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Quote# 125913

(In response to some wackjob Disclose.tv article)

And on future .The wing people are highly intelligence beans..Make 2 mile High. .sky spares. ..built on..anti gravity platform s..Every so many..cancelled all gravity. .can build as high and safe as like.. no need government. .are weapons are money..leads to war

Mark Campbell Story, Facebook 5 Comments [4/1/2017 11:58:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125908

The New Troll Narrative is FLOODING GLP. A few thing to watch for...

And the attempt to discredit Trump continues!

Folks, if you have a perceptive eye, you will see that they are trying to spin every single thing.

Did Trump say it? Or did "the administration?"

And the trolls here are flooding this site, making sure the entire first page is nothing but hit-and-run jabs at the Trump agenda.

The writers of these articles are all in on it. The same thing happened yesterday or the day before about Internet privacy laws. They are spinning everything people.

You need to be aware of how it works. They are trying to divide his base, and they are working harder than I have ever seen.

Major things are happening right now, and if you give in to this propaganda at this critical moment in time, then Trump will be successfully removed.

Are you really going to let a bunch of "writers" sway your support for the one guy who is fighting for you?

The moderators, if they are not "in" on it, need to be aware of what is happening. Everyone should already be aware. Their tactics of derailing threads and creating division have been widely spread here last year. Now, these trolls are working in FULL SYNC with the articles that you see coming out. They are converging.

They are trying to twist the tables on Trump supporters here.

They are now accusing Trump supporters as being "paid Trump bots."

They are echoing this narrative back and forth, because THEY are the ones being paid to do it. GLP has known about the paid shills, and they are *trying* to twist the narrative back onto us.

Be mindful of what is happening to GLP.

Trump supporters are still FULLY behind him.








Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 3 Comments [4/1/2017 11:38:56 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125906

The Aliens Are Fucking With Us In Ways You Cannot Manage

It is not crazy to say that one believes in parallel universes and it is not crazy to say that there are Aliens or Multi-Dimensional beings. They like to converge timelines. Within those timelines are an infinite numbers of possibilities. It really fucks up history when they play around. They fucked around so we became Humans. They fucked around to create Ancient Aliens. Those constructions at Puma Punku for instance. Those things disappeared in one timeline and they appeared in this one. That's why they are a mystery. We can't fathom the technology because the tools they used were left in the other timeline. There's the Kennedy assassination. Why do you think there are so many reasons? Because they're all true and not true. A convergence of timelines. But what I really think they like to do is make shit appear and disappear. My theory explains everything!

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [4/1/2017 11:36:42 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125905

Do people realize that if Democrats ever take back power they are going to take such revenge on the American people for rejecting them and?
electing President Trump they will make Stalin And Hitler look like Carebears?

If you thought the daily spoonfuls of socialism and islam under Obama were bad. If Democrats ever get back power those spoonfuls will become 24 hour ENEMAS! They will make so many laws against free speech and freedom of religion, and so many regulations you wont be able to BREATH without being arrested for triggering a liberal or a muslim and being accused of "hate speech". They must never have power again, or we will lose EVERYTHING.


They were going to do that anyway if Hillary had won. Their outrage is at having been prevented. Their current goal is to make us very sorry for that. So they fk with us and fk with us, and tie Trumps hands, keeping him from having a fraction of the power Obama enjoyed. Then they say "Got buyer's remorse yet?"

Democrats are the party of the global elite. They own most Republicans too, but on an individual basis, not the party as a whole.

Libcrusher & Lucille, Yahoo! Answers 8 Comments [4/1/2017 11:36:35 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 125904

Global Warming Fascist Movement & Academic Welfare

Winston Churchill said that “History is written by the victors.” That is so true even among Establishment Academics. Anyone who thinks that Global Warming is really caused by man is naive to say the least. They have taken the equivalent of 5 trading days and pronounced that the stock market is in a perpetual bull cycle. Taking the introduction of automobiles since 1920 and claiming this has altered the entire weather system of millions of years with no investigation into cyclical weather cycles over millions of years (Ice Ages), is just bogus analysis with a political agenda.

