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Quote# 120701

Another false flag in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany. A young man attacks four passengers in a train and later a passerby in the street. The scenes repeat themselves now in rapid cadence. Paris, Brussels, Nice, Bangladesh… Same patterns, same motives – and same group of terrorists claiming credit. The lies and propaganda are becoming more flagrant, and, We, the People, just swallow it. No questions asked. For how long? Until it is too late – when we are all militarized and can’t make a move without being watched – or killed for disobedience?

How much longer!

Tell me friends, world compatriots – how much longer are we just looking on and accepting what authorities want us to believe for the purposes of serving the elite that directs and pays them? A corporate and financial elite that needs a militarized society to drive the final nail into the coffin of democracy? Of sovereignty? Of individual freedom?

How much longer?

As reported by the Swiss and various German media, on 18 July, in a train near Wuerzburg, Bavaria, allegedly a young, 17-year old Afghan citizen, who arrived a year ago in Germany as a refugee, attacked a traveling Hong Kong family and a passerby with an axe and knife, injuring all five people of whom at least two seriously. His alleged motive was revenge on infidels – those who do not believe in the Quran. The msm say that during the attack, according to witnesses – who are these witnesses? – he yelled repeatedly “Allahu akbar” (“God is Great”).

When the train came to a screeching emergency halt, the alleged perpetrator eventually jumped to escape. While running, he allegedly attacked a passerby. A special police commando, coincidentally (term used by the msm) in the area pursued the young man and killed him in, what they call, ‘self-defense’! – Wonderful! – An armed to the teeth German police commando killed a 17-year old boy, armed merely with an axe and knife – in self-defense!

Voilà. Again dead men don’t talk.

And Würzburg’s Ober-Prosecutor can now freely invent whatever suits the purpose, i.e. that a few hours after the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, and that there was an apparent video from the alleged terrorist in which he was announcing ‘revenge’, that in his rented room the police found a hand-painted IS-flag and a letter that looked like a good-by letter to his father. The name of the young man — ehhh ‘terrorist’ was as of this writing not revealed.

Peter Koenig, GlobalResearch.ca 2 Comments [7/24/2016 2:58:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 120700

Hilary Clinton has an artificially grown eye. Hilary obtained the eye from the Pleiadians, aliens from Pleiades. The Pleiadians had a base in the middle of the pacific ocean. The Pleiadians grew a brand new eye and installed it in Hilary Clinton.

Remember the eye symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics.

source; MK Ulta.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [7/24/2016 2:58:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 120699

Total Proof of Jets Spraying Chemtrails - Some Days the Sky is completely Clear, yet commercial jetliners are still flying

On the Days when Chemtrails are being sprayed you can clearly see Commercial Planes flying with either no Condensation Trail (ice particles) behind them, or a short Condensation Trail that within minutes disperses and is no longer visible.

On Some Weekends and Holidays when the Government Contractors get the day of from spraying the Chemtrails the Sky is free of Chemtrails.

ALSO: Commercial flights are going somewhere, they do not make high degree angle turns, and turn around and fly back the opposite direction and turn off their engines(spray) when they turn around for another pass.

Use your Eyes, and Brain, Godlike Productions 0 Comments [7/24/2016 2:58:16 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 120698

The Three Pillers of NWO

I will make a quick few statements.

NWO is already manifested to big extent, it is about a world that lives through the Light, the Light of Lucifer.

Lucifer is the software architect of the Universum(Unus Mundus), as you might guess Satan is the harware architect. The light of Lucifer is the binary code model.

Life we experience is just amzing computer game in the engine of the universal computer, created by and for God himself.

Thus, realize, Satan and Lucifer are part of God himself.

Yet evry part serves a certain idea, but by itself it is a incomplete part of the system.

Thus, the only problem arises when we close our perception of the majesty of the whole Universum and proclaim one of its parts as a supreme to the other, or even as the only one, and start bow to it, in our madness.

Thus is said in the bible to "Create no images in my name", as it is impossible to create a full image of the Universum. You can create only a partial image, thus you will be in ill blasphemous activity of prtial realization. The Universom is in constant motion, thus you cannot catch him, pin him, or immobalize him, so to observe all his glory.

This was the introductionary part, now we proceed to the realization of the topic which woild not be taking too much of your time.

1) individuation, 2) autonomy and 3) creativity.

These three pillars are the Luciferian "holy" trinity. However they all belong and are creation of the same master - Lucifer. The guy with the binary code. This thread is with initianatory purposes, thus I do not aim to proove my statement here, as it will take a whole book to do so. Decide as, and comment upon if you could trust to my statements directly. Actually, every Martial Arts GrandMaster, will tell you that the proper schooling goes exactly this way.

