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Quote# 127757

Re: Trump pulls USA out of Paris climate deal

(If you claim to be an educated and cognitively aware member of the White race, and yet cannot identify the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change in today's environment, then do everyone a favour and give yourself an uppercut. Seriously.)

You're the one who's full of BS. You presented no evidence or logic or anything valid. You only spewed a lot of insults and emotions. If the evidence is so overwhelming then why didn't you present any of it? You talk like a libtard communist. You're not going to convince me of anything just by writing several paragraphs of nothing but insults. Do you even know any of the evidence that you claim is so overwhelming? I've listened to some videos debunking so-called "climate change." And I also have a scientific personality, which means I tend to take a scientific approach to many things. My personality type is INTJ and you can read about INTJ's. I've always loved science and I know that "climate change" is BS that was designed by the jews as a trick to promote their world government plans. I've taken classes in physics, chemistry, calculus, and other advanced math subjects. You're calling the wrong person an ignorant hick.

There actually isn't any good evidence for a "climate change" problem.
You say there's so much great evidence for it but obviously, you don't even know what you're talking about.

Here's one huge thing to consider: If climate change is so real and so catastrophic, then WHY are they allowing China, India and other countries to keep increasing their pollution until 2030 in the Paris Accord? If it were so real and so bad, then the leaders of the world would take this thing seriously and demand that all major polluting nations drastically cut their pollution. But they're NOT taking it seriously. They never have!

I saw an episode of Nova well over 10 years ago. They said we had 10 years to reverse global warming or else the Earth would be irreversibly doomed. The disaster never happened. Also the idea of Global Warming turned out to be wrong, so they changed the name to "Climate Change," which is an idiotic, meaningless name since climate always changes.

Phoenix1933, stormfront.org 7 Comments [6/7/2017 1:27:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 127890

TPTB Ultimate Goal Is Manifesting: The Holy/Political War Against The West & The Purple(Red + Blue) Revolution Against Our Rebublic Has Begun

The Attacks On The West Will Continue To Increase As ISIS Is Finally Losing More Ground In Syria & Evacuating Raqqa. The Attacks On Trump & Our Rebublic Also Continue To Grow As The Purple Colour Revolution Gains Traction:

Red (Problem)
Blue (Reaction)
Purple (Solution)

The "Solution" is the unification of Red States & Blue States. They have already divided us as division is one of their main tools. They are now reacting by using the MSM one of their other main tools. Almost each week now the CovFEFE seems to double. What comes next im not sure, but by the looks of things it's nothing good...

Thread: What If Most Recent Successful & Attempted Regime Change Attempts Were Used As A Real Isolated Testing Environment(Sandbox) For Experimentation?

After watching the events & Trump's actions over the past Month this Travel Alert makes much more sense. He clearly knows the blowback is coming as he is currently working on staging/preparing for actual Anti-Terror Operation's.

TPTB are going all out, manifesting political terrorism throughout the globe. If thing's continue to not go as planned in Syria the terrorism will continue being exported from the ME to the West. It Looks Like Duterte might the next Assad. Also the manifestation of a militant political movement within the US is forming. This has always been TPTB ultimate goal, to dived us to the point of Civil War with Islamic/ANTIFA/BLM like factions. Trump is practically being branded the next Hitler by the Liberal MSM. As he is now a major obstacle to TPTB plans, just like all the other "obstacles" that the Deep State/Shadow Government arm of TPTB has Toppled/Assassinated...

Trump came out of nowhere they weren't expecting him, his genius unprecedented methods of gaining massive backing/support, or that he would win the election. But this is something they had long worried about & somewhat prepared for. We are now seeing the tactics they developed for a Trump like scenario play out, especially through the MSM & the actions of the Left/DNC. They are waging a 24/7 Propaganda Campaign. They repeat the current CovFEFE over & over, ignoring actual major news stories. They literally spent all day having a meltdown over a fucking tweet. Worst of all the mindless sheeple actually believe all the CovFEFE.

Quoting: \\\ Psychonaut SN7 ///

Psychonaut SN7, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [6/7/2017 1:20:20 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 127889

What If Most Recent Successful & Attempted Regime Change Attempts Were Used As A Real Isolated Testing Environment(Sandbox) For Experimentation?


Stage 1 which is a Colour Revolution is clearly already underway within the USA. It's seems as of now they are mostly using the MSM Propaganda Machine. But at this rate it's only a matter of time before they have massive amounts of mindless zombies waving around their premade signs & all reciting the same script...

Europe is likely close to half way through with Stage 2. The importation of Mercs & Political Terrorist which is still underway within Europe. The Philippines now also seem to be in the beginning of Stage 2 specifically targeting Duterte...

This is just an opinion that randomly popped into my head today. But if there is some truth to this, for all we know the Shadow Government could already secretly be in the beginning of Stage 2 while Stage 1 still plays out within the USA. Stage 3 would involve directly overthrowing Trump or causing him to suffer the same fate of our last true President JFK. Or they will use the Goatfucking Puppets deep division & destabilization Otowelhead created throughout our Rebublic to start a Civil War. Convincing the Sheeple & Libtards to attempt to parade a battered Trump around in public before sodomizing him with a stick, don't think I need to finish the story cause you all know what happens next...

Psychonaut SN7, Godlike Productions 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:20:13 PM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 127888

Jesus escaped the underworld/under the dome/hollow earth/land of the dead and got resurrected, when Humans will escape?

Well humans are not even aware they live in the underworld, that their sky is the actual surface of their planet, that like skynet they died/got murdered before they were born, just like in mythology, you have to die first before you enter hades/underworld/inner earth.

