Quote# 120265
Hollywood - The devils in Hollywood often portray unacceptable, even criminal behavior, as being socially acceptable. HollyWEIRD is a lie. Satan is the Boss of Hollywood!!! That's why you see the Roaring Lion at the beginning of many movies, because the Devil roameth about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1st Peter 5:8). Strangely enough, Hollywood often promotes truth on the movie screen as fiction, while fiction is promoted as truth by the newsmedia to the public. We're a backwards society in America!!! It is a confirmed fact that the CIA has a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate government propaganda into movies to brainwash the public. Satan uses Hollywood movies to deceive the masses. Anyone who is familiar with Hollywood knows that Luciferian occults saturate their films with 666, occult symbols and meaning, promote the Illuminati's evil agendas, blaspheme and curse God. The God is Satanism is sex!
World Bank and International Monetary Fund - Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan uses the love of money (the root of all evil) to accomplish his evil bidding in the world. Please read, “The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Easy” for much more information. It was industrialist Henry Ford who said, “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” The International banking Cabal (aka, banksters) are criminals! They are Luciferian occultists! I'm talking about the Rothschilds and their numerous accomplices. He who controls the money controls everything! Thousands of books have been written on the subject. The banksters deliberately force nations into civil war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery! In so doing, the nations of the world are brought to their knees to the World Bank. Just as a pimp enslaves a woman by getting her hooked on drugs, so do the banksters get their way by forcing Americans (and other nations) into economic poverty.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Few Americans know that the CIA is a haven for Nazi war criminals. President Harry Truman later admitted that he was lied to and deceived regarding the true nature of the creation of the CIA. Here is some vital information of the history of th CIA. It was Wall Street attorneys and bankers that started the CIA, as a means of overthrowing the U.S. government. Truth is stranger than fiction! Don't take my word for it, listen to President John F. Kennedy himself (ten days before the CIA blew his brains out), earnestly plead with Americans to warn everyone about a secret society overthrowing the White House. Every church in America needs to air this video in their church services, and wake up the churches!!! The CIA is Anti-American. They are our nation's enemies, hellbent on building a New World Order. The CIA are the secret police of Wall Street banksters. I'm talking about Goldman Sachs and the billionaire kingpins of Wall Street. It was Wall Street that created Hitler's empire, to holocaust the Jews as a pretext to invade and create the nation of Israel in 1948. The Jews are God's people, but only saved Jews according to Romans 2:28-29. Modern Israel is a Wall Street fraud, a deception, a satanic counterfeit of true Israel.
Federal Reserve Banking System - There's not a bigger fraud and evil against the American people than the Federal Reserve Banking System. Since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was shadily passed into law, American citizens have been cheated, bankrupted and enslaved financially to a private banking cartel. The Federal Reserve System has not been audited even once since 1913. They are crooks, thieves, liars and complete bastards (illegitimate as can be). The newsmedia protects the evildoers, because they are owned and controlled by the evildoers. If I were a billionaire thief, I would buy up the newsmedia to control the newspapers to deceive everyone. The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Simple.
U.S. Dollar - Few U.S. citizens understand that we're slaves! BANKING: THE GREATEST SCAM ON EARTH! Money not backed by gold is a scam to steal citizen's wealth!!! Our U.S. dollar total is totally worthless. It's only arbitrary and temporary value exists while the U.S. government exists. When our nation can no longer hide the truth that they are completely broke, our government will crumble just like the Enron scandal unfolded in 2001.
Washington D.C. - The true powers controlling Washington D.C. are hidden behind the scenes. They are Freemasons! The 555.5 foot tall (6,666 inches) and 55.5 feet wide (666 inches), Washington Monument, is a giant erect male phallus (the universal occult symbol of occult power). Freemasons are phallus worshippers! Our nation's capital is continually overshadowed by a giant erect penis! What sick people Luciferians truly are! Look again, if you didn't earlier, at the videos of U.S. President John F. Kennedy warning the public about a secret society trying to take control over the Office of the President. Well, they took control 100% when George H. Bush took office. They tried to murder President Ronald Reagan, so they could take over sooner.
The War On Drugs - Effectively, after Mr. Reagan was shot, Vice President George H. Bush (daddy Bush) was in control. There's not a more evil man in the history of the world than George H. Bush. Mr. Bush (while Vice President) appointed himself in charge of the anti-drug forces in southern Florida. As you can guess, the drug trafficking problem exploded in the 1980's, making the movie Scarface look like child's play. I could go on for hours. It was no coincidence that John Ellis Bush (aka, JEB) followed soon after as governor of Florida, and the drug empire flourished. You couldn't make this stuff up! There has never been a legitimate War On Drugs in America. In fact, the War On Drugs has been the perfect cover-up to ensure it's success, survival and prosperity. Umpteen books have been written exposing the CIA's (there's that bastard group again) key involvement in trafficking illegal drugs into the United States. The money is used to further World Government, aka, the New World Order.
