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Quote# 129045

Well, well, well --- look who's back in the spotlight, just graduated from High School in England, headed off to college and then, we presume, a fast-rising political career as a CIA-MI6 front-woman in Pakistan. "Youse guys" (Jerseyese for the plural of you) do remember Saint Malala Yousafzai, dontcha? She was the fake "children's rights" activist who got shot in the head, then won a Nobel Peace Prize, and then became a best-selling authorette. What an "inspirational" tale, eh? St. Malala took a bullet to the head for going to school, and actually lived to talk about it (for a hefty speaking fee, that is).

In 2012, 15-year old Malala, (we are told), was shot in the head and neck at point-blank range while returning home on a school bus. The culprits (we are told) were the big bad Muslim Taliban of 9/11 fame, who (we are told) oppose education for girls. At a time when the controversy surrounding Obongo's drone killings of innocent children was at its peak, the "shooting" of Malala once again reminded Boobus Americanus and Boobus Europithicus as to why the CIA's bombings of Pakistan and Afghanistan were so necessary. How conveeenient, as the Church Lady of old Saturday Night Live fame used to say.

1. Obongo's constant drone attacks were really becoming controversial. 2. After the little CIA crisis actress took a bloodless bullet to the head, we were reminded why the drones attacks on innocent people were "necessary." 3. The fake little actress is given flowers.

The Piranha Press and "dignitaries" such as the UN's Ban Ki Moon, Mr. & Mr. Obongo, and Killary Rotten Clinscum all rushed to condemn the horrible attack and praise St. Malala for her "courage." And yet, the names of the other two girls allegedly shot on the bus remain unknown. Also unknown to the world are the names of the children in Pakistan, some of whom lived in towns close to Malala, who had been killed by Obongo's Predator Drones.

Soon after her "recovery", superstar Malala -- pathetically feigning a minor speech impediment and a crooked mouth -- went on to study in England as she continued her CIA/MI6 agitation against the Taliban. While tour-speaking on behalf of "children's rights" (for a fee!), never did this wicked little Intelligence Asset mention of the Pakistani boys and girls being killed by US-CIA drone strikes. Instead, Malala, by now a best-selling author, even visited with Obongo, the very man who authorized the drone killings at the behest of "the deep state" operatives who would brief him every morning.

Soon after her "recovery", superstar Malala went on to resume her studies and her CIA agitation against Islam. Malala, by now a best-selling author, meets with Obongo, the very man killing the Pakistani children that she is supposed to be advocating for!

Malala was a "Sandy Hook" type scam which took place a few months before the fake shootings of Sandy Hook. The fake event took all the attention away from the drone murders of Pakistani and Afghan children. To see Sulzberger's Slimes and the sanctimonious hypocrites of the 'International Community" puff this phony little she-devil up to super-hero status is hard to believe, and even harder to stomach. And this latest Sulzbergian puff-piece on St. Malala is a clear indication that her role in The Great Game has yet to play itself out. The Globalists are long-term players. Most likely, they are positioning their nasty little agent, whose mouth and speech have straightened out now, for a meteoric Obongo-like rise and rise through the ranks of Pakistani (or maybe, British?) politics. One thing is for sure, this troubled world ain't seen the last of this phony little bitch.

NWO Productions presents: The Malala Story

1. "Your Highne$$. I wa$ wondering if you could plea$e give my book an endor$ement plug." 2. "Buy my book! For speaking engagements, please contact my booking agents at All American Speakers Bureau:


Boobus Americanus 1: Remember Malala? I read in the New York Times today that she just graduated High School and is planning on going to college now.

Boobus Americanus 2: What an inspirational story. Such an awe-inspiring and brave young woman. Perhaps she'll go into politics one day.

Sugar: I hope a Pakisstani patriot bussts a real cap in her frickin' sskull!

Editor: Well, it's nice to have the Cape May beach bum back at work, finally! Tanned, rested and ready to roar! -- A little too sun-tanned, as you can see.

Mike King, Tomato Bubble 10 Comments [7/9/2017 7:12:43 AM]
Fundie Index: 7

Quote# 128956

Numerous labels apply: Parallel Left, Imperial Left, Fake Left. Whichever label is used, however, the reality remains that people and agencies who posture as “Left” or “Progressive” on one hand, and support terrorism and illegal warfare on the other, are neither Left, Progressive, nor forward looking. They represent anti-Life embracing trajectories, and they are arguably more dangerous than the Right. In fact, their disguised ideology intersects with the war-mongering “Right”.

Just like the warmongers and fascists, they embrace the ridiculous notion that war is somehow “humanitarian”, that al Qaeda and ISIS are “rebels”, that non-existent “moderate” terrorists exist, and that the dirty war on Syria is a “civil” war.
The Fake Left embraces taboos. False flags are “conspiracy theories” so they could never happen at home or abroad. NGO’s are credible sources and not fronts for intelligence agencies, nor do they receive government funding according to the Parallel Left. The White Helmets must be legitimate since they won an Oscar, and Hollywood never lies.

