"Everyone shot JFK!" Award
Quote# 127127
UPDATED: A List of the Conspirators Behind JFK’s Murder
This is a partial list of the criminal minds behind the murder of John F. Kennedy. The degree and scope of this assassination was vast. The number of conspirators, co-conspirators, assassins, plotters, and financiers was equally vast.
The names of those who plotted, directly or indirectly, the murder of John F. Kennedy; and the names of those with foreknowledge of the plot. (Not inclusive.) Our additions/upgrades:
The Rockefeller cabal, including Nelson and David Rockefeller
Rothschild cabal
Allen Dulles, Zionist agent and cousin of David Rockefeller
James Jesus Angleton, known Israeli-Firster, admitted avid agent of Zionism
William Harvey, alcoholic, dire opponent of President Kennedy
Meyer Lansky, a key contributor and the leading Zionist mob figure in America
David Atlee Phillips
David Morales
Ann Egerter
Richard Helms
Desmond FitzGerald
McGeorge Bundy
Robert Maheu
Lawrence Houston
Frank Wisner
Ferenc Nagy, former Hungarian Prime Minister and embedded Zionist spy
William Pawley
Tracy Barnes
Bill Bright
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
Ambassador Thomas Mann
Thomas Karamessines
Richard Cain
Colonel Boris Pash
J.C. King
Thomas Clines
I. Irving Davidson
Lt. Lucien Conien
Carl Jenkins
General Lyman Lemnizter
George Joannides
Sergeant Daniel Groth
E. Howard Hunt
Sheffield Edwards
General Thomas Power
Louis Bloomfield
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb
Hal Hendrix
Floyd Boring
Sam Halpern
Edward Lansdale
Lt. Col. George Whitmeyer
Sergio Arcacha Smith
Emilio Santana
Carlos Quiroga
William Sullivan
Ruth Paine
Henry Luce
Michael Paine
Cord Meyer
Eddie Bayo
Anne Goodpasture
Forrest Sorrels
John Rosselli
Eladio del Valle
Frank Sturgis
Mitch WerBell III
Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell
Richard Case Nagell
General Lucius Clay
Richard Bissell
Win Scott
Felix Rodgriguez
Elmer Moore
Jane Roman
Claire Booth Luce
John Martino
Rip Robertson
Jack Ruby (actually, Jack Rubenstein)
Thomas Eli Davis III
Emory Roberts
Jack Crichton
General Curtis Lemay
General Charles Cabell
Clint Murchison
Charles Willoughby
David Ferrie
Guy Banister
Ted Shackley
Cliff Carter
Lyndon Johnson
General William Quinn
Lee Oswald (scapegoat; no evidence that he was plotting the assassination)
Other known moles and/or individuals with foreknowledge include:
John (Jean) DeMenil, Russian exile from Houston, TX, and head of Schlumberger, director of a conglomeration of Russian solidarists
Carlos Prio Socarras, ex-Cuban president
Gen. Joseph F. Carroll
Walter Sheridan of the Defense Industrial Security Command
Roy M. Cohn, an important mole of Intercontinental Company of Garland, TX, subsidiary of Lionel Corp.
Bobby Baker
E. E. Bradley of so-called American Council of Christian Churches, a front for international espionage activities
Benny Singelbaum, courier of laundered funds for purposes of assasinations
Albert Alexander Osborne, alias John H. Bowen, overseer of a number of the assassins based in Mexico (per Talbott)
Walter Domberger, cabalist and handler of Nazi scientists associated with the hit
Walter Jenkins, a key LBJ assistant
Fred Korth, former Secretary of the Navy fired by Kennedy
Jean Demenil, head of Schlumberger and a director of Russian exile so-called Solidarists
Clifford Jones, ex-Lieutenant Gov. Nevada
Wernher Von Braun, German Nazi rocket scientist engineer
L.J. McWille, Las Vegas, NV., partner in Havana gambling with Jack Rubenstein
Robert Ray McKeowan, known gun-runner and associate of Jack Rubenstein and Calros Prios
Morris Dalitz
Lewis Rosenstiel
Joe Bonanno, international mafia crime boss operating out of Montreal, Canada
Edwin Weisl, associate, LBJ
Irvine Devine, Las Vegas gambling operative; wife an apparent mob money courrier
Chauncey Holt, Charles Harrelson and Charles Rogers, the three tramps of Dealey Plaza, clear and obvious assassination cohorts
Ralph Paul, Dallas partner of Jack Rubenstein, Carousel Club
Maurice Brooks Gatlin
Sylvia Duran, employee, Cuban Embassy in Mexico
Munir Chourbagi, uncle of former King Farouk of Egypt (assassinated)
Gutierez di Spadafora, part of the ruling clique of the Mossad precursor, Permindex
Enrico Mantello (also known as Henry Mandel), an Italian fascist
Guiseppee Zigiotti, had of the the Italian political party (at that time), Fascist Nationalist Association for Militia Arms
H. Simonfay, former Nazi party leader and Hungarian emigre
Michael Mertz (a definite plotter and assassination mole), aka JQWIN
Rolando Masferrer
Bernard Barker
Ted Shackley
Senators Robert Kerr, George Smathers, and Thomas Dodd
Gen. John Medaris
Col. Howard Burris
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