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Quote# 128049

Islam, the papacy, Marxism, and the Hegelian Dialectic

The Hegelian formula is:

Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis

Ex: Capitalism + Communism = World Governance (UN)

It is "integrating and uniting a set of contradictions without eliminating or reducing either one, to create a synthesis."

The Hegelian method was employed by writer Karl Marx, though few realize this. The current pope is actually a Marxist.

This war with Islam is a controlled conflict and you are being manipulated like cattle. The elite are creating a predetermined history where a single power controls the conscience of the whole world.

You are not free.

Instead of "the commies!!" it is now "the Muslims!"

Christianity + Islam = a compromise between the two (religious control/less freedom for us)

Islam is not a true church, it is a false church. It was actually created by the pope for this very reason: To be the Antithesis of the counterfeit church of Christ, the Roman Catholic church, the Mother of Harlots, the Whore of Babylon, mother of all false churches, of which he, the Beast, the Antichrist, the vicar of christ, the counterfeit king of the north, the papacy of Rome, is the head.

Islam is not the enemy, the true enemy is the POPE!

cecropia, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [6/12/2017 7:44:21 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 128047

The recent James Comey hearing in Washington, D.C., has clarified a few things. Among them is the fact that, as usual, the whole issue about Russian influence in the US presidential election, and collusion between Trump and Russia, etc., was indeed fake news. The real collusion was and is between most of the Demonrats, Ripupliclowns and the MSM, with the Deep State warmongers underneath it all.

The warnings about the extremely dire consequences of the European and American provocation of, and aggression towards, Russia are spelled out in the prophetic (and predictive) information in the Billy Meier material, such as in Sfath’s 1948 letter:

132. As a result, the period will come when, as a consequence of the provocation by the dictatorship union in Europe and America against Russia, the danger of a further world-encompassing war will again grow, if the restrained and peace-striving Russia, under some circumstances, lets itself be forced into an armed engagement, which is not yet fathomed in the future, and corresponds to a prophecy, whereby it cannot be said yet whether a catastrophic activity will or will not occur in this period.

While Sfath was still uncertain about the outcome, a year later young Eduard Albert Meier expressed an unambiguous outcome in his warning to America, in poetic form, in the last part of his “Open Letter of Saturday, 7th of July 1949, to Governments and Public Media in Europe”:*

America and the Europa-land will tremble, when from the East, freedom comes with a hard hand, which is suppressed by America and Europe, which, however, will be punished by a hard lesson, for their world domination-sense, which they evilly harbor and thus put countries and peoples in dictatorships.

The great bear will come, which brings freedom, Russian Land that fights against and brings down the whole unfreedom, which in America and Europe rings out from many mouths, as in many other countries around the world; but the bear from the East will eliminate it (unfreedom) and reconcile the whole to peace and freedom.

But it will take a long time until then, with complaints, which will be carried forth into the world with tears, because evil terrorism, dictatorship, hatred and war will deny victory to peace and freedom.

Might and world-domination-greed tear the world apart, and in many countries even many a death cry rings out, because America as well as Europe carry forth unfreedom and strike the human beings with war, hardship and misery.

The causers of unpeace, whose actions are based on might, will be taught by the bear as well as it will be proclaimed to them that claims for gaining world might evilly stirs up unpeace, which leads the humankind into death as well as to decadence.

That is why the bear will tear apart all the terribleness of America, and Europe will also be promised the same.

When, with acts of Gewalt**, wars by the world-grubbing America destroy everything in the world, every which way, when the same thing echoes from the European dictatorship and murderous cries of evil terrorism ring out, then the bear will start to bite the unfreedom, and this will tear apart the evil actions of the Western mights.

While the very specific warnings from the Henoch Prophecies were recently reiterated, we should also draw attention to the predictions of Jeremia (emphasis added):

“And there will be new and big empires across the big ocean, and one of these empires will send out new legions of barbaric hordes under the command of powerful rulers who are degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity to carry out wars and conquer the world in order to get hold of the countries’ mineral resources. But beyond the big ocean, the walls of cities and villages of the conquerors wanting to seize the world’s power will collapse, and the empire will then be destroyed and be only a scorched land and muddy waters…”

Please note that the above prophetic and predictive information spans not only mere decades but actually many millennia. The question can be asked of course about why Sfath still saw the outcome as in doubt, while young Meier, and both Henoch and Jeremia, were more certain in their descriptions of a seemingly unavoidable, total destruction of America.

One American Who Gets It

While there actually are many Americans who have a sense of what’s going on with America’s dead-end politics, one of the ones who is consistently outspoken and accurate is Bill Bonner, as in this recent article.

Whistling in the Wind

In telling a contemporary tale about the obsession with power-hunger and greed that underlies the very longstanding, real nature, motives and agendas of American politics, yet another TV show, House of Cards, has opted to pursue the folly of terrorism as entertainment, which is an extremely unfortunate, cynical and profit motivated trivialization of what is looming on the horizon, as was already foretold by Sfath as well (see: 182, etc.)

As the Time Fulfills

While I will continue to provide updates that, unfortunately, will corroborate Meier’s prophetic information, Sfath’s predictive insights – gained from time travel – explains why from here on we must focus more on the non-religious, belief-free spiritual teaching, which is the key to our future survival, as the time fulfills:

234. However, up to the time at which the coming really great natural catastrophes begin, namely from the new millennium and especially from the year 2015 onwards, being the point when Earth humanity will no longer be able to alter anything concerning the coming disastrous happenings and can no longer stop it, thousands of small, medium and large seaquakes and earthquakes will shake the Earth.

295. Some of these happenings will begin already in the coming decades, with Italy being affected because of the beginning of the coming upheavals, because, on the European continent the main centre of the outgoing destruction will lie submarine in the Mediterranean area, as well as in eastern central Italy where, from the years 2002 and 2009, serious earthquakes, and then from 2016 and 2017 a series of earthquakes will announce the coming happenings.

MH, The Fly Blog 0 Comments [6/12/2017 7:43:43 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 128046

Is Flat-Earth a psy-ops to distract from Hollow-Earth?

I'm starting to think that the flat-earth nonsense is all a psy-ops to distract from Hollow-Earth. That is,to distract from the Annunaki,who live deep inside the Earth and will reveal themselves at the right time. Also, it was said that the Nazis reached an opening in the Earth's crust in their expedition to Antartica and they found a fresh-water lake among other things.

CairParavel, Godlike Productions 3 Comments [6/12/2017 7:43:23 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 128033

Flat Earth and "We never went to the moon" are psyops with 1 purpose

To discredit this forum and other forums like it.