KABOOM THE MOONS, Godlike Productions 1 Comments [6/7/2017 1:15:17 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 127878

Bigfoot Enthusiast to Offer New Spring Class at Centralia College
‘The Old Ones, the First Americans’: Course Builds on his Bigfoot Research, Incorporates Stones He Found Depicting the Creature

Mitchel Townsend, a part-time volunteer educator at Centralia College, shows off what he believes is prehistoric artwork on a rock that depicts bigfoot.

A new class at Centralia College taught by a part-time volunteer instructor will further build on his claims that he discovered scientific evidence that proves bigfoot’s existence.

Mitchel Townsend, with the college’s department of continuing and community education, will feature some of his new archeological discoveries that include hybrid hominin art and stone carvings.

The rocks found locally at a location Townsend would not disclose are similar to that of Solutrean art — prehistoric art from the paleolithic times found in France. The artwork shows there was an advanced society in Lewis County over 20,000 years ago with culture and religion, according to Townsend.

The pictures on the rocks, which still need to be carbon dated, include elephants, bears and what he describes as a hybrid hominin in a similar pose to the Patterson-Gimlin film, which shows an unidentified subject thought to be bigfoot.

The stone carvings still need to be examined in an academic environment. Townsend has done a preliminary data analysis but plans to wait for the material to be peer reviewed since he has not yet finished a scientific paper that adequately describes his newest findings.

The class will marry bigfoot into the Solutrean art, Townsend said, claiming it shows that “bigfoot had to be an important part of their society.”

According to Townsend, the class will try to identify “the very first Americans through Native American legends, new scientific theories about population migration and his own multidisciplinary independent research.”

Townsend said the ancient native North Americans had identified a primitive culture of people that predated their arrival on the Bering Sea Land Bridge. He said there are remarkable consistencies with the recorded descriptions of the people’s cultural traditions, arts and traditions, and the stones he discovered.

In 2015, Townsend released the first of a series of three scientific papers that described his findings of three separate deer and elk bone piles that had giant hominin teeth marks. Townsend concluded the human-like teeth imprints, accompanied by footsteps with a length of 16 inches, belong to a creature like bigfoot who shares the genetic makeup of Native Americans and an ape.

Townsend has presented his forensic dental impression signature analysis research at various conferences including the annual Anthropological Research Conference in Tacoma. He also presented the research at the Sasquatch Summits and the International Bigfoot Conference. The response from the conferences led him to submit his most recent version of his papers to the Journal of Archaeological Science/Reports, one of the top archaeological research journals in the world.

“To this day our research stands intact,” Townsend said. “Not one scientist has been able to refute our conclusions in any category. The integrated and mutually supporting nature of the evidence and analysis is clear, repeatable and microscopically impossible to fake or hoax.”

Townsend will provide the material, his analysis or his new archaeological discoveries to anyone who wants to analyze them.

He has authored a textbook titled “Bigfoot Solved, Hybrid Hominin,” which was released in February and is available on Amazon. The book consolidates his scientific papers.

Mitchel Townsend, The Chronicle Online 5 Comments [6/6/2017 8:34:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127866

Is False Flag Weekly News about to become obsolete?

CNN, which suggested the Manchester bombing could be a false flag, just dropped the word “psy-op” into its early report on this evening’s “white van and stabbings” event in London.

If CNN continues to label each emerging terror drama a “false flag” or “psy-op” in their breaking news coverage, I may have to either apply for a job there, or look for another line of work.

But seriously, folks…what could explain such amazing outbursts of candor from the Establishment mouthpieces over at CNN?

I just spoke with Webster Tarpley after his presentation at the Left Forum in New York City, and he posits that “hatred of Trump is bringing out the best in people” who were formerly purveyors of mainstream propaganda pablum. If that is the case, we may expect to see The New York Times, CNN, Washington Post and the like suddenly come clean with headlines like: “The war on terror is a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job – sorry we didn’t tell you earlier.”

But I think Ole Dammegard’s theory is far more plausible. Ole says false flag terror events are scripted psy-ops orchestrated by a freemasonic-satanic criminal gang that holds, as part of its occult belief system, the bizarre notion that “if we warn you and reveal what we’re doing and you let us get away with it, then the bad karma is on you, not us.”

That is why, for example, the Rothschilds’ Economist Magazine told the whole world in late 2014 that there would be two big terror attacks in Paris in 2015, and the second attack would happen on 11/13/15.

Other well-known examples of false flag terror perps telling us what they’re going to do include the famous Simpsons 9/11 imagery, the Lone Gunman TV series, smearing the Brussels Airport logo in blood all over the floor of the Bataclan to signal that the next false flag would be in Brussels, and on and on.

Ole explains that the bizarre superabundance of obvious evidence that 9/11 and follow-up false flags are inside jobs may not be a sign of incompetence. Instead, he suggests, the perpetrators intentionally fail to hide their tracks, in accordance with their occult believe that to do so absolves them of karmic guilt.

I will be busy presenting at the Left Out Forum tomorrow – watch the livestream HERE – so I won’t have time to scour the internet for evidence that this attack, like the previous ones in Manchester and Westminster (not to mention Paris) is a false flag.

But since all such events are now presumptive false flags – even CNN is jumping on the bandwagon – I think we can assume that this one, like the previous one in Manchester, was a Gladio B operation designed to throw the British election to Theresa May and stop 9/11 truth supporting anti-Zionist Jeremy Corbyn.