Thus said, we continue with the reliqushing of the idea of NWO. NWO is glorious idea, as glorious is Lucifer. In Kabbalah he is named exactly like this - Glory. Thus he not only is commander of all binary codes, and logistics(including your mind) but ideas, based on the archeotype of Glory. Ideas as:

1) individuation, 2) autonomy and 3) creativity.

And few more. But we will stop our eyes at these. They are the premium-mobile of our mass-culture worldwide. Why? Simply because humanity is experiencing a very close natural relation with the Devil, due to its natural evolutionary state. We get obsessed by what we see. And as we are in the domain of the Devil, the devil we see, yet sandly the devil we worship.

Can this lead to a problem? Usualy not. It is all normal phenomenon, yet if some force, starts to hold this idea of Lucifer as the holy of hollies, and cospire to hold all humanity it its chains this could be a trouble. And this is what NWO is. It is not only a New World of Light. It is the Order of the World of Light. It is The Prison of the World of Light. I would be very neutral to NW of Light if it was a thing that had not the desire to hold humanity in "itself" forever. Alas we will be blind not to see its desires. It wants to eat humanity and keep it in its belly for eternity.

Are we able to stop it?
Would we be able to brake the chains one day, even if it overtakes us fully?
Does this change your views of the word? Do you see how simple things are?
Do ask, and I will eleborate on certain matters from this post.

GmAndre, Above Top Secret 2 Comments [7/24/2016 2:57:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 120697

Turkish Coup Staged by the Mossad – Fake Blood and Crisis Actors

Regarding the purported Turkish coup there is great evidence of vast corruption. The timing is telling, coming in the aftermath of the Zionist-orchestrated, arch-fake Nice truck attack. Too, regarding Turkey there is much evidence of staging and hoaxing. Even so, it appears that military conscripts were largely unaware of the nature of the hoax that was perpetrated upon them and were brought in through deception and deceit. These conscripts are reporting that they thought that they were participating in noting other than a drill, while only realizing its true nature in the midst of the aftermath.

This seemingly peaceful disarmament does not mean that no one died. In fact, the number of dead and injured appears to be significant. It just means that the coup itself wasn’t a real, that is as an actual Turkish military revolt and was, rather, fully orchestrated by mere filthy spies. Moreover, it was all headed by the Israeli Mossad.

The Zionist agents are captured in the imagery, in the midst of the chaos and carnage:

This man is clearly not a Turk, not by any stretch of the imagination. Therefore, the entire plot was orchestrated by the Zionists.

Once again, what was this Zionist mole doing on the ground in the midst of the chaos? Why is the image published on the Internet in black-and-white? It is just like Egypt during the El-Sisi coup; the Zionists are completely behind this, just as they were during their murderous rampage in Ukraine.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 5 Comments [7/24/2016 2:57:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 120696

[Re. the attack on the Pentagon on 9/11]

Engine debris found at the Pentagon. This seems to be a part of a jet engine. However, it's way too small for a Boeing 757 engine, but typically has the size of a missile engine... Oh, and why did they use a missile? Well, for its precision of course!

Pratt & Whitney Turbofan Engine similar to Boeing's. The engines used by the Boeing 757 are similar to the Pratt and Whitney Turbofan engine seen in this picture, and have almost the same dimensions, being over two meters in diameter, more than twice the diameter of the engine shown in the previous pic.

Wreckage with US flag. A piece of wreckage with a US flag drawn on it. It's unclear from what type of vehicle this wreckage could have come. By the way, lest we forget: we're supposed to believe practically the entire plane was burned to ashes, including metal, synthetic materials (often very fire resistant), etc... which only burn to ashes at extremely high temperatures. Yet "miraculously", the DNA material was found of 63 out of 64 passengers, even though such material is the most likely to have been destroyed the first at such high temperatures!!

Fake pics of trauma victims. It is certain that these pics are fake. For the full story see this amazing and thorough photoanalysis by Jack White. Question: if the Pentagon was indeed attacked by some foreign "terrorists", then why was it necessary to make fake pics like these?

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 3 Comments [7/24/2016 2:57:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 120679

Okay I wonder sometimes if either I’m going crazy, or if others are crazy and I’m perfectly sane. I was of course browsing through YouTube and I end up at something implying another flat earth “pond” on the other side of Antarctica. This video says there’s a second sun rotating around this other flat earth. ????? I’m just getting used to the whole flat earth concept, but now this bombshell? And what the heck is “hollow earth”?? The earth is flat, AND hollow?? What is going on?? Okay I admit I’m obsessed with this. I just want to know the TRUTH. Is that so wrong?