When Democracy Now or other sources that represent “controlled opposition” interview pro-regime- change people, and omit evidence-based sources, and credible sources who have actually been to Syria and studied the war in context,the Fake Left accepts the omissions, which amount to Big Lies. For the parallel Left, the Lie has become the Truth. The Fake Left denounces the Establishment and the deep state, but is (unwittingly?) the strongest cheerleader for both, since its“opposition” disguises its support.
Democracy Now poses as Left and progressive but it supports ISIS and al Qaeda when it presents lies about Syria as the truth, because the opposition to the Syrian government is ISIS and al Qaeda.

Democracy Now amplifies evidence-free (war-mongering) narratives about the war on Syria, even as it exclude evidence-based (peace-making) narratives. Reportedly, Democracy Now chose not to interview Vanessa Beeley, who is an expert on the White Helmets, but did interview Anand Gopal, who demonstrates support for the war on Syria. Similarly, at the time of this writing, Democracy Now has failed to report on Seymour Hersh’s recent revelations – involving military and intelligence transcripts of real-time communications – which disprove Washington’s stories about the alleged sarin gas attack at Khan Sheikhoun, in Idlib Province, Syria.

Hersh’s evidence-based conclusion? “Syria did not drop a sarin bomb that morning. It was known to everybody in the command. Period.” Omissions of studies such as Hersh’s amount to Big Lies that enable the wars of aggression and the terrorism, and the widespread death and poverty.
Democracy Now has received over $900,000 in grants from the Lannan Foundation alone, since 2014. It also receives monies from other foundations, and it is a profit-making organization, despite its non-profit status. Similarly, any protest movement which is funded by foundations or fake NGOs is counter-productive. Controlled opposition, mentioned above, balkanizes broad-based protest movements.

Prof. Chossudovsky notes in “Rockefeller, Ford Foundations Behind World Social Forum (WSF). The Corporate Funding of Social Activism” for example, that the 2016 World Social Forum received funding from corporate foundations including Ford, Rockefeller, Tides, et al.
He notes that,
“there is an obvious contradiction: another world is not possible when the campaign against neoliberalism is financed by an alliance of corporate donors firmly committed to neoliberalism and the US-NATO military agenda.”
The Truth will set us free, but currently the West is enslaved by War Lies Inc.

Mark Taliano, Globalresearch.ca 9 Comments [7/8/2017 11:04:36 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128953

There are six major multi-national food corporations all run by Jews at the top like Monsanto. Who are buying up the worlds food production and forcing the native farmers into debt and off their farms causing poverty and starvation. They are creating a new feudal serfdom just like under their communism with collectivization of the farms. They have purposely made dairy and meat poisonous to eat with their farming practices. Its getting to the point pathogens are going to cross over into the human population sooner then later. Along with the raising cost of animal products due to the fall out from these practices. They are also trying to run organic local farming of animals and foods out of existence. By ruining everything. Just like they want to ruin all currency to create a Global Electronic Currency, they control. As Jewish Lenin stated the way to ruin a nation is to devalue the currency. By doing this they bring down the Goyim nations and put them under global control. Economic warfare and conquest.

Part of this is greed, however part of this is problem, reaction, solution. They are pushing to make it near impossible for the Goyim to have any access to animal foods. And most people will not eat anything that toxic. Nor will they have the money to buy the quality and expensive animal foods and better foods.

Within the Vegan Agenda is the Jewish Globalist Banking elites, UN. Is promoting Agenda 21 which is the Communist blueprint under green marketing. The Vegan movement promotes this by pushing Global Warming. Which was a hoax designed to create further globalization of Agenda 21. The Vegan ideology is Cultural Marxism which equals eating animal products to anything to do with nationalism, racialism and cultural purity and being Vegan to being Anti-White. The Jews want the Goyim on a Vegan diet like they did under Communism with created animal food scarcity were most people live on low quality bread and potatoes. The Jews state in their protocols they want to use food as a weapon. Veganism's political agenda is stated to end animal agriculture and have everyone on a Vegan diet.

Veganism is missing important fatty acids and vitamins that effect the brain and nervous system and makes people mentally spaced, totally exhausted and low mental energy. Many Vegans report that after eating animal products for the first time in years its like the light just got turned back on in their head and body. Without even B12 supplements people would become ill faster and have to go back to animal products. Vegan diets done long term cause numerous physical aliments that are dangerous. Studies on meat eaters, Vegetarians and Vegans. Showed Vegans have the worst health due to their diet. And are at high risk. Most of the people promoting Veganism have only done this diet for a few years not decades. 84% percent of people leave the Vegan diet after a few years or less many report they felt bad on it

HP Mageson666, Joy of Satan 4 Comments [7/8/2017 11:03:24 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128889

Blatant Treason - CIA Takeover Of United States - Constitution Dead!

Have you asked yourself how it is that Obama and the Liberals seem to be committing blatant treason by trying to overthrow President Trump? I have, and I want to know how they are getting away with it.

This is the definition of treason: [link to legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com]
Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution.

Treason is punishable by death. If a death sentence is not imposed, defendants face a minimum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine (18 U.S.C.A. § 2381). A person who is convicted of treason may not hold federal office at any time thereafter.