Kevin Barrett, Veteran's Today 2 Comments [6/6/2017 8:32:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 127855

Why GLP is seeing so many Anti-Trump/Anti-Europe/Anti-America threads lately

The wise among you are probably noticing the recent rash of proxy AC's posting how much 'their' countries hate President Trump and Americans or how America should just let Europe suffer and not help them with the planned Islamic invasion. Some of these paid retards are actually stupid enough to use leftist rags to justify their posts as factual.

Examples of these shit posts:

"Some random unnamed German official say Germans hate Trump"
"Americans will not help Europe"
"When will America pay for the mess it created?"
"No one likes Trump in (insert any European country)"

All of these are scripts and made up lies.

Just like the crack smoking trolls that are paid to post that the US military hates President Trump and keep repeating the Maxine Water 'impeachment' meme of stupidity. They are deceivers.

The truth is the media is using their ill gained platform to twist the western world into hating each other.

There is a concentrated effort from leftist troll AC accounts spreading these lies all over the internet forums.


"Vereinigt sind wir stark"
"Unidos somos fuertes"
"Siamo uniti siamo forti"
"Forent er vi sterke"
"United we are strong"

Do NOT let the left divide you from your European brothers and sisters across the pond. Stand strong and stay united.

Regardless of what the media and world leaders are saying, we are at war...we didn't wage it and we sure as hell didn't start it...but we will win it, if we stand united against tptb. We WILL destroy the puppets and their puppet masters.

Nameless the Deplorable, Godlike Productions 1 Comments [6/6/2017 8:30:12 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 127849

5 Witches Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! (Part 2)


Witches are mystical creatures that kids love to hear stories about. Whether it was the witch that gave Snow White the poisonous apple, or some other fairytale, witches strike the young imagination with fear and delight. But imagine witches appearing in real life, scaring grown men and making their worst nightmares come true. Here are the top 5 witches caught on camera & spotted in real life- Part two. Let's begin!

#5 Witch Passing by a Riverside in Mexico

These friends from Guatemala decided to enjoy a summer’s day at the riverside, but little did they know- this was no place to be playing. The boys were jumping in the river, doing stunts and flips, with one of them filming the acrobatics. Later, upon reviewing the tape they found something very strange. In the top of the shot, you can clearly see three black figures moving one after another. The first one appears to be leading them,perhaps as they head back to a witches den?

#4 The Cave Witch

You know how in a scary old movie, the pair of protagonists always say, let's split up. And that just never works out! So this duo of paranormal explorers set out on a mission to find the cave of a witch, and wisely stayed together. At the beginning of the clip, there appears a strange black figure, visible for only a fraction of a second. As the investigators go deeper in the cave, near the exit they see an eerie witch in black clothing in shining daylight. As as soon as it’s aware that it has been discovered, the witch seems to fly away from the scene. The investigators run after the spook, but with no luck.

#3 Witch Flying in Mexico

A witch flying on a ranch in Mexico! In the fields of an old farm, two friends appear, enjoying their day off. But one of them begins filming a strange, black figure on the ground. As he approaches, the unknown creature launches into the sky. An entity with grey wings and long, thin arms and legs is filmed in the air for about thirty seconds, then starts to chase one of the humans! He tries to run but the strange, winged beast follows him with determination as the clip mysteriously ends.

#2 Witch Encountered in a Graveyard

A voodoo researcher efrom Hungary wants to search the forest, on a mission to find strange artifacts. Instead he found something a little bit more alive. The man first sees hanging crosses, human teeth necklaces and an entire abandoned graveyard in the forest. Upon exploring the graveyard, he comes across a woman dressed in black garments, sitting in the forest. Instead of fleeing for his life he shouted something in Hungarian, the gothic woman runs away and the videographer chases her into the forest. No luck, it seems like something tied his feet together and he fell to the ground.

#1 Witch Found in Abandoned Warehouse

The first four videos were pretty scary, but this one possibly documents the unfortunate death of an overly curious witch enthusiast from Oregon. The man decides to explore an abandoned warehouse despite its overgrown exterior and a sign that read, GET OUT. He bravely persists, catching a glimpse of a shadowly figure in black. But the man continues, only to see face of the black entity again before running for his life. You can notice his heartbeat rising rapidly. The foolhardy investigator seems to make it out, sprintingly wildly along a forest path. But his videography skills seem to vanish as the final segment of the clip shows an annoyingly bumpy image of the ground. Hey, you can't blame him. Live to fight another day - and worry about that camera technique later.

Top 5s Finest, YouTube 5 Comments [6/5/2017 6:13:46 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127845

5 Aliens Creatures Left Behind on Earth!


History and mythology are filled with human explorers lost in unknown lands. Odysseus is one such famous explorer. If aliens existed, wouldn’t that mean their explorers could be left behind too? These are 5 alien creatures left behind on earth. Let’s begin!

5.) 4chan Alien Image

This allegedly a real image of an alien that was posted on 4chan. According to witnesses, the photo was posted before the website was suddenly taken down by a DDOS attack. When the site returned, the image of the alleged alien was gone, as well as any copies on archived versions of 4chan. Stranger yet, those who claimed to have downloaded the image claimed to have lost their copies as well, as if they were deleted from their computer by an unknown intruder. The story associated with this image suggests that this picture remains because of an error that left it corrupted, making it difficult for automatic algorithms to detect and delete from websites and computers.