I need to go to God’s Word and find this out. You’d think people would listen to the Bible and leave it at that, but no, our big brains just have to have some kind of answer, even if it’s bogus. I told you I don’t believe anyone anymore. I just believe GOD. HE says the earth is flat. He DOESN’T say ANYTHING about a “pond” or a “second sun” or why the moon looks like it has craters or anything else.

I’m NOT posting the video I saw, because I don’t want to start a controversy (not that there isn’t already any). Will somebody PLEASE help me with this? PLEASE?

kingjameswriter1965, I Hate The Internet But I Love Jesus 11 Comments [7/22/2016 3:36:29 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 120676


the uneducated blacks that make up the bulk of the employees at these establishments are attempting to poison White people. This is actually nothing new but it's at epidemic levels now. Think about it....you roll up in your BMW with your family and that alone pisses them off. The spit and rub shit in your food. They also drop the buns and run them on the ground on nasty tile floors. They put glass in a cops sandwich. It's time to start recognizing that the media has then so pissed off that they really hate you and want to hurt and get back at you. Be careful and be smart and remember most blacks are wonderful people. It tends to be the over dictated orbthebleast educated that hate the most. Consider yourself warned!!!!

Sorry for the typos! Typing with one hand and on bumpy ride!

Tc, Godlike Productions 13 Comments [7/22/2016 3:35:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 120674

Baton Rouge Another False Flag

At first the news reports multiple shooters, then the reports transform to one DEAD lone gunman. This is the modus operandi for these false flags which are orchestrated to mold public opinion, in this case our world would be better off without guns, is the hard sell at play. Isn’t it surprising that with over 2 MILLION CCTV Cameras deployed in the United States, we never get photos or video of these shooters in action???

The cameras are not ment to expose false flag operations; the cameras are to spy on Americans who might assemble and create a new political party to oppose the controlled two party system. It is so deceptive and evil, that many of the cameras watching US Citizens, are out sourced to other countires to watch Americans. I suggest you ask your local city council, who have they contracted with to watch the cameras at many stop lights and street corners; it can also be a Security Corporation, and that corporation is multi-national so their employees are in Israel, Beirut, China, Russia, or anywhere are watching you.

The news is suggesting echoes that make the number of shooters difficult to pin down, exactly like the JFK assassination audio, there were too many shots in the audio for only Oswald’s single rifle, so they explained it away with echoes.

The Great Marduck, Before It's News 2 Comments [7/22/2016 3:34:17 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 120673

Baton Rouge Has False Flag Written All Over It- Race War Coming to Cleveland

isn’t it interesting that Nice, Orlando, Paris, Brussels Dallas, Baton Rouge all happened within months of each other? This is no coincidence. This is an orchestrated plan to destroy Western civilization. This article focuses on the false flag elements of Baton Rouge, but it could be written about any of the above and contrived false flag events.

Tragically, three Baton Rouge officers have been gunned down. This corresponds to a false flag warning issued last week by The Common Sense Show, in which Shreveport and Baton Rouge were mentioned as possible targets for a false flag attack upon police officers.


I do not care how many young black males, complete with their manifestos, proclaiming intent, are trotted out for the cameras for crimes such as these murders of the three police officers, not far behind will be MS-13 and other groups such as the New Black Panthers and groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Did you notice that this black shooter was also a Muslim? It is one combined effort being coordinated by George Soros and the UN.

DO NOT BELIEVE THESE FAIRY TALES THAT FOLLOW THE SAME SCRIPT EACH AND EVERY TIME. IF MS-13 IS INVOLVED, AS I BELIEVE THEY ARE, THE UN IS AT THE ROOT OF THIS AND I COVERED THIS IN THIS PREVIOUS ARTICLE. However, BLM, or MS-13, the intent is the same, the elite want to start a race war. The main perpetrator is George Soros and his empire of thugs that he represents. Soros, the former Nazi collaborator, represents the interests of the criminal elite who want to destroy America.

It is time to call “Bravo Sierra” on these false flag events. The globalists are coming after our guns, our liberties and our lives and they are starting a race to achieve these objectives.

Dave Hodges, The Common Sense Show 3 Comments [7/22/2016 3:34:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 120672

Baton Rouge Shooting of Cops is a Drill and a Hoax

On Airline Highway in Baton Rouge, LA, it is claimed there was a shooting. Yet, there was no shooting of any kind. This is a mere drill and surely also a hoax. The purpose is to gain sympathy for the Baton Rouge police department after the shooting death in this city of Alton Sterling.

Sterling had been immobilized by police at the time of his shooting and posed no obvious threat. Thus, in all likelihood that fatal shooting could have easily been prevented. The videos of the shooting reveal a bizarre element, which is the screaming of a police officer about the fact that Sterling had a gun, or so the officer claimed, after which he was immediately shot to death.