They are not "different opinions".
They are not "free thought".
They are not "awake".
They are retarded.

They are cray cray stories that only real fools actually believe. And the people planting those bullshit stories here have 1 purpose:

To discredit GLP, it's posters, and the real news that breaks here.

"Oh, you support Trump and post on GLP? So you believe in flat Earth, therefore Trump must be a neo-con".

Ask any mod or any poster you trust. There are US government IP addresses posting this bullshit and trolling.

The earth is a spheroid, we went to the moon, and Deep State really fucking hates competition to its controlled narrative, and lies to you more easily than it tells the truth.

The Comedian :D, Godlike Productions 6 Comments [6/11/2017 11:45:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 128031

Trump fired Comey because of Pizzagate...stood silent in face of rampant pedophilia

Trump knows the FBI was swamped with calls for an investigation into Washington pedophilia and Comey and the FBI is strangely silent protecting Clinton,Podestas and that whole inner circle..

children are being sodomized and murdered and Comey does fucking nothing????

Waffles, Godlike Productions 8 Comments [6/11/2017 11:43:23 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 128027

I have study the Protocols of Zion at length. One thing to keep in mind is that they came to light in post-revolutionary Soviet Russia. The problem with the Protocols is we have no way of knowing whether they are disinformation or a legitimate circular distributed to agents in the lodges. The problem with analysis of stuff from the enemy is that it is... uh... from the enemy, who we know is the father of lies and a murderer. When studying conspiracy there are two trails to follow: Money and the bodies. If people blurt information and then disappear and turn up dead that registers on my radar. The problem with the protocols is that they seem to be left where they could be found. Now, do I believe the content? Absolutely. But the devil is in the details. The protocols detail a set of operations that were probably put into place as long ago as the French Revolution, and then the names and places were changed.

When considering conspiracy, it is hard to stay ahead of the curve, as we say in mathematics. Take what happened in NYC on 911 as an example. Now, we all know that the official story is about as plausible as Santa Claus, but people argue over whether planes hit the towers, a missile hit the Pentagon, whether micronukes were used, and et cetera. Or take chemtrails. People argue over whether it is biological warfare, weather manipulation, famine inducement, or all of the above. The big picture, of course, is in the Apocalypse. Antichrist will come, establish a world empire, and control all commerce as far as possible. Then we have Fatima, the annihilation of nations, conversion of Russia, and triumph of the Immaculate Heart. The $64,000 question is as follows: Does the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart correspond with the era of peace that follows the reign of Antichrist? At this late date, and make no mistake, we are on the verge of the global famine described by Blessed Jacinta: "Don't you see all those roads and fields full of people crying because they have nothing to eat?" (That is what has been happening in Africa, recently spread to Greece and Venezuela, will shortly break out in North America, and then hit Europe. The parallels between current events and the collapse of Rome are astounding. Rome also gutted its currency by substituting lead and iron for gold and silver in coins and etc...) But anyway, at this late date, the answer to the $64,000 dollar question remains obscure. This refers us to the Gospels, where Our Lord tells us that the dates and times are not for us to know. That very fact leaves me in awe. And I am certain that the events of 2017 are going to resolve that question. Either the New World Order Zombie Police State is going to start to crack up and disintegrate (and, much as I am rooting for that scenario, it is not going to be pretty, folks.) or the organized demonic forces that have been pushing for a systemic societal collapse at least since 2008 are going to succeed and we are going to descend into a tyrannical chaos similar to the French and Russian revolutions.

Forget about politics at this point. Forget about Pius XI's "Catholic Action". That time is over. The only thing the political hacks understand at this time is cannons, not canons. The weapon we must take in hand is the Rosary. Sr Lucia (the real Sr Lucia who I think was murdered by the Vatican circa 1958-9) was interviewed by Fr Fuentes and she said that "As for the Holy Rosary, Father, in these last times in which we are living, the Blessed Virgin has given a new efficacy to the praying of the Holy Rosary. This in such a way that there is no problem that cannot be resolved by praying the Rosary, no matter how difficult it is - be it temporal or above all spiritual - in the spiritual life of each of us or the lives of our families, be they our families in the world or Religious Communities, or even in the lives of peoples and nations... With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves, sanctify ourselves, console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls."

We are, at least in the US, in the agitation propaganda stage. The zionists, jews, masons, satanists, whatever you want to call them, are instigating for a revolution, and the truth is their most powerful tool. The tactics of satan have not changed since he tempted Eve. Yes, Eve would be like God, knowing good and evil. Yes, she would not die, as in cease to exist. What he told her was 99% true. The 1% lie was that she would burn in hell for all eternity as the enemy of God and slave of satan. That is the bottom line. We must wade through the 99% truth in the protocols to find the 1% lie. And our opponent (in human terms) is an angelic intelligence who can tell us how many microbes are in our dog's guts and trace them all the way back to the primordial abiogenesis of creation (which I can guarantee was NOT the "Big Bang", which is just nonsense.) (But that is another topic.) If we do not fight this battle under the banner of the Immaculate Heart, we have no chance of winning.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, you are our only hope.

White Wolf, Cathinfo 3 Comments [6/11/2017 8:12:09 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127995

Why do I feel like this MARCH on SHARIA is pro liberal agenda

False flag attack today?

Or major arrests and citizens stamps as "homegrown" terrorist.

No one is saying all Muslims are evil, muslims, like whites, blacks, native Americans, Asians can be evil. That's fact. Some can be good, and some can be caught scared or just so down they can't speak up or fight back.

See people think, that Muslim elites paying money to fix the problem that hate groups coming out of their area cause, it is just wrong. You don't just sweep it under a rug. That doesn't solve it. You need to just wash your hands of it and start knowing your people. I'm not saying surveillance, I'm saying I was raised in NY and I knew where to stay away from for a reason. When you see crime increasing, hate gangs surfacing, it's cause that area is getting little to no attention. They want to add more they these safe spaces.

A safe space is to grow up terrorist cells. And they already have them. Think about all those FEMA camps.


BUT whose going... Thats what this war rep and dem are fighting for.

Your either gonna see trump rise and the safe SPACES will be used for Muslims but for families and supporters of this American freedom. While the others will be tried, convicted, and sentence to cock meat sandwiches.

Or it's the Dems and media stop trump. And then it's us, actual Americans who are not targeted for hate group purposes, leaving the outside world in Sharia law, purgement.

Is it rape women on the street, kill people who don't have your view. Or rise up so people really do have a chance at surviving.