4.) Alien Survivors Turn Russian Soldiers to Stone

During the Cold War there were a number of classified sightings and close encounters with aliens that remained unreported until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. While there are a number of reports of confrontations between the Soviet military and aliens, this is perhaps one of the strangest and most disturbing. According to official reports, a UFO was shot down over Siberia during military training exercises. When soldiers went to retrieve the craft, they were attacked by aliens. It was there that they found that the aliens were not only alive, but resistant, and reportedly used their technology to turn the Soviet soldiers into stone - mirroring ancient mythologies.

3.) Strange Creature Found in California Woods

The day after a strange light had been seen off the California coast, a Facebook user named Gianna Peponis found a strange, slimy corpse at the edge of her property in San Jose, California. According to Peponis, she heard a scream outside her house and went to investigate. She found this creature in the woods that surround her property. It was translucent, gooey, and apparently dead. Peponis claimed that Facebook removed the picture, trying to censor her. People speculated as to the creature’s origin.

2.) Dr. Reed’s Alien Surgery

This video captures the autopsy of an alien wounded by one Dr. Jonathan Reed. Reed, a psychologist, was taking photographs while while through the woods when he was attacked by an alien. Reed knocked the creature unconscious with a stone, or perhaps even killed it, and took a photo of its black, triangular craft. The doctor wrapped the creature in a thermal blanket and escaped with the body before any witnesses arrived. After returning to his home with the body of the alien, he undertook a home autopsy in his garage, recording it the entire time. This creature seems to reflect a classical alien; it’s grey, humanoid, with long, lanky limbs, and wears some kind of featureless uniform.

1.) McGuire Alien Air Force Base

Aliens are often associated with military bases for one reason or another. Many claim that military bases often serve as places where militaries of Earth house and work alongside aliens to some unknown, horrifying ends. If they were working together, that would not explain this strange encounter a U.S. service member had with an alien while patrolling the base. According to reports, Sgt. Jeff Morse, a military policeman, was patrolling the base when he encountered an alien entity in the road. Sgt. Morse got out of his jeep, and instructed the creature to surrender itself, and fired on it when it did not, killing it. The base called law enforcement, but a strange military unit Sgt. Morse was unfamiliar with arrived, claiming the alien’s body and taking it away. This happened after a series of UFO sightings near the base - could it be that this alien was a recon scout preparing for an invasion?

Top 5s Finest, YouTube 1 Comments [6/5/2017 5:29:05 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127844

Skinwalker Cryptid Sighted Hunting Camera

Skinwalker and other strange creatures seem to target Mexico most out of other nations. South America is filled with unexplained creatures.

[The creature in question]

(It's from an 80s science-fiction film, though possibly inspired by a real-life sideshow performer. A skinwalker is actually a shapehifting witch from Navajo folklore. Source)

SupernaturalNews, YouTube 5 Comments [6/5/2017 5:29:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127843

Dee Doss has spent the last ten months dedicated to his field research of the Sasquatch and Dogman creature, both in his area of northern Texas, and in southern Oklahoma. Sasquatch are reported more frequently, but the even more terrifying Dogman/Werewolf creature is also said to inhabit the area.

Dee has also decided during our chat, to delve more specifically into an encounter he says he had with one of these Dogman-type creatures. It almost made him give up researching all together. He has videos, pictures and much data collected, during his time in the field. His You Tube channel covers more than just Cryptids, but on this episode…it’s all we had time for.

Dee Doss, Cryptomundo 1 Comments [6/5/2017 5:28:54 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127839

5 Most Common Cryptids Caught on Camera

Crawl around the internet for any length of time, and you are sure to come across evidence of the weird and paranormal. Now that everyone has access to his own recording device and security camera, they are able to catch everything we don't and there is more mysterious footage than ever flown (?) around. Questionable as it may be, these common creatures that crop up again and again is (sic) perhaps evidence enough to make you wonder, so here are the 5 most common cryptids caught on camera (or "camara", as the in-video title spells it). Let's begin.

Number 5: Demons

"Demon" is a catch-all term as, like "aliens", it could refer to any numbers of creatures. What falls into this category is anything that doesn't quite fit anywhere else. By its very nature, footage of demons is usually the most frightening of all. The following video shows what could be labelled as a ghost and most often crops up as an angel and does show draped white feathers, but the creature itself is certainly not angelic. Take a look:

[footage of some spanish (?) guys catching a glimpse of a fake-looking Gollum-like creature in the woods.]

Number 4: Chupacabra

The legendary goat-sucker is different to the other entries, it only first appeared 1995 when several dead sheep were found in Latin America drained of their blood.
Since then, sightings of the hairless, fanged, doglike creature exploded all over America and continue to this day. While some of the explanations try to explain away the phenomenon by saying that the creature in question is usually a coyote with mange, it seems strange that sightings only begin in the nineties. Perhaps the most compelling footage comes from police camera in South Texas where they followed along behind the cryptid for several minutes scaring it with their vehicle. Say look.

[CNN "reporting". It is very obviously a just a mangy canid.]

Number 3: Aliens

Of course, you cannot miss out aliens. UFO sightings, as you might know, are relentlessly regular worldwide. There are endless objects that may be UFOs, which, after all, don't have to be extraterrestrial in nature. A UFO is just an undefined object - athmospheric energies, strange aircraft, even debris from space - these have all been captured and uploaded as evidence of beings from outer space. What's less common is footage of these beings themselves. Perhaps, they are too shy to show themselves or simply very good at hiding. However, the evidence is still here. Take a look:

[Some lights over Stonehenge]

Number 2: Bigfoot

Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Tree(?)man, Stunk Ape: Every creature on Earth has stories of large, hairy, ape-like beasts roaming the wild and its popularity as a creature of myth is reflected in the amount of footage we have of it. The idea that something has been living as close to us for so long without being identified properly is both frustrating and fascinating. Similarily to ghosts, there are a lot of fake videos with people dressed in gorilla costumes strolling through the trees in a shaky camera angle but there is also an equal amount of footage that can't be as easily dismissed, like this one from Maine.