The 9/11 Attacks - The CIA were behind the 9/11 attack of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. They needed a pretext to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and to start Homeland Security (which didn't exist prior to 9/11), and to pass the treasonous and fascist Patriot Acts (thus making criminals of every active patriotic American). The courts in 2016 classified 28 pages of an investigation which has never been made public, which some senators have viewed. It is purported that the 28 pages will show that Saudi Arabians were involved with the attacks. The evidence clearly that the Bush Administration all had prior knowledge before 9/11. Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush and John Ashcroft were caught in umpteen lies, contradicting themselves. After murdering 2,745 innocent citizens in the 911 WTC attacks (including 343 courageous firefighters), and murdering another 1,455,590 innocent Iraqi citizens, and murdering 4,486 U.S. soldiers (at a staggering cost to U.S. taxpayers of $6,000,000,000,000), President George W. Bush made shameful jokes about the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction that they knew never existed. They lied from the very beginning. It wasn't “bad intelligence” (as the CIA brainwashing in Hollywood films, like The West Wing, which aired between 1999 and 2006, claims); but rather, the cruel, calculated, murder of over a millions lives to further the New World Order! The 9/11 attacks couldn't have worked out better for the Luciferian elite, who are relentlessly erecting a NWO!
Oklahoma City Bombing (1995) - Immediately after the large bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which murdered 168 people (including 19 babies and children), two undetonated C4 explosives were found in the building. It wasn't until the federal government came that the official story changed, to say that a Ryder rent-truck with diesel fuel and fertilizer blew the place up, but that's all a big deception. Tim McVeigh was the fall guy for the false flag operation, not the culprit. After the bombing, McVeigh was found high on drugs, and half out of his mind, when the police arrested him. The facts get really bizarre, as Timothy McVeigh had been staying in a local hotel room with his military psychiatrist for the week prior to the bombing. No kidding! There were 12 building cameras rolling prior to the bombing, which the FBI confiscated and were never publickly released for reviewing. There is a preponderance of evidence showing that the OKC bombing was an Inside Job! This is just another LYING WONDER by the Devil to deceive the world.
United Nations - The Illuminati (Luciferians who are hellbent on building a New World Order for Satan) were behind the creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. To put their new money making plot to work, the started World War I. They tried to use the war to start The League of Nations. 20,000,000 men were murdered by the Illuminati. WWI cost the U.S. $32,000,000,000. So the Illuminati started World War II, which gave them their United Nations scam. Every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1776 has been started, financed and nurtured by the International Banking Barons (which includes The House of Rothschild and the Wall Street gang). The United Nations sat idle while over 200,000 Serbians and Albanians murdered and raped each other in the early 1990's. Obviously, the UN is always a day too late and a dollar short. They are worthless! Their true dark agenda is world government, a satanic deception to enslave humanity. The United Nations is a satanic fraud! It was the sinister Luciferian Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) that formed the United Nations in 1945.
Modern Nation of Israel - The Jews are God's people, but only if they are born-again Christians (Romans 2:28-29). Modern Israel since 1948 is a counterfeit, satanic deception, a cruel hoax by the Illuminati. God promises to restore the nation of Israel when He returns, and a remnant of Israel faithfully returns to God (Jeremiah 23:5-8; Hosea 3:4-5). It is heresy and a satanic deception to support wicked, Christ-rejecting, blaspheming, homosexual, Jews. If that weren't true, then Christians would be required to bless Hollywood (which is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled). I love Jewish people. There are 560,000 poor Jews living in New York. Obviously God doesn't bless all Jews with financial gain. No unsaved Jew has a right to claim God's kingdom promises to the Jews. It is ridiculous for wayward believers to teach that Christians should support unbelieving Israel, when God plainly CURSES THEM (Deuteronomy 7:8-12). Christians have no business blessing Christ-rejecting Jews whom God curses. God will keep His unconditional promise to make of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a great nation when Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming (Hosea 3:4-5). Albeit, some of God's promises are conditional, such as His promise to bless obedient Jews (Exodus 19:5-6).
Synagogue of Satan - The Jews are a scapegoat for Freemasonry. Also, Why Do The Illuminati Hate Jews? Also, Were Illuminati Jews Behind The Nazis? (Dr. Henry Makow is a gifted and prolific writer, one of my favorite truth-tellers). The New World Order is being perpetrated by hardcore Luciferian worshippers. Jews are not behind the NWO; but rather, Luciferians.
Sex Education in Public Schools - Allegedly, sex education was introduced to the public schools to help prevent youth from getting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's). The opposite has happened, just as with everything the government gets involved with. The War On Illiteracy has dumbed-down America's children. The present Common Core program is intentionally designed to hinder children from thinking, dumbing them down. Sex education has no place in our schools, as it robs children of their innocence and actually encourages them to fornicate. Most major American cities now provide free condoms in dispensers throughout the satanic public school system. Sex education is another satanic deception, intended to corrupt our kids.
Pharmaceutical Industry - Prescription drugs are now a trillion-dollar industry. The worst area of abuse is with psychotropic mind-altering prescription drugs. A common diagnosis by doctors (that is total quackery) is a “chemical imbalance of the brain,” which is always treated with drugs, drugs, drugs! No medical evidence exists to substantiate such a diagnosis! The word “sorcery” in the Holy Bible comes from the same Hebrew word as our English word “pharmacy.” Hence, substance abuse is synonymous with demon-possession. Drugs (including alcohol) are commonly used as a gateway to the spirit realm. The big deception is that most drugs being prescribed today are totally unnecessary. Doctors these days are trained by the pharmaceutical industry, deceived into prescribing useless and potentially life-threatening drugs to all of their patients.
David J. Stewart,
Jesus is Precious 10 Comments [7/4/2016 5:25:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 3