Once these safe SPACES are fully operational and Muslims start using them even without governmental approval, it will be blamed on trump and they will fully make him out to hitler. Mark my words.

Drain the swamp before monsoon season. It draws closer everyday.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 1 Comments [6/11/2017 8:10:22 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 128019

According to an account written by the drunken, cigar-chomping, terrorist scum-pig, Winston Churchill, it was during the 1943 Tehran Conference that "Uncle Joe" Stalin proposed executing 50,000 German staff officers after the war. American Gangster President Roosevelt then joked that 50,000 was too many; but that 49,000 would do! Though Churchill claims that the sick joking upset him (sure it did, Winnie -- sure it did), the murderous Allies were all in agreement that "trials" of Germany’s top leaders would take place after the war. And indeed they did.

Long before Nuremberg, the vicious Allies had already begun to systematically hang "Nazis" by the tens of thousands, including "female Nazis."

When the show trials began in late 1945, an 8-panel tribunal (The Nuremberg Trials) was seated (2 judges each from the US, UK, USSR, & France). The primary American judge was Francis Biddle, of the Biddle Family that spawned the 19th century American Central Bank Chairman and nemesis of Andrew Jackson, Nicholas Biddle. Honorable German leaders were condemned as “war criminals” by governments that not only imposed the war upon Germany, but also carried out the Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo fire-bombings, the sinkings of the civilian Wilhelm Gustloff & the Goya ships in the frigid Baltic Sea, the forced return of Russian refugees & POWs to Stalin's vengeful henchmen, the starvation / disease murders of 1.5 million German POWs, the execution murders at Katyn Forest, the mass raping of German women, the dropping of atomic bombs and other real war crimes too numerous to list here.

Of the accused at Nuremberg, 11 were sentenced to hang, and 7 (including the peacemaking parachutist Rudolf Hess) received long or life prison terms. Herman Goering, Head of the Luftwaffe (Air Force) managed to cheat his executioners by taking poison in his jail cell (or was he "suicided" to duplicate The Book of Ester / Purim scenario?)

These were good men; noble men; peace-loving family men - ignobly murdered in cold blood for daring to protect Germany from the demonic henchmen of The New World Order crime syndicate. May they rest in Valhalla at the right hand of the even greater hero that they served.

Purim-style "justice." In the sickening Book of Ester (Old Testament), the lifeless bodies of the 10 sons of the "anti-Semite" Minister Haman (Hitler) were hanged and Haman's 1 daughter committed suicide. This Jewish "holiday" is celebrated every year as "Purim."

For the cruel and vindictive Allies, simple murder wasn’t enough. The executioners used a “short drop” instead of a neck-breaking “long drop”. The victims thus died a longer death due to strangulation. Additionally, the trapdoor was too small, such that several of the men suffered bleeding head injuries when they hit the sides of the trapdoor while falling. Adding final insult to injury, the bodies were cremated and scattered over a river, denying the families the right of burial.

The circumstances of the Nuremberg travesty have long been known to your humble author, as well as to many loyal readers of TomatoBubble.com. But what is new to Mike King & Sugar the Cat is the discovery of just how many prominent personages of that period so vehemently condemned the Nuremberg murder circus. Thanks to a book sent to me by a dear comrade-in-informational-arms down in Florida, we learned that several hundred prominent American and European political figures, writers, artists and military men were not only anti-Nuremberg, but also outspoken about it, both during and after the event. Naturally, the true story of the opposition to Nuremberg is one that has been buried by the whores and ignoramuses we refer to as "court historians".

The eye-opening book is entitled, 'Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal'. It is not really a book in the conventional sense as it is a collection of the 'on the record' statements made by about 200 VIP's. For World War II truthers, the usefulness of the book lies in its ability to penetrate the thick skulls of our uninformed brethren who remain under the impression that Nuremberg was some sort of holy tribunal.

You see, when us "extremists" condemn the abomination of Nuremberg, we can be dismissed as "Nazi sympathizers" or "conspiracy theorists" or, that ultimate kiss-of-death, "anti-Semites" TM. But when we can demonstrate that big names, including many high-ranking American and European military brass, were disgusted by what happened at Nuremberg; it adds "credibility" to the revisionist case. Of course, it is tragic, pathetic really, that most people have to outsource their own God-given brains to "experts" with lots of "credentials" in order to arrive at an opinion; but 'it is what it is'.

Following is but a small sample of the 'big shots' that opposed Nuremberg; accompanied by snippets from their strong public statements.

Senator Robert Taft
"The trial of the vanquished by the victors cannot be impartial no matter how it is hedged ...About this whole judgement there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice."

Taylor Caldwell
"I have been boiling mad for years over the "war crimes trials" which I think were despicable and contemptible and smack more of ancient Rome's barbarians than of a so-called civilized society."

Justice Learned Hand
'I have always regarded the Nuremberg prosecutions as a step backward in international law and a precedent which will prove embarrassing in the future."

Admiral Stanton Merrill
"I consider the 'war crimes trials' in general and the trials of Admiral Doenitz in particular, a matter of mass hypocrisy resulting from a war-bred hangover."

Admiral Frederick Horne
"As it has been my belief that the after-war emotional hysteria was responsible for the trial and imprisonment of the German high-ranking military and naval officers,and that we should reflect with shame upon our efforts for revenge upon men doing what we would do for our own country, I am glad to have my name included in any effort to atone for the injustice done to Admiral Doenitz and to any others who were likewise unfairly treated because they loved their country."

Adolph Menjou
" I was appalled to see Soviet Russia judging when they themselves were guilty. I am happy to join my name to those attempting to make amends to Admiral Doenitz."

Shut up St. Albert, you Stalin-loving piece of filth. Just shut the bloody hell up!

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 6 Comments [6/11/2017 7:15:37 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 128013

["Idiot Republican Congressman Suggests We Back ISIS"]

I don’t know what makes him more stupid: That he says we should back ISIS, or that he doesn’t we already are backing ISIS by unconditionally giving guns and training to anyone in Syria who was anti-Assad, and by giving money and guns to Saudi Arabia, where many of the powerful aristocrats there turn around and fund ISIS on our behalf.

roarofdissent, Daily Kos 2 Comments [6/11/2017 7:07:04 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 128012

Erm… the USA is supporting ISIS. That’s pretty much common knowledge all over the Middle East. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs a history lesson on how the CIA operates.

Kingsmeg, Daily Kos 3 Comments [6/11/2017 7:06:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 128000

As the world still mourns the loss of legendary Audioslave and Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell, more information begins to emerge that adds further speculation about his suspicious, premature death.