[Someone in a Bigfoot costume walking through the background]

Number 1: Ghost in Disneyland

Whether it is orbs of energy, misty figures or strange solid-seeming people who appear and disappear suddenly: type "ghost footage" into YouTube. There aren't many footage (sic) like the ghost in Disneyland that has been caught on live camera. Among the horror movie footage and screamer videos, you can find a few that are so realistic that there's really no other explanation. Have a look at this ghost caught on security cameras at Disneyland. Creepy stuff.

[Shaky footage filming low-quality monitor, where vaguely humanoid distortions and figures of light seem to walk around.]

And here you guys have the five most common cryptids ever caught on camera. If you enjoyed the video, make sure to drop a Like and share it and also make sure to subscribe to for the best countdowns ever. We are out.

Top 5s Finest, YouTube 1 Comments [6/5/2017 5:28:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Pharaoh Bastethotep

Quote# 127808

EARTH IS NOT A SPHERE and There is no such things as GRAVITY

I am not a flat earther. I don't know what the earth is or how it is or where it is. I don't know whether God exists or not. I don't know these things.

But there are things I know, for sure.

1) There is no gravity.
2) The education system you know, it is a joke.
3) All the pictures and videos of outer space: LIES
4) We never went to the moon, because it is not a place you can land on (since planets, do not exist)
5) Your language creates your world
6) Sports for the audience: mind-control mechanisms
7) The earth is not a sphere (I don't know what it is, except that it is definitely not a planet moving in empty space)
8) Space doesn't exist, and we are living a closed system, perhaps there is a machine for all this.
9) There no astronauts in space right now and there never was, all those videos were and are being taken down here on earth, just watch them CLOSELY and catch the errors as I did.
10) Evolution: best of lies.

These are for certain.

Other than these, I can sincerely confess that I don't know what's going on and why we are here. I am not really a God believer but I know how certain things are. Believe what I say or not, but what I am saying is true regardless, you can find out for yourself if you pay enough attention.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 10 Comments [6/4/2017 5:51:14 AM]
Fundie Index: 8

Quote# 127805

SCIENTISTS getting closer to the TRUTH...that CAUCASIANS are the OFFSPRING of an advanced ALIEN RACE...

Would explain alot. Why white Europeans possessed the intellect so far above Earth's indigenous races. The elongated skulls found in the Middle east and South America have been DNA tested to be of European decent. The History Channel's show, "Ancient Aliens" traced the DNA more specifically back to Scotland and many of the skulls recovered had traces of reddish or blonde hair remaining, traits biologically specific to Caucasians. But how did Caucasians get to Peru over 2000 years ago? And how were these same elongated skulls found in Antartica? Its long been known that several culture made attempts to artificially elongate the skulls of their children by wrapping or banding the skull before it was fully formed. But why? Perhaps to mimic the appearance of alien beings who had visited them? The volume of the elongated skulls that would have contained the brain is significantly larger than that of a human skull. Purposeful deformation of the human skull can change its shape but not its volume.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 2 Comments [6/4/2017 5:40:11 AM]
Fundie Index: 4

Quote# 127804


Many people are not grasping the gravity of our situation. We need to key in on the most important pieces of information that move our world. Today on my Twitter feed, you can find some vital articles to inform you as to what is going on.

[link to twitter.com (secure)]

The old news item from 2007 on the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) tells us exactly what we are up against. A quantum artificially intelligent computer is gaming everyone’s data into simulated scenarios that then determine what events are staged, and what propaganda is published, by the elite controllers.

What you must understand is that the few 1% elite are not intelligent enough on their own to devise plans to culminate in their desired New World Order. They are too busy kidnapping our children and raping them, hunting them, murdering them, eating them and selling their organs. What man is unable to do, a machine can. The quantum AI can keep track of 7 billion souls and their data quite easily. To give an example, if the goal is to destroy President Trump and remove him from office, then they simply feed that outcome into the AI. The AI then tells them what actions they should take to achieve that goal. No humans are smart enough to figure out an agenda with such complexity.

The other news item I posted is the work of Deborah Tavares on Climate Action Plans. She has done the leg work to inform the public about what the Global Warming and Paris Accord are all about. They intend to infiltrate our homes with monitoring devices in our appliances with an intention to tax us for emitting CO2 gases. Research the Carbon Tax problems in Australia.

They are attacking us from all sides. There is method to all their madness and it can be traced back to this evil AI that is like Satan himself. You need to research how quantum computers work (D-Wave). You need to look into how they enable what is called the “Mandela Effect” whereby they use quantum entanglement to reach into the past and change things. Look up “Lion and the Lamb” for an easy example.

Lastly, you need to know about the “Deep State” which has circumvented the U.S. government and controls the MainStream Media, primarily through intelligence agencies like the CIA and the MOSSAD.

Now today, the most important story is the citizen investigation into the Seth Rich murder. His demise is the key to taking down the Deep State. If Seth Rich is the leaker to WikiLeaks then that truth will destroy the entire Russia Hacking Narrative. Revelations of the corruption of the DNC, Podesta, Hillary Clinton, pedophilia, leaks, and much more will expose the machinations of the Deep State.