Global Warming is all about money and raising taxes for politicians to pay for their pensions and support all the illegitimate children. Among academics, this is a religion, but they are also just corrupt socialists. Money pours into academia to create bogus studies to support the theory of Global Warming for taxing power as well as other agendas. So, Establishment Academics line up like those in the inner city on welfare check day to get their welfare checks to put out studies on all sorts of things with a predetermined conclusion. There is no “think tank” in Washington that really thinks. They all have a biased agenda if it is weather, archaeology, religion, history, all the way to economics and politics.

The Establishment Academics are becoming just fascist Marxists hell-bent on manipulating society for personal gain and power. Establishment Academics are notoriously against free speech for they always threaten and black-list anyone who disagrees with them. The famous Swedish climatologist Lennart Bengtsson joined a group that is skeptical about Global Warming. He was intimidated until he was forced to resign.

Global Warming is another hidden agenda. The politicians are eager to climb on board not to save the world, but to raise taxes. The academics are driven by the money so they can sit in their rooms collect welfare checks for totally worthless nonsense.

[link to armstrongeconomics.com]

The Global Warming crowd is the MOST unethical and corrupt group of pretend scientists ever to exist. When I was called upon for research back to form the G5 and then wrote the White House warning that manipulating the dollar down would create volatility and a crash within two years (1987), I was told I would never again be asked by government for anything. I was told outright to do studies then provide the conclusion up front and I would earn millions of dollars a year for bogus research reports. I said – no thanks! This is the way government studies are funded and conducted. They ALWAYS tout the desired end result to support some predetermined objective. Government studies are simply an exercise in political corruption no matter what the field.
- - Martin Armstrong

[link to www.armstrongeconomics.com]

Since the first Earth Day in 1970, writes Ronald Bailey in the May 2000 issue of Reason magazine, these wild apocalyptic predictions have been made:

"We have about five more years at the outside to do something," ecologist Kenneth Watt declared to a Swarthmore College audience on April 19, 1970.

Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that "civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind."

"We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation," Washington University biologist Barry Commoner wrote in the Earth Day issue of the scholarly journal Environment.

On the day after the first Earth Day, the usually staid New York Times editorialized, "Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction."

"Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born," wrote Paul Ehrlich in a 1969 essay titled "Eco-Catastrophe!" "By...[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s."

[link to reason.com (secure)]

More recently, the master of all global warming alarmists is former Vice President and current multimillionaire Al Gore, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for a fraudulent climate change film after predicting in 2009 that by 2014, the North Pole would be completely ice-free thanks to the burning of fossil fuels.

There are more examples, of course, but you get the idea. What is worse is that governments, including our own, are making public policy based on these bogus assertions – rules that hurt employers, workers and entire industries.

The Global Insiders know Global Cooling is our future:

"The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 - 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations."

Full agenda here:

[link to www.bilderbergmeetings.org]

So, why do they sell Global Warming to the sheep?

Global Warming a Front - Hidden Goal Uses the environmental movement to reduce population.

Insight from Martin Armstrong

I attended the dinner in Washington that was a political bash. I went with my friend Dick Fox who was Chairman of Temple University at that time. The person in charge of seating put the two of us at the table with the environmental group heads. They assumed we were with a university and spoke freely. The conversation was frank and it was all about how to use the environmental movement to reduce population. They fought for wetlands to stop construction. We listened to this revelation and Dick egged them on pretending to be on their side. They even want harsh prison terms for minorities to stop them from have children. Dick finally asked them – Whose grandchild are you trying to prevent from being born? Your’s or mine? The farce was then up.

There is a difference from wanting a clean environment and using this as a tool for a hidden agenda. It is no different from taxing the rich that ends up as always the middle class while they borrow from the poor and do not even pay them interest with their annual tax refund.