Why is it our Constitution is no longer the law of the US? It started after 9/11. Since 9/11, the government has ceaselessly violated our constitutional rights. Consider how privacy worked before 9/11 and how it works now in Post-Constitutional America.

In Post-Constitutional America, the old words that once defined our democracy are twisted in new ways, not discarded. Previously unreasonable searches become reasonable ones under new government interpretations of the Fourth Amendment. Traditional tools of law, like subpoenas and warrants, continue to exist even as they morph into monstrous new forms.

Americans are told (and often believe) that they retain rights they no longer have. In pre-constitutional America the colonists knew that they were under the king’s thumb. In totalitarian states of the last century like the Soviet Union, people dealt with their lack of rights and privacy with grim humor and subtle protest. However, in America, ever exceptional, citizens passively watch their rights disappear in the service of dark ends, largely without protest and often while still celebrating a land that no longer exists.

[link to reason.com]

Enter the outsider as president. Donald Trump has condemned the spying and leaking, as he is a victim of it. His White House staff was shaken by what the spies did with what they learned from a former Trump aide.

Trump's former national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, himself a former military spy, spoke to the Russian ambassador to the United States in December via telephone in Trump Tower. It was a benign conversation. He knew it was being monitored, as he is a former monitor of such communications. But he mistakenly thought that those who were monitoring him were patriots as he is. They were not.

They violated federal law by revealing in part what Flynn had said, and they did so in a manner to embarrass and infuriate Trump. But they got away with it.

Why would they do this? Perhaps because they feared Flynn's being in the White House, since he knows the power and depth of the deep state. Perhaps because they believe that their judgment of the foreign dangers America faces is superior to the president's. Perhaps because they hate and fear the outsider in the White House.

Whatever the reason does not matter so much to me, as the fact they are doing all of these things, breaking Federal Law and getting away with it.

How? They are getting away with it, because the Deep State/CIA/Shadow Government is now the law of the land...not the Constitution. They tore that up when they took over. That is why Mueller is getting away with investigating Trump when there is no evidence to do so.

That is why Obama formed a group within his new home in Washington committed to overthrowing Trump. We now are under the control of the CIA/Deep State. They are one in the same. It is about time we face it.

Mountain Woman, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [7/8/2017 11:02:22 PM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 129035

Why Barak Obama is still President

Barak Obama was not Constitutionally eligible to be President, he was made President by very unconstitutional means. They can't get rid of Obama because the illegal actions of the Senate and Supreme Court would come out. Obama won't stop and they can't stop him. Because he should never have been made President in the first place, they can't remove him.
The only way to remove Obama is for them to admit guilt and be arrested for treason and that isn't going to happen.

This is also why the Democrats are afraid of Russia. Putin knows this. They don't need or want Trump and Putin working together to expose this.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 5 Comments [7/8/2017 11:05:32 AM]
Fundie Index: 1

Quote# 128997

A video about Stephen Hawkings being replaces

The Truth can change your Life Your life, youtube 1 Comments [7/7/2017 10:07:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 128959

Take care Robert, you are stepping over the line. This Fascist cabal will start to play rough no matter you try to stay balanced in your presentation if you get the public talking about it. I am always amazed at the massive protests against Trump (all politicians are crooked) but hardly a banner for the harm done to our children and elders people with fake pharma drugs and vaccinations.

Robert Redfern, Alliance for Natural Health 2 Comments [7/7/2017 2:05:03 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128919

Years ago Rush paid for a study to find out how many people were really bad-mouthing him on the internet.

What seemed to be tens of thousands of people turned out to be ten people using bots.


So, they have gone after Trump, vehemently, from the moment he was announced president.

Their vociferous hatred of the man has been apparant from the very beginning. Just remember the debates, the questions, the poorly planned democrats who were completely unprepared for dealing with a truth telling Trump, an "in your face", bold, unfiltered Trump.

The libs hate Trump, mostly because he tells the truth and shows these people for what they are. But they mostly hate themselves for losing simply because they failed to recognize the truth...

That they are a tiny. Fucking. Minority, and most Americans had sense enough to vote for ANYONE other than Killery Clinton.

I mean, the Katy Griffin head thing? The "E tu brute" death of trump at an CNN sponsored play in the park, for all the lib parents and kids?

Come on man.

They started all this shit, and if they keep it up its going to get even wilder.

Trumps not backing down, not a bit.

I pray tonight for Trump, May God lead Him in the right direction. God, after all, appoints the leaders of men, the bible says so.

Anonymous Coward and Lotus Eater, Godlike Productions 12 Comments [7/5/2017 10:12:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: zipperback

Quote# 128916

Anonymous, Whisper 11 Comments [7/5/2017 10:11:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128915

Anonymous, Whisper 12 Comments [7/5/2017 10:11:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128914

Anonymous, Whisper 4 Comments [7/5/2017 10:11:32 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128894

February 10, 2017 – America’s most controversial documentary, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, will premiere in Belgium, the U.K and France this week despite significant censorship attempts by European Union parliamentary members, the Mayor of Paris and a U.K. cinema owner. The film investigates the charges made by a whistleblower at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading national public health institute of the United States, who revealed that the agency manipulated data on an important study showing a causal link between the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.