Rockstar Cornell worked closely with various foundations to help and protect children from pedophilia and child trafficking.

Speaking to TMD, a source close to Cornell has come forward claiming that he had uncovered evidence of a "cocaine and child trafficking ring" in Mena, Arkansas, that was tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

According to the source, Mr. Cornell had uncovered the identities of high-level Elites that were part of the same "Satanic Illuminati Occult Operation" as the Clintons and planned on exposing their "goings-on" right before he died.

Cornell's death was officially ruled as a suicide, but his family and close friends say he was in no way suicidal, which has raised more than a few doubts about his untimely passing.

TMD reports: The biggest theory floating around the internet is that the monsters behind "PedoGate" allegedly marked Chris for assassination due to his work with "sexually & physically abused kids" via several foundations.

Let’s back up a bit first. A man who worked under Hillary Clinton at the State Department named Howard Gutman, Ambassador to Belgium, was busted for having sex with children in 2013, but it was all swept under the rug. That’s a fact. Never heard of him on the mainstream news, huh?


In 2010, Laura Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti.

In the Virgin Islands resides an alleged secret hideaway for the child trafficking ring nicknamed “PedoIsland”, where billionaire child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons have reportedly been known to take trips back and forth together to this spot with Hollywood celebrities.

According to the public record, Laura Silsby was smuggling kids out of Haiti from the very orphanage that was run by Comet Ping Pong pizza shop owner James Alifantis’ lawyer Max Maccoby and his father Micheal Maccoby. Remember, Pizza Gate? It doesn’t seem like "FAKE NEWS" any longer, does it?

Bill Clinton’s firm, Arkansas Development Finance Authority, has allegedly laundered drug money for years. $10 million dollars worth of cocaine a week was flying into Mena Airport in Arkansas during the nineties. The money was alleged to have been laundered via ADFA to a bank in Florida, to a bank in Georgia, to Citicorp (Rockefeller) in New York, and from there it was transferred out of the country.

Clinton’s best friend, Dan Lasater, led the operations. Lasater and Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger Clinton, later spent time in jail due to drug related crimes. The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter, said he had more than enough information from many persons in Lasater’s surroundings, on how they smuggled drugs and abused young girls sexually.

Just recently the late Seth Rich’s parents hired a private detective and already on Fox 5 news, it was broke that the Police Officer Robinson who was at the scene of Rich’s murder last July went in fact to Georgetown University where John Podesta taught and, Robinson’s sister worked for Hillary Clinton.

Seth Rich was the guy who leaked the “PedoGate” emails. Trump fired Comey because he was compromised (evidence that Comey was also one of Jeffrey Epstein’s occasional playmates). Since the election, there have been over 4,000 pedophile arrests in the USA, during 2014 (Obama) had only 400 for the entire year.

This is why many fans around the world believe Chris Cornell may have been ambushed in his hotel room after the concert where the assassins murdered him and the death scene was staged to look just “Like Suicide”.

Love’s like suicide
Dazed out in a garden bed
With a broken neck lays my broken gift
Just like suicide (“Like Suicide” lyrics)


According to his wife, security operative Jerry Parks delivered large sums of money from Mena airport to Vince Foster at a K-Mart parking lot. Mrs. Parks discovered this when she opens her car trunk one day and finds so much cash that she has to sit on the trunk to close it again. She asks her husband whether he is dealing drugs, and he allegedly explains that Foster paid him $1,000 for each trip he took to Mena. Parks said he didn’t “know what they were doing, and he didn’t care to know. He told me to forget what I’d seen.”. Later Evans-Pritchard will write, “Foster was using him as a kind of operative to collect sensitive information on things and do sensitive jobs. Some of this appears to have been done on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Foster told him that Hillary wanted it done.

Foster was later found dead from an apparent suicide.

Next Hillary Clinton quietly lobbies on behalf of the Contras and against groups and individuals opposing them. Bill Clinton’s close associate Dan Lasater’s parties become known around Little Rock for the availability of cocaine and women.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton’s private eye, Anthony Pellicano is sentenced to 15 years in prison after being convicted, reported the Washington Post, “of conspiring to run a criminal enterprise that employed illegal wiretaps to dig up dirt on the rich and famous on behalf of his elite Hollywood clients.

”Judy Gibbs, a model and call girl who appeared in Penthouse magazine, ran a powerful house of prostitution in Fordyce with her sister Sharon. They also blackmailed some of their more powerful clients. Both her family and one of Clinton’s bodyguards later linked Judy Gibbs to (at the time) Governor Clinton. She decided to cooperate with police in an investigation of Arkansas cocaine trafficking but was burned to death inside her home due to a suspicious arson case that was never solved.


Going all the way back to his start on earth, Cornell’s father came from a Catholic background, and his mother was Jewish. Technically that would make him Jewish, but he did not practice that religion. The Soundgarden frontman went to a Catholic school when he was growing up, and it didn’t go so well. His mother removed him before he would be kicked out.

“It wasn’t for any specific reason other than we asked a lot of questions. . . . Not only did they not have the answers, but it was sort of considered to be rude [to ask]. . . . If somebody tells you this is this and that’s the way things are and shut up, you’re a kid.”

In his final years, he did not follow any particular religion but instead remained vague. He said he believes there are “a lot of really cool ideas,” but described himself as a “free thinker” and “open.”

“So many bad things–as well as good things–have happened based on people blindly following religion, that I kind of feel like I want to stay away from any type of specific denomination or any religion period, for no other reason than just that.”

Did Chris really want to die by his own hand? Or did he simply ask too many questions about PedoGate?

The late vocalist was fully anticipating SOUNDGARDEN’s next concert stop after Detroit … and shared his feelings with the crowd during his last rock show.

The frontman had a spirited moment with the audience. “I love you guys up there on the top shelf, but you got to f–king stand up and show me something,” the singer joked to the seated crowd in the upper seats. “I have bragged about Detroit crowds for 30 years, so stand the f–k up and make some noise.” View the video HERE.

Later on, Chris and the band were about to start an encore that final gig, then he went on about how amazing Detroit fans had been, saying, “I feel a little bit sorry for the next f***ing place we play.” They were set to play Friday in Columbus, Ohio and Chris joked he’ll have to tell fans there, “You should have been at that Detroit show. That crowd was something.”

So this clearly shows Chris was in a pretty good mood, and already thinking beyond Wednesday night. Chris’ wife, Vicky, stated for the record he showed absolutely no signs of depression or being suicidal in the hours before he was found dead.

The final hours of his life are what is being heavily disputed between a family that doesn’t believe he would have intentionally taken his own life and the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office, which declared his death a suicide by hanging.