The key for us is to stand on “Truth” at all times. We have to be “Lovers of the Truth” to make it through the inevitable dismantling of the U.S. government as a result of all these exposures. People will be arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted and jailed. We will have to reconstitute our government.

I have to mention God because He is the one who will help us to know the truth. If we include Him in all our endeavors then we will succeed in stopping the Deep State. God can guide our steps and move on the people who will do what is necessary to expose all the corruption. Yes, we have to pray to God to give us His Holy Spirit discernment so that we will know what is true and what is disinformation. By praying for God’s help we can practice and fine-tune our intuition to know what is true. There is a BS Meter built into all of us.

People who are in the lime-light of Alternative News must include God and invoke God’s name into all their articles and broadcasts. Ask your listeners and readers to pray for God’s help. In our personal lives we must ask God to be a part of all that we do. Start and end each day speaking to God. Pretend Father God is watching your life through your eyes and speak to Him constantly about what is going on. By doing this exercise then you will learn to hear God’s voice more clearly. Watch your every thought and God will help you clean up your thought life.

Ironically, we are the ones who need to be righteous and holding the Light in order to achieve victory. Our future does not have to be doom and gloom. Your country can resist the globalists. The Bible does not say that we do not fight. Our main weapons are EXPOSURE and PRAYER. Please think about these two methods. We stand on the truth and expose the enemy. We pray to God to guide us and others as to what to do. So, you see that as an individual you CAN make a difference.

Before all this is over God has a plan to raise up some few of us whom He has been preparing. God will glorify this remnant, which means that they will be transformed into new bodies like the one Jesus had after His resurrection. They will be filled with God’s glory and power and go about doing miracles and preaching the Gospel (good news). Believe God. Have faith in Him. Trust God. He does love us all and is ready to help us with all details of our lives. I leave you with some of my favorite verses in the Bible:

Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
Isa 60:2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

Me114, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [6/4/2017 5:40:01 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127803

URGENT WARNING – Seth Rich Battle Waged Against AI

Greetings God-Loving Patriots!

This past long weekend, May 27 to 29, we saw many informational nuggets come out about the Seth Rich assassination and non-investigation. We saw rumors, innuendo, facts, and much speculation stated as facts. Tuesday morning has been no different. There are a few new announcements that seem fantastic on their face, but there really are no confirmations yet.

My warning today is for us to take a step back for a moment and consider before we choose to spread what could amount to be disinformation or misinformation. The best way to decide what to believe is to ask Father God to give us His Holy Spirit discernment. Before we hit that ReTweet button let us get in touch with that inner intuition that tugs at the heart about whether something is true or not. If we have any hesitation, then do not spread it to your followers, friends and readers.

Consider the source of the information. Is the person trustworthy? Why? Is he or she very popular? Why? There are big names out there in the Alternative Media space who have been on the front lines with this Seth Rich story. The question is should we trust them? The question is are they using spiritual discernment before they publish their latest findings? They claim to have sources and that is all we are hearing lately, is sources this and sources that. I declare to you now, that Father God is THE SOURCE for all information.

Last night I had a discussion with Father God before bedtime. He warned me specifically about George Webb. Who is George Webb? What is Webb’s background and where did he come from? Now today I am shocked to see some of the latest blurbs from Webb and it makes me take caution. If Webb hasn’t tickled your truth meter then perhaps you have been following him in a wave for quite some time without stopping to question his assertions. There are others whom I already do not trust, and they are, A(lex), Roger Stone, and Steve Pieczenik. Does this list burst your bubble? Why? They all exhibit so much hubris and boast about their “sources” to make you believe what they say. There are even two outspoken people whom I love to check out but even they have trusted in their human sources more than God lately. They are Dave H. of (name not allowed) show and Robert David Steele of the Public Intelligence Blog. Both have published a few wild claims that I have to question.

The major problem with sources and even trusted and long-standing, known sources, is that in today’s world, disinformation can easily be planted. Our battle is no longer with only the human intelligence of the Deep State. Nowadays, the Deep State is obeying the dictates of a quantum enabled AI (Artificial Intelligence). They feed all available data points to the AI. The AI can even go out and get data on its own. We are being watched. Everything is known about us, and especially who we communicate with. The AI is given a directive to seek certain outcomes and then role-play a set of direct actions to lead to the wanted outcomes. The quantum AI is much more powerful than the best Super Computer. This AI can plant a piece of information and then watch to see exactly how it spreads, and how much it is believed. We are being gamed and played. The people we trust are also subject to being deceived in this manner.

What do we do? We must make a commitment to trust God above all human sources. If you do not believe in a loving Father God, then now is the time to start. We must begin and end each day, speaking to God. God is the only one who can outsmart the AI. God is on our side and He too is seeking to avenge the death of Seth Rich and to see that Justice is done. We must understand that the Seth Rich story is THE KEY to destroying the Deep State, right now. The Deep State realizes their danger and are pulling out all stops to control the Seth Rich narrative. They see that they cannot stop the chatter. But with the help of their AI they can cause confusion and chaos. They are so cluttering what we read about the investigation that it will be easier for them to successfully label all of it a “conspiracy theory”. We have to stay on point with only the truth. To know that truth, we need God’s help. It helps to think of it this way: God is leading the charge in this battle. So all we do is allow God to direct our paths. Ask God before you retweet or post something. Question everything, relying on God’s advice.