Vaxxed captured international headlines last year after it was “de-selected” from the Tribeca Film Festival due to pressure put on the festival’s organizers from sponsors with connections to the pharmaceutical industry. Despite numerous attempts at incorrectly labeling the film as “anti-vaccine” and overt censorship from festivals and media outlets, the film was released theatrically in over 60 U.S and Canadian cities, with an additional 500 screening events, has grossed over $1.2 million at the box office and sold tens of thousands of DVDs and digital streams. The filmmakers have been touring the nation by bus, the Vaxxed tour, and have recorded nearly ten thousand vaccine injury stories. Robert DeNiro, one of Tribeca Film Festival’s founders, who originally advocated for the film, famously said on national television, “I think the movie is something that people should see.”

Vaxxed was scheduled to have a European premiere on Thursday, February 9th at the European Parliament in Brussels as part of a Parliament sponsored discussion on vaccine safety organized by French MEP Michèle Rivasi. Due to a disinformation campaign led by a small, but vocal, opposition group with purported ties to the pharmaceutical industry, European deputies made the decision to censor the film and prevent it from screening at the Parliament. Both the screening and this unprecedented all-day vaccine safety debate with leading vaccination experts and scientific professionals from several European countries was moved to Espace Lumen and took place on February 9th. More information can be found here: https://www.suretevaccins.com

MEP Rivasi had also scheduled a screening of the film in Paris on Monday, February 13th as part of a vaccine safety debate with leading vaccination experts and scientific professionals to take place at City Hall in the 2nd arrondissement. Yesterday, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, cancelled that screening without even seeing the film. The screening and the vaccine safety debate have been moved to an alternate venue and will continue as originally planned.

Last week, the Curzon Cinemas in London censored the film by cancelling what would have been the Tuesday, February 14th U.K. premiere after buckling to pressure from the same opposition group with propertied ties to the pharmaceutical industry. The February 14th London premiere of Vaxxed has also been moved to another venue, and will continue as planned.

“It is deplorable that the Mayor of Paris and some members of the European Parliament caved to the pressure of a small cadre of zealots, without having seen the film or having asked to see it. It’s even more deplorable that major press outlets like Le Monde or The Times embrace the polemic created from scratch by the pharmaceutical industries for the last 20 years to prevent a real study on vaccine safety. The reason for the fuss is due to the film’s director, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who questioned the safety of the MMR vaccine in 1998, which challenged the multi billion dollar revenue streams of Glaxo-Kline-Smith and Merck who hold the major share of the MMR vaccine market in the U.K. and U.S. This resulted in an unwarranted, coordinated smear campaign against Dr. Wakefield in the U.K. that is still present today,” says Philippe Diaz, Chairman of Cinema Libre Studio, the distributor of Vaxxed.

With a worldwide network of vaccine safety activists, organizations and whistleblowers in the U.K. and Europe including the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance (EFFV/UK), Info Vaccin Prevenar (France) and Mrs. Senta Depuydt (Belgium), Cinema Libre Studio will continue to move forward with the release of Vaxxed in the U.S., the U.K. and worldwide, to help aid open discussions about vaccine safety.

Vaxxed is produced by British filmmaker Polly Tommey of the Autism Media Channel and Del Bigtree, an American and former producer of the hit show “The Doctors.”

Vaxxed director Wakefield says, “The film is about self-confessed fraud in MMR vaccine safety science by Dr. William Thompson, a Senior Scientist from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC scientists concealed a causal association between MMR vaccine and autism, and destroyed documents to cover their tracks. The film is not about myself, although it supports my original research. The UK’s General Medical Council’s conduct and conclusions in respect to my 1998 Lancet paper have been heavily criticized and comprehensively overturned by the English High Court.”

Robert DeNiro, MEP Michèle Rivasi, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Philippe Diaz and Cinema Libre Studio, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe 10 Comments [7/5/2017 2:05:12 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: JeanP