It’s important to note that among his many charities, he supported ChildHaven, which helps children and toddlers heal from abuse and neglect. Based in Seattle, Childhaven was established in 1909 by the Reverend Mark Matthews as the Seattle Day Nursery, one of the first 50 childcare centers in the United States.

The center treats over 400 infants and preschool children each year who are referred by CPS (Child Protective Services). Its therapeutic care is provided daily to abused, neglected and at-risk children between the ages of one month through five years.

ChildHaven provides nurturing experiences that aid in development. The center also features specializes care for infants and preschoolers to overcome residual effects of parents prior substance abuse either in-utero or environmentally. Its crisis nursery provides free, voluntary services to parents in crisis.

Jay Greenberg, Neon Nettle 1 Comments [6/10/2017 12:52:35 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127996

666, Carbon Atoms, Fingerprints and the Mark of the Beast

Oracle's Cookie posted a fascinating thread on the new movie 'Alien Covenant'…

Thread: Alien Covenant Ridley Scott's new Movie--NEW Update pg.13: Carries Message on DNA and Ark of the Covenant! Video

...and in that thread she posted several images from the film that were quite revealing.

One of them was a droplet of 'Black Goo' on top of a finger, however this was no ordinary finger.

There was a 'Mark' on it...


Look carefully. Do you see it?

Now whether the filmmaker has been privy to very advanced Esoteric Knowledge, Top Secret Hybrid Programs or whether there are Familiar Spirits at work here I cannot say.

One thing is for certain... he hit the Bullseye with that one.

This is something I've been warning folks about for many years, and it's now showing up in movies.

Allow me to explain...

It is my opinion that the number 666 in the Bible is referring to the Carbon Atom...

Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six"

'A Man' being a reference to all of Mankind, not just one person.

Many researchers have long suspected this. After all, we are Carbon Based Lifeforms.

Carbon has:
6 Neutrons
6 Protons
6 Electrons


If this sounds too fantastical, just know that the Bible is replete with proof of this claim if One knows where to look.

For example:

In the Book of Ezekiel, God describes Israel as a 'most rebellious house'.

So when Ezekiel needed to prophecy unto them, God had to change Ezekiel's DNA to become like them which in turn gave Ezekiel a *Carbon Mark* on his forehead.

You heard that right... a CARBON 666 MARK on Ezekiel's forehead!

And in order to "Transform" Ezekiel into one of these 'Beasts' God made him swallow a Scroll, in other words, a 'Little Book' of Genetic Sequences (perhaps God's version of Black Goo).

Swallowing the Genetic Sequences altered Ezekiel's DNA, and as a consequence of this transformational process, Ezekiel's forehead turned into a Diamond...

Ezekiel 3:9 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
"I have made your forehead like a diamond, harder than flint. Don't be afraid of them or discouraged by the look on their faces, even though they are a rebellious house"

What is a Diamond made of?


Another word for Carbon in the Bible is "Ashes".

Ashes are made of Carbon.

Abraham describes himself being made of Dust and Ash...

Genesis 18:27
"And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes"

...as well as Job...

Job 30:19
"He hath cast me into the mire, and I am become like dust and ashes"

Why are souls under the Altar? That's where the Ashes are...

Revelation 6:9
"And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held"

Don't forget "Smoke" is Carbon as well.

What does life exhale? Carbon Dioxide.

Thus when we pray, we exhale Carbon Dioxide creating smoke...

Revelation 8:4
"And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand"

Smoke coming out of the nostrils could indicate Carbon Dioxide...

Psalms 18:8
"There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it"

Could the Smoke coming out of the Bottomless Pit be Carbon Dioxide breathed out by the creatures being birthed from within it?

Like a baby's first breath...

Revelation 9:2
"And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit"

What's that Mark on her forehead made of?

Here we see Sin written by Diamond i.e. Carbon...

Jeremiah 17:1
"The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars"

Are the Horns of the Altars black with Carbon?

"Dead Man's Blood" may refer to Hydrocarbons i.e. Oil...

Revelation 16:3
"And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea"

Slime and Pitch (Tar and Asphalt) are Carbon substances...

Exodus 2:3
"And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river’s brink"

Again, Scripture provides much evidence for the 666/Carbon link.

Thus, Carbon may explain why Hollywood keeps promoting this so called 'Black Goo' that seems to have a sort of Nanobot nature to it powered by Artificial Intelligence.

This Black Goo is often associated with DNA manipulation, ie... Transhumanism.

Scientists are now working on CRISPR Editing Systems that works in a similar fashion to this Black Goo which enables just about anyone, including children, to alter DNA and create their very own Life Forms.

Here is the problem...

We are all born with a unique identifier... a 'Mark of the Beast' so to speak.

This Mark is what we call Fingerprints or Palmprints and in some cases, Facial Recognition Features.

This is why Police take Fingerprints and mugshots of criminals. They identify us.

Mark in the Right Hand = Finger/Palm Prints
Mark in the Forehead = Facial Recognition/Iris Scan

No two prints are the same.

Once One modifies their DNA however, at the very least, their Fingerprints will change.

Did you catch that?

Once One modifies their DNA, their Fingerprints will change.

Meditate on that thought for a moment. Let it really sink in as to how profound this Revelation Truly is.

Now look at that Image again...


The Mark of the Beast will be none other than a new set of Fingerprints and Facial Recognition Features caused by a Transhumanist agenda that will transfer ownership of a Soul to a Corporation away from God...

God's 'Book' (DNA) will be re-written and Man will become a slave forever...

DNA will become the new currency in the Cashless Society.

666 and the Love of Money...

1 Kings 10:14
"Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold"

If you know anyone who is currently undergoing DNA augmentation, or is about to... tell them to make a copy of their own fingerprints and compare them as their DNA changes.

Now is the time to begin paying attention to this by keeping a close eye on the progress of these unsuspecting Fig Tree harbingers.

Their leaves are about to bloom...

Mark 13:28
"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near"

Base12, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [6/10/2017 12:45:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127942

[Hitler] was not bad, he recognized that Jewish bankers wanted to turn all human beings and nations into debt slaves.

Seadragon666, Deviantart forums 6 Comments [6/9/2017 3:11:08 PM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127954

NATO is no independent body. Like the UN and IMF it is a lapdog poodle servant of Washington’s craziest loonies and Wall street vampires.

The western ziomedia report all the latest terrorism of bombs, guns and knives that happen to them but fail to report how many bombs and murders they have dropped and perpetrated every day in their illegal genocidal vandalism in the Middle East.

