Quote# 25838
dear lord why do I get myself into these things?
I believe in Creation. I believe the world is to well made to be any sort of chance, I believe everything in the bible is correct, benefits society and does not disagree with itself in any location, the only way it would seem as such is if it is misinterpreted.
now that I have that out of the way
if anyone has any serious comments or questions post em :P otherwise I'm ignorin youz...lol
oh and Evolution is a religion, weather you choose to believe that or no, the only difference is it is government funded.
Cristianity used to be in our school systems, and I am glad that it was removed because of things it states in the bible that doing so goes against, but now they have Evolution in there, in children's textbooks as though it were real, pure stated fact, furthermore creation in general has been all but removed, even when Evolution can be proven wrong by something as simple as the spin of the earth; just because we float in space doesn't mean we don't encounter friction. If they were ever to take this into account, they would realize the earth could only be a few thousand years of age at most, since we gain about one second to our every year. this may not seem like much, but if you do the math (the earth spins about 1000mph) you know what :) the earth probably would have been flat... as well as completely devoid of life... *inserts imaginary picture of some random guy flying off the earth shouting WEEEEeeeee......*
yeah I'm done for now. but there's a whole lot more if you want to know it
AdventureQuest Message Forums 37 Comments [5/30/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: JTR5353