Quote# 128892

The earth is definitely flat and not a globe

1. The Bible says so.
2. All pictures of the earth from space are admitted fake.
3. We're able too see objects such as land, buildings, boats that are supposed to be behind the "curve ".
4. NASA and Obama says we can't leave low earth orbit.
5. The North Star never moves and the constellations have never changed ever.
6. Weather balloon footage and footage from airplanes show the horizon to be flat and always at eye level.
7. None of the astroNOTS that supposedly landed on the moon would not swear on the Bible.
8. Water is always level and it makes up 70% of our earth.
9. NASA gets $50,000,000 a day.
10. Operation Paperclip nazi Germany helped form NASA.
11. The heliocentric model was created by freemasonic devil worshippers.
12. Air bubbles viewed in "space".
13. AstroNOT almost drowning in "space".
14. Scuba tank viewed in "space".
15. Density and buoyancy no magic gravity.
16. Gravity strong enough to hold the oceans to the earth yet birds and planes fly with ease.
17. GoPro lenses used to fake the "curve" of earth.
18. No observable proof of evolution.
19. Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel.
20. Moon light is always colder then moon shade.
21. Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve.
22. Neil Degrasse Tyson says the earth is pear shaped.
23. NASA caught faking a photo of the earth on the way too the moon.
24. More than one light source during the moon landings.
25. The UN flag is a flat earth map.
26. It took Captain Cook 3 years and 60,000 miles to circumnavigate Antarctica.
27. Underground cables and ground based towers used for our communication.
28. Flight paths only make sense on a flat earth.
29. All but one challenger passengers are still alive today.
30. NASA caught using green screens.
31. No 24 hour live feed of the earth from space.
32. No actual photos of satellites in space.
33. Lighthouses
34. Sun dogs
35. Antarctica treaty
36. Admiral Byrd said that there is more land.
37. The Michelson–Morley experiment proved the earth is stationary.
38. Auguste Piccard the first man to reach the stratosphere said the earth is a flat disk upturned at the edges.
39. The sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.
40. Rockets never go straight up.
41. Bedford level experiment.
42. Tesla's real scientific findings.
43. Our own senses tell us that the earth is flat and stationary.
44. The sun and moon appear to be the same size.
45. The globe model was created 500 years before NASA.
46. No one has ever circumnavigated the earth from north to south only east and west.
47. Sun dials.
48. All the "space" agencies across the land share the same vector logo.
49. Gyroscopes.
50. Astrolabes.
51. No parallax with the stars.
52. Time lapse shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star.
53. Bolivian salt flats.
54. Sun appears smaller near the horizon.
55. We only see one side of the moon.
56. Railroads.
57. Air planes fly level and don't account for the curve.
58. We've only been able to dig 8 miles into the earth yet they say we have a molten core.
59. The top of the moon being illuminated during a eclipse.
60. Stars visible thru the moon.

Anonymous Coward, Godlike Productions 22 Comments [7/5/2017 2:03:16 PM]
Fundie Index: 5

Quote# 128890

Marshall Masters - Planet X/Nibiru Researchers Being Killed

This is a pretty crazy interview. Apparently many planet X researchers have been killed. Marshall is one of the closest people alive to this issue right now and has dealt with the disinformation first hand.

Make no mistakes Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis is on its way and people are posting videos of crazy celestial stuff every day.

Annunakin, Godlike Productions 3 Comments [7/5/2017 1:59:41 PM]
Fundie Index: 2

Quote# 128882

Liz Crokin is a right-wing columnist, commentator and conspiracy theorist who has been heavily promoting the right-wing “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, which asserts that several high-ranking Democratic operatives—most notably John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign—are involved in a massive child sex trafficking ring.

Last week, Crokin appeared on “The Hagmann and Hagmann Report,” where she alleged that the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise last month was really “a hit” carried out by this global pedophile network aimed that stopping him from enacting anti-trafficking legislation.

“Scalise, I truly believe, was specifically targeted in the Alexandria shooting, I believe it was a hit because of his work with sex trafficking,” she said. “It was right when he became majority whip and right when he first started talking about human trafficking, that’s when, all of a sudden, a bunch of Democrats and a group linked to Podesta … were asking for his resignation.”

“I just want people to really start critically thinking about all these ties between John Podesta, Congressman Scalise, [and] sex trafficking,” she said. “If you start taking the microscope under these people that are speaking out the loudest against [Jeff] Sessions, Scalise and [President] Trump, you will find many, many ties to pedophilia.”

“Is it a coincidence that he was just starting to push for legislation to end human trafficking?” she asked, rhetorically. “I don’t think so. And we damn well know the Podesta emails, that those emails are filled with pedophile code words. Connect the dots.”

Crokin said the fact that Democrats sent pizza to Scalise’s staff on the day of the shooting was not simply a kind gesture of sympathy and support, but rather proof that the shooting was orchestrated by this supposed pedophile ring.

“If you don’t think there’s a tie there to sex trafficking, you’re a fool,” she said. “Connect the dots! These people are joking, their laughing, their throwing the pedophilia in our faces, they’re sick, they’re evil … They’re mocking their colleagues about the rape and trafficking of children!”

Liz Crokin, Right Wing Watch 3 Comments [7/5/2017 12:04:56 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128819

Nibiru is also know as the RED planet, the RED dragon, the RED kachina

Sofia is the worlds most powerful, publicly known infraRED telescope. It has been VERY active recently. Mauna Kea is the largest group based IRT.

The sun, for those of us over 30, USED to appear more orange in the sky, where as now it appears more white... as if the visible color spectrum produced from its light has changed.

The ever present particulates that have been relentlessly sprayed into the atmosphere are blocking the IR band (infrared bandwidth) of sunlight and 'any other sources' from reaching the earth, and us.

Thus, consider that the purpose of the trails is not SRM, depopulation, nanotech/viral/germ tech, or laying a 'screen' for holographic projection. Rather , the purpose is it hide the presence of an incoming body which only is visible in the infraRED bandwidth.