When ISIS attack Israel or Saudi Arabia I may begin to believe that they are who they claim to be.

Meanwhile I expect to see the latest US arms attacking Syria and Palestine any time soon.

Trump is doing everything the deep state wants but still they are not satisfied or trust him. Any other of the Republican presidential candidates would have made the deep state happy- those clowns.

President Sanders would be facing the exact same destabilising sabotage from deep state but maybe he would have had more popular support.

All this talk of alt.right and alt.left fails to see that they are one and the same.

Down here in Oz a steady procession of Grand Viziers from the US are shown unquestioning obedience. So don’t expect any help from us chickens. Our nation is run by Quislings to US influence.

Hope summer doesn’t get too hot up there especially if deep state spits the dummy.

Steve Oz, Real Jew News 4 Comments [6/9/2017 7:42:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 127944

You need to look at my question you will get all of your answers there.

Since yahoo has decided to block my question I shall show it to you here.

Now that the Federal Government is starting to debauch the currency do you believe me that the USA is finished?
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Communist Vladimir Lenin Would be Proud of the Federal Reserve Today

“The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.” -- Vladimir Lenin, Communist and Russian Revolutionary

Oh, and by the way, the Federal Reserve just announced plans to flood the economy with $600 billion with the possibility of $400 billion more to further "debauch" the currency. Does anyone see a connection to the Russian revolutionary's claim? Remember, the Federal Reserve already issued $1.5 trillion, which has devalued the dollar and signs of inflation are beginning to appear. Have you seen food prices lately?


I am Vladimir Lenin and I approve this message.

?, Yahoo! Answers 3 Comments [6/9/2017 4:20:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 127943

When will they arrest George Soros for conspiracy to Destroy America?

I think they have enough proof now , don't you?

Update: The billionaire said many times he thinks and feels like God.
Said it was fun to collapse governments- and did it to 4 countries already.
The guy is dangerous!

Update 2: He has been to the White House at least 4 TIMES! He controls ALOT OF MEDIA!
He is destructive!

Update 3: He somehow makes HUGE Profits destroying governments! He is one scary person!!!! Even the Hitler people were afraid of his fathers org- more evil than Hitler? How can that be?


Are you finally waking up to the fact that the Jews use Communism (which they invented [Karl Marx]) to destroy countries? Like they did to Russia, creating the U.S.S.R. and murdering ten million innocent Europeans in the process (Lenin and Trotsky were both Jews). And now we have another Jew (Soros) who wants to destroy America. Of course he controls a lot of media, because Jews stick together no matter what, and all of the major media outlets and Hollywood studios are owned by Jews. They did the same thing in Russia. They took control of the newspapers, then the government, then became the Soviet Union (Communist). They tried to do it in Germany too. Of course people were more afraid of his father's organization than they were of Hitler. Hitler wanted to create a great and powerful Germany and prevent the Jews from doing the same thing to Germany that they did to Russia. How did Germany get pulled into WWII? Because Georgia (Russia's little brother) attacked Austria (Germany's little brother), Germany came to the rescue (tried to anyway). Now they control the media here, and take a look at how many are in Political office:

Paige and John, Yahoo! Answers 4 Comments [6/9/2017 4:19:52 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 127939

Since every time I hear of a brutal killing of a woman, supposedly because of rape, I am injured by the fear of it happening to me or mine, that none of us are safe, the hatred of women. I can certainly see that the same thing happens to gays, when they hear & believe the propaganda story of Matthew Shepherd. It keeps us in a constant subconscious state of fear. There is something else going on here, our reality is a created illusion.?

R. Pawlak, Youtube 0 Comments [6/8/2017 8:41:51 PM]
Fundie Index: -1

Quote# 127938

Motive doesn't need to come from Matthew Shepard having been threatening to the drug scene in any way. The fact that he was a victim of molestation as a child AND the perpetrator got away with it even while he got into trouble suggests they weren't afraid of him at all.

Just look at the opening the Matthew Shepard murder and "official narrative" gave for Big Pharma to ramp up its donations to gay activism, raise the visibility of gay activism, and profit enormously from the 132.5% increase in HIV infection rates among young gay men AMID all this "activism" and "awareness," and that provides enough motive to plot the murder in a very cold blooded premeditated way.

They chose Matthew Shepard to do it to based on his family being very easily intimidated or coerced somehow into obediently going along with doing and saying everything they wanted them to do or say, and who knows why or what.

I personally was victimized by the same predators that Matthew Shepard was victimized by, well not the same people but the same "scene." Same corporations were involved, I was used as a guinea pig for experiments in certain substances where, if their efficacy were well known, it would make a huge dent in the profits of these same drug companies benefitting off Matthew Shepard's death.

Judy Shepard long ago said something about how Matthew Shepard was "accustomed to being abused." I know what she was talking about, I know the kind of abuse this same gay "crystal meth" drug scene perpetrates against those targeted by corporate sponsors for exploitation. It's on par with Nazi Germany.

Meanwhile, I just know that, before I was born, my parents were somehow victims of similar stuff and there was some friend of my mother who died, drowned in a bathtub, and she was "officially" the last person to see her alive. Not REALLY -- but the way corrupt cops operate......

I remember as a kid my parents telling us "they wanted to put us in jail." And "if we had stayed in Boston, they would have put us in jail." "They won't do that so long as we are up here in Maine doing what we are doing in Maine and raising you the way we are up here in Maine." They also told me "if you go to Boston when you grow up, they are going to try to do the same things to you as they did to us" and I do believe recalling them saying that "they won't let them get away with it." That's how long some of these crimes are plotted in advance.

I am an identical twin and our whole entire upbringing was basically an experiment. They were forced to let us be used as guinea pigs for extremely cruel experiments, medical and other. I also should note, my mother formerly worked for the Harvard School of Public Health in the 60's, and in the 80's she knew all the bogus nutrition recommendations from the 60's were fraudulent and bought and paid for by corporations. They have since been debunked and are considered a major reason for the obesity epidemic in the USA today. My parents' misfortune and the ways in which they were criminally victimized, framed, extorted is a major reason why other whistleblowers did not come forward in the 60's to warn against these fraudulent recommendations which were basically a major public health menace.

Harvard, other similar institutions, and Big Pharma have ties to terrorists AND crooked law enforcement officials at the same time. That's one of the ways they maintain compliance with their agenda.?

Damian Schloming, Youtube 1 Comments [6/8/2017 8:41:49 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 127928

Pfffft NO! Do you honest think that if she got away scott free the last 3 or 4 times that this time will be any different? She is a political figure head she controls the law. Regardless of who is president she will not be touched. Which is honestly quite sad.