Now, then, since this has become a rallying point against police excesses, then, this explains the need for such a shooting hoax and scam.

This was drill. All the powerful government agencies were there in order to perpetrate it.

These men are acting, which becomes clearly evident from any basic review of the data at-hand.

Too, then, there are the armored cops. In such a spontaneous event how could such individuals arrive on the scene so suddenly in such gear? Also, notice the militarily dressed SWAT member in the background. For all such agencies to be on scene with such a vast multiplicity of vehicles, all so close to the police headquarters, would be impossible in a real-life scenario.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 1 Comments [7/22/2016 3:34:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 120661

Anthony Stokes died in a high speed chase with police officers just two years after he was almost turned down for a heart transplant at 15 due to his “bad behavior.”

The 17-year-old heart transplant recipient was killed on Tuesday afternoon when Georgia police attempted to arrest him for allegedly stealing a car. The stolen Honda reportedly belonged to an elderly Roswell woman. The controversy surrounding the possible denial of the heart transplant for Anthony Stokes made national headlines as doctors at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta debated his fate.

A resident of Decatur, Antony reportedly suffered from a condition known as cardiomyopathy, where the heart is unable to pump enough blood. Such a condition reportedly leads to heart failure, blood clots, and irregular heartbeats. Stokes was given only six to nine months to live when he arrived at the Atlanta hospital.

The then 15-year-old teenager and his family were reportedly told that he could not be placed on the heart transplant list because the doctors felt he would be “non-compliant” with the necessary treatment. Patients in need of new organ can be disqualified from consideration if the medical teams feels they will not be able to maintain the medication regimen and other health related requirements after the transplant. Anthony Stokes had reportedly opted not to take his heart medication in the past, an act which led doctors to believe he was not a qualified candidate for the heart transplant list.

Stokes’ family and friends claimed that the teenager’s “brushes with the law” and poor grades were the real reason the Atlanta doctors refused to put him on the heart transpalnt list. Melencia Hamilton, Anthony Stokes’ mother, told the media that her son was being “stereotyped” as a “troubled teen.” Stokes had previously been required to wear a monitoring device by a Georgia criminal court.

Anthony Stokes’ family engaged the aid of Civil Rights groups, attracting national media attention in the process, in an effort to push for inclusion on the heart transplant list. The Atlanta hospital ultimately reversed its decision and spared a heart for the teenager, which gave him life until he was killed attempting to evade the police and avoid an arrest for allegedly stealing a car. Stokes went to the top of the list immediately after being granted heart transplant eligibility.


When asked why he wanted a heart transplant two years ago, Anthony Stokes said, “So I can live a second chance. Get a second chance and do things I want to do.”

Melencia Hamilton, Inquisitr 6 Comments [7/21/2016 3:28:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 120651

We now know that the Mandela Effect is real, but we also need to know that the changes are FAKE.

The cumulative effect of all Mandela or Quantum Effects will constitute a FAKE REALITY. In that case, only those who remember the truth will not be deceived and will remain in the true reality.

Think this out. Those who do not see the changes will persecute and ridicule those who do see the changes.

Christians: Your Bible(s) have been and are continuing to be changed. It is not just the King James Version but also the other translations. At some point, Christians will have to come to terms with the fact that their Bibles are defiled and no longer reliable. The Word that you already have in your hearts cannot be changed, and you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within to guide you to all truth and bring to your remembrance all that Jesus has said to you.

As time goes by, more and more, we will be living in two realities superimposed upon each other. Just think. You will have the people who know that there were four people in JFK's car living side by side with those people who believe that there were six.

The MSM (mainstream media) will support and reinforce the new FAKE reality and most people will live by the LIE.

By the Way, the Bible warned that this day would come in at least three places.

1. 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

2. Amo 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

Amo 8:12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

3. Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Quoting: KJV Bible

Since I believe in Jesus Christ, I expect that we are in the last days and that all that God ordained will happen, is upon us now. The events leading up to the end will come very quickly. There is not much time left.

Because I believe those things, I expect this divergence in realities will accelerate and come to a head, with one group of people being led into the NWO (New World Order) and the other group resisting the NWO.

The Mandela Effect can be used to wake people up fast. Spreading awareness of the ME will cause people to check for themselves if they remember the way things were, or if they believe that things now is how it has always been.

To those who awaken, it is up to us, who already know the Word, to tell them the good news, the Gospel of truth, so that they can be protected by faith and remain in God's Reality.

The FAKE reality created by the Mandela Effect will be combined with the lies of the Powers that Be (TPTB) to convince people to conform to their plans and lead people, eventually, to worship Satan as God. That result is the End Game of these matters.