[link to armstrongeconomics.com]

A climate scientist and glacier expert from Washington State who correctly predicted back in 2000 that the Earth was entering a cooling phase – says to expect colder temperatures for at least the next two decades.

In contrast, Gore and the IPCC’s computer models predicted “a big increase” in global warming by as much as one degree per decade. But the climate models used by the IPCC have proved to be wrong, with many places in Europe and North America now experiencing record-breaking cold.

[link to www.cnsnews.com]

No Dhimmi, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [4/1/2017 11:36:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 125902

The White House administration (Republican and Democrat) has been hijacked by criminals ? the same criminals which orchestrated the 911 attacks, the same criminals that are bankrupting America through the treasonous Federal Reserve System, the same criminals that were behind the London Bombings in July of 2005. In fact, Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was in London During the Bombings. How convenient. The London bombings were masked by bombing 'exercises,' just as were the 911 attacks. Here's a video of Cynthia McKinney grilling Donald Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers, whether or not the 911 wargames (4 to be exact) were ever announced prior to being exercised? Did the government ever declare a National Security Special Event Day? No, they did not! Again, how convenient. The concrete evidence against these calculated killers is overwhelming and irrefutable.

David J. Stewart, Jesus is Savior 2 Comments [4/1/2017 11:35:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 125891

That is a policy which leads directly to disaster. The Venezuelan economy is in a deep crisis, with hyperinflation, serious scarcity of basic food products and medicines and a paralysis of production. This crisis is the result, in the last instance, of the rebellion of the productive forces - which continue to operate under the framework of a capitalist market - against the attempts of the government to regulate them, through price controls and foreign exchange controls. This has been aggravated and multiplied by the collapse in the price of oil in the world market. Faced with severely limited hard currency reserves and oil revenue, the government has resorted to prioritising the payment of foreign debt over imports, which have been severely cut, further aggravating scarcity. At the same time in order to pay for the state budget, where there is a running deficit amounting to 15-20% of GDP it has resorted to a policy of printing money which in turn has led to hyperinflation. What has failed in Venezuela is not socialism, which never existed, but rather, the attempt to regulate the capitalist economy through state intervention and make it work in the benefit of the majority.

Jorge Martin, Venezuela Analysis 1 Comments [4/1/2017 8:40:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 125885

Whatever happened to the Chavez/Maduro supporters around here?

They would be here, but they're only halfway through the Caracas bread line

The bread line caused by Obama, Hiterly and the CIA blowing up the economy?

Ok. Everyone is getting plenty to eat. The stores are full. No one’s starving. The capitalists are refusing to produce goods, causing artificial shortages. And when they import goods, they divert almost all of it to Colombia or the Black Market.

How bout if you economic geniuses tell me how you can have mass shortages in a capitalist economy? And capitalists run the whole Venezuelan economy.

I’m waiting. Come on, geniuses, let’s hear how you get mass shortages of goods in a free market economy. It’s not even possible.
OK, this one isn’t satire, apparently. Capitalists in Venezuela aren’t permitted to function as capitalists. They don’t have access to raw materials either foreign or domestic, and they’re only allowed to sell below their costs production. Thus there’s no production. It’s true that a lot of production is diverted to Colombia or (more commonly) the domestic black market, but the chavista idea that the producers are diverting it isn’t correct. Rather, it’s the people who arbitrarily have first dibs on buying at ridiculously low mandated prices (typically the government’s most fervent supporters, curiously enough) who are doing that.

Not one thing you say here is true.

The stores are full. There are only shortages of a few things, and those tend to be basic items. There have been deliberate and artificial shortages of other things such as toiletries, medical goods, etc. This was all done to blow up the economy to get rid of the Chavistas. They have raids every week of warehouses full of hoarded goods. The last raid captured 21 million syringes. There are lots of people with plenty of money who want to buy stuff. And there are shortages. What sort of crap is that? So produce goods to supply the people with dollars waiting to buy stuff. Capitalism 101.

