (hyperbolic) shootings are going on in every single place. These psyop drills are going on all over the nation and many of them are being displayed as if real events. Its always the same story.”

Read Also Maryland High School STUDENTS WALK OUT HOAX

These People Are A Danger To Themselves And Others! Wake Up!!!!!!

JayWill7497, Fusion Laced Illusions 3 Comments [12/1/2016 5:27:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 122797

The Federal Reserve banking system is Communist, allowing the government to have Godlike power over our lives. One of the biggest problems in America over the past century has been the fraudulent Federal Reserve (or Fractional Reserve) banking system, which in 1913 allowed the banksters to print and lend out 10 times the amount of gold in reserve. Since the U.S. dollar was no longer linked directly to its equal value in grains of gold or silver, it became an arbitrary value system, that could easily be manipulated simply by controlling the amount of money put into circulation. By simply printing more money, the crooked banksters could cause inflation. More money in circulation drives down the value of a dollar (through the principle of supply and demand), which consequently forces businesses to raise prices to compensate for lost value in the U.S. dollar.

So by the banks simply printing more money into circulation, the end result is that a certain percentage of U.S. citizens cannot afford to pay their mortgages, and lose their homes. As you can see, the power acquired through the Fractional Reserve banking system gives the banks Godlike power to control people's lives. This fraudulent system would not exist today, which has destroyed countless millions of families and lives, if it were not for the betrayal of the American people by President Woodrow Wilson and thousands of other wicked conspirators within our own U.S. government. Evil can only triumph when good men remain idle and do nothing. Thankfully, God will punish these wicked evildoers to the fullest degree (Isaiah 13:11; Proverbs 24:12; Matthew 12:36; Matthew 7:1-5; 1st Thessalonians 4:6; Ecclesiastes 12:14). Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” All the millionaire Wall Street scum CEO's with their arrogant faces won't be smirking when the fires of Hell engulf them forever!!!

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Precious 3 Comments [12/1/2016 5:27:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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