Therefore, do not participate in this emerging FAKE reality. Stay close to Jesus in the Truth and so that the Reality that manifests for you, is real and is like the man who built his house upon the Rock. (that parable has been changed).

There is really no time to get into arguments and heated debates with those who do not believe in Mandela Effect changes. They are not all shills. They simply live in the new FAKE reality. They need to be persuaded with enough facts to sway them to the truth. These facts are very difficult to find and are typically called Residue from the Mandela Effect.

Some proofs can be found in tangential information which documents how it used to be, some photographs that have not been changed, and in other words, examples of documentation that the Mandela Effect did not reach.

Memories are not enough proof, no matter how many people remember how it used to be. You cannot prove ME to others with just your memories.

In the meantime, be nice to those who do not believe that the changes are real. Pray for them that they will experience the proof that they need in there own lives and experiences.

Remember that although these changes are real, they are also, at the same time, FAKE.

For information on how the Mandela Effect is achieved through Quantum Effect manipulation, please see: Thread: D-WAVE X2 Quantum Computing explained with documentation and explains the Mandela Effect (video)

This thread starts with a long video that you can skip, because I posted a synopsis of the video. The thread also mentions the "me tell u thread' which talks about his world colliding with ours. And there are blurbs from another ME thread where the OP claims to explain how our reality is a computer simulation that now has a glitch because the memory impairment code did not work on everyone. It also has easy to understand links and videos explaining how Quantum Computing works.

Be blessed,


Me114, Godlike Productions 9 Comments [7/21/2016 3:03:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 6

Quote# 120650

Pokemon Go is a PSYOP for Rendering ***Update, the Owner is the GSA

So if you didn't notice, half the adults on facebook are running around like a bunch of morons playing a new game called Pokemon Go.

The game uses a map interface similar to google maps. You walk around your real world holding your phone and to areas highlighted on the map using gps, then you point your camera at the area and it shows your video output on your screen with an augmented reality Pokemon there.

So the government is just placing the Pokemons where they need better imaging and all the idiots run out and save them tons of money.


"And it’s not like Pokémon Go itself doesn’t already have a direct(-ish) line to the CIA. After all, Pokémon Go was created by Niantic, which was formed by John Hanke.

Before that, though, Keyhole received funding from a firm called In-Q-Tel, a government-controlled venture capital firm that invests in companies that will help beef up Big Brother’s tool belt. What’s more, the funds In-Q-Tel gave Keyhole mostly came from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), whose primary mission is “collecting, analyzing, and distributing geospatial intelligence.”"

centrist77, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [7/21/2016 3:03:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120649

All your "leaders" are aliens

When MI6 recruits its world actors politicians, presidents and monarchs, It replaces them with cloned alien species as a kind of full control and deception.

Not only world leaders, but also supposed "humans" living among us. They could be living in your house and you think they're your parents.

People you know could be human at one stage in life, but as the world government in Britain shifts reality from time to time, it also replaces humans themselves with non-human species masquerading as humans to help the Government run the world the way it desires, with more control and deception.

It literally is a nightmare unless you realize the truth.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [7/21/2016 3:03:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 120609




A.A.G. = The “Alleged Armenian Genocide”
A.F.A.T.H. = The “Armenian Falsifiers and Turk Haters”
A.T.A.A. = The Assembly of Turkish-American Associations
Ethocide = Extermination of ethics via pre-meditated and malicious mass deception for political, economic, social, and/or moral benefits
WWI = The World War One
WWII = The World War Two


Dear Readers,

It is bad enough that the A.F.A.T.H. have latched their tentacles on the Holocaust museums of America in the past two decades and shadowed the humanitarian mission of the Holocaust museums with corrupt Armenian politics of the A.A.G (see parts 1-6). Now, the Armenian falsifiers are preparing to open a museum of their own to continue their ethocidal campaign of vilification of all things Turkish. This essay will attempt to analyze this grand deception by the Armenian Diaspora and suggest ways to effectively combat their disinformation and defamation campaigns in the 21st Century.

Part Six highlighted the irony of erecting an Armenian museum dedicated to a bogus genocide during WWI right next to the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C.. The latter unquestionably embodies the silent memory of the very real Jewish victims of the Nazi Germany, while the former will be, directly or indirectly, honoring the Nazi-Armenian “Jew hunters” during WWII. So, the hunted Jews and the Armenian Jew-hunters will be honored side-by-side in Washington D.C. Reflect on this thought for a while before you read on to see if you can stomach such a hoax about to be staged by the Armenian Diaspora, much less digest it.

Part Seven will attempt to throw some light on the background of the upcoming Armenian museum of trickery and expose the players behind it. But first, we must all find some common grounds on how to select, process, and interpret historical information, which will lead us to the topic of how history should be researched, studied, and taught.