The oppositon has admitted many times that they are sabotaging the economy. The latest one was when an opposition leader said they were “boycotting the economy.”

What you say is nonsense. They have access to all of the goods they need to produce anything they want. Anyway the stores are full. Just not of the stuff people want to buy at the prices they want to pay. 95% of the goods in the stores are not covered by price controls. Price controls only cover a few basic goods. The prices are too low, but the government keeps raising the price controls to deal with business demands.

This entire crisis has unfolded as Maduro has stocked his government full of rightwingers from the business community and opposition. So this “failure of the Left” happened under the watch of rightwingers. Maduro has seriously caved to many of the demands of the Opposition. In fact a lot of people think he is a sellout. So this crisis happened after Maduro met demand after demand of the opposition. But the Opposition are like Republicans on Steroids. They keep moving the goalposts.

You know why those price controls were put in in the first place? Because the Opposition tried to blow up the economy. They had a lockout strike 10 years ago in which they shut down the economy by closing the doors of their businesses. This created artificial shortages and inflation raged. So Chavez put in price controls. They’ve since been lifted on many goods. So the Opposition forced the price controls in the first place.

You are wrong that goods are not diverted from production. The government gives dollars to import goods. First of all, the business sector generally takes these dollars and either invests them overseas in the US or diverts them to the money black market where they can sell them at a markup. So a lot of the dollars to import stuff are immediately diverted to the black market. In fact, the business sector is not producing anything. They would rather just play the money market. What goods are produced are diverted immediately to the black market or shipped to Colombia for a markup.

Fully 35% of goods imported are immediately diverted to Colombia where they can sell them for more money.

This whole mess is caused by a black market in currency which is a whole other ball of wax. This was caused by currency controls, but those were put in due to opposition meddling too. The opposition was shipping their money out of the country to the US instead of investing it. It’s called capital flight. Chavez put in price controls to stop that as he had to. Venezuela continues to lose $50 billion/year to capital flight. It’s still a huge problem. The currency controls were no big deal for a long time until the oil price blew up, then everything went to hell, and a black market for currency rose which screwed up everything.

Really this whole mess has been caused by the decline in oil prices, which incidentally was done by “leftwing” heroes like Obama and Hitlery. They negotiated a deal with Saudi Arabia to spike production to crash the price of oil. The purpose was “screw Russia.” A secondary purpose was to screw some other US enemies like Venezuela. So it’s the US and your pals the Saudis who crashed the price of oil as part of a scam to crash the Russian economy.

Price controls only cover maybe 5% of goods, and even that is iffy. So rice is covered, but a rice dish with chicken in a package is not. So chicken is covered, but not rotisserie chicken which the stands have plenty of. True there is a low profit on the price controlled stuff.

The capitalists had been refusing to produce this stuff as soon as the controls went in because the profit margin was too low. They could make a profit, but not enough of one. So the government was importing all that stuff on the price controlled list. Then the oil price blew up and the government went broke, so they had no money to import price controlled stuff. So shortages. Then a lot of planned sabotage.

PS you realize that the markets in the wealthy and middle class areas are full, right? Including all that price controlled stuff. There are no shortages of one thing, not even price controlled stuff, in the wealthier areas. Tell me how this is because capitalists can’t function.

The main problem is the black market in dollars. The way to deal with that was to float the currency, but Maduro did not have the balls to do it. This is a policy failure, but it’s not leftwing or rightwing. But to float the currency is a tough decision and it would hurt a lot of people. They did a partial float though. The black market dollars are now worth 4X the government rate, but before it was 90X the official rate.

Seeing as price controls only cover a small % of items, where do you get off with this “price controls ruined the economy” stuff.

Besides a lot of the price controls allow for a modest profit. I think some are below the cost of production but not most. And Maduro keeps raising them anyway.

Keep supporting fascists abroad while opposing them at home. It’s a grand tradition in the Democratic Party all the way back to 1900.

Silver Fox 1957, Daily Kos 2 Comments [4/1/2017 8:36:02 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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