They don't have to block much:

"Most infrared light from celestial sources is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. Only a narrow window of near-infrared radiation (at wavelengths less than about 4 microns) reaches the Earth. Observations at these wavelengths requires that the infrared camera be cooled to hundreds of degrees below zero using a cryogen (such as liquid helium) and requires special solid-state infrared detectors (costing tens of thousands of dollars). Hence, it is impractical to consider a true infrared telescope for personal use.'"

-'trails' in the sky have increased dramatically over the past 15+ years

- the sun has appeared to change color, going more white with less, red/orange

- Sofia, the powerful IR telescope has been VERY active

- bollides, meteors, etc have been on the rise, as has the interest in 'asteroid defense' and a new 'space branch' of the US military was formed

- EQ's are on the rise and the reporting agencies are manipulating data

- the world's human collective is looking for change, is experiencing a shift in perspective, awareness, and consciousness (as evidenced by myriad social changes and upheavals)

- tptb have been building DUMBs and 'ghost cities' globally since WWII

- TPTB are predicting MASSIVE human migration due to 'climate change' (pole shift?)

Dots connected.

IMHO the trails are masking the impending undeniably of a body in the sky, which will also be the cause of the coming pole shift.

Matouwac Torch, Godlike Productions 2 Comments [7/5/2017 12:01:39 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128866

I wish I never trusted my daughter’s pediatrician, who told me this vaccine was going to be like the next Polio vaccine. Ever since she received these vaccines, I noticed a difference in her behavior. My sweet, loving girl became someone I barely knew, and isn’t it a coincidence that this started with this vaccine? I sincerely wish I could turn back the clock, because I am convinced the vaccine altered her personality.

Debra, Alliance for Natural Health 7 Comments [7/5/2017 7:03:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128815

Anonymous, Whisper 11 Comments [7/4/2017 2:36:39 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: Demon Duck of Doom

Quote# 128808

For those who rely on the corporate news media that further the war aims of the New World Order, this book will open your eyes!

Long story short: the Russian czars resisted the NWO crime families for centuries until they succeeded installing their jewish/Bolshevik puppets and formed the USSR. The NWO was counting on the mantle passing on to Trotsky whenever Lenin exited, but instead got a rude surprise when Stalin took over. Comrade Joe wouldn't play ball -- the USSR was his personal kingdom and he wasn't taking orders. So the NWO made sure the Versailles treaty imposed such harsh terms on Germany that a second "War to End Wars" was inevitable (and to rub salt into Germany's wounds, recall that they NEVER surrendered! The Armistice was merely a ceasefire). And it didn't hurt the NWO's aims that the misery of the Great Depression (caused by their -- the "Fed's" contraction of the global money supply) set the stage for another Great War. Then they set up Hitler as Stalin's natural enemy/rival (along with their corporate servants like GM, IBM, Ford, Coca-Cola, etc.), and, as planned, they duked it out BUT Stalin came out on top. Foiled again! But the Cold War was just too lucrative a prospect for the NWO to pass up, so it was East versus West for the following 50 years. (proof positive this was the case was Eisenhower's failure to end the Cold War when Stalin gave up the ghost and Khruschev softened the USSR's stance against the West. This was a golden opportunity for world progress but the evil Dulles brothers (NWO again) wouldn't permit it).

Then in 1989 down came the Wall and two years later the USSR followed. The NWO sent in their jackals, imposed their "shock therapy" that sundered Russian society, then they got Boris Y. to give away state assets (property of the Russian people) to the bootlicking oligarchs. The NWO were well on their way to taking over the country when along comes Putin. Threw out the western "advisors" and jailed or marginalized the oligarchs. Putin returned Russia to the Russians. THAT is the reason Putin is now Hitler Reincarnated according to the corrupt western NWO-owned corporate-managed news media.

Buy this book, read it, and think on it. King fleshes out this story with greater detail using historical FACT. He also tells the truth about what actually happened in Georgia, Ukraine, and Crimea. If you're one of the sheeple who consume broadcast news media (aka the NWO propaganda machine) this book will turn around your worldview in the right direction. Share it with any of your friends who care a damn about what's REALLY happening in the world!

Wikileaker, Amazon Reviews 5 Comments [7/3/2017 1:50:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128807

History is always written by the victor and in the case of our history the victors of WW1 and WW2 both were the elite bankers as the world was lied to as to the true reason for the wars. Hitler was not the bad person they made him out to be he was made bad by the banker elites and the politicians who were in bed with the bankers. They backed him into a corner with no way out even after he tried to solve the war diplomatically they wanted him dead and the German people crushed for trying to break away from the bankers vise like grip over the country and the people.

No leader of any country has ever done so much in so little of time for the people of their country. This can only happen if the people were behind that leader 100%. These are facts that can be seen by anyone and can not be denied, all one has to do a little research. It is also true that such a leader would have to love his people also evident by what he did to get them out of poverty and into prosperity. For those who would deny such things I say you did no research and are closed minded. It is easier to do nothing then something, it is easier to destroy then create. What one Nation created in just five years it took many nations seven years to destroy. This says volumes about how much Hitler and the German people did and how hard they worked and fought to keep what they accomplished only to go down in defeat all because the true Monsters of the World had an agenda to destroy so they could control the World and that agenda is still in play today. They continue destroying Nations so they can rebuild them to fit a model to suit them and not the general population.