Ergun KIRLIKOVALI, Turkla.com 8 Comments [7/19/2016 2:08:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: TimeToTurn

Quote# 120606

A US/ NATO coup against the elected government of Turkey is underway. No-one should be blinded to that truth however they feel about Erdogan

George Galloway, Twitter 7 Comments [7/19/2016 2:07:42 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 120605

Fake Dead Pig, Human Dummies, and Fake Blood Proves Nice Attack is an Arch-Zionist Hoax

With revelations thanks to our posters

Make no mistake about it the Nice ‘truck attack’ is, in fact, a non-attack and is absolutely a fake and a hoax. Furthermore, this is no false flag but is, rather, merely a staged event. It is a plot by Zionist extremists to demonize Islam, led by criminal arch-Zionist elements, including Washington D.C.-based false videographer and witness, Mark Krikorian.

The entire area was infested with Zionist agents and their collaborators. The purpose was to spread more and more demonization of the Islamic faith. What a powerful faith it must be that it is continuously falsely blamed.

The nature of this as a fake attack is absolute, demonstrated by the full emphasis on the standard ‘blame it on Islam’ scheme, while holding this as an ISIL- or ISIS-inspired attack. Even so, there was no attack and, rather, it was a mere Hollywood-style side show, a staged event: a mere hoax.

The stuck pig or, rather, fake stuck pig, or whatever kind of pig it is, can be seen, above. No one can fathom that this would be done by Muslim people themselves. Many thanks to this videographer for making the revelation:

Once the truck was driven through at a rather slow speed it was placed in the staging arena. Then, under guidance by a variety of Zionist agents it was shot up, while it was completely stalled.

Then, a staging agent is seen shining a light on the cab, a standard of staged hoaxes. Furthermore, the imagery demonstrates that the truck was a Hollywood-style prop and that it was shot up merely as part of the scan. The target practice-like entrance holes can be clearly seen, including three shots in a vertical role seen, far left screen.

drkresearch, No Disinfo 5 Comments [7/19/2016 2:07:29 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120604

Nice: Terror, False Flag – Amateurish Drill? Nothing Seems to Be Straight here

The following is full of incomprehensible circumstances.

A lorry driven by a Franco-Tunisian drives into a large crowd in Nice, just as people were celebrating the 14th July in memory of the Illuminati-Masonic controlled bloody French Revolution and the beginning of the extermination of Christianity – as well as the introduction of the laïcité/Luciferianism of Freemasons. He killed (provisionally) 84 and wounded purportedly more than 200.
In the unholy Illuminati numerology, 7/14 = 7 / 7+ 7 has a number of sinister significances

The driver is said to be an ISIS-affiliate. But acc. to Veterans Today – and many other sources – ISIS is WE and Mossad

Coincidentally, the Tunisian had taken his passport with him, the most important thing a suicide terrorist must do! – as we have seen also on 9/11 and here: On top of the burning debris of the Twin Towers was the luckily undamaged passport of “terrorist” Atta – who was still alive after Sept. 11. As usual, in Nice, the culprit was immediately shot, without the police making an attempt to catch him alive. As usual, he was known by the police (like in Orlando, Breivik, The Boston Marathon bombing, the Sandy Hook “massacre” and many other terrorist attacks).

The lorry had bullet-proof windshields acc. to the Mossad. Damage to the windshields show that the bullets did not penetrate!!
Comment: Is an ordinary lorry-driver able to fix this? And why would he do it, when he purportedly jumped out, shooting and getting killed?

Anders, NEW.EURO-MED.DK 2 Comments [7/19/2016 2:07:25 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120602

Capitalism and democracy are incompatible with one another

Just look at the most "socialist" countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark and so on. They are also the most Democratic countries. Meanwhile the US which has the most unfettered capitalism of any major Western nation is also the most corrupt with media and politics in the hand of a few über-wealthy conglomerates. The answer is simple: Less capitalism is better for democracy. The best would be no capitalism.

Laurogeita Hamabost, RationalWiki 7 Comments [7/19/2016 2:07:10 PM]
Fundie Index: -5

Quote# 120589

During last night’s celebration of the French National Holiday, around 11 PM, a speeding truck plowed into a crowd of thousands who were watching the fireworks along the Mediterranean Boulevard Anglais. The driver of the truck, was simultaneously and indiscriminately shooting into the crowd. He was able to run for 2 kilometers before being stopped by police, which instantly shot and killed him.

A horrendous terror attack, killing hordes of people, spreading pain, misery, fear and outrage in France, Europe – the world over.All indications signal the Big Script of yet another false flag; yet again in France.