But it is the truth Hillary Clinton is a well known criminal she should have went to jail for her first E-mail investigation, but because Obama, Loretta Lynch and James Comey all had say over the law she was set free of charge.

Even if Donald Trump now has the ability to get investigators onto her "case" there has to be a good reason for and since she's been investigated multiple times it's gonna be hard to actually dig up any dirt on her since as you should expect the FBI in the final week of the election decided to "Investigate" her one last time to likely delete all possible evidence since they knew all to well that Donald Trump was going to win.

So the whole week may have seemed like Clinton's down fall, but it wasn't, she was a failed candidate from the start, she was placed as the democratic nominee just because she paid some people off threatened people and silenced everyone, no one way buying it and she lost and she knew she was going to lose before they even began tallying up the votes, hence why she cancelled the firework show in New York.

She isn't going anywhere and it's not because she is innocent.

Anonymous, Yahoo! Answers 3 Comments [6/8/2017 1:29:08 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 127912

You'll never understand why Putin - the leader of Russia - is hated so much by the press in America if you don't first understand:

1. who runs the press in America

2. the revolution that recently took place in Ukraine

3. Russia's invasion of the Ukraine and Crimea

4. the fact that thousands of Jewish people have been leaving Israel recently and moving back to the Ukraine

5. the fact that Putin made a bold decisive move to stop that from happening

6. the fact that Ukraine/Crimea and Russia are part of the biblical Gog and Magog

7. who the 'Ashkenazim' are

8. how Donald Trump's election was an unanticipated - dare I say 'divine' interruption in the plans of globalists

9. who the synagogue of Satan are - referred to by Jesus in Revelation 3:9

Without a proper and clear understanding of these things, nothing that's taking place in the news regarding Trump, Russia or Putin will make any sense to you. And if you're not careful you'll be guilty of allowing #1 on this list to control how you see and view the world.

Mack Major, Facebook 8 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:31 PM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 127910

Britain is the land of false-flag operations....During WWII, Churchill told Hitler to bomb Coventry cathedral and then dummies from the local department store were used as "casualties."

Patrick Scrivener, Reformation 8 Comments [6/7/2017 1:37:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 127850

The 13,000 Years Old 'Black Knight' ALIEN Satellite That STILL Orbits Earth

Since the Black Knight Satellite was first discovered 80 years ago, reports from US, Russia, And Europe say that the satellite is of “unknown origin” and believe it may be an ancient alien satellite.

Beyond Science, YouTube 4 Comments [6/7/2017 1:34:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127846

5 Sewer Monsters Caught On Tape & Spotted In Real Life!


From four teenaged talking turtles, to a malevolent clown with a sinister agenda, sewer systems are something that pop up in movies and television shows from time to time, but something we rarely think about, despite our daily trips to the bathroom. Cities all around the world have underground sewer systems that channel excess water and human waste out to oceans and treatment plants for recycling. These underground infrastructures cover several thousand miles, and typically remain unexplored. Every once in a while, however, a curious adult or adolescent will find themselves poking cameras or even climbing into these underground tunnels, hoping to find something extraordinary. And every once in a while….they do. Here are five sewer monsters that have been caught on camera.

5. The Sewer Blob of North Carolina

On April 27, 2009, a snakecam was used to explore a potential sewage problem in North Carolina. Snakecams are often used to dig deep into small narrow underground tunnels when customers report a clog or drainage issues. Nothing could have prepared this plumber for what he was about to find however. This pulsing, twitching blob seems to be made up of organic tissue and muscle, reminiscent of something one would find featured on an episode of the X Files. What this oddly looking creature really is we may never know, but suffice it to say we feel pretty bad for whoever’s drainage system we are currently looking at!


4. Creature in the Shadows

This video is from the YouTube channel CaughtonTape. The owner of that channel has made a few videos in which he explores sewers near his house, because he’s convinced that something unnatural has been calling it home. In this clip, we see him explore both at night and during the day. Unfortunately, he finds his dead cat shortly into his journey. Seeing his pet’s body in the sewer only further convinces him that something has been living and hunting within the tunnels. Little did the man know that he had already captured a glimpse of the sewer monster the night before. One can only hope that as he continues to explore, he will not become the sewer monster’s next victim.

(0:30 you can just barely see it)

3. Shrieks in the Sewer

This next clip is another video filmed by the man behind CaughtonTape. On the evening of July 28, 2011, he began heard noises coming from the sewer near his home, prompting his first investigation into the underground infrastructure. Hoping to make amicable contact, the man grabbed his video camera and headed into the sewer. The sounds the monster makes is truly chilling and would send most people heading for the hills. As the man shines his light all around, a rake-ish looking monster with glowing eyes was found staring right back at him. The man had to flee in order to save his own life.


2. The Grey Monster

This video was made by a young man maned Thurgood, who inadvertently caught sight of a gray skinned monster hanging out by the entranceway of a sewer. Thurgood was in the process of making a fishing video when he began to hear strange, eerie screams emanating from nearby. As Thurgood looked around, he saw the unidentified creature rush through the foliage and down into an open sanitary sewer. As he finished explaining what happened, the creature returned to visit once more. Thurgood barely caught a glimpse of it, before he hit the off button on the camera in a moment of sheer panic.


1. Running for their Lives

This startling video was recorded by a small group of friends who decided to explore an elaborate tunnel system somewhere overseas. It’s clear by their tense whispers that they are anxious about their journey—and rightfully so. Out of nowhere, a figure appears in the shadows of the tunnel, and begins to charge at the group. All of them scream and immediately turn to escape, including the camera operator. I don’t think any of them will be returning to the tunnel anytime soon.


Top 5s Finest, YouTube 0 Comments [6/7/2017 1:34:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127830

Why the Muzzies are being encouraged to infiltrate the west

Albert Pike.

As a 33rd degree Mason, he was one of the founding fathers and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859 and retained that position until his death in 1891.

I'm not going to provide his full biography for you. A quick search of his name should provide all the background you need to learn about him. If you really want to know how his mind worked, his book Morals and Dogma is freely available in pdf format. He was a Luciferian.

Assuming his predictions of the three world wars were truly his predictions, it's obvious as to why we have the Muzzie problem we have today and it won't go away unless we MAKE it go away.

He has been attributed to predicting the precise reasons for escalation of each world war.

For a more in-depth study of WWI:
[link to www.threeworldwars.com]

For a more in-depth study of WWII:
[link to www.threeworldwars.com]

It seems he was rather prescient regarding the world wars to follow considering he died in 1891.