I see as usual some people are making this out to be about Jews and Germans and that was not the case. Cherry picking facts to fit a model of anti Jew point of view is the common current accepted theme behind WW2 but that is just not true. The truth is it was about Banker Elites and ruling class people who wanted Power and control for the purpose of social and economic engineering an agenda of mad men the true monsters of History as it will one day be known. It is a fact that the top bankers of the time as well as in our current time are the ones who are writing history demonizing Germans as monsters as a way of distracting people away from the truth that it was a War of economics, power and control not Jews and Germans. It is also a fact that over 100 times more people of died and suffered from these mad men War mongering control freaks over the last 125 years then in WW2 and there were way more non Jews killed then Jews proof of cherry picking facts to fit a model. This is a great read and should be read by everyone. For those who say no facts are presented you did not see the forest through the trees.

Cyberzyme, Amazon Reviews 2 Comments [7/3/2017 1:50:33 PM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128798

If you were to meet them during an abduction or close encounter scenario you would find they exist... and if you don't happen to have a camera you will have no proof.

If you do have a camera and you photograph them, people will say they were dummies or costumes.

What would it take to prove their existence? World governments would never tell us... it's up to individuals to pass on their experiences... and get laughed at by those who are too narrow minded to accept the possibility that anything exists beyond what we have so far known about.

And so the ignorance continues. And the final irony... so called scientific minded people, having rejected the sightings/encounters as false, then go on to repeat the tired old notion that we "will hopefully one day make contact"...

These are the same people that crow the old legend that the craft that crashed at Roswell was a weather balloon.

Anonymous, FSTDT 1 Comments [7/3/2017 1:43:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
Submitted By: The Reptilian Jew

Quote# 128791

9/11 is a lie. The attacks were only film tricks. On any of such events, the general public is always excluded from the place where it's happening, but some reporter cameras always get the images. Why? Not because it's dangerous. Because it's faked! They can even pretend that the paralympic games are copyrighted so you aren't allowed to film and the mutilations will always look real on television although they would look different and less convincing in your amateur video. 9/11 and the following wars were indeed part of a psychological experiment. But this experiment was not about obedience to authority, race stereotypes and such sick stuff. When you believe that, then they've already shit in your head. The main problem are the illusions. They come first. Nowadays, they can show anything they want using 3D computer animations, green screen and other digital tricks. It has to be assumed that when you grow up with these illusions, watch TV or play video games for three hours a day over a period of 20 years or such, that you have a distorted sight for reality.

You will not be able to make realistic estimations about human characters or physics anymore. They already knew that beforehand. So they made some rules. When you want to open a museum or want to print or broadcast something in public, you need a license. And you have to follow their catalogue of rules. Even the internet is only trash because of their filter scripts. You might call that censorship, but they have good reasons. They're actually only making a psychological study about harmful media effects and need to see whether their sick shit is believed. You had to go to school regularly for another reason: so they have a more detailed documentation about the impact of specific media content on you. Of course education is important, but they also wanted to see how media crap impairs your education. They even pretented with their catalogue of lies that the computer was new and that there was a huge progress in computer science during the last 50 years. This ain't true. The industry indeed was only allowed to sell trash computers with limited CPU clock, little RAM and also hard disk space if they even had one during the last decades.

There are laws for the industry, too. During the 80s, 3D graphics in video games was almost impossible because the architectures were slightly too weak. My idea is that they assumed that flat sprite graphics lack realism and don't have such a big impact on the learning processes about distance, powers and space and also that the depicted stuff will subconciously be believed less. I bet, this will turn out to be true. You might not believe me, but what else do you believe then? Have you ever wondered why you were born so close to a millenium? And that the computer was so new when you were born? This is unlikely. The truth is simple: on the one hand they wanted to have a more broader media entertainment, on the other hand this has harmful effects. And they wanted quality. Just like they don't sell bad food, they needed a quality seal for movies, virtual reality arcade games and stuff.

So they made a study. And it is harmful. I know a guy who gets panic attacks whenever there's a normal firework because they put him to Iraq (where some of them were told that it is their patriotic duty to produce action movie scenes, pretend that they were actually in combat and keep their mouths shut about it btw). This is of course a bizarre reaction. But that's not PTSD, it's the effect from bizarre media depiction of mutilation and explosions. ("Officer Dan has magic legs!") Bizarre perception-> feeling in danger->bizarre reaction to protect yourself. Quite simple. It makes people sick, even if they don't believe it consciously. Subconsciously it will always be believed more or less to some extent.