The young truck-driver was identified as a 31-year-old Frenchman, resident of Nizza, with Tunisian origins. As in previous cases, ‘coincidence’ has it that his identity papers were found in the truck.


Why France? – Naturally, Hollande follows Washington’s orders. He is the most spineless puppet in Europe, making France the foremost EU vassal of America. And that in a post-Brexit ambiance, where according to several polls 70% – 80% of the French people are anti-EU and would vote for a Frexit, if they were given the chance to vote. This is a considerable increase since the Brexit referendum.

Washington needs a militarized Europe to be controlled by force, to impose its corporate financial rule, to push the TTIP down the throat of the Europeans, to make Europe the new and effective low-cost high-tech colony of the empire, and an unfailing buffer zone to Russia;

Cold War all over again. This time not so cold any more. WWIII is an imminent possibility, thanks to the EU vassals in Brussels giving NATO free reign to advance ruthlessly towards Moscow.

Surely, before long some Islamic ‘terror group’ will claim credit for the horror event. The usual. Let there be no doubt, as to who are the enemies of humanity – of ‘Western Humanity’ – the superior people, that is.

In the coming weeks it will be a piece of cake to slide this ‘law’ through the French Parliament as a permanent fixture in the French Constitution. That’s what Washington wants. That’s what Washington will get, thereby not only inciting but forcing other European nations to do likewise, putting their citizenry under military power.

How long will it take until We, the People, wake up and see the light?

Peter Koenig, GlobalResearch.ca 14 Comments [7/18/2016 3:28:50 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 120588

These False Flags are being done for fun now, governments are doing these False Flags on a regular basis to achieve there agendas & goals, French people are the most racist & hated people in the world, ask any black Christian or any white Christian or atheist who are not French, people hate them around the world, to bring sympathy to them & achieve there goal of kicking out Muslims from France they keep coming up with new ideas daily to achieve there real goal. THERE IS ALWAYS A CELEBRATORY ATMOSPHERE & THEN THE BIG BAD WOLF (MUSLIMS) COME ALONG & RUIN IT ALL, HMMMM!!

Unknown author, Superpost 7 Comments [7/18/2016 3:13:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120587

“77 dead on 7/14” – numerology signals false flag – UPDATES!

I’m watching Fox News in the aftermath of the carnage in Nice. They’re doing the same pre-scripted propaganda show they did on 9/11, only this time it’s even further over the top : “We are at WAR with Islam! Every Muslim who believes in shariah should be deported! Send more troops to the Middle East! Obama is a WIMP! Appeasement! Neville Chamberlain! This is war! Kill, kill, kill!”

Hannity is bringing on a parade of neocons, each one more rabid than the last. Most have no more actual terrorism expertise than “famous Fox terror expert” con man Wayne Simmons. They’re low-grade propagandists. And they don’t want to end terrorism. They’re part of the terror team themselves! Stop and think for a moment: If the neocon team behind Fox weren’t also behind the attack, they would downplay or ignore it. The “terrorists” want media coverage, OBVIOUSLY. So if you give it to them, ultra-big-time, you’re clearly part of their team. Can anyone really be stupid enough not to see that these “terror attacks” are PR stunts whose purpose is to create the hysterical “reporting” that follows? Does anyone at this point in history really not understand that the whole “war on terror” is a neocon-Zionist propaganda hoax, and that every one of these events is a false flag?

For the first couple of hours, the official death count was “at least 77.” (Then they upped it to “over 80” and then to “84” which is 77+7.) It happened on 7/14 (fourteen being two sevens, so 7/14 = 7 /7+7 = 777). 77 is a multiple of 11, and 777 is a multiple of 111. So once again, it’s an all-too-obvious case of illuminati numerology.

Army Intelligence Officer Capt. Eric May explained to me several years ago that the crime cabal behind the “war on terror” likes to “tag” their events with numbers, the same way gangs tag their turf with graffiti. Initiates look at the news coverage, see the magic numbers, and say to themselves “yep, our guys did that” and get with the program.

Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today 5 Comments [7/18/2016 3:13:24 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120586

As you probably know, if you've seen my posts, I'm very cynical about these "terror attacks". I think most of them are fake, in whole or part.

So, I've been hearing about this Nice truck event, and I have to say once again.....I THINK THIS IS FAKE.

I don't see how ONE TRUCK can kill at least 77 people and injure 50 more - that 127 people KILLED OR INJURED BY ONE TRUCK. I don't think that is physically possible. I don't see how it is.

So I've been watching this for a couple of hours on and off and I've seen several videos that basically show a truck driving down the street, but I don't see anyone getting hit. There don't even seem to be that many people. It's not like a crowd you would see on the Esplanade of Boston - hundreds or thousands of people deep. These are like people walking down the sidewalk. I don't see how a truck of that size could have the mobility to "zig zag" as they describe it to hit people on the left and right. As well, the driver was supposed to be shooting people although I haven't heard of anyone that was actually shot - although they are perhaps alleging that.

