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Quote# 135631

Military like to use acronyms. Nasa is an arm of the military. Look up in the Hebrew meaning and you will see Nasa means Deceiver, lier. And it's no accident. I mean do you all not recognize those women on ISS space station simply use hair spray to plaster thier hair strait up. Or they hang upside-down while filming them cleaning their hair. It's complete BS. They are obviously wearing harnesses. Everything Nasa tells you is a lie. Everytime they tell you they found a planet inhabitable for us, it's a complete lie. A constant stream on lies is all that comes from Nasa like the word means. DECEIVER!

Ajax Ashford, Youtube 7 Comments [1/1/2018 8:40:28 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: FSM

Quote# 135623

Returning to its roots as a nuisance, still able to flare up again. I suspect most remain convinced that a woman was murdered in Charlottesville — and are not so far gone that they believe Mommy and Daddy’s lawyer can spring them from the grave.

Mary, According To Hoyt 4 Comments [1/1/2018 8:38:21 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
Submitted By: Yamamanama
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