Actually, murder is impossible. The world is much more safe than you'd think and many diseases don't exist. I cannot prove my assumptions, but I've got overwhelming hunches that most media content is simply bullshit. I don't want to be offensive, I just don't believe it. And it's horrible when you believe such things. Because you cannot feel safe and always feel in danger. Read across the lines and make puns with the written lies. When there are some odd names or references, you can be assured that it are just hoaxes. My favourite words are, btw, "rainbow" and "dura". Like "rainbow press" or "dura mater transplants"., Wikipedia 2 Comments [7/3/2017 1:42:58 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128790

Am I the only one who thinks that Kraid looks like Kermit? A green frog. The inventor of Kermit, Jim Henson, died from AIDS. Note: krAID'S lair, contains AIDS and liar. Kermit contains the letters for "krem", the German word for cream when you use the old spelling. Krebs is the German word for cancer. It starts with "KR", just like Kraid. Maridia lacks only two letters and then you get mare and India. Sea and India. When you think of India, you'll probably associate it with curry. And the German word for sea is "Meer". So you'd come up with "Mercury", just like Freddy Mercury, who had died from AIDS about the time Super Metroid was released.

When you rearrange the letters of Norfair, you get "Air Fron", like "air front". When I hear "Mother Brain", I think of brain dura mater. Mater also is the latin word for Matrix. Think about the word "dura" one letter up it's "evsb", which contains "BSE", and another letter up following the alphabet it's fwtc, which contains "WTC". I'm pretty sure that there's something wrong with that and that it aren't just my paranoid delusions. The Nintendo developers picked those names with intention because they knew something special., Wikipedia 15 Comments [7/3/2017 1:42:54 PM]
Fundie Index: 12
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128789

These charges are frivolous and outrageous. I want everyone to know what this is really about -- attempts by the pawns of Imperialism to smear the LaRouche Movement and anyone else who opposes them. Berelet is motivated by his paranoid hatred of LaRouche, the most prominent supporter in our nation of the Whig tradition American System following great statesmen such as Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Berlet follows Theodor Adorno's lead in his nihilistic revolutionary hatred of this system. He was a key writer at High Times Magazine, making him an important media player within the stoner drug subculure. My best guess is that continued exposure to the dangerous mind-destroying effects of marijuana caused him to take such bizarre opinions about LaRouche. You know what they say about abusers of that drug and paranoia.

The British Empire is the most evil system ever known in world history, and the system which formed the kernel of the web of current Niezschean masters of the world -- the Synarchist International. It is a worldwide Satanic Roman Empire, a leech feeding off of the misery of oppressed peoples, a genocidal parasitic Beast. It's little known among most Americans the role Britain's East India Company played in transforming the initially republican French Revolution into the Reign of Terror (in a bid to prevent any rivals from emerging on the European continent), or similarly how British Inelligence won for the Queen's financial networks control over the United States, and, at its most demonic, molded the counterculture of the late 1960's to ruin an entire generaion through drugs and pagan sexual ethics. Chip Berlet is a chump-level player/pawn in the stoner elite of the New Left 60's drugs-youth-sex-rock counterculture, a decay upon our civilization which at its height enjoyed such luminaries as the Charles Manson-supporting Weathermen and junkie hack John Lennon. Berlet can be seen as an unwitting agent of British Imperialism. If you follow his latest work, he inevitably spends most of his time atacking the anti-imperialists of the left and right alike, anyone who dares to speak against the Bush-Blair-Sharon axis and their Neo-Conservative cabal providing their ideological basis for continued war on the entire Islamic World. For a poser "rebel," Berlet is the best friend of the Cheney-Bush regime when it comes to the targets he chooses to smear. He can be seen as a low-level bully propagandist in the service of the Neo-Cons, making absurd allegations against anyone who dares to raise certain questions.

My name is mentioned in this case, but the evidence is enormously weak. The edits I have made on wikipedia have all been in keeping with the site's NPOV policy.

Chip Berlet is a 5 cent thug in a long-range Aristotelian network, an evil, Venetian-based clique which has found its most demonic individuals in men such as Bertrand Russell, the advocate of nuclear genocide; Adolf Hitler, a perverted figure of anti-christ calibre who was installed into power by British bankers; and the Beatles, generals of a literal "British Invasion," doped-up zombie devils whose atrocious personal lives matched the Satanic musical presentation of their pop songs.

The world economy is on the brink of imminent collapse, as meanwhile the Cheney cabal still lusts at the prospect of an invasion of Iran. Berlet, a small-time Goebbels, does their bidding by attacking their most critical opponents. For the world to be saved from catastrope, Mr. LaRouche's brilliant proposals to restore Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and make peace with the world working hand in hand with all nations on Great Projects to bring prosperity to everyone must be adopted. Berlet's intense attacks on the LaRouche movement and on myself as an individual are tantamount to hateful attacks on humanity itself. The moral messages of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam should guide us in our choices and lead us to reject the wicked example of Synarchist International and thwart their maniacal plans for apocalypse. Chip Berlet must not be appeased by this committee.

Cognition, Wikipedia 2 Comments [7/3/2017 1:41:02 PM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Katie

Quote# 128784

Illuminati is Real! Nine Circle Satanic Cult by Nicole Kidman's Dead Daddy, real; Temple of Set by General Michael Aquino of NSA; real; Church of Satan with Anton Lavey; real Alester Crowley and his demon 'LAM' The Entity; REAL! After the sacrificed of Lady Diana and The 9/11, The Luciferians Socialism Illuminati took RISE.

Lance Zakrzewski, Facebook 3 Comments [7/3/2017 1:37:51 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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