Then I see pics of people running and screaming - AND LAUGHING - I actually saw one video where at least a couple of people were running and LAUGHING - but no truck. They interviewed (on Fox) some American girl who was saying that she just saw people running but she head no explosives or loud noises so she had no idea what was going on, which is very odd considering that this truck event was happening nearby and then the police all started shooting out the windshield! I saw yet another video of people running and falling - for no reason - no truck near them - that looked like it was straight out of Cloverfield.

And then there are those CRACK French police who shot up the hell out of that windshield. If they were all there in the first place, why weren't they shooting at that truck as it was supposedly raging into the crowd? Looked like it kept going for quite a ways to kill or injure 127 people! Couldn't they have got a few shots in BEFORE THAT POINT or into the tires?

Also, looks like we have another LONE NUT!!!! Lee Harvey Renault, who not only wanted to plow down the streets of Nice but had a truck full of EXPLOSIVES AND GUNS!!!! Which he didn't really use, except for that one gun he was shooting - apparently out the driver's window - while he was mowing down Le Civilians! Alors!!!!

Why wouldn't our fearless driver be part of a terror cell that would take that enormous truck full of explosives and actually blow the damn thing up near some facility that might matter? And then start shooting up the land with his Jihadi Jean freres????? Why waste all this energy on mowing down some Citoyens????

Where are all the videos from the, no doubt, hundreds of cell phones in that area? Where's footage from the police or other surveillance in the area that actually SHOWS PEOPLE BEING MOWED DOWN???? YES, I WANT TO SEE THIS. I'm strong....I can TAKE it. SHOW ME. And show me those "dead" bodies - I'd like to see some pics that aren't PIXELLATED because all the pics I've seen that purport to show victims, ARE.

I just don't believe this folks, it doesn't pass the Mehitable smell test. If any of you have real videos that have not been shown endlessly on TV and that don't just show people running and screaming, please post them here. I'd like to be proven wrong FOR ONCE.

Mehitable Adams, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [7/18/2016 3:11:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 120585

FRANCE, Bastille Day ‘Attack’: 100% Staged False-Flag – And Here’s Why…

So, so sick of this BS.

And I know I’ve said that a number of times before, so let’s just get on with it. Let’s just expose this latest staged ‘terror attack’ nonsense quickly and be done with it – so that we can get on with our day.


France has essentially been maneuvering to go the US/NSA route and establish a surveillance super-state based on the American model (a route that Britain can certainly follow too, now that ‘Brexit’ has placed a pro-surveillance Prime Minister into power); a route that I noted previously ‘it can now follow with virtually unanimous public support thanks to the Friday 13th attacks’.

And where France leads, the EU might follow; and in that scenario, we’ll end up with a NSA-style surveillance super-state that spans the entire Western world, backed up on the ground by armed troops with expanded powers to arrest, confine or eliminate people – and almost certainly sponsored from the beginning by the American Deep State.

You probably won’t hear much of that in the coming days.

Instead you’ll hear lots about ‘the Muslim Problem’, those ‘terrible refugees’ and the threat they present to our societies, the ‘failure of multi-culturalism’, etc. And if you fall for that and go along with the misdirection, then frankly you’re an idiot and I hope you enjoy your complete loss of liberties when it gets set in stone.

Watch now and wait for all the usual BS; the sheer, inane predictability of everyone and everything in response. ‘Oh no, another terrible attack!’ ‘Something must be done about these awful Muslims!’ ‘Multi-Culturalism has failed!’ ‘It’s the refugees – deport them all!’ You can set your watch to all this bullshit; oh yes, and the obligatory Donald Trump comment about the Muslim Problem (has already happened), and… let’s wait and see how long it takes Info Wars to blame Islam, multi-culturalism, liberalism, feminists and Ewoks.

It’s the Ewoks – those furry, shifty-eyed Ewoks up to no good.

Watch the Far Right gain even more ground and milk this for everything it’s worth. Watch ‘ISIS’ be linked to the attack – to justify increased French/Western military action in the Middle East.

Get ready for all the psy-op conditioning and the #PrayForNice or #PrayForFrance or #PrayForEurope hashtags, and all the mainstream news broadcasters spending the next few days asking ‘what can we do to increase our security and make sure this doesn’t happen again?’, accompanied by dramatic montages with sad music – it’s only been a few hours and I’ve seen both Sky News and RT doing it already.

It’s called the script.

The Burning Blogger Of Bedlam, Burning Blogger of Bedlam 2 Comments [7/18/2016 3:10:57 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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