The two possible outcomes to this war is that we defeat and destroy the Deep State, or the Deep State succeeds in destroying the Republic of the United States of America on the way to establishing the New World Order. Lives hang in the balance. This is very serious. You must understand that we are up against a non-human artificial intelligence. Only God can lead us all to victory. Don’t believe the lies that people tell on God. He is intimately involved in all that our lives have to do. God’s plan is to Glorify a specific remnant of people whom He has been preparing and they will go about doing miracles and spreading the Gospel. All the more better that America is seen restored to its Constitution and its people living in harmony when the time comes.


Me114, Godlike Productions 2 Comments [6/4/2017 5:39:53 AM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 127802


Just stop and think for a second, that a planet 7x larger than Earth, with comet like attributes is spiraling towards us.

The government technology is 30 to 50 years ahead of anything available to the public.

Imagine, just take a moment to picture a very troubling time ahead, a time that has been witnessed by the ancient times over again, but has not been witnessed by anyone here living presently.

Have any of you considered that the Hebrew Holy days were dry runs in preparation for this event orchestrated by the very creator itself?

Have any of you thought about the Electromagnetic plasma discharge possibly being responsible for Mars scarring and The Eye of the Sahara circular crater, which is still unexplained?

Is it not better to prepare and nothing happens, than to not prepare and the worst happens?


Why would anyone want to face the thought of going through the debris field of a planet comet not once but twice?

Who wouldn't panic at the sight of a unknown body in our skies raining down hell fire for 150 days or 5 months.

Earth's ancient civilizations were accustomed to surviving natural celestial events, patterns were formed, and directions to overcome were passed down.

Some large council of evil people would love to use the knowledge of this event to take total control of man for the next 360 years...

Imagine everyone who doubted reality cast into a world of collapsing beliefs and security because they never...


Have we all lost the ability to imagine?

Imagine, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [6/4/2017 5:39:48 AM]
Fundie Index: 0

Quote# 127801

Guillotines Have Arrived FEMA CAMPS!! Bible Prophecy!!

[link to www.youtube.com]

Photo here...

[link to i159.photobucket.com]

It appears our satanic government officials have ordered thousands of these modern guillotines to be manufactured in China and Japan. Then these guillotines were secretly placed and loaded on tractor trailer trucks and then shipped to military and army bases across America and was top secret infomation. As top military troops and foreign troops have been trained to use these guillotines on the American people during martial law! This includes the resistors of the NWO, Christians, Patriots and Militias. Some won't even make it to the FEMA camps when abducted during martial law. They will be placed on prisoner boxcars all new and made in China, to other refurbished older boxcars.

Some versions have the modern guillotines installed in them, others do not. But all have shackles installed to restrain prisoners! So decapitation may occur right there on the boxcars before arriving at the FEMA camp. Then the head and body thrown in the plastic coffins. Below is a picture of a modern guillotine that was made in China or Japan.

You will not be allowed to have a Bible in your posession, nor practice the Christian Faith or you will be be-headed if you refuse the Mark of the Beast....

Make sure you are part of the Raptured Saints!

Susie, Godlike Productions 4 Comments [6/4/2017 5:39:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 127800

The Paris Accord Is A Fucking SCAM To Get A Carbon Tax Scheme Up And Running To Tax Your Farts An Exhales.

Sounds like a joke but its not. These Luciferian fucks want to be God. God breathed life into Man making him a living being.

These arrogant wicked assholes want to tax Mans exhale.

Trump is not against it he is just trying to get a piece of the Lords of London's climate scheme for the Ashkenazi and his Khazar masters who own him.

Trumphole, Godlike Productions 2 Comments [6/4/2017 5:39:33 AM]
Fundie Index: 3

Quote# 127788

A Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate has said she believes “feminising hormones in the water supply” are affecting people’s sexuality.

Susan King was responding to a question about party leader Tim Farron’s past refusals to say whether or not gay sex is a sin.

“I do feel environmental influences are affecting reproduction," she answered during a live webchat with the Shropshire Star. “All the pollution is having an effect on our DNA and our population is changing and evolving.”

Ms King who is standing for the Telford seat, added: “There are a lot of feminising hormones getting into the environment and that has to be taken into consideration. It’s affecting people’s sexuality basically. People are at liberty to interpret how they want to live themselves.”

“Everything that’s getting into the environment is disrupting the way industrialisation has changed our living conditions, residues of all sorts of feminising hormones in the water supply from pharmaceuticals, etc, which is affecting gender of fish stock, etc.”

The landscape specialist who used to work as a director of the National Pure Water Association was then asked if she believed the hormones were affecting people’s sexuality.

“I do,” she replied. “I’ve done a lot of research connected with water quality, and that is where I gained my political and media experience.”

The National Pure Water Association is a non-profit organisation which campaigns for non-fluoridated water, despite broad scientific agreement that fluoride has reduced tooth decay in the general population.

Susan King, The Independent 5 Comments [6/3/2017 3:14:59 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 127779

[Contains a screencap of an AP article with a line about how global warming will result in mass migration from affected countries]

They have endless excuses and endless lies to justify dropping the third world population bomb on Western countries

nontolerantman, Twitter 2 Comments [6/2/2017 11:02:30 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 127758

Tennis great Margaret Court believes there is a "conspiracy" from the "US gay lobby" to strip her name from one of the Australian Open stadiums.

The 74-year-old has been criticised for her beliefs on same-sex marriage, with 18-time Grand Slam champion Martina Navratilova calling for the Margaret Court Arena to be renamed.

"They have a lot of money behind them," Court told 3AW radio.

Court won 24 Grand Slam titles, 11 in the Open era, which began in 1968.