This brings us to WWIII. Guess who is instrumental in making it happen as he predicted??? Yup - muzzies.

His purported prediction for WWIII:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

SO, let's assume there is a remnant of those who follow, believe AND wish to foment the tenets of this Satanic asswipe...NOW do you see why Islam is being embraced by every western nation on the planet even though the evidence of their barbarism goes back for centuries? Those with half a brain are scratching their heads wondering why the fuck world governments are putting up with this shit. It's because they're IN on the plan!!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that we are slowly being invaded by a culture that embraces the death of any who disagree with it.

Knowledge is power.

To use the term Islamophobia as an axiom for hate is an oxymoron!! This "brand" is used to insinuate "hate" towards those to whom it is spewed. A phobia is a FEAR. (This applies to all the other "phobias" the PC crowd tosses around ad nauseum. Fucking illiterate morons!)

Make no mistake, what is transpiring with the embracement of Islam by TPTB is a slow, eventual creep towards war and the ultimate enslavement of the populace. We either sit like frogs in the pot and wait for the water to boil or we put a stop to this shit.

/rant off.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 0 Comments [6/7/2017 1:34:01 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 127786

The intra-mural war between the Satanyahu Zionist and the Soros Globalist crime families of the "Kosher Nostra" heats up (no pun intended) with Trumpstein's decision to stick it to the Globalist faction by pulling the United States out of the "Paris Climate Agreement." As the world's leading emitter of harmless plant-food molecules (CO2), this essentially means that the devious deal, in spite of China, India and Russia's feigned "commitment" to the Paris scheme, will, in due course, die altogether -- except perhaps in the Communist EU and many individual American states.

Now would be a good time to summarize some important historical propaganda milestones of the 40-year old hoax that has "evolved" from being known as "The Greenhouse Effect" TM to "Global Warming" TM to "Climate Change" TM.

1970: With great fanfare, the first "Earth Day" (April 22nd, Lenin's Birthday) kicked-off with CBS's Walter Cronkite (CFR) hosting a nationally televised TV special. The theme of "saving the planet" was thus introduced to the gullible young hippie crowd who have since grown up to takeover America, at the behest of their invisible handlers (cough cough).

Cronkite and the media's heavy promotion of "Earth Day 1970" was a sure indication of a Globalist push for some sinister agenda.

1975-1978: During the mid 1970's, "scientific" talk of a coming "ice age" (not necessarily related to pollution) was used to frighten the population.

People aged 45 and under cannot remember that we once had a bit of an ice-age scare.

1979-1982: At a time when world population and plant-food emissions were far lower than they are today, concerns about an ice-age are suddenly replaced with tales of a "Greenhouse Effect" TM that is expected to wreak havoc by the Year 2000. After nearly 40 years, none of the dire predictions have come to pass as "doomsday" is again and again pushed up to yet another far off day in "our children's future."

1990: The children's TV show, Captain Planet and The Planeteers" is unveiled by Globalist Ted Turner. The series will be broadcast on TBS from 1990 to 1992. A sequel series, The New Adventures of Captain Planet, is later broadcast from 1993-1996. Many millions of children, now in their 30's, were brainwashed by cartoons which featured the green-haired Captain Planet and his young "Planeteers" battling against evil business and oil men such as "Hoggish Greedly."

1. In the early 1980's, images of the Statue of Liberty, predicted to be under water by 2000, were used to frighten school children across America. 2. Captain Planet and the Planeteers: Evil Communist propaganda aimed at helpless children -- many of whom have since grown up into adult libtards.

1992: CFR member, Senator and soon-to-be Vice President, Al Gore (D-TN) publishes Earth in the Balance, in which he calls for a "Global Marshall Plan to "save the planet." The book is hyped to the stars by Sulzberger's Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press.

2006: Al Gore, who had almost been elected President in 2000, authors another propaganda book titled, An Inconvenient Truth. Dealing solely with the "crisis" of Global Warming" TM, the error-filled book serves as the basis for a movie version directed by Davis Guggenheim (cough cough) and narrated by Al Gore. Gore's fake film premiers at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival. The Marxist movie is then mega-hyped by the Piranha Press and wins two Academy Awards. It would later be shown in classrooms across America and Britain. Adding idiocy to insult, Gore is then awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his assinine activism.

The world gone mad! Greasy Gore collects an Academy Award and a Nobel Prize.

2015: The Communist Pope Francis issues an unprecedented edict directing his followers to believe that "Climate Change" TM is real. He condemns it as a "sin" and urges the world to "take action." All of a sudden, the Judenpresse loves a Catholic Pope. Hmmmm.

2016: Hollywood degenerate Leonardo DiCaprio releases a National Geographic crockumentary about "Climate Change" TM. The pack of lies, massively hyped by the Piranha Press, is titled, Before the Flood. DiCommio and Poop Frankie are now the biggest public faces pushing for action (global taxes on plant food and NWO control over business) on "Climate Change" TM.

In the absence of any real science to support the outrageous claims, it was these propaganda initiatives, combined with never-ending Fake News stories, that brought nearly 50% of the American public to now believing in at least some degree of man-made "Climate Change" TM. It is a classic case of bought-off "science" and "manufactured consent" being used to cover up the Globalist agenda to tax the air we exhale -- and which plants "happily" inhale -- and then transfer that stolen wealth to UN bureaucrats and Turd World politicians. That's the truth, and the seditious scum at Sulzberger's Slimes damn well know it.

Now before "youse guys" (New Jersey speak for the plural of you) jump back on the Trump Train over this welcome event, keep in mind that Trumpstein's war on Globalism and EUism is being waged on behalf of Israeli Super Nationalists working for a "Greater Israel" -- not America. Trumpstein also blew a golden opportunity to publicly denounce the Fake Science of the warmists -- opting to oppose the deal on the basis of economic arguments only, while still acknowledging that some small degree of man-made warming is occuring -- when it is not! And finally, because the false belief remains in place, about 20 US states (including the massive states of New York & California) will still have expensive and job-killing "carbon controls" anyway.

The great hoax is still alive and well -- as is the Globalist movement.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the whole world is condemning Trump for pulling us out of the Paris Agreement.

Boobus Americanus 2: What an ass! All he cares about is raping Mother Earth for profit.

Sugar: Lissten to the sstupid little "Planeteer" from the 1980'ss. All grown up physsically, yet the intellect of a frickin' child remainss.

Editor: Indeed. Libtards are essentially arrested-development cases.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 4 Comments [6/7/2017 1:29:27 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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