Regarding calls for the stadium in her honour to be renamed, she said: "I think I've won more Grand Slams than any man or woman and if it is [renamed], I don't believe I deserve it.

"They could probably get 100,000 petitions in 24 hours because that's how they work. There's a lot of money behind it, and it's coming from America."

And asked about a possible conspiracy, she added: "Yes, I believe there is... I think the [gay] lobby, yeah."

Tennis Australia and the operator of the Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne and Olympic Parks, have distanced themselves from Court's views on gay marriage. There are currently no plans to rename the venue.

The recent furore started following Court's open letter to The West Australian, when she declared she would not fly on Qantas "where possible" in protest at its support of same-sex marriage. She then told a Christian radio station "tennis is full of lesbians".

Navratilova responded: "It is now clear exactly who Court is: an amazing tennis player, and a racist and a homophobe.

"Her vitriol is not just an opinion. She is actively trying to keep LGBT people from getting equal rights (note to Court: we are human beings, too)."

In 1970, during Apartheid in South Africa, Court said: "South Africa has the racial situation rather better organised than anyone else, certainly much better than the United States."

Court denied allegations of racism, stating that she had played tennis with compatriot and seven-time Grand Slam singles champion Evonne Goolagong Cawley in South Africa.

"Evonne and I went in there and played for the black people," she is quoted as saying in The West Australian.? "I have 35 cultures in my church and I love them all. I think it's very sad and sick it's being brought up now."

Margaret Court, BBC News 5 Comments [6/2/2017 7:18:13 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Yossarian Lives

Quote# 127748

[the terrorists behind the Manchester bombings were] Jews dressed as Muslims.

3bdushakur, Deviantart forums 8 Comments [6/1/2017 9:55:44 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 127747

Nazis should stop being satanized by the Jewish controlled Hollywood movie industry:

National Broadcasting Company
Colombia Broadcasting Station
Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Warner Brothers
Sony Pictures
Music Television
Logo (Gay network part of Viacom)
America Online
Time Warner Cable
American Broadcasting Company
Murder Inc (Ironically, the same name as the Jewish Mafia), owned by Atlantic Records, subdidiary of Atlantic Records Group, subsidiary of Warner Music Group, subsidiary of Warner Communications Inc, owned by Time Warner, founded by Steven Jay Rechnitz...

You act as if I am just blatantly blaming Jews with no reason, and that is because you do not research what I do.

Seadragon666, Deviantart forums 4 Comments [6/1/2017 9:55:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Lady Troodon

Quote# 127734

GUILTY! Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide
Posted on February 25, 2013 by admin

Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms -

Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens’ Arrests


Pope Benedict will go to jail for twenty five years for his role in Crimes against Humanity, and Vatican wealth and property is to be seized, according to today’s historic verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice.

The Brussels-based Court handed down a unanimous guilty verdict from its Citizen Jurors and ordered the arrest of thirty Defendants commencing March 4 in a Court Order issued to them today.

The verdict read in part,

“We the Citizen Jury find that the Defendants in this case are guilty of the two indictments, that is, they are guilty of committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy”

The Jury ruled that each Defendant receive a mandatory twenty five year prison sentence without parole, and have all their personal assets seized.

The Court went on to declare in its Order No. 022513-001,

“The Defendants are ordered to surrender themselves voluntarily to Peace Officers and Agents authorized by this COURT, having been found Guilty as charged.

“The Defendants have seven days from the issuing of this ORDER, until March 4, 2103, to comply. After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants”.

The guilty parties include Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and the head officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. (A complete copy of the Verdict, the Court Order and a list of the Defendants is enclosed on the accompanying you tube link).

The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors.

These exhibits detailed irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy by the Defendants’ institutions to commit and conceal Genocide on generations of children in so-called Indian residential schools across Canada.

None of the Defendants challenged or disputed a Public Summons issued to them last September; nor did they deny the charges made against them, or offer counter evidence to the Court.

“Their silence told me a lot. Why wouldn’t innocent people defend their own reputation when accused of such horrible things?” commented one Juror, based in England.

“These crimes were aimed at children, and were a cold and calculated plan to wipe out Indians who weren’t Christians. And the defendants clearly are still covering up this crime. So we felt we had to do more than slap their wrist. The whole reign of terror by state-backed churches that are above the law has to end, because children still suffer from it”

The Court’s judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.

To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children.

“This sentence gives a legal foundation and legitimacy to the church occupations that have already begun by victims of church torture around the world” commented Kevin Annett, the chief adviser to the Prosecutor’s Office, who presented its case to the world. (see www.itccs.org, November 6 and January 30 postings)

“The verdict of the Court is clearly that these criminal church bodies are to be legally and practically disestablished, and their stolen wealth reclaimed by the people. Justice has finally been served. The dead can now rest more easily.”

Court officers are delivering the Order to all the Defendants this week, including to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Queen of England and to Joseph Ratzinger, the retiring Pope Benedict who is avoiding arrest within the Vatican after resigning suddenly two weeks ago.

The citizens’ arrests of these and other Defendants will commence on March 4 if they do not surrender themselves and their assets, as per the Court Order.

These actions will be filmed and posted at www.itccs.org in the coming week, along with further updates from the Court and its Citizen Agents.

Please see the accompanying you tube video.

Issued by the Central Office,
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

25 February, 2013


BREAKING_ Pope Benedict _ Vatican Found Guilty of Crimes

Kevin Annett, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State 9 Comments [6/1/2017 12:01:19 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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